A Performance Calculator
 Grid-Connected PV Systems

Version 1
PVWATTS v. 1 can be used for locations accessible through links on the map below, or through a text list for U.S. sites; or for sites outside the US, through text lists by region. Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory developed PVWATTS to permit non-experts to quickly obtain performance estimates for grid-connected PV systems.

Also available is an option to output hourly performance data. This option can be run after the inital calculation, and outputs the data in a separate browser window. Instructions for saving the output to a text file can be accessed through the "Help" link at the top of the hourly output page.

Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Nevada North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska Pacific Islands - Guam Hawaii Puerto Rico
The US & Its Territories

To start the calculator, click on a state, or choose a state from the
list of States and Territories.

Regions Outside the US

To start the calculator, select the appropriate region, choose a country-city pair from the region drop-down menu, and click

*Start PVWATTS For International Sites*

For a list of country/province
abbreviations click here.

Central America & Caribbean
South America
Southwest Pacific

                Table 1. Country/Province Abbreviations by Region

Region Country
Africa EGY       Egypt
ETH       Ethiopia
GHA       Ghana
KEN       Kenya
MAR       Morocco
SEN       Senegal
TUN       Tunisia
ZWE       Zimbabwe
Asia ARE       United Arab Emirates
BGD       Bangladesh
CHN       China
IND       India
JPN       Japan
KAZ       Kazakhstan
KOR       Republic of Korea
LKA       Sri Lanka
MAC       Macau Special Administrative Region of China
MDV       Maldives
MNG       Mongolia
NPL       Nepal
RUS       Russian Federation
THA       Thailand
UZB       Uzebekistan
Canada AL       Alberta
BC       British Columbia
MN       Manitoba
NB       New Brunswick
NF       Newfoundland
NS       Nova Scotia
NT       Northwest Territories
ON       Ontario
PE       Prince Edward Island
QU       Quebec
SA       Saskatchewan
YT       Yukon Territory
Central America
BLZ       Belize
CUB       Cuba
GTM       Guatemala
HND       Honduras
MTQ       Martinique
NIC       Nicaragua
SLV       El Salvador
Europe AUT       Austria
BEL       Belgium
BIH       Bosnia and Herzegovina
CHE       Switzerland
CZE       Czech Republic
DEU       Germany
DNK       Denmark
ESP       Spain
FIN       Finland
FRA       France
GBR       United Kingdom
GRC       Greece
IRL       Ireland
ISL       Iceland
ITA       Italy
LTU       Lithuania
NLD       Netherlands
NOR       Norway
POL       Poland
PRT       Portugal
ROM       Romania
RUS       Russian Federation
SCG       Serbia and Montenegro
SVK       Slovakia
SVN       Slovenia
SWE       Sweden
UKR       Ukraine
South America ARG       Argentina
BRA       Brazil
CHL       Chile
PER       Peru
Southwest Pacific AUS       Australia
FJI       Fiji
NZL       New Zealand

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