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Scanner Inventory Procedures for Property Custodian

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Annual Inventory Notification

The Personal Property Branch will publish the inventory notification. This notification may be in letter or email format. The notification will provide the name of the Review Campaign.

The instructions below provide step-by-step procedures to obtain the annual inventory listings, how to conduct the annual inventory, and how to use the HTML pages to process the inventory resolutions in Sunflower.

To generate the inventory listings

Property Custodian (PC) or Contact login to Sunflower

Select “Sunflower Enterprise Reports”

In the Sunflower Assets Reports Menu, select “Review Reports”

Select “Review Campaign Base Assets”
PCs will select the applicable “Review Campaign”
Select Interest Type “INVENTORY ASSET”
Enter the Custodial Area Number

Select Resolution Types “Open”
Click “Submit”

Select “Acrobat format”

Click “Execute”
Print the report.

Options for the advanced user:
PCs may generate a text file by selecting “Text file export (Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Access...).” The system will give you the option to save the text file and import into the desired application.


PCs should print a copy of their current UPR as reference documentation.

Physical Count

To conduct the inventory, PCs will conduct a physical sweep of the organization’s area and initial the list for each sighted barcode. All off-site equipment that can be moved

(e.g. computers, PDAs, etc.) will be brought on-site for existence verification, and, if necessary, installation of security updates, etc. Property Custodian are encourage to use NOAA Form 3740 (Hand receipts) and the Sunflower User Field to monitor accountable personal property maintained both on and off site. The list should be annotated with all inventory adjustments. PCs should screen the inventory findings for property associated with the UPR.

Scanner Installation

The initial scanner installations are provided in a separate package. Please contact your Property Office Representative for these instructions.

Scanner Operations

Place scanner in the cradle and MS ActiveSync will automatically start up and attempt to establish a connection between the scanner and the desktop. Select Guest partnership.

MS ActiveSync will confirm when the connection has been established.

Startup Sunflower SyncLink and select ‘Sunflower MobileTrak’ as the Application to Synchronize. Then select ‘Send To Scanner’. SyncLink will then download data from the Sunflower server and populate various MobileTrak tables in the scanner.


Synclink will display confirmation messages on the status of each process.


When the download is complete, remove the scanner from the cradle, and prepare scanning.
Click on Start Menu
Click on Programs
Select MobileTrak


Before you can begin scanning, you must identify yourself to MobileTrak.

Select 2. ‘Resolution Setup

Enter the Building and Room as default location parameters.

Enter your Sunflower login Id in the Operator Identifier field.

Configure MobileTrak for scanning:
Select #1 Record Resolutions from the main menu.

Enter the following location information:

Select Site name from the pull-down list.

Enter the Building

Enter the Room (Note: must be updated with each new room number.)

Position the cursor in the box below ‘Operator’

MobileTrak is now configured to begin scanning by pressing the yellow trigger buttons.

As you scan each barcode, MobileTrak will compare it against the file of barcodes downloaded from the server to determine if the asset is already in the Sunflower database.

‘Active, Custodian’ confirms that the asset is already in Sunflower.

The following is an example of a barcode that is not currently in Sunflower. You have the option of adding the asset or clearing the screen. In the case of the latter, the barcode is still retained in the MobileTrak’s inventory file.

To Add the new asset enter the following information:
Model Number/Name:
Serial Number:
Condition Code:

MobileTrak will confirm that the new asset has been added.

Examples of adding non-existing “found” items to the scanner.

Example: Adding a Dell Dimension 8300 desktop computer.

MobileTrak confirms that the asset has been added.

After the scanning process has been finished, select ‘File Statuses’ from the main menu to see a summary of the number of assets scanned.

The number of barcodes scanned is listed as Resolutions. In the example below, 12 barcodes were scanned, of which 2 were added as ‘Additions.’

Note: The value on the SCANREF row identifies the total number of barcodes downloaded from the server.

At any time during the scanning process you can select Review Scans from MobileTrak’s main menu and review/delete individual barcode scan records.

Uploading barcode records to Sunflower:

Place the scanner in the cradle and connect to the desktop via MS ActiveSync.

Launch Sunflower SyncLink and select ‘Sunflower MobileTrak’ as the Application to Synchronize. Then select ‘Get From Scanner.’ SyncLink will then upload the records from the scanner and process the records through its Edit Interfaces.

The Personal Property staff will review assets in the Edit Interface for completeness prior to adding assets to the Sunflower Assets database.

When the upload process is complete, Synclink displays a summary of the number of records.

Synclink will also prompt you to delete the inventoried assets from the scanner.

Select Yes

To review the Scanner upload in Sunflower:

Login into Sunflower

Select “Sunflower Enterprise Reports”

Select “Review Reports”

Select “Resolution Interface Processing Results”

Select “Submit “
Output Format
Select “Acrobat and Execute”

Resolution Interface Processing Results

Submitting Inventory Findings

At the completion of the inventory, PCs should forward the signed Inventory completion and UPR certifications, printed UPR report, and all support documentation to the Personal Property Branch. The package should be submitted via a traceable means. Keep a copy for your records.


Inventory Certification

UPR Certification

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