PROTOCOL FOR IMPORTING REQUESTS INTO QuickDOC (Rev. 9/97) [++ Marks 9/97 Changes ++] GOALS The MAJOR GOAL of this project is to reduce duplication of keyboard data entry by ILL/Document Delivery personnel by providing a process for importing request information directly into QuickDOC, for transmittal to DOCLINE. Information entered by the library patron, or other primary Document Delivery client, should be used whenever possible. The protocol should be reusable in a variety of situations, to address as many currently unmet needs as possible, including: Related Goals 1. The ability to use the same protocol for automatic re-entry of information from DOCLINE Retired Unfilled Requests into new requests. 2. Use of the protocol to provide a means for easy referral of requests from LOANSOME DOC users, not filled at the Primary Library, onto DOCLINE. 3. Use of the protocol to provide a means for easy referral of requests from Non-DOCLINE Libraries onto DOCLINE (not yet implemented). 4. A format that can be used for Non-DOCLINE requests: in particular, an ASCII e-mail format that can be sent over the Internet and would be accessible both to a human reader and also to another QuickDOC import program at the other end (not yet implemented). ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND This effort began as an attempt to reduce the workload on ILL/Document Delivery personnel by eliminating duplication of keyboard data entry as much as possible. It was also recognized early on that a more efficient mechanism for getting requests from non-DOCLINE libraries into the DOCLINE format was needed. Groups at the University of Pennsylvania and the Medical Library Center of New York, among other sites, expressed an early interest in this project. The initial candidate for a standard format was the OSI Standard for Interlibrary Loan applications identified in ISO 10160/10161. This standard is widely used in Canada and has support also in the U.S., although this support is not yet mature. NLM has announced that it will support a subset of the EDIFACT codings specified in Appendix A of ISO 10161 as an option in its RECEIVE module, but there are no definite plans as yet to extend that support to other functions. [In the long term, if support for this international standard becomes more widespread, it is clear that the QuickDOC Import protocol will expand to include the OSI Standard, as that becomes necessary, while retaining the current Import Protocol as it is used today. If other, clearly widely-supported, export protocols also emerge, then these also will have to be included.] It is also clear, however, that---in the short run---a simpler, more easily implemented protocol is needed, in order to achieve the efficiencies specified in the goals enumerated above. The best and easiest choice at this time is to use a subset of the tags already in use on DOCLINE. [As the OSI standard matures, translation procedures may be used to convert this short-term standard into an OSI-compatible format.] Because the QuickDOC/DOCLINE Protocol is easily understood by both human and machine recipients, this format can serve a variety of interests in the near and intermediate future. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL FORMAT TYPE -- Files should be in standard DOS files in ASCII format. NAMES - The names of the files should follow standard DOS conventions and should carry the extension .IMP. In practice, this means that files for Import should have unique filenames, with .IMP as the extension. File number one for June 25th, then, might be: 06250001.IMP. Any unique DOS filename, with the IMP extension, will also work. LOCATION - QuickDOC will first look in the subdirectory IMPORT, located just beneath the directory where the QuickDOC program files are located, for any file with the .IMP extension. These will be displayed on the screen, where the ILL operator will choose the file to import. ++ In addition to the IMPORT subdirectory, an alternate IMPORT directory can be specified in QuickDOC Configuration. This directory must be in a location that can be accessed while running the QuickDOC program, and import files in use should be protected from any other process while the import is in progress (for an active import file, it's probably easier, and safer, just to lock the file momentarily, move it to the IMPORT subdirectory in QuickDOC, and then begin a new version at the remote location). Import files should have typical eight-digit DOS filenames (plus the .IMP extension) and users should have rights to open, read, modify and delete those files in QuickDOC. ++ SIZE - The original protocol called for individual import files for each request. This is still allowed, but files with multiple requests are also permitted, as long as each request within the file begins with an 01 LIBRARY line (an 00 MARKER first line is also permitted, see below) and ends with a line beginning 99 END. FORMAT - Fields should be written to the file in straight ASCII, tagged format, one field per line, each line ending with a Carriage Return/Line Feed combination (13/10 Decimal, 0D/0A hex). Each tagged field will consist of the tag number in the first two digits, a space (optional), a field name (also optional), a colon, a space, and then the field contents. Example: 01 LIBRARY SYMBOL: BET /\ /\ /\ || || || tag field name contents[following by CR/LF] Field Names can be the DOCLINE field names (used here, in most cases, for illustration), some substituted local alternative name, or may be omitted altogether (EXCEPT in the case of the 01 Field above) by using only the field tag-colon-space prefix (e.g., 02: xxxxxx). Since these files will also be available for export as e-mail, or for printing (either to an attached printer, to the screen or to an associated ASCII file), the nameless format is not recommended except in cases where ALL imports are known to be going to DOCLINE and little operator interpretation will be required. Local alternative field names, or abbreviated DOCLINE field names, might be appropriate in identifying information in individual cases. QuickDOC will identify the nature of the field by looking at the first two characters on each line, and will begin reading the contents of the field two characters after the first colon it encounters on each fielded line. It will read all characters into the field variable until it encounters a Carriage Return (normally at the end of the line). 08 SERIAL TI: MEDICAL ECONOMICS[CR/LF] /\ /\ /\ || || || identify field begin here end here HEADERS - QuickDOC will begin importing information into field variables beginning with the line containing the 01 LIBRARY SYMBOL field. Any information included in the file before the 01 LIBRARY field is not used at this time by QuickDOC. The one exception so far is a 00 field, which can be used in the line just before the 01 LIBRARY field, to identify the source of the request. As of 7/96, QuickDOC recognizes 00 UCMP and 00 LDX as source codes. More may be added as other sources are included. BEGINNING FIELD - The one exception to the local option default for naming the tagged fields is the first field: 01 LIBRARY SYMBOL. In order to alert QuickDOC that the tagged fields are beginning, ALL *.IMP files MUST include an 01 LIBRARY line as the first field (the first 10 characters will be sufficient to identify the line) of each request within the file. QuickDOC will look for a line beginning 01 LIBRARY (in caps), and will begin importing values into variables at that line, continuing until the end of the file (or until it encounters a 99 END line, which will represent a notice that the fields for this import request are completed). ----------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL FILE STRUCTURE FOR IMPORT FILES 00 source 01 LIBRARY <--- import begins here 02 LIBID: 02215A ... 50 MAX COST: 10.00 99 END <--- import ends here or at EOF Except for the first **six** fields, these do not have to be listed in any particular order, although listing in numerical order (except for the UI line, which should come in at the 05 slot, even if you're not using the SERLINE UI) will increase readability. The order of the first six fields is necessary to accurately predict the type of request, and the fields expected, with a minimum number of fields used. The first six fields must be: [00 SOURCE : UCMP -- Optional] 1 01 LIBRARY SYMBOL: BET (SERHOLD Code of Requesting Library; in most cases the field is blank: e.g., 01 LIBRARY: ) [In imports from bibliographic sources, this tag may be used to indicate Library Holdings: 01 LIBRARY : OWNS If Import finds OWNS in this field it will mark it as such.] 2 02 LIBID : 02215A (Required for DOCLINE Referrals, when that process is implemented, but may be omitted in most cases) 3 03 TYPE : J [M or A, Journal, Monograph or Audio-Visual - REQUIRED FIELD] 4 04 FORM : C [C or O, Copy or Original L P and F, Loan Photocopy or Fax still accepted. L maps to O P maps to C, F maps to F in Field 60 DELIVERY.] 5 60 DELIVERY : F [Refers to Method of Delivery to be requested of the Lender. Values are M F A K E P for ail, ax, riel, Pickup, mail,

rinter] 6 05 SERLINE UI : J25040000 [Leave field blank if no UI available. Substitute one of the following three tags in this place or for requests using other Unique Indentifiers: 17 CATLINE UI : 8112620 [For monographs] or 42 AVLINE UI : 8400714A [AVs] or 51 MEDLINE/HEALTH UI/LD ORDER: 90255448 [For MEDLINE UI, LD, Health UI and other MEDLARS Unique Identifier Requests (see below)] IN ORDER FOR THIS ABBREVIATED SCHEME TO WORK, THERE MUST BE A PROPER ENTRY IN THE 03 TYPE FIELD, AND, EXCEPT FOR AVs, THE 04 FORM FIELD. THERE MUST ALSO BE A 05 (or 17 or 51 or 42) UI LINE, EVEN IF THE FIELD IS BLANK. OTHERWISE QUICKDOC MAY NOT BE ABLE TO INTERPRET PROPERLY THE UI ENTERED. The normal DOCLINE tag for the Unique Identifier should be used in lieu of the 05 tag for MEDLINE, CATLINE, AVLINE, Health and LDX requests, as noted above. USE 51 AS TAG FOR AIDSLINE, CANCERLIT, SPACELINE, HealthSTAR and HealthSTAR75. Journal requests with no Unique Identifier should still include the 05 line, but with no entry. Monograph and AV entries with no UI should also include blank 17 and 42 lines. Using the expected tags will assist in identifying the request during import. If the 05 UI line has no entry, QuickDOC will require a complete 08 Title entry or the request cannot be routed. In any case, requests cannot be automatically routed on DOCLINE without either a SERLINE UI or a MEDLINE/HEALTH/LD/AIDSLINE/CANCERLIT/ SPACELINE/HealthSTAR Identifier, so that all CATLINE Requests, AVLINE Requests, or requests with no identifier can be routed to a maximum of four selected libraries only; in effect, they are all routed as monographs. ILL Operators will make that choice when the imported request is displayed for them. ----------------------------------------------------------------- LIST OF FIELDS & FIELD TAGS The following is a list of field tags that will be recognized in a QuickDOC Import File. Included are the DOCLINE Field Names. Alternate DOCLINE tags are noted where appropriate. DOCLINE Field Tags not mentioned below are not used for Import at this time. Fields marked with an * are required. Sample entries are supplied for each field tag. 00 source * 01 LIBRARY SYMBOL: BET **[Symbol OWNS = Library Holding] 02 LIBID : 02215A (Required for DOCLINE Referrals, when that process is implemented) * 03 TYPE : J [or M or A. For Journal, Monograph or Audio-Visual requests] * 04 FORM : C [C or O, Copy or Original L P and F, Loan Photocopy or Fax still accepted. L maps to O P maps to C, F maps to F in Field 60 DELIVERY.] [Form: O is assumed for an A-V Request, and may be omitted] 60 DELIVERY : F [Refers to Method of Delivery to be requested of the Lender. Values are M F A K E P for ail, ax, riel, Pickup, mail,

rinter] * 05 SERLINE UI : J25040000 [alternates include: 17 CATLINE UI:, 42 AVLINE UI: and 51 MEDLINE/HEALTH: only the 51 : is needed as tag] 08 SERIAL TI : MEDICAL ECONOMICS [alternates include: 18 MONO TI:, 43 AV TI:] 09 SERIAL NLM CA : W1 ME309H [NLM Call Number] [alternates: 20 MONO CA:, 45 AV CA:] 10 SERIAL YEAR : 1980 [alternates: 21 MONO YEAR:, 46 AV YEAR:] 11 SERIAL VOL : 61 12 (ISS):PGS DATE: (6):69-73 MAR [Use This Format, punctuated as in the example above, or use 12 Issue: 6 (NO parentheses! Followed By) 13 Pages: 69-73 14 Date: Mar ] 15 ARTICLE AU : Huang V; Figge H; Demling R; 16 ARTICLE TI : Autonomic hyperreflexia: pathophysiology 17 CATLINE UI : 8804386 [UI for Monographs] 18 MONO TI : GONE WITH THE WIND [Monograph Title] 19 MONO AU-ED : Mitchell, M [Monograph Author] 20 MONO CA : [NLM Call Number for Monograph] 21 MONO YEAR : 1996 [Monograph Year of Pub] 22 MONO PL PUB : Springfiel [Monograph Place of Pub] [alternate for AVs: 47 AV PL PUB:] 23 MONO PUB : Thoma [Monograph Publisher] [alternate for AVs: 48 AV PUB:] 24 AU-ED OF PART : Smith JJ [Author-Editor of Monograph section desired; For Photocopy requests only] 25 TI OF PART : Chapter Two [Title of Part, as with 24 above; Photocopy Requests only] 26 MONO CITATION : Pages 435-440 [Citation of Pages for Monograph Photocopy Request] 28 COLLATION : 1 VIDEOCASSETE AND GUIDE [AV only] 29 VERIFICATION : MEDLINE 32 PATRON : WILLI [In the first 32 PATRON line, use just enough of the Patron's name to permit a lookup in the QD PATRONS file. Normally, four or five characters is enough. Since QD must perform the lookup to get the Patron Number before sending the request on to DOCLINE, using the full Patron Name on the first 32 line is usually counter-productive. Additional 32: lines may be used to record other Patron Information, including full name, in cases where a Patron Record may not exist in the QuickDOC PATRONS file, so that one can be created at the time the request is formatted in the IMPORT module of QuickDOC.] After the first 32: line, up to 6 additional 32: lines can be added. Each line should be no longer than 45 characters, and all Patron 32: lines should appear, uninterrupted, in one group. Here's a support list of 32: lines for WILLI: 32 PATRON : Williams, Ted, M.D. Dept: LeftField 32 PATRON : Email 32: Phone (617) 406-9999 Fax (617) 406-fish 32: Address: Kenmore Hotel, Number 9 32: Boston, MA 02214 32: other stuff here; displayed in Import... [Above are 32: lines with, and without, the PATRON tag.] If you want to stipulate a patron already in your file, put the Patron Number [in brackets] before the name. When IMPORT encounters an entry [5]DALY in the first 32: field, it will use the data in record number 5 for the current transaction and will ignore any other 32 lines or additional data typed on the first 32 line. Obviously, you should restrict use of the [ and ] characters within the first six spaces of the first 32: field, lest IMPORT mistake this for a Patron Number. In most cases the QuickDOC Patron Number won't be known by the process creating the Import File, but provision is made for cases where record numbers may be available at the time the import file is created. If you use more than one 32: line, these will be displayed on screen if you need to create a Patron Record in QuickDOC. 33 AUTH BY : Usually blank, to use the QD Default. 34 COMMENTS : These are passed through to DOCLINE. An empty Comments field will use whatever default comments are normally used in QuickDOC. May be used to pass information to the operator of the IMPORT module, who must then remember to substitute the appropriate default comment before sending off to DOCLINE. 35 SHIP TO NAME: This is normally the same search string as the first 32: Patron line. QD will search the SHIPTOS file with that string and will display any hits found. If there are multiple 32 Pat: fields, QuickDOC will display the same multiple 32: lines as with Patron, so that information gathered from the Patron input can also be entered into the SHIPTOS file. An entry with this tag tells QD that you want a Ship-To Request on DOCLINE. 41 NOT NEEDED AFTER: 980101 [in DOCLINE YYMMDD format or leave blank to use the QuickDOC Default] 42 AV UI : [As in 05 SERLINE UI, above] 43 AV Title : [As in 08 SERIAL TI, above] 44 AV Author : [As in 19 MONO AU-ED, above] 45 AV Call No. : [As in 09 SERIAL NLM CA, above] 46 AV Year : [As in 10 SERIAL YEAR, above] 47 AV Place : [As in 22 MONO PL PUB, above] 48 AV PUB : [As in 23 MONO PUB, above] 50 MAX COST : 8.00 [Use 0.00 for FREE or Blank for no ceiling on what you'll pay for the item; this is generally set by the ILL Operator in Import, but may be included as an import value in cases where, for example, the Patron might be paying the charge and should therefore decide on the maximum acceptable cost] 51 MEDLINE UI : [Alternate 05 SERLINE UI entry, see above] 52 ROUTING PREFIX : 02215A [Must be in LIBID format; best to let ILL Operator search for library in QD] 53 OVERRIDES : 02215A,02215B [Up to 4 LIBIDs, separated by commas (no spaces), or get this during import, as in 52, above] 54 START-STOP : [Leave blank; edit in QD, if necessary] 57 LDX FAX No. : [Fax number for LOANSOME DOC requests] 58 SHIP-TO FAX : [FAX No. for Fax Direct to Patron Req] 59 SHIP-TO VOICE: [Voice No. For Fax Direct] 61 ARIEL ADDR : [IP address for Ariel Delivery] 62 EMAIL ADDR : [name@domain addr for email delivery] 63 PRINTER ADDR: [IP address of internet printer] 98 [Reserved] 99 END ----------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE .IMP FILES MEDLINE UI: 01 LIBRARY 03 TYPE: J 04 FORM: C 60 DELIVERY: M 51 UI: 85112222 32 PATRON : WILL 32 PATRON : Dept Cardiology - Ted Williams 32 PATRON : Status MD 32 PATRON : Phone (617) 222-2222 Fax (617) 222-2223 32 PATRON : Address 32 PATRON : City, State Zip 41 NOT NEEDED AFTER: 980101 50 MAX COST: 10.00 99 END ----------------------------------------------------------------- Above is a basic import file for a MEDLINE UI Request. It can be simplified even further, by using only the first 32: Patron line, in cases where it is known that Ted Williams has a record in the QuickDOC PATRONS file. In most cases, though, it is probably safest to include Patron information in all requests being imported from Patron-generated sources. The following fields may also be added to the request. Because they aren't necessary to construct a DOCLINE Request, they won't be uploaded to DOCLINE (the MEDLINE UI contains all this information by reference), but this bibliographic information will be helpful to the ILL Operator in making decisions about the request, and will normally be easily included in the export from whichever bibliographic source generated the MEDLINE UI to begin with. This information will also be available in printouts, etc., and will be useful documentation as the request moves through the import process. 08 SERIAL TI : PATHOLOGY 10 SERIAL YEAR : 1984 11 SERIAL VOL : 61 12 (ISS):PGS DATE: (6):69-73 MAR 15 ARTICLE AU : Cooper DA Wodak A Marriot DJ 16 ARTICLE TI : Cryptosporidiosis in the acquired immune ----------------------------------------------------------------- HEALTH UI: 01 LIBRARY 03 TYPE: J 04 FORM: C 60 DELI: F 51 UI: 77248998 32 PATRON: WILLI 41 NOT NEEDED AFTER: 980101 50 MAX COST: 8.00 99 END ----------------------------------------------------------------- As above, additional bibliographic fields may be added to flesh out the request, but only the above fields are necessary to transmit the complete DOCLINE Request. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SERLINE UI: 01 LIBRARY 03 TYPE: J 04 FORM: C 60 DELIVERY METH : A 05 UI: I17340000 08 SERIAL TI : INQUIRY 09 SERIAL NLM CA : W1 ME309H [NLM Call Number] 10 SERIAL YEAR : 1988 11 SERIAL VOL : 25 12 Issue: 3 13 Pages: 383-7 14 Date: Fall 15 ARTICLE AU : BLOOM BS 16 ARTICLE TI : COST AND QUALITY EFFECTS... 29 VERIFICATION : CIM 32 PATRON: WILLI 41 NOT NEEDED AFTER: 980101 50 MAX COST: 8.00 99 END ----------------------------------------------------------------- Because no MEDLINE UI was available, bibliographic information for fields 08: through 16: should be included, to the extent that it may be available. The ILL Operator will decide whether there is enough data to send the request correctly on DOCLINE, based on the information provided. Generally, the more information provided (assuming it's accurate!), the better. [The 60 tag, with the more descriptive label DELIVERY METH, indicates that the Lender should use Ariel to provide the item.] ----------------------------------------------------------------- CATLINE UI: 01 LIBRARY 03 TYPE: M 04 FORM: O 17 UI: 8804386 32 PATRON: WILLI 41 NOT NEEDED: 970101 50 MAX COST: 8.00 99 END ----------------------------------------------------------------- [If the 60 field is omitted, as it often may be, QuickDOC will default to Mail as the preferred Delivery Method.] ----------------------------------------------------------------- CATLINE UI, Photocopy Request: 01 LIBRARY 03 TYPE: M 04 FORM: C 17 UI: 7800478 24 AU-ED OF PART : KALLOS 25 TI OF PART : SPINAL ANESTHESIA 26 MONO CITATION : PP. 170-179 32 PATRON: WILLIAMS 41 NOT NEEDED: 970101 50 MAX COST: 8.00 99 END ----------------------------------------------------------------- The following fields might be added to the CATLINE UI Request. As with the MEDLINE UI Request, above, they aren't necessary to construct a DOCLINE Request, but they will help the ILL Operator manage the Import process. 18 MONO TI : Anorexia and bulimia nervosa. 19 MONO AU-ED : Scott, Derek W. 22 MONO PL PUB : New York 23 MONO PUB : Harper ----------------------------------------------------------------- AVLINE UI: 01 LIBRARY 03 TYPE: A 42 UI: 8400714A 32 PATRON: WILLI 34 : They have this at the University Library. 41 NOT NEEDED AFTER: 980101 50 MAX COST: 8.00 99 END ----------------------------------------------------------------- Requests Without a Unique Identifier: REQUESTS WITHOUT A UNIQUE IDENTIFIER MUST STILL INCLUDE THE 05 LINE, BUT IT WILL BE BLANK. THESE REQUESTS SHOULD INCLUDE FULL BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFO. Journal: 01 LIBRARY 03 TYPE: J 04 FORM: C 05 UI: 08 SERIAL TI : INQUIRY 09 CA: [NLM Call Number for Title, if known; otherwise omitted] 10 SERIAL YEAR : 1988 11 SERIAL VOL : 25 12 Issue: 3 13 Pages: 383-7 14 Date: Fall 15 ARTICLE AU : BLOOM BS 16 ARTICLE TI : COST AND QUALITY EFFECTS... 29 VERIFICATION : CIM 32 PATRON: WILLI 41 NOT NEEDED AFTER: 980101 50 MAX COST: 8.00 99 END ----------------------------------------------------------------- ILL Operators will try to find the SERLINE UIs for these requests, so that they can be automatically routed. If they can't be found, the requests will be sent as monographs, routed to (from one to) four selected libraries. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Monograph: 01 LIBRARY 03 TYPE: M 04 FORM: O 17 UI: 18 TI : LIFE MANIPULATION: FROM TEST-TUBE... 19 AU : LYGRE, DAVID 20 CA: [NLM Call Number, if known; otherwise omitted] 21 YEAR : 1979 22 MONO PL PUB : NY 23 MONO PUB : WALKE 29 VERIFICATION : MBIP 32 PATRON: WILLI 41 NOT NEEDED AFTER: 980101 50 MAX COST: 8.00 99 END ----------------------------------------------------------------- A monograph photocopy request, without a CATLINE UI, would look much the same as the above, with the 04 FORM changed to C, and the inclusion of: 24 AU-ED OF PART : LYGRE 25 TI OF PART : CHAPTER TWO 26 MONO CITATION : PP. XX-XX ----------------------------------------------------------------- AV Request (with no UI): 01 LIBRARY 03 TYPE: A 05 UI: 08 TI: HEART SOUNDS 09 CA: [NLM Call Number for AV, if known; otherwise omitted] 10 YEAR: 1986 15 AU: DE LEON, ANTONIO 22 PL PUB: CA 23 PUB: GARDE 28 COLLATION: 1 VIDEOCASSETE AND GUIDE 32 PATRON: WILLIAMS, TED 34 : Send to NYA, MLC, CPP and CPS 41 NOT NEEDED AFTER: 980101 50 MAX COST: 8.00 99 END -------------------------------------------------------------- SHIP-TO Request (MED UI): 01 LIBRARY 03 TYPE: J 04 FORM: C 51 UI: 85112222 32 PATRON : WILL 32 PATRON : Dept Cardiology - Ted Williams 32 PATRON : Status MD 32 PATRON : Phone (617) 222-2222 Fax (617) 222-2223 32 PATRON : Address 32 PATRON : City, State Zip 35 SHIP-TO NAME : WILL 41 NOT NEEDED AFTER: 980101 50 MAX COST: 10.00 99 END ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Multiple PATRON Fields can be used to construct a SHIP-TO Request. All that is needed is a 35: field, with a similar search string as the first 32: Patron Field. In the case above, a search would be run on WILL in the SHIPTOS database; if no record was found, one could be created with information from the multiple Patron fields. Imports without a 35: SHIP-TO field will not prompt for Ship-To information, unless the ILL Operator has chosen to ask about Ship-To status for ALL Requests.] ----------------------------------------------------------------- MEDLINE UI (For a Referral): This is used to refer a request from Another Library Onto DOCLINE: [Referrals are not yet offered in QD as of 9/97, but may be added at a future date. This is a suggestion for the form.] 01 LIBRARY SYMBOL: XYZ 02 LIBID: 02215X 03 TYPE: J 04 FORM: C 05 UI: 85112222 32 PATRON : WILL 32 PATRON : Dept Cardiology - Ted Williams 32 PATRON : Status MD 32 PATRON : Phone (617) 222-2222 Fax (617) 222-2223 32 PATRON : Address 32 PATRON : City, State Zip 34 COMMENTS : Prefix This One To BET, 02215A 41 NOT NEEDED AFTER: 980101 50 MAX COST : 8.00 99 END