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18-5. Disordered eating behaviors

Mental Health Status Improvement

18-5. (Developmental) Reduce the relapse rates for persons with eating disorders including anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Potential data source: Prospective studies of patients with anorexia or bulimia nervosa, NIH, NIMH.
18-5. (Developmental) Reduce the proportion of adolescents who engage in disordered eating behaviors in an attempt to control their weightrelapse rates for persons with eating disorders including anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
Target: 16 percent. 
Baseline: 19 percent of adolescents grades 9 through 12 engaged in disordered eating behaviors in an attempt to control their weight in 2001. 
Target setting method: Better than the best. 
Potential dData source : Prospective studies of patients with anorexia or bulimia nervosa, NIH, NIMHYouth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS), CDC, NCHS
18-5. Reduce the proportion of adolescents who engage in disordered eating behaviors in an attempt to control their weight.
Target: 16 percent.
Baseline: 19 percent of adolescents grades 9 through 12 engaged in disordered eating behaviors in an attempt to control their weight in 2001.
Target setting method: Better than the best.
Data source : Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS), CDC, NCHS.

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