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Monday June 28 8:39 AM ETYahoo! News Summary

Yahoo! News Summary

Clinton To Announce Bigger U.S. Surplus Forecast - President Clinton will announce freshU.S. budget forecasts Monday showing an additional surplus of$179 billion over the next five years and $517 billion over thenext 10 years, a U.S. administration official said. The officialwho asked not to be identified said Clinton would announce thefigures as part of a plan to ``strengthen the Social Securitylockbox'' that seeks to use U.S. budget surpluses chiefly toshore up the retirement program.

Kosovo Refugees Sent Home As KLA Disarms - The United Nations launchedthe organized return home of Kosovo Albanian refugees and NATObegan disarming separatist guerrillas Monday as the West soughtto ease tension in the violence-racked province. Refugees in thesprawling Stankovic camp in Macedonia near the border withSerbia crowded aboard U.N. buses for the ride back to theirhomes in and around the Kosovo capital Pristina.
Blair, Ahern In Belfast On N.Irish Peace Mission - The British and Irishleaders launched a last-ditch effort Monday to rescue NorthernIreland's faltering peace accord in talks with the province'sdeeply divided political parties. Prime Minister Tony Blair ofBritain and Bertie Ahern, his Irish counterpart, traveled to theBelfast to press Protestant and Catholic politicians to agree toimplement the stalled accord by a Wednesday deadline set byBlair.
Fire Delays Flights At Chicago's O'Hare Airport - A fire in an underground tunnel atO'Hare International Airport forced United Airlines to evacuateits passenger terminals early Monday, delaying flights butcausing no injuries. ``We are just now starting to allowpassengers slowly back into the terminal,'' said Monique Bond,an airport spokeswoman. ``There will be delays this morning andsome flights have been canceled.''
Senators Blast Administration On China Spying - A report that top White Houseofficials were told earlier than previously acknowledged aboutpossible Chinese nuclear spying prompted a new round ofcriticism from Republican and Democratic senators Sunday. TheWhite House defended its actions as appropriate, but senatorssaid officials had committed possible ``misconduct'' in notimmediately informing President Clinton about the allegations orproceeding quickly with the investigation.
Clinton Reportedly Eyes 2002 Senate Race As Arkansan - Friends of President Clinton believe hewill run for the Senate from Arkansas in 2002, The New Yorkerreported Sunday. Jeffrey Toobin, writing in the ``Talk of theTown'' section of the magazine due out Monday, said that ``overthe past several weeks, some old friends of the first familyhave been talking'' about another Senate race besides first ladyHillary Clinton's widely expected campaign to succeed New YorkDemocratic Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan when he retires nextyear.
Fedex Plane Skids Off Manila Runway, No Injuries - A Federal Express Corp. Airbus cargoplane overshot the Manila airport runway Monday, narrowlymissing crashing into a wall next to a busy highway, and forcingclosure of the airport to wide-bodied aircraft. The Airbus A310sank into a grassy area at the end of the 10,000-foot runwaywhile landing in the rain, but its crewmen were unhurt, airtransportation assistant secretary Jacinto Ortega said.
Pakistan Denies Envoy In India On Kashmir - Pakistan Monday deniedIndian press reports it had sent an envoy to India for secrettalks on the month-long showdown over Kashmir. ``The Pakistangovernment has not sent any emissary to India,'' a ForeignMinistry acting spokesman said when asked to comment on Indianpress reports that former foreign secretary Niaz Naik had goneto New Delhi.
Republicans Find Common Ground On Tax Cuts - Congressional Republicans have beenunable to agree on much this year but are coming together behinda plan to deliver tax breaks to investors and married couplesahead of the 2000 presidential race. The $778 billion packagetaking shape in the House of Representatives would cut thecapital gains tax rate on investment profits by as much as half,phase out estate taxes, and eliminate the so-called marriagepenalty, which forces millions of married couples to pay highertaxes than when they were single.

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