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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
Mass Spectra of Nematode Sterols
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Mass Spectra of Nematode Sterols
Sterols are important biomolecules within nematodes because sterols function as membrane components and serve as metabolic precursors to steroid hormones.  From the perspective of a nematode, sterols are nutritionally important because nematodes lack the ability to biosynthesize sterols, unlike plants or higher animals.  Therefore, nematodes possess a nutritional requirement for sterols, which parasitic nematodes must obtain from their animal or plant hosts.  This nutritional requirement can be exploited in the design of novel strategies for controlling agriculturally important plant-parasitic nematodes.

Consequently, a large part of David Chitwood’s research has focused on the biochemistry of sterols in nematodes.  A large number of structurally diverse sterols have been isolated by us from nematodes or their hosts or their diets; these sterols have been identified via gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.

As a courtesy to the scientific community, we present a table containing mass spectral data of sterols isolated by us from nematodes or their hosts or diets.  This table is based upon a similar table in Lipids, volume 26, pages 619-627, 1991, "Metabolism of plant sterols by nematodes", by D. J. Chitwood and W. R. Lusby.  The U.S. Government has the right to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper.

Mass Spectral Data for Nematode Sterols, Analyzed as Steryl Acetate Derivativesa 

Steryl acetate Mass spectrum ((m/z, relative intensity to base peak)
Cholesta-5,7,9(11)-trienol  424 (5), 364 (100), 349 (33), 251 (31), 209 (64), 197 (43), 195 (52)
Cholest-8(14)-enol  428 (100), 413 (18), 368 (6), 353 (13), 315 (16), 288 (7), 273 (6), 255 (21), 229 (42), 213 (43), 81 (80), 55 (83)
Cholesterol  368 (100), 353 (14), 260 (15), 255 (13), 247 (18), 213 (14), 147 (48), 145 (37), 81 (74), 55 (71) 
Cholestanol 430 (12), 415 (2), 370 (33), 355 (16), 316 (3), 276 (28), 275 (18), 257 (4), 230 (17), 215 (100), 201 (18), 147 (32), 81 (53)
Cholest-8(9)-enol 428 (89), 413 (18), 368 (5), 353 (16), 315 (9), 255 (23), 229 (37), 213 (46), 55 (100). 
Cholesta-7,9(11)-dienol 426 (100), 411 (22), 366 (19), 351 (37), 313 (30), 286 (19), 271 (11), 259 (31), 253 (38), 211 (62), 199 (33),  55 (50) 
Cholesta-5,7,9(11),24-tetraenol  422 (4), 362 (63), 347 (15), 251 (18), 249 (14), 209 (47), 195 (39), 69 (100)
Desmosterol  366 (51), 351 (11), 253 (23), 213 (10), 145 (24), 69 (100) 
7-Dehydrocholesterol  426 (2), 366 (100), 351 (34), 253 (23), 211 (17), 199 (20), 158 (62), 143 (86), 55 (93) 
24-Methylcholesta-5,22(E)-dienol 380 (100), 365 (5), 337 (3), 282 (7), 255 (49), 213 (11), 81 (78), 69 (82) 
Cholest-24-enol 428 (4), 413 (8), 353 (4), 344 (12), 317 (3), 315 (70), 257 (6), 255 (43), 229 (3), 215 (17), 69 (100) 
Lathosterol  428 (94), 413 (17), 368 (6), 353 (13), 315 (12), 288 (6), 273 (10), 255 (89), 229 (31), 213 (53), 81 (93), 55 (100) 
24-Methylcholest-22(E)-enol 442 (18), 344 (29), 329 (3), 315 (36), 257 (57), 215 (14), 55 (100) 
Cholesta-8(9),24-dienol  426 (23), 411 (10), 351 (8), 315 (1), 313 (3), 255 (3), 229 (11), 213 (32), 69 (100), 55 (51) 
Cholesta-5,7,9(11),22(E),24-pentaenol 420 (1), 360 (14), 345 (1), 251 (14), 249 (7), 109 (100) 
Cholesta-5,22(E),24-trienol 424 (1), 364 (1), 313 (8), 282 (24), 255 (6), 253 (16), 213 (2), 199 (1), 109 (100) 
Cholesta-5,7,24-trienol 424 (3), 364 (98), 349 (20), 253 (16), 251 (10), 211 (15), 199 (13), 69 (100) 
Cholesta-7,24-dienol 426 (11), 411 (11), 351 (4), 315 (3), 313 (100), 255 (12), 229 (7), 213 (23), 69 (98), 55 (54) 
24-Methylcholesta-5,23-dienol  380 (28), 365 (3), 296 (3), 283 (34), 259 (4), 255 (6), 253 (24), 227 (4), 215 (6), 213 (8), 159 (27), 145 (37), 133 (54), 55 (100)
24-Methylcholesta-5,7,9(11)-trienol  438(5), 378 (100), 363 (23), 251 (27), 225 (13), 209 (64), 195 (53), 158 (14), 143 (19), 55 (99) 
24-Methylenecholesterol  380 (57), 365 (5), 296 (32), 281 (9), 253 (17), 213 (13), 81 (87), 55 (100) 
Cholesta-5,7,22(E),24-tetraenol 422 (1), 362 (26), 347 (3), 280 (1), 253 (10), 251 (6), 157 (27), 143 (22), 109 (100) 
24-Methylenecholestanol 442 (1), 427 (1), 358 (46), 343 (11), 315 (21), 298 (2), 283 (4), 255 (11), 215 (23), 55 (100) 
24-Methylcholesterol 382 (100), 367 (14), 274 (15), 261 (12), 255 (17), 213 (16), 147 (63), 81 (60)
24-Methylcholestanol 444 (17), 429 (2), 384 (31), 369 (16), 330 (2), 317 (1), 315 (1), 276 (33), 275 (21), 257 (6), 230 (14), 215 (100), 201 (19), 147 (34), 81 (53) 
24-Methylenecholesta-5,7-dienol 438 (1), 378 (45), 363 (6), 253 (8), 227 (1), 211 (5), 158 (30), 143 (29), 55 (100) 
24-Ethylcholesta-5,22(E)-dienol 394 (92), 379 (3), 351 (6), 313 (2), 282 (6), 255 (35), 228 (4), 213 (6), 81 (87), 55 (100) 
24-Methylcholesta-7,24(28)-dienol  440 (3), 425 (3), 365 (2), 356 (22), 315 (2), 313 (100), 255 (14), 253 (9), 227 (12), 213 (26) 
24-Methylcholesta-5,7-dienol 440 (1), 380 (100), 365 (14), 313 (1), 253 (37), 211 (18), 199 (19), 158 (81), 143 (79) 
24-Ethylcholest-22(E)-enol 456 (9), 353 (9), 344 (14), 329 (2), 317 (2), 315 (19), 257 (36), 255 (8), 215 (5), 55 (100) 
24-Methylcholest-7-enol 442 (40), 427 (6), 382 (3), 367 (5), 315 (7), 255 (100), 229 (29), 213 (52), 81 (67) 
24-Methylcholesta-5,24(25)-dienol 380 (27), 365 (5), 296 (53), 281 (17), 253 (19), 213 (17), 83 (100) 
24-Ethylcholesta-5,22(E),24(28)-trienol  452 (1), 392 (12), 313 (18), 282 (89), 255 (24), 253 (78), 213 (8), 157 (14), 143 (14), 137 (48), 95 (100)
24-Ethylcholesta-5,23-dienol 394 (100), 379 (7), 283 (26), 253 (22), 213 (11), 81 (78), 55 (96)
24-Ethylcholesta-7,22(E)-dienol 454 (21), 439 (4), 411 (7), 394 (4), 379 (4), 351 (6), 342 (13), 315 (13), 313 (86), 255 (37), 229 (14), 213 (15), 81 (93), 55 (100)
Fucosterol 394 (23), 379 (2), 296 (100), 281 (14), 253 (8), 228 (6),  213 (13), 55 (92)
24-Ethylcholesterol 396 (100), 381 (14), 288 (13), 275 (13), 255 (19), 213 (17), 147 (52), 81 (56)
24-Ethylcholestanol 458 (18), 443 (2), 398 (32), 383 (13), 344 (3), 276 (23), 275 (21), 257 (6), 230 (15), 215 (100), 201 (17), 147 (34), 81 (49) 
Isofucosterol  394 (12), 379 (1), 296 (100), 281 (19), 253 (8), 228 (7), 213 (11), 55 (87) 
Isofucostanol 456 (2), 358 (83), 343 (15), 315 (7), 298 (9), 283 (10), 255 (8), 215 (24), 55 (100) 
24-Ethylcholesta-5,24(25)-dienol  394 (32), 379 (6), 296 (100), 281 (23), 253 (18), 228 (8), 213 (9), 55 (81) 
24-Ethylcholesta-5,7-dienol 454 (1), 394 (100), 379 (21), 253 (40), 211 (22), 199 (23), 158 (84), 143 (87)
24-Ethyllathosterol 456 (24), 441 (1), 396 (1), 381 (1), 315 (3), 255 (73), 229 (20), 213 (42), 81 (97), 55 (100) 
24-Ethylcholest-24(25)-enol 456 (79), 441 (6), 358 (52), 343 (13), 315 (19), 283 (6), 255 (48), 229 (16), 213 (23), 55 (100)
24Z-Ethylidenelathosterol 454 (2), 439 (1), 394 (1), 356 (37), 313 (100), 296 (4), 281 (5), 255 (5), 253 (4), 213 (12), 55 (48) 
4a-Methylcholest-8(14)-enol 442 (36), 427 (4), 382 (2), 367 (7), 329(4), 269 (14), 243 (23), 227 (34), 95 (73), 55 (100) 
4a-Methylcholestanol 444 (17), 429 (4), 384 (48), 369 (30), 355 (7), 343 (4), 329 (1), 316 (1), 290 (26), 289 (17), 262 (13), 244 (21), 229 (100), 215 (23), 95 (74), 55 (59)
4a-Methylcholesta-8(14),24-dienol 440 (19), 425 (6), 365 (5), 329 (1), 327 (2), 269 (2), 243 (9), 227 (16), 69 (100), 55 (57) 
4a-Methylcholest-7-enol 442 (33), 427 (4), 382 (4), 367 (6), 329(4), 269 (52), 243 (18), 227 (36), 95 (96), 55 (100)
4a-Methylcholesta-7,24-dienol 440 (1), 425 (3), 365 (1), 329 (1), 327 (67), 269 (4), 243 (2), 227 (10), 69 (100), 55 (68) 
Obtusifoliol  468 (28), 453 (64), 393 (22), 369 (9), 343 (4), 309 (11), 287 (19), 227 (14), 55 (100) 
4a,24-Dimethylcholest-8(14)-enol 456 (20), 441 (2), 396 (1), 381 (2), 329 (3), 269 (9), 243 (15), 227 (23), 95 (64), 55 (100) 
4a,24-Dimethylcholestanol 458 (18), 443 (3), 398 (48), 383 (31), 369 (7), 290 (32), 289 (18), 271 (6), 244 (23), 230 (57), 229 (100), 215 (22) 
4a,24-Dimethylcholest-7-enol 456 (26), 441 (2), 396 (2), 381 (3), 329 (4), 269 (53), 243 (14), 227 (33), 95 (93), 55 (100) 
4a-Methyl-24-ethylcholest-22(E)-enol 470 (28), 455 (2), 427 (2), 367 (17), 358 (24), 343 (4), 329 (23), 271 (33), 229 (8), 55 (100) 
4a-Methyl-24-methylenelathosterol 454 (6), 439 (5), 394 (4), 379 (3), 370 (22), 327 (100), 269 (12), 241 (23), 227 (20) 
4a-Methyl-24-ethylcholestanol 472 (16), 457 (3), 412 (47), 397 (24), 383 (7), 290 (32), 289 (10), 271 (7), 244 (21), 230 (56), 229 (100), 215 (23)
4a-Methylisofucostanol 470 (4), 455 (1), 372 (100), 357 (12), 329 (6), 312 (4), 269 (3), 230 (27), 229 (18)
4a-Methyl-24(Z)-ethylidenelathosterol  468 (12), 453 (9), 408 (6), 370 (33), 327 (100), 267 (5), 241 (9), 227 (7), 55 (65) 
Cycloartanol  470 (1), 455 (2), 410 (8), 395 (9), 367 (3), 357 (1), 355 (1), 341 (3), 297 (6), 288 (10), 273 (3), 55 (100) 
Cycloeucalenol 468 (4), 453 (7), 408 (62), 393 (37), 300 (6), 283 (8), 281 (7), 55 (100)
Cycloartenol 468 (1), 453 (1), 408 (11), 393 (7), 365 (3), 339 (2), 297 (1), 295 (1), 286 (7), 271 (4), 257 (1), 255 (1), 243 (2), 69 (100) 
24-Methylenecycloartanol 482 (1), 467 (1), 422 (9), 407 (6), 379 (4), 353 (1), 300 (4), 297 (2), 285 (1), 55 (100) 

a Numbers in parentheses are relative abundance (%). 
Electron impact spectra were obtained in a Finnigan 4510 mass spectrometer equipped with a 15-meter x 0.32-mm DB-1 capillary column and connected to an Incos data system.  Mention of trade names or commercial products in this table is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

Sterol retention times during gas chromatography

Last Modified: 10/09/2005