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Pharmacist Professional Advisory Committee

Department of Health and Human Service= s


Minutes of= Meeting

01 November 2007

Surgeon General’s Conference Room

Parklawn Building

1300-1530<= o:p>

Members Prese= nt:


In Rockville:


CDR Scott Giberson, IHS-Rockville, MD

CDR Josephine Lyght, HRSA-Rockville, MD

CDR Beth Fabian Fritsch, FDA-Rockville, MD

CDR Matthew Tarosky, FDA-Rockville, MD

CDR Nit= a Sood (Ex-Officio Chair), HRSA- Rock= ville, MD

CDR Mary Kremzner, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Sohail Mosaddegh (executive secretary), FDA-Rockville, MD



Via Telephone= :


LCDR = Violette Ganoe (Chair), BOP-Bradford, PA

LCDR G. Brent Hobbs, IHS-AZ

CAPT Lia Prela, CMS- Baltimore, MD

CDR Christopher Allen, CDC-Atlanta, GA

CAPT James Bresette, IHS-Rockville, MD

CDR Richard DeCederfelt, NIH-Bethesda, MD=

LCDR James Saunders, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

   (a= lt for CDR Garvey)

LCDR Patrick Romero, USCG-Clearwater, FL

CAPT Robert McClelland, IHS-Elko, NV

LCDR Jeffrey Newman, BOP-Springfield, MO

CDR Michael Shiber, BOP Central Office Washington, DC

CDR Peter Vermilyea, IHS-Winslow, AZ

CAPT Kimberly Zietlow, IHS-Red Lake, MN

LCDR Kristina Joyce (JOAG), FDA-Philadelphia, PA

CDR Christine Yu, DIHS-El Centro, CA



Members Absen= t:


RADM Robert Pittman (CPO), IHS-Rockville, MD

CDR Patricia Garvey, FDA-Silver Spring, MD








LCDR Tara Turner, FDA- Silver Spring, MD

LCDR Christine Bina, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Vicky Borders-Hemphill, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

CDR Chae Chong, DIHS Elizabeth, NJ

CDR Michelle Dillahunt, FDA-Rockville, MD

LT Dat Doan, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Oluchi Elekwachi, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

LCDR Lori Garcia, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

LCDR Jeff Haug, DIHS- Pearsall, TX

LCDR Irene Ahlstrom, BOP-Dublin, CA

LCDR Jeffrey Mallette, BOP-Pensacola, FL

LT Glendolynn Johnson, FDA-Rockvi= lle, MD

LCDR Christopher Jones, FDA-Rockvil= le, MD

LCDR Lisa Kwok, FDA-Rockville, MD

CDR Gayle Lawson, FDA-Philadelphia= , PA

LT Liatte Krueger, BOP-Rochester<= /st1:City>, MN

LT Theresa Liu, FDA-Rockville, MD

CAPT George Lyght, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

LCDR Michael Eddy, DIHS-Port Isabel, TX

LCDR Diem-Kieu Ngo, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR James M. Saunders, FDA-Rockville, MD

CDR Kassandra Sherrod,= FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Jeanne Skanchy, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Kendra S. Stewart, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

CAPT Robert C. Steyert, FDA-Central Islip, NY

LCDR Roberta Szydlo, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

CDR Mel Tempel, DIHS- Florence, AZ

CDR James Good, DIHS- Tacoma, WA

LCDR Emily Thakur, FDA-Rockville, MD

LT Alexander Townley, IHS-Lame Deer, MT

LT Frank Verni, FDA- Jamaica, NY

LT Susan E. Pellock, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Devvrat Patel, FDA-Rockville, MD

CDR Jacqueline Thomas, CDC, Atlanta, GA

CDR Richard Glabach, OCCFM-Rockville, MD

Ericka Roback, pharmacy student

Raj Patel, pharmacy student



**Guests attending the meeting via call in are requested to email their rank, name, agency, and location (City and state) information to the PharmPAC secretary at sohail.mosaddegh@fda.hhs.gov .


LCDR Ganoe called the November 2007 Pharmacist Profess= ional Advisory Committee (PharmPAC) meeting to order.

Welcome to new members:  LCDR Violette Ganoe (vganoe@bop.gov)


LCDR Ganoe welcomed the newe= st PHARM-PAC members:

CAPT Lia Prela, CMS- Baltimore, MD

CDR Christine Yu, DIHS-El Centro, CA

CDR Josephine Lyght, HRSA-Rockville, MD

CDR Scott Giberson, IHS-Rockville, MD

LCDR G. Brent Hobbs, IHS-AZ

LCDR Sohail Mosaddegh (Executive secretary), FDA-Rockville, MD

Acceptance of 10 October 2007 PharmPAC Meeting Minutes:  LCDR V= iolette Ganoe (vganoe@bop.g= ov)


Minutes from the 10 October 2007 PharmPAC meeting were accepted with no edits. 

        &= nbsp;           &nbs= p;            &= nbsp;           &nbs= p;            &= nbsp;           &nbs= p;            &= nbsp;           &nbs= p;           

Presentation of awards/Certificates: CDR Nita Sood (Nsood@hrsa.gov)

CDR Sood presented Certificates on behalf of RADM Robe= rt Pittman:


  • Special Assignments Awards, for PAC members:
    • CDR Fritsch, CDR Vermilyea, LCDR Mouakket, LCDR Ganoe, CDR Glabach.
  • Outgoing PAC members:
    • CDR Close, CDR Foster, LCDR Mouakket, CDR Glabach
  • Section Leads:
    • CDR Garvey, CAPT Zietlow, CDR Shiber, CDR Foster, CDR Glabach, CDR Fritsc= h, CAPT Bresette.
  • Agency Reports:
    • LCDR Mouakket, CDR Tarosky, LCDR Romero, LCDR Newman, LCDR Allen, CDR Thom= as, CDR DeCederfelt, CDR Bishop.
  • Subcommittees:
    •  LCDR Maves, CAPT Forman, CDR Garvey, CDR Phan, LCDR Ngo, CDR Fritsch, LCDR Thompson, LT Brum, CAPT Holt, CDR Long, LCDR Turner.



Presentation: CAPT Kathleen Downs gave a brief overview of the = USS Peleliu Pacific Partnership Mission for the USPHS Pharm-PAC.  (see handouts)



Section Lead Comments:


Administra= tion à CDR Mary Kremzner  Mary.kremzner@fda.hhs.gov / CAPT Kimberly Zietlow (kimberly.zietlow@ihs.gov)


Liaison Repor= ts à CAPT Walter Holt (walter.holtjr@cdc.hhs.gov )


&= nbsp;

American Pharmacists Association (APhA)=


·         The APhA Annual Meeting and Expositi= on, held 14-17 March 2008 in San Diego, is the single event you need to attend = to discover the latest trends and best practices in pharmacy, while sharing experiences and ideas with 7,000 pharmacy professionals from every practice setting; chain, independent, hospital, federal, long-term care, nuclear, and more.

·      =    Reg= istration is now open: early registration 13 February 2008 ($510 after: $740). 


Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMC= P)

No new information given


American Society of Consultant Pharmacists = (ASCP)

 No new information given


American Society of Health System-Pharmacis= ts (ASHP) 

·         ASHP Deputy Executive Vice President William A. Zellmer, will give the Society’s perspective on the possible creation of an intermediate or “behind-the-counter” category of drugs during a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) public meeting= on November 14.  

o        ASHP Calls for Inclusion of Pharmacists in Loan Forgive= ness Programs

o        ASHP is currently in discussions with congressional sta= ff about expanding loan forgiveness programs to pharmacists. <= /span>


  • ASHP views this as an important mechanism to expand patient access to the critically needed services of pharmacists to improve medication therapy outcomes, prevent harm, and reduce overall health costs through more effective medication-use.  


  • Check the online Advocacy<= /st1:PlaceName> Resource Center at www.ashp.org/advocacy for u= pdates on this important issue.  For questions or comments, contact Jose= ph Hill, ASHP director of federal legislative affairs at gad@ashp.or= g

·         ASHP is soliciting comments on draft guidelines on the following:=

    • Comment on ASHP's Draft Statement= on Intermediate Class of Drugs
    • ASHP is soliciting members’ input to the Society’s draft statement on criteria for an intermediate c= lass of drugs.  
    • The comments received will be used to finalize ASHP’s guidance document and as part of the Society’s testimony to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a= bout the agency’s proposal to create a behind-the-counter category of drugs. 
    • The deadline for submitting comments is December 9. More information and a link to the draft documents are available at http://www.ashp.org/s_ashp/cat1c.asp?CID=3D511&DID=3D553 
    • Managing drug product shortages&nb= sp;: comments will be accepted until November 15, 2007, To review this draft document, please c= lick on the following link: http://www.ashp.org/s_ashp/cat1c.asp?CID=3D511&DID=3D553
    • The roles and responsibilities of= the pharmacy executive: comments will be acce= pted until 26 November2007, To review this draft document, please click on the following link: http://www.ashp.org/s_ashp/cat1c.asp?CID=3D511&DID=3D553


  • Things to think about when commenting:


<= span style=3D'mso-list:Ignore'>o&nb= sp;       Is the guidance or statement of position cle= ar? Is the issue a concern for pharmacists or their patients?

<= span style=3D'mso-list:Ignore'>o&nb= sp;       Does the background adequately explain the n= eed for the guidance document?

<= span style=3D'mso-list:Ignore'>o&nb= sp;       Is the guidance sound, based on your experie= nce and your understanding of practice and the literature on the topic? Are the references current, and do they support the guidance or position? (ASHP guidance documents are not intended to be comprehensive reviews of the literature, but supportive references should be cited.)

<= span style=3D'mso-list:Ignore'>o&nb= sp;       Will the guidance help pharmacists improve patient outcomes or the efficiency of care?

o      =   Please submit your comments to LCDR Keith Ol= in at keith.olin@fda.hhs.gov by November 9th.

 <= /p>


  • 42nd ASHP Midyear Meeting:
    • Will be held at the Venetian Resort and <= st1:PlaceName w:st=3D"on">Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas, NV (2-6 December 2007)

·      =    Res= earch Boot Camp Now Accepting Applications
The ASHP Research and Education Foundation’s Research Boot Camp is a research skills development prog= ram composed of distance education, on-site, and research conduct components. Participants will develop a research idea into a well-structured research p= lan to be executed following program completion.  Applications for this program should demonstrate motivation to acquire research methods skills to conduct rigorous practice-based research, and should include an initial research idea. The deadline to apply is 04 January 2008. For more informat= ion, visit www.ashpfoundation.org. <= /o:p>


·  &n= bsp;      Apply Now for Pain Management Traineeship

The ASHP Foundation is now accepting applications for its Pain Management Traineeship. The program, wh= ich is sponsored by Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., is a 10-day experiential program designed for pharmacists in acute settings who are providing specialized services for patients in pain. The traineeship prepares participants to des= ign patient-specific pharmacotherapy; solve drug therapy problems; and develop protocols, policies, and procedures for the treatment of such patients. Importantly, the traineeship will also strengthen pharmacists’ ability to help their institutions meet pain assessment = and management standards issued by The Joint Commission. The deadline to apply = is 26 November 2007.

<= /a> 

·         Fed= eral Services Junior Investigator Research Grant Accepting Applications

= The ASHP Foundation is now accepting applications to the Federal Services Junior Investigator Research Grant Program, which is sponsored by Abbott. Grants w= ill be awarded to junior investigators to provide funding for research related = to medication adherence and persistence studies that focus on individuals with either autoimmune diseases, dyslipidemia, HIV/AIDS, psychiatric disorders, = or stages 3 and 4 renal disease. The deadline to submit applications is 03 December 2007. Applications and other information about this program can be found at www.ashpfoundation.org.


  • Pharmacy Resident Practice-Based Grant Program

This research grant progr= am support practice-based research in medication use conducted by residents in ASHP-accredited pharmacy residency programs and residents in pharmacy resid= ency programs that have submitted an application for ASHP accreditation. Applications are now available. The deadline for receipt of completed applications is = 01 November 2007.


  • Scarce Pandemic Vaccine to Be Given in Order
    In the early weeks of a flu pandemic, the first to receive scarce supplies of vaccine will include the military, medical and emergency workers, pregnant women and babies — nearly 23 million people — under a draft federal plan.

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)&= nbsp;


  • Applications Are Now Being Accepted for Managed Care Internships 

The Academy of Managed Ca= re Pharmacy (AMCP) is offering two summer internship programs. AMCP in conjunc= tion with the Foundation for Managed Care Pharmacy, and under the auspices of Pf= izer Inc., has made available twelve managed care internships for the summer of 2008. The goal of this program is to enhance a student pharmacist’s awareness of career options in managed care pharmacy practice settings or within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) by direct hands-on involveme= nt. AMCP, in partnership with Allergan, Inc., is also offering two ten-week appointments to the Speci= alized Summer Internship Program in Health Outcomes for pharmacy students. The goa= l of this program is to create awareness of career paths in health outcomes and pharmacoeconomics research, the foundation for evidence-based decision maki= ng in managed health care systems. For additional details visit the Foundation= of Managed Care’s Web site at http://www.= fmcpnet.org


  • 2008 Interim Meeting Abstracts 

AACP is seeking abstracts for roundtable discussion lea= ders prepared to share innovations in pharmacy education! The theme for the 2008 AACP Interim Meeting is creating value through innovation in health care in each of the mission-connected dimension of pharmacy education. The program = will highlight innovations in health professions education, research and service presented in a variety of keynote presentations, panel discussions and roundtable sessions. Abstracts should be submitted electronically as a Word document by 5 p.m. 15 November 2007, to Melinda Colon at mcolon@aacp.org.

  • NACDS Foundation Pharmacy Student Scholarship Program 

The National Association of Chain Drug Stores is awardi= ng a minimum of 45 $2,000 scholarships to students at schools and colleges of pharmacy across the country. In addition, select recipients will receive na= med scholarships in the amount of $2,500. Visit the NACDS Foundation Web site to find out how to apply today!

  • Motivational Interviewing Training Institute 

AACP, the Case Management= Society of America and Auburn University have teamed up once again to offer pharmacy educators an innovative workshop, Motivational Interviewing Training Institute, that focuses on motivating patients to make life-long health behavior changes (through addressing patient ambivale= nce and resistance) and identifying dynamic interviewing tools. Join Drs. Bruce Berger, Bill Villaume and Jan Kavookjian on 30 November 2007 to  02 December 2007  at Auburn University for this informative and enriching experience that has been implemented in early pat= ient care experiences, practice labs, OSCE’s, and advanced practice experiences. Visit www.cmsa.org/aumiti for more information.



American Publ= ic Health Association (APHA):


  • FINAL REMINDER: Annual Meeting = will take place later this week, 3-7 November 2007, in Washington, DC. http://www.apha.org/meetings/registration/ . The t= heme is Politics, = Policy and Public Health. Great opportunity if you have nev= er been to attend an APHA meeting. It has a very large multidisciplinary attendance upwards of 13,000 participants.  The 2008 meeting will be in O= ctober in San Diego. 


  • APHA  offers a Public Health ‘Newsroom’ on its website at http://www.apha.org/about/news/ . This newsroom is very informative for up-to-date public health happenings and contains press releases and press tool kits (which cont= ain fact sheets that provide a snapshot of the most critical current public health issues in the US and globally).
    • Finally, the newsroom gives anyone (free of charge) the ability to sign up for= an email listserv to the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) monthly press release, which summarize articles from their widely distributed= and popular public health journal.  =



Eighth Annual Pharmaceutical Regul= atory and Compliance Congress and Best Practices Forum
Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
7-9 November 2007


Communication àCDR Richard DeCederfelt (rdecederfe@nih.gov) / LCDR Patrick = Romero (Patrick.L.Romero@uscg.mil= )


  • Public Health Pharmacy Workgroup→LCDR Sheryl Gunther

o      =   Sch= ool Outreach LCDR Sheryl Gunther

§         There was an overwhelming response for volunteers

§         55 volunteers have participated in the progr= am

§         12 schools participated in Washington D.C., Maryland, New Jersey, and <= st1:State w:st=3D"on">Oklahoma

§         The principals and teachers at these schools were very receptive to the program

§         The students were interested in the topics discussed and were engaged in the presentation.  Students seemed particularly inter= ested in bicycle and injury safety

o      =   CDR Sood commented that the PHPW should look= at Childhood Obesity.  This public health issue is the Acting Surgeon General's priority.

o      =   Pre= sentation: LCDR Postelle Birch-Smith gave a brief overview on “the Officer Health Program”. (see handouts)




Career Development à = CDR Michael Shiber (MJShiber@bop.gov) / CDR Scott Giberson (Scott.Giberson@ihs.gov)


  • Non-APhA Immunization Training&#= 8594; LCDR Mallette/CDR Shiber=

o      =   15 programs have matched the criteria set by= the PAC

o      =   The program is awaiting final approval by OF= RD

o      =   Once approval is given,  an additional 9 pharmacists will h= ave met the training criteria

o      =   A new list of these programs will be submitt= ed upon approval

 <= /o:p>

o      =   There were about 35 pharmacists participatin= g in 8 different flu clinics this year.

o      =   All had received the APhA vaccination traini= ng

o      =   The flu clinics will end on 15 November 2007

o      =   Two additional clinics running 13 November –14 November and 14 November–15 November are in need of volunte= ers

o      =   To participate please contact LCDR Keith Oli= n (keith.olin@fda.hhs.gov)

o      =   In order to participate you must be APhA tra= ined and activated by OFRD for liability reasons


¨       OFRD Readiness à CDR Giberso= n/ CDR Mark Strong

o      =   The pharmacy category once again  made = the top 5 for basic readiness

o      =   As a reminder each officer must be vaccinated before 31 December 2007 to be considered basic ready

o      =   CDR Strong and CDR Giberson recommended reviewing the basic readiness report that the CPO is given along with the complete “basic readiness level” flow chart to best diagnose any potential declines in readiness and will report back to the PAC next month = with recommendations

o      =   Various methods for sending reminding office= rs to get their vaccines on time were discussed but no single approach was fou= nd that would work across the different agencies


  • Clinical Subgroups &agrav= e; CDR Scott Giberson

o      =   54 volunteers stepped forward across 8 diffe= rent agencies

o      =   CDR Giberson will be organizing the group an= d will be meeting in the near future to establish goals and objectives. 

o      =   A clinical web site sister to the Pharm-PAC Web-site was suggested

o      =   This subgroup would also like to increase the number of articles written by pharmacists in the USPHS


  • Mentoring Program&agrav= e; CAPT Lille Golson

o      =   First online Training session was held on Thursday, August 16

o      =   Training session was viewed by many new and current mentors

o      =   The feedback submitted by those completing t= he online training was very helpful to CAPT Golson and will be used in updating the online sessions

o      =   31 new mentors have signed up since the init= ial online training

o      =   21 mentor/mentee matches were made in August= , 9 in September, 14 in October

o      =   While the number of mentors is sufficient for the number of mentees they are not geographically spread out in the same pattern

o      =   There is a lag time of about one month in matching up a request for a mentor


  • Publishing Workgroup&agrav= e; CDR Michael Shiber

o      =   Louis Flowers of the Publication Workgroup h= as received the final Draft of the manuscript with the authors approval to be submitted to the American Journal of Health System Pharmacy (AJHP).

o      =   He is in the process of reviewing the paper = to ensure that it complies with the major stylistics requirements of the AJHP.=

o      =   Before the end of the month he plans to subm= it a paper to them as well and when he gets a response from them on how the pape= r is accepted for publication and when it will be published he will report back = to the Pharm-PAC.


 <= /o:p>

Recruitmen= t à CAPT James Bresette (James.Bresette@ihs.gov ) / CDR Peter Vermilyea (peter.vermilyea@wihcc.org


  • UPOC - = CDR Peter Vermilyea:


o        The Second UPOC Newsletter has been completed and distributed by CDR Peter Vermilyea. =

o        The POC database= is currently being updated by CDR Beth Fritsch. LCDR Devvrat Patel is working = on converting the list to an Excel spreadsheet format. LCDR Emily Thakur is working on the processing of pending POCs.

o        CDR Beth Fritsch= and LCDR Devvrat Patel mailed the thank you letters to the UPOCs who presented = the Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Practice Award at Universities. <= /o:p>

o        CDR Beth Fritsch= will be working on sending an email to all UPOCs to see if any would like to res= ign. After the response, an additional email will be sent asking for new volunte= ers.



·      =    WACS –C= DR Beth Fritsch:

o        LCDR Devvrat Pat= el is working to generate professional reports from the WACS Database. LCDR Devvr= at Patel is finalizing the formatting of the reports and plans to complete this task by the November 2007 PharmPAC meeting.


·      =     ARP – LCDR Violette Ganoe:=

o        AR Leads develop= ed and posted on the Pharm-PAC Website a pre-approved checklist of approved recrui= ting events. The understanding of ALWAYS IN UNIFORM will need to be stated. Upda= tes will be considered quarterly by CAPT Raelene Skerda, CAPT Mike Forman, LCDR Christine Bina and LCDR Violette Ganoe, so please send your inquiries to th= eir attention.


o        APhA-ASP mid-year meetings are underway. So far there has been a good response from the field. Once the meetings are completed, we intend to send thank you letters to all that volunteered. The group that volunteered for the Baltimore MRM came up = with a novel idea to raffle off a P= lagues and Politics book that CDR Sood is = trying to get signed by the surgeon general. The students that signed up for the raffle needed to submit a name & email address and be signed up for the student listserv.


o        The Supply reque= st form has been posted to the PharmPAC Website under the AR Program. In order= to request supplies for a recruiting event, complete the form and e-mail to LC= DR Christine Bina a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the event. Please make sure you include the date the supplies are needed.


o        The ARP Leads ar= e looking into a more efficient way of gathering CVs acquired at Career Fairs. CAPT B= resette has stated that the path that these CV’s may take should be made clea= rer at future Pharm-PAC meetings.


·      =    Student Progr= ams – LCDR Larry Lim:

o        LCDR Lim is work= ing on the November student Monthly message for the student list-serve.=

o        LCDR Christine O= liver, LCDR Larry Lim, and CDR Peter Vermilyea are working to update the Residency= and Student Programs info in the Pharm-PAC site.

o        LCDR Larry Lim s= tated that he wanted to post information on the Pharm-PAC webpage on Junior and Senior Co-step opportunities.

o        CAPT Bresette st= ated that they would talk further on the matter but they had decided that it wou= ld be best to not put out any information on opportunities in serving on the M= edical Reserve Corps for those who will not be entering PHS until closer the their graduation dates in May.


·      =    PBKS to Pharm= acy's Best Kept Secret (PBKS): =

o        CDR Peter Vermil= yea is working with CDR Patrick Marshall on updating the PBKS document.

o        LCDR Christine O= liver, LCDR Larry Lim, CDR Peter Vermilyea will work to add the Residency and Stud= ent Programs info from the PharmPAC site into the PBKS.

o        2 versions of PB= KS will be release in the coming weeks a New Look revised 2007 version will be placed on the Pharm-PAC site and once the 2008 Pay Tables are finalized a 2= 008 version will be released.


·      =    Website:

o        No New Informati= on to Report this Month







JOAG Report à LCDR Kristina Joyce (Kristina.Joyce@fda.hhs.gov) =


·         JOAG’s Call for Volunteers for committ= ees came out in October. This document includes a description of the JOAG committees and workgroups, as well as contact information for each of the chairs. Any junior officers interested in becoming involved in a JOAG commi= ttee this is where you can find a committee that interests you.  Ninety-nine percent of the work th= at JOAG does comes out of our 10 committees and workgroups.  The announcement went out on the J= OAG Listserv. 

·         JOAG voting membership approved a change in = the membership configuration that would change the voting membership to 1 representative for each category and 9 “at large” members.  This was done because the previous process forces JOAG to turn away many officers from voting membership becau= se there are no openings for their category.&= nbsp; Additionally, the voting membership approved a motion to allow the current voting members to select new voting members due to experience and familiarity with responsibilities of voting members (versus a committee). <= /p>

·         The Professional Development Committee is working on a new speaker series to be presented as a “lunch and learn” type teleconferences for junior officers.  These will be held via teleconfere= nce on the months that a regular JOAG meeting is not held.  RADM Sam Shekar, the new Transform= ation lead, will present on November 9 at 1300 via teleconference. This will be a great opportunity for an update on Transformation and to hear about RADM Shekar's vision. Information about the conference line will be sent out via= the JOAG listserv next week.

·         Next Regular JOAG Meeting: 

7 December 2007=

1300-15= 00 Hours

CALL IN= NUMBER: 888-322-1791

PASSCOD= E: 83301



Agency Reports


·         Food and Drug Administration (FDA) –CDR Matthew Tarosky (see written report)

o      =   Product Withdrawals

§         Several manufacturers of OTC cough and cold products voluntarily withdrew their products from the market on 11 October 2007 due to safety concerns about the product’s use in pediatric patients under a= ge 2. On 19 Octobe= r 2007, an FDA advisory committee recommended that OTC cough and cold products shou= ld not be used in children under age 6.

§         On 18 October 2007, Pfizer announced that it will no lo= nger market Exubera inhalation powder (insulin human recombinant DNA origin) bas= ed upon poor acceptance by patients and physicians.

o      =   PHS Anchor

§         On 17 October 2007, FDA dedicated a PHS anchor at the W= hite Oak Campus during a groundbreaking ceremony for the historic Building One w= hich will house the Office of the Commissioner.

o      =   Safety News

§         Amylin Pharmaceuticals has added acute pancreatitis to the Precautions section of the labeling for its Type 2 diab= etes drug, Byetta (exenatide).

o      =   Advisory Committee

§         On 13 December 2007, FDA’s Nonprescription Drugs = and Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs committees will meet to discuss the Rx-t= o-OTC switch of a 20 mg dose of Merck’s&nb= sp; Mevacor (lovastatin) for cholesterol lowering for the purpose of pri= mary prevention of heart attacks. In 2000 and 2005, the joint panel voted against approving Mevacor for OTC use.

§         On 14 December 2007, FDA’s Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee will meet to consider the possibility of revising the fi= nal monograph for OTC decongestants containing phenylephrine to increase the ad= ult dose.


·         National Institutes of Health (NIH) –C= DR Richard DeCederfelt

o      =   Nothing new to report


·         Bureau of Prisons (BOP) –LCDR Jeffrey Newman

o      =   22 BOP institutions now utilize the bureau’s “electronic medical records pharmacy module”. BO= P is in the process of transitioning all BOP pharmacies over to this software. <= /p>

o      =   BOP is hoping to develop a hyper-lipidemia agreement with APhA similar to the immunization agreement

o      =   BOP would like to set up train the trainer classes at the next APhA meeting in spring 2008 for  some of the BOP pharmacists

o      =   The national BOP conference is scheduled to start on 14 Apri= l 2008 in South Carolina=

o      =   The BOP pharmacy in <= st1:State w:st=3D"on">North Carolina s is setting up the fir= st BOP pharmacy residency program. There may also be a managed care residency at t= he central office in Washington, DC. 


·         Indian Health Service (IHS)àCDR Bradley Bishop

o      =   Representative not present


·         DHS – LCDR Patrick Romero (USCG)

o      =   LCDR Romero was attending the Joint Forces Meeting in California and wanted to thank RADM Pittman, RADM McGinnis, RADM Bartron, and RADM Hig= gins for also attending the meeting and showing their support for PHS pharmacist=

o      =   The Pharmacist of the year for the Coast Gua= rd was CDR Deborah Thompson.


·         Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) – CDR Josephine Lyght,

o      =   HRSA’s awards ceremony is scheduled fo= r 13 November 2007 at the Doubletree hotel on Rockville Pike at 10 P.M.

o      =   HRSA holds a monthly brown bag session for t= heir officers, this Wednesday on 14 November 2007 at 12:00 P.M. ; topic of discussion is EOPF

o      =   CDR Christine Yu added that effective 01 Oct= ober 2007 DIHS has been moved from HRSA to the Department of Homeland Security <= /p>


·         Center for Disease Control (CDC) àCDR Chris Allen

o      =   There were two articles mentioned by CDR All= en that were originally published on the CDC internet site

§         1) A reporter was imbedded in the USNS Comfo= rt during one if its recent missions. The reporter observed and reported on the day to day activities of PHS officers.

§         2) The second article was regarding the 30th anniversary (26= October 2007) of the last case of endemic smallpox recorded in the worl= d. CDC had a special presentation that included some that were involved in the eradication campaign

§         Both articles were distributed via the lists= erv.

o      =   On 01 November 2007 from 1pm to 3pm there wi= ll be a live webcast on HIV/AIDS prevention in the Hispanic Community.   The moderator for this event= will be former Surgeon General Antonia C. Novello, M.D.

§         To view this event or any past webcast pleas= e go to www.cdc.gov/phtn.gov


·         Office of the Secretary (OS) – Vacant =


·         COA Category day à LCDR Christ= ine Bina

o      =   In  the process of organizing the agenda for the COA Category day

o      =   There was a very positive response to the ca= ll for volunteers and speakers for the event

o      =   Yesterday (31 October 2007) an official call for abstracts went out from the Scientific Programs Committee

o      =   The deadline to submit abstracts is 31 December 2007



PAC Chair Report→ LCDR Ganoe  (vganoe@bop.gov)


·         The pharmacy category has always been very active and the next year will continue to be the same.

·         LCDR Ganoe read the following into the record from the Pharm-PAC SOP:

·         “Participation: The Pharm-PAC is a participatory organization. Every voting member of the Pharm-PAC is expecte= d to either chair or actively participate on a Pharm-PAC section or activity on = an ongoing basis."

·         The section leads meeting will be in the next two weeks. The yearly work plans will be due prior to the next Pharm-PAC meeting in December.

·         Please submit them to the chair by COB 03 December 2007.

Old/New Business:

·         CDR Nita Sood – Would like to wish CDR Patricia Garvey a speedy recovery from surgery

·         LCDR Christina Bina – Careerbuilder.com was providing advertising for PHS but that contract was not renewed by PHS = at the end of September 2007.


The meeting w= as adjourned @1530.



Next Meeting Date:


06 December 2007, from 1300 to 1600 EST, Surgeon General= 217;s Conference Room; Agenda and call-in information will be distributed prior to the meeting


Useful Links and Contact Info:


¨       Emails: = ;      PharmPAC@list= .nih.gov

PHS-Ph= armacists@list.nih.gov

PHS-RX-JOBS@list.nih.gov<= /o:p>



¨       Listservs:&= nbsp;   PHS Pharmacists      https://list.ni= h.gov/archives/phs-pharmacists.html

    PHS Rx Students   &nbs= p;   https://list.ni= h.gov/archives/phs-rx-students.html 

     OFRD        &= nbsp;           &nbs= p;  https://list.nih.gov/archi= ves/ccrf.html

     RPh Job Vacancies  https://list.nih.go= v/archives/phs-rx-jobs.html

   CCMIS            =            https://list= .nih.gov/archives/ccinformation-l.html

   CC Vacancies        &= nbsp;  https://list.n= ih.gov/archives/ccvacancies-l.html 

PHS Immunizing Pharmacists    https://li= st.nih.gov/archives/phs-immunizing-pharm.html


¨       Websites:       PharmPAC        &= nbsp;         http://hhs.gov/pharmacy

      CCMIS        &= nbsp;            http://dcp.psc.gov

      USPHS         &= nbsp;             http://www.usphs.gov

      OFRD        &= nbsp;                http://oep.osophs.dhhs.gov/ccrf



--Respectfully Submitted,


____________________________= ___________/__________________

LCDR Sohail Mosaddegh, Execu= tive Secretary     &nbs= p;          Date


____________________________= __________/___________________

LCDR Violette Ganoe, Chair                =             &nb= sp;             =    Date


____________________________= __________/___________________

RADM Robert E. Pittman, CPO<= span style=3D'mso-tab-count:3'>        &= nbsp;         =            Date




  1. FDA Agency Report
  2. Recruitment Section Report
  3. USS Peleliu presentation
  4. Officer Health Program Presentation
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