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PCC Standing Committee on Standards

Notes of SCS meeting at ALA Midwinter

January 13, 2001, 9-11 AM, OCLC Red Suite

Present: Ed Glazier, John Wright, Susan Summer, Dajin Sun, Kay Guiles, Eric Childress, Ann Caldwell (Chair)
Guest: Bob Ewald (LC-CPSO); Excused: Linda Barnhart, Kathy Winzer; Absent: Colleen Hyslop

Ann Caldwell gave a brief update on the November Policy Committee meeting.

Task Force on Conference Proceedings

The group discussed Dajin Sun's draft charge for the Task Group on Conference Proceedings. Bob Ewald, CPSO, provided some background to the discussion since he was part of the original group. The section on major and minor changes will be retained in the charge, but the Task Group will not act upon it, indicating that the issue is being worked on by another group, namely the ALA/ALCTS/CCS/Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) Task Force on Appendix of Major and Minor Changes, which was commissioned by the joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR (JSC). This approach is being taken to establish a paper trail with respect to the disposition of the remaining issues from the CONSER Task Force on the Cataloging of Conference Publications that are now being taken up the the SCS Task Group.

An issue not included in the original CONSER Task Force report is being added to the SCS Task Group charge. This issue relates to establishing guidelines, through the revision of LCRI 24.1, for punctuating and spacing conference headings that contain a year designation as part of the heading.

Action item: Dajin Sun will work with Bob Ewald and Kay Guiles in submitting a redrafting of the charge to clarify its objective by the end of January.

042 Task Group

SCS accepted the 042 Task Group's report with thanks. Ann noted that Jennifer Bowen would be discussing it at the BIBCO-at-large meeting the next day.

Model C Task Group

Karen Letarte, chair of the Model C Task Group, has requested an extension to August 2001. The group approved this.

Task Group on the Function of the Authority File

The charge for the Task Group on the Function of the Authority File was reviewed. The text was approved but the suggestion was made to change the dates for both the interim and final reports.

Action item: Ann will revise charge, contact potential members and send charge to PoCo

Core record review

Ed Glazier led the discussion on the core record review. The SCS needs to set up a mechanism for the regular review of core records then evaluate the contents of the individual cores. The substance of each core is in the footnotes and that is where there is divergence in language. Some of this may be necessary, but some is not. Each SCS member should go through the recommendations, review the differences in the cores to see if they are warranted. The differences may be stylistics ones, i.e., simply differences in wording, or they may be matters of policy. Comments should be retransmitted on the original document.

Action item: SCS members will have comments to Ed Glazier by February 15, 2001

AV Task Group Report

Ann discussed how the various items in the AV Task Group report had been dispersed. Most had gone to the ALCTS Media Resources Committee and the OLAC Cataloging Policy Committee. The only one remaining dealt with drawing up guidelines on how to move information from MARC field 037 to field 028. SCS decided that this was not a PCC issue.

Cross Reference Task Force Report

There are still a number of items remaining from the Cross-Reference Task Force report. Ann will contact some of the original members of the Task Force as well as some of the respondents about following up on some of these. The SCS recommended forming several interest groups in its response to the Task Force. It was suggested that ACIG might be a likely group to sponsor these.

ACTION ITEM: Ann will contact chair of ACIG.


Ann mentioned the possibility of a new task group that would be formed as a result of recommendations issued by a SAC Subcommittee on Subject Authorities. After speaking with Lori Robare, SAC Chair, SAC would like to proceed with the formation of this task group.

ACTION ITEM: Ann will draft charge

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  January 3, 2008
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