Table of contents for The poetry of pathos : studies in Virgilian epic / Gian Biagio Conte ; edited by S. J. Harrison.

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Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

1.Introduction by Stephen Harrison 1
2.The Virgilian Paradox: An Epic of Drama and Pathos 23
3.Anatomy of a Style: Enallage and the New Sublime 58
4.Aristaeus, Orpheus, and the Georgics: once again 123
5.The Strategy of Contradiction: On the Dramatic Form of the Aeneid 150
6.Defensor Vergilii: Richard Heinze on Virgils Epic Technique 170
7.Towards a New Exegesis of Virgil: Reconsiderations and Proposals 184
8.The Meeting of Stylistics and Textual Criticism 212
9.Proems in the Middle 219
Bibliography 232
Index locorum 000
Index rerum 000

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Virgil. Aeneis.
Virgil -- Criticism and interpretation.
Virgil. Georgics.