Subject: Re: Review of NuMI Power Requirements From: Leon Beverly Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 16:47:24 -0600 To: "Nancy L. Grossman" Nancy, I did not multiply out all the power calculations, but the power supply parameters listed are all good matches with the given magnets and their operating currents and voltages. Thus the power totals should compute correctly. I don't quite understand the MI 62 load. The memo says the total MuMI additional load is 68kVA. The spread sheet adds up to 87kVA. In either case, NuMI causes only a small increase on the loading of that transformer. As stated, the MI60N and MI65 loads are near the limit of those transformer ratings. The solution are reasonable. So cost and future expansion will determine which option to choose. My review was done quickly, but hopefully is sufficient for an independent look, any questions, let me know. Leon From:Nancy L. Grossman To:Leon H. Beverly Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 3:08 PM Subject: Review of NuMI Power Requirements Leon, We have some issues with the sizes of the transformers that we had planned to use for MI-60 and MI-65 for NuMI. EE Support in BD has made some recommendations as to how to resolve these issues. We (NuMI) would like to find someone outside BD that might review the numbers and recommendations and give us a reality check. Could you do that? Or can you suggest someone who might? The documentation is at: Namely the two documents: * Updated NuMI Power Supply Requirements Spreadsheet (.xls): Look at the first page of this workbook (PS Reqs). Do not update links. This power supply spreadsheet has been updated since the TDH update and is under review. It looks to the issue of transformer specifications/loads. * Transformer Issues at MI-60 and MI-65 Memo (.doc): This memo discusses EE Supports view of the NuMI transformer load issues at MI-60 and MI-65. We need to have this reviewed in a timely manner if at all possible (in a matter of a few days). I think George K. and company have done a good job of summarizing what they see as the issue, so I don't think the "review" would take more than an hour or two. I do not expect the person to recalculate things, but simply to look at George and companies calculations for a reality check (assuming the currents and such are accurate) and their subsequent conclusions and comment on them. Could you or someone you know do this? Please let me know, Thank you very much, Nancy