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  Nancy K. Barto

Nancy K. Barto

District 7

House of Representatives
1700 W. Washington
Room 310
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone Number: (602) 926-5766
Fax Number: (602) 417-3011

Email Address:

Personal Information:

Home City: Phoenix
Occupation: homemaker; public policy advocate
Member Since: February 6, 2006

Nancy Barto was appointed to the House of Representatives in February 2006 and subsequently elected to the post in November.  Nancy has served on seven committees in the legislature including Education, Higher Education, Homeland Security and Property Rights, Health, Human Services, Judiciary and Rules.

Previous to her service in the Legislature Nancy served as Chairman of the District 7 Republican Committee from 2002-2006. She was an involved parent volunteer in the schools and community throughout her career as a full-time mom and an effective public policy advocate for family issues.

Nancy and her husband, Joe, have lived in the valley since 1962 and will be married 30 years in September, 2008. Together they have three grown daughters and two grandchildren. Nancy graduated from Arcadia High and majored in Vocal Performance and Elem. Education at A.S.U. and A.S.U. West. Favorite hobbies include hiking, piano and travel.


Committee Assignments
Education Member Click Here Click Here
Health and Human Services Chairman Click Here Click Here
Judiciary Member Click Here Click Here



Sponsored Bills
Bill Number
Sponsor Type
Short Title
HB2034 P technical correction; ambulances
HB2035 P technical correction; insurance; existing actions
HB2036 P technical correction; financial responsibility; verification
HB2037 P technical correction; insurance; uniform plans
HB2038 P technical correction; children
HB2039 P technical correction; public health
HB2040 P technical correction; food standards
HB2041 P technical correction; AHCCCS; capitation rates
HB2069 C school choice scholarships; failing schools
HB2073 C state equalization property tax repeal..
HB2074 C scholarships; displaced and disabled pupils
HB2091 C charitable organizations; solicitations; disclosures
HB2102 C financial institution records; disclosure; notice
HB2104 C state treasurer; quarterly meetings
HB2125 C permissible raffles; clubs
HB2148 C human trafficking; violation
HB2149 C drop houses; forgery; human smuggling
HB2150 C animals; fighting.
HB2158 P adult immunization information system
HB2159 P board of podiatry examiners; continuation
HB2160 P chiropractic practice
HB2164 P pharmacists; administration of immunizations
HB2187 P unemployment insurance; base-period employers
HB2201 P chiropractic board; fees
HB2203 P TANF; sanctions
HB2204 P technical correction; change of venue
HB2205 P behavioral health; task force
HB2206 P psychologist examiners board; omnibus
HB2207 P behavior analysts
HB2208 P technical correction; ALTCS insurance; exemption
HB2209 P technical correction; DES
HB2210 P professional offices; records; protocols
HB2238 C AHCCCS; DES; fraud reduction
HB2253 C publication of notices; websites
HB2256 C border regional port authority
HB2267 P municipalities; counties; fire sprinklers; codes
HB2274 P paycheck deductions; political purposes; limitation
HB2279 C state debt; expenditures; report
HB2280 C state budget; revenues; expenditures; report
HB2282 C equine tripping; violation
HB2283 C certified nursing assistants; pilot program
HB2286 C tax credit; charitable organizations
HB2287 C tax credits; withholding tax reduction
HB2288 C premium tax credit; STO contribution
HB2312 C small special districts; financial review
HB2313 C process servers; criminal liability
HB2314 P property valuation; telecommunications companies
HB2315 C criminal sentencing
HB2316 C sentencing; second degree murder
HB2343 C traffic enforcement; nearest lighted area
HB2355 P income tax subtraction; volunteer service
HB2358 C developmentally disabled pupils; schools
HB2361 C tax exemption; personal property
HB2376 P imaging services; standards
HB2399 P automated external defibrillators
HB2400 P partial-birth abortions; definition
HB2420 C misconduct involving weapons; vehicles
HB2424 C illegal dumping; penalties
HB2426 C enhanced driver licenses; prohibition
HB2432 C school board membership; family members
HB2440 C drought emergency groundwater transfers
HB2459 C schools; superintendents; certification
HB2460 C mental health services; court costs
HB2461 C developmental disabilities; program plans; burial
HB2463 C school districts; accounting responsibility; threshold
HB2466 P school districts; maximum tax rate
HB2480 C regional transportation authorities; qualifying counties.
HB2481 C joint legislative committee; transportation; Mexico
HB2482 P civil air patrol; federal monies
HB2558 P insurance; cancer treatment; medical references
HB2564 P abortion
HB2569 C smuggling; use of weapon; classification
HB2616 P living wills; health care directives
HB2622 C dependent children; relatives; disclosure
HB2626 C political signs; public right-of-way
HB2629 C license plate obstruction; wheelchair holders
HCM2005 C purple heart; Vietnam veterans
HCM2006 C state land; natural resources
HCR2014 P state trust lands; technical correction
HCR2016 C retirement age; justices and judges
HCR2022 C school district expenditures; authorization..
HCR2024 C sovereignty; tenth amendment.
HCR2031 P state budget; continuation
SB1107 P state equalization property tax repeal
SB1138 P partial-birth abortions; definition.
SB1147 C greenhouse emissions; regulations; fuel economy
SB1148 C deed restrictions; for sale signs
SB1149 C child support; notice of lien
SB1206 C dissolution of marriage
SB1310 P developmental disabilities council; duties; continuation
SB1324 P corporate income tax rate
SB1325 P individual health insurance; coverage exemptions
SB1330 P special health care districts; terms
SB1434 C publicity pamphlet; judicial performance; comment
SCR1026 P secret ballot; fundamental right
