; Updates a Tektrnonix flare plot file to add the words ; 'Counts rates are incorrect due to intense flux.' ; across middle of plot in large letters. ; calling arguments: ; flare - flare contained in plot to be modified ; ; Kim Tolbert 7/91 ; ;+ ; ; NAME: ; MOD_PLOT ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; ; CATEGORY: ; BATSE ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; ; CALLS: ; none ; ; INPUTS: ; none explicit, only through commons; ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; none ; ; OUTPUTS: ; none explicit, only through commons; ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; none ; ; KEYWORDS: ; none ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; none ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; none ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; none ; ; PROCEDURE: ; none ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ;- pro mod_plot,flare flstring = strtrim (string(flare),2) file = concat_dir((chklog('BATSE_FLARES'))(0),'flare_' + flstring + '.tek') ; check = findfile (file, count = numfiles) if numfiles eq 0 then begin print,'File ',file,' doesn''t exist.' goto,getout endif ; spawn, 'copy/lo ' + file + ' ' + file + ';' tek_init,filename=file,/update,/noscreen xyouts,.2,.6,'Count rates are incorrect due to intense flux.', /normal,chars=1.4 tek_end ; spawn,'type ' + file ; getout: return&end