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Title: Understory Vegetation and Overstory Growth in Pine and Pine-Hardwood Shelterwood Stands in the Ouachita Mountains: 5-Year Results
Author(s): Shelton, Michael G.
Date: 2004
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-74. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. pp. 305-311
Description: Abstract - Treatments were two overstory compositions (a pine basal area of 30 square feet per acre with and without 15 square feet per acre of hardwoods) and two methods of submerchantable hardwood control (chainsaw felling with and without stump-applied herbicide). After the fifth growing season, pine regeneration averaged 1,870 seedlings per acre and 500 saplings per acre in the pine-overstory treatment; there were more pine seedlings when overstory hardwoods were retained (3,090 seedlings per acre) but fewer saplings (27 saplings per acre). Pine regeneration was twice as tall in the pine-overstory treatment than in the pine-hardwood treatment. Oak regeneration averaged 1,100 stems per acre. Overstory pines responded to hardwood removal, averaging 0.84 square feet per acre per year for basal area growth in the pine-overstory treatment and 0.58 square feet per acre per year in the pine-hardwood treatment. Very few overstory pines died after harvesting (0.04 trees per acre per year). Results indicate that 15 square feet per acre of scattered hardwoods can be retained through at least 5 years after harvest.
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