Adapted from DeAngelis et al. 1981.


ABBREVIATION               DEFINITION                 UNITS                      

Site Description                                                                 

ID                         Site Number, 1-117                                    
SITE                       Site Name                                             
INVEST                     Names of Investigator(s)                              
OTH_INVEST                 Other investigators                                   
SEL_CITn                   Selected Citations, if                                
                           more than on citation is                              
                           given, each is numbered,                              
                           e.g., SEL_CIT2.                                       
YEARS                      Years of study conducted                              
FOR_TYP                    Forest Type                                           
SOIL_TYP                   Soil Type                                             
GEOLOGY                    Geology                                               
SOIL_DR                    Soil Drainage                                         
OVRSTORY                   Principal overstory plant                             
UNDSTORY                   Principal understory                                  
                           plant types                                           
FLD_LAYER                  Principal field layer                                 
                           plant types                                           

General Site Data                                                                

AS                         Age of stand               Years                      
LAI                        Leaf area index            Square meters/square       
BA                         Basal area                 Square meters/hectare      
BAI                        Basal area increment       Square meters/hectare      
SH                         Stand height               Meters                     
SD                         Stocking density           Stems/hectare              
SCA                        Standing crop              Grams/square meter         
SCB                        Standing crop              Grams/square meter         
PA                         Productivity above-ground  Grams/square meter/year    
PB                         Productivity below-ground  Grams/square meter/year    
LAT                        Latitude                   Degrees and minutes        
LNG                        Longitude                  Degrees and minutes        
ALT                        Altitude                   Meters                     
MAT                        Mean annual temperature    Degrees Centigrade         
MAP                        Mean annual precipitation  Millimeters                
MAR                        Mean annual radiation      Calories/square            
                           (Global)                   centimeter/year            
RBA                        Radiation balance          Calories/square            
LGS                        Length of growing season   Days                       
TGS                        Temperature during         Degrees Centigrade         
                           growing season                                        
PGS                        Mean precipitation in      Millimeters                
                           growing season                                        
RGS                        Mean radiation in growing  Calories/square            
                           season (Global)            centimeter/year            
RBG                        Radiation balance in       Calories/square            
                           growing season             centimeter/year            
SPH                        Soil pH                                               
DRZ                        Depth of rooting zone      Centimeters                

Compartment Biomass Data**** 

OL                         Overstory leaves           Grams/square meter         
OFF                        Overstory fruits, flowers  Grams/square meter         
OBR                        Overstory branches-sum     Grams/square meter         
OBRB                       Overstory branches-bark    Grams/square meter         
OBRW                       Overstory branches-wood    Grams/square meter         
OBO                        Oversotry bole sum         Grams/square meter         
OBOB                       Oversotry bole bark        Grams/square meter         
OBOW                       Overstory bole wood        Grams/square meter         
OSTD                       Overstory standing dead    Grams/square meter         
OSUM                       Sum overstory              Grams/square meter         
UL                         Understory leaves          Grams/square meter         
UFF                        Understory fruits,         Grams/square meter         
UBR                        Understory branches-sum    Grams/square meter         
UBRB                       Understory branches-bark   Grams/square meter         
UBRW                       Understory branches-wood   Grams/square meter         
UBO                        Understory bole-sum        Grams/square meter         
UBOB                       Understory bole-bark       Grams/square meter         
UBOW                       Understory bole-wood       Grams/square meter         
USTD                       Understory standing dead   Grams/square meter         
USUM                       Sum understory             Grams/square meter         
HERB                       Herbaceous field           Grams/square meter         
EPIP                       Epiphytes total            Grams/square meter         
PSUM                       Total plants               Grams/square meter         
RL                         Living roots sum           Grams/square meter         
RLL                        Living roots > 5 mm        Grams/square meter         
RLS                        Living roots < 5 mm        Grams/square meter         
RD                         Dead roots                 Grams/square meter         
STO                        Soil top organic           Grams/square meter         
RZ                         Rooting zone               Grams/square meter         
IRZ                        Intensive rooted           Grams/square meter         
ERZ                        Extensive rooted           Grams/square meter         
SUBS                       Subsoil                    Grams/square meter         
HETR                       Heterotrophs sum           Grams/square meter         
AGC                        Above-ground consumers     Grams/square meter         
DCFA                       Decomposer fauna           Grams/square meter         
DCFL                       Decomposer flora           Grams/square meter         
**** The above parameters are suffixed with the following, (i.e. OL_A):
A = Amount
I = Increment
AR = Autotrophic Respiration (see Liriodendron Site, Oak Ridge, Tennessee)
HR = Hetertrophic Respiration (see Liriodendron Site, Oak Ridge, Tennessee)
P = Photosynthesis
R = Respiration

Compartment Flux Data                                                            

CS                         Consumption total          Grams/square meter         
CSF                        Consumption foliage total  Grams/square meter         
CSO                        Consumption overstory      Grams/square meter         
CSOW                       Consumption                Grams/square meter/year    
CSUW                       Consumption                Grams/square meter/year    
CSR                        Consumption roots-total    Grams/square meter/year    
CSU                        Consumption-understory     Grams/square meter/year    
CSHB                       Comsumption -herbaceous    Grams/square meter/year    
CSW                        Consumption wood total     Grams/square meter/year    
LF                         Litterfall total           Grams/square meter/year    
LFL                        Litterfall leaf            Grams/square meter/year    
LFFF                       Litterfall flower, fruit   Grams/square meter/year    
LFBR                       Litterfall branch          Grams/square meter/year    
LFBO                       Litterfall bole            Grams/square meter/year    
LFFR                       Litterfall frass           Grams/square meter/year    
LFEP                       Litterfall epiphytes       Grams/square meter/year    
ATIN                       Atmospheric input          Grams/square meter/year    
PRE                        Precipitation              Grams/square meter/year    
DRP                        Dry particulates (dust)    Grams/square meter/year    
GAF                        Gaseous fixation           Grams/square meter/year    
LEAC                       Leaching                   Grams/square meter/year    
LWAS                       Leaf wash                  Grams/square meter/year    
STMF                       Stem flow                  Grams/square meter/year    
LSOL                       Leaching soil layers       Grams/square meter/year    
OUTP                       Output                     Grams/square meter/year    
OPWI                       Output wind erosion        Grams/square meter/year    
OPWA                       Output water erosion       Grams/square meter/year    
OPPR                       Output percolation         Grams/square meter/year