U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D - MI)
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Find out about Carl Levin, Michigan's senior Senator who represents you in Washington.


Find out about the federal government, how laws are made, and great sites to visit to learn more.


Know where to go for great information about your home and state. Be proud!


You don't have to visit to view many of the incredible things Washington, DC has to offer.

Smithsonian Museum
The Smithsonian Museum provides lots of things to see and learn about in Washington, DC and on the Web.

Cappy, the skateboarding giraffe
Cappy, the skateboarding giraffe is a cartoon character based on a bottle cap sculpture at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. He'll show you some of the other works of art in the museum's collection and suggest some fun activities.

Tour the White House
If you can't visit the White House in person this website allows you to visit the President's house while sitting at your computer.

Capital Children's Museum
The Capitol Children's Museum is where children are encouraged to explore by touching, climbing, tasting and using their imagination to learn about the world around them.

Central Intelligence Agency
Learn about the Central Intelligence Agency and play games that let you crack the code.

Michigan Facts
Find cool facts and trivia about Michigan.

Where in the world?
Where in the world? Find out about different places you might travel to.

Go to Mars!
Become a junior astronaut and learn how to send your name to Mars.

Fun Facts
Find out fun information about the county fairs, farm life, and other agricultural facts.


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If you are an older student and interested in applying for entrance to a military academy for college or finding an internship or job opportunity on Capitol Hill, read Senator Levin's Student Resource Guide!