A-12 Santa Barbara, Calif., News-Press, Wednesday, Jan. 22, 1986 CC __-.-_ --_--- obel laureate predicts medical discoveries t3y Karen O'Hara Mews-Prers Staff Wrltsr YLmkinri car! expect 3 flood of ,r~w!iral ,rdvarlr~c:; toward the end of thib century. possibly including mws tar AIDS and cancer, a Nobel iJr;ztl-winning scientist told Santa i~arbara physictans Tuesday night. l-`rancis Crick, a British biochem- 1st. oredicted many of the advances $5 Ii : i,r built upon the discoveries ~ir;t~. earned him the 1962 Nobel Vt'iztb in medicine and physiology. .*Tl~r techniques are powerful and :hr, rc~suits are promising for medi- al application,' Crick said during .I rhnncr at Cottage Hospital spon- s:~t:d by the county Medical Soci- i,tv s Education Foundation. However, the genetics researcher -Icld4. the layman's notion of ClOn- :ili: probably will remain more in :.`lt' rcalnl of science fiction in this i'elltur~y What they mean is taking a gene .:tlrl making 20 Einsteins." Crick Gild ,We don't think that's very !.iixr and I don't see why you'd want to do that anyway. "`I'hey can do rcloning) with a very young frog. but not with an old rrijg, SO that's not very promising." r than testing the person," said (`rir:L. whose lecture was illustrated nit11 technical slides. (He was the secotitl Nobel laureate to speak in Santa Barbara in one day. South Africirn Bishop Desmond Tutu, who won tl{ra 1984 Nobel Peace Prize, apptaarrhd earlier Tuesday at IJCSB. 1 One area of medical resea1.c.b that appears to be on the verge UI rapid advancement is the diagnosis of genetic disorders in unborn: c:hil dren. "Much will come out when v;c understand what can go wronff 111 development," said Crick, who rli{l his award.winning work at c(:~~Vi-~ri~l- ish Laboratory at Cambridge 1'n1 versity in England. In the case of infectious diseasils such as AlDS (acquired imrnlinll tlel~c leucy sy~~r!r~otnc~ ). (.:rlck said that thanks to DNA research, scien- tists "al least know what they're up against," and that a breakthrough cm be expet-ted "in the long run." j Other areas in which Crick ex- &cts technical advancements in the next decade include gene replace- tint therapy -- replacing a bad He said it will take :~~rlf~~i~ ttr make progress m his owri :`ir'i~: ii! neuro-biology. whrc*h r:sp!oi`!.s 1116~ workings of the brain, bc<`ausc has;<' conclusions still need to be reach4 before DNA structul,al !e&nique:< can be applied.