MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME 99, NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 1964 A STUDY OF MARTIAN YELLOW CLOUDS THAT DISPLAY MOVEMENT F. A. GIFFORD, JR. U.S. Weather Bureau Research Station, Oak Ridge, Tenn. ABSTRACT Study of all reported instances of motion of Martian yellow clouds yields an analysis of thcir probable nature and properties. The yellow clouds seem to be initiated by wind-driven sand and teiid to form in low latitudes. The limb and terminator projections seem to be quite diffcreiit in nature, probably in part aqucous condensations. Thcse occur primarily in middle latitudes. 1. INTRODUCTION Among many observations of Martian “yellow clouds”, that is, transient obscurations of portions of Mars’ surface that can be observed visually or in photographs made through yellow filters, a few have occasionally displayed motion. As the only available direct indications of Mar- tian atmospheric circulation patterns, these observations are of exceptional meteorological interest. Unfortunately, they are also exceedingly rare. Yellow cloud motions have been observed either as dis- placenients of obscurations located, roughly, in the central portion of the disk, or as displacements of limb or termina- tor projections, Hess [14] presented a streamline analysis of 1s Martian cloud motions based primarily on the exten- sive study of limb and terminator projections made by Douglnss [SI during the apparitions of 1894 and 1S96. De Vaucouleurs [6] has tabulated a half-dozen instances of yellow cloud displacements, including examples given earlier by Antonindi [I]; and Slipher [24] has recently pro- vided adclitional examples documented photographically. In addition to the above, there exists a small but sig- nificant number of isolated reports of yellow cloud motion scattered through the literature. Furthermore, it is pos- sible, in certain cases, to infer motions from reported yel- low cloud observations for which the observer did not himself make this inference. The following is the report of an attempt to cull from the published literature all such reported instances of Martian yellow cloud motions, to- gether with an analysis of their probable nature and properties. 2. SOURCES OF DATA The first observer of Martian clouds was Maraldi, in 1704, according to Flammarion [lo] who provided n coin- prehensive summary of all Martian observations up to the turn of the century. Schroeter, during the apparitions of 1787 and 1792, attributed apparent differences in the rota- tional period of Mars, as judged by the displacement of markings, to cloud motions. Later, P. Secchi suspected cloud motions as the cause of short-period changes in the appearance of Martian dark markings, and this was con- firmed by Lockyer. To obtain quantitative infornitition on yellow cloud motions it is necessary to turn t o more recent sources. In addition to the texts already mentioned, files of astronomical journals, observatory annual and periodic re- port series, and other pertinent literature sources have been consulted in search of instances of Martian yellow cloud motions. Attention has naturally been directed primarily to those sources richest in reports on Mars: for example, Lowell Observatory Annals [SI; reports of the Observatoires Jarry-Desloges [20]; reports of the Mars Section of the British Astronomical Association; reports of the Mars Commission of the French Astronomical Society; W. H. Pickering’s [23] invaluable Monthly Re- ports on lMars; and, more recent, the Mars reports by the ALP0 in The Strolling Astronomer [2]. In addition, many individual monographs, observntory reports, and pub- lished articles dealing with the subject of Martian clouds have been searched for reports of cloud motion. 43 5 436 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW Vol. 92, No. 10 Fcb ............................. Mar ............................. A4pr ............................. 29-31 Mar ............................. 14-15 Mav ............................ 2-7 Aug ............................... 21-22 Aug ............................. 3. OBSERVED MARTIAN YELLOW CLOUD MOTIONS The results of this search for reported examples of Martian yellow cloud motions appear in tables 1 and 2. Table 1 includes reports of yellow clouds observed on the disk o€ Mars, as a result of their obscuration of surface details. Table 2 contains exttiiiples of cloud motions determined from observations of limb and terminator projections. The two groups have been separated be- cause they are distinct from the observational standpoint; as will be seen below, they seeni also to represent physi- cally distinct phenomena on Mars. For clarity, in what follows the clouds of table 1 will be referred to as “yellow clouds” and those of table 2 as “projections”. 01 the latter group only one example, the cloud of October 20-27, 1924, overlaps Hess’s collection and so the re- mtlinder of these examples, 35 in number, are all additional examples to the 1s he studied. The extreme rarity of such cloud motion observations is evident from the fmt that over the period of S7 years spanned by the observa- tions, only 53 examples of cloud motion are found. This means that their average hequency is little more than one per opposition period, altliough actual occurrences tend to be bunched around the perihelic oppositions, i.e. those of 1892, 1909, 1924, 1939, and 1956. It might be thought that this is an effect of more intensive scrutiny of Mars during these favorable apparitions; but, against this, no cxamples were found for the 1909 or 1939 oppositions, although adjacent years are in each case represented by cloucl drift occurrences. Two additional interesting phenomena involving the possibility of atmospheric niotion should also be noted, nltliough they are not cloud drifts, a t least in the sanie sense as the esaiiiplcs given in tables 1 and 2 . Dollfus [7] inentioiis a cloud, invisible to the naked eye but de- tectable by its polarization property, that drifted fro~ii Margaritifer Sinus arid Miire Erythraeuin to the Sabaeus Sinus-Hellespontus regions in several days, wliich he observed in May 1952. Also, Pcttit and Richardson [22] mention the fact that the striking W-shaped blue cloud 15/15 11/20 O/-20 Or30 01-40 -7O/-70 15/0 of June-July 1954 shifted in position, nioving slightly to the southwest over a 30-day period, a t a speed of 0.34 mi. hr.-l This phenomenon occurred between longitudes 60” and 120”. 1926 25-28 OGt ........................... ...................... 1937 25-29 May--. 1941 12-28 Nov.-.- ...................... 1943 3-5 Oct ............................. 4. RELIABILITY OF YELLOW CLOUD DRIFT ESTIMATIONS ......................... 31 July-1“Aug 10)-30 22-24 Feb 10/25 31 July-10 Aug ........................ 3O/-40 3-4 Aug ............................... O/-20 ............................. Before attempting to interpret the cloud drift observa- tions it is quite iniportant to review certain aspects of their background so as to give some indication of their probable reliability. In the first place, nll the cloud observations reported in tables 1 and 2 were mnde by experienced observers of the planet. However., the conditions of the observations differ considerably; and, particularly, they have been interpreted as cloud drifts in various ways, which should be clearly understood a t the outset. Some of the cloud observations have been interpreted as cloud motions by the observer hiniself, wheretis others have been so identified by the present writer. An incli- cation of this is given in the tables. Naturally, iustmces of cloud motion described by the original observer must be given more credence. Cloud drifts are ordinarily detected by noting displacements that occur on successive nights, although i t sccms soinetiiiies to be possible to estiiiiate motion during the course of a single night’s observing. Naturally the question of whetlier one is really viewing the sanie cloud in a displaced position, or R different cloucl arises; the original observer cttn best answer this question. On the other hand ninny of the limb and terrninittor projections reported, for example, by thc Observatories Jarry-Desloges to have occurred on successivc nights seem fairly certain to bc gcnuine cases of cloud motion and I have so interpreted them. If a significant projec- tion was notcd, and one night later another was reported in a nearby location, thc displacenient has been attributed to cloud motion. This procedure cicarly involves the exercise of subjective judgment about what cloud drifts are physically possiblc. 1954 2 June .............................. 1956 22-25 Bug .......................... 195G 28 Aug.4 Sept ..................... 1958 12-15 oct ........................... 1961 19-21 Jan ........................... TABLE I.-List of Martian yellow clouds that displayed motion A I B I c -I -0 I E I F I o 13 Mar .............................. 41-10 29-31 May.. .......................... -421-38 13-14 Oct .............................. 40/40 2-6 June ............................... -38/10 29-31 July ............................. 201-25 24-25 May .......................... 27-29 July’ ......................... 29-30 July- ......................... 1911 11-18 oct ........................... 1911 13-14 Nov .......................... 1922 9-12 July ........................... 1924 9-10 Aue ........................... 11-12 15-16 20-21 I I l- Aeria ..................................... Ccrberus-I to Elysiun. ................... Libya t o M. Ciiniiieriuiii ................. Libya to Eridania ......................... IIella%. ................................... Margaritifer S. to Clirysc ................. Isidis R . to Libya ......................... Libya-Isidis to Ausonia. .................. Candor to Niliacus 1,- .................... Libya to I’haethontis ..................... Libya to 1.Lesperia ......................... Ulysses to I’hoenicia L .................... Argyre to Noachis ......................... Noachis to Sprtis Major ................... Isidis R. to IIcsperia ...................... Casiusto Elysiuin ........................ W/lG .............. SSE/4 ............. WNW/12 ._______. NW/13 ............ w/2o .............. SE/9 .............. “E/22 ........... NNIV/55 .......... SW/8 .............. N\V/10 ............ N\1’/25.. .......... “W/- .......... SlVIlS ............. N\V/24.- .......... Wj20 .............. \I’ S \V/15 .......... A Terrestrial date of observation. B Eciuivalent Martian Southern Ilemisplicre date. C Beginning and cnding latitude (niinus indicates Southern Hemisphere). 1) Beginning and ending longitude. E Region on Mars. F 0 Reference. Direction from which motion occurrcdpaveragc speed, m.p.h.; csliinatcs are inostly by the writer, based on rcportcd cloud positions, except where average direction and speed were given in the rcfcrcnce. *Identified as a ease of cloud motion by the present writcr. October 1964 1915-28-29 I)ec.* ........................ 1924-10-13 Oct .......................... 1924-20-27 Oct .......................... 1937-2-5 May .......................... F. A. Gifford, Jr. TABLE 2.-List of Martian projection clouds that displayed motion 27-28 Oct .............................. 25-26 June ............................ 30 June-5 July ........................ 10-12 Feb ............................. 43 7 A I R I C I I ’ 1890-5-8 July ........................... 1894-25-26 Nov ......................... 1900-7-8 Dee ........................... 1903-26-27 May- ....................... 1911--Fr7 Oct .* .......................... 1912-15- 16 .Ian.* ........................ 1913-31 Dec.11 Jan.’. ................... 1914-2Fr26 Jan.*.-. ..................... 1892-2.3 July ........................... 1892-11-13 July ......................... 1914 28-29 Jan.*---. .................... 1014-2-3 Feb.*____ ...................... 1914-G-7 Feb.*t ......................... 1914-10-11 Feh: ........................ 1914-17-18 Beb.*t ....................... 1915-24-25 Jan.*t ....................... 21-22 Mar ........................... 12-13 -4pr.. ._.......... ............... 19-POApr ............................. 10 Aiig ................................ 23-24 Jan .............................. 18-19 Aug ............................. 23-24 Sept ............................. 7-8 Oct ................................ 20-21 o c t .............................. 21-22 oct .............................. 23 Oct ................................. 25 Oct ................................. 27 Oct ................................. 30-31 oet .............................. 20 oct ................................. 24-25 Oct .............................. ~ 40140 -501-50 -471-48 -321-23 -41-1 l812G -451-40 -401-45 -451-45 -451-45 -451-45 -151-15 -IO/-40 -451-45 -42!-42 -45!-40 -l O /l O -441-32 -401-40 loll0 ~~ 52/41 3351326 3441357 44/49 3361322 40132 2951255 3401300 65/50 10125 3471356 3331318 345/10 260/193 155/150 1651135 313/319 2871236 2851270 21oj190 D Beainnina and ending longitude. .~ E Region o n Mars. F Direction Irom which motionoCcurred/average speed,m.p.h.; estimates are mostly by The Jarry-Dcsloges observers noted the position of projections only approximately, by general references to surface niarkings, and as a result it is doubtful whether the inlcrred drift directions arc reliable to within less than k 1 5 ” or the speeds to f 4 0 or 50 percent. The remainder of the drifts reported i n tables 1 and 2 can probably be assigncd, to be conservative, a reliability of perhaps &IO” in dircction and f 2 5 percent in speed, although thcse estimates are quite subjcctive. Drifts are in all C ~S C S averages, computed Srom the initial and final reported cloud positions, without rcgiwd to such interesting day-to-day variations as havc occasionally been reported, for ext~mplc, by de Vaucouleurs [6]. Most cloud positions arc reported in terms of R4artian surface markings; and, in the absence of other indications (such as an accom- panying sketch, or a detailed dcscription), clouds have been tissumcd to be located a t thc liititude and longitude of the approsimatc center of the rcportcd area or marking, as dcterniincd by referencc to the maps given by Sliphcr [24], dc Vaucouleurs [6], and Antoniadi [I]. Most of the tabulatcd lntitudcs and longitudcs havc becn rounded off to the nenrcst 5” so as to rcAcct the probable accuracy involvcd, although in a few cascs thc available information has warranted a more precise position indication. Thc Martian dates arc computcd, following custom, according to an cquivalcnt Martian calcndar whose southcrn hcniispherc vernal equinox occurs on March 20. In practice this date is Sound by dctcrmining, from an ephcmcris Sor the observation datc, the longitude of the sun as seen from Mars (the planctoccntric longitude of thc sun), tidding or subtracting 180 O, and finding the nearest terrestrial date having an equal solar longitude; this is the equivalent htnrtian southcrn hemisphere date. 5. COMPOSITION OF MARTIAN YELLOW CLOUDS* Mars’ surIt’tecc consists of large dark areas, the “maria”, Tempe .................................... W/13 .............. Hellespontus .............................. W/18 .............. Noachis ................................... E/7 Protei ..................................... SEI13 ............. Sabaeus to Icarium ....................... WSWj27 .......... Chryse .................................... SW/15* ........... Hellas to Ausonia ......................... W-I77 .............. Noachis to Hellos. ........................ W148 .............. Argyre .................................... WIlG .............. Argyre .................................... E/l4 .............. Argyre .................................... El10 ............... Deucalionis R ............................. WI38 .............. Sahaeus S. to Areyre ...................... NE155 ............ Hcllas to Eridania ........................ W/85 .............. P haethontis ............................... W/5 ............... Phaethontis to Icaria ...................... W133.- ............ Aeolis to Elysium ......................... SEI30 ............. Yaonis to Hellas .......................... SI5 ................ Hellas ..................................... W/8 ............... Syrtis Major to Isidis ..................... W(6 ............... ............... the writer, based on reported cloud positions, cxcept where average direction and s p e d were given in the reference. ‘Identified as a case of cloud motion by the present writer. tdudged by the writer B doubtful cloud motion case because of limitations of the Q Reference. observed data. superimposed on an cvcn more extensive bright colored background, which is usually refcrred to as "desert". In fact the available evidence, chicfly Dollfus’ [7] polarization studies, indicates that thesc dcscrt areas are composed ol‘ fincly divided mineral material, possibly limonite. The occasional obscuration oE surface details by what must be dust storms, and thc gencral kick of moisture on thc planet, iilso support the desert hypothesis. Taking all the evidence, both direct and indirect, into account, it is reasonable to suppose that the Marf,itin deserts are in fact broad expanses of finely divided mineral inaterial that might as well bc called said (although its composition may differ from the terrestrial variety). This RiIartian sand must have been produced by vtLrious weathering processes, just as is the terrestrial kind, except thiit tlie action of flowing water I I ~S not been involved to any extent, at least recently. Without attempting t o speculate about the details, it seenis also fair to twunie that these weathering processes shoulcl produce :L rilngc of sizes of sand grains. According to Bagiiolcl [3], in- diviclual grains of sand lying on tlie ground are acted upon by two forces. The wind blowing over them escrts a drag force which is proportiorid to the cross-scctionnl area of the grain, and to tho square of tlie “friction velocity”, ?I*, which is a cliaracteristic velocit,y assocititecl with the turbulent air flow, of llie form Ppv2d2; p is sir density, d is the particle diameter, and P is sonic constant. The tendency of this ixir drag force to tuiiible the grains is opposed by n verticiil force, the resultiirit of gravitation and buoyancy, equd to *Conclusions similar in many respects to rcsults of this scetion werc also rcadicd (iiidc- pentlcntly) In the very interesting study by J. A. Ryan “Notes on the Maitian Ycllow Clouds, Part I (Prchmmary Copy)”, Enginccring Paprr No. 1990, Douglas Airu‘alt Co , Santa Monica, Callf., 1964, 24 pp. (rnimco.) 438 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW - v* u(z)=-ln (z/z,) k Vol. 92, No. 10 where g is the gravitational acceleration and u is sand density. When the moments associrhed with these forces are just equal, a threshold value of v* is defined that is just sufficient to cause sand grains of diameter d to move. Equating the moments, it develops that where z is height above ground, zo is a measure of' the sur- face roughness, and k=0.4 is von Karman's universal constant. This will amount to winds of 1 or 2 m. set.-' at heights of a meter. For higher wind speeds, larger sand grains begin to move, up to an ultimate value deter- mined by the size ol the largest grains prcscnt. Sand grains become airborne and progress downwind in bounc- ing trajectories, a process known as "saltation". As .*=A[(?) yd]" (1) where A, a constant, involves in addition to constants already introduced, the (approximately constant) angle between the vertical and the line joining adjacent grain centers, because the nionients depend on this angle. Now it is known from careful experimentation that the plienonienon of turbulent clrag on sand grains is associated with a threshold value of the Reynolds number, Re, equal to about 3.5. For snialler values, vortex shedding stops and the flow around individual grains is laminar. Thus we can also mite Re =v,d/v = 3.5, (2 ) where v is the air's kineinntic viscosity. Combining equations (1) and (2 ) we find a threshold sand grain diameter, d*, the snidest for which movement occurs : (3) p being negligible coniparecl with U. The dynamic viscosity, p=pv, depends only slightly on pressure and temperature and so it follows, using sub- scripts M for Mars and E for Earth, that, very closely, (4) Martian gravitation is about 40 percent of Earth's; the exact value of the Martian surface pressure is at the moment subject to some debate, but it probably lies between 1 and 10 percent of Earth's. Consequently we find from equation (4) that the critical diameter for sand motion on Mars is between 3 and 7 times larger than on Earth. From equation (1) it also follows that (5) from which it can be concluded that the critical friction velocity for sand movement on Mars is between approxi- iniitely 3 and 15 times that on Earth. At the Earth's surface the threshold diameter for sand grain motion is about 0.1 mm., corresponding to a value of V~ of about 15 cm. see.-' The corresponding wind speed for sand motion, ii,(z), is given by Prandtl's well known logarithmic velocity profile law, descending grains hit and rebound, sometimes dislodging others, more and more sand grains become involved in the motion up to a fixed quantity, governed by the capacity of the sand to absorb momentum from the air. This amount naturitlly depends on wind speed, and the quan- tity of sand driven by a given wind can be calculated. I t seems likely that thc yellow clouds of table 1, which obscure the surface fcaturcs of Mars, are initiated by the process just described. The wind speeds required to initiate sand motion on RIiirs, even if according to equa- tion (5) they are considerably greater than on Earth, are comparable with the drift velocities of the yellow clouds of table 1, which avcragc 1 s mi. hr.-l (8 m. sec.-l>. To show this we conclude first, from equation (6) that (7) Over a desert the roughness length, z,, is a measure of the size of the sand grains that make up the desert surface. On Earth a representative value of the roughness length over a level desert is 0.03 cm., according to Pasquill 1211. By equation (4) we might estimate that on Mars a cor- responding value would be 0.3 cm. Assuming further that the driving sand motion takes place very near the surface, at or below itbout z =I m., (this is what happens on Earth) we find that Thus, corresponding to ratios of v*,,Ju*~ of 3 to 15, we find that iiM/iiE equals about 2 to 10. The critical values of ii for sand motion on Earth being about 1 or 2 m. set.-' a t z =l m., the observed average Martian yellow cloud drift of S to 10 In. set.-' could certainly correspond to the velocity of low-level, wind-driven sand. The initiation of sand motion within a few meters of the Martian surface involves particles having diameters somewhat Iarger than on Earth, perhaps 0.5 to 1 mm., according to equation (4). This will be accompanied, of course, by the raising of finer grains of dust to much greater elevations. Dust will remain suspended in an atmosphere for long periods when its settling speed is smaller than the vertical wind fluctuations due to turbu- lence. The actual numerical values suggested in the above analysis are somewhat tentative, but there appears October 1964 F. A. Gifford, Jr. 439 240°-%90 .............................................. 250'-259'. ............................................................. Z1X~-269~. ............................................. 270°-2790.. ............................................................ 280°-289'. 2900-2990 .............................................. ............................................. to be little reason to suspect the general nature of the Thus we can formulate a picture of the Martian yellow TABLE 3.--Frequency of average seasonal surface tenaperature of the place of origin of moving clouds results apart from the possibility of minor adjustments. clouds as being composed of wind-driven sand grains Temperature (O K .) _____ 6 10 30 12 10 40 37 10 44 ................ moving by saltation within a few meters of the Martian surface, accompanied by an overlying dust cloud, of much smaller particles, extending, perhaps, to many thousands of meters. The composition of the Martian limb and terminator projections of table 2 must be much different from this. It seems probable that these clouds are, in part, aqueous condensations. Since they are reported to extend to very great elevations, over 50 km. a t times, and have on occasion been observed as completely detached from the Martian surface, they are evidently quite different in nature from the low-lying yellow clouds. Original latitude (N or S) 6. LOCATION OF MOVING CLOUDS Yellow clouds Projections (percent) (percent) In table 3 the frequency of origin of the moving clouds is presented as a function of surface temperature a t the location of their origin, as determined from tables 1 and 2, and the temperature values presented by Gifford [12]. There seems to be a preference for the low-level yellow clouds to originate in regions of higher surface temperature than do the projections. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the former are desert sand and dust storms. On the other hand it is also true that tlie warm regions are in general the ones most easily observed from the earth. In table 4, the frequency of occurrence of the moving cloud origins is given as a function of latitude; and in table 5 the same information for the terminal position of the moving clouds appears. These tabulations indicate clearly that the projections are mid-latitude phenomena, whereas the yellow clouds are primarily found in lower Martian latitudes. Summarizing these positional aspects, we can conclude that the moving yellow clouds tend to form in low lati- tudes; near the thermal equator. The projections, on the other hand, occur primarily in the middle latitudes and their motion does not show any clear latitudinal component. - >IN0 .................................................. 500-590. ............................................................... 4Oo49O ................................................ 3O0-3Yo ................................................ 200-290--.. ............................................ 10~-190 ................................................ ............................................. 00- YO..- 7. MOVING CLOUDS AND MARTIAN CIRCULATION PATTERNS Hess [14] showed a possible streamline map of Mars based on cloud mo\-ements determined from projection observations, for the southern hemisphere summer. The projection data of table 2 extend the observational material to all other Martian seasons, but there are too few cases in each season to permit an attempt to draw maps similar to Hess's. The yellow cloud motions of table 1 exhibit a tendency that msty well be related to a Martian circulation pattern; namely they tend, generally speaking, to drift equator- word, or a t least toward the position of the thermal equator. If the yellow clouds are analogous to terrestrial G 5 6 65 19 5 6 ................ 31 25 31 ................ ................ _______ (16 cases) (20 cases) Final latitude (N or S) Ycllow clouds Projections (percent) (pcrccnt) >so? ................................................. 50'-59'. ............................................................... 40'49'..-.- ........................................... 30'-39'. ............................................... 20"~29 O.. .............................................. 10~-190 ................................................ - ................................................ 00- 90 G 5 5 12 50 25 10 31 10 19 15 6 5 (16 cascs) (20 cilses) _ _____ cyclonic storms, this behavior presents a curious problem since terrestrial low-latitude cyclones tend to move pole- ward. Two possible alternative explanations have sug- gested themselves. Perhaps the yellow clouds tire associated with polar outbreaks, similar to "northers". This would explain their direction of motion witl-iiii the framework of a terrestrial analogy. On the other hand the following ideas mxy apply. While this report was being written, the important Mars studies by Miyamoto [IS] were received. In these he identifies four drifts observed since 1956. One is a yellow cloud that appeared over the Neith-Casius regions, moving to Elysium, around December 10, 1962 (planeto- centric solar longitude equals 21 ") , which exhibited a. drift from the west quite like that of the 1961 example of table 1. A second yellow cloud drift is reported as having occurred between January 29 :Lnd February 7, 1963, from Noachis and Sabaeus Sinus across the equator to the Aeria-Neith regions, from a southwesterly direction. At approximately this time a large, persistent, bright cloud appeared over the Tempe-Arcadia-Propontis regions. 440 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW Vol. 92, No. 10 This complex formation developed from the east according to Miyamoto, as judged by its position a t the successive appetwances of these longitudes until April. The fourth cloud is the well known great storm of 1956. The general development, during August to September 1956, of this tremendous, planet-wide disturbance has also been widely interpreted as progressing from east to west, although in table 1 the present writer has indicated that individual yellow clouds or storms forming part of this development moved from the west, following the argument by Heintz [13], who based his conclusions as nearly as possible on day-to-day observations. There may in fact be no s e a t inconsistency between these viewpoints. The motions of individual storm systems lasting for a few days need not necessarily be the same as the general development of a hemispheric disturbance that persists for over a month, even though the two may be dynamically related. Miyamoto has suggested that such storms as these two great disturbances may be related to the breakdown of a symmetric regime of the general circulation of Mars into a wave regime, as predicted theoretically by Mintz [17]. Gifford [Ill pointed out that the yellow clouds, such as those documented in table 1, are generally speaking too small to be related to large-scale baroclinic wave in- stability. Their generally equatorward drift may imply that they are steered by the tropical portion of a sym- metric general circulation cell. On the other hand both the 1956 storm and the great Tempe-Arcadia development of 1963 are large enough to correspond to the dominant wave number on Mars, which was calculated by h4intz to equal 3. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am very grateful t o the Lowell Observatory for providing quarters and making their invaluable library facilities availablc to me during thc litcraturc search reported hcre, and for the help and cncouragemcnt provided by members of the staff there. Like- wise I wish t o express appreciation t o the Jet Propulsion Labora- tory for supporting, and to the U.S. Weather Bureau for granting me leave from my duties during this work. REFERENCES 1. E. M. Antoniadi, L a plankte Mars, 1659-1929, Hermann et Cie., 2. D. 1’. Avigliano, “hfars, 1954,” The Strolling Astronomer, vol. 8, 3. R. A. Bagnold, The Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes, Methuen, London, 1954, 265 pp. 4. W. W. Campbell, “Notices of the Lick Observatory,” Publica- tions, Astronomical Society of the Pacijic, vol. 2, No. 10, 1890, Paris, 1930, 239 pp. NOS. 9-10, Scpt.-Oct. 1954, p. 109. pp. 248-249. 5. W. W. Campbell, “Notices of the Lick Observatory,” Publica- tions, Astronomical Society of the Pacijic, vol. 6, No. 35, 1894, 6. G. de Vaucouleurs, Physics of the planet Mars, Faber and Faber, London, 1954, 365 pp. 7. A. Dollfus, “Polarization Studies of Planets,” pp. 343-399 in The Solar System, vol. 3, Planets and Satellites, G. P. Kuiper and B. M. Middlehurst (cds.), University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1961 (see p. 386). pp. 104112. 8. A. E. Douglass, Annals of Lowell Observatory, vol. 1. 9. A. E. Douglass, “A Cloud-Like Spot on the Terminator of Mars,” Astrophysical .lournal, vol. 1, No. 2, Feb. 1895, pp. 10. C. Flammarion, L a plankte Mars, Gauthier-Villars et Cie., Paris, 1909. 11. F. Gifford, “The Problem of the Martian Yellow Clouds,” Monthly Weather Review, vol. 91, Nos. 10-12, 0ct.-Dcc. 12. F. Gifford, “The Surface-Temperature Climate of Mars,” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 123, No. 1, Jan. 1956, pp. 154-161. 13. W. D. I-Ieintz, “On the Martian Yellow Cloud in 1956,” The Observatory, vol. 78, 1958, pp. 203-204. 14. S. L. Hess, “Some Aspects of the Meteorology of Mars,” Journal of Meteorology, vol. 7 , No. 1, Feb. 1950, pp. 1-13. 15. P. Lowell, Drawings of Mars, 1905, Lowell Observatory, 1906. 16. P. Lowell, Mars and i t s Canals, Macmillan Co., New York, 17. Y. Mintz, “The General Circulation of Planetary Atmos- phcres,” pp. 107-146 in The Atmospheres of Mars and Venus, Report of t h e Space Science Board, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Publication 944, Wash- ington, 1961. 18. S. Miyamoto, “Meteorological Obscrvations of Mars During the 1962-63 Opposition, and Observational Study on the General Circulation of Mars,” Contribution Nos. 124 and 125, Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto. (See also referencc number 19 below.) 19. S. RIiyamoto and Y. Nakai, “Meteorological Obscrvations of Mars During 1960-61 Opposition,” Contribution No. 105, Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto, 1961, 49 pp. 20. Observatoires Jarry-Desloges, Observations das Surface Plank- taires, vols. 1 t o 10 (for the apparitions of 1907 t o 1941), Gauthier-Villars et Cie., Paris, various dates, 1908 to 1946. 21. F. Pasquill, Atmospheric Diffmion, D. Van Nostrand, London, 1962, 297 pp. 22. E. Pettit and R. S. Richardson, “Observations of Mars Made at Mount Wilson in 1954,” Report of the International Mars Committee, Lowcll Observatory, 1955, 113 pp. (also in Publications, Astronomical Society of the Pacijic, vol. 67, No. 395, Apr. 1955, pp. 62-73). 23. W. H. Pickcring, Mars Reports, Nos. 1 td 44, Popular Astron- omy, vols. 22-38, 1914-1930. 24. E. C. Slipher, Mars, the Photographic Story, Sky Publishing Co., Carnbridgc, Mass., 1962, 168 pp. 127-130. 1963, pp. 610-612. 1911,393 pp. [Received A p r i l 10, 1964; revised July 2, 196.4]