NEWS July 26, 1995 LINDA DUBROOF NAMED DIRECTOR OF FCC'S DISABILITIES ISSUES TASK FORCE Chairman Reed E. Hundt announced today the appointment of Linda Dubroof, Deputy Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau's Domestic Facilities Division, as the Director of the FCC's Disabilities Issues Task Force. He said, "As director, Linda will bring the same vigor to disabilities issues in all areas of telecommunications that she brings to telephone issues." Hundt said, "The Task Force is one of the FCC's most important tools in ensuring that our country does not become a nation of information haves and have-nots as we enter the next century." Linda has been working on issues affecting people with hearing and speech disabilities for five years. She recently received an award from the Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc., for her work in establishing nationwide TRS. Chairman Hundt made the announcement at an event kicking-off an FCC campaign to increase public awareness of Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS). TRS permit persons with hearing and speech disabilities who use text telephones to communicate with persons using regular telephones and vice versa. The Disabilities Issues Task Force is made up of employees from all of the FCC's operating bureaus and offices. Chairman Hundt is the "Disabilities Issues Commissioner" and oversees the Task Force's work. The Task Force was established last March to monitor developments in all fields regulated by the FCC, ensuring that new technologies are available to the broadest range of Americans, including the millions of people with disabilities. Linda Dubroof can be reached via the internet at - FCC -