8 A SUPPOSED BEAR IN THE CABIN. instant rush was making, when the always good and musical sound of the captain's voice was recognized. " Why ! you don't think I'm a grizly bear, do you ?" The good fellow ! he didn't intend to frighten anybody. He had just raised the hatch and came down to get a little breath and a " drop to drink." He is as unlike to a grizly bear as any one else in the world, both in looks and in disposition; but he happened to have on for the occasion a black oil-cloth hood or cap, which was tied under the chin; and a jacket covered with long fur on the outside, making his figure (which was of goodly size, and which just filled the gangway), with a little of the lively imagination belonging to such moments, look the counterpart of a grizly bear. " Where's Catlin ?" said he ; " damn the bears ! ' " Are they out ?" cried the passengers all together. " Out ?—yes ; they have eaten one man already, and another was knocked overboard with a handspike ; he was mistaken for one of the bears. We are all in a mess on deck—it's so dark we can't see each other— the men are all aloft in the rigging. Steward ! give me a glass of brandy-and-water—the ship must be managed, and I must go on deck. Keep close below here, and keep the hatches down, for the bruins are sick of the scene, and pawing about for a burrow in the ground, and will have the hatches up in a moment if you don't look to them. Where's Catlin?" " We don't know," was the reply from many mouths ; " he is not in the cabin." "Will, here, Misther Captain, yer honour, I'll till ye," said a poor fellow, who in the general fright and flight had tumbled himself by accident into the cabin, and observed sullen silence until the present moment ; " I'll jist till ye—I saw Misther Cathlin (I sippose he's the jintleman that owns the bastes) and his mon Dan (for I've known Dan for these many a long year in ould Amiriky, and I now he has chargin o' the bears on board) ; I saw the two, God bliss them, when the bastes was about gettin their hinder parts out of the cage, stannin on the side jisth before 'em, Misther Cathlin with his double-barrel gun, and his mon Dan pointin at 'em in the face, -