APRIL, 1904 166 MONTHLY WEATEER REVIEW. STUDIES ON THE CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERES OF THE SUN AND OF THE EARTH. By Prof. FRANK H. BIGELOW. V.-RESULTS OF THE NEPHOSCOPE OBSERVATIONS IN THE WEST INDIES DURING THE TEARS 1899-1903. METEODS OF OBSERVATION AND REDUCTION. The observers of the United States Weather Bureau OCCII- pied eleven stations in the West Indies during the years 1899- 1903, and the opportunity was utilized to make a survey of the motions of the atmosphere in that region of the Tropics by means of nephoscopes. The instruments were of the Marvin pattern, and the metliocl of observation, to obtain the aziniuth and velocity of motion, was identical with that described in t8he Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau, 1S9S-99, T’ol. 11, chapter 3. The reduc- tions were, however, carried out more perfectly than in any previous research of the kind in the following manner: (1) The three readings at each observation were reduced to a mean azimuth and velocity, for entry on the coinputing sheets. (3) Each vector V, q was separated into its rectangular conipon- ents, + S, + E, where S is positive southward on the meridian, and E is positive eastward on the parallel of latitude. (3) The algebraic sum of each set of components was then taken from month to month. a d the groups for corresponding months during the years 1699-1903 combined. (4) These sums were divided by the number of observations to obtain the mean velocity component per observation. The observations were taken for two years in the afternoon hours, and for the other two years in the forenoon hours, so that the diurnal variation was practically eliminated by putting the entire data for each of the twelve months in a single summation. (5 ) These mean ordinates were plotted month by month for the nine cloud levels, and average curves mere drawn through them. I n spite of the fact that the number of observations is large, when taken as a whole, yet, when subdivided among so many strata, there is more scattering of the orcliiiate points in certain levels than is desirable. The average curves approxi- mate the normal components which would be derived from a very much more extensive series of Observations. The full report will contain the observed ordinates and those obtained by graphical adjustment. (G ) The resultant polar coordinates 1; ~p were then computed from the rectangular coordinates. Up to this point the numerical data hac1 been carried forward in the number of millimeters passed over in twenty-five sec- onds on the scale of the nephoscope. (7) These numbers were now reduced to velocities in meters per second, by multiply- ing them by the factor 6 H, where His the adopted height of the cloucl stratum. The values of H were adopted from the Washington cloud heights, after considering the heights ob- tained a t Manila during the same cloud year, 1696-97. These velocities and azimuths were transferred to charts, drawu to the scale, 1 millimeter = 1 meter per second. I n preparing these charts for publication in the MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW, the original scale has been reduced to 0.6 niilliineter = 1 meter per second, as shown by the “velocity scale in meters per second” a t the bottom of each chart of the sets Chart SI1 and S I I I , the scale of Chart SIV being unchanged. CHARTS OF THE RESULTING VELOCITIES AND DIRECTIONS OF MOTION FOR THE WEST INDIES. The vectors ( ?< p) have been plotted for each station, so that the mutual relations of the resulting motions can be properly compared and studied. There are several remarks to be made about the observations themselves. A t Willemstad the ob- servers hare frequently misnamed the r i t n i tilira clouds as C U M ulo- stratrrs. This becomes apparent on plotting the vectorb. The angles are correct, but the length of the arrows is too great. I have accordingly interpreted the values of TT, and P under strato-cumulus as belonging to the cumulus level, and have used the reduction factor 0.5 instead of 0.9 in drawing the charts. At Bridgetown the vector systems of the alto-stratus and t,he cirro-cumulus levels have apparently been interchanged. As they now stand a t Bridgetown they are inconsistent with the flow of air as determined a t Basseterre, Roseau, Port of Spain, and Willemstad; but if they are transposed, then there is harmony. The observation sheets indicate that the ob- servers hare an unusually large number of cirro-cumulus en- tries and comparatively few alto-stratus, so that apparently they were accustomed to name many alto-stratus c l o d s as cirro-cumulus clouds. It is not easy to secure identical esti- mates of cloud forms a t so many independent stations as we have used, and these fern instances of apparent discrepancies are gratifying evidence of the general excellence of the results in other respects. On comparing the charts here presented with those pub- lished by Prof. H. H. Hildebrandsson for the international committee, it appe,ars that he has computed only the angle of the azimuth of motion without the velocity, and that the same fieliematic velocity is entered throughout the year. Apparently the actual velocities have not been computed for that report a t any station. The importance of having the velocity as well as the direction of motion is e&~ent, and this is emphasized by esainining the great variations between the summer and the minter velocities and between those at the different cloud leiels of each stsation of the West Indies. Comparing the Hildebrandsson and the Bigelom results for Havana (Plate VII, International Report), with fig. 22, Chart SI1 A, the azi- muth directions are not in agreement in the autumn; com- paring those for the llntilles (Plate 111, International Report), with figs. 28, 29, 30, Charts S I I B , and S I I C , Basseterre, Roseau, and Bridgetown, the legend ‘‘ Nuages superieurs ” should apparently be changed to ‘‘ Nuages intermediaries” or “ Nuages inferieurs.” The vectors of the West Indian stations have been plotted in three forms: The first, Charts SI1 A, SI1 B, SI1 C, figs. 23 to 33, wherein the vectors of the same month throughout the nine levels terminate on the same vertical line; the second, Charts SI11 A, SI11 B, SI11 C, figs, 33 to 43, wherein the vec- tors for June terminate on the same vertical line ancl the ot,hers in succession, so as to form a continuous broken line; the third, Charts S I V A, S I V B, S I V C‘, figs. 44 to 61, showing ap- proximate normal vectors for winter and summer. The first en:tbles us to study the nioveuents simultaneously occurring in a given month from the surface wind to the cirrus level, and from this many important conclusions can be drawn. The second makes more distinct the general course of the move- ment in the several strata throughout the year, and especially the nature of the currents that depend upon the forces producing the westward drift of the lower levels and the eastward drift of the upper levels, together with the tran- sition levels between them. The third system of charts is a composite of the mean winter and the mean summer systems, respectively, some of the minor irregularities being rectified in the adopted vectors. January and February con- stitute the middle of the winter group, while July and Au- gust are a t the miclclle of the summer group. I n adopting these vectors regard \vas hac1 to the most probable balanced system which is indicated by the entire set of vectors. If the reader has doubts as to the accuracy of these final results, the original material of the third set of charts is to be found in the first and second sets, or in tables from which all the charts have been plotted, which will appear in the full report. Nu- merous studies in the dynamic meteorology of the Tropics are now practicable for the first time, but as it will require- much careful labor to execute them, only some general re- marks are required in this place. APRIL, 1904. MONTHLY WEATHER REKIEW. 167 THE ARCH SPANNINCi THE TROPICS, WHICH DIVIDES THE EASTWARD DRIFT FROM THE WESTWARD DRIFT OF THE GENERAL CIRCULATION. The general theory of the circulation of the atmosphere shows that in the teinperete zones of the Northern and the Southern hemispheres there is a strong prevniling eartmsrd coin- ponent producing :tu eastward drift, while in the Tropics there is a prevailing westward component canring a westward drift. The tropical westward drift is, however, limited in altitucle, and a t a certain elevation the drift reverses from a westward to an eastward direction. The position of the curve which separates the eastrvarcl from the westward elrift, varies with the 'ieason of the year. When the stin is far to the south ancl the northern winter prevails, the arched curve must be skewetl to tlie sontli, and when the siin is far to the north nuel tho northern suiii- iiier prernils the arc11 ib sliewetl towarc1 the north. This is on the assuiliption that tlie foot of tlienroli rests on iienrly the snnie latitude in winter niill huiuiiier a t aiip given region of tlie earth. The high pressure belt, which fixes tlie positicin of the arch on the surface of the enrtli, f u r the enstern p r t i o u of the United States lie8 soiiirJwhere lwtneen +3U" an(1 +85" north latitucle, and crosses the ltlnntic coast at :tl,ont Floridla and South C:trolin:t. I t is de\ir;Lble to cleteriniiie fro111 our 01)- servations itr exact lvc:ztion, but ar this is of sulJorclinate iiii- portance for our iininecliate purpose i t can be passecl over iii this coiinection. Further acconnt,s of t81ie iiintheninticd sig- nificance of the tropicd clihcontinuous surface Letween the prevailing eastmarc1 niicl consulting the full rrl)ort, aiid 111)- 1)aper iii tlie MIJNTHI.P WE~THER R E V I E ~, .Jniiuary, 1904. T'ol. SSSII, 1). 15. One special piirlrose o f the TT'eht I d i n n nephoscope survey for lfi!)!)-lL~o:? was to cleteruiiiie tlii.; surface of separation ill tlie higher levels, and its rnri:ttiou with the heitson of the )em. The velocities ancl direction (i f iiiotioii on either sicle of i t , nud the nunieroiis inetroro1o::ic~tl iiifereniw tlint c m i br c1r:i~vii from these coiiclitioiis, iiinile the work of iwiiiinry i1uIiort:ziic.e in the (lei elopiiieut of tlie tlynniiiics of the atiiiohpliere. The series of C'ltarts, SI1 A to XIV C ' , f i g h . 22 to G1. are iiow n\nil- alble for this purpohe. The twelve iiiontlis. i~.; o1)servetl. iiiny be tnlien in twci groups, of uliicli the winter grouli i:, ue ('11 //r ~ !(p /J f ' t ' strvfn. If the prevail- ing pressures and currents become intensified a t any time, the high-level cyclone is strengthened, and it then penetrates with its large vortex tube to the surface as a regular hurricane. The entire circulating structure is borne along northwestward in the prevailing drift of the lolwr levels till it recurves in the southeastern part of the United States. It is evident that the locality of the formation of the center of cyclonic motion may shift eastward and westward over the West Indian region, de- pending upon the state of the atmosphere a t the time, the posi- tion of the two great high pressure areas, and the conflicting currents in action. The normal type here produced is in reality made up of iiumeroufl fluctuations on either side of the mean. I n forecasting for hurricane conditions it becomes necessary to watch carefully the motions of the four upper cloud levels, in order to learn the practical signs foreshadow- ing such a hurricane condition. On Charts S I V B, S I V C, figs. 53 to 61, "Normal vectors for winter," the interest is of a clifl'erent character from tlmt explained in connection with the summer type. Here i t is the reversal from the westward drift of the lower strata to the eastwarcl drift of the upper strata. From the surface up to and inclucliug the strato-cumulus level the configuration is generally the same throughout the West Inclian region, Then the reversal vectors first set in a t the western stations, Havana, Cienfuegos, Santiago, in the alto-cuinulus and alto-stratus levels; tlie other stations become involved later in the higher cirro-cumulus, cirro-stratus, awl cirrus levels, where the regular antitrades prevail. The azimuths of the higher vectors show that the iiorthwarcl component nearly vanishes in the cirrus level over the eastern stations. It will be necessary for mete- orologihts to outline the eastern portions of the Atlantic high area in the levels up to 6 miles before executing conclusive discussions of the important dynamic probleins suggested by these vectors. THE MEASUREMENT AND UTILIZATION OF FOG. RJ P ~R < 1 Lb,sh &f i l l , d .i t 4 r o d I.*min TItmr\ta a11, hnu Iurgai, Cnl., A p l 12, 1 9 ~. Seein:: that the lJrer&lenCe of fog here in the early summer is a very great help to vegetation, but that only a very small part of this gets into the rain gage, i t seems a pity that our climate does not get the credit of this moisture in the preci- pitation records. Why should not an instrument be made, to imitate, to some extent a t least, the action of the leaves and twigs of trees, and arrest the passing fog particles and make them render an account of themselves in the measuring tube ? I would suggest a wire framework of the same area as the rain gage. and say one font high niid made to fit on the rain gage. This wire-work cylinder to be crossed and recrossed with some durable filaments (e. g. horsehair) dividing up the cubic content into cubes of one-half an inch or less. From a day of drifting fog I am convinced a great deal of mater woulcl be intercepted and deposited in the measuring tnbe. Perhaps i t might not answer to make the fog depositor a pernianent extension of the rain gage, as it might interfere with its function as a ineasurer of legitimate rainfall. I n this case perhaps i t might form a separate instrument and its data 1)e entered in a coluinn by themselves. A simple cyliiicler of very fine meshed wire gage of the same diaiiieter as the rain gage to fit on the top might he better than the horsehair-ixossed space, because I iniagiue that this would not interfere a t all with its functions as a rain gage pure ancl siiuple. If such fog depositors were used thronghout the country the comparison of the returns woulcl be interesting, and this much abused arid section " so called, would make ,z very re- spectnble showing of fog deposit that wonlcl level up to an appreciable degree its total precipitation to that of tlistricts with a larger rainfall. It must occur to everyone who reads t.he above article that