<< GX06101 >> (Rev, &~11 Suer~O~ne ~o T~tiiy’~sforw Gc~ni Jwy FOR TIlE DL$TRICT OF COLU~IBTA TO: Office of the Vice President The White Rouse 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Ig.w. SUBPOENA TO TESTiFY ATTN~ Mr. David Addington BEFORIE GRAND JURY Counsel to the Vice President 51JBPOENA FOR: EPERSON DOCUMENTIS) OF~ OBJECTr3~ YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANOED to app~ar and testily before the (~and Jury of tt~e United States District C&’.~rr at the place, date, and time specified below, Cr~URT~OOM- ZTnlted States District. ~ourtho~u.se Grand Jury 03-3 r ________________ 3 an.ci Co~stit~tion Avexiu~ • NW WasLttigton.~ . DC 20001 January 30~ 2004 YOU AREALSO COMMANOED to bring with you the following docurnentf si or object(sh 1. Any and all records of telephone calls made to and from Air Force Two onJuly 12, 2003. 2. Any and all records of telephone calls made to and from the government vehicles in which ‘members of the. staff of. the Office of the Vice President traveled from Andrews Air Force Base on. July 12, 2003. GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 1611 O Pfeeae se~ addlfzoaai Intojvnarjan an revers& (ID) I This subpoena a “ n in elfect until you are granted 1ea~e to depart by the court or by’ an office” acting on benaif of the ecu i.3~tT I~O u.s MAG71~AT)! ecU DAre Nancy&t. ~r-W4 _______ -~ . January 22, 2004 A?dO ~1ONC NUh45E3~3 OFASS;5ThNTu2.ATZtrnNEY This auripoen ~ p R5naldRoos af.tIie United ~ Deputy Special Counsel U.S. Department of Justice Washington, D.C. 20005