PPPL Reports by Title and Author

The following is a list of PPPL Reports arranged in reverse chronological order. Links to the corresponding abstract and full text versions (in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat formats) are included. Please read PPPL Reports Disclaimer before proceeding.

PPPL-3242, Preprint: March 1997
TSC Simulation of Feedback Stabilization of Axisymmetric Modes in Tokamaks using Driven Halo Currents
Authors: S.C. Jardin and J.A. Schmidt
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3241, Preprint: March 1997
Testing the p* scaling of thermal transport models: predicted and measured temperatures in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor dimensionless scaling experiments
Authors: D.R. Mikkelsen, S.D. Scott, W. Dorland
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3240, Preprint: March 1997
Deuterium-Tritium Simulations of the Enhanced Reversed Shear Mode in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Authors: D.R. Mikkelsen, J. Manickam, S.D. Scott, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3239, Preprint: March 1997
Calculations of alpha particle loss for reversed magnetic shear in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Authors: M.H. Redi, R.B. White, S. Batha, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3238, Preprint: February 1997
The Role of the Neutral Beam Fueling Profile in the Performance of the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor and other Tokamak Plasmas
Authors: H.K. Park, S.A. Sabbagh, S. Batha, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3237, Preprint: February 1997
Local Transport Barrier Formation and Relaxation in Revers-Shear Plasmas on the TFTR Tokamak
Authors: E.J. Synakowski, S.H. Batha, M.A. Beer, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3236, Preprint: February 1997 (Contact Author or mhondorp@pppl.gov for figures)
Study of Driven Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma
Authors: M. Yamada, H. Ji, S. Hsu, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3235, Preprint: February 1997 (Contact Author or mhondorp@pppl.gov for figures)
Identification of Y-Shaped and O-Shaped Diffusion Regions during Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma
Authors: M. Yamada, H. Ji, S. Hsu, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3234, Preprint: February 1997
Results from Deuterium-Tritium Tokamak Confinement Experiments
Authors: R.J. Hawryluk
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3233, Preprint: February 1997
The Roles of Electric Field Shear and Shafranov Shift in Sustaining High Confinement in Enhanced Reversed Shear Plasmas on the TFTR Tokamak
Authors: E.J. Synakowski, S.H. Batha, M.A. Beer, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3232, Preprint: February 1997
Kinetic AlfvŽn Waves and Plasma Transport at the Magnetopause
Authors: J.R. Johnson and C.Z. Cheng
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3231, Preprint: February 1997
Alpha-Driven Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and MHD-Induced Alpha Loss in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Authors: Z. Chang, R. Nazikian, G.-Y. Fu, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3230, Preprint: February 1997
Deuterium-Tritium Plasmas in Novel Regimes in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Authors: M.G. Bell, S. Batha, M. Beer, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3229, Preprint: February 1997
An Assessment of Neoclassical Transport in MHH2
Authors: H.E. Mynick
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3228, Preprint: January 1997
Scaling of Confinement with Isotopic Content in Deuterium and Tritium Plasmas
Authors: C.K. Phillips, S.D. Scott, M. Bell, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3227, Preprint: January 1997
Measurement of the Hot Electrical Conductivity in the PBX-M Tokamak
Authors: G. Giruzzi, E. Barbato, S. Bernabei, and A. Cardinali
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3226, Preprint: January 1997
Local tests of parallel electrical resistivity in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Authors: S.H. Batha, F.M. Levinton, A.T. Ramsey, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3225, Preprint: January 1997
Investigation of the Effect of Resistive MHD Modes on Spherical Torus Performance in CDX-U
Authors: M. Ono, D. Stutman, Y.S. Hwang, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3224, Preprint: January 1997
Plasma Transport Control and Self-Sustaining Fusion Reactor
Authors: M. Ono, R. Bell, W. Choe, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3223, Preprint: January 1997
Recent Progress in Linear and Nonlinear Studies of Toroidal Alfven Eigenmode
Authors: G.Y. Fu, Y. Chen, R. Budny, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3222, Preprint: January 1997 (Contact Author or mhondorp@pppl.gov for figures)
The Conducting Shell Stellarator: A Simple Means for Producing Complicated Fields
Authors: G.V. Sheffield
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.
PPPL-3221, Preprint: January 1997
DEGAS 2 Neutral Transport Modeling of High Density, Low Temperature Plasmas
Authors: D.P. Stotler, A. Yu. Pigarov, C.F.F. Karney, et al.
Links to abstract, pdf and postscript files.

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