bEOEYBER, 1911. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 1805 CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA FOR DECEMBEIZ, 191 1. DISTRICT No. 2, SOUTH ATLANTIC ,4KD EAST GULF STATES. CHARLES F. VON HERRMANN, District Editor. GENERAL SUMMARY. On account of its mild character, the teniperaturc averaging nearly 4' above tlie normal lor the district at large, December may be considered a fitting clifiiax to an unusually warm year, only two montlis of 1911 showing deficiencies in mean temperature. The period of cold weather that began near the close of November continued during the first week of December and gave the lowest temperatures for the month at many places in the Gulf States on the lst, with frosts and freezing teniperatuws as far south as tlie interior of central Florida. Other periods of nioderately colcl weather extended from the 17th to Wd and 2Sth to 29tli, but the deficiencies in tem- perature on these dates were uite offset by the unusual warmth that prevailed from t x e 7th to 16th ancl 23d t o 37th, during which the daily excess in temperature at most places exceeded 10' to 15O, and maximum tempera- tures above 80' were registered in all portions of the dis- trict, except in the Mississippi and Virginia areas. In North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia the month was the warmest December during the past 30 yezrs, excepting only December, 1889; in Florida, only Deceni- ber, 1891, was warmer. With respect to precipitation the month may be divided into two distinct parts. The first two weekswerevery dry, and the clear skies and moderate temperatures that pre- vailed made the first half of the month unusually pleasant, and favorable for outdoor work and agricultural interests. A period of heavy and general rains begnn, however, on the 14th and the remainder of the month was wet and gloomy, with only occasional glimpses of blue sky be- tween the lowering clouds. Roads became almost im- passable, and farm work came to a standstill. The lienvy rains during the latter half of the month caused rapid rises in the rivers in almost all portions of the district, and flood stages were exceeded at many places with some damage to bridges and other propert . The precipitation in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, the month y rain- fall exceeding 10 inches a t 28 stations in the States touch- ing the Gulf. The snowfall, however, WAS very small, appreciable amounts being recorded a t only two points, one in western Virginia and one in North Carolina. During the first half of the month the atmospheric pressure was generally high. On December 11. a moder- ate disturbance a eared over southwestern Texas whicli moved to the mi t;B le Gulf coast where it remained until the 15th, then passing rapidly northward to Ohio. A similar disturbance of somewhat greater force a peared moved directly northward west of the Mississippi River on the 20th, and is of special interest because it was ac- companied by a small secondary depression that caused a \ was above normal in all portions of t ry ie district, es iecially over southern Texas on the morning of the 1% g which severe wind and rain storm over Pensncola, Fla. At that place the barograph showed a sen-level pressure of 29.67 inches between 4 ancl 4.45 a. m. on the morning of the 2Otli, nud a heavy rainfall of 2.91 iiiclies in 20 hours occurred during the night. The wind rose to a gale, attaining a masinium 5-minute velocity of 80 miles an liour n t 4.35 a. ni. A tliird atmospheric depression appeared on the weat Golf coast on tlie morning of the Ed, wliicli nioved to southeastern Georgia on the 23d, acconipanied by general and hettvy rains in the Gulf States. The lowest atmosplieric pressure for the month was caused by the iiiurked dcpression thtit. appeared over llissouri on tlie 26th, which greatly increased in force as it moved to tlie St. Lawrence Yalley, tilid caused a ie3- sure of 29.54 inches a t Norfolk, Vn., 011 the 27th. $his storm was followed iniinedintelv bj- a m:trkcd area of high pressure giving the niaximurn for the month at nearly all stations on the 28th or 9 t h , with the Iiigliest, 30.60 inches, at Wilniington, N. C. TEMPERATURE. Tempernture changes in December were decidedly less pronounced than during November, there were no cold waves, and the unusually mild weather brought to mind the similar conditiolis that prevailed in 1589 and 1891. During the brief periods of nioderately cold weather the deficiencies in teniperature were small, while on the other hand during many days from the 7th to 16th and 23d to 27th daily mean temperatures a t most stations were from loo to 15' above t>lie normal. The State averages show a iienrly uniform excess in teniperttt,ure for the month of itbout 4O, except in Florida, where it exceeded 5'. The region of greatest departures comprises the central and northern portions of the Florida Peninsula, and the con- tiguous portions of southemtern Georgia, and the de- parture diminished from that vicinity to about +3' in portions of the Mississippi area and Virginia. The average temperature for the entire district was 50.8' and the departure + 3.9'. The highest State average was 63.3O for Florida and the lowest 43.2' for the Virginia areti. These means do not show the normal fall in tem- perature from November to December, since they are respectively but 2 O lower than the November means, while the change sliould liave been nearly 8'. Over moat of tlie district the local nionthly mean temperatures ranged between 45' and 55O, but they were, as usual, noticeitbly higher in Florid:i. The month opened with fine, clear, cold weather, and the tern erature remained slightly below normal during for the m0nt.h were registered on the 1st in all o the Gulf States and on the 5th in the northern portion of the district, ranging from 20' a t Mount Pleasant, Fla., to 12' P nearly a P 1 of the first week. The minimum tem eratures 1806 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. DECEMBER, 19 11 a t Mineral Bluff in northern Georgia. Frosts were fre- quent in north-central Florida and resulted in some minor damage to truck crops in the u per counties. The tem- perature rose rapicily on the 7t1, and a period of warm, leasant weather of nearly 10 days' duration followed. %e highest temperatures for the month occurred in most States on the 8th to 13th) ranging from 75O-to 85". After a brief cool spell the temperature again rose above normal from the 23cl to 27th) and a t many places in Florida, Mississip i, ancl Virginia the maximum temperature for the district was 89' on the 25th a t Avon Park, Fla. The lowest temperatures for the month in the north were reg- istered during the brief cold spell from the 27th to 29th) Hot Springs, Va., reporting 10' on the 29th. the mont PI occurred during this period. The highest for PRECIPITATION. Except in the western portion of the district and in Florida where light showers fell somewhat earlier in the month, the first two weeks were practically rainless, and precipitation received occurred almost entirely periods of general and heavy rains, extending from the 14th to 17th, 19th or 20th to 27th, and 30th to 31st. This portion of the month was characterized by gloomy weather with persistently overcast skies, the frequency of rainfall and soggy condition of the soil completely interrupting field work. The excessive moisture was in- jurious to fruits and vegetables in Florida, and in con- junction with the unusual warmth caused a rapid and suc- culent growth in orange trees. In most States the heavy rains caused moderate floods in many rivers, fortunately with only minor damage to property in most sections. The rainfall was excessive in nearly all portions of the district from the 19th to 23d, ancl in the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida heavy rains fell also about the 16th. The greatest 24-hour fall in Mississippi was 5.57 inches a t Biloxi on the 19th-20th; in Alabama, 4.51 inches a t Mobile on the 22d-23d; in Florida, 4.32 inches a t Pensti- cola on the 21st-22d) and in Georgia, 4.03 inches a t Albany on the 22d. The average rainfall for the clistrict for December was 5.90 inches and the departure +2.02 inches. The pre- cipitation was decidedly above normal in all portions, the departures ranging from +0.66 in North Carolina to +2.53 inches in Georgia, +2.21 in Alabama, and+4.74 in the Mississippi area. The average preci itation by inches for Mississippi. At a number of stations i t was the wettest December on record. The regions of maximum rainfall were in the northern portions of the Mississippi area and adjacent portions of Alabama, in southwestern Alabama, and in southwestern Georgia. The maximum amount was 14.31 inches a t Tupelo, Miss., followed by 13.09 inches a t Hamilton, Ala. The least rain fell over the southern peninsula of Florida, where two stations received less than 1 inch; least amount, 0.37 inch a t Fort Myers, Fla. The amount of snowfall was very small. Snow flurries or sleet occurred on the 4th in Virginin, on the 20th in North Carolina, and on the 27th in northern Georgia. Ap reciable amounts, unmelted, were measured only a t dt Springs, Va., 1 inch, and a t Marion, N. C., 0.8 inch. during the heaTl t e last half of the month. There were three States ranged from 4.15 inches for North Car0 P ina to 9.47 RIVER CONDITIONS. The rainfall for December was not heavy in Virginia, and the James River experienced no marked rise during the month. The Cape Fear and Roanoke Rivers in North Carolina maintained an average flow considerably above normal and experienced a rapid rise from the 23d to 34th) for which warnings were issued. The Roanoke attained a stage of 31.4 feet a t It'eldon (flood stage 30 feet) and the Ca )e Fear a t Fayetteville, 35 feet (flood stage 38 feet). hiring the last'decade of the month the rivers of South Carolinn exceeded flood stages a t many river stations. The Congaree a t Columbia, S. C., attained a crest stage of 19.2 feet a t 4 a. m. on the 24th (flood stage 15 feet). The loss to property in the Congaree watershed was small. The warnings resulted in the saving of consider- able property a t Columbia, where mercliandise was re- moved from warehouse floors liable to be fiootled a t stages of 16 feet. The saving in one instance amounted to over $20,000. The Wateree a t Camden, S. C., reached a stage of 31.3 feet on the 24th (flood stage 24 feet). There was some loss of corn and hay still stacked in the fields; much live stock was saved by being driven out of the lowlands near the lower course of the Wateree. The Pedee River also attained flood stages 011 the 24th) reaching a maxi- mum of 30.4 feet at Cliernw, s. C., nud remaining above the flood stage for two clays. The lower Pedee continued to rise until January 2. The Lynch River a t Effingham, S. C., was also in flood from the 28th to 30th. There was no destruction of property, and the loss resulting from enforced suspension of business was nominal. The warn- ings were distributed by mail, by telegraph and tele- phone, and enabled farmers to remove cnbtle and hogs to places of safety. The money value of tlie property saved is estimated at about $15,000. The Savannah River a t Augusta attained the highest stage since the remarkable flood of 1905. As no river stages that could possibly be dangerous to the cit expected, warnings were directed toward re ieving unnecessary apprehension; suitable warnings were sent to the farmers and lumbermen in tlie Savannah River bottoms below Augusta to enable them t o remove stock to places of safety and float timber out of the swamps. The forecast for highest stage a t Sav:tnnah was accurately verified, tlie river attaining a inasimuni of 31.5 feet from 2 to 3 a. in. on December 24. Heavy rains in Georgia continuecl over the basins of the Ocmulgee and Oconee Rivers from the 30th to the 24th) ancl by the 22d amounts had fallen sufficiently large to indicate a rise in both rivers to nearly flood stages. On the morning of the 23d the crest of the flood wave in the Ocmulgee passed Macon with a stage of 17.5 feet and in the Oconee with a stage of 23.3 feet a t Milledgeville. Warnin s were issued for the lower portions of both rivers, which were of much benefit to planters and lumbermen. In southwestern Georgia the heavy rains were confined to the lower courses of the catchment basins of the Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers. The warnings issued on the 22d indicated a general but not dangerous rise in the rivers to nearly flood stages a t Alaga, Ala., and Bainbridge, Ga. The maximum stage a t Alava was 25 feet on December 24 (flood stage 30 feet) and a t fjainbrid e 21.5 feet on Decem- ber 27 (flood stage 22 feet). The d i n t River a t Albany rose 0.5 foot above flood stave. No damage resulted but the warnings were useful to Pumbermen, steamboat com- anies, and hydroelectric plants which- have been hampered for months by extremely low water in the rivers. No floods occurred in Alabama, and in southeastern Mississippi the flood stage was passed only in the Chicka- sawhay River at Shubuttr where the river 28:l feet on the 27th. There was considerable delay in tram i were giving t a e time of arrival of the crests a t various points, DECEMBER, 19 1 1. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 1807 service in Mississippi due to softening of the roadbeds in __ low laces. d a v y rains on the 15th and 16th in Aiken County, S. C.. so increased the headwater in Big. Horse Creek that - the- dam of the Carolina Power Co., nzar LanglT, S. C., could not withstand the strain, and the entire am and power house were swept away, entailing a loss of $35,000. MISCELLANEOUS PHENOMENA. The prevailing winds for the month were from thc west in Virgmia, from the northeast in the States from North Carolina to Florida, and from the east in Alabama and Mississippi. The wind movement was moderate for a winter month, but the averaue hour1 velocity exceeded Pensacola, and Miami. The maximum velocity was 80 miles from the southeast a t Pensacola on the 20th. Savannah reported 42 miles an hour from the northwest on the 27th, Hatteras 48 northwest on the 28th, and Birmingham, Ala., 48 from the east on the 20th. The 10 miles a t Hatteras, Charreston, 8 avannah, Atlanta, 27445-12-2 average number of clear days for the district was 11, partly cloudy days 8, and cloudy days 12. The number of rainy days was 10. SEVERE LOCAL STORMS. The severe local storm a t Pensacola, Fla., on December 20, when the wind attained a maximum velocity of 80 miles an hour, to which reference has been made in the general summary, caused considerable minor damage to pro erty in that city. was s m d badly washed and sewers stopped by sand. About 5 per cent of the timber in booms was beached. Several bar es and other vessels dragged anchors, or parted were floated during the day without much loss. Telephone and telegraph wires went down and the electric-light and street-car service was interrupted from 10.45 p. m., 19b, to 6.50 a. m., 20th. The damage to buildin an 8 resulted chiefly from the driving rain. % oads were cab P e and ran foul of each other or grounded, but they 1808 d MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. DECEMBER, 1911 TABLE I.-Clinuatologiml data for December. 1911. DisEriet No. 2, South Atlantic and aut Qulj8tatea. __- E a : -- - k! - iii P - 1 7 1 7 17 37 1 2: 17 13 1 11 1 as 18 1 34 41 2 41 24 7 32 17 23 20 a a .. 2 11 5 53 35 1 E 1 7 a .. 24 41 9 3C 31 18 13 38 20 29 ti 19 17 17 24 33 1 4 7 29 7 20 40 4 6 12 19 16 16 27 19 7 15 6 21 56 a3 26 39 3 40 i a .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 23 I O Buckin ham...... BeuorX.. ........ Botetourt ......... Bruuawick.. ...... Princess Anne.. ... RoanoLe.. ........ Albemarle ......... Mecklenburg FJuvanna ......... Aibemarle.. Pittaylvania.. .... Princeas Anne. .... EIieabeth City .... Bath .............. Goochland ........ Rockbridge.. ..... Campbell ......... Craig .............. Warwick .......... Norfolk. .......... Dinwiddie.. ...... 2harlotte .......... Henrico.. ......... Franklin.. ........ Charlotte .......... Surry ............. hmea City ........ Stan1 ........... B e a u k .. ........ Rutherford ........ Harnett ........... Rutherford ........ Durham.. Northampton ..... Chowan ........... Bladen _.._._ ..__.. Halllax.. ......... Cumberland ....... Wavne.. .......... Alainanca.. ....... Guillord ........... Pitt ............... Dam .............. Vane ............. Gaston. ........... Lenoir.. .......... C'aldwell.. ........ Franklin. .___. ____ Roheson.. ........ Dare .............. McDowell.. ....... Elyde ............. Chatham .......... Union ............. Burke ............. Caston ___._. ___ __. Nash .............. Wake.. ........... Craven.. .......... Sampson .......... Moon? ............. r'hatham .......... Wake.. ........... Randolph ......... . ............. Rockingham.. .... Macon. ........... Richuond ........ Nash .............. Forsyth.. ......... Rowan ............ 3take.s. ........... Ealifax. .......... [redell. ........... rohnston ......... 2reene ............ Yoom ............. Brunswick.. ...... [redell. ........... Ed ombe Pender.. .......... Vew Hanover.. ... %Ei-bu,:::::: ........ surry. ............ Ea K.... 1:::::: - L $! %E E ? E + .E 5: 4 - 8 10 10 10 12 8 11 8 4 11 12 8 14 G 12 11 10 10 12 8 10 11 9 8 12 7 a 11 4 11 9 12 11 11 9 10 7 10 9 9 10 11 11 11 14 10 10 12 11 10 9 9 13 13 10 9 13 10 9 9 8 8 10 10 111 11 11 7 11 12 9 6 9 10 11 10 10 10 8 10 10 11 10 11 9 12 6 4 11 35c 947 82c 25c 1,7g 80( ............. Z4f .............. 413 25 6 2,195 100 1,OM 685 91 M 334 144 1 ,l X 350 15 70 1,z 700 4 80G 500 % 1.1:a 4 g 30 GO 99 17a 101 1356 843 i d 11 5oH 9 0 48 1.186 375 102 12 1,435 4 145 5t7b 1.135 BIB 190 2G6 12 121 650 48fl 390 442 810 828 3.100 210 1% 1,OOO 7wl 900 80 700 151 80 519 18 950 50 81 51 52 1,us 4.23 5.oG 3.94 4.31 3.14 2.96 4.14 4.44 4.06 4.10 3.48 4.91 3.21 3.09 3.30 4.01 4.65 6.71 4.37 4.62 3.98 3.45 3.95 4.85 4.29 5.55 4.35 f l .2 1 + 1.01 + 1.2 - 0.Z _______ + 0.9; + 0.1: + 0.4: ....... + 0.0: + 0.2: + 0 .g ....... + 1.21 + 1.36 ....... + 1.12 + 0.85 - 0.M + 0.9; + 1.4: ....... + 2.31 + 1.b ....... ........ ....... 43.8 46.4 42.2 41.8 ........... + 3.3 + 2.7 + 4.1 ...... 51 l o t 11 n 27 12 11 12 11 27 11 11 12 12 11 llt 7t 8t llt 8 t llt 11 10 8 13t 27 11 13 11 11 11 13 14 :it 9t 5' 13 16 11 8 s 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 8 12t 11 11 11 8 11 :it st 10 11 13 13 7t 13 11 I1 ........ 21 19 17 22 17 10 15 23 26 30 20 23 15 21 23 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ..... 18 23 19 16 21 26 22 21 27 ........ ........ ........ 22 23 22 34 23 19 ?1 15 20 23 ........ ........ 2 24 17 19 17 16 2 7 2 0 21 19 22 1s 25 17 20 18 20 17 "0 17 20 17 19 23 26 19 22 23 20 25 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 27 21 25 46.4 47.0 36.4 ........... ...... + 4.3 + 4.4 47.4 47.6 43.4 ........... ...... + 4.6 + 4.4 45.3 50.6 44.7 45.9 49.W 45.5 45.2 ...... ______ + 3.5 + 6.8 + 2.6 __.__. ...... 5.16 2.85 7.06 3.94 4.40 4.64 6.17 4.87 3.72 5.35 2.75 2.76 4.53 3.31 4.43 4.3s 2.91 3.76 4.62 3.26 2.62 4.31 4.15 2.35 2.74 4.24 2.57 4.62 6.12 5.06 4.6s 5.2s 3.20 4.16 3.23 4.30 7.45 5.20 4.80 3.92 4.09 3.91 8.72 6.37 2.43 4.1s 6.31 4.35 ..__ __. + 1.77 + 0.55 + 0.7E ....... ....... ....... + 1.75 ....... + 0.1; - 0.21 + 0.97 - 0.4; - 1.35 + 0.71 ....... - 0.06 + 0.8C + 0.75 - 1.01 ....... - 0.3t ....... + l.lf + 2.65 + 1.17 + 1.11 + 1.09 .__. ._. - 1.41 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... + 2.44 + 1.63 ....... + 0.03 + 1.55 + 2.39 + 0.20 + 2 56 ....... ....... I + o:s7 45.7 48.7'+ 48.2 46.0 44.7 51.8 45.0 45.0 49.6 42.0 44.9 48.4 48.8 43.5 39.4 45.4 46.0 43.3 42.4 48.4 50.7 47. Sd ........... ...... 5.7 + 4.5 + 2.2 +3.8 + 3.0 + 4.3 _.__._ + 5.7 + 3.4 + 4.0 + 4.3 ...... + 3.1 + 3.4 + 3.4 + 1,s + 3.7 ........... ........... ........... ........... ...... ............ ....... ............ + 4.0 ...... 42.0 45.2 42.0 ............ + 3.1 + 2.8 + 3.0 2.95 4.45 3.94 5.31 3.10 3.74 2.43 3.41 _______ + 0.s1 + 0.2s + 1.16 - 0 .a + 0.22 + 0.29 ....... 5.4 45.8 47.5 44.5 + 3.2 + 9.1 + 4.5 f 3 .7 49.8 53.2 ....... +5.0 kken ............. 3arnwell .......... bderaon.. ....... 555 186 764 Temperature, io degrees Fahrenheit. Precipitation, in inches. ShT. - 3 I' 3 - 43 33 42 32 35 34 38 34 42 26 34 40 39 3G 33 42 34 42 40 33 ... ... ... ... ... .. ... 44 43 39 43 38 31 32 38 35 40 3s 35 22 32 4G 4G 45 35 44 35 40 33 45 43 41 43 41 ... ... .. 50 44 32 45 31 45 34 31 42 39 42 40 44 41 43 31 29 35 44 42 42 31 .. .. .. 34 40 36 - -- $4 2 3 ;j 3 - 0 0 0 0 0 T. 0 0 0 0 T. 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T. T. T. T. 0 0 0 - ' c *< Y T ;: 5 2 - 1 4 7 9 15 11 15 13 15 12 12 13 8 11 15 10 15 .. .. .. .. .. 16 .. .. 4 13 11 7 12 13 18 14 8 12 .. .. .. 14 .. .. .. .. 11 13 11 11 13 12 14 16 10 16 17 14 14 13 .. .. .. .. .. 11 14 15 13 17 15 .. .. .. .. 15 12 17 13 12 12 I O I2 14 12 14 L8 - .2 4i iii - 70 ti6 73 72 G5 6lj 68 66 74 69 60 68 69 72 70 70 70 67 72 6s 68 .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 76 66 i1 73 68 68 70 i 4 77 69 71 G9 kq 70 is 74 G7 77 70 G6 72 75 73 I;7 68 73 81 77 73 72 70 72 70 60 72 68 72 70 70 69 74 72 74 72 74 71 74 74 .. .. .. ... ... ... 55 77 74 - I &r El 84 4 - 11 11 16 13 13 8 13 11 1s 13 18 1s 9 14 14 10 l G 14 ... ... a ... .. .. .. 16 12 12 15 9 13 .. 15 14 .. .. 13 .. .. 12 9 7 15 18 16 13 11 12 15 13 12 15 12 .. .. 19 12 12 10 11 ii .. .. .. 12 10 11 12 14 13 19 15 12 .. .. .. 13 17 10 - i. 5 1 37 Q $1 3 : - 6 13 6 3 7 7 5 8 1 5 4 7 7 7 2 .. .. .. a .. .. ._ 5 1 4 .. .. 4 12 7 3 4 4 8 5 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 9 13 5 0 3 4 4 9 0 1 5 2 6 _. .. .. .. .. 1 5 4 8 3 5 .. .. .. .. 4 9 3 6 5 6 2 4 5 ..I 6 0 3 - - 29 30 29 6 29 5 29 29 29 3 29 39 20 5 5 6 5 29 6 20 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 29 29 5 29 5 1 29 29 5 29 5 5 5 5 6 29 5 5 5 3 1 29 5 29 29 29 20 B 29 29 5 5 5 5 4 2 5 3 5 29 5 29 5 5 39 29 51 21) 5 ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... 11 61 61 - A 0 _- 0.90 1.10 0.69 1. i 4 0. s4 0.95 1.06 1.10 1.45 1. SO 0.79 1.4s 0. s1 0.71 1.40 0.60 1.38 1.31 .31 1.45 1.20 0.87 1.b2 1.30 1.05 1.60 1.20 1. n 1.68 0.95 1.53 1.05 1.30 1.01 2.50 1.20 0.80 1.65 1.19 1.42 0.85 1.15 1.08 1.02 0.65 1.17 0.81 1.07 1.23 0.92 1.34 1.15 1.47 1.73 1.01 0.90 1. fs 0.99 1.29 0.80 3.20 1 41) 1.70 1.0s 1.35 0.90 1. b8 2. a 0. s5 0.69 1.25 1.33 0.95 1.28 0.93 1.02 1.85 1.70 1.10 0.90 1.00 0.91 1.23 .... .... .._. 2.90 2.44 a. 00 BtatiOnS. Counties. Observers. 42.6 42.4 + 5.5 ...... hrvonia ............... Bedford City .......... maanan ............. CJlrrViue.. ............ Cam Henry... ........ Rev. P. F. Jones. E. E. Taylor. D. D. Booze. F. M. Gage. U. S. Weather Bureau. State Bd. of Hedth Banit'm. Leander McCormfck Obey. J. A. Llgon. CpFeggk? & Ohio Ry. Va. Truck Expt. Station. Normal and Agr. Inst. F. M. Terry. T. J. Davis. Vir . iaMilita Imtitute. U. /?Weather%ureau. Miss J. L. Martin. C. W. Ashby. U. 8. Weather Bureau. Central State Hospital. W. J. Abbett. U. S. Weather Bureau. 0. W. B. Hale. State Experiment Farm. B. W. Jonea. Esstern State Hoepital. C. 0. W 8 t k h . m. W. W. W. 8. Be. W. ..... nw. ..-.. ..... ..-.. E . ..... ..... ..... nw. ne. ..... 8. W. 8. ..... ..... __.._ BW. BW. 8W. ne. ne. nw. ne. nw. ne. ne. n. ._.__, ...... SW. ..... ..... ..... BW. ..... ne. ne. nw. e. nw. ne. n. nw. ne. nw. ne. ne. nw. n. nw. ne. n. se. W. si!. ...... ...... aw. Be. ...... STY. ..... ..... ..... U. sw. C.€ UWta. .............. Chsrlottesville.. ...... clartavple ............ Colwnbla.. ........... covasvjlle. ............. D villa .............. D E 0 ond 6priugs.. ... Ham ton ............. Lamiter.. ............. L ch urg ............ Np" ew castle... .......... Newport New8 ........ Norfolk.. ............. Peters burg.. .......... Randolph.. ........... Richmond. ........... Rocky Mount ......... Baxe .................. 8 ttadle (near). - - . . d?O illtameburg.. ....... Norib Cbrolinn. Hot &rings ........... L e r l n p ... ......... Albemarle ............. Belhaven.. ........... Caroleen.. ............ Chalybeate Spr in@.... Chapel Hill ........... Charlotte... ........... Chimney Rock ........ Durham (near) ........ E8gletOWn. ........... Edenton. ............. Eliesbethtown.. ...... En6eld (near).. ....... F8 etteVU.5 GOPdsboro.. :: :: : : : : : : : Graham.. ............. Gmnaborn ............ G m n v ille... .......... Hatteras. ............. Honderson.. .......... 3inm Mountain (near: &ton.. ............. Lenoir.. .............. Louiaburg ............. Lumberton. .......... Manteo.. .............. Marion.. .............. Middletown .......... Mollcure .............. Monroe.. .............. Morgantan. ........... Mount Airy ........... Mount Holly .......... Nashville.. ........... Neuse.. ............... Newtern. ............. Par kern burg.. ......... Pinehurst g ............ Pit ts born.. ............ Ralelgh ............... Rameeur.. ............ Randleman.. ......... Reidsville. ............ Rock House ........... Rockin ham Rocky haunt: 1:: ::::: Salem. ................ Salisbury. ............ Saxon.. ............... 8eotland Neck.. ...... Settle.. ............... Smithlield. ........... Snow Hill.. ........... Bouthern Pines.. ..... Southport. ............ Statesville. ........... Tarborn.. ............. Weldon. .............. Wlllard. .............. Wllmington.. ......... Bwtih Carolina. A b n ................. Allendale. ............ hndersoo. ............ ........... 42.1 + 4.0 41.4 _._.__ ........... 39.7 + 4.5 43.0 + 4.7 i3:2.1+.2:2 41.2 /+ 2.5 .... 43.0 44.0 ...... + 1.9 + 3.3 Y. J. Harria. A. L. Bell. 6. B. Tanner. J. A. Smith. Prof. A. H. Patteraon. U. 6. Weather Bureau. J. M. Flack. J. C. Michie. J. T. Elliott. E.R.Con r. J. T. W. S. Inbo;$n. Frank Glover. Mrn N. B. Ta lor. Dr.'W. R. Go&. A. H. Horry. R. M. Hearne. U. 8. Weather Bureau. Enorh Powell. Rev. C. J. Strang. H. C. V. Peebles. G. M. Golorth. T. B. Wilder. B. M. Davis. U. S. Weather Bureau. Sergt. Thomas McGuh. J. S. Mann. B. J. Utley. T. A. Ashcraft. J. P. B. Massey. Prof. A. H. Memtt. J. W. Holland. J, B. Boddie. Gaston H. Mooneyham. J. B. Hill. E. J. Conway. General Office. Mrs. J. F. Alston. U. S. Weather Bureau. A. H. Y ork. J. R. \Valton. E. M. Redd. Barry C. Hawkins. H. 6. Ledbetter. 0. P. Womble. Rev. H. E. Rondthaler. Miss Thelma Wilkinson. R. P. McAnally. J.Y c. e. Sava S m i K Edwin 8. Sanders. L. J. H. Mewborn. Mrs. P. H. Beck. Mrs. C. E. Taylor. D. Matt Thompson. E. V. Zoeller. H. 9. 8. Cooper. J. H. Jefferies. U. 8. Weather Bureaii. 3.06 ....... 4.96 + 0.49 3.12 _______ sw. ..... n. ne. ..... sw. ..... I ...... r l S .O i + 3.4 47.6.1.. .... : nw. n. ne. W. W. ..... 50.8 + 2.7 49.4 + 2.0 47.8 + 4.0 7.29 + 2.83 3.60 +0.98 6 4 2 +2.46 DECEMBER, 19 11. 15 10 11 8 15 11 11 llt ;;I l? ;y ::+ :;t 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 lot 12 11 11 10 10 11 12 26 l o t . 11 11 10 I l t 7t llt llt 11 I F MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE l.--Cli7~tologieal data for Dscabct, 1911. District No. ,+Continued. t 2 s __ 2 2 P ....... ....... ....... 2. ....... ....... 31 2: 2; 2 ....... ; 2 ....... ....... 2, 2d z 1s 2: 21 24 ........ 2 24 z 2 ........ ?4 21 a5 a 23 a5 ........ 1 7 22 2 6 2 2 22 25 27 2 6 2 2 27 23 .... ........ ........ ........ ........ 9 2 0 25 25 22 ....... E ........ 1809 $ el 7.14 3.83 - E i 3 c 1 - 2: z ( 1( 1 1s 4L e E 41 23 2E !z 18 1c 7 24 1g 3 23 1.5 19 23 10 23 17 18 2 7 6 23 23 9 16 16 14 XI 14 1s 7 21 12 16 8 19 25 23 as w 46 43 19 2 10 10 19 M 12 17 t3 19 11 n n 17 8 24 34 6 12 9 22 12 2 16 4 11 19 2 17 )3 I9 I w 6 L6 a 20 m i El - e j e 2 4- g ~- + 3.M + 0.1! - $, .s"j 01 SI 8.: $1 0- g: Z - 8 11 6 12 3 10 9 10 6 11 9 9 12 6 9 12 11 4 4 8 12 11 6 9 7 10 9 6 12 12 5 12 9 12 9 6 11 13 12 8 7 12 8 9 6 10 9 10 9 13 12 9 8 6 9 8 8 9 13 11 10 8 12 12 12 11 11 10 11 11 14 10 8 10 8 11 10 10 7 10 4 11 11 11 9 8 12 10 8 9 6 12 Both Cardfna4Xm. Batesburg .............. Blackville .............. Blaira .................. Bowman.. ............. Lexington.. ...... 6% -well .......... 2EK FeMeld .......... 2% Orangeburg.. ..... la Brorton. .............. Hampton.. .............. Calhoun Falls... ....... Abbeville ......... Camdeu ............... 1 Kershaw .......... 3X 22.i 51.1 51.8 50.6 52.8 54.8 + 4.; + 4.1 + 4.: ........... ........... ........... ...... +3.5 ........... ........... 5.94 7.38 3.M 4.95 8.59 6.09 2.72 3.27 2.65 1.77 1.90 2.36 4.28 2.53 7.34 6.79 6.08 8.50 5.26 5.30 6.54 6.32 2.21 4.22 5.96 6.86 2.H 4.21 5.20 3.47 7.11 3.70 7.04 5.50 2.46 2.21 ....... ....... +0 .4 + 1.81 + 3.7: +3 .E - 0.51 - 0.13 - 0.82 - 1.31 - 1.47 - 0.6s + 1.18 -1.1t + 2.91 + 2.37 ....... + 3.W + 1.82 + 2.91 ....... - 1.01 f 0 .S + 2.64 - 0.9E +l .M + 1.05 - 0.19 + 3.07 ....... + 3.93 +0.05 - 0.61 - 1. i a ....... ....... 45.3 49.2 53.4 4s. 4. ........... + 3.2 + 2.c + 5.7 ...... 49.3 8 .2 52.8 45.4 46.5 ........... + 1.: + 3.6 + 3.5 + 4.5 + 4.1 ~~ 41.4 48.4 45.9 45.4 49.2 47.5 . ~~ ...... + 1.2 + 3.4 - 0.4 + 2.1 ...... Meriwether.. .......... Pelrer .................. S t st: Matg.. Qeor .......... ws ........... Saluda ................. S a n t u a ............... Smith hfildills ............ Society Hill. ........... Spartanburg ........... Summerville ........... Trenton ................ walterboro ............. Winnsboro ............. Winthrop College.. .... Yemaa9ee .............. Newberry .............. Edgdkld. ........ Anderson ......... Dorchastsr.. ...... Calhoun ........... Wuda.. .......... Union ............ Wllllamsburg ..... Dnrllngton.. ...... Spartanburg ...... Dorchestar ........ Ed efield coltton..::::::::: Psirlield .......... York .............. Hampton ......... Newberry.. ...... _I ' 52.0 49.4 51.6 46.3 ........... + 4.5 + 3.3 ..___. + 3.3 47.5 44.5 53.4 49.8 55.oa 46.6 45.9 50.6 ........... + 2.3 + 2.3 + 5.2 + 2.9 + 0.9 - 0.4 + 3.0 ...... 47.6 55.6 50.0'+ 46.0 47.1 50.4 54.3 56.4 ........... +G.O + 5.5 0.5 + 2.5 + 3.2 + 3.0 + 4.2 +6 .0 ........... ........... 8.22 4.68 0.62 8.47 7.90 5.m 4 .n 6.34 9.79 7.39 1.34 6.29 6.28 5.10 9.20 6.93 G.W 6.85 4.09 8.52 6.23 0.28 ....... -0.22 + 6 .S + 4.86 + 4.14 + 1.69 - 0.31 + 2.81 +5 .& +7.44 +1.98 + 2.25 + 0.15 + 2.68 t 2.05 f 2 .5 3 + 0.92 - 1.49 ,+ 4.72 ....... +1.33 ....... Allapaha ............... Am ericus .............. Athens ................. Atlanta ................ Augusta. .............. B a m b r i i ............. Barnes e ............. Blakely ................ Butler ................ Camak.. ............... Canton ....... Carlton. ............... Clayton.. .............. Columbm.. ............ Covington .............. Cuthbert ............... I B e n h . ........... Sumter. ........... Chrke ............. Fulton ............ Richmond ........ Decatur ........... Plhe ............. Early ............. Taylor. ........... Warren. ......... M Rabun.. .......... Yuscogee .......... Newton ........... Randobh ......... ~~~~~ ..........I Cperokee.. ........ adison ........... I 49.6 46.4 50.0 ........... + 4.6 ........... ........... +5.8 + 1.s 53.6 45.6 45.6- ........... + 3.0 + 4.1 + 4.6 50.4'...... Dahlonega.. .......... Diamond ............... Dublin ................. Eatonton .............. Elberton.. ............. Fort Gaines ............ Gainesville ............. Glennville.. ........... Gore ................... Greensboro ............. Griffin. ............... Harrison ............... Hartwell ............... Hawkinsville ........... Lbbon ................. Lost Mountain ......... Lumpkh.. ...... Gilmer.. .......... Laurens ........... Putnam ........... Elbert. ........... Clay. ............. Hall.. ............ Tatnall.. .......... Chattooga ......... Ctreene ............ Spalding.. ........ Washington ....... Hnrt .............. Pulaski. ......... Lmwln ........... Cobb .............. 47.0 52.6 44.2 3 .7 17.0 17.2 IS.0 50.2 18.6 50.6 17.4 17.8 50.2 ........... + 2.2 + 3.2 + 2.4 + 5.8 __..__ + 3.8 + 3.6 ..____ + 3.6 + 5.3 + 2.7 ...... ...... 13 LO 11 11 12 11 11 11 tot LO 26 11 11 12 8 I 1 11 11 26 17 23 2 6 2 4 22 24 20 21 22 26 23 26 20 f* 25 12 25 2 6 2 2 22 23 ........ ........ ........ 5.72 5.47 6.87 4.96 5.55 7.13 1.38 7.15 7.45 4.82 8.23 5.73 9. n ....... + 0.05 + 3.74 ....... f 0 .9 9 + 2.61 + 7.08 + 3.13 + 4.21 ....... + 2.00 + 4.48 ....... 57.6 50.4 51.3 %sa+ 50.6 W .6 18.5 iO.0 L6.6 i7.2 .......... + 8.8 + 3.9 +3 .3 3.7 + 2.4 .____. + 1.5 + 7.4 + 3.0 + 7.3 ........... ........... Temperature, In degreee Fahrenheit Predpitatlon, in inches. - R 3 HI 2 8 I 3 - ... 46 50 ... ... ... ... as ... 34 34 45 41 40 4l 44 36 46 37 28 46 38 34 38 36 45 32 40 35 33 39 35 37 44 32 31 39 ... ... .. .. 36 38 38 33 29 34 36 47 48 37 41 46 32 38 44 ... ... ... ... ... ... - - - s E$ $2 23 - w - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1'. T. - _I 5 , L I ! 31 Pl si 3: 4 - 13 15 13 12 7 1 4 1 4 11 13 15 12 1 4 1 4 .. .. .. 13 13 1 4 15 1 4 15 14 15 15 15 6 10 15 19 16 14 13 14 18 13 19 10 12 12 14 11 13 17 18 12 17 91 D 18 17 L2 LO 17 11 17 13 15 13 15 10 13 14 13 9 161 19 .4 3 .4. i5 L3 12 L6 .O L3 L6 9 L7 17 L5 18 I2 .8 11 13 L5 L6 0 m ... - 4 FI - 5 28 3 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 29 29 1 28 29 29 29 28 1 1 20 1 29 29 6 6 29 6 5 5 28 5 1 1 29 1. 5 1 ... ... .. .. .. ... 1 1 1 29 28 28 1 ... ... 31 ... 1 29 2 ... ... ... 31 f1 :I 1 ... - * e3 a .- u *! u F - 2.9 1. a: 2. a 2.81 2. a 2. a 2. a 1. M 2.4 2.1: 1.g 3. o( 2 .4 0. g: 1.1: 1.11 0.51 0.7( 2 .a 1.4 1.u 2.2 1.4 1. x 1.N 2 .x 2.0; 2.51 2.1: 1.0; 1. 7( 2 .4 2.71 1.41 1.4: 1.7C 0.7s 2.32 0. SE 1.50 1.52 1.15 2. a 3.12 2.00 4. 03 2.01 1.90 1.22 1.48 2.41 3.80 1.57 3.50 1.28 2.95 1.20 1.78 1.50 1. ti9 1.50 A. 27 1.77 1.05 3.25 1.92 3.15 Z. 98 1.42 1.55 1.47 2.40 1.99 3. M I. 66 2.25 2.50 1.04 2.643 1.40 2.38 2. 76 3. M 1.72 2.25 1.44 3.28 1.28 1.92 J. 98 3.14 1.60 - - 1 CI 2 i W l c1 Z - 14 9 13 13 9 13 11 13 12 15 9 17 18 16 13 15 4 14 17 8 14 12 9 9 12 15 17 17 9 12 11 12 11 10 12 10 14 14 i o ... ... ... m 14 12 16 1 1 2' 10 10 9 14 13 11 12 8 13 18 14 14 12 11 0 10 12 12 13' 12 12 11 12 11 18 5 10 8 2 13 9 9 9 14 13 9 11 10 18 11 0 o ... ... - L 5 1 j c Q sj ;! -1 - 4 7 6 6 6 4 9 6 4 3 0 0 2 4 1 13 2 0 8 2 4 5 8 7 0 0 0 1 8 1 7 0 10 9 7 7 6 4 i o .. a .. .. 0 1 3 13 B 1 1 4 0 6 LO 2 2 1 0 2 4 4 LO LO 7 6 1' 0 5 5 5 5 0 4 5 3 6 2 3 5 5 2 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 16 liJ Observers. 1 I- 75 80 77 85 74 .. .. .. .. .. S. S. W. 0. ne. ..... ne. n. ne. nw. ne. n. nw. n. ne. ne. ne. e. ne. e. W. W. ..... ..... ne. ne. W. 0. ...... W. ...... ...... n. ne. n. ne. ...... sw. S. ...... nw. ne. n. E. J. Hita. Y k M . E. L lohn R. Rags%%: B. 0. Evans. Phomas D. Williams. L. M. Parker. W. C. Brown. lames C. Faris. W. R. Zimmermun. J. 8. Weather B u ~w u . 1. H. Powe. Prof. John N. Hook. J. 8. Weather Bureau. P. C. Quattlebaum. D. C. McCall. 4. E. Rowell. Yathan JenLins. 3. B. McCall. 3r. J. R. DesPortas. 3. K. Gilbert. i. P. Haeard. Spartan Qoodlette. p. M. Calhoun. .harlie Bowers. i. 0. Matthews. ....... ....... ~~~ Catawba. .............. chap Ils .............. CharEton.. ........... Cheraw.. .............. Clemson C o w .. ...... Columbla.. ............ York .............. I 562 402 4! 144 ax 351 25 1 75 1oC la7 106 51 1% 12 989 671 508 54 900 711 502 873 109 209 530 572 62 75 875 75 Grn 69 546 680 23 .... Newberry.. ....... Charlaston.. ...... ChesterfmBeld. ...... Ooonee. ........... Richland .......... Conwav.. ........... ...I Horrv.. ......... ..I D a r h h n .. ........... Darlhgton.. ..... .I Dillon .................. DUlon ............. Edisto ................. Bamterg.. ........ EfflnPhnm.. .......... Fbmnce.. ........ Ferguson ............... Bmkeley.. ........ .....I ...... .. Flofence ............... FbmnOe.. ........ Georgetown ............ hrgetown ....... Qreenville.. ............ Clreenville ......... ... Oreenw d... .......... Oreenwood.. ...... Heath Springs. ........ Lancaster.. ....... Kingstree .............. Wllliarnsburg ..... Ljhertk ............... Pkkens ........... Little ountaln ........ Newberry ......... ... .. M. Ward. 3. F. Lewis. . 8. Wnnnnmalrar. drs. F. V. J. Maxwell. 3. W. J e w . K . 0. Walker. r[s' J. J. Lucaa. T. f;. Robinson. fh E. H. Gadsden. ,. A. Lone. ... 76 70 75 71 . A. Weshherg. E. R. Rivers. . 0. Hutwn. . w . Beigler. I Georgia. I Abbeville .............. Wilwx ............ Adainville ............. Bartow. .......... Albany ................ DOURherty ......... Y. H. Calhoun. irS. R. C. Evins. korge C. Brosnan. ames 1'. Austin. ?. P. Harrold. I. n. cox. J. 8. Weather Bureau. Do. frs. C. 0. Wimberley. 'mf. C. W. Mobky. lalph M. Hobbs. Lrs. M. F. Wallaee. . A. Chapman. t. W. Evans. I. C. Power. Lrs. Sarah E. C m . 'rof. W. Mchlichael. 'rof. R..P. Gaillard. L A.Kmze 'rof. W. C. Wright. I . A. Roebuck. Iiss Eva T. Graham. Y. C. Walker. Villiam C. Barnard. 1. M. Ponder. L. L. Cnldwell. , M. Mathews. .. W. J. Wood. y. B. McM~~llan. .. II. Wood. I. J. Du BOB. .. N. Mayes. [. G. Gamble. Yalter A. Hilton. .. W. Latimer. I. 8. Weather Bureau. C Br an. 0. L. -ne. [. Q. McComb. , N. Clement. . C. Collins. [isa Maude Penn. trs. Ida J. Mllner. F. 0. Medlock. . M. Witcher. 1. T. Merritt. i. J. Duncan. i. J. Land. rrs. hl. E. &*in. ....... 772 232 293 362 694 1,218 180 119 875 300 650 613 b94 557 2,lM 262 600 446 1,519 2,020 452 710 166 1.254 59s 97s 245 838 235 ....... ........ ....... ... 76 80 77 75 i 72 89 74 77 nw. ne. nw. ne. ne. ne. n. n. e. nw. e. se. n. e. ne. ne. 0. sw. ..... W. ..... ..... ..... ..... 0. 8. ne. 0. W. ..... ..... ..... e. ... so 76 ... ... ... 65h 78 ... 77 65 67- 75. ... 73 76 6s 75 i2 76 72 77 77 79 i5 73 73 ... 30 40 1 ,3 6 1 34 1 4 2 29 39 l t 27 1 43 29 35 5t' 41 1 I 39 It1 35 lti 35 ....... 1 , 52 1 1 3 3 ....... 29 ' 35 1 I 46 6.58 3.50 ....... 259 150 650 370 500 276 158 1,571 292 800 959 1,078 Loo0 3a Louisville ............. Jetloison Lumber City ........... 'l'elfair.. ........... .... S. ?a. W. ne. nw. nw. ne. nw. W. ..... ..-.. ..... ..... ... 31 74 77 748 31 E7 Macon ................. .I Bibb .............. Marshallville ........... Macon ............. Milledeeville.. ......... I Baldwin.. ........ Millen: .................. Jenkins.. ........ _' Mineral Bluff ........... Fannin ............ Monteruma ............ Macon. ............ Monticello .............. Jasper ............. ... 75 14 78 34 ... Newnan.. Coweta Norcross Qwinnett Point Peter Poulae ............... ........... 1810 51.2 57.9 48.6 45.8 58.4 60.2* 55.0 53.4 51.7' 46.4.+ 56.8 51.6i 45.8 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . TABLE l.-Climatological data for December. 1911 . District No . 2-Continued . + 3.7 + 5.7 + 4.9 + 1.6 ...... + 7.3 + 4.2 + 4.4 + 5.1 3.9 + 4.6 ...... + 3.4 ........... DECEMBER. 161 1 6.14 4.51 4.89 5.39 . d E 9 I 8 . I 11 25 18 17 55 4 19 61 11 1s 12 29 26 6 23 22 20 22 10 .. 7 10 13 23 n 18 12 22 18 13 14 20 19 4 18 22 39 10 17 13 2 1 15 11 41 10 11 41 18 26 11 14 11 17 8 25 10 10 9 7 5 26 17 18 31 17 3 9 14 59 14 3 18 w 21 26 15 11 .. 6 20 18 29 10 24 23 10 10 7 ............ + 1.67 - 0.23 - 0.04 + 0.82 . i .1 . I g I 6 !8 ;Q j . E: >+ jz - ... 8 13 11 14 12 13 11 12 13 8 12 12 10 10 11 9 10 10 ... 10 9 9 13 3 7 12 2 4 10 10 6 15 6 13 5 2 6 11 7 6 10 6 7 15 11 10 ; 9 7 5 12 9 12 7 11 11 8 10 9 7 6 12 7 2 8 11 8 9 10 10 6 5 20 4 ... ... ... 11 12 9 10 7 10 14 12 5 11 4.86 5.46 4.69 4.66 7.77 3.54 7.54 6.79 6.75 7.96 4.93 6.00 7.61 6.25 8kY . ....... + 2.11 + 1.u + 1.22 + 3 7.3 - 0.39 + 3.44 + 1.56 + 4.10 + 2.3: + 2.83 + 2.38 + 1.96 ............ ....... & 5 . g2 'J '2 d c E PI __ 0 . n . SW . 0 . ne . nw . ne . ne . ne . ..... ne . ne . n . ne . n . ..... W . W . ne . ..... 3 . ne . ne . ne . ne . ne . ne . n . ne . ne . ne . ne . ne . ne . ..... S . ne . 0 . 0 . ..... ..... 0 . ne . ne . ne . ne . ne . ne . ne . ne . ne . ne . n . ..... n . 0 . ..... ne . ..... ..... se . 0 . 8W . e . 0 . '0 . n . ne . e . ne . ne . ne . ne . ..... 0 . ..... 80 . 0 . 8 . n . 80 . W . se . se . se . 0 . 80 . ne . ..... Earahon .......... ThoW ........... Stephens .......... rift ............... ~owndes .......... Temperature. In degrees Fahrenheit: 1. 150 273 1, 050 370 220 Precipitation. in Inchea . 58.4 67.2 67.0 65.3 65.6 64.4 57.4 62.0 66.1 56.2' . i :a i E l a ' , ! . 47 39 38 42 30 41 29 32 34 29 35 42 32 43 33 35 42 37 ... ... 25 31 31 40 28 33 36 26 27 39 31 38 35 41 27 38 28 27 36 35 33 29 34 33 26 43 40 11 30 37 45 34 38 41 23 22 38 36 3 i 40 32 38 29 21 25 29 27 35 41 30 35 33 30 26 32 29 39 ... ... ... 36 39 33 40 29 48 ... ... ... ...... + 5.1 + 4.8 + 4.1 + 4.2 + 5.6 + 3.4 + 3.8 +5.3 + 4.4 . 3 - d ;.d "8 08 e- 3 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.32 1.47 2.02 4.06 . 'd .a Y ' c 2 b 3- 3; . . 17 13 13 17 15 11 16 14 9 11' 11 15 15 15 17 15 13 20 14 .. 8 1 9 14 1 5 3 11 3 4 6 6 4 1 3 17 4 14 1 5 12 10 15 8 5 4 14 13 19 3 15 5 11 15 10 20 10 3 11 19 12 0 9 3 7 8 13 9 2 4 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 16 18 14 16 6 8 .. .. ....... - 0.75 - 0.08 + 1.77 . 3 : n . 831 79 68 73 so &i 75 75 79' 79 78 82 67 79 76 74 .. s4 I J .. 72 85 b9 86 62 85 75 80 86 80' 61 85 83 80 80 87 88 86 83 85 so 87 87 62 80 80 83 82 84 60 83 81 80 84 83 51 82 84 78 79 bO M 87 84 71 81 83 87 84 7 i 87 84 83 83 78 83 84 86 80 .. 73 73 75 77 72 73 .. .. 2.19 5.09 9.07 3.48 3.96 8.66 2.76 3.72 4.76 8.03 4.60 1.80 0.37 5.40 3.G8 2.59 5.00 1.89 1.34 4.57 4.20 5.71 4.68 0.62 2.33 4.15 5.62 4.35 5.39 4.94 2.17 1.70 1.90 3.74 0.60 8.82 7.72 5.44 2.74 2.65 8.70 2.56 2.70 . j 3 . ~~ 22- 25 21 21 2s 27' 30 25 24 31 26 21 i 23 24 24 26 22 ..... m ..... 30 33 33 31 37 30 27 34 35 31' 29' 31 34 28 32 32 39 41 26 30 2i 45 45 28 32 26 28 55 36t 27 3 0 1 29 26 36 23 40 46 96 I 28 26 '20 34 29 34 33 34 32 38 28 24 50 32 27 33' 29 36 32 37 22 ..... "0 19 23 18 24 23 ..... ..... ..... 1 0.13 + 2.75 + 3.70 + 1.10 + 1.58 + 3.38 ....... + 1.40 + 2.18 ....... + 1.31 - 0.49 - 1.35 + 3.30 + 1.10 ....... ....... - 0.80 +2.23 + 1.21 + 1.68 + 1.63 - 1.22 - 0.12 + 0.65 + 3.26 + 1.35 + 1.62 + 2.22 ....... - 0.65 - 0.34 + 1.09 ....... ....... ....... ....... f 2 .9 7 + 0.84 + 0.M + 4.53 + 0.51 ....... . g . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 29 29 1 1 1 1 1 .. .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .. 1 1 1 1 38 6 .. .. 66.6 68.6 6 8 .6 ~+ 61.6 64.8 ._ . C* . 5 ,,j c C - $2 - .... 1.30 1.25 1.15 1.00 1.07 2.53 2.14 1.21 3.30 0.96 2.03 1.65 1 . m 1 . $4 1.45 1.75 2.22 1.45 .... 2.00 0.52 0.78 1.55 1.70 2.50 3.08 1.36 1.18 2.30 1.38 1.81 1.42 2.56 1.82 0.62 0.33 1.60 0.98 1.20 2.25 0.80 0.72 2.00 1.87 1.90 1.41 0.23 0.85 1.38 2.00 1.60 1.23 3.10 3.52 1.03 0.99 1.52 2.57 1.70 2.20 0.94 1.50 4.32 1.44 2.00 0.83 2.94 1.70 2.29 2.24 3.15 1.95 2.87 1.92 3.80 ..... .... .... 3.19 1.39 1.40 2.34 2.14 2.33 1.42 1.68 1.20 1.00 + 7.2 + 4.5 5.4 + 5.7 + 6.0 . i 2 ;li 5 % l 3" . 10 18 11 12 13 15 0 9 7 24 12 la 13 14 11 1ti 14 9 14 ... 15 14 11 12 14 18 11 14 11 19 9 12 20 17 19 10 26 12 23 15 7 8 9 17 13 4 10 7 11 16 12 0 4 12 20 7 7 17 4 8 11 17 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 "7 12 7 14 7 24 12 9 ... ... 8 13 4 11 10 15 11 .. .. e0 . a 58.6 81.3 72.4 67.P ~ . 4 j b j'E: $3 li: . 4 0 7 2 3 5 9 8 15 171 8 4 3 2 3 0 4 2 3 .. 8 16 11 5 16 8 .. 17 6 17 8 16 13 7 13 0 4 1 5 7 11 12 13 7 6 13 23 7 11 1 12 4 26 16 4 1 4 14 11 16 4 8 14 .. .. .. .. .. 4 1 12 16 4 15 5 15 I8 .. 4 2 9 6 5 10 12 .. .. + 5.0 + 6.6 +7.2 + 2.3 + 6.6 . i Q . 13 11 tc 10 15 24 15 10 11 9 11 ?5 8 11 11 10 11 26 .. .. 16 14 25 25 14 15 12 11 24 10 24 16 14 11 24 25 27 23 15 16 11 21 27 15 15 26 16. 23 16 11 13 15 20 16 11 16 25 26 26 9 26 15 24 14 26 14 23 16 15 13 2 15 15 25 25 12 14 11 .. 26 .% 26 26 26 23 .. .. 57.2 6i.0 i1.7 60.lf 54.8 57.1 ...... + 4.2 f 3 .7 ...... ...... ...... Volusia ............ Volusia ........... Eacambia ......... Pinellas ........... Hilkiboro .......... Brerard ........... Marion ............ Washington ....... S t . Johns .......... PWO ............. Putnam ........... S t . Johns .......... Leon .............. Hillsboro .......... orange ............ 57.4 65.ti 05.1 68.4 57.4 65.0 G5.2 G2.6 61.S 57.4 65.4 66.0 66.8 56.2 ..... + 3.5 ...... + 4.9 ...... I ...... + 4 . s + 7.6 + 6.0 + 6.8 + 4.8 + 5.9 + 6.4 + 5.6 + 4.1 ...... 4.42 3.43 0.93 4.74 3.98 ........ + 1.35 + 5.83 + 2 .a + 1.35 4.31 2 . "9 8.78 2.46 3.84 4.82 8.84 ....... - 0.52 + 4.14 + 0.44 + l.ti2 + 2.19 + 3.41 49.2 ........... + 5.0 2.00 5.39 4.61 6.57 5.77 8.19 6.12 6.92 3.25 5.95 ....... + 0.85 - 0.34 + 1.47 + 0.97 + 3.50 + 1.52 + 2.29 - 2.35 ....... Lowndes .......... Conecuh ................. Jefferson .......... Shelby ............ Tallapoos ........ Cherokee .......... 701 500 738 594 ObElVerS . Statlona . Oewgia-(hntlnued . quitman .............. Ramhurat ............. Rasaca ................ Rome ................. st . George ............. 0t . Mmys ............. ~a i b o t t o n ............. mtnam ............... s 8 V a n n a h ............. st8 tesboro ............. Tabpo058 ............ Thomasvllle ........... Tlfton ................. TO~~OB ................ vaidosta .............. Washlugton ........... Weat Point ............ Woodbury ............ Florida . Apalachicola .......... Areadla ............... Avon Park ............ B8rtOW ................ Bradentown ........... Broobville ............ carrabelle ............. Cedar Keys ........... Clermont .............. De Funiak Sp rings .... De Land .............. Eustis ................. Federal Point ......... Fenholloway .......... Femandina ........... Fort Meade ........... Fort M p rs ............ Fort Pmm ............ 0ainmville ............ Grasmere .............. Hilliard ............... Homestead ............ Hypoluro ............. Invernm. ............. Jacksonville. .......... Jasper ................. Johnstown ............ Key West ............. Kisslmmee ............ Lakecity ............. Live Oak .............. M8Wlel~ly ............ Madison ............... Malabar ............... hfariaUll8 .............. Memtts Island ........ Miami ................. Middleburg ........... Moho ................ Monticello ............. Mount Pleasant ....... New S m r ......... Orlando ............... Pen88cola ............. P i n e l k Park ......... Plant City ............ Rockled e ............. Rockwe6 ............. S t . Andrew ........... 8t . Augustine ......... 8t.W ................ 88bUll8 Heights ...... Swltmrland ........... Tallahassee.. ......... Tampa ................ Tarpon Springs ....... Titusvllle ............. WSUSaU ............... Alabam . A b ................. Anniston .............. Ashville ............... Auburn ............... Benton ............... Bermuda ............. Blrmlngham .......... calcm ................. Camp Hill ............ Cedar Bluff ........... w8ycrosS ............. W8 Y b o r o ........... Orange 1ty ....... Marion .................... Brooks ............ I 173 Murray ............ I 1, 363 Gordon ............ (57 A h . M . J . Collum . A . B . Jones . D . E . Humphreys . D . A . Norton . W . M . Towers . A . N . Lund . David C . Sterling . U . S . Weather Bureau . W . C . Cromley Dr . E . 1 . Bardwell . Elmer C . Bisho U . S . Weather gureau . K . C . Moore . Mrs . Alice Starke . Miss Annie Twitt Miss Ella B . S m i t t Thomas S m e r . Mrs . H . W . Blount . E . N . D U ~I . E . T . Riggms . Flovd ............. 1 576 Cba-rlton .................. Camden ........... 20 Chatham .......... G5 Bulloch ........... 253 Talbot ............ I 750 5Y . 2 ...... 47.8 + 3.7 56.7 + 5.9 49.8 + 2. 7 48.6 !' + 3.4 rroup ............. Meriwether ........ 641 24 61 150 115 10 126 10 10 106 193 27 56 5 75 10 125 12 0 176 176 69 5 9 43 101 153 125 14 65 210 109 125 200 w so >% 47 10 49 207 260 9 39 111 149 20 131 28 10 11 10 140 98 10 192 79 20 16 250 105 728 685 732 149 ..... 1 ....... G . H . Whiteside . C . S . Bushnell . 0 . R . Thacher . William Hood . H . H . Ten f l m k . C . C . Peck . J . J . Blmquist . J . B . Lutterloh . 8.8. Fesler . R . W . S t o m . 0 . B . Webstar . C . T . Smith . E . 8 . Hubbard . J Wig lesworth . W . B.%. D Up. 0 . L . Brodnc Miss M . M . Gardner . T . C . Nicholson . John Schnabel . J . B . Escott . B . A . Tibbits . w . J . grome . G A A evme . ~r ; . i . Mnfibr . Mrs . W . C . Caldwell . A . M . C . Brasch . U . 8 . Weather Bm8U . J . A . Simpaon . W . B . Knight . J . D . Henry . QrifIin Bros.Co. E . J . &nu . J . F . Farley . W . J . Watson . F . Ulrich . U . S . Weather BW8U . G . A . Chalk0r . W . H . Trimmer . E . C . Potter . Miss Addie Grubb . F . Nordman . J . D . Graham . James Thomson . U . S . Weather Bureau . C . M . Deschant . E . B . Trask . J Dunellon . H . White Phoa . . Co . W . A . Emmom . E . J . Joyce . Q . Schneider . W . H . Markham . U . 8 . Weather Bureau . A . P . Albaugh . Curtii Jones . U . S . Weather B m U 88hUXIl8 Mrs . W . C CO . Steele . . F . M . Taylor . mw .......... De Soto ........... ... .do ............. Polk .............. M 8 U 8 h ........... Hernando ......... Franklin .......... Levy .............. Lake .............. Volusia ............ Lake .............. Putnam ........... Taylor ............ Nasssu ............ Polk .............. Lee ............... 8t . Lucie .......... Alach ua ........... Orange ............ Nassau ............ Palm Beach ....... C i t w ............. Bradford .......... Monroe ............ Oscaola ............ WaltOtl ............ Dad& ............. Duval ............. H a d t o n ......... COl~Inbi8 ......... SUWanW .......... Baker ............. Madis0 n ........... Brevard ........... Jackon ........... Brevard ........... Dad& ............. 63.W+ 6.0 64.3 + 4.8 63.5 + 6.8 58.2 ...... 70.8 ...... 72.4 + 4.5 tX.8 + 6.8 60.2 I+ 4.3 1~4.1. ..... 56.8 + 2.9 57.4 + 3.2 M.8b + 2.0 clay ............... Escmbia ......... Jefferson .......... Gadsden .......... 56.4 ...... 65.5 + 7.1 64.5 + 5.5 Pinellm ........... Brevard ........... Washington ....... James 1 . Willls . U . 8 . Weather Bureau . George R . Cather . Dr . James T . Anderaon . 8 . T . Pruitt . M . J . Morris . U . 8 . Weather Bureau . L . 0 . Privett . ?&kg . Danlel . 8ll ward . Houston .......... Bt . Clair ........... Lee ............... C8lhOUn ........... ........... M.O'+ 4.7 49.8 + 2.5 52.3 ...... ........... ........... i . DECEMBER, 1911. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE l.-Climatological datu for D m b e r , 1911. District No. 2-Continued. ............ 57.0 + 5. 5 52.1; + 3.5 4s.o + 5.8 48.7 + 2.3 51.2 + 4 .2 1811 . . 71; 73 - 5 : g : c 5- G , Z LI a. - 1: 1: 1: 1. ; 1. 1( f f 1: 1: 1: ( 1: l; 1 4 1 4 11 f 11 12 13 15 E E 11 1 4 1.7 1c s 1c 1 2 11 11 4 8 10 8 6 13 18 l h 14 14 14 15 13 14 16 14 14 11 15 12 19 14 17 I1 13 14 13 I5 14 13 17 14 13 12 15 14 17 - 1 1 5 1 - $ i! F: "2 " 9 - 2: 1E 1 2c 3 f 2c 19 27 19 27 27 16 32 10 15 19 27 14 18 4 8 39 3Y 16 17 32 9 11 '0 31 7 21 20 20 3 30 11 24 25 26 19 23 21 1s 20 li 23 17 35 19 3 8 2 18 21 1 24 23 7 17 22 8 23 15 21 8 4 23 23 t i 6 12 24 2 ~ _______ 35 10.00 + 5.24 35 b.60 + 2.37 ....... 11.03 ....... 42 10.90 + 6.E 39 9.94 ....... ....... 6.56 ....... AWJami-cOntlnued. Citronelle. ............. Clanton ................ Coclvane ............... Cordova ................ Cullman. .............. Dadeville .............. Daphne ................ Eufau ......... Flomaton.. ............ Fort Deposit ........... Qadsden. .............. Goodwater. ............ Qreemboro ............. Qreenville .............. Hamilton .............. Highland Home.. ...... Livingston.. ........... Lock No. 4 ............. Maple Qrove.. ......... Mentono. .............. Milstead.. ............. Mobile.. ............... Montgomery ........... Newbern ............... Oneonta.. ............. Opelika ................ Ozark .................. Prattville.. ............ Pushmatsha. .......... Selma .................. Sprin Hill .......... Tallafega. ............... Tallassee ............... Thomasvllle.. ......... Troy ................... Tuscalooaa.. ........... Tuskogee. ............. Union Springs.. ....... Uniontown.. .......... Valley Head ........... Wetumpka.. .......... Demor!!;: : : :. ........ hii8&sippi. Mobile. ........... 331 Chilton ........... 60 Pickens ........... 100 Walker.. ......... 334 Cullman.. ........ SO2 Tallapoosa ........ 7tio Baldwin .................. Marengo.. ................ Barbour .......... 200 Escambia.. ....... 91 Lowndas .......... 520 Etowah.. ......... 621 Coos.. ........... 8213 Hale.. ............ ?20 Butler ............ 444 Marion .................... Crenshaw.. ............... Sutnter.. ......... lh0 TalMega. ........ 510 Cherokee.. ................ Dekalb ........... 1,595 Macon.. .................. Mobile.. .......... 84 Montgomery. ..... 240 Hale ...................... Blount.. .......... 857 Lee ............... 817 Dale .............. 4W Autauga .......... ?SI Choctaw.. ............... D a h ............ 147 Mobile ............ 312 Talladegn. ........ 554 Elmore.. ................ Clarke.. .......... 385 Pike .............. 581 Tuscalmsa.. ...... 230 Macon.. ................. Bullock.. ......... 216 De alb.. ........ 1.031 Elmore.. ......... 205 Pe 3 ............. 273 55.4 48.4 51.3 47.1 %.l a + + 3.2 + 2. ti + 7.9 5.4 ............ ...... ............ ............. n. se. nw. e. e. n. e. ye. n. n. e. nw. e. n. ne. e. se. nw. Be. e. n. ..... ..... S. nN. ..... ..... 8. se. e. ye. se. e. nw. se. ...... 41 5.S5 33 5.93 5.71 7.13 7. ti8 5.95 3.09 6.32 9.4s 4.66 6.97 6.22 7.44 0.02 G.22 6.71 7.44 + 1.05 + 1.4G + 0.71 + 2.94 + 2.65 + 0.67 + 5.2; + 1.71 + 5.06 + 0.1s + 1.85 + 5.45 + 1.72 + 2.34 + 2.51 ....... ....... 5 0 .G 49.1 48.9 51.2 + 3.0 + 4. 1 +?.E f 5.1 55.4 ........ I E 48.7 54.3 46.6 52.3 51.7 52.4 47.1- 53.6 ........... + 0.5 + 2.6 + 4.4 + 4.4 + 3.6 + 5.8 + 6.3 ...... 0.10 1.83 S.96 2.25 3.01 7.61 9.61 0.23 9.69 8.81 0.16 2.06 5.50 6.63 0.94 0.89 8.50 8.87 9.61 0.00 + 4.99 + 7.31 + 3.SO + 7.08 + 7.92 + 2.60 ....... + 5.15 + 4.16 ....... +o.m +3.41 ....... + 6.3ti + 4.12 ....... + 4.19 ....... ....... + 5.30 Monroe. .......... Oktibbeha.. ...... Hancock .......... Harrison. ......... Prentiss. ......... Lincoln. .......... Marion.. .......... Lowndes.. ........ Copiah.. .......... Leake.. .............. Clarke. ........... Itawamba. .......... Forest.. .......... Coplah.. .......... Newton.. ......... Hinds.. .......... Scott. ............ Jones. ............ j;;:;; 57.3 46.6 51.1 48.0 49.8 48.2 4 j:; 3; + 5.2 72 + 2.2 70 + 0.8 74 + 2.4 73 + 1.4 74 ....... 72 ............... 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 , 40 ...... ...... ...... 41 55 36 1 ' 4 0 1 4 3 36 35 41 35 35 ...... 51.4 51.3 53.0 55.2 19.7 57.4 18.4 53.7 50.4 ........... + 3.9 + 4.7 + 4.6 + 2. 1 + 2.1 + 3.2 ...... ...... ,+ 3.5 6.16 2.08 li. 28 5.95 9.52 ....... + 7.63 + 0.M + 3.74 ....... 3 .2 16. ti 55.8 1'3.9 ............... ....... 75 + 2.6 73 + 3.1 78 ....... 74 ............... ................ Temperature, in degrees Fshrenheit. Predpltaff on, in inches. - -- 7, E3 E 2 i!2 3 - ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( c ( c ( c c c c ( c c c c 0 [I 0 r r r c c II C C C a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1'. n ... - - 8 a - 76 i 5 76 71 79 74 80 76 73 75 73 73 78 74 75 75 72 77 .. .. .. ... ... - 2 n - 8 ai 26 10 13 26 26 2ti ?ti 11 26 8 11 21j 25 10 26 36 21; 10 2G 1" ?Ij 21; 26 215 25 11 11 26 12 26 26 10 8 .. .. ... ... .... 26 26 26 19 26 8 26 26 .... 8t .... ... ... st 8 26 8 8t 26 8 8 26 26 26 26 25 8 ... ... ... ... 26 ... - ~ ci c 2 - 2! l! 1< 1: 2: 15 1s 22 2( 21 2: 1: .... .... .... .... $ 22 .... .... 31 2.1 20 1s ?E 21 1f 21 x 25 1f 19 2'1 22 24 22 17 .... 9? I- 2a 21 23 28 3 2 23 "5 1 Y 25 17 ... ... ... ... 20 "1 22 21 19 23 26 19 23 24 20 23 24 19 ... ... ... ... 20 ... - - * N I d 22 2 -a u - 3.1: 2.0; 1.s 2. 1c 1.6 1.84 2.x 1.N 2.1f 2.01 1.93 1. oc 1. M 1. ti9 1.6C 2.4s 1.5L .... .... 1.34 1. ss 1.50 4.51 1.72 1.30 1.11 1.50 4.20 1.73 1. b0 2. ou 4. 05 1.52 1.20 1.80 1.72 ". a3 2.27 1.70 0.60 1.62 $53 1. ti5 2.40 1.99 5.57 2.5s 1.30 1.W 1.92 1.33 1.49 1.88 2.00 I. 42 I. 60 I. 80 1.36 1. !XI 1.50 1. 00 1.95 1.23 2.20 1.00 3.44 1.2s 1.50 1.47 I. 89 I. 40 1.70 2.05 1.27 ... - - 5 : h' 5 , Z' - I ... f I f t 1 f 4 2 1 1 2 f 1; 4 ( c 1E C 21 1 2 6 6 0 .. 2 7 5 1 7 1 2 0 9 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 0 3 0 9 3 6 5 4 7 1 3 4 6 2 .. .. .. ~ - 1 a i; E C' Z - ! 1: ! 11 ! 1( 1: 1( 11 11 1( I( 1( f 1C z c 9 11 1 4 13 1( c I 1c 10 E E ic 1 l! 1; a 12 12 11 8 8 9 S 9 9 11 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 9 10 10 13 6 9 7 9 9 6 10 9 IO IO 9 .. - Observers. -r- Rev. Wallace W. C. H. Edler. Rowe. T. H. G. Cook. Scott Maxwell. 11 II l! 1( 1: 1; 1: l! 1I l! 11 If 1: l i x 21 l i If 16 16 18 I t t 1: 2: 11 I i 1 4 1f 7 6 15 14 18 ... 1: 18 16 16 21 lti 21 20 24 13 21 21 18 21 20 19 21 18 18 16 19 16 17 16 18 20 18 17 15 20 m .. .. .. - S. e. ne. se. e. se. nw. ne. ne. e. e. S . 11w. 11. 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1- 4 9. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 !6 1 11 !6 1 T. J. Farris. J. F. Hattetner. D. P. Goodhue. Miss W. E. Daisy W. Yerby. Buice. E. M. Lewis. Prof. H. 0. Sargent. Prof. Samuel Jordan. Robert L. King. U. 8. Engineers. Mrs. A. L. Awbrey. E. Mason. Evie Oswalt. U. 8. Weather Bureau. Do. Dr. J. Huggins. 4quill J Ketchuni. A. H. %&a, jr. Hi% Lucy Sellers. lose h B Bell. W. &. Horn. 2harles F. Brislin. 3 ring Hlll College. E. Henkel. P. A. Noble. 1.0. Forstar. Prank L. Zimmermann. W. 8. Wyman, jr. Prof. George W. Carver. P. L. Cowm. F. D. Stevens. Y. T. Flovd M. D. J. 8. Eng&rs. $. 37 37 30 45 33 39 41 40 27 32 41 39 28 43 38 37 40 34 41 47 33 35 37 29 42 35 43 .. .. 38 39 40 29 31 41 ............ 48.3 + 4.6 54.2 + 5.2 4S.S + 3. (i 46.4 + 5.2 48.8 ~+ 4.9 SI. 4 ....... 1 78 ....... 5.89 i... .... 9.70 I+ 4.95 8.57 ;+ 2.01 0.96 1 ....... G. 10 + 1.8F 5.70 ,+ 0.55 ti12 '+ 2.59 5.94 ~ ....... 9.40 . + 4.39 ti.21 :+ 0.46 6 14 '+ 1 34 6:08 '+ 1:73 4.87 I+ 0.13 5.20 /+ 0.47 ... 78 i 7 74 78 76 82 ti9 82 210 424 28 24 504 500 110 191 168 248 189 460 326 280 446 241 .... .... 47.2 + 4 4 74 1): 1: I I 1'R I 76 Aberdeen.. ............ Agricultural College.. .. Bay St. Louis .......... Bilori.. ............... Booneville ............. Brookhaven. .......... Columbia. ............. Columbus. ............. c sta1springs ........ ETinburg .............. Enterprise.. ........... Fulton.. ............... Hattiesburg ............ Hazlehurst ............. Hickory.. ............. Jackson.. .............. Lake. ................. Laurel. ................ N. J. Bee. J. R. Drummond. . B. Love. 1. H. Miller. . Y. Blocker. . B. Thompson. L. L. Bummers. ?. C. Spencs. . D. Omberry. ?. N. McMullen. L. U r n . 8. Eddie Nsll. McNeill. 'homas W. Flynt. )r. Samuel Pool. 3. 'rot T. E. Webstar. B. Ferris. 9nia E. Carleton. lies Ruby V. Roberts. J. 8. Weather Bureau. ,. C. Helms. )r. 0. A. TeunWn. ). H. Shell. dim Annette Koch. . S. Rw. Pa. L. 8. Burke. St. Jobh. 'allahatehie Drainage Com. e A. Flovd. e. nw. n. n. ne. e. ne. nw. nw. ... 7fi 74 75 77 74 76 76 74 7a M e a v i l l e .. ........... Greene. .................. Louiaville.. ............ Winston.. ....... 561 McNelll.. .............. Pearl River.. ..... 230 Macnn ................. Noxubea .......... 185 se. e. ne. e. n. e. e. nw. n. n. SC. ..... Magnolia ............... Pike .............. 415 Meridian.. ............ .I Lauderdale.. ..... 375 Merrl!l.. ............... George.. .......... 76 Monticello.. ........... Lawrence. ........ 208 8.17 ........ 0.89 + 6. 5s 7.24 -c 2.79 ~ ~~~~~ ~ Okolona ............... Chlckassw ........ I 311 Pearwton.. .......... IIancock.. ........ in Porterville ............. Kemper .................. Yhubuta ............... Clarke ............ 107 8.89 D.13 4.31 0.61 Tupelo ................. Lee ............... 278 191 Woodland. ........... .I Chickssaw. ...... .I.. ...... waynesboro. ......... .I Wayne.. ........ .I I b 0 indicate respective1 ,1,2,3, etc., days missing from the record. +e&pkature ehernes are $om observed readings of the dry bulb; means are computed from observed readings. t Also on other dates. T. Preclpitation is lerm than 0.01 inch rain or melted snow. 1812 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW DECEMBER, 1911 Virgtnia. ........ .... .... ........ ........ .... .... ........ ........I ............ ............ ............ ............ ........ ............ .... ............ ........ ............. ............ .... .... ............ ............ .... ............ ........ .... .... .. ........ ........ .... .... .... ........ .G1 .m .G7 .05 .20 .a5 j35 .77 .17 .56 .43 ........ ,.._ 64 .GO .% .40 .... .34 .Bo 4.m .55 ........... .85 .15 .... .65 .... .25 ____'............ .65 4.35 .01 37 .57 .47 .36 __, ....... .' .341.08) .l2 .45 .15 .... ........ ............ .08 .86 .86 .25 .07 T. .26 .34 .39 5.16 ................ * 2.20 ................................ 2.85 .___ .__. .4G .881.68 .06 .4G .02 .28 .a21 ..__ ____ ___. .63 7.06 ............ .% .o .40 .10 .... .%a .... 1 ............ .cn 3.84 ........I* * * * * * *: ............ 2.334.40 ...... ............ .... gings Mountaln Santee Kinston Ne use... -Oh.. ............ SaUtee.. .... Louiaburg I ...... Tar ......... Manteo ............. Coast ........ Marion.. ........... Santee.. .... Middletown ........ Coast ........ Moncure 11.. ....... Cape Fear.. . Monroe.. ........... Pedee.. ..... Morganton .......... Santee ...... Mount Air ........ Pedee ....... Nashville 11.. Tar. Neuse 11 N e w Newbern 11 do Parkersburg.. ...... Cape Fear.. . Plnehnrst, ........... Lumber ..... Pittsboro.. ......... Cape Fear.. . Ralelgh ............. Neuse ....... Randleman 11.. ....... ..... Reidsville 1. .......... ..... Rock House.. ...... Savannah.. . Rockin ham Ped-.. -1.. Rocky fiounyi i :::: Tar.. Salem.. Ped-.. @a ). Lumberton \i ...... Lumber ..... Maunt Ho& I ..... Santee. ..... ...... ........ ............ ....... .............. ....... Ramseur ........... CapeFear.. . ............................ ............. .. ....... ............ ..... ......... ..... Roanoke .... Tar ...... ......... ............... ....... ..... ..... ............ ..... ... . ............ ..... Settle Pedee Smithfield I I.. Neuse.. Snow Hill. Southern Pines.. Cape Fear.. Southport. Ststesvllle.. ........ Pedee.. ..... Tarboro ............ Tar. ........ Weldon I I .. ........ Roanoke.. .. Wlllard.. ........... Cape Fear.. . Wilmington. .......... ..... Aiken.. ............ Edisto.. .... Anderson.. ............ ..... Batasburg ..... Edisto ...... Blackvllle do Bhlm 11 Broad Bowman.. ......... Edlsto.. .... Soufh Carolina. Allendale I U ........ SaV8IUlah.. . .......... ....... ............ ....... DEOEMBER , 19 11. MUNTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE 2.-Dac?y precipitution for D d e r , 1911. bistsiet No. e-Continued. 1813 8tatiOM. Watmbed. BowhCamUna--Con. Calhoun alls [I .... Savannah Camden Hi;.. ....... Wateme ..... Catawba 1 Catawba.. .. Charleston .......... Coat ........ Clermron ollege .. SaTmah ... Columbia ........... Conaaree .... Broxton j) ......... Salliehatchic Chappells 1 i::::: 1:: Saluda.. .... Cheraw I&. .....: ~.. Pedee ....... ... 1814 ............. Alegall Amiston Aeheville ................ Auburn ............ Bentont I.. ......... Bemu a ......... am ....... ........... ............ .......... ......... Cltronelle ........... C s L \i ......... Cordova ............ Cullman ................. DadavLUell ......... Daphne ............ Demo lbll ........ EufanglI .......... Flomaton .......... FortDepositll .......... GadaaeJIll .......... Goodwater ............ Greensboro ....... Hamilton .......... Highland Home .... ......... oreenvluell! ....... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . . ..................................................... . . . .... .. . ............ I ‘I ............................................... . .. . ............ . . . . . ............. . Chattah’hw T 1.043.19 06 04 .731.92?.52 2.26 .OS T 04 12 T 12.00 Cooea T T 16 03 lti .0!2 1.26 T 1.39 06 14 21 94 50 52 5.39 do ............................................... 30 T .. 10 . 57 . 44 . 10 . Cfi .... T . 1.40 .05 1.05 .................................... 4.61 Tallapoom ................................................... T . T .. 10 . 42 ............ 1.W .05 2.34 . 27 . 19 T .. 14 . 41 ........ T 1.05 6.57 Alabama ............................................................. 24 . 44 ............ 2.14 . 22 T .. 85 ............. 40 ............ 1.48 5.77 . ! . Escambia ................................................... T . T .. 07 . 26 ........ T . 1.68 T . 2.33 . 96 . 24 . 04 . 04 . 24 ........ T . 2.33 8.19 Bl’k Warrior ......................................... 40 T .. 30 . 33 . 30 ............ .Ox 1.34 . 01 1.31 . 05 . 11 . 15 1.12 ........ T .. 62 . 01 6.12 Coasa .................................................... 15 T .. 15 . 38 . 20 ............ 1.58 . 05 . 70 . S5 .*.. ... 29 . 90 ............ 1.08 6.92 Tallapoom .............................................. T .......... 40 ............................ 1.20 ................. 25 . 40 T . 1.00 3.25 Coosa ................................................................ 70 . 60 . 20 ......... 20 . 65 . u) ......... 50 . 25 . 75 . 50 .... 1.00 .... 5.95 Alabama ............................................ T .......... 36 . 70 ............. W 2.80 . 08 1.05 . 77 . 31 . 03 . 39 . 12 ......... 40 2.75 10.00 Goa% ........................................................ (rJ . 06 . 56 . 18 ............ 2.051 . 09 . 60 . 51 . 26 ..... 53 . 77 ............ 1.10 6.80 Tombi bee .......................................... 1.15 .701.40 1.53 . 50 . 65 ............. 95 .... 1.35 . 50 . 15 ..... 40 . 40 ............ 1.3011.03 BY% dbrior ..................................... 40 2.10 . 28 . 60 . 20 1.43 ................. 20 ..... 95 . 15 . 32 . 70 2.08 ........ .31 1.28 .... 10.90 do ...................................... T . T . 1.45 . 52 . 68 .ZO 1.65 . 03 ............. 80 T .. 80 . 10 . 20 .... 1.68 ............ 1.35 . 48 9.94 Tallapoosa ...................................................... T .. 15 . 66 ............ 1.60 .05 1.19 . 65 . 52 ..... 32 . 30 ........ T . 1.12 6.56 Cosrrt ................................................... T ..... T .. 05 ............ .90 1.20 .102.201.40 1.55 . 05 ................ T . 2.00 9.45 Tombi bee ............................................... 70 . 18 . 16 . 26 . 25 ............ 1.40 ..... 60 . 82 . 10 . 08 . 40 . 60 ......... 05 1 . M 6.64 Chattakhee .......................................................... 04 . 26 .... T ...... 48 1.26 1.59 2.16 . 14 ..... 06 . 10 ............ 1.46 7.51 E-b& ................................................................ 08 T ......... 1.96?.00 ..... 61 . 21, T .. 06 .I ............. 44 5.85 do ........................................................... 20 ..... 25 ............ 1.65 . 20 .50 1.00 . 20 ........................ 1.93 5.83 C00ES .................................................... 15 . 04 . 26 . 64 . 14 36 10 70 50 10 14 .70 1.00 08 80 5.71 do ....... 45 ..................................................... 22 . 15 ............ 1.60 . 12 . 64 . 66 . 25 . 06 .37 1.07 ............ 1.54 7.13 B11 Warrlor ......................................... 73 . 14 . 16 . 72 . 23 ............ 1.69 . 04 1.04 . 85 . 17 ..... 30 . 76 ............. 85 .... 7.69 E-bia ................................................................ 42 ............ 1.80 .... 1.30 ......... 46 .... .Sa ............ 1.66 6.96 Tomb bee ...................................... .082.25 1.32 .&3 2.48 . 48 . 08 . 08 ......... 34 ,021.30 T . .!a .... 2.00 T ......... 1.45 .Si 8.08 Ea&~ia ............................................................ 43 . 15 ............ 1.51 . 02 1.13 . 64 . 2~ . 04 . 02 . 61 ........... -1.68 8 . iv1 ............. . . . . . ......... . DECEMBER. 191 1 TABLE !-?.-Daily prceipitation for D d a . 1911 . Disbiet No . 2-Continued . ff~lo--continued . Tallapoosa I I ....... Thomasville ........ ........... I l l l l l l l l l l l /l l /l l /I l l l !l /l l l l l l ...................................................... ...... .. Savannah ........................................... .ob: 05 Suwanw ........................................................ 30 ........ Savannah ............................................................ Satilla .................................. .02 ......................... 15 . 28 . 07 73 10 Savannah ....................................................... T .. 85 1.75 . 05 ..... .. Chattah’h e8. ................................................ T . T .. 13 . 55 18 ..... Flint ................................................................ 11 .44 ............ 95 21 .... . 30 . 04 . 15 ............ . 40 . 41 . 53 4.93 . 30 ............ 6.00 . 58 ........ T 67 7.61 .37 .... 99 6.25 DEOEMBER, 191 1. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE S.-Daily preeipitution for Dccnbcr, 1911. District No. 2-Continued. 1815 Day of month. Alabama4ontd. dEWsb81ppi. ______.__ ~~ * Precipitation inrluded in that of the next measurement. : Separate dates of falls not recorded. 14. gmcipitation for the 24 hours ending on the morning when it is measured. recipitat.ion is less than 0.01 inch rain or melted snow. 1816 MONTHLY WEATnhR REVIEW. DECEMBER, 1911 TABLE 3.-Mw5mum and minimum temperaturur at sebcled stations, Dcennber, 1911. District No. 2, South Atlantic and eaet Gulf Siatur. 14.0 j 53.5 J7.5, Lax. 51 55 54 44 Min -_ 26 36 31 31 58.8 , 38.6a fin. 22 23 "9 32 29 35 41 4G 49 55 57 55 5'2 5.5 59 65 41 37 -~ Max. -~ 53 54 59 45 50 5ti GI 6G G1 66 69 IX B? 5s 49 55 50 53 - Virginia. North Carolina. :harkston. a c. .- - I Norfolk. 1 Richmond Edentoii. _-_ Fayette rille. ~- Raleigh. Hot Springs. Lynchburg Charlotte. Reidsvilli Wilming ton. New- bern.55 - Min. - 31 35 32 29 24 27 27 28 31 31 44 43 45 38 38 35 41 45 38 33 31 37 42 42 40 44 32 B 25 34 39 34.2 - - - fh - 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 51 .3 2' 2' '3' 41 4! 4' 4' 4l 4( 2! 2: 3: 4' I. : - - - uin - 23 24 21 20 12 19 21 24 25 2s 41 41 40 31 33 41 31 24 15 17 25 35 40 a2 22 27 25 11 10 22 34 1.0 - - - @ax - 52 51 48 40 51 66 66 66 61 64 68 6!3 -64 46 46 49 50 49 44 37 40 42 59 50 47 47 57 37 41 48 54 51. 9 ~ - __ dax ~ 56 B? G1 50 45 G4 bS 70 89 73 77 73 74 a1 50 71 65 53 47 43 47 4 i 61 57 49 50 t& 4ti 50 55 66 8.0 - - ~ Max - 5; 61 €4 5( 4 6c 64 l% 67 68 71 72 74 56 69 72 G6 51 45 48 57 66 68 62 51 71 70 46 49 62 70 $1.3 -~ - - &ax. 54 71 72 62 71 G7 75 i G 77 79 81 74 70 54 71 71 Go 4s 54 54 59 66 64 52 70 so 68 53 61 67 67 85.9 - - - [in 24 31 2t 34 2: 21 25 26 28 31 35 38 47 44 47 50 49 36 29 29 37 47 46 49 40 37 46 27 22 30 41 i. 5 __ - -. Nai M 65 5f 51 45 57 64 rn 65 64 68 09 79 61 74 70 65 56 50 61 55 67 68 70 61 6G 66 49 52 62 71 12.2 ~~ H aa 5( 51 5t 4. 5: 64 67 67 64 64 7c 69 69 58 45 53 52 50 46 37 3G 41 56 52 48 48 59 42 49 47 54 ~ din 2( 32 22 25 20 26 33 34 35 36 48 46 37 35 43 40 32 26 25 30 35 39 '42 41 41 30 26 n 24 3s .3 48 - - - Max 4( 5! 5: 5: 51 61 6E 65 m 70 72 71 69 63 61 61 59 54 45 39 40 42 48 59 57 rn G4 64 47 47 56 56.9 - - - slin 21 23 24 23 21 25 26 2.3 30 38 33 40 4u 45 45 45 33 29 27 32 32 42 48 42 43 37 26 20 37 40 3.6 4a - - - @in 3C 39 33 31 28 32 35 39 40 45 52 58 50 49 52 66 47 39 33 34 47 46 56 51 46 44 30 32 30 38 59 3.0 ~ - ~~ ~ Hill . 31 39 39 35 35 36 42 47 47 55 M E6 58 52 53 64 52 46 43 41 47 48 60 58 52 52 41 33 37 47 61 17.3 Max - 43 40 39 33 43 55 59 57 58 58 59 60 59 45 47 53 50 37 38 36 37 45 48 44 46 42 59 21) 35 44 57 46.9 - - sl3s. i Min. &lX - 52 55 5s 45 41 59 fi6 61 67 68 70 70 69 55 56 63 5s 4fi 42 45 4s 01 57 53 44 54 70 40 43 51 64 15. s - - Min. - 31 32 2s 27 23 27 30 32 31 35 40 42 44 40 43 38 33 30 27 33 35 40 43 33 39 34 4n Mas 53 55 57 44 47 61 ti6 G7 66 G6 70 69 67 50 4s 69 Go 50 43 44 44 45 59 54 47 56 65 41 47 51 64 55.6 -~ - [in 22 3: 33 31 26 38 39 41 41 41 46 44 50 40 49 48 44 36 30 25 3s 38 43 45 41 41 34 30 26 37 49 ;. 0 ~~ 33 411 3 33 27 34 31 32 35 39 50 49 44 4s 52 46 3 i 31 29 42 46 45 3s n4 47 33 ?S 34 45 .... 48 - CX 6C 6F 51 55 .... c.3 63 ti5 i o 73 63 69 53 55 67 65 49 45 4s 55 55 63 55 52 49 74 63 44 64 GO l... a... 3... 4... 5... 6 __ 7... a,.. 9... 10 ... 11 ... 12.. . 13.. . 14.. . 15.. . 16.. . 17.. . 18.. . 19.. . 21 ... m... B... %... %... %... 27.. . m... m... 30.. . 31 ... MTLS. ao... - - Date. 52 57 57 58 64 69 a 66 64 G6 6s ti2 49 46 511 G1 65 64 57 52 G4 G5 43 48 54 G6 IS. 2 __ - 35 4F 42 43 46 53 5.5 52 50 55 Go 49 43 39 41 49 55 54 49 44 45 43 37 35 38 54 i. 3 - - 33 I 61 40 ~ Q 40 I 62 40 01 46 I 67 GW 68 65 55 47 60 52 50 42 34 39 42 56 52 48 59 64 54 80 52 39 3s 45 40 35 31 29 32 42 44 42 43 33 27 26 38 41 38 70 67 G6 44 45 52 52 46 43 40 3s 40 Go 51 51 48 1% 41 41 49 (il j2.5 50 51 46 43 44 47 42 37 34 35 43 44 47 43 3s 34 3s 33 30 37 45 19.5 2s 44 33 4s 25 , 46 40 1 5ti South Carolina, Georgia. ____- -- I 1 .Ibany. $5 A tlm t a. I dugus tn. , lone&.. Dah- Columbia. Rome.$$ Sarsnnah . Society Hill. Nsx. lhfin @ax. 1 Min Macon. - Ki - 28 36 31 .33 29 27 31 36 38 46 53 51 51 44 43 57 4.4 37 34 34 39 41 44 45 46 35 30 27 41 53 19.8 50 - ~ fir - 21 21 21 ?C 'E' 2? 21 25 31 3E 45 51 48 43 45 4G 39 29 29 31 34 44 46 45 44 46 41 27 23 33 37 1. 7 - !din - 30 36 31 33 31 2 i 32 36 35 54 53 48 40 46 55 43 41 3s 36 39 42 45 53 47 49 3G 3? 27 4? 53 1.8 5n - - din - 2 i 31 33 26 24 23 27 37 40 51 52 53 4-4 43 47 39 32 33 31 40 4? 5n - Max - 60 GI 61 47 59 65 67 68 72 i ? 70 71 Go 57 i o 57 52 45 39 44 4 i w 63 50 63 6s 46 49 60 63 58.6 48 - - Has - 52 52 56 48 47 54 59 65 60 59 65 62 63 59 50 54 54 54 49 41 46 47 55 55 57 51 5.5 42 46 40 59 i3.6 - - hiax - 54 5s 81 4ti 52 59 63 67 64 73 65 il 68 58 54 49 55 49 44 49 48 55 5.5 5s i 1 44 42 45 56 G? 87.0 ;n - - [ax - 59 ti1 bi 52 57 G5 69 i? 7.1 76 78 75 , .3 71 67 59 Go S i 53 55 70 71 74 -, ;n ;n so 55 55 6s i 4 G4 i. 4 - - bin. - 30 38 40 37 34 31; 45 51 5" 56 58 S i 59 55 53 64 48 43 43 42 46 45 M1 55 54 39 34 36 41 60 S i . i rn - Max dir - 21 31 ?I 31 2( 2E 31 4( 4 54 5; 53 5-1 47 47 48 311 35 3li 39 4.4 4 i 49 44 53 36 30 28 44 49 ). 7 .io - @ax - 56 c2 62 51 52 59 63 69 66 69 73 G9 71 60 06 55 55 53 44 47 fin - 0 I -j 3( "i 34 "9 ?i 32 32 41 4 1 45 SI 50 49 53 56 44 J 3 36 30 4n .sn 50 45 56 49 54 31 4? 35 10.8 i n - - 62 w GI 53 54 66 74 75 75 ah 7s 56 72 71 56 59 52 49 52 6s 66 L? 65 73 71 75 CYI i o x. 1 *- ,I ". *- I , - I... 2 ... 3... 4... 5... e .... 7.... 8.... 9.... 10 11 13 .... l .?.... 14 .... 15 .... 16 .... 17 .... IX .... 19 .... 20 .... 21 .... E.... 23 .... 21 .... %.... 26 .... 27 .... 39 .... 23 .... 31 .... 31) .... hrns.. h l 33 55 3 2 40 2C 5s ~ 2 46 1 "5 55 63 60 53 50 59 66 68 G8 73 74 i o 14 61 75 71 64 57 53 55 50 67 65 72 61 Gp 68 50 56 67 73 63.6 - 55 30 60 34 GO 1 34 ig 2u 33 3G 50 49 4s 49 40 41 $2 32 31 31 30 40 41 45 43 43 4.4 31 21 39 14.0 - i o 73 74 7:; 73 55 i o 71 59 55 4 i 44 4s 64 60 59 61 66 47 59 56 4R 60.0 rh 49 72 54 1% 51 fi7 52 50 50 59 54 59 34 5s RR I I S 34 1 43 50 I 59 .I$ 44 $2 4G 45 35 33 31 J; $2 55 52 46 46 36 24 24 3!1 4s 37.6 - 47 rs 51 .53 15 41 I2 .4S t i 1 59 51 63 62 41.) 44 54 60 57.4 - 49 I 4tj I 69 51 56 1 39 41 35 32 36 31 36 42 44 46 43 70 55 55 50 41 45 49 1% 63 53 6 io 4; 50 66 GI 60.0 - :: 52 49 55 49 33 24 35 51 52 13.1 - 46 47 1 3 53 50 59 54 $2 50 4s 55 56.9 44 46 5fi 55 5s 42 44 55 59 55 59 53 :v2 41 54 .9 30 - 51 46 I ti2 35 59 46 1 59 7.7 60.1 Z~ g 41 35 56.; :I j3s.3 54.9 '39.4 DECEMBER, 191 1. MONThLl' WEATHER REVIEW. 1817 TABLE 3.-Mm*mwn and minimum temperaturea at sckcted stations, December, 1911. District No. $--Continued. __~ l.... 2 .... 3.... 4.... 5.... 6.... 7.... R .... 9.... 10 .... 11 .... 12 .... 13 .... 14 .... 15 .... 16 .... 17 .... 18 .... 19 .... m.... 21 .... 22.... a.... 24.... 25 .... 26.. .. 27 .... B .... 9 .... 30 .... 31 .... Mns.. __ Max. 57 6f, 66 53 59 67 71 73 75 77 78 75 75 70 72 71 57 61 57 55 55 72 72 67 69 77 71 50 6.5 73 67 66.8 54 F3 53 59 29 5 8 3 4 39 34 36 75 is 1 57 59 73 73 73 74 70 70 W .% Go 61 l.,5 72 72 77 78 71 61 50 I12 70 h(l 66.3 60 53 55 5G 55 62 fLi 64 49 43 48 46 50 62 63 fs5 1;ii 56 32 35 4n 49 43.5 39 51 46 46 13 1 ....................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 ...................... 5 ...................... 6 ...................... 7 ...................... e ...................... 10 ...................... 11 ...................... 11 ...................... 13 ...................... 14 ...................... 15.. .................... 16 ...................... 8 ...................... .__ 54 57 61 48 55 60 66 68 72 71 68 61 62 57 60 70 1. ...................... 20 ...................... 21 ...................... 22 ...................... P ...................... 25 ...................... 26 ...................... 27 ...................... I ...................... 29 ...................... 30 ...................... 31 ...................... Mm.. 24 ...................... .................. 40 44 48 52 54 62 73 55 44 47 62 63 fin 72 51 43 48 62 61 51 29 24 31 47 37 3s 29 29 43 40 44 47 51 51 I- __- Tampa. Waycrosa. Df Weest Point 90 lvon Psrk. 'ort Myers Gainesville. 96 Pensacola Tallahas m.03 Max. /Min ~ [in. - 41.8 53 50 50 49 67 0.1 G i li7 72 71 70 71 74 75 i 5 71 69 71 75 75 75 74 69 GG i 4 62 sh lii 711 71 - Mill. __ 26 29 34 34 30 32 37 49 52 x 50 57 53 56 59 M 54 41 44 45 44 47 56 61 60 58 32 30 38 53 46.3 rc __ ~ __ din. ~~ 26 29 32 35 33 .13 5c M 55 57 ;G n9 1x1 li2 62 1.6 55 46 46 54 56 56 66 63 G5 65 lit, 24 3.5 43 54 51.4 - - - din. - 26 84 31 29 28 39 4.s .so 52 56 54 53 .w 61 68 54 43 38 43 45 45 55 61 55 55 64 40 32 32 46 55 46.7 - - -1 - . 32 n5 G i 40 06 69 ' 81 - dax 54 €a 64 55 60 65 6e 75 75 79 78 78 78 68 77 70 66 8 57 65 57 73 68 72 70 79 64 55 74 72 67.1 - rs - - - Idax. - 53 59 ti3 49 53 55 66 69 69 70 73 68 67 G8 Go 57 55 55 51 40 47 50 53 62 65 74 50 44 52 65 62 fr8.9 - - - din. - 20 26 2fi 29 23 24 39 34 37 41 51 46 50 58 47 18 41 0 35 37 37 40 46 50 44 46 44 2i 27 26 50 3s. 2 __ - ~- daf - 64 63 (i5 67 68 74 73 77 77 i 9 78 77 84 85 85 7Q 73 71 80 86 85 86 87 69 86 65 li4 74 70 82 77. G a2 - - - Kin. -_ 33 a3 39 39 52 52 56 56 56 57 60 66 m 70 69 67 58 63 66 63 69 64 63 63 02 43 47 52 ti? 56.5 a7 70 - __ - far. - 64 65 64 67 73 74 i 5 77 77 78 79 79 77 E3 64 81 82 75 i 5 51 82 82 61 60 61 83 85 li4 iY 79 77.0 80 - - - Tin. - 39 51 42 44 48 53 56 59 xi 57 60 61 fa li9 G9 70 64 69 60 66 fi7 67 68 fi7 67 rxi 6 i 64 40 50 Ij4 iio. 2 - - -_ lax. - 55 L4 w) 53 to I t 1 67 70 72 75 7.1 75 ,h 80 i 4 GO lio w (is 61 77 70 67 SO t.< 5'2 t 2 i R 74 3. C I? 80 -~ ~~ Max. fax. l ~i n ~ 29 32 34 .I? 51 52 51 4s 53 53 3r li4 - SX 1;s (i4 C0 rx 2 i 4 76 75 "- ,a -7 ;; S.: M 84 70 1;s 14 ,I 75 s5 81 si s5 $1: 75 64 71 70 80 5s (15 06 57 66 69 73 74 i R 70 7s 77 77 79 83 73 53 65 71 70 73 80 76 73 S2 i f 1 S5 t01 i 5 77 71.7 sn ~ ___ ti5 67 i n i n 71 72 iri 74 71; r- I I 75 715 %2 81 sn sr sn i 9 76 81 62 81 R? 81 82 Sl R2 71 74 I I) NI X . 6 ". ~ - I 59 ' 3.1 ti7 1 R i 55 61 li2 61 w 16 65 E5 68 63 a 68 69 73 75 75 75 i? 72 i 7 75 I t, 75 76 74 75 69 1>1 Ri 70 3.9 -_ - ~ i J 51 , n ci( ;!I 54 79 -- -77 53 54 54 c0 5.; I;? 7c 72 61 56 59 t 2 G3 fd 68 6i 65 i c 61 41 4 5 55 61 5.9 ~ - ti8 69 (88 Ij9 67 70 64 61 62 5G 65 55 70 f i i 70 66 i l 59 52 59 i n 67 63.7 - - 64 w) 59 61 64 4: 44 41 48 56 52 56 59 $9 58 59 31 33 40 55 51 1.0 - - -- ,I i 8 76 79 61 79 67 71 71 78 76 (10 76 80 83 80 74 57 71 71; ,I "- i3.5 - - w) ru r4 69 70 Fi ss si 59 62 64 69 70 fQ 69 lis 52 42 4s 56 G2 57.4 - - 81 .. 76 65 , 79 1:s ' 44 liX , 64 5s 76 74 1% ~ 53 55 1 72 61 78 W 64 67 ' 64 G4 , 84 65 63 64 SO 33 ti5 42 74 Yl 79 rrl ' s3 60 1 79 1.0 i 76.5 ! fin 51 46 56 52 50 55 64 64 59 60 44 :;5 39 52 62 3.3 61 S! ,I 80 81 81 Sl 82 F2 61 82 80 i2 74 i 9 76.1 ,.- i.6 75.0 I- Yiwissippi. Alabama. Bermuda. Birming- ham. UonLFm- Tusra- ery. iooesa.$f Columbus. Jwhn. Laurel. i Meridian. 1 Anniston. Dale. - din. - 18 25 27 30 27 34 42 45 50 55 57 60 Frl 5c 65 40 39 31 41 49 47 50 54 54 47 59 41 29 27 48 52 13.1 - din. Mas. ~ Min. -1 - !din. - 19 25 24 25 24 25 31 47 49 54 5q 59 48 44 49 43 33 33 32 3G 44 44 47 15 39 40 34 35 21: 33 51 18.7 - - din. -~ 21 26 27 30 113 1 52 50 57 64 67 48 49 49 41 32 33 46 38 rm 40 49 I -I--- -. &ax - 55 57 62 47 56 59 66 70 66 71 65 65 60 63 60 60 51 5(i 49 46 - !din. - 28 35 33 28 29 36 43 48 .55 57 50 59 52 53 50 40 34 3? 3R 37 - bin. - 20 27 25 15 22 35 41 41 54 55 62 58 55 47 48 4a 35 20 40 35 39 46 49 45 44 54 30 34 n 45 40 18.9 - - Iax. - 58 65 66 55 60 64 72 73 71 72 75 74 72 69 74 70 58 53 55 61 66 63 62 62 77 72 49 68 68 14.8' ro .... - - fax. - 51 60 GO 49 53 59 65 07 €8 70 il 70 69 72 68 63 56 57 53 45 51 66 59 frl 66 74 50 47 '5.5 65 63 3.8 ~ Max. - Tax. - G4 69 71 52 60 65 70 76 65 73 67 fi4 57 53 60 56 s6 G2 51 rd 57 FL? - 6ax - 56 62 F3 51 55 (io 06 G9 71 75 72 72 70 60 61 57 59 53 51 70 ~ dax -~ GO ti7 IM w: 04 i 1 75 G9 74 71 68 64 67 62 M 57 C2 48 56 :A 5R 01 60 74 57 50 .XI 69 Cd i2.9 r6 ra -_ 01 61 64 5(! 9; 63 GG 70 63 62 65 61 56 1111 5$ 52 53 50 51 49 54 49 53 67 Sn 19 ' 54 1 32 26 67 40 24 , til 35 26 1 0 39 27 ~ 55 35 5R 1 24 G l 1 32 3. 4 4: 4: 5: n 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 37 I 60 35 46 67 61 70 w 65 71 64 70 7') 70 69 71 71 64 S2 FR 51 49 53 Is1 64 64 82 71 46 50 64 65 63.4 Gn GO 2b 60 33 I 09 1 fa C4 53 rhs 5? (11, 53 60 1 54 46 I 44 52 34 54 1 73 5; 1 43 53 42 5s 48 h i 35 74 39 54 37 56.S i 36.9 26 , 65 48 37 40 45 51 56 s 56 57 57 M 45 41: 35 44 4 1 41 4ti 48 54 59 fi3 59 4s 57 52 40 34' 45 44 44 47 47 45 42 48 32 2s 41 50 $38 42. I 40 54 52 42 33 33 42 44 49 48 4R ,Y) 44 50 36 26 51 48 3n 13. a - 66 60 54 52 -55 .w 50 411 55 .s3 63 74 48 44 52 61 58.7 rfi - 3'1 5!1 54 45 ~ 71 54 5fl ci0 57 56 66 58 5fi 39 ~ 67 66 55 6G 50 4s ~ 40 46 74 54 54 34 52 2s 54 35 g; I :; C i .9 42.0 b * eto. inlicate. respectively 1 2 3 etc davs missin from the record. 0 Dah & &om standard instrum&& not supilied by the 6. 8. Weather Bureau. 55 Instruments are re3d in the morning; the maximum temperature then read is charged to the preceding day, on which i t almost always occurs.