476 MONTHLY WEA4THER REVIEW NOVEMBER, 19% SEVERE LOCAL HAIL AND WIND STORMS, NOVEMBER, 1936 Report of the Chief of Bureau] [The table herewith contains such data as have been received concerning severe local storms that occurred during the month. A more complete statement will appear in the Annual Wind nod snow ... _._.tlo ____.____.... Wind _____________ Plam Damage principally to overhead wire systems. Highways blocked; much corn blown down ____ Windows broken, some dnmnm to roofs. One ~ Oroesbeck, Tex.. .___ ______ Severe sandstorm% T h u n d e r s t o r m, wind :ind h:iil. Tornado ....______ .... do.. .. ~. . ______ ..__do -... . ____.___ do-... ..... .... .... do ____. ._______ -...do ____. . ______. ___.do _.__.._._____ La Plata (near) to Cedar- d e , hid. d o i n .. -- ~ hluch cotton ruined; windmills. telephone lines signs and buildings of weak contructiod Chracter of damage not reported-.-. _____ ~ ____ Homes, barns, trees and crops damaged or do. stroyed; lirestock killed; 11 persons injured. Heavy damage to all kinds of buildings; 40 01 more persons injured. Property dnmage especially heavy mount Choctaw and Culpepper. A numher of homes and barns demolished 01 damaged. Property damage severe, north section of Hebei Sljrings almost totolly wrecked. Roads im passable; mony persons injured. Sevi.ral hoiires blown down Charncter of damage not reported _________._.__ damaged. Alpena, Mich Atlantic City, N. J. (off coast of). Allentown, Pa. - _______.._ Chester County, Pa _______ Philadelphia, Pa Reading, Pa., and vicinity. Trenton, N. J., and vicinity COM&hlt and Massa- chusetts. do.. ._.________ Southern and Central, Eaqtern Iowa ____________. Scotia, Calif ______.______.. Clods, N. Mex., and vi- Southwestern Oklahoma.- 8an Francisco, Calif _______ wis. cinity. daruage. Buildings, timher and crops wrecked or badl: damaged; livestork killed. Seventeen jmrson: injured,. Path 14 miles long. Northwestern Texas- _____ Violent winGI ...... High wintlc ..... ,_ Torn:i(lo .......... Barry to Henry County, Laelede to Phelp Coun- Howell and Oregon Coun- Pope to Van Buren Coun- Perry and Conway Coun- Fauikner and Cleburne Mo., into Illinois. ties, Mo. ties, Mo. ty, Ark. ties, Ark. Counties, Ark. long. Unsubstintid huildings damaged and a numhe of negroes injured. hlinordauugeatmnnypoints throughout State Railway station and church practically demo1 ished and a numher of trees blown down P3t.h several miles lone. Newport, Ark. (near) - - ___ Sherldan, Ark _____________ Moscow, Ark., and vici- Macedonia, Ark.. ______ . - - Claiborne Parish, La ______ nity. Series nf severe thunderstorms and wind. Tornado.. ___.____ Morehouse Parish, La..... aged orer path 7 miles long. Five person: slightly injured. Church blown down and many other building: dam:aged; trees prostrated; telephone servio imp.iired: 12 persons injured. Sever:il frame buildings destroyed; many tree: unrooted or twint.erl off: Dath 2 miles. Marks (near), hIiss-- _____ Tennessee.. - __ - __ __ - - - __ - - Florence,, Tenn ___________ ~ Winfleld, Ala. (1 milenorth OD. &uth Carolina (northern tier of counties). Graham. N. C. (8 miles Eastern Lake Superior -... southwest of). Canover (near) Tryon Statesville, h i s b u r ; a n d Winaton-Salem. NC. Po;t's;;;outh, Va., and vi. Houghton, Mich., and vi. dnity. cmity. late 7 9 !%lo 15-16 16 10 16 16 16 16 17-18 1s 23 25 25 25 25 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 3: "1 2: .,: _, 25-2 21. ?I 2f 2( 2f ?( 3f 3( - Time o p. m-.. 1.30 - 3.16 p. m. - -. - -. . - - L. ni. .... -do-.... -do..--- , .do. - - - - , .do - - . - - ._____-_-_ 4-5 p. m.. 5-0.30P, m. 5.20 p. m. P. m...-. 6.30 p. m. P. m...-. -.do.. - -. - .. do ...... -.do.. __._ ..do ..__.. 8.45 p. m. 11.30 p. m P. m----. A. m. .... 5.30 a. rn- 1-5 p. m.. 6.20 p. m. P. m..... Tidthof Loss Valueof 2% 1 l?k I destroyed 1 property Chnractcr of storm Remarks . . . . . . -. I ....._____._._.- I _-.. ___.._..._.- .... ._____..._.. I I --.-.___._____.- .~.., 36,000 2 1 39.400 10 ._._._. .... . .____ 2,000 4 25.000 1 366.000 "5.000 . . - - - . -. -. . . -. -. . ?I l'o'ooo rornadic wind and Shade trees uprooted and weak bnildlngs demol- hail. ished at points along path 2 miles long. Heavy One person in- hail broke many windows. rornado.. . . . . . . . Wind and SUOIT.. High wind ..___._ Eligp wind :ind 3ale.. . .. -. .. ...~ Wind and rain ... ..-.do.. . . . ______ .... do.. .._...___ nigh winds an11 rain. r;nu. jured. Five dwellings and a schoolhouse wrecked 4 homes damaged, 14 barns and contents a tdtal loss, and 14 school children and 3 adults killed nt La Plat.ta. A numher of buildings dam- aged or wrecked in Cedarville. Small build- ings, fences. and poles lereled over a path 18 miles long. Drifted snow caused tie-up of traffic; streets and highways impassable in places. Tug boxt with oil tanker in tow stranded; oil salvaged but tug alniost total wreck. Several houses unroofed and wires and poles blown down. Waterfronts badly damaged; part of sea wall washed away; poles and trees blown down. Some damage at Ex mition grounds by rain; minor damage by i l l i n g signs, etc. Several roofs blown off; trees uprooted; window: broken. Homes damaged; telephone and telegraph poles prostrated; trees broken; 3 persons hurt. Storm left Wail of damaged buildings, trees, and tangled wires in it.s wake. ,Many persons in- jured; U. S. Cutter ddorrrll wrecked and a score of fishing boats sunk. Traffic and tele. phone service demoralized. person slightly injured. High wind ....-.-. Barns :ind windmills demolished and stacked grain ruined. Small buildings wrecked in ritv ___". -.-.do ____.____ .___ Mill building wrecked injuring 4 men __________ Rain and wind .... Damage principally by flooding; traffic inter. rugted; shipping delayed. A few trees blown ___.do ____. ..._____ Heaviest property damage at Moscow; aboui -... (In.. __. __._._._ One home completely destroyed; other minoi 40 persons injured. ~r ~~~. -~~ ~ ~ ~~ Ode ... .-- ________ Several freighters swepc 'sshore: one lumbe Iieavs hsil ...-.-.-, Hail over small areas did considerable damagi 1 steamer a total wreck, others damaged. to windows and automobiles. Severe thunder- Warehousesand contents badly damaged; mino Wind and'snow ... Two vessels wrecked on Geweenaw Point..-- stormandwind. ~ injury to trees, dwellings, and other smal 1 buildings. ___~~ ____ ~ - Authority Ifficial, U. 8. Weather Bu- reau. ?mt Do. (Washington, D. C.) Ifficial, U. S. Weather BU- reau. DO. D 0. Do. Do. Do. DO, ?ourant (Hartford, Conn.). Post (Boston, Mass.). Oreen Bay Press Gazette DfBcisl, U. S. Wenther Bu- (Wis.) . reau. Do. Fe.). The New Mexican (Santa Fort Smith Journal (Ark.). Official, U. 9. Weather Bu- reau. Do. Do. Do. Do. Ark.). Do. Times Record (Fort Smith, Southwest American (Fort Smith, Ark.). Times Record (Fort Smith, Southwest American (Fort Times Record (Ft. Smith, Ark.). Smith, Ark. Ark.). Do. Bureau. Do. OWclal, U. 6. Weather Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Orwnville News (Oreen- Official, U. 5. Weather Bu- Courier Express (Buffalo, Official. U. S. Weather Bu- ville, 9. C.). reau. N. 1-J. reau. Do. Do.