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Lactic Acid - Compound Summary (CID 107689)

A normal intermediate in the fermentation (oxidation, metabolism) of sugar. The concentrated form is used internally to prevent gastrointestinal fermentation. (From Stedman, 26th ed)

Drug and Chemical Information: (Total:1)         

  Chemical Classification
Organic Chemicals
      Carboxylic Acids
            Hydroxy Acids
                        Lactic Acid

Safety and Toxicology

HSDB - Peer-reviewed summary of toxicity and biomedical effects

NIOSH ICSC - NIOSH International Chemical Safety Cards

CCRIS - Carcinogenicity, tumor promotion, tumor inhibition, and mutagenicity tests

EINECS - European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances

Haz-Map - Occupational toxicology information

TOXLINE - Citations to the toxicological literature

NTP DBS - Toxicological assay results

Household Products - Information on household products containing a chemical

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Literature Keyword Mining Tool

Depositor-Supplied Synonyms: (Total: 59)
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Properties Computed from Structure:
Molecular Weight90.07794 [g/mol]
Molecular FormulaC3H6O3
H-Bond Donor2
H-Bond Acceptor3
Rotatable Bond Count1
Exact Mass90.031694
MonoIsotopic Mass90.031694
Topological Polar Surface Area57.5
Heavy Atom Count6
Formal Charge0
Isotope Atom Count0
Defined Atom StereoCenter Count1
Undefined Atom StereoCenter Count0
Defined Bond StereoCenter Count0
Undefined Bond StereoCenter Count0
Covalently-Bonded Unit Count1

Descriptors Computed from Structure:
IUPAC Name: (2S)-2-hydroxypropanoic acid
Canonical SMILES: CC(C(=O)O)O
Isomeric SMILES: C[C@@H](C(=O)O)O
InChI: InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6)/t2-/m0/s1

Compound Information:
CID 107689   
Create Date: 2004-09-16

Related Compounds:
Same, Connectivity: 14 Links
Same, Stereochemistry: 5 Links
Same, Isotopes: 3 Links

Similar Compounds: 164 Links
Similar Conformers: 522 Links    View Conformers

Substance Information:
    All: 173 Links
    Same structure: 29 Links
    Mixture: 144 Links

Category: [for same structure substances]
Biological Properties: 5 Links
   CambridgeSoft Corporation ( 1 )
SID 7990899 - External ID: 5581
   ChEBI ( 1 )
SID 8145829 - External ID: CHEBI:422
   DiscoveryGate ( 1 )
SID 10234386 - External ID: 107689
   LeadScope ( 1 )
SID 49988471 - External ID: LS-87453
   NextBio ( 1 )
SID 51026137 - External ID: 107689

Chemical Reactions: 2 Links
   Biosynth ( 2 )
SID 49747913 - External ID: L-0990
SID 49747914 - External ID: L-1000

Imaging Agents: 2 Links
   Biosynth ( 2 )
SID 49747913 - External ID: L-0990
SID 49747914 - External ID: L-1000

Journal Publishers: 3 Links
   Nature Chemical Biology ( 1 )
SID 22387985 - External ID: nchembio867-comp9
   Thomson Pharma ( 2 )
SID 15296943 - External ID: 00025289
SID 15119658 - External ID: 00061296

Metabolic Pathways: 3 Links
   Biosynth ( 2 )
SID 49747913 - External ID: L-0990
SID 49747914 - External ID: L-1000
   KEGG ( 1 )
SID 3486 - External ID: C00186

Physical Properties: 3 Links
   ChemExper Chemical Directory ( 1 )
SID 3133728 - External ID: sGQ`@bdwMUM`@
   MP Biomedicals ( 1 )
SID 56369138 - External ID: 202242
   NMRShiftDB ( 1 )
SID 587061 - External ID: 8113

Protein 3D Structures: 7 Links
   MMDB ( 6 )   
   SMID ( 1 )
SID 7888600 - External ID: LAC

Substance Vendors: 11 Links
   Biosynth ( 2 )
SID 49747913 - External ID: L-0990
SID 49747914 - External ID: L-1000
   ChemExper Chemical Directory ( 1 )
SID 3133728 - External ID: sGQ`@bdwMUM`@
   ChemSpider ( 1 )
SID 44436662 - External ID: 96860
   MP Biomedicals ( 1 )
SID 56369138 - External ID: 202242
   Sigma-Aldrich ( 6 )   

Toxicology: 1 Link
   ChemIDplus ( 1 )
SID 684938 - External ID: 026811961




Compound ID107689
Molecular Weight90.07794 [g/mol]
Molecular FormulaC3H6O3
H-Bond Donor2
H-Bond Acceptor3

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