Pacific Region, Laguna-Niguel

Guide to Archival Holdings at the National Archives Pacific Region, Laguna Niguel

Records of the Agricultural Research Service (RG 310)

Administrative History

The Agricultural Research Administration was established in the Department of Agriculture by an Executive order of February 23, 1942, to coordinate the activities of several scientific bureaus. It was consolidated with these bureaus on November 2, 1953, to form the Agricultural Research Service, which plans, administers, and conducts research and related regulatory programs.

Records Description

Dates: 1935-1956
Volume: 24 cubic feet

Records of the Plant Pest Control Branch, Plant Quarantine Inspector C. H. Rothe. The records document peach mosaic disease control, Khapra beetle infection, and related programs, and include correspondence, permits, and reports.

Finding Aid

Draft inventory.

Records of the Atomic Energy Commission (RG 326)

Administrative History

The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was established in 1946 to control the development and use of atomic energy, including the encouragement of private participation in research and practical uses of atomic energy. The AEC had responsibility to regulate the use of nuclear materials in order to protect the health and safety of the public. It was concerned with fissionable material supply, development of reactors, development and testing of nuclear weapons, basic and applied research, dissemination of information relating to atomic energy, and development and administration of international cooperation for peaceful uses of atomic energy. The AEC was discontinued on October 11, 1974, and was replaced by two new agencies: the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA, see RG 430) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC, see RG 431). The functions of ERDA were later incorporated into the Department of Energy when that Department was created in 1977 (see also RG 434).

Records Description

Dates: 1942-1971
Volume: 589 cubic feet

Records of the Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, 1962-1969. The records document the activities of the office. Included are contract files and directives.

Records of Holmes and Narver, Inc., 1942-1971. The records relate to construction of buildings and other facilities at Nevada and Pacific coast sites. There are construction records, correspondence, daily test results and charts, field notebooks, and planning files. Nontextual records include drawings, maps, and photographs.


Access to some files or portions of documents may be restricted because of national security classification.

Records of the Office of the Chief of Transportation (RG 336)

Administrative History

The Office of the Chief of Transportation was established in the Services of Supply (SOS), War Department on March 2, 1942, to head the Transportation Division. It was abolished by General Order 39 of December 1, 1964.
Within the United States, the Office administered a variety of field installations and functions, including ports of embarkation, port agencies, transportation depots, offices, and zones.

Records Description

Dates: 1941-1946
Volume: 12 cubic feet

Records of the Ninth Transportation Zone, Los Angeles, and the Port of Embarkation Office, Los Angeles. The records document operations, supply, and transportation at the following California locations:
  • Camp Anza Staging Area;
  • Holding and Reconsignment Points, Yermo;
  • Rialto Ammunition Back-up Storage Area.

The records include correspondence, general orders, operational diaries, and technical reports. Nontextual records include drawings and photographs.

Records of U.S. Army Commands, 1942- (RG 338)

Administrative History

The present system of U.S. Army commands, which are organized both functionally and geographically, emerged from a War Department reorganization of February 28, 1942. The system has a complex administrative structure including massive domestic and overseas operations.

Records Description

Dates: 1949-1973
Volume: 12 cubic foot

Records of the following U.S. Army units:
  • Advisory Group, Arizona;
  • Military hospital, Fort Huachuca, Arizona;
  • Military hospital, Fort Irwin, California;
  • Military hospital, Fort MacArthur, California;
  • Southwest Procurement Agency, Pasadena, California;
  • Hughes Plant Activity, Culver City, California.
The records document activities, administration, the command structure, policies, and procedures and include correspondence, organizational and planning files, manuals, medical diaries, memorandums, orders, publications, and regulations.

Records of military hospitals at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, and Fort Irwin and Fort MacArthur, California, 1949-1973. The records document administration, policies, and procedures. They include annual and other reports, daily journals, medical diaries, memorandums, orders, organization and planning files, and regulations.

Finding Aid

Draft inventory.

Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations (RG 342)

Administrative History

The U.S. Air Force (USAF) was established in 1947 as the successor of the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF), which had developed from a series of military air services dating back to 1907. The record group consists of records of theworld organization of the USAF and its predecessors.

Records Description

Dates: 1961-1965
Volume: less than 1 cubic foot

Records of the 6594th Aerospace Test Wing headquarters. The records concern administration, law enforcement, operations, security, training, transportation, and related matters. Included are directives and orders.

Finding Aid

Draft inventory.

Records of the U.S. Army Coast Artillery Districts and Defenses, 1901-1942 (RG 392)

Administrative History

In 1901, the Artillery Corps was divided into field artillery batteries and coast artillery companies under newly created artillery districts. Each district consisted of harbor defense forts, with accompanying minefields and land defenses. In 1913, the coast artillery districts were redesignated coast defense commands.

Records Description

Dates: 1901-1937
Volume: 18 cubic feet

Records of the Coast Defense Commands at Fort MacArthur, Los Angeles, and at Fort Rosecrans, San Diego. The records document defense and protection of these coastal areas including tactical maneuvers at Muroc, California, in 1937. They include correspondence, general and special orders, and a subject index (Fort Rosecrans only).

Finding Aid

Sarah D. Powell, comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Textual Records of the United States Army Coast Artillery Districts and Defenses, 1901-1942, NM 88 (1967).

Records of the Energy Research and Development Administration (RG 430)

Administrative History

The Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) was created in 1974, when it assumed many of the functions of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC, see RG 326).

Records Description

Dates: 1956-1976
Volume: 5 cubic feet

Records of EG&G, Inc., and Holmes and Narver, Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada. The records document construction of test facilities in Nevada and the Pacific Ocean by private companies under contract to ERDA. They are project case files, and containment and survey reports. Nontextual records include charts and maps.

Records of the Indian Arts and Crafts Board (RG 435)

Administrative History

The Board was established by an act of August 27, 1935 (49 Stat. 891), to serve Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, and the general public as an informational, promotional, and advisory clearinghouse for all matters pertaining to the development of authentic Indian and Eskimo arts and crafts. It receives administrative support from the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Records Description

Dates: 1936-1967
Volume: less than 1 cubic foot

Records of the Arizona field office, Phoenix. The records document efforts to promote Indian arts and crafts and expand marketability of wares such as blankets and pottery produced on the Colorado River, Hopi, Papago, Pima, and Truxton Canyon reservations. They are primarily correspondence.

Records of the United States Marshals Service (RG 527)

Administrative History

The Judiciary Act of September 24, 1789, made provision for U.S. attorneys and marshals who are appointed by the President and have functioned under the general supervision of the Department of Justice since its creation in 1870.
U.S. marshals execute and serve writs, processes, nd orders issued by U.S. courts, U.S. commissioners or magistrates, and commissions. They also notify the Department of Justice of defiance of Federal authority.

Records Description

Dates: 1862-1923
Volume: less than 1 cubic foot

Records of U.S. marshals and deputy marshals for the District of Arizona. The records relate primarily to appointments, Indian cases, and oaths, and include correspondence.

Finding Aid

Draft inventory.

Related Microfilm Publications

T577, Index to Names of U.S. Marshals, 1789-1960.

Donated Materials Groups

Records of the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles

Records Description

Dates: 1876-1955
Volume: 66 cubic feet

Records of Superior Court, County of Los Angeles. The records document the naturalization process. Included are declarations of intention; petitions for naturalization; certificates of naturalization; and an index to names of naturalized citizens. Available as microfilm publications M1608 and M1614.

Records of the Superior Court of the County of San Diego Records Description
Dates: 1853-1955
Volume: 76 cubic feet

Records of Superior Court, County of San Diego. The records document the naturalization process. Included are declarations of intention; indexes to declarations of intention; certificates of citizenship; court orders on repatriation petitions; court orders transferring petitions for naturalization; an index to names of citizens naturalized; military petitions; other petitions; and record books. Available as microfilm publications M1526, M1609, M1612, and M1613.

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