DOCUMENTATION for CALFIT, CALCAT, CALMRG ABSTRACT This program set forms an environment for uniform fitting of rotation- vibration spectra to molecular parameters and for predicting the full spectrum based on these parameters. The programs were developed for performing calculations for the JPL Submillimeter, Millimeter and Microwave Spectral Line Catalog, but are useful for a variety of related tasks in molecular spectroscopy. These programs require a set of subroutines for a specific problem. The two subroutine sets included are (1) for doublet Pi linear molecules with one nuclear spin and (2) for asymmetric rotors with up to 9 interacting vibrational states and 5 spins. These programs are written in FORTRAN and have been designed to be easily ported to a variety of different computers. It has been tested on ten different computer systems ranging in capability from an IBM PC-XT to a Cray YMP. The program can fit up to 32767 experimental lines to 180 parameters. CALFIT is used to perform the fitting of experimental lines, CALCAT is used to perform catalog predictions. The catalog predictions from CALCAT are in pseudo-random order and contain only predictions. To form a full catalog file in which the lines are sorted and the experimental line parameters are merged, use a sorting program followed by a sorting program. 1. Description of Problem: High resolution molecular spectroscopy generates frequency measurements with accuracy of 1 part in 10,000,000 which can be fit to a molecular Hamiltonian with relatively few parameters. These parameters can then be used to generate highly accurate predictions of molecular absorption for literally thousands of lines. The JPL Submillimeter, Millimeter and Microwave Spectral Line Catalog was created to provide a uniform computer-accessible compendium of these predictions for use by the scientific community. 2. Method of solution: This program set was developed as a general suite of programs to provide a general and uniform format for a variety of molecular species covered by the catalog. The computation is divided into distinct programs so that the operations of fitting and predicting are logically separated into separate executable units. Subroutine sets are included (1) for doublet Pi linear molecules with one nuclear spin and (2) for asymmetric rotors with up to 9 interacting vibrational states and 5 spins. The fitting programs are called DPFIT and SPFIT, respectively. The predicting or cataloging programs are called DPCAT and SPCAT. 3. Program Language: FORTRAN-77, system unique calls are segregated into a separate subroutine file to ease conversion to new systems. 4. Machine Requirements: Subroutine sets included for generic system, IBM PC (Microsoft FORTRAN), HP1000A, PRIME, VAX-VMS, SUN-UNIX, ALLIANT-UNIX, CDC, and CRAY-UNICOS. 5. User Operating Instructions: The input and output data files are distinguished by unique file extensions. In some computer implementations the files can be specified on the command line, or if the command line is blank, interactively from the standard input device/file. In other implementations the files are specified from the standard input only. In either case, the first input is a generic name used to supply a default file name with the standard file extensions. This first input need not have a file extension. Subsequent entries provide alternate names for specific files using the first 3 characters of the supplied file extension to match the standard definitions. In interactive mode, requests for files are terminated by entering no file name in response to the prompt. File names must be entered with a lower case extension. The standard output device/file provides information on the progress of the calculation. On the HP1000, a file extension of .log is used to redirect the standard output to a file. On many systems, entry of ^C (c with the control key depressed) will cause a graceful conclusion of the programs. In the following list 'file' can be any name which is legal to the file system and can include a path designation. file.par is the parameter input/output file for CALFIT file.lin is the input list of experimental lines for CALFIT & CALMRG is the printable output file for CALFIT file.bak is produced by CALFIT. It is a backup of file.par file.var is a CALFIT output file and CALCAT input file containing parameters and variances in file.par format file.unf is a CALFIT output file and CALCAT input file containing parameters and variances in binary for extra precision is the intensity input file for CALCAT file.out is the printable output file for CALCAT is the catalog output file for CALCAT and input for CALMRG file.egy is a energy, parameter derivative, and eigenvector output file for CALCAT file.str is a transition dipole output file from CALCAT file.mrg is the merged output for CALMRG file.bad is an output file from CALMRG in file.lin format FORMAT of file.par and file.var : line 1: title line 2 [freeform]: NPAR, NLINE, NITR, NXPAR, ERRTST, THRESH , FRAC, CAL NPAR = maximum number of parameters NLINE = maximum number of lines NITR = maximum number of iterations NXPAR = number of parameters to exclude from end of list when fitting special lines (see notes) THRESH = matrix singularity test for fitting (minimum magnitude of diagonal element of upper triangular fit matrix after column normalized to maximum value) ERRTST = maximum [(obs-calc)/error] FRAC = fractional importance of variance CAL = scaling for infrared line frequencies (only NPAR used by CALCAT) line 3-m: option information [freeform] ( see DPI.DOC and SPINV.DOC) ( usually 1 line ) line (m+1)-n [freeform]: IDPAR,PAR,ERRPAR IDPAR = parameter identifier (see DPI.DOC,SPINV.DOC) PAR = parameter value ERRPAR = a priori error in parameter line (n+1)-end [8F10.6]: ( ( V(i,j),j=i,NPAR ) ,i=1,NPAR ) V = Choleski decomposition of the correlation matrix, optional for file.par notes: In the freeform input, the variables are all preset to reasonable default values. The input numbers can be separated by any character not usually found in an E or F formatted number. A space or comma is recommended. Two successive commas indicate that the default value is to be used for that variable. At the end of the line or when a '/' character is encountered, all unspecified variables remain set to their default values. PAR defaults to zero. ERRPAR defaults to a very large number for CALFIT and to zero for CALCAT. If an end-of-file or error is encountered before the parameters are read in, NPAR is set to the number read to that point. If an end-of-file or error is encountered before V is completely read in, V is set to a unit matrix. CALCAT will attempt to get V from file.unf if it exists. Special lines to which NXPAR applies are lines in which the F quantum number is negative. In the quantum number assignment process in the program, the line is flagged and F is set to an appropriate value. When derivatives are accumulated, the last NXPAR derivatives are ignored, and the energies are corrected by subtracting the first order contribution of these parameters. If F < -1, the absolute value of F is used in the energy calculation. If F = -1, the F used is as close to the previous spin quantum number as angular momentum addition rules allow. The value selected will be shown in the fit file line listing in place of the -1. The file.par is copied to file.bak by CALFIT. The file.par file is over-written with new parameters. (In VAX VMS the new file.par file has a new version number, and the old version is not over-written.) If IDPAR is less than zero the magnitude is taken. In CALFIT, the parameter value will be constrained to be a constant ratio of the preceding parameter value. In this way linear combinations of parameters can be fit as a unit. FORMAT of file.lin: line 1-NLINE [12I3,freeform]: QN,FREQ,ERR,WT QN = 12 integer field of quantum numbers. Interpreted in a multiple I3 format as the quantum numbers for the line (upper quanta first, followed immediately by lower quanta). Unused fields can be used for annotation. The entire field is printed in FREQ = frequency in MHz or wavenumbers ERR = experimental error. Minus sign means that the frequency and error are in units of wavenumbers. FREQ and ERR will be converted internally to units of MHz. WT = relative weight of line within a blend (normalized to unity by program) notes: If an end-of-file is encountered before all the lines are read in, NLINE is set to the number read to that point. If successive lines have the same frequency, the lines will be treated as a blend and derivatives will be averaged using WT/ERR. Any lines with format errors will be ignored. The freeform input begins in column 37 and extends to the end of the line. See the file.par notes for more on the freeform input. FORMAT of line 1: title line 2 [freeform]: FLAGS,TAG,QROT,FBGN,FEND,STR0,STR1,FQLIM,TEMP FLAGS = IRFLG*1000+OUTFLG*100+STRFLG*10+EGYFLG IRFLG = 1 if constants are in wavenumbers IRFLG = 0 if constants are in MHz OUTFLG = 0 for short form file.out STRFLG = 1 to enable file.str output EGYFLG > 0 to enable file.egy energy listing = 2,4 to enable file.egy derivative listing = 3,4 to enable file.egy eigenvector listing > 4 to dump Hamiltonian with no diagonalization TAG = catalog species tag (integer) QROT = partition function for TEMP FBGN = beginning integer F quantum (round up) FEND = ending integer F quantum (round up) STR0,STR1 = log strength cutoffs FQLIM = frequency limit in GHz TEMP = temperature for intensity calculation in degrees K (default is 300K) line 3-end [freeform]: IDIP,DIPOLE IDIP = dipole identifier (see DPI.DOC,SPINV.DOC) DIPOLE = dipole value notes: The freeform input is defined above in the notes for file.par. The maximum log of the line strength output to from CALCAT must be greater than STR0+STR1*(frequency/300GHz)**2. Both STR0 and STR1 default to -100. FORMAT of and file.mrg: [F13.4,2F8.4,I2,F10.4,I3,I7,I4,12I2]: FREQ,ERR,LGINT,DR,ELO,GUP,TAG,QNFMT,QN FREQ = Frequency of the line ERR = Estimated or experimental error LGINT = Base 10 logarithm of the integrated intensity in units of nm**2 MHz DR = Degrees of freedom in the rotational partition function (0 for atoms, 2 for linear molecules, and 3 for nonlinear molecules) ELO = Lower state energy in wavenumbers GUP = Upper state degeneracy TAG = Species tag or molecular identifier. A negative value flags that the line frequency has been measured in the laboratory. The absolute value of TAG is then the species tag (as given in line 2 of above) and ERR is the reported experimental error. QNFMT = Identifies the format of the quantum numbers given in the field QN. (see DPI.DOC, SPINV.DOC) QN(12)= Quantum numbers coded according to QNFMT. Upper state quanta start in element 1. Lower state quanta start in element 7. Unused quanta are blank, quanta whose magnitude is larger than 99 are shown as **. Quanta between -10 and -19 are shown as a0 through a9. Similarly, -20 is b0, etc., up to -99, which is shown as i9. note: further discussion of these fields are described in R. L. Poynter and H. M. Pickett, "Submillimeter, millimeter and microwave spectral line catalog," Applied Optics 24, 2235-2240 (1985). Format of file.str: [F15.4,E15.6,I5,1X,12A2]: FREQ,DIPOLE,QNFMT,QN FREQ = Frequency of the line DIPOLE= Reduced matrix element of the transition dipole QNFMT = Identifies the format of the quantum numbers given in the field QN. (see DPI.DOC, SPINV.DOC) QN(12)= Quantum numbers coded according to QNFMT. Upper state quanta start in element 1. Lower state quanta start in element 7. Unused quanta are blank, quanta whose magnitude is larger than 99 are shown as **. Quanta between -10 and -19 are shown as a0 through a9. Similarly, -20 is b0, etc., up to -99, which is shown as i9. Format of file.egy: energy output [2I5,2F18.6,6I3]: IBLK,INDX,EGY,ERR,QN IBLK = Internal Hamiltonian block number INDX = Internal index Hamiltonian block EGY = Energy in wavenumbers ERR = Expected error of the energy in wavenumbers QN(6)= Quantum numbers for the state derivative output(follows energy output) : integer is the index of the parameter (see or file.out); value is the derivative of the energy with respect to the parameter. eigenvector output (printed after derivative, if present): integer is the index of the basis function; value is the eigenvector with a phase such that the largest value is positive. Hamiltonian dump output: integer is the index of the basis function The formats of and file.out are intended for printing, and should be labeled well enough to be self-explanatory. The format of file.unf is FORTRAN unformatted binary. 6. Installation Instructions: System specific instructions are included in the subroutine files which start with the letters SLIB. CALCAT.FOR, CALFIT.FOR, and CALMRG.FOR are the main programs. SUBFIT.FOR is supplementary to CALFIT. ULIB.FOR & BLAS.FOR are generic libraries. SLIBVAX.FOR, SLIB.FOR, SLIBSUN.F, SLIBPC.FOR, etc. are system dependent libraries, which include compilation instructions. SPINV.FOR is a specific library for spins and multiple vibrations. The executables using this library and CALFIT or CALCAT are called SPFIT and SPCAT respectively. DPI.FOR is a specific library for doublet pi with a nuclear spin The executables using this library and CALFIT or CALCAT are called DPFIT and DPCAT respectively. *.NAM are parameter name files for GETLBL in CALFIT (currently they can be on the current directory or in a default directory ). They are only used to label the output from CALFIT. BLAS.FOR contains needed LINPACK double precision Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (these may be available on some systems in a machine coded and/or vector processor form). HCO.* are sample input/output for SPFIT and SPCAT. NO.* are sample input/output for DPFIT and DPCAT. CALPGM.DOC is this documentation. SPINV.DOC is the specific documentation for the SPFIT and SPCAT. DPI.DOC is the specific documentation for the SPFIT and SPCAT. TECH.DOC gives technical information on some of the subroutine interfaces in the program suite. System dependent routines are all grouped in the files which start with SLIB. Comments at the beginning of the SLIB files have directions for compiling. The SLIB subroutine FILGET includes provision for reading file names. The PC, UNIX, and HP1000 versions will take command line arguments. The CDC version avoids the absence of .EXT file naming by using the convention name*c, where c is the first character of the extension. The SLIB function RQBRK provides for some type of 'hot key' to end the programs gracefully. For the PC, VAX, and UNIX versions, ^C will end SPFIT or DPFIT on the last iteration and will stop SPCAT or DPCAT at the end of the present J calculation. On the HP1000, BR has the same effect. The SLIB subroutine OPENLU names an alternate path for the parameter name files (.NAM) which can be changed to something more convenient. Currently, only the PC, UNIX, and VAX versions are routinely checked as upgrades are made. The other versions have not been tested recently, but will probably work with little or no modification. If all else fails use the SLIB.FOR generic file. Other unix systems should work with SLIBSUN. The SLIB function NDBLE will need to be modified for machines where REAL*8 is NOT four times longer than INTEGER*2 (e.g. CRAY). Very large arrays are in blank common. The size can be changed in CALFIT and CALCAT by changing the size of the parameter HEAPLN. On some systems it may be possible to invoke some sort of dynamic memory allocation. However, an effort was made to keep the data packed for efficient use of virtual memory. CALFIT also uses an explicit scratch file for experimental line information. Some care has been taken to make sure the programs work with floating point formats which have a 7 or 8 bit exponent (e.g. HP1000 or VAX D__FLOATING) which limits dynamic range from 1.2E-38 to 1.0E+38. INTEGER*2 vectors are assigned for integers which can be compactly stored as 16 bit quantities. INTEGER*4 is used where the values may be larger then 16 bits. Otherwise generic INTEGER type is used, and can be made INTEGER*2 or INTEGER*4 by compiler option. All floating point numbers are typed REAL*8 and all variables are explicitly typed. The cft77 compiler used on the CRAY under UNICOS automatically converted INTEGER*2 and INTEGER*4 to INTEGER(48 bit) and REAL*8 to REAL(64 bit). The warning messages can be ignored. 8. Program Timing speeds for HCO test data -- SPFIT IBM-PC-XT 1978 sec IBM-PC-AT 1088 IBM-PC-486/25 (16 bit) 47 IBM-PC-486/25 (32 bit) 29 IBM-PC-586/90 (32 bit) 3.2 HP1000-A700 529 DEC-microVAX 204 Sun-3(UNIX) 72 Sun-4 SPARC 4/330 (UNIX) 14.0 Sun-4 SPARC 10 (UNIX) 3.6 Sun-4 SPARC 20 (UNIX) 2.0 PRIME 70 Alliant 18.3 CRAY-2 4.2 CRAY-XMP 3.3 CRAY-YMP 2.3