From: Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2001 9:00 PM To: Subject: Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598 My infant son had his first taste of "baby food" in November of 1999. Since that time he has been plagued with bouts of eczema. Raw, oozing, itching, cracking, bleeding skin were a major part of his young life, at least until I took Genetically Engineered foods out of his life. I didn't know it at the time, but when he started his first foods, the soy in Gerber's baby cereals, an infants very first solid food, contained GE Soy. As time has passed, I have found that so many other baby staples (dry cereal, crackers etc.) were also loaded with GE allergens. When a parent introduces foods to a normal infant, we do it one food at a time. With an allergenic child, we break it down to individual ingredients, as their little systems are so sensitive. All of my attempts at elimination diets failed because I did not have the knowledge of what he was really eating. Had I known brand A was GE and brand B wasn't, I would have been able to save him from much misery. Why shouldn't I be told? As more and more GE foods are pushed on us, how are we citizens who have multiple allergies supposed to find food that will not make us sick? Where is the control? Why can't we be told what's in our foods?