Debbie Halvorson Sworn into Congress

CONTACT: Ryan Vanderbilt
January 6, 2008



Vows to continue to “Bring government back to the people” and work across party lines to get results for the 11th Congressional District


(Washington, D.C.) – Today Debbie Halvorson (D-Crete) was sworn into the U.S. House of Representatives to serve the 11th Congressional District of Illinois.  She vowed to "hit the ground running," focus on serving her constituents, and immediately begin reaching across party lines to create jobs and invest in America. Halvorson previously served as Majority Leader of the Illinois State Senate, the first woman in Illinois history to do so.


On the first day of her new job, Halvorson reflected on the past month, which she spent meeting with constituents throughout the 11th District.  "I have spent the weeks since the election meeting with my new constituents and listening to their stories," said Halvorson. "In Congress, I will carry these stories with me every day as I work on their behalf.  Americans are facing difficult challenges, but I'm confident we're up to the task."


Halvorson's top legislative priority is the swift passage of economic recovery legislation. The Congress will soon debate President-elect Obama's plan to create at least 3 million new jobs through building and repairing American infrastructure and investing in sources of alternative energy. "I want to work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to put people back to work," said Halvorson. "Republicans and Democrats alike want to see America create jobs through smart investments in our infrastructure.  I will work to make this common goal a reality."


As a public servant, Halvorson is well known for her accessibility and dedication to serving constituents' needs.  She will return to the district often and provide first-rate constituent services.  "During the campaign I said I would bring government back to the people and that is a promise I intend to keep," said Halvorson.  "I strongly encourage my constituents to contact one of my offices if they ever need assistance with a federal agency.  I also encourage them to contact me to voice their concerns and perspective by going to to send me an email or by calling my office at 202.225.36365."


The fast-paced legislative agenda for the incoming Congress leaves new members little time to celebrate.  Reflecting on the challenges ahead, Halvorson commented, "I'm truly humbled by the honor of being chosen by the people of the 11th District to serve them in Congress," said Halvorson.  "I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work."



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