
Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 /*  $Id: snp_bitfield.hpp 17219 2008-06-27 16:51:37Z dicuccio $
00005  * ===========================================================================
00006  *
00007  *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
00008  *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
00009  *
00010  *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
00011  *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
00012  *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
00013  *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
00014  *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
00015  *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
00016  *
00017  *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
00018  *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
00019  *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
00020  *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
00021  *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
00022  *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
00023  *  purpose.
00024  *
00025  *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
00026  *
00027  * ===========================================================================
00028  *
00029  * Authors:  Melvin Quintos
00030  *
00031  * File Description:
00032  *
00033  */
00035 #include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
00036 #include <gui/gui_export.h>
00038 #include <memory>
00042 class CSnpBitfieldFactory;
00044 /**
00045 *   CSnpBitfield is a facade for representing any version of the SNP
00046 *   bitfield.  A CSnpBitfield is created from a vector<char> data type.
00047 *
00048 *   Example:
00049 *      vector<char> data = <get data e.g. CUser_field::C_Data::GetOs >
00050 *      CSnpBitfield bitfield = data
00051 *
00052 *   Internally, the CSnpBitfield uses a Factory (CSnpBitfieldFactory)
00053 *   to determine the version/format of the bitfield to create and store.
00054 *   Although it is possible to create bitfields from the Factory, it is
00055 *   best to use this class, CSnpBitfield, instead.
00056 *
00057 *   CSnpBitfield is a facade to the CSnpBitfield::IEncoding interface.
00058 *   The CSnpBitfield::IEncoding and CSnpBitfield::EProperty will evolve to
00059 *   represent the latest SNP bitfield fields.  As newer bitfield versions
00060 *   are introduced, all subclasses of CSnpBitfield::IEncoding are recompiled
00061 *   to ensure the latest features of the bitfield are backwards compatible.  
00062 *   Developers that also modify CSnpBitfield and related classes should run the
00063 *   unit_test_snp project to test and make sure nothing was broken.
00064 *
00065 *   For example:
00066 *      CSnpBitfield2 (v2) introduced a byte for version number (Not found in v1.2).
00067 *      CSnpBitfield::IEncoding was modified to get version number (e.g. GetVersion).
00068 *      CSnpBitfield1_2 (v1.2) was forced to be recompiled.
00069 *         Calls to 1.2's implementation of 'GetVersion' return 1
00070 *
00071 **/
00072 class  CSnpBitfield
00073 {
00075 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00076 // Public Structs/Inner-classes/ Enumerations
00077 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00078 public:
00080     enum EProperty
00081     {
00082         // Note: The order of the properties is important.  Explicitly
00083         //  assigned values are intended.
00088         // F1 Link
00089         eHasLinkOut         = 0,  ///< Has SubmitterLinkOut From SNP->SubSNP->Batch.link_out
00090         eHasSnp3D           = 1,  ///< Has 3D structure SNP3D
00091         eHasSTS             = 2,  ///< Has STS Query Entrez to get the current links
00092         eHasEntrez          = 3,  ///< Has EntrezGene Query Entrez to get the current links
00093         eHasProbeDB         = 4,  ///< Has ProbeDB Query Entrez to get the current links
00094         eHasGEO             = 5,  ///< Has GEO Query Entrez to get the current links
00095         eHasAssembly        = 6,  ///< Has Assembly Query Entrez to get the current links
00096         eHasTrace           = 7,  ///< Has Trace Query Entrez to get the current links
00097         eFromMgcClone       = 8,  ///< From MGC clone We have ~20K rs. This bit could be set from specific submitter handle/ batch_id
00098         eHasOrganism        = 9,  ///< Has OrganismDBLink (Ex. Jackson Lab for mouse)
00100         // F2 Gene Function is handled separately  See EFunctionClass
00102         // F3 Map
00103         eIsAssemblySpecific = 10, // Is Assembly specific. This bit is 1 if the snp only maps to one assembly
00104         eHasAssemblyConflict= 11, // Has Assembly conflict. This is for weight 1 and 2 snp that maps to different chromosomes on different assemblies
00105         eHasOtherSameSNP    = 12, // Has other snp with exactly the same set of mapping position on NCBI refernce assembly
00107         // F4 Freq
00108         e5PctMinorAllele1Plus   = 13, // >5% minor allele frequency in 1+ populations
00109         e5PctMinorAlleleAll     = 14, // >5% minor allele frequency in each and all populations.
00110         eIsDoubleHit            = 15, // Deprecated in v4+.  This bit is set if the rs# is in Jim Mullikin's double hit submission which has been only on human snp.        
00111         eIsMutation             = 16, // Is mutation (journal citation, explicit fact) low frequency variation that is cited in journal and other reputable sources.
00113         // F5 GTY
00114         eHasGenotype            = 17, // Genotypes available. The snp has individual genotype (in SubInd table).
00115         eInHaplotypeSet         = 18, // In Haplotype tagging set
00116         eInGenotypeKit          = 19, // Marker is on high density genotyping kit (50K density or greater). The snp may have phenotype associations present in dbGaP
00118         // F6 Hapmap
00119         ePhase1Attempted        = 20, // Phase 1 attempted all snp in HapMap unfiltered-redundant set
00120         ePhase1Genotyped        = 21, // Phase 1 genotyped a subset of above: filtered, non-redundant
00121         ePhase2Attempted        = 22, // Phase 2 attempted
00122         ePhase2Genotyped        = 23, // Phase 2 genotyped  filtered, non-redundant
00123         ePhase3Attempted        = 24, // Phase 3 attempted
00124         ePhase3Genotyped        = 25, // Phase 3 genotyped  filtered, non-redundant
00126         // F7 Phenotype
00127         eHasOMIM_OMIA           = 26, // Has OMIM/OMIA
00128         eHasSnpRIF              = 27, // Has SnpRIF
00129         eHasLodScore            = 28, // Has LOD score
00130         eHasPhenoDB             = 29, // Has significant association in dbGaP study
00131         eHasDiseaseInfo         = 30, // Submitted as a disease-related mutation and/or present in a locus-specific database
00132         eHasTranscriptionFactor = 31, // Has transcription factor
00133         eHasClinicalAssay       = 32, // Variation is interrogated in a clinical diagnostic assay Note: Used to be eHasMPO(Mammalian Pheonotype Ontology), but never used
00134         eHasMeSH                = 33, // Has MeSH is linked to a disease
00136         // F8 Variation class is handled separately  See EVariationClass
00138         // F9 Quality Check
00139         eHasGenotypeConflict            = 34, // Has Genotype Conflict Same (rs, ind), different genotype. N/N is not included
00140         eIsStrainSpecific               = 35, // Is Strain Specific
00141         eHasMendelError                 = 36, // Has Mendelian Error
00142         eHasHardyWeinbergDeviation      = 37, // Has Hardy Weinberg deviation
00143         eHasMemberSsConflict            = 38, // Has member ss with conflict alleles
00144         eIsWithdrawn                    = 39, // Is Withdrawn by submitter If one member ss is withdrawn by submitter, then this bit is set. If all member ss' are withdrawn, then the rs is deleted to SNPHistory
00146         // Version 2 additions
00147         // F1 Link
00148         eHasShortReadArchive            = 40,  // Has Short Read Archive link
00150         // Version 3 additions
00151         // F9 Quality
00152         eIsContigAlleleAbsent           = 41,   // Contig allele not present in SNP allele list. The reference sequence allele at the mapped position is not present in the SNP allele list, adjusted for orientation
00154         // Version 2 & 3 (hidden in F2, gene function properties.  will be moved out of F2 in later bitfield versions)
00155         eHasReference                   = 42,   // A coding region variation where one allele in the set is identical to the reference sequence. FxnCode = 8
00157         // Version 4 Additions
00158         eIsValidated                    = 43    // This bit is set if the snp has 2+ minor allele count based on frequency of genotype data
00159         /// Add additional properties here.
00161     };
00163     // A SNP can only be one class of variation
00164     enum EVariationClass
00165     {
00166         eUnknownVariation       = 0,
00167         eSingleBase             = 1,
00168         eDips                   = 2,
00169         eHeterozygous           = 3,
00170         eMicrosatellite         = 4,
00171         eNamedSNP               = 5,
00172         eNoVariation            = 6,
00173         eMixed                  = 7,
00174         eMultiBase              = 8
00175     };
00177     // Function class (gene_prop in v1.2)    
00178     // A SNP can belong to more than one gene function class
00179     enum EFunctionClass
00180     {
00181         eUnknownFxn             = 0,  // Uknown
00182         eIntron                 = 1,  // In Intron
00183         eDonor                  = 2,  // In donor splice-site
00184         eAcceptor               = 3,  // In acceptor splice site
00185         eUTR                    = 4,  // In Exon. location is in a spliced transcript. Is "untranslated region" (UTR) if "In CDS" is false
00186         eSynonymous             = 5,  // In coding region (CDS). A subset of "Exon" excluding "UTR": SYNONYMOUS if bits 5-7 are false
00187         eNonsense               = 6,  // Is non-synonymous Nonsense. Changes to STOP codon (TER)
00188         eMissense               = 7,  // Is non-synonymous Missense. Changes protein peptide
00189         eFrameshift             = 8,  // Is non-synonymous Frameshift. Changes all downstream amino acids
00191         // Version 2 additions
00192         eInGene                 = 9,  // In gene segment Defined as sequence intervals covered by a gene ID but not having an aligned transcript. FxnCode = 11
00193         eInGene5                = 10, // In 5' gene region FxnCode = 15
00194         eInGene3                = 11, // In 3' gene region FxnCode = 13
00195         eInUTR5                 = 12, // In 5' UTR Location is in an untranslated region (UTR). FxnCode = 55
00196         eInUTR3                 = 13, // In 3' UTR Location is in an untranslated region (UTR). FxnCode = 53
00197         eMultipleFxn            = 14  // Has multiple functions (i.e. fwd strand 5'near gene, rev strand 3'near gene)                                      
00198                                       // use IsTrue(EFunctionClass) to determine function classes the snp belongs to.
00199     };
00201 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00202 // Public Methods
00203 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00204 public:
00206     static const char *     GetString(EVariationClass e);
00207     static const char *     GetString(EFunctionClass e);
00208     static bool             IsCompatible(EFunctionClass e1, EFunctionClass e2);
00210     CSnpBitfield();
00211     CSnpBitfield(const CSnpBitfield &rhs);
00212     CSnpBitfield(const std::vector<char> &rhs);
00214     CSnpBitfield &          operator=( const CSnpBitfield &rhs );
00215     CSnpBitfield &          operator=( const std::vector<char> &rhs);
00217     bool                    IsTrue(EProperty prop) const;
00218     bool                    IsTrue(EFunctionClass fxn)  const;
00219     bool                    IsTrue(EVariationClass var) const;
00220     int                     GetWeight()                 const;
00221     int                     GetVersion()                const;
00222     EVariationClass         GetVariationClass()         const;
00223     EFunctionClass          GetFunctionClass()          const;
00224     const char *            GetGenePropertyString()     const;
00225     const char *            GetVariationClassString()   const;
00226     const char *            GetString()                 const;
00228 private:
00229     void x_CreateString();
00231 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00232 // Public Inner Classes
00233 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00234 public:
00236 class IEncoding
00237 {
00238 public:
00239     virtual bool                            IsTrue(EProperty e)      const = 0;
00240     virtual bool                            IsTrue(EFunctionClass e) const = 0;
00241     virtual int                             GetWeight()              const = 0;
00242     virtual int                             GetVersion()             const = 0;
00243     virtual CSnpBitfield::EFunctionClass    GetFunctionClass()       const = 0;
00244     virtual CSnpBitfield::EVariationClass   GetVariationClass()      const = 0;
00245     virtual const char *                    GetString()              const = 0;
00246     virtual IEncoding *                     Clone()                        = 0;
00247     virtual                                 ~IEncoding(){};
00248 };
00250 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00251 // Private Data
00252 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00253 private:
00255     std::auto_ptr<IEncoding>     m_bitfield; // inits to null object
00256     static CSnpBitfieldFactory   sm_Factory; // one shared factory
00257 };
00259 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00260 // Inline methods
00261 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00262 inline bool CSnpBitfield::IsTrue(CSnpBitfield::EProperty prop) const {
00263     return m_bitfield->IsTrue(prop);
00264 }
00266 inline bool CSnpBitfield::IsTrue(CSnpBitfield::EFunctionClass fxn)  const {
00267     return m_bitfield->IsTrue(fxn);
00268 }
00270 inline bool CSnpBitfield::IsTrue(CSnpBitfield::EVariationClass var) const {
00271     return (m_bitfield->GetVariationClass() == var);
00272 }
00274 inline int  CSnpBitfield::GetWeight() const {
00275     return m_bitfield->GetWeight();
00276 }
00278 inline CSnpBitfield::EFunctionClass    CSnpBitfield::GetFunctionClass() const {
00279     return m_bitfield->GetFunctionClass();
00280 }
00282 inline CSnpBitfield::EVariationClass   CSnpBitfield::GetVariationClass() const {
00283     return m_bitfield->GetVariationClass();
00284 }
00286 inline const char * CSnpBitfield::GetString() const {
00287     return m_bitfield->GetString();
00288 }
00290 inline int  CSnpBitfield::GetVersion() const {
00291     return m_bitfield->GetVersion();
00292 }

Generated on Sun Mar 15 19:07:51 2009 for NCBI C++ ToolKit by  doxygen 1.4.6
Modified on Mon Mar 16 12:49:52 2009 by rev. 117643