`Yodve got a~ big problem in ,Te>tas' -- . . - . . KQOD tells lawmakers AIDS funds should be a state priority - 6~ MARK TOOHEY ! IWWI Chmmcle Austin Bureau --- -_ e---e .4~`STIS - Legislative leaders sl.oaid piece a high priority on fund- mg .\IllS programs because *' r pie a!~ ;!lr impibrtant as roads an pris- 004 &~te Health Commissioner li.;tw*rt Lrn.itcin said Thursday. **\`~II'vP got a big problem in Tt~s:rx." Bonn said. "You were one uf Ihzfrr::t &cJ to gel All%. and you \rercr ~nlong the first slates to have p! tq.k die front AIDS. But AIDS has O?V~IUL. e~+~Iy*s problem People a!ldn't want IO accept that. Kow they mlYs1.- St::tr health officials estimate that Rt.ch*) `f%ms are infected with the \~ruz th;r! causer acquired immune 01 t~t:c~wy syndrome. By thy end of ;!.`*I 11~ predict. tbe number of \ t 11% wws will reach 16.2ll9 in the ?`.II~~ ml I~I~I 11.990Tcxans will have &c*d 111 IIIC disease. 198949 biennium "is not my prob- Icm." "Are roads the only thing we shoutd worry about? Arc prisons the only thin we should worry about? Is the Al D!i problem important enough to ct concerned about? That's what the & girlaturc and the overnor have to ask themselves." sai t! Bernslein. The Texas Dcpartmenl of Health spends about $i million a year. mosllv In federal monpv. on AIDS rogr&. e The agencv 6. strking a udgl irrreasc of $ti?O.(Ht a gerrr in AIDS funding. Legislalion also is k- ing ronsidercd lo make an addiMa1 :;l.aillLy a year available for AIDS Bernstein said the amount of money sought I+ the health depart- mret to battle AIDS pales in rompar- ison lo stale prison and highway ex- penditures. "I just think things in this world change." said Bernstein. "If you're going to deal with a roblem like AIM in a sophisticate s and proper way. you have to be able to change your Ideas. If we grt what we've asked fur, Texas will bc taking a great andsiltsificanl slcp forwanl;" Thr AIDS statistics chirngc on a daily basis. The lalrst ligurcs indi- Cole that 2067 AIDS cast% have been confirmed in Texas with I.290 deaths rcporlcd. In Ilarris County. 986 AIDS c;1sm and 645 draths have been re- corded. Koop said tbe total number of AIDS cases is expected to incrcaxe "ninefold" by 1991 and "twentyfold" among the heterosexual population. Today, most AIDS victims are ho- mosextials or drug abusers, but health o xuerls sav the diiase will continue io ualsandrhil ren. `8 r&among beterosex- , Earlier tbis reek. Rep. Brad Wright, R-Houston. &airman of the House Public Health Cammittce. re- mark4 that the state's budpt crisis would prcvcnt the Legislrturc from placing a high priority on funding AIDS programs Wright also suggested that AIDS victims should take some responsibll- it ie fur their lifestyles and questioned w lhcr the state should shoulder the berlth care costs of people rho have iro$ the kw. Sodomy b illegal in Koop. who eicled the nation's "Aim bill" roll climb to $16 billion by 1991, took lssuc with Wright's com- lfienls. - "As a public beallh offii and a ewe 6avc to take care of them." ician I believe when people are beuid.r'lrcscarepeoplcwbohavt Iosl their jobs and have no insurance. Tbcy are dexlilute and essentialI belplcss and h Ms. 1 doe? .thin E mnyow can let 1 %m sit there in that condiliob." ThcrebnoknowncufeforAIfB. an affliction that destroys the body'j immune system, making victims iii: creasingly vulnerable lo disease. AIDS is spread through sexual con- tact, contaminated needles or blood transfusions.. Homosexual men and intrave&s drug users have been the disease's main victims, but Koop said those group 910 longer form an exclusive club. ' The "`best defenses" against AIDS. said Koop. are lo alxlain from sex or *maintriP 8 safe. monogamous rela- tionship." Koup alxo encourages the USC of ewdoms for lhoae who "have sex wilh someone known to engage in high-risk behavior." `%nyt&ing that will cut down on the SMead of this disease should be ti he said. "In addition lo edG tion. science mnd moriililv are the most helpful rl!ernalives."S Koop said children need to be taught at an early age about AIDS. "The way I like to see it laught b p"u y .aod firmly in a non-threaten- ng. ao&ighternng way starting ia kindergarten and bring them right wqh"benid. "I'd like lo see our proacb their life with t f ungsten ap- goin thought I'm to be abstinent until I find mu. tuft y, ftithful mpnoffamous r&ion- ! &sb;$l& this LI goad publi&alth .