NCI Standard Operating Procedures

Title Page





November 22, 1996

Version 1.2

Table of Contents

Introduction 1Routine duties of the Central Office include: 1Randomization/Registration of Patients 1Process for Receiving Telephone Registrations 1Medicine or Clinical Pharmacology Branch Telephone Registrations 2Surgery, Radiation Oncology and Metabolism Telephone Registrations 3Navy Medical Oncology Branch Telephone Registrations 3Compassionate Exemptions 4Process for Receiving Telephone Registrations for the VENOUS ACCESS DEVICE STUDY 5Process for Receiving FAXED Registrations 5Randomizations 6Process for Receiving Telephone Randomizations 6Medicine or Clinical Pharmacology Surgery, Navy and Pediatric Telephone Randomizations 6Surgery Branch Weekend Randomizations 7Preparation of Eligibility Checklists 8Maintenance of the Registration Books 9Procedure for Protocol Closed to Accrual 9Procedure for Terminated Protocols 9Procedure for Running "BLANK" Queries 10Monitoring Patient Accrual 10Protocols Reaching Maximum Accrual 10Preparing Computerized Randomizations 11Introduction 11Randomization Criteria 11Setting Up a New Randomization Program 12Output 17Requests to Increase Patient Accrual 18Protocol Management 18Maintaining Files 19Open Protocols 19Closed Protocols 19Terminated Protocols 19Updating Amended Protocols 19Data Vault Procedures 20Filling Requests for Information 22Routine Reports 24Venous Access Device Report 24Weekly Reports 24All Patients Registered to DCS 24All New Patients Registered to the DCS 25Enrollment Status Report 25Monthly Reports 26MB/CPB Report sorted by Onstudy for Dianne Reeves 26Randomization Log 26Radiation Registration Report 26Pediatric Branch Protocol Status Report for Dorie Marshall 26Navy Protocol Accrual Report 30Navy Cumulative Reports Sorted by Protocol/Onstudy 31IRB Report 33Quarterly Reports 34Quarterly Report Selection Criteria 34Accrual Status Report 34Quarterly Protocol Accrual Summary Report 35AMGEN Report 35Maryland State Registry 36CDR MAINTENANCE 38CDR Branch Connection Procedures 38Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology Branches 39Radiation Oncology Branch 39Surgery Branch 39Data Entry 39Edit and Quality Assurance Procedures 39Backing up the Clinical Data Registry 40






The Central Office provides data management support for the National Cancer Institute Division of Clinical Sciences (DCS). Support includes registering and randomizing patients on protocols, preparing protocol eligibility checklists, generating routine and ad hoc reports concerning protocol activity and patients status, and data entry and quality control of the Clinical Data Registry (CDR). The nature of the duties of the central office does not involve direct patient contact but is focused on managing confidential patient information that is used by researchers to develop new treatments for patients with cancer and/or HIV infection. In order to effectively support the clinical research process, the data that is collected and tracked must be accurate and complete in order to produce valid reports for researchers to effectively manage safe health care for patients as well as answer clinical research questions.

Routine duties of the Central Office include:

Randomization/registration of all DCS patients

Preparing eligibility checklists

Maintaining Registration Books

Monitoring patient accrual

Preparing stratification for randomized protocols

Preparing routine and ad hoc reports

Maintaining the Clinical Data Registry System

Protocol Tracking

Maintaining Data Vault

Randomization/Registration of Patients


The randomization and registration process ensures that each patient has legally consented to participate in a study and has met all of the eligibility criteria of the protocol. All DCS patients must be registered on active protocols. Checklists are kept in binders which are arranged by protocol number and separated by branch. Each protocol is preceded by a log sheet, then the checklists of registered patients, followed by blank forms.

Process for Receiving Telephone Registrations


There are two dedicated lines, 402-1732 and 402-1733, for receiving telephone registrations during working hours: 8:30a.m. to 5:00p.m., Monday through Friday. (If the caller wants to register a patient, continue here. If they ask to "RANDOMIZE" a patient, go to section "B". If they want to register a patient on the "VAD" (Venous Access Device) study, go to section "C").

Medicine or Clinical Pharmacology Branch Telephone Registrations

  1. Ask for the Clinical Center (CC) number and/or Branch number and put the caller on hold.
  2. Go to the registration area and look at the spines of the black binders.
  3. Find the appropriate CC and/or MB or CPB number and get the binder.
  4. Open the book to the correct protocol or branch (number).
  5. Verify that the accrual ceiling has not been reached. (The ceiling does not include any Exemptions registered on the protocol)
  6. Find the first blank eligibility checklist.
  7. Go to the bottom of the last page.
  8. Ask the caller for the patient's demographic information.
  9. Be sure to clarify spelling of name and verify I.D. number.
  10. Do not overlook pertinent information such as:

  1. If the patient is treated in an institute outside of NCI indicate that on the form above the demographic information.
  2. The onstudy date should be within seventy-two (72) hours or three business days, otherwise the doctor has to call back to make sure the condition of the patient has not changed.
  3. Next, go through the questions on the checklist.
  4. If any response to the checklist is not correct, go to section A4 of this manual.
  5. If all the answers are correct, tell the caller the patient is registered and you will call the pharmacy - ONLY FOR NCI PATIENTS.
  6. After ending the call, dial the pharmacy, 496-8092.
  7. Tell them you are from ORKAND and that you would like to register a patient.

  1. Give them the patient's name, number and the protocol number (Branch and Clinical Center number) from the front page of the checklist.
  2. Write the pharmacist's name below the patient's demographic information.
  3. Flip to the first page of the protocol section (the Summary sheet) and enter the patient information in the first available slot. (Exhibit 1) If the patient is from an outside institute, indicate it in the "COMMENT" field.
  4. Get the Master Log book. If it is an outside institute, indicate it in the comment field.
  5. Go to the front section and enter the information for the patient you just registered. (Exhibit 2) If the patient is from an outside institute, indicate it in the "BRANCH" field.
  6. Remove the checklist from the protocol binder and place it on the top shelf of the gray stand on Tijuana's desk to be copied and sent to Dianne Reeves on a bi-weekly basis.
  7. After the checklists are copied, they are to be filed in the corresponding folders in the file cabinet for current protocols.

Surgery, Radiation Oncology and Metabolism Telephone Registrations

  1. Ask for the clinical center (protocol) number, Branch and place the caller on hold.
  2. Go to the registration area and look at the spines of the black binders.
  3. Find the appropriate protocol number and get the binder.
  4. Open the book to the correct protocol (number).
  5. Verify that the accrual ceiling has not been reached. (The ceiling does not include any Exemptions registered on the protocol)
  6. Find the first blank eligibility checklist.
  7. Go to the bottom of the last page.
  8. Ask the caller the patient's name, birthdate, etc. (demographic information).
  9. Be sure to clarify spelling of name and verify ID number.
  10. If the patient is receiving treatment at an outside institution, indicate it in the space above the demographic information.
  11. Next, go through the checklist.
  12. If any response to the checklist is not correct, go to section A4.
  13. If all the answers are correct, tell the caller the patient is registered.
  14. Flip to the first page of the protocol section (the Summary sheet).
  15. (Exhibit 1)
  16. Enter the patient information in the first available slot. Enter the outside institute when applicable in the "COMMENT" field.
  17. Get the Master Log book.
  18. Go to the front section and enter the information for the patient you just registered. (SU - Exhibit 3; ROB - Exhibit 2) If the patient is from an outside institute, indicate it in the "BRANCH" field.

Navy Medical Oncology Branch Telephone Registrations

  1. Ask for the Clinical Center (protocol) and Branch numbers and place the caller on hold.
  2. Go to the registration area and look at the spines of the black binders.
  3. Find the appropriate protocol or branch number and get the binder.
  4. Open the book to the correct protocol (number).
  5. Verify that the accrual ceiling has not been reached. (The ceiling does not include the Single or Compassionate Exemption patients)
  6. Find the first blank eligibility checklist.
  7. Go to the bottom of the last page.
  8. Ask the caller the patient's name, birthdate, etc. (demographic information)
  9. Be sure to clarify spelling of the name and verify ID number.
  10. Next, go through the checklist.
  11. If any response is not correct, go to section A4.
  12. If all of the answers are correct, tell the caller the patient is registered.
  13. Flip to the first page of the protocol section (the Summary sheet).
  14. (Exhibit 1)
  15. Enter the patient information in the first available slot. Enter the outside institute when applicable in the "COMMENT" field.
  16. Get the Master Log book.
  17. Go to the front section and enter the information on the patient you just registered. (Exhibit 2)
  18. Immediately following this enter the patient into the CDR system.
  19. File checklist in the corresponding folder in the file cabinet.

NOTE: Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology, Radiation and Surgery registration information is electronically transferred from the branches to CDR at the beginning of the month and thus not entered directly into CDR as it is done for Navy registrations.

Compassionate Exemptions

Ask if the patient is a Compassionate Exemption.

The procedure for Compassionate Exemption is as follows:

  1. Fill out the compassionate exemption form from the black binder book.
  2. Prior to taking any information, ask the caller if he/she has the three (3) signatures needed for approval.
  3. If the answer is NO, do not tell the call who the 3 signatures should be.
  4. If the answer is YES, ask for the 3 signatures, the branch and clinical center numbers for the protocol, write all of the information in the corresponding spaces.
  5. Ask the caller the patient's name, birthdate, etc. (demographic information)
  6. Ask for the patients RACE ONLY for all patients being registered on protocol 92-C-0094 and all other branches except for Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology Branches. Be certain to verify the patients race in MIS.
  7. Be sure to clarify spelling of the name and verify ID number.
  8. Go through the checklist.
  9. Ask the caller for his/her beeper number and if he/she has the "Compassionate Exemption Log #" (this is not a mandatory item)
  10. Flip to the first page of the protocol section (the Summary sheet).
  11. (Exhibit 1)
  12. Enter the patient information in the first available slot.
  13. Get the Master Log book.
  14. Go to the front section and enter the information on the patient you just registered. Indicate that the patient is a Compassionate Exemption by putting a "C" before the patient ID number. (Exhibit 2)
  15. For the Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology Branches, remove the checklist from the binder and place it on the top shelf of the gray stand on Tijuana desk to be copied and sent to Dianne Reeves on a bi-weekly basis.
  16. For all other branches, remove the checklist from the binder and file it in the corresponding folder in the file cabinet.

If none of the above conditions apply, ask if the Principal Investigator has approved the patient. If so, proceed and write "P.I. approved" beside the question. If any lab results have not been returned, do not proceed. Ask the caller to call back when the results have returned.

Process for Receiving Telephone Registrations for the VENOUS ACCESS DEVICE STUDY

Registrations for this study are received either through the telephone or the fax. The telephone registrations are taken from the Research Nurses in either the Medicine or Clinical Pharmacology Branches. These nurses will generally only registered any patient who has received a PICC line. The faxed registrations are received from Cathy Parker a Nurse in the Day Hospital. Cathy will generally register all other types of VADs.

The procedure for taking telephone registrations is as follows: (VAD PICC lines)

  1. After the caller identifies his/herself, put them on hold and get the blue binder labeled Venous Access Device.
  2. Flip through the registration sheets until you come to the first available slot on the list.
  3. Ask the caller the patient's name, ID number, whether it is a permanent "VAD" - PICC lines are not permanent, the date of placement, the type of PICC line placed (see the codes at the bottom of the page), whether the device was placed at the NCI,
  4. YOU provide them with the next sequential number (serial number or S/N).

Any and all handwritten additions and corrections made to the VAD information are entered onto the WordPerfect document titled VAD.LAN as necessary and only those pages with updates and or changes are faxed to Dianne Reeves as necessary.

The procedure for taking telephone registrations is as follows: (All other VAD)

  1. Every few weeks Cathy Parker will call to say that she has a list of patients who received VADs and she is going to fax the list over.
  2. When the list arrives, get the blue binder titled VENOUS ACCES DEVICE Study and flip to the first available slot on the list.
  3. Assign the next sequential number (S/N) to the patient on the list faxed from Cathy. Assign every patient on the list a S/N
  4. Once all of the patients have been written in the VAD binder, with the corresponding S/N that has been written on Cathy's list, fax Cathy's list back to her at 402-4269
  5. Once the list in the VAD binder has been updated, fax the updated page(s) to Dianne Reeves at 402-1608. This list is faxed every Monday following any additions or changes to the VAD log.

NOTE: Patients that have been previously entered must not receive a new number, but should be registered.

Process for Receiving FAXED Registrations

Process for receiving FAXED registrations - Dermatology, Metabolism, Navy, Pediatric, and Radiation Branches and some Surgery Branch Nurses will register their patients using FAXES.

  1. For Navy registrations the cover sheet is FAXED back with the notation "RECEIVED". All other branches are notified either through e-mail or telephone. CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT IS MANDATORY
  2. Verify the accuracy of the demographic information in the MIS system for those faxed registrations received from all of the branches housed in Building 10.

  1. For NCI patients (Dermatology, Metabolism, Navy, Pediatric, Branches and all Surgery Branch registrations) enter the information from the form into CDR as soon as the form is received.
  2. For Radiation Branch patients file the form in the protocol book and enter the patient's information on the "SUMMARY SHEET" for the protocol. Also, enter the patient in the "MASTER LOG" under the appropriate registration section.
  3. For Pediatric Branch multi-institutional patients, get the "Pediatric Branch Multi-Institutional" binder and flip to the institute that is indicated on the form.
  4. Find the last entry for that institute and create a new number for the patient. However, if the registration sheet already has an assigned patient ID number, do not assign a new ID number.
  5. For the multi-institute patients, the PBNUM on the registration form needs to be entered before the last name is entered, i.e. 0000 DOE. For all NCI patients the PBNUM is entered after the last name.
  6. Write the number on the registration form and in the summary sheet in the binder.
  7. Write "Entered" at the top of the page for all registration except for the Radiation Branch registrations.
  8. If the patient is new to CDR, write "NEW/ENTERED" at the top of the page to indicate that the patient is new to the NCI and/or CDR and that all information has been entered.


Process for Receiving Telephone Randomizations

Randomizing a patient is similar to registering a patient on a protocol. The only difference is determining which treatment the patient will receive by asking the stratification questions. Most calls for randomizations are for Surgery Branch protocols.

Medicine or Clinical Pharmacology Surgery, Navy and Pediatric Telephone Randomizations

  1. Ask for the protocol number and branch the caller is from, then place the caller on hold.
  2. Go to the registration area and get the appropriate binder.
  3. Open the book to the correct protocol.
  4. Verify that the accrual ceiling has not been reached
  5. Find the first blank eligibility checklist - usually one page.
  6. Ask the caller the patient's name and number (demographic information).
  7. Be sure to clarify spelling of name and verify ID number.
  8. Ask the caller the patient's sex, race (do not ask race for MB or CPB randomizations) and date of birth.
  9. If the patient is receiving treatment at an outside institution, indicate it in the space above the demographic information.
  10. Go through the eligibility checklist.
  11. Next, go to the "STRATIFICATION" section of the page and ask which of strata the patient fits under.
  12. Put the caller on hold.
  13. Flip forward to the section marked "Strata" for the protocol.
  14. Using the heading for each list, find the one that fits the current patient.
  15. Look at the treatment in the next available blank.
  16. Enter the patient's information here.
  17. Flip back to the randomization sheet and circle or write in the patient's regimen.
  18. Tell the caller what the regimen will be for the patient.
  19. At the bottom of the demographic section, write in which list the regimen was taken from on the line titled "list:.
  20. Flip to the first page of the protocol section and enter the patient information in the first available slot (Exhibit 3). Enter the outside institute when applicable in the "COMMENT" field.
  21. Get the Master Log book.
  22. Turn to the randomization section.
  23. Enter the information from the eligibility checklist onto the first blank slot. (Exhibit 4) Enter the outside institute when applicable in the "COMMENT" field.

Surgery Branch Weekend Randomizations

This procedure is only for patients who are expected to begin treatment on the weekend. Either Claudia Seipp or Jan Einhorn will call and say that they need a weekend randomization and to give the regimen to either Melissa Corbitt or Allison Wise.

Follow the normal procedures for randomization, however, make sure to write everything in pencil:

1. Ask the biographical information and complete all information in pencil.

- Patient name, Hospital number, etc.

2. Ask the eligibility questions.

3. Determine which treatment or regimen the patient will get by asking the stratification question(s).

4. Put the caller on hold.

5. Do not give the treatment to the doctor, nurse, etc....

6. Write the patient's name in pencil in the treatment box and circle the treatment in pencil on the checklist.

7. Tell only Melissa or Allison what regimen the patient will be given and they will put it in a sealed envelope and put it in the doctor's box.

8. Let the other Data Managers in the Central Office know that a weekend randomization has been done and the onstudy date will be verified on Monday.

9. If the Nurse or Data Manager has not called by Monday to verify that the patient went onstudy, the call has to be made by someone in the Central Office. If the patient did start the protocol, all of the information that has been written in pencil must be rewritten in ink. If the patient did not start the protocol, put the checklist in the burn box and erase all information pertaining to that patient. The sealed envelope will be discarded by the registrar.

Preparation of Eligibility Checklists

Eligibility criteria are established by the researchers to determine if patients are medically and/or psychologically able to be enrolled on a protocol. The role of the central office is to prepare a series of questions based on the eligibility criteria for the protocol. Eligibility checklists are prepared for Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology, Navy Medical Oncology, Radiation and Surgery Branch protocols. This activity is usually initiated when the protocol is received from NCI branch personnel. Any CTEP sponsored protocol received from either Jane Cassidy or Janet Dorenberg is a priority and clearly states so on the face sheet. Checklists are prepared on a priority basis.

  1. Either Jane Cassidy or Janet Dorenberg delivers the protocol for which the checklist is to be developed.
  2. Record the protocol in green protocol log book for the respective branch.
  3. Record the protocol in The black binder titled "Checklist Tracking" (Exhibit 6)
  4. For the Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology Branches assign a number.
  5. Prepare the checklist in Word Perfect based on the specified criteria.
  6. Prepare the special labs list (Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology, Radiation, and Surgery Branches).
  7. Send the checklist and the special labs form to the Principal Investigator and/or Research Nurse for review and/or approval with a cover memoranda.
  8. Send a copy of the cover letter to Jane Cassidy. However, if the protocol is CTEP sponsored, send Jane the checklist with the memoranda.
  9. Checklists should be approved with date and signature within three (3) weeks of receipt.
  10. Call (Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology Branches) if Central Office has not received approval.
  11. Responsibility for obtaining approval for the checklist(s) lies with the following person(s) from each branch:
  12. If approval has not been received within one week after the branch has been notified contact Jane Cassidy.
  13. After the protocol checklist is approved send a copy of the checklist to Jane Cassidy if the protocol is CTEP sponsored.
  14. Send the Special labs to Steven Warthan
  15. Printout approved checklists and place in appropriate binder along with a summary sheet.
  16. A new file folder is placed in the protocol cabinet and all correspondence for the protocol is maintained in the file. Until the approved checklist is received, a copy is retained in the file cabinet for patient registration.
  17. The protocol is entered in the lookup tables (Protocol, Treatment group, and Branch) in CDR.
  18. Other checklists that are not CTEP sponsored are prepared after priority protocols (Follow the same procedures as listed above. Do not send Jane Cassidy the approved checklist).
  19. Enter the date the protocol was received, the date the checklist was created, the date it was approved by the P.I. or Research Nurse into the black binder labeled "Checklist Tracking" (Exhibit 6). This binder is maintained in the same area as the registration books.

Maintenance of the Registration Books

Registration books are updated when the Central Office receives new or amended protocols, and protocols that have been closed or terminated. The Eligibility Checklists are maintained in Word Perfect.

  1. New checklists and amendments are prepared in Word Perfect (all checklists are named according to their Branch or Clinical Center numbers).
  2. The checklist/amendment is printed (amendments with criteria changes are sent to the Principal Investigator or Research Nurse for their approval and signature).
  3. The amended checklist is placed in the protocol book.
  4. Central Office Data Managers are responsible for monitoring the need for additional printouts.
  5. Nadine Dawkins and Tijuana Lynch are the Data Managers responsible for generating additional checklists and amendments (All Data Managers are responsible for placing new checklist in the Protocol Books).
  6. As new or amended protocols are received they are placed in the portable registration book.

Procedure for Protocol Closed to Accrual

  1. A copy of the Continuing Review Application indicating that the protocol is closed for accrual will be sent by Jane Cassidy.
  2. If the protocol is from either the Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology or Navy (NV) Branches, look up the MC or NV number to locate the file folder.
  3. Remove all of the summary sheets and checklists pertaining to that particular protocol from the registration book and file them in the appropriate file folder in the file cabinet.
  4. After removing the protocol from the registration book, write a "C" in red ink on the paper ledger on the spine of the black binder for that particular protocol and transfer the file to the drawer(s) labeled "Closed Protocols".
  5. Enter a "C" in the status field and the closed date into the CDR lookup table in the "Closed Date" field. The close date is either the date the Institutional Review Board (IRB) chair signs the Continuing Review Application or the date the Institutional Review Board (IRB) chair signs an expedited memo to close the protocol.

Procedure for Terminated Protocols


  1. Jane Cassidy will call to verify that there are no patients still on protocols that have been submitted for termination. Jane will ask for a "BLANK" query to make sure that there are no patients with blank offstudy dates in CDR. If there are patients on that particular study with blank offstudy dates, contact Jane at (301) 496-4251. See B1 for "BLANK" query procedure.
  2. If the protocol is from either the Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology or Navy (NV) Branches, look up the MC or NV number.
  3. Remove all of the summary sheets and checklists pertaining to that particular protocol and file them in the appropriate file folder in the file cabinet and transfer the file to the drawer(s) labeled "Terminated Protocols".

  1. After removing the protocol from the registration book, write a "T" in red ink on the paper ledger on the spine of the black binder for that particular protocol.
  2. Enter a "T" in the status field and the termination date into the CDR lookup table in the "Termination Date".

Procedure for Running "BLANK" Queries

(All queries are run in CDR)

  1. Jane will give the Clinical Center number by the protocol.
  2. Enter CDR and the Utilities option.
  3. Under Utilities press enter to get into the Query option.
  4. Press [F10] to access the query tables.
  5. Press P for the PI table and select the following fields: Patient Number press [F5] and the 1 to establish the link among the tables, Last Name and First Name by pressing the [F6] key.
  6. Press [F10] and O for the OS table and select the following fields: Patient Number press [F5] and the 1 to maintain the link among the tables, Protocol, Onstudy Date, and Offstudy Date by pressing the [F6].
  7. In the offstudy Date field type BLANK.
  8. Press [F2] to process the query.
  9. If the query does not display any patient names, there are no patients still on the protocol. This is the BLANK query.
  10. Print the query by pressing the Print Screen button, make sure to capture all of the fields when printing. The important fields are the Protocol and Offstudy Fields.
  11. Fax the query to Jane at 496-9962 or button #2 on the fax machine.

Monitoring Patient Accrual


Patient accrual to open protocols is monitored on an ongoing basis. Protocol ceilings are documented in the registration books at the top of each summary sheet for all protocols.

Protocols Reaching Maximum Accrual

Each DCS protocol has a maximum number of patients that will be accrued. The Data Manager must monitor the log sheet for the number of patients enrolled. As the maximum accrual is being approached (i.e., two (2) patients under the accrual ceiling) a memorandum (Exhibit E) must be sent to the Principal Investigator of the protocol. The accrual total does not include EXEMPTIONS. Copy the memorandum on Orkand stationary and send two (2) originals to Jane Cassidy and one (1) copy to Dianne Reeves (for MB and CPB). One original is put in the Official IRB file by Jane Cassidy and the other is given to the Principal Investigator. For Radiation and Navy, a copy of the letter is sent to the respective Research Nurses. The copy of the memorandum that is retained in the Central Office is filed in the protocol folder located in the Current Protocols filing cabinet. Patients will not be registered on protocols above the accrual ceiling until the protocol has been amended.

Preparing Computerized Randomizations


In order to conduct a randomized clinical trial, there must be some method of randomly assigning patients to treatments as they become eligible for the study (or the randomized portion of the study).  Randomization prevents the bias of the patient or doctor from influencing the study results. The patient is selected by chance to be on an arm.

One such method is for a series of envelopes to be prepared ahead of time, in decks according to the study stratification variables. Within these envelopes are placed cards containing the treatment assignment. Within each deck, the treatments are derived randomly, subject to the restriction that after a certain number of cards in the deck, the treatment assignments will be balanced. The program described on the following pages will produce a label that is placed on the envelope to identify the study and the deck, and a label that identifies the treatment assignment which is inserted into the envelope.

Another method is to use a list, which may be considered the equivalent of a sealed envelope.

This program produces lists, labels or lists and labels. The documentation which follows usually refers to labels, rather than lists, since the program was originally developed to produce labels.

A change made to the program ensures that the first treatment assignments will be balanced over all decks or lists, i.e. there is no possibility that all or most of the first assignments will be the same.

  1. Central Office receives the work request from Biostatistics.
  2. Record the protocol in green protocol log book.
  3. Variables specified on the work request are entered in the Randomization PROGRAM in WYLBUR.
  4. The randomization is generated.
  5. Biostatistics (Seth Steinberg or David Venzon) review the stratification list(s).
  6. When requested, a checklist with stratification is prepared in WYLBUR and sent to the Principal Investigator for approval.

  1. NOTE: Checklists do not require approval unless eligibility criteria are incorporated in the body of the protocol.

  1. Checklist and stratification is placed in Protocol book.
  2. File in cabinet for opened protocols.
  3. Enter protocol in lookup tables in CDR.

Randomization Criteria

You will receive a request for contract computing and data management support from Seth Steinberg to produce a randomization program. The following criteria to structure the randomization are written on the work request:


Study number91-C-0120   
Long title..................   
Short title........   
Treatment armPentox/Thiotepa ORRegimen #1
PSA Less Than 100
PSA 100 - 500
PSA Greater Than 500

Regimen #2
Deck/list #1
Deck/list #2
Deck/list #3
Number of Patients
per list
Block size4   
Weight (may be given)    

standard ratio is 1:1 if not otherwise specified

Log on to WYLBUR

All of the previous randomization programs are saved in a partitioned dataset: &NCPCJAG.RAND.LIB ON FILE

Use an existing dataset to structure and create the new program:

- copy the dataset into a new file and save it with the name of the new protocol

- lines 1/14 are standard JCL

The JCL must be in every program

Modify line 2 only to correspond to the name and date of the new program. Save as a partitioned dataset according to the study number.

Setting Up a New Randomization Program

The first line entered is the `X' card which indicates to the program the number of sets(runs) that are to be produced.

1 1 AX = X card
3-4 2 NN 01 - 99 (range)
01 - 1 copy of
or decks
6 1 ` ` Blank = to print
study #, deck #,
tx assignment on

Example Line: 15. x 01


1. Right justify column 3-4 or enter a zero in front of the number.


Enter the following on card `A'

- Protocol number

- Number of treatment arms

- Number of decks

- Block size

- List indicator

- Protocol name

1 1 A A =A card
3-10 8 NN-C-NNN study number
12 1 N 2 = two tx arms
3 = three tx arms
4 = four tx arms
5 = five tx arms
6 = six tx arms
7 = seven tx arms
8 = eight tx arms
9 = nine tx arms
13-15 3 NNN 01-999 (range)
i.e. 01 = # of
decks or lists
The number of
17-18 2 NN NN = block size
20 1 N 1 = labels
2 = lists
3 = labels and
22 1 N 1 = labels for
selected decks

` ' = labels for
all decks

24 The format to be used for the columns of any lists. The code indicates both the column headings and the data to be printed for each column.


Available formats:

An asterisk (*) preceding the name of the column indicates that the column will contain entries generated by this program.


Blank *Sequence number, *assigned treatment,

or zero patient name, randomization date.

26-23 38 text protocol name

EXAMPLE LINE: 16. a 91-C-120 2 03 04 2 Pentox/Thiotepa vs. Doxoru


1. Right justify column 14-15.

2. Right justify column 17-18.

3. Leave column 22 blank if labels are needed for all decks.

4. Enter a `1' in column 22 for labels to be produced for selected decks.


A `B' card is required for each treatment

Enter the following on card B:

- Treatment number

- Treatment weight

- Treatment name

1 1 A B = B CARD
3 1 N 1 = Tx. 1
2 = Tx. 2
3 = Tx. 3
4 = Tx. 4
5 = Tx. 5
6 = Tx. 6
7 = Tx. 7
8 = Tx. 8
9 = Tx. 9
5-6 2 NN 01-99 (range)
8-45 20 text Tx. name

EXAMPLE LINE: 17. B 1 01 Pentox. and Thiotepa

18. B 2 01 Doxorubicin


1. The weight is a 1:1 unless otherwise specified and must be > 0.

2. The treatment name can only be 20 characters for lists.


A `C' card is required for each treatment.

Enter the following on the C card:

- Deck number

- Deck to be printed

- The number of cards required/pts. per list

- Initial sequence number

- Selection indicator

1 3 A C = C record
3-4 2 NN 01 - 99 (range)
i.e. 01 = deck/
list number
6-7 2 NN 01 - 99 (range)
i.e. 01 =
corresponding #
of the deck/list
to be printed

always the same
as column 3-4
8-10 3 NNN # cards/pts
per list
11-13 2 NN sequence number
15 1 N 1 = labels

EXAMPLE LINE: 19. C 01 01 48 01


1. Right justify columns 6-7, 9-10, 12-13

Position #15 `blank' - if position 22 of the `A' card contains a `1', labels will not be produced for this deck.


A `D' card is required for each treatment.

Enter the following on the D card:

- Deck/list number

- First line of the deck/list name

1 1 A D = D card
3-4 2 NN 01 - 99 (range)
6-43 38 text deck/list name

EXAMPLE LINE: 20. D 01 PSA Less Than 100


1. Right justify column 3-4


Enter the following on the C card:

- Deck/list number

- Second line of deck/list name

1 1 A E = E record
3-4 2 NN 01 - 99 (range)
6-43 38 text  


The entire program should look like this for lists:

15. X 01

16. A 91-C-120 2 03 04 2 Pentox/Thiotepa vs. Doxorubicin

17. B 1 02 Pentox. and Thiotepa

18. B 2 02 Doxorubicin

19. C 01 01 48 01

20. D 01 PSA Less Than 100

21. E 01

22. C 02 02 48 01

23. D 02 PSA 100 - 500

24. E 02

25. C 03 03 48 01

26. D 03 PSA Greater Than 500

27. E 03

After all of the lines have been collected or modified, save the data set. Subsequent runs for additional labels or lists only require modification of the data set.


1. Listing of the input data. The program edits all input data. Depending on the type of error detected, the input data listing may or may not be complete. If there are any errors in the input data, labels will not be produced. The error messages will be printed relatively close to the input data that is incorrect. Each error message is preceded by the characters `<+>'. If you use the RUN HOLD command for the job and the FETCH it command to see the job, a search for this character string will indicate quickly whether the job ran successfully. The list output of the run should be filed with the completed randomization request in the appropriate file, Medicine Branch, POB, Surgery Branch, or Other.

2. Randomization labels (if requested) are produced via SPOUT, if no errors are detected in the parameters.The labels are printed three across the page. The left-most label in the row is placed on the randomization envelope and contains the protocol number, deck number, sequence number, protocol name, and deck name. The middle label is placed on the randomization card and contains the protocol number, deck number, sequence number, and the assigned treatment. The right-most label is not used.

3. Randomization lists (if requested) will be produced on 999 (8 1/2 x 11) paper which may be used to assign treatments and record the randomization activity. Lists are the most requested form of randomization that is received.

Requests to Increase Patient Accrual

If at anytime the accrual lists need additional treatment assignments select the "C" card of the treatment that needs the accrual increased. The program was not designed to increase the sequence number to allow for a running list.

- col 8-10 enter the # of patients

- col 11-13 enter the # 1, this never changes

i.e. The last sequence number was 25.

A request to increase the accrual to 50 patients is submitted.

Card "C" should be entered as follows:

C 01 01 50 1

Run the program as usual.

After you have received the list(s) "X" out the lines that are not needed and continue with the next sequence.

i.e. "X" out 1/25 and begin at sequence 26 when assigning treatments.

Protocol Management


There are important tasks that must be done in order to track protocols: maintaining files including open protocols, closed protocols and terminated protocols, modify eligibility checklists to include amendments and informing the Principal Investigator when the protocol is about to reach maximum accrual.

Information that must be in protocol files:

1) Initial Review Application

2) Draft of eligibility criteria

3) Approved eligibility criteria

4) Maximum accrual memoranda

5) Protocol amendments

6) Miscellaneous memoranda

7) Closed protocol application

8) Terminated protocol application

When the status of a protocol changes, do not make a new folder, just transfer the file to the appropriate cabinet.

Maintaining Files

FILING - there are separate file cabinets for open, closed, and terminated protocols

Open protocols are currently accruing patients on the study. These protocols are filed in the cabinet labeled "Current Protocols."

Closed protocols are no longer accruing patients on the study but follow-up is continued. These protocols are filed in the cabinet drawer labeled "Closed Protocols." The protocol logs will delineate the status of each protocol and can be used as a cross reference guide. Within the cabinet the open and closed protocols are filed mainly by the Branch Number i.e. MB313, in ascending order. The Navy branch protocols are filed in order of a four digit branch number i.e. 93-10. All other branches are filed in order of the CC number. Terminated protocols are filed in cabinets labeled "Terminated Protocols." These protocols are filed only by the clinical center number in ascending order.

Open Protocols

Patients are continuously being enrolled on open protocols until there is enough data collected on the patients to statistically evaluate the study drug(s). The Data Management section monitors the accrual rate of all patients and submits lists to the Branches and the Project Offices.

Closed Protocols

As the continuing review application indicating that the protocol is "Renew - Enroll Subject Follow-up Only" is received the eligibility criteria and the Summary Sheets are pulled from the books and put in the file folder. The file is transfered to the file drawer(s) marked closed protocols.

Terminated Protocols

Activity of these protocols are discontinued and filed in the file cabinet labeled terminated protocols. The Central office is given a list by the Biostatistics secretary of terminated protocols. The secretary will give the Data Manager the file containing all of the protocol's information. Insert the list in the black notebook labeled Master Listings of Protocols and put the outdated list in the burn box.

Updating Amended Protocols

Amendments of protocols are given to the Central Office by the Biostatistics secretary. The purpose for the amendments is for corrections or additions to the protocol. The Central Office Staff must read the amendment for corrections to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and patient accrual. If corrections are needed, make the necessary update to the eligibility criteria. Patient accrual may be extended or discontinued. In the case of extending accrual, cross out the old accrual number on the Protocol log and write the new number. The change in the accrual number must also be entered in CDR into the Protocol Lookup table. When patient accrual is discontinued follow the procedures for closed or terminated protocols.

NOTE: When patient accrual is extended, each accrual status list must be changed to reflect the Total Allowed and Over/Under field to concur with the amendment.

Data Vault Procedures

The Data Vault located at the McKinley Street Central Office is utilized to store backup media of all clincial data for Surgery, Naval Medical Oncology, Medicine, Clinical Pharmocology, Pediatric, Metabolism, Radition Branches and the Clinial Data Registry System. At the beginning of each month a letter regarding the backups of the individual branches data is sent to the branch representative. As the tapes are received, on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis the Data Vault log as shown on the following page is updated in Microsoft Word and maintained under the file name - C:\MSWord\OPERATIN. An updated copy of the log is sent to Jane Cassidy and a hard copy is retained in the Data Vault.

Weekly Back up Tapes Immunotherapy     
PDMS Back up Tape     
Monthly Back up Tape     
Backup Tapes (Monthly)     
PDMS Doc Diskette - Users     
Program System Back up     
Back up Diskettes (Monthly)     
Star Server/User's Workstations     
Radiation Back up     
CDR Back up Tape     
CDR Documentation ver 1.1     
CDR System Doc (Diskette)     
Cert of Authenticity      
Microsoft Excel License Card     
Wordperfect Installation Disk     
Microsoft Excel     

Filling Requests for Information


The purpose for the attached form is to ensure that all information released from the Central Office to a requestor is done to assure strict confidentiality. The identity of all persons requesting information from the Central Office will be verified. Requested information must receive approval prior to being released.

The following procedure outlines the mandatory steps needed in order to expedite the release of any information.

1) Contact Jane Cassidy at 496-4251 or any member of the Central Office at 496-1732 to obtain a Release of Information form. The form will be sent either via fax or courier.

2) Please completely fill out all requester identification and provide as much detail for the description as possible. If you are uncertain of the type of report that will best display the information, call the Central Office and possible reporting formats will be discussed with you.

3) Prior approval must be obtained before any information will be released. Single-level approval will usually be acceptable and can be done by the onsite Orkand Project Manager or Deputy Project Manager. In other cases it may also require approval by Jane Cassidy and at her discretion, approval by the Principal Investigator of the study involved.

4) Please state the level of priority or any deadline if applicable.

  1. Once the request is received in the Central Office a faxed confirmation will be sent to the requester.

Release of Information Form

Name: ______________________________ NCI Branch: ____________________________

(When applicable)

Phone #: ________________________ Protocol #:______________________________

Fax #: __________________________ Pager #:________________________________


Bldg.. # _________ Room # __________ Date Requested ___________________

Date Due ____________________

Detailed description of information requested:

Date Received __________________

Completed By ___________________ Date Completed ________________

Priority Level: High, Medium, Low, N/A (circle one)

Approval Signatures: 1.) __________________________ (Project Manager, The Orkand Corporation)

2.) __________________________ (Jane Cassidy, R.N.)

  1. __________________________ (Principal Investigator of related protocol)

Routine Reports

Venous Access Device Report

An updated report is faxed to Dianne Reeves as patients are registered (fax number 402-1608 or button number 4 on the fax machine at the Central Office). Prior to faxing the report, all hand written additions and changes, that have been recorded in the blue binder labeled "Venous Access Device", are to be entered on the VAD log for the previous week, and an updated report is printed.

The file is accessed on the.

  1. At the "C:\>" type "WP"
  2. After entering Word Perfect, simultaneously press the F10 and SHIFT keys
  3. At the prompt "Document to be Received", type "VAD".

The form will appear on the screen.

  1. Go to the first blank space and enter in the new patients that have been registered.
  2. Save the program by pressing F10 and typing "VAD". (This copies the new file over the old one.)
  3. To print the document, press F7 and SHIFT simultaneously and then "2" to print only the page(s) that have been updated or added.
  4. Fax the updated page(s) to Dianne Reeves.
  5. After the page(s) have been faxed they are three hole punched and placed in the blue binder.

Weekly Reports

All Patients Registered to DCS

This list is a means of tracking all patients registered on COP protocols (APPENDIX IV). Enrollment is tracked from Sunday to Saturday. (i.e. June 5, 1996 - June 11, 1996). The number of patients enrolled for the week can be abstracted from the Faxed registrations from the Pediatric, Metabolism and Dermatology branches and the Registration/Randomization Master Log.

There are six (6) data fields:

NOTE - All patients that have been registered on a DCS protocol, as long as it is either Primary or Supportive, entered onto the report.

Updating the list:

  1. Get the Diskette titled DCS Report and get into WordPerfect
  2. Change the date on the first line
  3. Delete the names from the previous week
  4. Enter all of the patients registered for the reporting period
  5. After all of the patients have been added sort the list alphabetically
  6. Fax the list to Jane Cassidy
  7. Keep the original list in the file labeled Jane - Weekly Lists

All New Patients Registered to the DCS

This list is a means of tracking patients that have never been enrolled on an NCI protocol or patients that are "NEW" to the Clinical Center (APPENDIX VII).

Enrollment Status Report

This report serves as a means of tracking all patients registered on MB and CPB protocols (APPENDIX E). Enrollment is tracked from Sunday to Saturday. The number of patients enrolled for the week is abstracted from the Registration/Randomization Master Log.

NOTE: The following WYLBUR Reports are printed at the Division of Computer Research and Technology (DCRT). All of the WYLBUR reports are delivered by the courier the following business day.

There are seven (7) data fields:

Updating the list:

  1. Logon to WYLBUR - type UF (use from) REG.ENROL.STATUS
  2. Change the date
  3. Set tabs
  4. Delete the numbers from the NEW ACCRUALS field
  5. Use the Master Log (registrations and randomizations) to update the list
  6. Tally the number of patients registered on each protocol

NOTE - Exemptions are not included in the TOTAL ENROLLED field or the NEW ACCRUALS field. Exempt patients must be included in the TOTAL COMP/SPE* field.


i.e. - At the "?" type A `MB297'

- The information for MB297 will be on the screen

- Tab over to each field that needs to be updated

- After the line is updated, hit the ENTER key

Continue this process for each protocol that needs to be updated. Resave the file.

  1. List off the report - at the "?" type, list off unn cc title to.your name
  2. After you receive the report the next day, fax it to Dianne Reeves
  3. Keep the original list in the file labeled Dianne - Weekly Lists

Monthly Reports

MB/CPB Report sorted by Onstudy for Dianne Reeves

This report is maintained on the DELL computer in the Excel application with the file name: MB.PRO. The purpose of this report is to update the Head Research Nurse of the Protocol Office on a monthly basis as to all of the patients registered on either Medicine or Clinical Pharmocology protocols.

Randomization Log

This report is maintained on the Wylbur dataset &NCPCCPR.RAND.LOG. To download this dataset onto the Dell computer type get rand.log C:rand.log on the FTP command. At the C:>prompt type edit rand.log. Enter all of the patients that have been randomized on surgery branch protocols for the previous month. To upload the dataset type: send c:\rand.log ran.log at the FTP commmand. In Wylbur, after verifying that ran.log has the most recent patients, delete the &NCPCCPR file by typing scratch &NCPCCPR.RAND.LOG. Rename the ran.log to RAND.LOG and print it by typing list off line/line unn title Rand.log. At the `?' type send a copy to Allison Wise.

Radiation Registration Report

This report is maintained in the Wylbur dataset &NCPCCPR.ROB.REG.LIST to download the dataset onto the Dell computer type get rob.reg.list c:rob.reg on the FTP command line. Enter all patients registered on radiation branch protocols for the previous month. To upload the file to Wylbur type: send c:rob.reg rob.reg on the FTP command line. After verifying all patients in rob.reg scratch &NCPCCPR.ROB.REG.LIST from Wylbur. Rename rob.reg to rob.reg.list. To print type: list off unn a copy for Judy Smith, R.N.

Pediatric Branch Protocol Status Report for Dorie Marshall

Two monthly reports are produced and provided to Dorie Marshall of the Pediatric Branch. These reports, which contain data for the previous calendar month, are distributed on the first Tuesday of each month.

To begin this report you must first enter CDR and access the Utilities option, select Utilities from the Main Menu, as shown on the following page.

Data_Entry Information Reports Utilities Configuration Exit Credits

Include ad­hoc queries and Mainframe backup.
DATA_ENTRYEdit patient related information and run off­line edits
INFORMATIONOn­Line single­patient information retrieval.
REPORTSPrepare/Print various patient reports.
UTILITIESInclude ad­hoc queries and Mainframe backup.
CONFIGURATIONInclude Password, and Lookup table modification
EXITExit CDR and return to DOS.

Currently selected patient ³ None

You will get the following submenu. Each selection will be described in the following section.

Query Mainframe_Backup Branch_Connect

Use the powerful ad­hoc query system to ask your database any question

QUERYUse the Ad Hoc Query and report system.
MAINFRAME BACKUPCreate backup files to be uploaded to the
BRANCH CONNECTUpload data sent periodically from
 different branches.

Currently selected patient ³ None

To begin the first query, select the PI table. In the Patient Number field, press the [F6] key and then press the [F5] key and [1] to linkages among tables. Checkmark (Ö) fields to be displayed and enter the selection criteria detailed below.

[Alt­H] ­ List of commands

[F1] ­ Help­and­fill
PIPatient NumberInstitute Last NameFirst Name & MI

Then press the [F10] key to select the OS table. In the Patient Number field, press the [F5] key and then press the [1] to establish the link. Checkmark (Ö) fields to be displayed and enter selection criteria displayed below; however, modify the date range in the On_Study field to reflect the previous month and change the protocols number in the Protocol field to include only the protocols for which each nurse is responsible.

OSPatient NumberProtocol On Study
 188C0219 >=08/01/94,<=08/31/94

Treatment GroupBranch Disease TypeEligible?

Randomized?Primary Site DiseaseBOCR

Protocol TypeTreatment Termination Off StudyOff Study Reason

Then press the [F10] key to select the FU table. In the Patient Number field, press the [F5] key and then press the [1] to establish the link. Checkmark (Ö) fields to be displayed and enter selection criteria displayed below.

FUPatient NumberDisease Type Contact DateAD Status Death
 1   ÖÖ

Press the [F2] key. The message, Processing query..., will appear on the screen while the system processes the request. After processing the query, an Answer Table is produced. Sort the Answer Table, as described in Chapter 6, using Protocol as the primary sort and On_Study as the secondary sort.

The second monthly report for the PO Branch is similar to the first report. Sample selection criteria are displayed below.

Begin by selecting the PI table. In the Patient Number field, press the [F6] key and then press the [F5] key and [1] to linkages among tables. Checkmark (Ö) fields to be displayed and enter the selection criteria detailed below for the PI table.

[Alt­H] ­ List of commands

[F1] ­ Help­and­fill
PIPatient NumberInstitute Last NameFirst Name & MI

Then press the [F10] key to select the OS table. In the Patient Number field, press the [F5] key and then press the [1] to establish the link. Checkmark (Ö) fields to be displayed and enter selection criteria displayed below; however, modify the date range in the On_Study field to reflect the previous month.
OSPatient NumberProtocol On Study
 1Ö Ö >=08/01/94,<=08/31/94

Treatment GroupBranch Disease TypeEligible?

Randomized?Primary Site DiseaseBOCR

Protocol TypeTreatment Termination Off StudyOff Study Reason

Then press the [F10] key to select the FU table. In the Patient Number field, press the [F5] key and then press the [1] to establish the link. Checkmark (Ö) fields to be displayed and enter selection criteria displayed below.

FUPatient NumberDisease Type Contact DateAD Status Death
  1   ÖÖ

Press the [F2] key. The message, Processing query..., will appear on the screen while the system processes the request. Then, an Answer Table is produced. Sort the Answer Table, as described in Chapter 6, using Disease as the primary sort and Protocol as the secondary sort. This report is sorted two ways. The first sort is by the Protocol & Onstudy Date and the second report is sorted by the Disease Type. Both reports are titled based upon the branch, the sort performed and the month and year, e.g., PO PTS SORTED BY PROTOCOL/ONSTUDY 10/95. The reports are printed in the Landscape style and then faxed to Dorie Marshall in the Pediatric Branch.

Navy Protocol Accrual Report

This report is generated on the 15th of every month for the NCI-Navy Medical Oncology Branch. The report is generated through the "Reports" option in the Clinical Data Registry which is housed on the Gateway 2000 computer. Once you have entered this option, highlight Protocol and press the [Enter] key. Enter the date range for the report that needs to be processed. The system will automatically insert the "/" and the "to". The following information will appear on the screen:
 PROTOCOL Prepare and print the protocol accrual report.
 DISEASE Prepare and print the disease accrual report.

 Report Period (Ex: 01/01/93 to 03/31/93): 01/01/70 to 10/31/95

Generating Protocol Accrual...

The message, Generating Protocol Accrual..., will flash on the screen while the system processes the request. When processing is completed, the following query screen will appear.

[F2]: Process query; [Esc]: Quit

[F3]: Up one line; [F4]: Down one line

 \CDR\QUERIES\PROTACCRËÍÍPatient NumberÍÍËÍÍÍÍInstituteÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍLast NameÍÍÍÍ»                      ºÖ+                ºÖ+                ºÖ+                º                      º                  º                  º                  º                      º                  º                  º                  º  ËÍÍFirst Name & MIÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍSexÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍRaceÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍProtocolÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ºÖ+                  ºÖ+              ºÖ+              ºÖ+NOT..C....*       º º                    º                º                º                    º º                    º                º                º                    º  OSËÍÍÍÍÍOn_StudyÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍBranchÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍEligible?ÍÍÍËÍÍOff_StudyÍÍÍÍ»   ºÖ+                  ºÖ+                  ºÖ+             º               º   º                    º                    º               º               º   º                    º                    º               º               º 

A Ö+ symbol is present in each field to indicate that the field has been selected and will appear in the report. The first three fields of the entire query will be displayed initially. To access remaining fields, use the [-Ø] cursor key. You have the option of selecting criteria for specific fields. To select only those patients who were treated at the NIH, type "NCI" in the Institute field. This will automatically include Navy Branch patients (NCIN). To exclude the protocols that contain an "*" at the end, use the cursor keys to move to the Protocol field, and type NOT ..C....* in the field. To specify the branch type "NV" in the Branch field. The report is automatically titled and printed. Once the report is finished, one copy is made and the original and the copy are couriered over to Sharon Thomas at the NCI-Navy.

Navy Cumulative Reports Sorted by Protocol/Onstudy

Monthly reports are produced on the fifteenth of every month for the Navy Branch for a three month period using the CDR query utility. Monthly reports are provided to Sharon Thomas, Data Manager at the Navy Branch.

To begin this report you must first enter CDR and access the Utilities option, select Utilities from the Main Menu, as shown below.

Data_Entry Information Reports Utilities Configuration Exit Credits

Include ad­hoc queries and Mainframe backup.


Currently selected patient ³ None

You will get the following submenu. Each selection will be described in the following section.

Query Mainframe_Backup Branch_Connect

Use the powerful ad­hoc query system to ask your database any question


Currently selected patient ³ None

To begin the first query, select the PI table. In the Patient Number field, press the [F6] key and then press the [F5] key and [1] to linkages among tables. Checkmark fields to be displayed and enter the selection criteria detailed below.

To begin the query, press the [F10] key, select the PI table. In the Patient Number field, press the [F6] key and then press the [F5] key and [1] to link the tables. Checkmark (ü) fields to be displayed by pressing F6 and enter the selection criteria detailed below.

[Alt­H] ­ List of commands

[F1] ­ Help­and­fill

 PIÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍPatient NumberÍÍËÍÍÍÍInstituteÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍLast NameÍÍÍÍÍËÍFirst NameÍÍÍË        ºÖ 1               º NCI OR NCIN      ºÖ                 ºÖ             º         º                  º                  º                  º              º         º                  º                  º                  º              º    ËÍÍÍÍSexÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍRaceÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍDate of BirthÍÍÍÍË ºÖ          ºÖ           ºÖ                    º º           º            º                     º º           º            º                     º                                    

Then press the [F10] key to select the OS table. In the Patient Number field, press the [F5] key and then press the [1] to establish the link. Checkmark (Ö) the fields to be displayed and enter selection criteria displayed below; however, modify the date range in the On_Study field to reflect the previous month (for the monthly report).

In the example below, a monthly report is specified.

 OSÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍPatient NumberÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍProtocolÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍOn_StudyÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍË        º  1               ºÖNOT ..C....*             º Ö >=10/01/95,<=10/31/95  º        º                  º                          º                          º        º                  º                          º                          º  ËÍTreatment GroupÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍBranchÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍDisease TypeÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍEligible?ÍÍÍÍÍË º                  º NV               ºÖ                 ºÖ                 º º                  º                  º                  º                  º º                  º                  º                  º                  º                                                                                   ËÍÍÍRandomized?ÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍDiseaseÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍOff_StudyÍÍÍÍÍËÍOff_Study ReasonÍË º                  º                  ºÖ                 º Ö                º º                  º                  º                  º                  º º                  º                  º                  º                  º 

 ËÍÍÍCompleted ByÍÍÍËÍÍÍDate CompletedÍÍÍË º                  º                    º                   º                  º                    º                   º                  º                    º                   

Then press the [F10] key to select the FU table. In the Patient Number field, press the [F5] key and then press the [1] to establish the link. Checkmark (Ö) the fields to be displayed and enter selection criteria displayed below.

 FUËÍÍPatient NumberÍÍËÍÍDisease TypeÍÍÍËÍÍContact DateÍÍËÍÍAD StatusÍÍËÍÍDeathÍÍ»   º  1               º                 º                ºÖ            º         º   º                  º                 º                º             º         º   º                  º                 º                º             º         º         

Press the [F2] key. The message, Processing query..., will appear on the screen while the system processes the request. Once the request is finished processing, the data will be displayed on the screen. At this point the report needs to be sorted by the onstudy date. To sort the data, press F7, and S for sort. When the sort criteria appears type 1 next to the protocol, type 2 next to the last name and type 3 next to the first name, then press F2 to process the sort.

Now the report is ready to be printed. To print the report, again press F7 and P to print. on the screen will appear a text box for the title. This report is titled Navy Adhoc Query Sorted By Protocol/Name, then press L for Landscape and the printing will begin. Once the report is printed, send it to Sharon Thomas, Data Manager for the Naval Oncology Branch.

IRB Report

To access reporting options, use the cursor keys to highlight Reports on the Main Menu. Then press the [×ÄÙEnter] key. The Reports option provides access to the standard reports developed to meet most of the reporting requirements.

Data_Entry Information Reports Utilities Configuration Exit Credits

Prepare/Print various patient reports


Currently selected patient ³ None

The Report Menu, shown below, is displayed. The five types of reports are discussed at the beginning of each of the following sections.

IRB Summary

The IRB Summary Report is produced monthly and provides a summary of sex and race statistics for specific protocols to be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board. The protocols included in this report are determined by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and a list of selected protocols is provided to The Orkand Corporation by Jane Cassidy (Phone 301-496-4251). To access this option, select Reports from the Main Menu to display the Report Menu. Follow the procedures listed below to generate the IRB Summary Report.

1. To select the IRB Report, use the cursor to highlight the IRB option from the Report Menu and press the [×ÄÙEnter] key to select this option.

Quarterly Reports

Quarterly Report Selection Criteria

This appendix contains selection criteria used to produce the following four quarterly reports: Quarterly Protocol Accrual Summary, Protocol Accrual, AIDS, AMGEM, and Maryland State Registry.

Accrual Status Report

This report is produced each quarter and is due one and a half months after the end of the quarter. To run this report, select the Summaries option from the Report Menu and then select the Protocol option from the Summaries Menu. The report is run twice -- for the most recently completed quarter and for the period beginning January 1, 1970 and ending on

the last day of the most recently completed quarter. Enter the appropriate date ranges in the box requesting the report period. This date range will appear automatically in the On_Study field.

The selections for the period of the quarter are displayed below.

Enter additional query specifications in fields below.

Press F1 for help or F2 when done (selections in a field separated by "or").

 ËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍProtocolÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍOn_StudyÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍË º  NOT ..C....*                        º  >=04/01/94,<=06/30/94     º º                                      º                            º º                                      º                            º  ËÍÍÍÍÍÍBranchÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍDiseaseTypeÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍEligible?ÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍDiseaseÍÍÍÍÍ» º                  º                 º                  º                 º    º                  º                 º                  º                 º º                  º                 º                  º                 º  ËÍÍProtocol TypeÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍOff_StudyÍÍÍÍËÍÍOff_Study ReasonÍÍËÍÍÍInstituteÍÍÍÍ» º                  º                 º                    º NCI            º º                  º                 º                    º                º º                  º                 º                    º                º 

The selections for the period to date are displayed below.

Enter additional query specifications in fields below.

Press F1 for help or F2 when done (selections in a field separated by "or").

 ËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍProtocolÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍOn_StudyÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍË º  NOT ..C....*, NOT ..CM...,          º  >=01/01/70,<=06/30/94     º º  NOT ..C9..., NOT ..C..SCR           º                            º º                                      º                            º  ËÍÍÍÍÍÍBranchÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍDiseaseTypeÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍEligible?ÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍDiseaseÍÍÍÍÍ» º                  º                 º                  º                 º º                  º                 º                  º                 º º                  º                 º                  º                 º  ËÍÍProtocol TypeÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍOff_StudyÍÍÍÍËÍÍOff_Study ReasonÍÍËÍÍÍInstituteÍÍÍÍ» º                  º                 º                    º NCI            º º                  º                 º                    º                º º                  º                 º                    º                º 

**NOTE: In the "Protocol" field, enter the "NOT" selections all on one contiguous line. Only two were entered per line in the above example for space considerations.

Quarterly Protocol Accrual Summary Report

This report is produced quarterly and is due one and a half months after the end of the quarter. Unlike other quarterly reports, it is divided into sections for each branch, and the relevant section then is distributed to a representative from each branch. The Protocol Accrual Report provides a listing, by branch, of patients who were being treated or followed on protocols during the previous quarter. The report is used for quality assurance (QA) purposes to identify those patients included in the Summary Report totals. Branches review the report to ensure that the data in CDR is consistent with branch records and report differences to The Orkand Corporation.

To run this report, select the Accruals option from the Report Menu and then select the Protocol option from the Accruals Menu. The report is run for the most recently completed quarter. Enter the appropriate date ranges in the requesting the report period. The date range will appear automatically in the On_Study field.

The selections for the of the quarter are displayed below.

Enter additional query specifications in fields below.

Press F1 for help or F2 when done (selections in a field separated by "or").

 ËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍProtocolÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍOn_StudyÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍË º                                      º  >=04/01/94,<=06/30/94     º º                                      º                            º º                                      º                            º   ËÍÍÍÍÍÍBranchÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍDiseaseTypeÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍEligible?ÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍDiseaseÍÍÍÍÍ» º                  º                 º                  º                 º º                  º                 º                  º                 º   º                  º                 º                  º                 º  ËÍÍProtocol TypeÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍOff_StudyÍÍÍÍËÍÍOff_Study ReasonÍÍËÍÍÍInstituteÍÍÍÍ» º                  º                 º                    º NCI            º º                  º                 º                    º                º º                  º                 º                    º                º 

AMGEN Report

This report is produced each quarter and is due one month after the end of the quarter. To run this report, 1970 and ending on the last day of the most recently completed quarter. Enter the appropriate date ranges in the box requesting the report period. This date range will appear automatically in the On_Study field.

The AMGEN report includes GCSF protocols only. A list, which is provided by Jane Cassidy (496-4251), identifies the specific protocols that should be included. Type each protocol number, separated by "OR", from the list in the Protocol the Summaries option from the Report Menu and then select the Protocol option from the Summaries Menu. The report is run twice -- for the most recently completed quarter and for the period beginning January 1,

The selections for the quarter are displayed below.

Enter additional query specifications in fields below.

Press F1 for help or F2 when done (selections in a field separated by "or").

 ËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍProtocolÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍOn_StudyÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍË º  93C0108 OR 88C0225 OR 90C0191 OR... º  >=04/01/94,<=06/30/94     º º                                      º                            º º                                      º                            º  ËÍÍÍÍÍÍBranchÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍDiseaseTypeÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍEligible?ÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍDiseaseÍÍÍÍÍ» º                  º                 º                  º                 º     º                  º                 º                  º                 º     º                  º                 º                  º                 º      ËÍÍProtocol TypeÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍOff_StudyÍÍÍÍËÍÍOff_Study ReasonÍÍËÍÍÍInstituteÍÍÍÍ» º                  º                 º                    º NCI            º     º                  º                 º                    º                º º                  º                 º                    º                º     

The selections for the period to date are displayed below.

Enter additional query specifications in fields below.

Press F1 for help or F2 when done (selections in a field separated by "or").

 ËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍProtocolÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍOn_StudyÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍË º  93C0108 OR 88C0225 OR 90C0191 OR... º  >=01/01/70,<=06/30/94     º º                                      º                            º º                                      º                            º  ËÍÍÍÍÍÍBranchÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍDiseaseTypeÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍEligible?ÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍDiseaseÍÍÍÍÍ» º                  º                 º                  º                 º         º                  º                 º                  º                 º         º                  º                 º                  º                 º      ËÍÍProtocol TypeÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍOff_StudyÍÍÍÍËÍÍOff_Study ReasonÍÍËÍÍÍInstituteÍÍÍÍ» º                  º                 º                    º NCI            º º                  º                 º                    º                º º                  º                 º                    º                º 

Maryland State Registry

Upon completing all of the error checking, you must follow the following steps to ensure the proper information is downloaded from CDR to the mainframe so David Blessely of DCRT (computer center) can retrieve the file. Follow this procedure:

Before you begin the transfer program, first get into the WYLBUR application and delete the existing "INDRA.txt" file. Follow this procedure to enter and delete files from Wylbur:

1. At the C:\ prompt on the Trinitron Dell type WIN

2. In the windows double click on the Network

3. Double click on the WYLBUR icon

4. At the HELP: type Logon

5. Type JAG at the initials prompt, type NCPC at the Account prompt and type RAND at the password prompt

6. At ready type WYLBUR

7. Type sh dsns like &ncpcjag.indra.txt [ENTER]

8. Then at the next ? type scratch &ncpcjag.indra.txt [ENTER]

9. At the ? type logoff clear

10. Click on "FILE" from the menu bar and click on "close". It will ask you if you want to exit the windows session, click on ok.

After you have deleted the existing .txt file you are ready to begin the procedure for the Maryland State Registry.

1. Get the C:\ prompt on the Gateway 2000 computer and type: PARADOX

2. Type "A" for "ASK", hit ENTER

3. Type "PI", hit ENTER

4. Type "PA", hit ENTER

5. At the Query Screen, select PATIENT #, LAST NAME and FIRST NAME by using F6. In addition, for the PATIENT # field ONLY, press F5 then hit "1"

6. For the INSTITUTION field, type in "NCI"

7. Press F10, type "A", then select "OS", type "OA" and hit ENTER

8. For the PATIENT # field, press F5 then 1. For the PROTOCOL and ONSTUDY DATE, press F6. Also, in the ONSTUDY DATE field, type in the following: >=01/01/94, <=03/31/94 (where 01/01/94 is the first date in the quarter you are dealing with and 03/31/94 is the end of the quarter)

9. Press F6 also in the following fields: BRANCH, PRIMARY SITE, and DISEASE. For the ELIGIBLE? field, type: "Y OR BLANK" and press F6

10. Press F10, type "A", select "FU", then type "FA" and hit ENTER

11. For the PATIENT # field, press F5 then 1. For the CONTACT DATE, and ALIVE/DEAD STATUS, press F6.

12. Press F2 to process the list.

13. Press F10, choose TOOLS, then RENAME, then when prompted, TABLE=ANSWER

14. NEW NAME = INDRA (always rename the file "INDRA")

15. Replace the file.

16. Exit PARADOX

17. At the C:\ prompt, type: PARADOX \CDR\SCRIPTS\INDRA, then hit ENTER.

18. At the C:\ prompt, type: WIN, then hit ENTER

19. Double click on the "FTP" icon on the mainframe

20. Type: JAG, at user command, then hit ENTER.

21. Type: RAND, at the password command, then hit ENTER (THIS PASSWORD WILL PERIODICALLY CHANGE)

22. Type: NCPC, at the account command, then hit ENTER


24. Type: BYE, hit ENTER

After following this procedure, call David Blessely at 301-496-3401 and tell him that the quarterly data has been placed on the mainframe for the Maryland State Registry. Remind him that our ID#'s are 9 digits (they have two zeros preceding the normal 7 other digits) and that the file is saved under: JAG NCPC


CDR Branch Connection Procedures

Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology Branches

Building 10.

Radiation Oncology Branch

ROB data is also placed on the Protocol Office server.

Use a separate PC formatted disk when downloading this data from the Macintosh upstairs and follow the instructions in the CDR Users Manual.

Surgery Branch

Surgery Branch data is placed on the NIH mainframe.

This data can be accessed by the CDR computer using a PC formatted disk.

Follow instructions in the CDR Users Manual.

Data Entry

Patient data that is not imported through the branch connection procedure i.e., faxed registrations from Navy, Pediatric, Surgery (non-immunotherapy), Metabolism, and Dermatology branches is entered manually into the system. Patient data is verified in MIS for demographic information like patient ID, name, sex, race, and DOB. The after entering the forms they are filed in the respective binders.

Edit and Quality Assurance Procedures

The batch edit program is run on the data on a monthly basis for editing and quality assurance purposes. On a regular basis adhoc queries are run to check for duplicate records, missing sex, race or DOB information, etc. Reports are run on monthly basis and sent to the branches to control the quality of the data. As the data is imported from outside goes through an edit check, thus allowing only good data to be imported.

All new CDR data is also verified during the production of the weekly reports: All Patients Registered to DCS and All New Patients Registered to DCS. While producing these reports, data for all patients which are either new to NCI or registered onto a new protocol is verified. Correct name, patient number, protocol number, protocol type, DCS Branch, and on study date is checked against the Clinical Center's Medical Information System as well as against the original patient registration checklist.

Monthly protocol accrual status reports are sent to each DCS Branch for their review. The Branch staff (Principal Investigators or Research Nurses) verify that the patients listed as on study contain correct information for: Patient Name, Patient Number, Sex, Race, On Study Date, Off Study Date, Protocol Type, Eligibility, and Institute.

Backing up the Clinical Data Registry

The Clinical Data Registry is maintained and used on an IBM compatible personal computer in the central office. In order to prevent permanent loss of data, data will be backed-up monthly and stored in the Data Vault.

Back-up tapes are created using an Iomega Ditto Easy external tape back-up. To create a system back-up, simply click the One-Step Back-up Icon at the bottom of the screen. The program now states that it can now create a full back-up. Click "OK". The tape rewinds and begins creating the data back-up. The system will allow 3.2 megabytes to be stored on each tape. After the tape is complete, eject it from the tape-drive, label the tape with content and date, and store in the Data Vault.