September 2008

Accrual Accounting: It's the Law!

Prior Financial Audit Finding:

“Some accounts payable and related expenses are overstated, and some are not accrued at year-end.”

Accounts Payable

Accrual Accounting

Understanding the Difference: Budget versus Accounting

So what does all this mean? Do I have to do accruals for everything?

Recording Accruals

Examples of Accruals - #1

  1. NOAA contracts with XYZ company to hire his employee, Bernard Elf, to work from January 1 to December 31.
  2. Bernard Elf is paid $12,000 annually.
  3. Santa doesn’t bill NOAA until the next year.
  4. What is the accrual amount as of September 30?

If a good/service was received as of September 30, 2008, 11:59:59 PM, It’s an Accrual.
If a good/service was NOT received as of September 30, 2008, It’s an Undelivered Order (UDO).
Both (Accruals & UDOs) are considered Obligations.

$12,000 / 12 months = $1,000 a month. $1,000 x 9 months = $9,000 Accrual Amount

Examples of Accruals - #2

$5,000 week x 6 weeks = $30,000 Accrual Amount

Examples of Accruals - #3

$24,000 annually / 4 quarters = $6,000 Accrual Amount

Examples of Accruals - #4

$20,000 Accrual Amount

Line/Staff Offices responsibilities...

Finance Office responsibilities...

August 2008

Finance Offices reviewed UDOs over $100K and sent out emails requesting the contact person to estimate an accrual for year end.

Is there anything else the Line/Staff Offices should do?

  1. Review Instructions:
  2. Remember what was Accrued

QUESTIONS ??????????????