Embassy of the United States, Bucharest - Romania

April 20, 2005

The U.S. Marine Corps has initiated charges against Staff Sergeant Christopher Van Goethem in relation to the December car accident that killed Teo Peter. The most serious of these charges is negligent homicide. Yesterday, U.S. Charge’ d’Affaires Thomas Delare informed Romanian authorities about the charges brought against Van Goethem.

The next step in the military legal process is that the charges against Staff Sergeant Van Goethem will be examined at a preliminary hearing. That hearing probably will take place in the next several weeks. Following the hearing, the presiding officer will submit a report to Staff Sergeant Van Goethem’s Commanding Officer. That report will contain opinions regarding whether there is enough evidence to support each charge and whether the charges merit a trial in military court. The report will then be reviewed and acted upon by Staff Sergeant Van Goethem’s Commanding Officer.

We deeply regret the death of Mr. Peter and the injuries to Mr. Chiru. The U.S. Government remains committed to cooperating with the Romanian government in this matter.

In the interest of keeping the legal process as transparent as possible while at the same time ensuring we do nothing to interfere with or prejudice the legal process, we will continue to provide information as the case unfolds.

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April 20, 2005

Corpul de Infanterie Marina a Statelor Unite ale Americii a formulat acuzatiile impotriva sergentului Christopher Van Goethem referitoare la accidentul rutier din luna decembrie, in care si-a pierdut viata Teo Peter. Cea mai grava este acuzatia de omor prin imprudenta. In cursul zilei de ieri, Thomas Delare, Insarcinatul cu Afaceri al Misiunii Diplomatice a Statelor Unite la Bucuresti, a informat autoritatile romane despre acuzatiile formulate impotriva lui Van Goethem.

Urmatorul pas in procedura juridica militara va fi o audiere preliminara in care vor fi examinate capetele de acuzare aduse impotriva lui Van Goethem. Audierea va avea loc, probabil, in urmatoarele saptamani. Ulterior, ofiterul insarcinat cu audierea va inainta un raport catre Comandantul sergentului Van Goethem. Acest raport va stabili daca exista suficiente dovezi pentru fiecare acuzatie formulata si daca aceste acuzatii vor fi judecate de o instanta militara. Comandantul va revedea acest raport si va dispune cu privire la sergentul Van Goethem.

Ne exprimam regretul profund pentru moartea d-lui Peter si ranirea d-lui Chiru. Guvernul Statelor Unite va continua sa coopereze cu Guvernul Romaniei in acest caz.

Vom continua sa va furnizam informatii pe tot parcursul acesui caz, cu scopul mentinerii impartialitatii si a unui proces juridic cat mai transparent cu putinta.

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