Table of contents for An exaltation of soups : the soul-satisfying story of soup, as told in more than 100 recipes / Patricia Solley.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

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I. Soup Basics
1. The origins and history of soup
2. Proverbially soup
3. Soup reflections
4. Stocks and foundations 
II. Soups of Passage
1. To celebrate a baby...and recover from giving birth
* China: Chicken soup with ginger or sesame oil (Gee tong)
* France: "Boiled Water" garlic soup (Provenìal L'aògo boulido)
* Japan: Cabbage and clam miso soup (Kyabetsu to asari no misoshiru)
* Korea: Clear seaweed soup (Malgun miyok kuk)
* Puerto Rico: Spiced chicken noodle soup (Sopa de fideos y pollo)
2. To celebrate religious confirmation
* Denmark: Meatball and dumpling soup (Klarsuppe)
3. To celebrate marriage...and recover from the rigors of the honeymoon
* China: Red bean and lotus seed soup (Hung dau lin jee tong)
* France: Breton wedding soup (Soupe de mariage Bretagne)
* France: Breton honeymoon soup (Soupe ê l'oignon 'Johnny')
* Guatemala: Lamb soup with tamales (Caldo de carnero)
* Hungary: Chicken soup with "snail" pasta (Ty£kh£sleves)
* Italy: Wedding soup with meatballs (Zuppa maritata)
* Italy: Egg and wine honeymoon soup (Ginestrata)
* Japan: Fresh clam soup (Hamaguri no sumashi-jiru)
* Morocco: Wedding lamb soup with rice and beans (Harira)
* Turkey: Bride soup (Ezo Gelin ìorbasi)
* Turkey: Spicy beef wedding soup (Dugun ìorbasi)
4. To honor the dead
* France: Saffron soup (Perigourdine le mourtaòrol)
* Ireland: Cottage broth for the wake
* Philippines: Crystal noodle and chicken soup (Sontanghon)
III. Soups of Purpose
1. To lose weight
* The cabbage soup diet
2. To stimulate an appetite
* Creamy crab and cognac soup
* Strawberry balsamic soup
* France: Tarragon jellied consommÄ (ConsommÄ ê l'essence d'estragon en gelÄe)
* Mexico: Avocadolicious soup (Sopa de aguacate)
* Spain: Chilled "purÄed salad" (Andalusian gazpacho)
* United States: Iced potato and leek soup (Vichyssoise)
3. To strengthen a convalescent
* Armenia: Yogurt-rice soup (Prinzov abour)
* England and France: Beef tea (L'essence de boeuf)
* Egypt: Fava bean soup (Ful nabed)
* France: Chicken noodle soup (Savoyarde soupe de fides)
* Italy: "Little rags" egg drop soup (Stracciatella)
* Jewish: Chicken soup with matzo balls ("Penicillin")
* Korea: Chicken-rice "white soup" (Paeksuk)
* Philippines: Rice soup with chicken (Arroz caldo at manok)
* Thailand: Rice soup (Kao tom)
4. To woo a lover
* Aphrodisiac almond soup
* Andorra/Catalonia: Creamy fennel soup with shallots and orange spice (Sopa de fonoll)
* Curried spring asparagus soup
* The Whammy: Lobster sweetheart soup
* The Double Whammy: Oyster cream soup with lemony carrots
* The Triple Whammy: Saffroned tomato-fennel soup
5. To chase a hangover
* Denmark: Beer soup (Ollebrod)
* France: Les Halles onion soup (Soupe ê l'oignon gratinÄe)
* Guatemala: Spiced tomato-egg soup (Caldo de huevo para la goma)
* Honduras: "Man" soup (Sopa de hombre)
* Hungary: "Night owl" soup (Korhelyleves)
* Puerto Rico: Tropical tripe soup (Mondongo)
* Russia: Kidney-pickle soup (Rassol'nik)
* Senegal: Chicken stew (Yassa)
IV. Soups of Piety and Ritual
1. New Year's Day
* Haiti: Pumpkin soup (Soupe joumou)
* Iran (Persia): Noodle soup (åsh-e reshteh)
* Japan: New year miso soup with rice cake (O-zoni)
* Korea: Beef and rice cake soup (Ttok-kuk)
* Mexico: Good luck soup (Pozole)
* Poland: Hunter stew (Bigos)
* Tibet: Fortune noodle soup (Gutuk)
* United States: Hoppin' John soup
2. St. Tavy's Day (March 1st)
* Wales: Leek soup (Cawn cennin)
3. Eastertide 
* Shrove Tuesday/Carnival
* Iceland: Salted lamb and pea soup (Saltkj(t og baunir)
* Switzerland: Browned flour soup (Mehlsuppe)
* Lent
* Albania: Bean soup (Jani me fasuli)
* Greece: Tahini soup (Tahinosoupa)
* Italy: Lenten vegetable and bean soup (Tuscan Minestrone di magro)
* Mexico: Vigil soup (Caldo de vigilia)
* Romania: Chilled garlic-bean soup (Supa de fasole)
* Russia: Iced sour fruit and vegetable soup (Okrushka postnaya)
* Holy Week
* Corsica: "Soup of the Lord" (Minestra di fasciolu seccu)
* United States: Cajun gumbo z'herbes
* Easter
* Albania, Greece, and Cyprus: Lamb and rice soup (Mayeritsa)
* Bulgaria: Iced cucumber and yogurt soup (Tarator)
* Egypt: Lamb and garlicky rice soup (Fatta)
* Italy: Meatball and cheese dumpling soup (Bennedetto)
* Poland: Sour rye and sausage soup (Barscz)
* Ukraine: Beet soup (Borshch)
4. Jewish history and festivals
* Rosh Hashanah
* Worldwide: Chicken soup with dumplings (Goldene yoich mit kreplach)
* Georgia: Beef and pomegranate soup (Kalia)
* Iran: Vegetable and rice soup (åsh-e kalam-o haveej)
* Iraq: Lemony lamb soup (Kibbe hammoud)
* Morocco: Spicy pumpkin and split pea soup (L'hamraak dil gar'a)
* Yom Kippur
* Lebanon: Lemony egg soup with chicken (Beid ab lamouna)
* Sukkot
* Poland: Spiced plum soup (Zupa _liwkowa)
* Passover
* Russia: Tart beet soup (Russel borshch)
* Yemen: Chicken soup with chawayil spice (Ftut)
5. Islamic festivals
* Ramadan
* Algeria: Tangy wheat and herb soup (Jary)
* Indonesia: Soup porridge with vegetable spice (Babur anyang)
* Lebanon (and throughout the Mideast): Classic red lentil soup (Shorabit adas)
* Morocco: Lemony lamb and chickpea soup (Harira)
* Saudi Arabia (and Syria): Barley broth (Tirbiyali)
* Turkey: Dilled yogurt-rice soup (Yayla ìorbasi)
* Eid al Fitr
* Pakistan: Chicken broth (Yakhni)
6. Christmas
* Bolivia: Christmas chicken soup (Picana de polo para navidad)
* Chile: Conger eel/fish chowder (Caldillo de congrillo/pescado)
* Czech Republic: Christmas fish soup (VçnocnÆ rybÆ polÄvka)
* Finland: Christmas dried fruit soup (Sekahedelmèkeitto)
* Greece: Lemony chicken soup (Avgolemeno)
* Hungary: Christmas wine soup (Borleves)
* Ireland: Beef consommÄ with Irish whiskey ("Dessicated" soup)
* Italy: Chicken escarole soup (Minestra di Natale)
* New Zealand: Green clam soup (Toheroa chowder)
* Poland: Mushroom soup (Zupa grzybowa)
* Puerto Rico: Christmas chicken soup (Asopao de pollo)
* Russia: Christmas beet soup (Borshch)
* Slovakia: Sour cabbage and mushroom soup (Kapustnica)
* Spain: Iced white almond soup (Andalusian Ajoblanco)
* United States: New Orleans seafood gumbo
7. Kwanzaa
* Cameroon: Bitter-leaf soup (NdolÄ)
* Ghana: Peanut soup (Nkate nkwan)
* Nigeria: Okra soup (Obe ile)
* Tanzania: Creamy coconut-banana soup (M'tori supu)
* Zimbabwe: Spicy vegetable and peanut stew (Huku ne dovi)

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Cookery, International.