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Byeongchan Lee
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kyung Hee University

Phone: 925-423-8271
Fax: 925-422-6594

Research Interests
Concurrent/hierarchical multiscale modeling; Characteristics of nanoscale structures; Surface energetics and kinetics of metallic materials

Personal Background
Byeongchan Lee joined the Metals and Alloys group in April 2005 as a postdoctoral fellow. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University in 2001 and 2005, respectively. His thesis was entitled "Multiscale simulations of metal nanoparticles". He received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Magna Cum Laude from Seoul National University in 1999. Since joining the Metals and Alloys group, Dr. Lee has worked on nanomechanics, the science and engineering of the mechanical behavior of nanoscale systems.

Selected Papers

  1. "Mechanics of silicon nanowires; Size-dependent elasticity from first principles", R. E. Rudd and B. Lee, to be published in Mol. Sim. (2008)
  2. "Comparative study of Ti and Ni clusters from first principles", B. Lee and G. W. Lee, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 164316 (2007)
  3. "Theoretical confirmation of a high-pressure rhomohedral phase in vanadium metal", B. Lee, R. E. Rudd, J. E. Klepeis, P. Söderlind, and A. Landa, Phys. Rev. B 75, 180101 (R) (2007)
  4. "First-principles study of the Young's modulus of Si <001> nanowires," Byeongchan Lee and Robert E. Rudd, Physical Review B 75, 041305(R) (2007).
  5. "Extended embedded-atom method for platinum nanoparticles," B. Lee and K. Cho, Surface Science 600, 1982 (2006).
  6. "Atomistic Simulation Study of Controlled Nanostructure Patterning," B. Lee and K. Cho, Material Research Society Proceedings 775, P.9.27 (2003).
  7. "Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Strain-Induced Nanopatterning on Hexagonal Surfaces," M.I. Larsson, B. Lee, R. Sabirynov, K. Cho, W. Nix, and B.M. Clemens, Material Research Society Proceedings 731, W.3.14 (2002).
  8. "Multiscale Design of Metal Nano-Particles," B. Lee and K. Cho, in preparation (2006).
  9. Patent (pending): "Structure-Function Relationship of Metal Nanoparticles," B. Lee and K. Cho.



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