// @(#)root/hist:$Name: v4-04-02b $:$Id: TFormula.cxx,v 1.94 2005/05/01 19:10:36 brun Exp $ // Author: Nicolas Brun 19/08/95 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include #include "Riostream.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TFormula.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TFunction.h" #include "TMethodCall.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TError.h" #ifdef WIN32 #pragma optimize("",off) #endif static Int_t MAXOP,MAXPAR,MAXCONST; const Int_t kMAXSTRINGFOUND = 10; ClassImp(TFormula) //______________________________________________________________________________ //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The F O R M U L A class*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ========================= //*-* //*-* This class has been implemented by begin_html Nicolas Brun end_html(age 18). //*-* ======================================================== //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html //*-* //*-* Example of valid expressions: //*-* - sin(x)/x //*-* - [0]*sin(x) + [1]*exp(-[2]*x) //*-* - x + y**2 //*-* - x^2 + y^2 //*-* - [0]*pow([1],4) //*-* - 2*pi*sqrt(x/y) //*-* - gaus(0)*expo(3) + ypol3(5)*x //*-* - gausn(0)*expo(3) + ypol3(5)*x //*-* //*-* In the last example above: //*-* gaus(0) is a substitute for [0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])**2) //*-* and (0) means start numbering parameters at 0 //*-* gausn(0) is a substitute for [0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])**2)/(sqrt(2*pi)*[2])) //*-* and (0) means start numbering parameters at 0 //*-* expo(3) is a substitute for exp([3]+[4])*x) //*-* pol3(5) is a substitute for par[5]+par[6]*x+par[7]*x**2+par[8]*x**3 //*-* (here Pol3 stands for Polynomial of degree 3) //*-* //*-* TMath functions can be part of the expression, eg: //*-* - TMath::Landau(x)*sin(x) //*-* - TMath::Erf(x) //*-* //*-* Comparisons operators are also supported (&&, ||, ==, <=, >=, !) //*-* Examples: //*-* sin(x*(x<0.5 || x>1)) //*-* If the result of a comparison is TRUE, the result is 1, otherwise 0. //*-* //*-* Already predefined names can be given. For example, if the formula //*-* TFormula old(sin(x*(x<0.5 || x>1))) one can assign a name to the formula. By default //*-* the name of the object = title = formula itself. //*-* old.SetName("old"). //*-* then, old can be reused in a new expression. //*-* TFormula new("x*old") is equivalent to: //*-* TFormula new("x*sin(x*(x<0.5 || x>1))") //*-* //*-* Up to 4 dimensions are supported (indicated by x, y, z, t) //*-* An expression may have 0 parameters or a list of parameters //*-* indicated by the sequence [par_number] //*-* //*-* A graph showing the logic to compile and analyze a formula //*-* is shown in TFormula::Compile and TFormula::Analyze. //*-* Once a formula has been compiled, it can be evaluated for a given //*-* set of parameters. see graph in TFormula::EvalPar. //*-* //*-* This class is the base class for the function classes TF1,TF2 and TF3. //*-* It is also used by the ntuple selection mechanism TNtupleFormula. //*-* //*-* In version 7 of TFormula, the usage of fOper has been changed //*-* to improve the performance of TFormula::EvalPar. //*-* Conceptually, fOper was changed from a simple array of Int_t //*-* to an array of composite values. //*-* For example a 'ylandau(5)' operation used to be encoded as 4105; //*-* it is now encoded as (klandau >> kTFOperShit) + 5 //*-* Any class inheriting from TFormula and using directly fOper (which //*-* is now a private data member), needs to be updated to take this //*-* in consideration. The member functions recommended to set and //*-* access fOper are: SetAction, GetAction, GetActionParam //*-* For more performant access to the information, see the implementation //*-* TFormula::EvalPar //*-* //*-* WHY TFormula CANNOT ACCEPT A CLASS MEMBER FUNCTION ? //*-* ==================================================== //*-* This is a frequently asked question. //*-* C++ is a strongly typed language. There is no way for TFormula (without //*-* recompiling this class) to know about all possible user defined data types. //*-* This also apply to the case of a static class function. //*-* Because TMath is a special and frequent case, TFormula is aware //*-* of all TMath functions. //*-* //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //______________________________________________________________________________ TFormula::TFormula(): TNamed() { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Formula default constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ============================ fNdim = 0; fNpar = 0; fNoper = 0; fNconst = 0; fNumber = 0; fExpr = 0; fOper = 0; fConst = 0; fParams = 0; fNstring= 0; fNames = 0; fNval = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFormula::TFormula(const char *name,const char *expression) : TNamed(name,expression) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal Formula constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ========================== fNdim = 0; fNpar = 0; fNoper = 0; fNconst = 0; fNumber = 0; fExpr = 0; fOper = 0; fConst = 0; fParams = 0; fNstring= 0; fNames = 0; fNval = 0; if (!expression || !*expression) { Error("TFormula", "expression may not be 0 or have 0 length"); return; } //eliminate blanks in expression Int_t i,j,nch; nch = strlen(expression); char *expr = new char[nch+1]; j = 0; for (i=0;i 0 && (expression[i] == '*') && (expression[i-1] == '*')) { expr[j-1] = '^'; continue; } expr[j] = expression[i]; j++; } expr[j] = 0; Bool_t gausNorm = kFALSE; Bool_t landauNorm = kFALSE; Bool_t linear = kFALSE; if (j) { TString chaine = expr; //special case for functions for linear fitting if (chaine.Contains("++")) linear = kTRUE; // special case for normalized gaus if (chaine.Contains("gausn")) { gausNorm = kTRUE; chaine.ReplaceAll("gausn","gaus"); } // special case for normalized landau if (chaine.Contains("landaun")) { landauNorm = kTRUE; chaine.ReplaceAll("landaun","landau"); } SetTitle(chaine.Data()); } delete [] expr; if (linear) SetBit(kLinear); if (Compile()) return; if (gausNorm) SetBit(kNormalized); if (landauNorm) SetBit(kNormalized); //*-*- Store formula in linked list of formula in ROOT TFormula *old = (TFormula*)gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject(name); if (old) { gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(old); } if (strcmp(name,"x")==0 || strcmp(name,"y")==0 || strcmp(name,"z")==0 || strcmp(name,"t")==0 ) { Error("TFormula","The name \'%s\' is reserved as a TFormula variable name.\n" "\tThis function will not be registered in the list of functions",name); } else { gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(this); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFormula::TFormula(const TFormula &formula) : TNamed() { fNdim = 0; fNpar = 0; fNoper = 0; fNconst = 0; fNumber = 0; fExpr = 0; fOper = 0; fConst = 0; fParams = 0; fNstring= 0; fNames = 0; fNval = 0; ((TFormula&)formula).TFormula::Copy(*this); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFormula& TFormula::operator=(const TFormula &rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { rhs.Copy(*this); } return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFormula::~TFormula() { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Formula default destructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* =========================== gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(this); ClearFormula(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFormula::AnalyzeFunction(TString &chaine, Int_t &err, Int_t offset) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Check if the chain as function call *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ======================================= //*-* //*-* If you overload this member function, you also HAVE TO //*-* never call the constructor: //*-* //*-* TFormula::TFormula(const char *name,const char *expression) //*-* //*-* and write your own constructor //*-* //*-* MyClass::MyClass(const char *name,const char *expression) : TFormula() //*-* //*-* which has to call the TFormula default constructor and whose implementation //*-* should be similar to the implementation of the normal TFormula constructor //*-* //*-* This is necessary because the normal TFormula constructor call indirectly //*-* the virtual member functions Analyze, DefaultString, DefaultValue //*-* and DefaultVariable. //*-* int i,j; // We have to decompose the chain is 3 potential components: // namespace::functionName( args ) Ssiz_t argStart = chaine.First('('); if (argStart<0) return false; TString functionName = chaine(0,argStart); // This does not support template yet (where the scope operator might be in // one of the template arguments Ssiz_t scopeEnd = functionName.Last(':'); TString spaceName; if (scopeEnd>0 && functionName[scopeEnd-1]==':') { spaceName = functionName(0,scopeEnd-1); functionName.Remove(0,scopeEnd+1); } // Now we need to count and decompose the actual arguments, we could also check the type // of the arguments if (chaine[chaine.Length()-1] != ')') { Error("AnalyzeFunction","We thought we had a function but we dont (in %s)\n",chaine.Data()); } TString args = chaine(argStart+1,chaine.Length()-2-argStart); TObjArray argArr; //fprintf(stderr,"args are '%s'\n",args.Data()); bool inString = false; int paran = 0; int brack = 0; int prevComma = 0; int nargs = 0; for(i=0; i999) { err = 7; return false; } // Now we need to lookup the function and check its arguments. // We have 2 choice ... parse more and replace x, y, z and [?] by 0.0 or // or do the following silly thing: TString proto; for(j=0; jGetClass(spaceName) : 0; TMethodCall *method = new TMethodCall(); if (ns) { method->Init(ns,functionName,proto); } else { method->Init(functionName,proto); } if (method->IsValid()) { if (method->ReturnType() == TMethodCall::kOther) { /* Error("Compile", "TFormula can only call interpreted and compiled function that returns a numerical type %s returns a %s\n", method->GetMethodName(), method->GetMethod()->GetReturnTypeName()); */ err=29; } else { // Analyze the arguments TIter next(&argArr); TObjString *objstr; while ( (objstr=(TObjString*)next()) ) { Analyze(objstr->String(),err,offset); } fFunctions.Add(method); fExpr[fNoper] = method->GetMethod()->GetPrototype(); SetAction(fNoper, kFunctionCall, fFunctions.GetLast()*1000 + nargs); fNoper++; return true; } } delete method; return false; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFormula::Analyze(const char *schain, Int_t &err, Int_t offset) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Analyze a sub-expression in one formula*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ======================================= //*-* //*-* Expressions in one formula are recursively analyzed. //*-* Result of analysis is stored in the object tables. //*-* //*-* Table of function codes and errors //*-* ================================== //*-* //*-* * functions : //*-* //*-* + 1 pow 20 //*-* - 2 sq 21 //*-* * 3 sqrt 22 //*-* / 4 strstr 23 //*-* % 5 min 24 //*-* max 25 //*-* log 30 //*-* cos 10 exp 31 //*-* sin 11 log10 32 //*-* tan 12 //*-* acos 13 abs 41 //*-* asin 14 sign 42 //*-* atan 15 int 43 //*-* atan2 16 //*-* fmod 17 rndm 50 //*-* //*-* cosh 70 acosh 73 //*-* sinh 71 asinh 74 //*-* tanh 72 atanh 75 //*-* //*-* expo 100 gaus 110 gausn (see note below) //*-* expo(0) 100 0 gaus(0) 110 0 gausn(0) //*-* expo(1) 100 1 gaus(1) 110 1 gausn(1) //*-* xexpo 100 x xgaus 110 x xgausn //*-* yexpo 101 x ygaus 111 x ygausn //*-* zexpo 102 x zgaus 112 x zgausn //*-* xyexpo 105 x xygaus 115 x xygausn //*-* yexpo(5) 102 5 ygaus(5) 111 5 ygausn(5) //*-* xyexpo(2) 105 2 xygaus(2) 115 2 xygausn(2) //*-* //*-* landau 120 x landaun (see note below) //*-* landau(0) 120 0 landaun(0) //*-* landau(1) 120 1 landaun(1) //*-* xlandau 120 x xlandaun //*-* ylandau 121 x ylandaun //*-* zlandau 122 x zlandaun //*-* xylandau 125 x xylandaun //*-* ylandau(5) 121 5 ylandaun(5) //*-* xylandau(2) 125 2 xylandaun(2) //*-* //*-* pol0 130 x pol1 130 1xx //*-* pol0(0) 130 0 pol1(0) 130 100 //*-* pol0(1) 130 1 pol1(1) 130 101 //*-* xpol0 130 x xpol1 130 101 //*-* ypol0 131 x ypol1 131 101 //*-* zpol0 132 x zpol1 132 1xx //*-* ypol0(5) 131 5 ypol1(5) 131 105 //*-* //*-* pi 40 //*-* //*-* && 60 < 64 //*-* || 61 > 65 //*-* == 62 <= 66 //*-* != 63 => 67 //*-* ! 68 //*-* ==(string) 76 & 78 //*-* !=(string) 77 | 79 //*-* <<(shift) 80 >>(shift) 81 //*-* //*-* * constants (kConstants) : //*-* //*-* c0 141 1 c1 141 2 etc.. //*-* //*-* * strings (kStringConst): //*-* //*-* sX 143 x //*-* //*-* * variables (kFormulaVar) : //*-* //*-* x 144 0 y 144 1 z 144 2 t 144 3 //*-* //*-* * parameters : //*-* //*-* [1] 140 1 //*-* [2] 140 2 //*-* etc. //*-* //*-* special cases for normalized gaussian or landau distributions //*-* ============================================================= //*-* the expression "gaus" is a substitute for //*-* [0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])**2) //*-* to obtain a standard normalized gaussian, use "gausn" instead of "gaus" //*-* the expression "gausn" is a substitute for //*-* [0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])**2)/(sqrt(2*pi)*[2])) //*-* //*-* In the same way the expression "landau" is a substitute for //*-* [0]*TMath::Landau(x,[1],[2],kFALSE) //*-* to obtain a standard normalized landau, use "landaun" instead of "landau" //*-* the expression "landaun" is a substitute for //*-* [0]*TMath::Landau(x,[1],[2],kTRUE) //*-* //*-* boolean optimization (kBoolOptmize) : //*-* ===================================== //*-* //*-* Those pseudo operation are used to implement lazy evaluation of //*-* && and ||. When the left hand of the expression if false //*-* (respectively true), the evaluation of the right is entirely skipped //*-* (since it would not change the value of the expreession). //*-* //*-* && 142 11 (one operation on right) 142 21 (2 operations on right) //*-* || 142 12 (one operation on right) 142 22 (2 operations on right) //*-* //*-* * functions calls (kFunctionCall) : //*-* //*-* f0 145 0 f1 145 1 etc.. //*-* //*-* errors : //*-* ======== //*-* //*-* 1 : Division By Zero //*-* 2 : Invalid Floating Point Operation //*-* 4 : Empty String //*-* 5 : invalid syntax //*-* 6 : Too many operators //*-* 7 : Too many parameters //*-* 10 : z specified but not x and y //*-* 11 : z and y specified but not x //*-* 12 : y specified but not x //*-* 13 : z and x specified but not y //*-* 20 : non integer value for parameter number //*-* 21 : atan2 requires two arguments //*-* 22 : pow requires two arguments //*-* 23 : degree of polynomial not specified //*-* 24 : Degree of polynomial must be positive //*-* 25 : Degree of polynomial must be less than 20 //*-* 26 : Unknown name //*-* 27 : Too many constants in expression //*-* 28 : strstr requires two arguments //*-* 29 : interpreted or compiled function have to return a numerical type //*-* 30 : Bad numerical expression //*-* 31 : Part of the variable exist but some of it is not accessible or useable //*-* 40 : '(' is expected //*-* 41 : ')' is expected //*-* 42 : '[' is expected //*-* 43 : ']' is expected //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html //*-* //*-* Special functions //*-* ----------------- //*-* By default, the formula is assigned fNumber=0. However, the following //*-* formula built with simple functions are assigned fNumber: //*-* "gaus" 100 (or gausn) //*-* "expo" 200 //*-* "polN" 300+N //*-* "landau" 400 //*-* Note that expressions like gaus(0), expo(1) will force fNumber=0 //*-* //*-* Warning when deriving a class from TFormula //*-* ------------------------------------------- //*-* If you overload this member function, you also HAVE TO //*-* never call the constructor: //*-* //*-* TFormula::TFormula(const char *name,const char *expression) //*-* //*-* and write your own constructor //*-* //*-* MyClass::MyClass(const char *name,const char *expression) : TFormula() //*-* //*-* which has to call the TFormula default constructor and whose implementation //*-* should be similar to the implementation of the normal TFormula constructor //*-* //*-* This is necessary because the normal TFormula constructor call indirectly //*-* the virtual member functions Analyze, DefaultString, DefaultValue //*-* and DefaultVariable. //*-* //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Int_t valeur,find,n,i,j,k,lchain,nomb,virgule,inter,nest; Int_t compt,compt2,compt3,compt4; Bool_t inString; Double_t vafConst; ULong_t vafConst2; Bool_t parenthese; TString s,chaine_error,chaine1ST; TString s1,s2,s3,ctemp; TString chaine = schain; TFormula *oldformula; Int_t modulo,plus,puiss10,puiss10bis,moins,multi,divi,puiss,et,ou,petit,grand,egal,diff,peteg,grdeg,etx,oux,rshift,lshift; char t; TString slash("/"), escapedSlash("\\/"); Int_t inter2 = 0; SetNumber(0); Int_t actionCode,actionParam; //*-*- Verify correct matching of parenthesis and remove unnecessary parenthesis. //*-* ======================================================================== lchain = chaine.Length(); //if (chaine(lchain-2,2) == "^2") chaine = "sq(" + chaine(0,lchain-2) + ")"; parenthese = kTRUE; lchain = chaine.Length(); while (parenthese && lchain>0 && err==0){ compt = 0; compt2 = 0; inString = false; lchain = chaine.Length(); if (lchain==0) err=4; else { for (i=1; i<=lchain; ++i) { if (chaine(i-1,1) == "\"") inString = !inString; if (!inString) { if (chaine(i-1,1) == "[") compt2++; if (chaine(i-1,1) == "]") compt2--; if (chaine(i-1,1) == "(") compt++; if (chaine(i-1,1) == ")") compt--; } if (compt < 0) err = 40; // more open parentheses than close parentheses if (compt2< 0) err = 42; // more ] than [ if (compt==0 && (i!=lchain || lchain==1)) parenthese = kFALSE; // if (lchain<3 && chaine(0,1)!="(" && chaine(lchain-1,1)!=")") parenthese = kFALSE; } if (compt > 0) err = 41; // more ( than ) if (compt2> 0) err = 43; // more [ than ] if (parenthese) chaine = chaine(1,lchain-2); } } // while parantheses if (lchain==0) err=4; // empty string modulo=plus=moins=multi=divi=puiss=et=ou=petit=grand=egal=diff=peteg=grdeg=etx=oux=rshift=lshift=0; //*-*- Look for simple operators //*-* ========================= if (err==0) { compt = compt2 = compt3 = compt4 = 0;puiss10=0;puiss10bis = 0; inString = false; j = lchain; Bool_t isdecimal = 1; // indicates whether the left part is decimal. for (i=1;i<=lchain; i++) { puiss10=puiss10bis=0; if (i>2) { t = chaine[i-3]; isdecimal = isdecimal && (strchr("0123456789.",t)!=0); if (isdecimal) { if ( chaine[i-2] == 'e' ) puiss10 = 1; } else if ( strchr("+-/[]()&|><=!*/%^\\",t) ) { isdecimal = 1; // reset after delimiter } } if (j>2) { if (chaine[j-2] == 'e') { Bool_t isrightdecimal = 1; int k; for(k=j-3; k>=0 && isrightdecimal; --k) { t = chaine[k]; isrightdecimal = isrightdecimal && (strchr("0123456789.",t)!=0); if (!isrightdecimal) { if (strchr("+-/[]()&|><=!*/%^\\",t)!=0) { puiss10bis = 1; } } } if (k<0 && isrightdecimal) puiss10bis = 1; } } if (chaine(i-1,1) == "\"") inString = !inString; if (inString) continue; if (chaine(i-1,1) == "[") compt2++; if (chaine(i-1,1) == "]") compt2--; if (chaine(i-1,1) == "(") compt++; if (chaine(i-1,1) == ")") compt--; if (chaine(j-1,1) == "[") compt3++; if (chaine(j-1,1) == "]") compt3--; if (chaine(j-1,1) == "(") compt4++; if (chaine(j-1,1) == ")") compt4--; if (chaine(i-1,2)=="&&" && !inString && compt==0 && compt2==0 && et==0) {et=i;puiss=0;} if (chaine(i-1,2)=="||" && compt==0 && compt2==0 && ou==0) {puiss10=0; ou=i;} if (chaine(i-1,1)=="&" && compt==0 && compt2==0 && etx==0) {etx=i;puiss=0;} if (chaine(i-1,1)=="|" && compt==0 && compt2==0 && oux==0) {puiss10=0; oux=i;} if (chaine(i-1,2)==">>" && compt==0 && compt2==0 && rshift==0) {puiss10=0; rshift=i;} if (chaine(i-1,1)==">" && compt==0 && compt2==0 && rshift==0 && grand==0) {puiss10=0; grand=i;} if (chaine(i-1,2)=="<<" && compt==0 && compt2==0 && lshift==0) {puiss10=0; lshift=i;} if (chaine(i-1,1)=="<" && compt==0 && compt2==0 && lshift==0 && petit==0) {puiss10=0; petit=i; // Check whether or not we have a template names! (actually this can // only happen in TTreeFormula. for(int ip = i,depth=0; ip < lchain; ++ip) { char c = chaine(ip); // The characteres allowed in the template parameter are alpha-numerical characters, // underscores, comma, <, > and scope operator. if (isalnum(c) || c=='_' || c==',') continue; if (c==':' && chaine(ip+1)==':') { ++ip; continue; } if (c=='<') { ++depth; continue; } if (c=='>') { if (depth) { --depth; continue; } else { // We reach the end of the template parameter. petit = 0; i = ip+1; break; } } // Character not authorized within a template parameter break; } if (petit==0) { // We found a template parameter and modified i continue; // the for(int i ,...) } } if ((chaine(i-1,2)=="<=" || chaine(i-1,2)=="=<") && compt==0 && compt2==0 && peteg==0) {peteg=i; puiss10=0; petit=0;} if ((chaine(i-1,2)=="=>" || chaine(i-1,2)==">=") && compt==0 && compt2==0 && grdeg==0) {puiss10=0; grdeg=i; grand=0;} if (chaine(i-1,2) == "==" && compt == 0 && compt2 == 0 && egal == 0) {puiss10=0; egal=i;} if (chaine(i-1,2) == "!=" && compt == 0 && compt2 == 0 && diff == 0) {puiss10=0; diff=i;} if (i>1 && chaine(i-1,1) == "+" && compt == 0 && compt2 == 0 && puiss10==0) plus=i; if (chaine(j-1,1) == "-" && chaine(j-2,1) != "*" && chaine(j-2,1) != "/" && chaine(j-2,1)!="^" && compt3==0 && compt4==0 && moins==0 && puiss10bis==0) moins=j; if (chaine(i-1,1)=="%" && compt==0 && compt2==0 && modulo==0) {puiss10=0; modulo=i;} if (chaine(i-1,1)=="*" && compt==0 && compt2==0 && multi==0) {puiss10=0; multi=i;} if (chaine(j-1,1)=="/" && chaine(j-2,1)!="\\" && compt4==0 && compt3==0 && divi==0) { puiss10=0; divi=j; } if (chaine(j-1,1)=="^" && compt4==0 && compt3==0 && puiss==0) {puiss10=0; puiss=j;} j--; } //*-*- If operator found, analyze left and right part of the statement //*-* =============================================================== actionParam = 0; if (ou != 0) { //check for || if (ou==1 || ou==lchain-1) { err=5; chaine_error="||"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,ou-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "|| checkpoint"; actionCode = kBoolOptimize; actionParam = 2; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode, actionParam); Int_t optloc = fNoper++; ctemp = chaine(ou+1,lchain-ou-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "||"; actionCode = kOr; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode, 0); SetAction( optloc, GetAction(optloc), GetActionParam(optloc) + (fNoper-optloc) * 10); fNoper++; } } else if (et!=0) { if (et==1 || et==lchain-1) { err=5; chaine_error="&&"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,et-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "&& checkpoint"; actionCode = kBoolOptimize; actionParam = 1; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); Int_t optloc = fNoper++; ctemp = chaine(et+1,lchain-et-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "&&"; actionCode = kAnd; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,0); SetAction(optloc, GetAction(optloc), GetActionParam(optloc) + (fNoper-optloc) * 10); fNoper++; } } else if (oux!=0) { if (oux==1 || oux==lchain) { err=5; chaine_error="|"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,oux-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(oux,lchain-oux); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "|"; actionCode = kBitOr; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (etx!=0) { if (etx==1 || etx==lchain) { err=5; chaine_error="&"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,etx-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(etx,lchain-etx); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "&"; actionCode = kBitAnd; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (petit != 0) { if (petit==1 || petit==lchain) { err=5; chaine_error="<"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,petit-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(petit,lchain-petit); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "<"; actionCode = kLess; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (grand != 0) { if (grand==1 || grand==lchain) { err=5; chaine_error=">"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,grand-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(grand,lchain-grand); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = ">"; actionCode = kGreater; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (peteg != 0) { if (peteg==1 || peteg==lchain-1) { err=5; chaine_error="<="; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,peteg-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(peteg+1,lchain-peteg-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "<="; actionCode = kLessThan; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (grdeg != 0) { if (grdeg==1 || grdeg==lchain-1) { err=5; chaine_error="=>"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,grdeg-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(grdeg+1,lchain-grdeg-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = ">="; actionCode = kGreaterThan; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (egal != 0) { if (egal==1 || egal==lchain-1) { err=5; chaine_error="=="; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,egal-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(egal+1,lchain-egal-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "=="; actionCode = kEqual; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (diff != 0) { if (diff==1 || diff==lchain-1) { err=5; chaine_error = "!="; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,diff-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(diff+1,lchain-diff-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "!="; actionCode = kNotEqual; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (plus != 0) { if (plus==lchain) { err=5; chaine_error = "+"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,plus-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(plus,lchain-plus); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "+"; actionCode = kAdd; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else { if (moins != 0) { if (moins == 1) { ctemp = chaine(moins,lchain-moins); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "-"; actionCode = kSignInv; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); ++fNoper; } else { if (moins == lchain) { err=5; chaine_error = "-"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,moins-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(moins,lchain-moins); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "-"; actionCode = kSubstract; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } } else if (modulo != 0) { if (modulo == 1 || modulo == lchain) { err=5; chaine_error="%"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,modulo-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(modulo,lchain-modulo); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "%"; actionCode = kModulo; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (rshift != 0) { if (rshift == 1 || rshift == lchain) { err=5; chaine_error=">>"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,rshift-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(rshift+1,lchain-rshift-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = ">>"; actionCode = kRightShift; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (lshift != 0) { if (lshift == 1 || lshift == lchain) { err=5; chaine_error=">>"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,lshift-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(lshift+1,lchain-lshift-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = ">>"; actionCode = kLeftShift; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else { if (multi != 0) { if (multi == 1 || multi == lchain) { err=5; chaine_error="*"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,multi-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(multi,lchain-multi); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "*"; actionCode = kMultiply; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else { if (divi != 0) { if (divi == 1 || divi == lchain) { err=5; chaine_error = "/"; } else { ctemp = chaine(0,divi-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(divi,lchain-divi); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "/"; actionCode = kDivide; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else { if (puiss != 0) { if (puiss == 1 || puiss == lchain) { err = 5; chaine_error = "**"; } else { if (chaine(lchain-2,2) == "^2") { ctemp = "sq(" + chaine(0,lchain-2) + ")"; Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); } else { ctemp = chaine(0,puiss-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(puiss,lchain-puiss); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "^"; actionCode = kpow; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } } else { find=0; //*-*- Check for a numerical expression { Bool_t hasDot = kFALSE; Bool_t isHexa = kFALSE; Bool_t hasExpo= kFALSE; if ((chaine(0,2)=="0x")||(chaine(0,2)=="0X")) isHexa=kTRUE; for (Int_t j=0; j0 && (chaine(j,1)=="e" || chaine(j,2)=="e+" || chaine(j,2)=="e-")) { if (hasExpo) { err=26; chaine_error=chaine; } hasExpo = kTRUE; // The previous implementation allowed a '.' in the exponent. // That information was ignored (by sscanf), we now make it an error // hasDot = kFALSE; hasDot = kTRUE; // forbid any additional '.' if (chaine(j,2)=="e+" || chaine(j,2)=="e-") j++; } else { if (chaine(j,1) == "." && !hasDot) hasDot = kTRUE; // accept only one '.' in the number else { // The previous implementation was allowing ANYTHING after the '.' and thus // made legal code like '2.3 and fpx' and was just silently ignoring the // 'and fpx'. if (!strchr("0123456789",t) && (chaine(j,1)!="+" || j!=0)) { err = 30; chaine_error=chaine; } } } } else { if (!strchr("0123456789abcdefABCDEF",t) && (j>1)) { err = 30; chaine_error=chaine; } } } if (fNconst >= MAXCONST) err = 27; if (!err) { if (!isHexa) {if (sscanf((const char*)chaine,"%lg",&vafConst) > 0) err = 0; else err =1;} else {if (sscanf((const char*)chaine,"%lx",&vafConst2) > 0) err = 0; else err=1; vafConst = (Double_t) vafConst2;} fExpr[fNoper] = chaine; k = -1; for (Int_t j=0;jGetListOfFunctions()->FindObject((const char*)chaine); if (oldformula && strcmp(schain,oldformula->GetTitle())) { Int_t nprior = fNpar; Analyze(oldformula->GetTitle(),err,fNpar); // changes fNpar fNpar = nprior; find=1; if (!err) { Int_t npold = oldformula->GetNpar(); fNpar += npold; for (Int_t ipar=0;iparGetParameter(ipar); } } } } if (find == 0) { //*-*- Check if chaine is a defined variable. //*-*- Note that DefinedVariable can be overloaded ctemp = chaine; ctemp.ReplaceAll(escapedSlash, slash); Int_t action; k = DefinedVariable(ctemp,action); if (k==-3) { // Error message already issued err = 1; } if (k==-2) { err = 31; chaine_error = ctemp; } else if ( k >= 0 ) { fExpr[fNoper] = ctemp; actionCode = action; actionParam = k; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); if (action==kDefinedString) fNstring++; else if (k =MAXPAR) err=7; // too many parameters if (!err) { fExpr[fNoper] = chaine1ST; actionCode = kexpo + inter2; actionParam = offset; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); if (inter2 == 5+offset && fNpar < 3+offset) fNpar = 3+offset; if (fNpar < 2+offset) fNpar = 2+offset; if (fNpar>=MAXPAR) err=7; // too many parameters if (!err) { fNoper++; if (fNdim < 1) fNdim = 1; if (fNpar == 2) SetNumber(200); } } } else if (chaine(4,1) == "(") { ctemp = chaine(5,lchain-6); fExpr[fNoper] = chaine1ST; for (j=0; j=0) { inter += offset; actionCode = kexpo + inter2; actionParam = inter; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); if (inter2 == 5) inter++; if (inter+2>fNpar) fNpar = inter+2; if (fNpar>=MAXPAR) err=7; // too many parameters if (!err) fNoper++; if (fNpar == 2) SetNumber(200); } else err=20; } else err = 20; // non integer value for parameter number } else { err=26; // unknown name chaine_error=chaine; } //*-*- Look for gaus, xgaus,ygaus,xygaus //*-* ================================= } else if (chaine(0,4)=="gaus" || chaine(1,4)=="gaus" || chaine(2,4)=="gaus") { chaine1ST=chaine; if (chaine(1,4) == "gaus") { ctemp=chaine(0,1); if (ctemp=="x") { inter2=0; if (fNdim < 1) fNdim = 1; } else if (ctemp=="y") { inter2=1; if (fNdim < 2) fNdim = 2; } else if (ctemp=="z") { inter2=2; if (fNdim < 3) fNdim = 3; } else if (ctemp=="t") { inter2=3; if (fNdim < 4) fNdim = 4; } else { err=26; // unknown name chaine_error=chaine1ST; } chaine=chaine(1,lchain-1); lchain=chaine.Length(); } else inter2=0; if (chaine(2,4) == "gaus") { if (chaine(0,2) != "xy") { err=26; // unknown name chaine_error=chaine1ST; } else { inter2=5; if (fNdim < 2) fNdim = 2; chaine=chaine(2,lchain-2); lchain=chaine.Length(); } } if (lchain == 4 && err==0) { if (fNpar>=MAXPAR) err=7; // too many parameters if (!err) { fExpr[fNoper] = chaine1ST; actionCode = kgaus + inter2; actionParam = offset; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); if (inter2 == 5+offset && fNpar < 5+offset) fNpar = 5+offset; if (3+offset>fNpar) fNpar = 3+offset; if (fNpar>=MAXPAR) err=7; // too many parameters if (!err) { fNoper++; if (fNdim < 1) fNdim = 1; if (fNpar == 3) SetNumber(100); } } } else if (chaine(4,1) == "(" && err==0) { ctemp = chaine(5,lchain-6); fExpr[fNoper] = chaine1ST; for (j=0; j= 0) { inter += offset; actionCode = kgaus + inter2; actionParam = inter; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); if (inter2 == 5) inter += 2; if (inter+3>fNpar) fNpar = inter+3; if (fNpar>=MAXPAR) err=7; // too many parameters if (!err) fNoper++; if(fNpar == 3) SetNumber(100); } else err = 20; // non integer value for parameter number } } else if (err==0) { err=26; // unknown name chaine_error=chaine1ST; } //*-*- Look for landau, xlandau,ylandau,xylandau //*-* ================================= } else if (chaine(0,6)=="landau" || chaine(1,6)=="landau" || chaine(2,6)=="landau") { chaine1ST=chaine; if (chaine(1,6) == "landau") { ctemp=chaine(0,1); if (ctemp=="x") { inter2=0; if (fNdim < 1) fNdim = 1; } else if (ctemp=="y") { inter2=1; if (fNdim < 2) fNdim = 2; } else if (ctemp=="z") { inter2=2; if (fNdim < 3) fNdim = 3; } else if (ctemp=="t") { inter2=3; if (fNdim < 4) fNdim = 4; } else { err=26; // unknown name chaine_error=chaine1ST; } chaine=chaine(1,lchain-1); lchain=chaine.Length(); } else inter2=0; if (chaine(2,6) == "landau") { if (chaine(0,2) != "xy") { err=26; // unknown name chaine_error=chaine1ST; } else { inter2=5; if (fNdim < 2) fNdim = 2; chaine=chaine(2,lchain-2); lchain=chaine.Length(); } } if (lchain == 6 && err==0) { if (fNpar>=MAXPAR) err=7; // too many parameters if (!err) { fExpr[fNoper] = chaine1ST; actionCode = klandau + inter2; actionParam = offset; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); if (inter2 == 5+offset && fNpar < 5+offset) fNpar = 5+offset; if (3+offset>fNpar) fNpar = 3+offset; if (fNpar>=MAXPAR) err=7; // too many parameters if (!err) { fNoper++; if (fNdim < 1) fNdim = 1; if (fNpar == 3) SetNumber(400); } } } else if (chaine(6,1) == "(" && err==0) { ctemp = chaine(7,lchain-8); fExpr[fNoper] = chaine1ST; for (j=0; j= 0) { inter += offset; actionCode = klandau + inter2; actionParam = inter; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); if (inter2 == 5) inter += 2; if (inter+3>fNpar) fNpar = inter+3; if (fNpar>=MAXPAR) err=7; // too many parameters if (!err) fNoper++; if (fNpar == 3) SetNumber(400); } else err = 20; // non integer value for parameter number } } else if (err==0) { err=26; // unknown name chaine_error=chaine1ST; } //*-*- Look for a polynomial //*-* ===================== } else if (chaine(0,3) == "pol" || chaine(1,3) == "pol") { chaine1ST=chaine; if (chaine(1,3) == "pol") { ctemp=chaine(0,1); if (ctemp=="x") { inter2=1; if (fNdim < 1) fNdim = 1; } else if (ctemp=="y") { inter2=2; if (fNdim < 2) fNdim = 2; } else if (ctemp=="z") { inter2=3; if (fNdim < 3) fNdim = 3; } else if (ctemp=="t") { inter2=4; if (fNdim < 4) fNdim = 4; } else { err=26; // unknown name; chaine_error=chaine1ST; } chaine=chaine(1,lchain-1); lchain=chaine.Length(); } else inter2=1; if (chaine(lchain-1,1) == ")") { nomb = 0; for (j=3;j 0) { if (n < 0 ) err = 24; //Degree of polynomial must be positive if (n >= 20) err = 25; //Degree of polynomial must be less than 20 } else err = 20; } if (!err) { fExpr[fNoper] = chaine1ST; actionCode = kpol+(inter2-1); actionParam = n*100+inter+2; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); if (inter+n+1>=fNpar) fNpar = inter + n + 2; if (fNpar>=MAXPAR) err=7; // too many parameters if (!err) { fNoper++; if (fNdim < 1) fNdim = 1; SetNumber(300+n); } } //*-*- Look for pow,atan2,etc //*-* ====================== } else if (chaine(0,4) == "pow(") { compt = 4; nomb = 0; virgule = 0; nest=0; while(compt != lchain) { compt++; if (chaine(compt-1,1) == "(") nest++; else if (chaine(compt-1,1) == ")") nest--; else if (chaine(compt-1,1) == "," && nest==0) { nomb++; if (nomb == 1 && virgule == 0) virgule = compt; } } if (nomb != 1) err = 22; // There are plus or minus than 2 arguments for pow else { ctemp = chaine(4,virgule-5); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(virgule,lchain-virgule-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "^"; actionCode = kpow; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (chaine(0,7) == "strstr(") { compt = 7; nomb = 0; virgule = 0; nest=0; while(compt != lchain) { compt++; if (chaine(compt-1,1) == "(") nest++; else if (chaine(compt-1,1) == ")") nest--; else if (chaine(compt-1,1) == "," && nest==0) { nomb++; if (nomb == 1 && virgule == 0) virgule = compt; } } if (nomb != 1) err = 28; // There are plus or minus than 2 arguments for strstr else { ctemp = chaine(7,virgule-8); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(virgule,lchain-virgule-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "strstr"; actionCode = kstrstr; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (chaine(0,4) == "min(") { compt = 4; nomb = 0; virgule = 0; nest=0; while(compt != lchain) { compt++; if (chaine(compt-1,1) == "(") nest++; else if (chaine(compt-1,1) == ")") nest--; else if (chaine(compt-1,1) == "," && nest==0) { nomb++; if (nomb == 1 && virgule == 0) virgule = compt; } } if (nomb != 1) err = 22; // There are plus or minus than 2 arguments for pow else { ctemp = chaine(4,virgule-5); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(virgule,lchain-virgule-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "min"; actionCode = kmin; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (chaine(0,4) == "max(") { compt = 4; nomb = 0; virgule = 0; nest=0; while(compt != lchain) { compt++; if (chaine(compt-1,1) == "(") nest++; else if (chaine(compt-1,1) == ")") nest--; else if (chaine(compt-1,1) == "," && nest==0) { nomb++; if (nomb == 1 && virgule == 0) virgule = compt; } } if (nomb != 1) err = 22; // There are plus or minus than 2 arguments for pow else { ctemp = chaine(4,virgule-5); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(virgule,lchain-virgule-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "max"; actionCode = kmax; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (chaine(0,6) == "atan2(") { compt = 6; nomb = 0; virgule = 0; nest=0; while(compt != lchain) { compt++; if (chaine(compt-1,1) == "(") nest++; else if (chaine(compt-1,1) == ")") nest--; else if (chaine(compt-1,1) == "," && nest==0) { nomb++; if (nomb == 1 && virgule == 0) virgule = compt; } } if (nomb != 1) err = 21; //{ There are plus or minus than 2 arguments for atan2 else { ctemp = chaine(6,virgule-7); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(virgule,lchain-virgule-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "atan2"; actionCode = katan2; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (chaine(0,5) == "fmod(") { compt = 5; nomb = 0; virgule = 0; nest=0; while(compt != lchain) { compt++; if (chaine(compt-1,1) == "(") nest++; else if (chaine(compt-1,1) == ")") nest--; else if (chaine(compt-1,1) == "," && nest==0) { nomb++; if (nomb == 1 && virgule == 0) virgule = compt; } } if (nomb != 1) err = 21; //{ There are plus or minus than 2 arguments for fmod else { ctemp = chaine(5,virgule-6); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); ctemp = chaine(virgule,lchain-virgule-1); Analyze(ctemp.Data(),err,offset); fExpr[fNoper] = "fmod"; actionCode = kfmod; SetAction(fNoper,actionCode,actionParam); fNoper++; } } else if (AnalyzeFunction(chaine,err,offset) || err) { // The '||err' is to grab an error coming from AnalyzeFunction if (err) { chaine_error = chaine; } else { // We have a function call. Note that all the work was already, // eventually done in AnalyzeFuntion //fprintf(stderr,"We found a foreign function in %s\n",chaine.Data()); } } else if (chaine(0,1) == "[" && chaine(lchain-1,1) == "]") { fExpr[fNoper] = chaine; fNoper++; ctemp = chaine(1,lchain-2); for (j=0; j 0) nomb *= -1; // if (fOper[i-1] == 98 && TMath::Abs(nomb) != 2) nomb *= 2; // if (fOper[i-1] == 99 && TMath::Abs(nomb) != 20 && TMath::Abs(nomb) != 10) nomb *= 10; // } // if (nomb == 10) err = 10; //{variable z sans x et y } // if (nomb == 20) err = 11; //{variables z et y sans x } // if (nomb == 2) err = 12; //{variable y sans x } // if (nomb == -10) err = 13; //{variables z et x sans y } //*-*- Overflows if (fNoper>=MAXOP) err=6; // too many operators } //*-*- errors! if (err>1) { cout<GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(this); // if we don't, what happens if it fails the new compilation? } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFormula::Compile(const char *expression) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Compile expression already stored in fTitle*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* =========================================== //*-* //*-* Loop on all subexpressions of formula stored in fTitle //*-* //*-* If you overload this member function, you also HAVE TO //*-* never call the constructor: //*-* //*-* TFormula::TFormula(const char *name,const char *expression) //*-* //*-* and write your own constructor //*-* //*-* MyClass::MyClass(const char *name,const char *expression) : TFormula() //*-* //*-* which has to call the TFormula default constructor and whose implementation //*-* should be similar to the implementation of the normal TFormula constructor //*-* //*-* This is necessary because the normal TFormula constructor call indirectly //*-* the virtual member functions Analyze, DefaultString, DefaultValue //*-* and DefaultVariable. //*-* //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html //*-* //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Int_t i,j,lc,valeur,err; TString ctemp; ClearFormula(); //*-*- If expression is not empty, take it, otherwise take the title if (strlen(expression)) SetTitle(expression); TString chaine = GetTitle(); // chaine.ToLower(); //if the function is linear, process it and fill the array of linear parts if (TestBit(kLinear)){ ProcessLinear(chaine); } MAXOP = 1000; MAXPAR = 100; MAXCONST= 100; fExpr = new TString[MAXOP]; fConst = new Double_t[MAXCONST]; fParams = new Double_t[MAXPAR]; fNames = new TString[MAXPAR]; fOper = new Int_t[MAXOP]; for (i=0; i") { chaine = chaine(0,i-1) + "." + chaine(i+1,lc-i-1); i=0; } else if (chaine(i-1,1) == "[") { for (j=1;j<=chaine.Length()-i;j++) { if (chaine(j+i-1,1) == "]" || j+i > chaine.Length()) break; } ctemp = chaine(i,j-1); valeur=0; sscanf(ctemp.Data(),"%d",&valeur); if (valeur >= fNpar) fNpar = valeur+1; } else if (chaine(i-1,1) == " ") { chaine = chaine(0,i-1)+chaine(i,lc-i); i=0; } } err = 0; Analyze((const char*)chaine,err); // if no parameters delete arrays fParams and fNames if (!fNpar) { delete [] fParams; fParams = 0; delete [] fNames; fNames = 0; } //*-*- if no errors, copy local parameters to formula objects if (!err) { if (fNdim <= 0) fNdim = 1; if (chaine.Length() > 4 && GetNumber() != 400) SetNumber(0); //*-*- if formula is a gaussian, set parameter names if (GetNumber() == 100) { SetParName(0,"Constant"); SetParName(1,"Mean"); SetParName(2,"Sigma"); } //*-*- if formula is an exponential, set parameter names if (GetNumber() == 200) { SetParName(0,"Constant"); SetParName(1,"Slope"); } //*-*- if formula is a polynome, set parameter names if (GetNumber() == 300+fNpar) { for (i=0;iClone() ); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ char *TFormula::DefinedString(Int_t) { //*-*-*-*-*-*Return address of string corresponding to special code*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ====================================================== //*-* //*-* This member function is inactive in the TFormula class. //*-* It may be redefined in derived classes. //*-* //*-* If you overload this member function, you also HAVE TO //*-* never call the constructor: //*-* //*-* TFormula::TFormula(const char *name,const char *expression) //*-* //*-* and write your own constructor //*-* //*-* MyClass::MyClass(const char *name,const char *expression) : TFormula() //*-* //*-* which has to call the TFormula default constructor and whose implementation //*-* should be similar to the implementation of the normal TFormula constructor //*-* //*-* This is necessary because the normal TFormula constructor call indirectly //*-* the virtual member functions Analyze, DefaultString, DefaultValue //*-* and DefaultVariable. //*-* ///*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFormula::DefinedValue(Int_t) { //*-*-*-*-*-*Return value corresponding to special code*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ========================================== //*-* //*-* This member function is inactive in the TFormula class. //*-* It may be redefined in derived classes. //*-* //*-* If you overload this member function, you also HAVE TO //*-* never call the constructor: //*-* //*-* TFormula::TFormula(const char *name,const char *expression) //*-* //*-* and write your own constructor //*-* //*-* MyClass::MyClass(const char *name,const char *expression) : TFormula() //*-* //*-* which has to call the TFormula default constructor and whose implementation //*-* should be similar to the implementation of the normal TFormula constructor //*-* //*-* This is necessary because the normal TFormula constructor call indirectly //*-* the virtual member functions Analyze, DefaultString, DefaultValue //*-* and DefaultVariable. //*-* ///*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFormula::DefinedVariable(TString &chaine,Int_t &action) { //*-*-*-*-*-*Check if expression is in the list of defined variables*-*-*-*-* //*-* ======================================================= //*-* //*-* This member function can be overloaded in derived classes //*-* //*-* If you overload this member function, you also HAVE TO //*-* never call the constructor: //*-* //*-* TFormula::TFormula(const char *name,const char *expression) //*-* //*-* and write your own constructor //*-* //*-* MyClass::MyClass(const char *name,const char *expression) : TFormula() //*-* //*-* which has to call the TFormula default constructor and whose implementation //*-* should be similar to the implementation of the normal TFormula constructor //*-* //*-* This is necessary because the normal TFormula constructor call indirectly //*-* the virtual member functions Analyze, DefaultString, DefaultValue //*-* and DefaultVariable. //*-* //*-* The expected returns values are //*-* -2 : the name has been recognized but won't be usable //*-* -1 : the name has not been recognized //*-* >=0 : the name has been recognized, return the action parameter. //*-* //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* action = kVariable; if (chaine == "x") { if (fNdim < 1) fNdim = 1; return 0; } else if (chaine == "y") { if (fNdim < 2) fNdim = 2; return 1; } else if (chaine == "z") { if (fNdim < 3) fNdim = 3; return 2; } else if (chaine == "t") { if (fNdim < 4) fNdim = 4; return 3; } return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFormula::Eval(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t t) const { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Evaluate this formula*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ===================== //*-* //*-* The current value of variables x,y,z,t is passed through x, y, z and t. //*-* The parameters used will be the ones in the array params if params is given //*-* otherwise parameters will be taken from the stored data members fParams //*-* //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Double_t xx[4]; xx[0] = x; xx[1] = y; xx[2] = z; xx[3] = t; return ((TFormula*)this)->EvalPar(xx); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFormula::EvalPar(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *params) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Evaluate this formula*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ===================== //*-* //*-* The current value of variables x,y,z,t is passed through the pointer x. //*-* The parameters used will be the ones in the array params if params is given //*-* otherwise parameters will be taken from the stored data members fParams //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html //*-* //*-* //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Int_t i,j,pos,pos2; // ,inter,inter2,int1,int2; // Float_t aresult; Double_t tab[kMAXFOUND]; char *tab2[kMAXSTRINGFOUND]; Double_t param_calc[kMAXFOUND]; // Double_t dexp,intermede,intermede1,intermede2; char *string_calc[kMAXSTRINGFOUND]; Int_t precalculated = 0; Int_t precalculated_str = 0; if (params) { for (j=0;j> kTFOperShift)) { case kParameter : { pos++; tab[pos-1] = fParams[ oper & kTFOperMask ]; continue; } case kConstant : { pos++; tab[pos-1] = fConst[ oper & kTFOperMask ]; continue; } case kVariable : { pos++; tab[pos-1] = x[ oper & kTFOperMask ]; continue; } case kStringConst: { pos2++;tab2[pos2-1] = (char*)fExpr[i].Data(); pos++; tab[pos-1] = 0; continue; } case kAdd : pos--; tab[pos-1] += tab[pos]; continue; case kSubstract : pos--; tab[pos-1] -= tab[pos]; continue; case kMultiply : pos--; tab[pos-1] *= tab[pos]; continue; case kDivide : pos--; if (tab[pos] == 0) tab[pos-1] = 0; // division by 0 else tab[pos-1] /= tab[pos]; continue; case kModulo : {pos--; Long64_t int1((Long64_t)tab[pos-1]); Long64_t int2((Long64_t)tab[pos]); tab[pos-1] = Double_t(int1%int2); continue;} case kcos : tab[pos-1] = TMath::Cos(tab[pos-1]); continue; case ksin : tab[pos-1] = TMath::Sin(tab[pos-1]); continue; case ktan : if (TMath::Cos(tab[pos-1]) == 0) {tab[pos-1] = 0;} // { tangente indeterminee } else tab[pos-1] = TMath::Tan(tab[pos-1]); continue; case kacos : if (TMath::Abs(tab[pos-1]) > 1) {tab[pos-1] = 0;} // indetermination else tab[pos-1] = TMath::ACos(tab[pos-1]); continue; case kasin : if (TMath::Abs(tab[pos-1]) > 1) {tab[pos-1] = 0;} // indetermination else tab[pos-1] = TMath::ASin(tab[pos-1]); continue; case katan : tab[pos-1] = TMath::ATan(tab[pos-1]); continue; case kcosh : tab[pos-1] = TMath::CosH(tab[pos-1]); continue; case ksinh : tab[pos-1] = TMath::SinH(tab[pos-1]); continue; case ktanh : if (TMath::CosH(tab[pos-1]) == 0) {tab[pos-1] = 0;} // { tangente indeterminee } else tab[pos-1] = TMath::TanH(tab[pos-1]); continue; case kacosh: if (tab[pos-1] < 1) {tab[pos-1] = 0;} // indetermination else tab[pos-1] = TMath::ACosH(tab[pos-1]); continue; case kasinh: tab[pos-1] = TMath::ASinH(tab[pos-1]); continue; case katanh: if (TMath::Abs(tab[pos-1]) > 1) {tab[pos-1] = 0;} // indetermination else tab[pos-1] = TMath::ATanH(tab[pos-1]); continue; case katan2: pos--; tab[pos-1] = TMath::ATan2(tab[pos-1],tab[pos]); continue; case kfmod : pos--; tab[pos-1] = fmod(tab[pos-1],tab[pos]); continue; case kpow : pos--; tab[pos-1] = TMath::Power(tab[pos-1],tab[pos]); continue; case ksq : tab[pos-1] = tab[pos-1]*tab[pos-1]; continue; case ksqrt : tab[pos-1] = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(tab[pos-1])); continue; case kstrstr : pos2 -= 2; pos-=2; pos++; if (strstr(tab2[pos2],tab2[pos2+1])) tab[pos-1]=1; else tab[pos-1]=0; continue; case kmin : pos--; tab[pos-1] = TMath::Min(tab[pos-1],tab[pos]); continue; case kmax : pos--; tab[pos-1] = TMath::Max(tab[pos-1],tab[pos]); continue; case klog : if (tab[pos-1] > 0) tab[pos-1] = TMath::Log(tab[pos-1]); else {tab[pos-1] = 0;} //{indetermination } continue; case kexp : { Double_t dexp = tab[pos-1]; if (dexp < -700) {tab[pos-1] = 0; continue;} if (dexp > 700) {tab[pos-1] = TMath::Exp(700); continue;} tab[pos-1] = TMath::Exp(dexp); continue; } case klog10: if (tab[pos-1] > 0) tab[pos-1] = TMath::Log10(tab[pos-1]); else {tab[pos-1] = 0;} //{indetermination } continue; case kpi : pos++; tab[pos-1] = TMath::ACos(-1); continue; case kabs : tab[pos-1] = TMath::Abs(tab[pos-1]); continue; case ksign : if (tab[pos-1] < 0) tab[pos-1] = -1; else tab[pos-1] = 1; continue; case kint : tab[pos-1] = Double_t(Int_t(tab[pos-1])); continue; case kSignInv: tab[pos-1] = -1 * tab[pos-1]; continue; case krndm : pos++; tab[pos-1] = gRandom->Rndm(1); continue; case kAnd : pos--; if (tab[pos-1]!=0 && tab[pos]!=0) tab[pos-1]=1; else tab[pos-1]=0; continue; case kOr : pos--; if (tab[pos-1]!=0 || tab[pos]!=0) tab[pos-1]=1; else tab[pos-1]=0; continue; case kEqual: pos--; if (tab[pos-1] == tab[pos]) tab[pos-1]=1; else tab[pos-1]=0; continue; case kNotEqual : pos--; if (tab[pos-1] != tab[pos]) tab[pos-1]=1; else tab[pos-1]=0; continue; case kLess : pos--; if (tab[pos-1] < tab[pos]) tab[pos-1]=1; else tab[pos-1]=0; continue; case kGreater : pos--; if (tab[pos-1] > tab[pos]) tab[pos-1]=1; else tab[pos-1]=0; continue; case kLessThan: pos--; if (tab[pos-1]<=tab[pos]) tab[pos-1]=1; else tab[pos-1]=0; continue; case kGreaterThan: pos--; if (tab[pos-1]>=tab[pos]) tab[pos-1]=1; else tab[pos-1]=0; continue; case kNot : if (tab[pos-1]!=0) tab[pos-1] = 0; else tab[pos-1] = 1; continue; case kStringEqual : pos2 -= 2; pos -=2 ; pos++; if (!strcmp(tab2[pos2+1],tab2[pos2])) tab[pos-1]=1; else tab[pos-1]=0; continue; case kStringNotEqual: pos2 -= 2; pos -= 2; pos++; if (strcmp(tab2[pos2+1],tab2[pos2])) tab[pos-1]=1; else tab[pos-1]=0; continue; case kBitAnd : pos--; tab[pos-1]= ((Int_t) tab[pos-1]) & ((Int_t) tab[pos]); continue; case kBitOr : pos--; tab[pos-1]= ((Int_t) tab[pos-1]) | ((Int_t) tab[pos]); continue; case kLeftShift : pos--; tab[pos-1]= ((Int_t) tab[pos-1]) <<((Int_t) tab[pos]); continue; case kRightShift: pos--; tab[pos-1]= ((Int_t) tab[pos-1]) >>((Int_t) tab[pos]); continue; case kBoolOptimize: { // boolean operation optimizer int param = (oper & kTFOperMask); Bool_t skip = kFALSE; int op = param % 10; // 1 is && , 2 is || if (op == 1 && (!tab[pos-1]) ) { // &&: skip the right part if the left part is already false skip = kTRUE; // Preserve the existing behavior (i.e. the result of a&&b is // either 0 or 1) tab[pos-1] = 0; } else if (op == 2 && tab[pos-1] ) { // ||: skip the right part if the left part is already true skip = kTRUE; // Preserve the existing behavior (i.e. the result of a||b is // either 0 or 1) tab[pos-1] = 1; } if (skip) { int toskip = param / 10; i += toskip; } continue; } } switch((oper >> kTFOperShift)) { #define R__EXPO(var) \ { \ pos++; int param = (oper & kTFOperMask); \ tab[pos-1] = TMath::Exp(fParams[param]+fParams[param+1]*x[var]); \ continue; \ } // case kexpo: case kxexpo: R__EXPO(0); case kyexpo: R__EXPO(1); case kzexpo: R__EXPO(2); case kxyexpo:{ pos++; int param = (oper & kTFOperMask); tab[pos-1] = TMath::Exp(fParams[param]+fParams[param+1]*x[0]+fParams[param+2]*x[1]); continue; } #define R__GAUS(var) \ { \ pos++; int param = (oper & kTFOperMask); \ tab[pos-1] = fParams[param]*TMath::Gaus(x[var],fParams[param+1],fParams[param+2],IsNormalized()); \ continue; \ } // case kgaus: case kxgaus: R__GAUS(0); case kygaus: R__GAUS(1); case kzgaus: R__GAUS(2); case kxygaus: { pos++; int param = (oper & kTFOperMask); Double_t intermede1; if (fParams[param+2] == 0) { intermede1=1e10; } else { intermede1=Double_t((x[0]-fParams[param+1])/fParams[param+2]); } Double_t intermede2; if (fParams[param+4] == 0) { intermede2=1e10; } else { intermede2=Double_t((x[1]-fParams[param+3])/fParams[param+4]); } tab[pos-1] = fParams[param]*TMath::Exp(-0.5*(intermede1*intermede1+intermede2*intermede2)); continue; } #define R__LANDAU(var) \ { \ pos++; const int param = (oper & kTFOperMask); \ tab[pos-1] = fParams[param]*TMath::Landau(x[var],fParams[param+1],fParams[param+2],IsNormalized()); \ continue; \ } // case klandau: case kxlandau: R__LANDAU(0); case kylandau: R__LANDAU(1); case kzlandau: R__LANDAU(2); case kxylandau: { pos++; int param = oper&0x7fffff /* ActionParams[i] */ ; Double_t intermede1=TMath::Landau(x[0], fParams[param+1], fParams[param+2],IsNormalized()); Double_t intermede2=TMath::Landau(x[1], fParams[param+2], fParams[param+3],IsNormalized()); tab[pos-1] = fParams[param]*intermede1*intermede2; continue; } #define R__POLY(var) \ { \ pos++; int param = (oper & kTFOperMask); \ tab[pos-1] = 0; Double_t intermede = 1; \ Int_t inter = param/100; /* arrondit */ \ Int_t int1= param-inter*100-1; /* aucune simplification ! (sic) */ \ for (j=0 ;jExecute(args,ret); tab[pos-1] = ret; // check for the correct conversion! continue; }; } Assert(0); } Double_t result0 = tab[0]; return result0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TString TFormula::GetExpFormula() const { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Reconstruct the formula expression from*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* the internal TFormula member variables //*-* ======================================= //*-* //*-* This function uses the internal member variables of TFormula to //*-* construct the mathematical expression associated with the TFormula //*-* instance. This function can be used to get an expanded version of the //*-* expression originally assigned to the TFormula instance, i.e. that //*-* the string returned by GetExpFormula() doesn't depend on other //*-* TFormula object names if (fNoper>0) { TString* tab=new TString[fNoper]; Bool_t* ismulti=new Bool_t[fNoper]; Int_t spos=0; ismulti[0]=kFALSE; Int_t optype; Int_t j; for(Int_t i=0;i=0) { tab[spos]=fExpr[i]; ismulti[spos]=kFALSE; spos++; continue; } //constants, variables x,y,z,t, pi if ((optype<=149 && optype>=140) || (optype == 40)) { tab[spos]=fExpr[i]; ismulti[spos]=kFALSE; spos++; continue; } //Basic operators (+,-,*,/,==,^,etc) if(((optype>0 && optype<6) || optype==20 || (optype>59 && optype<82)) && spos>=2) { // if(optype==-20 && spos>=2){ if(ismulti[spos-2]){ tab[spos-2]="("+tab[spos-2]+")"; } if(ismulti[spos-1]){ tab[spos-2]+=fExpr[i]+("("+tab[spos-1]+")"); }else{ tab[spos-2]+=fExpr[i]+tab[spos-1]; } ismulti[spos-2]=kTRUE; spos--; continue; } //Functions int offset = 0; if((optype>9 && optype<16) || (optype>20 && optype<23) || (optype>29 && optype<34) || (optype>40 && optype<44) || (optype>69 && optype<76)) { //Functions with the format func(x) offset = -1; } if(optype>15 && optype<20 || optype>22 && optype<26) { //Functions with the format func(x,y) offset = -2; } if (offset<0 && (spos+offset>=0)) { tab[spos+offset]=fExpr[i]+("("+tab[spos+offset]); for (j=optype+1; j<0; j++){ tab[spos+offset]+=","+tab[spos+j]; } tab[spos+offset]+=")"; ismulti[spos+offset]=kFALSE; spos+=offset+1; continue; } } TString ret = ""; if (spos > 0) ret = tab[spos-1]; delete[] tab; delete[] ismulti; return ret; } else{ TString ret=""; return ret; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ const TObject* TFormula::GetLinearPart(Int_t i) { if (!fLinearParts.IsEmpty()) return fLinearParts.UncheckedAt(i); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFormula::GetParameter(Int_t ipar) const { //return value of parameter number ipar if (ipar <0 && ipar >= fNpar) return 0; return fParams[ipar]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFormula::GetParameter(const char *parName) const { //return value of parameter named parName const Double_t kNaN = 1e-300; Int_t index = GetParNumber(parName); if (index==-1) { Error("TFormula", "Parameter %s not found", parName); return kNaN; } return GetParameter(index); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TFormula::GetParName(Int_t ipar) const { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return name of one parameter*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ============================ if (ipar <0 || ipar >= fNpar) return ""; if (fNames[ipar].Length() > 0) return (const char*)fNames[ipar]; return Form("p%d",ipar); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFormula::GetParNumber(const char *parName) const { // return parameter number by name if (!parName) return -1; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i))->GetString(); TFormula *f = new TFormula("f", replaceformula.Data()); if (!f) { Error("TFormula", "f_linear not allocated"); return; } fLinearParts.Add(f); } oa->Delete(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFormula::SetParameter(const char *name, Double_t value) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Initialize parameter number ipar*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ================================ Int_t ipar = GetParNumber(name); if (ipar <0 || ipar >= fNpar) return; fParams[ipar] = value; Update(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFormula::SetParameter(Int_t ipar, Double_t value) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Initialize parameter number ipar*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ================================ if (ipar <0 || ipar >= fNpar) return; fParams[ipar] = value; Update(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFormula::SetParameters(const Double_t *params) { // Initialize array of all parameters // see also next function with same name for (Int_t i=0; i 0) fParams[0] = p0; if (fNpar > 1) fParams[1] = p1; if (fNpar > 2) fParams[2] = p2; if (fNpar > 3) fParams[3] = p3; if (fNpar > 4) fParams[4] = p4; if (fNpar > 5) fParams[5] = p5; if (fNpar > 6) fParams[6] = p6; if (fNpar > 7) fParams[7] = p7; if (fNpar > 8) fParams[8] = p8; if (fNpar > 9) fParams[9] = p9; if (fNpar >10) fParams[10]= p10; Update(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFormula::SetParName(Int_t ipar, const char *name) { // Set name of parameter number ipar if (ipar <0 || ipar >= fNpar) return; fNames[ipar] = name; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFormula::SetParNames(const char*name0,const char*name1,const char*name2,const char*name3,const char*name4, const char*name5,const char*name6,const char*name7,const char*name8,const char*name9,const char*name10) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set up to 10 parameter names*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ============================ if (fNpar > 0) fNames[0] = name0; if (fNpar > 1) fNames[1] = name1; if (fNpar > 2) fNames[2] = name2; if (fNpar > 3) fNames[3] = name3; if (fNpar > 4) fNames[4] = name4; if (fNpar > 5) fNames[5] = name5; if (fNpar > 6) fNames[6] = name6; if (fNpar > 7) fNames[7] = name7; if (fNpar > 8) fNames[8] = name8; if (fNpar > 9) fNames[9] = name9; if (fNpar >10) fNames[10]= name10; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TFormula::Streamer(TBuffer &b) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Stream a class object*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ========================================= if (b.IsReading()) { UInt_t R__s, R__c; Version_t v = b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); if (v > 3) { if (v==6) { Error("Streamer","version 6 is not supported"); return; } TFormula::Class()->ReadBuffer(b, this, v, R__s, R__c); if (!TestBit(kNotGlobal)) gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(this); // We need to reinstate (if possible) the TMethodCall. if (fFunctions.GetLast()>=0) { Compile(); } else if (v<6) { Convert(v); } return; } //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution TNamed::Streamer(b); b >> fNdim; b >> fNumber; if (v > 1) b >> fNval; if (v > 2) b >> fNstring; fNpar = b.ReadArray(fParams); fOper = new Int_t[MAXOP]; fNoper = b.ReadArray(fOper); fNconst = b.ReadArray(fConst); if (fNoper) { fExpr = new TString[fNoper]; } if (fNpar) { fNames = new TString[fNpar]; } Int_t i; for (i=0;iGetListOfFunctions()->FindObject(GetName())) return; gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(this); b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TFormula::IsA()); Convert(v); //====end of old versions } else { TFormula::Class()->WriteBuffer(b,this); } } void TFormula::Convert(UInt_t /* fromVersion */) { // Convert the fOper of a TFormula version fromVersion to the current in memory version enum { kOldexpo = 1000, kOldgaus = 2000, kOldlandau = 4000, kOldxylandau = 4500, kOldConstants = 50000, kOldStrings = 80000, kOldVariable = 100000, kOldTreeString = 105000, kOldFormulaVar = 110000, kOldBoolOptimize = 120000, kOldFunctionCall = 200000 }; int i,j; for (i=0,j=0; i= kOldFunctionCall) { // Funtion call newActionCode = kFunctionCall; newActionParam = action-kOldFunctionCall; } else if (action >= kOldBoolOptimize) { // boolean operation optimizer newActionCode = kBoolOptimize; newActionParam = action-kOldBoolOptimize; } else if (action >= kOldFormulaVar) { // a variable newActionCode = kVariable; newActionParam = action-kOldFormulaVar; } else if (action >= kOldTreeString) { // a tree string newActionCode = kDefinedString; newActionParam = action-kOldTreeString; } else if (action >= kOldVariable) { // a tree variable newActionCode = kDefinedVariable; newActionParam = action-kOldVariable; } else if (action == kOldStrings) { // String newActionCode = kStringConst; } else if (action >= kOldConstants) { // numerical value newActionCode = kConstant; newActionParam = action-kOldConstants; } else if (action > 10000 && action < kOldConstants) { // Polynomial int var = action/10000; //arrondit newActionCode = kpol + (var-1); newActionParam = action - var*10000; } else if (action >= 4600) { Error("Convert","Unsupported value %d",action); } else if (action > kOldxylandau) { // xylandau newActionCode = kxylandau; newActionParam = action - (kOldxylandau+1); } else if (action > kOldlandau) { // landau, xlandau, ylandau or zlandau newActionCode = klandau; int var = action/100-40; if (var) newActionCode += var; newActionParam = action - var*100 - (kOldlandau+1); } else if (action > 2500 && action < 2600) { // xygaus newActionCode = kxygaus; newActionParam = action-2501; } else if (action > 2000 && action < 2500) { // gaus, xgaus, ygaus or zgaus newActionCode = kgaus; int var = action/100-20; if (var) newActionCode += var; newActionParam = action - var*100 - (kOldgaus+1); } else if (action > 1500 && action < 1600) { // xyexpo newActionCode = kxyexpo; newActionParam = action-1501; } else if (action > 1000 && action < 1500) { // expo or xexpo or yexpo or zexpo newActionCode = kexpo; int var = action/100-10; if (var) newActionCode += var; newActionParam = action - var*100 - (kOldexpo+1); } if (action > 100 && action < 200) { // Parameter substitution newActionCode = kParameter; newActionParam = action - 101; } SetAction( j, newActionCode, newActionParam ); } if (i!=j) { fNoper -= (i-j); } }