SEPTEMBER, 1909 MONTHLY WEATITER REVIEW. 575 Climatological Data for September, 1909. DISTRICT N o . 3, OHIO V A L L E Y . FERDINAND J \VAI.Z. District Edltor. TEMPERATURE. Beginning at the southern border of the district, or thc. northern portions of the Gulf States, and esteiitling over thti southern ancl central portions of Tennessee, the temperature averaged less than 1 " below normal. Similar temperature con- . ditions prevailed in southern Indiana, esteiiding across the ; Ohio River into a small portion of Kentucliy, also over smdl areas in West Virginia. Over the upper Green River section of Kentucky, the Scioto River Valley of Ohio, and the upper Wabash section of Indiana, the teniperature was from 3" to 4 below normal, while the only section where the teniperaturc averaged above nornial was in tlie estrenie southwestern part of New York. Over the rest of the district, the temperatiire averaged about 2" below normal. In West Virgini:i the tem- perature averaged the lowest for any September on record, although the extremes of temperature were well within the previous records. In Kentucky and the bordering territory of other States, except Indiana, the teiiiperature for September ' averaged lower than nearly any other September for the past twenty years. Frost occurred during the first week in nearly all the central, northern, and eastern States of the clistrict; and, in the period 27-29th, light to killing frosts occurred in practically all parts of the district, with freezing temperature at many places. On the 28th ice formed as far south as Tennessee and a tempera- ture as low as 29" was reported from the northwest.ern portion of North Carolina. The warm periods were the 0-15th and tlie 18th-22d. PRECIPITATION. There were four distinctm rain periods during the month; namely, the 3d-5th, 9-10bh, 15-1Gth, and the 21st-3-4t~h. Outside of these dates, there were only a few scattered rains, niostJy light. After the 24th, there was no rain of conxequcnce, escrpt in the extreme northeastern portion of the district, where tliere were some general moderate rains on the 30th. The amount. of rainfall which occurred during the month, as in August, was extremely variable, ranging all the way from less than half an GENERAL CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. inch to 0.8 inches. The areas over which the greater amounts occurred were widely separated. The heaviest rainfall for the Climatic conditions over this district during the past month lliolitli occurrecl in of the Tennessee River in North Carolina, where the aniorint was 9.8 inches. Between were noteworthy inostly for the unseasonably cool weat her which prevailed the first and last weeks of the month, tlie great occurre,, central portions of Tennessee, variability in the clistribut.ion of rainfall, and the absence of the southerll part of Illiliois, the White River watenhed of rain over nearly the entire district during the last sis clays. central Bluegrass of Kentucky, and the Rainfall, in the main, was here and it Was colisiclerably most important incident of the nionth was This was very bh willds 10cally occurrecl ill the lf7esterli of peIlllsylvania alld Over a but Over liniited arpas watershe& of the C~uayal~clotte, Monongahela, and Big the average. The ~inlicly rivers ill West Virginia. Over the greater portion of Ohio allcl Over the territ,ory ]~orclerilig the Ohio River of other passage Of tropical storm over the western part of the district the 21st-22cl. states, the al,loullt was less excessive rainfalls with consequent damage. inches. The lightest amounts area in the lower basin of the Great Mianii River. Droughty conditions obtainecl to :t riiotlerate degree in Ohio, eastern Ren- tucky, ani1 the territory of Rest Virginia and Pennsylvania 1)orclcring the Ohio River. Rainfalls of 2.50 inches or more, in twenty-four hours occurred as follows: Tennessee watersliecl: 4.30 incliee at Rock House, N. C., the 20th-21 st; 3.42 inches at Riverton, Ala., the 9-10th; 2.50 inches a t Ashwoocl, Tenn., the 15th; 3.10 at Chattanooga, the 3lst,-22d, ant1 3.52 a t Lyniiville, Tenn., the 9-10th. Cmnl~erlanrl wntcrsliecl : 2.50 inches at Cedar Hill, Tenn., the 4th. Licking w\.atershecI : 3.50 inchcs at Mount Sterling, Icy., on the 9th. W:il)ash watershed : 2.70 inches at. Albion and 3.37 at Flora, Ill., on the !MI, and 3.50 inches a t hlarkle, Ind., the 22d-23d. White River watershed: 3.30 inches at Columbus, Ind., on the 10th. Great I. W. Sherwood. E. C. Hewea. M. Reed ,. T. Perry. >. W. Jude. I. J. Llncoln. I. 8. Weather Bureau. I. lohn Glenn Holt. Fleming. 1. W. Wllson. t i . Gwinn. E. R. Flanagan. H. Hutchinson ;eo T Ar abrlte. I. d. Ragfand. Men Smith. 1. E. Bradley. las. A. Morgan. iorace Atwood. Q. C. McNell. I. E. Matthews. prank 6. Evans. Ym. Ankron. itephen Tully. I. 8. Weather Bureau. I. W. Swlsher. I. D. Dadlahaan. lr. J. L. Cunnlngham. 5. M. Senter. E. H. Armstrong. l. Swan. I. Scott. 5. P. Turley. Ym. E. Ryan. I. F. Whlsler. L. M. McKown. . E. Baurhman. ;. F. Dodge. lhelton Clarke. dlss Blanche Pierson. ?. H. Hamrlck. I . P. Waugh. :. M. Davis. Kiss M. B. Forayth. . F. Eieyser. ............ 3.M + 1.33 4.30 + 1.43 2.10 ....... 3.M) - 0.14 2.84 I ' + 0.03 p. W. Gibson. !. M. Palnter. ,. L. Lane. Ilea M. A. Elliott. I. B. McConneU. I. W. Ellms. Lamuel MehaRey. i. F. Plnkvoas. 5d. 5. SllngluR. +of. C. F. Stokey. E. A. Beatty. )wen L. Brown. 64.4 I ....... se. e. n. n. .... e. .... .... ............ ,.....I; ....... ............ ..... I ....... SEPTEMBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE L-Cli~natihgieal data for Septeiitlwr. 1909. District No. .?-Continued. Wooster ................... Young~town .............. Zaneavllle.. .............. 577 Wa ne ................... 1,030 I 2 5 . 62.- ! - 1.4 Maionlng.. ............. .......I.. .. (. .... Musklngum.. ...................... , ................ - r a i s i Y d - S + H - n. S. sw. .... n. n. n. n. ne. .... .... sw. nw n. e. n. nw n. nw ne. n. n. W. SW. BW. SW. W. sw. se. sw. nw. 8. W. n. n. n. ... sw. .... .... ee. n w. nw. e. SW. W. .... ne. n. n. SW. s. v.. s. SW. n. ne. se. W. n. e. W. W. Be. W. .... .... .... e. e. W. .... .... se. W. 8. se. W. .... .... .... .... e. .... .... .... W. .... n. e. n. e. ne. 1.73 1.66 - 1.59 ~ 0.80 ...... ..I 0.70 .. .!. .. Lhevllle ................. Bannen Elk .............. Bward .................. B w n City .............. Henderaonvllle ........... Hot S~rlnna.. ............ Buncombe ............... 2.250 1 30 1 64.4 Watauga.. ........... ...I 3,750 I 1 I 56.6 Transylvania.. ........... 2.230 : 8 ! 64.0 Swain.. ................. 2. OOo /. ......... Henderson.. ............ i 2 167 I 13 65.0 Madison ................. I i326 1 I1 I 67.8 Yamh dl .................. Y h .................. BXfuse .............. Eunbumt ................. Way&le .................. Diamond ................. Gemvia. LaFwette ................ Alabama. Alhortde (1) ............. Brldgeport.. ............. h t u r . ................. Flomnm .................. Quntemvllle.. ............ M d h n .. ................ Madison ........ Cherokee Macon Haywood.. ............ d o ...... Gllmer .................. Walker .................. ........ 11 1 15 1 36 36 ........ ........ ........ 39 37 3 .6 2 : ........ 9.67 I+ 3.02 ..... I ............. ..... 1 ............. 1.30 4.20 ?.72 1.33 1.54 1.37 - 0.24 I 1 w - 1.14 11:s ......... 1.34 - 1.33 11.40 Obaervers. , -___ ! 0.0 6 14 10 0.0 7 15 10 0.0 6 12 13 0.0 7 I5 8 0.0 6 13 10 0.0 .... 14 10 0.0 3 8 4 0 .0 ; 6 ....... 0.0 7 18 9 0.0 7 ....... C.0 8 14 7 ............... 7 18 12 5 ' 1 5 8 5 I 12 14 7 19 4 3 ' 1 4 4 4 ' 1 9 , 8 4 ' 2 1 3 H I9 5 12 7 15 7 I3 4 23 4 17 8 14 5 !%! 6 ' ; ;; 8 23 - 6 5 5 7 7 6 1s 3 9 1 10 !I 9 ; .) 7 4 7 12 3 4 6 R 7 8 6 2 4 2 9 3 5 1 3 5 4 6 5 7 3 7 4 4 I I ................ ............ ................ ............. ............. ................ Ohio-Cont'd. Clncinnau Hamilton.. .! 628 Q m l e d e Plckaway.. 694 Clarlngton.. Monroe.. 600 CluLeaville. ............. Clinton.. ................ 1,010 -Columbus (1) ............ Franklin.. ............... 918 Columbus (2).. .............. do .................... ' 757 Columbus 3) ............,.... do .................... 1 ...... ........ .do.. Cmhocton ................ Coahocton Dayton (1) .............. Montgomery ............ 790 Da n (2) .................. do Columbus keservoir &are ........ .:. ...... Delaware ................ 927 Demm.. ................. Belmont.. ................ 1.325 Frankfort ................ Rots ..................... 750 ~urettaville .............. Portage.. .............. .I 1.005 Granville ................. Llcking.. ................ 960 &Mot ...................... .do.. .................. I Orsen .................... Adams ................. .I 500 Green H111 ................ Columbians.. .......... .: 1.135 Grmnvll le... ............. Darke.. ................. 1.060 HUlnboro ................. Hlgliland ....................... 'Fonton ................... Lawrence.. .............. 575 Jdmchurg.. ........... Butler.. ................. 975 .f=+nE ................... Hardin ......................... %!!buck.. ............... Holmes.. ................ 1,087 Tananntm.. .............. Falrfield.. ............... 89% I 39 67.2 - 1.8 @I 13 15 1 65.8 I - 3.3 I 91 114 1 :: 1: - 1.7 8s 13 40 I'iS :.!:5] 88 86 I 1 3 j 13t :i 1 z: 7 65.5 ....... 02 . 1 4 , 35 : 28 A" ....................... IT. 8. Weather Bureau. Lrnuel W. Courtright. 301. S. Teehappat. E. T. M. Wllllams. U. 8. Weather Bureau. 3hlo State Unlvedty. :apt. Paul Mason. hperintendent. Ilrs. Ada Jeffrh. Edlth E. L. Boyer. Ilrs. D. D. Rlst. L. L. Hudson. 1. F. Dysart. 3. A. Cow. ........ 0.M .....I ............. 30' 1.1.81 '-0.71 1.44 35 1.52 i- 1.24 10.75 32 1 65.2 ............ 1.37 I: ....... J.i:~i 2.12 ........ 0.88 1.67 I- 0.70 0.N 1.8i ' - 1.51 0.61 ........ ........ 1.35 - 1.49 '0.98 1.38 - 1.s1 C.6'J ... ... 27 16 13 20 17 25 25 19 17 18 24 2 27 22 7 17 I4 6 26 BR ...... ...... 64.3 62.8 66. Y 61.2 80.2 03.7 E. 2 66.5 w. 6 82.0 63.9 17. (i 6L 7 62.1 82. I) 61.6 65.0 64.4 66.0 64. I1 63.2 62.5 61.6 62. 1 64.8 62.4 GI. 3 ...... ..... ..... 38 40 37 40 41 35 32 35 42 38 2s 42 35 41 35 32 411 36 33 37 34 42 40 38 41 37 42 38 34 ... .......I ........... i ...... I .... ............. - 2.9 w ............. 13t' 32 28 ...... - 3.3 + 1.0 - 2.7 - 1.1 - 1.7 - 3.3 - 2.2 - 2. 7 - 2.4 - 0.6 - 5.0 - 2.0 - 1.3 - 2. 1 + 0. 7 - 2.0 - 1.8 - 3.7 - 1.2 - 0.6 - 2.4 - 2.3 ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... 90 94 MI 8s 9u Stl 89 89 87 M7 91 89 90 88 Ir7 90 89 87 93 MY !nJ 88 90 91 90 w .... .... 0.0 0. G 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7;. 0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. u c.0 0. I I 0.0 (1.0 0.0 0.0 u. It 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. It 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1.0 0.0 0. I) 0. I) 0.0 0. I1 0. u 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 u. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 rl. o 0. n n. o ... .... .... n. o .... 0. n 0. n 0. n .... .... .... .... 0. n n. o n. o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .... .... .... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .... 3. M. Lutber. Dr. L. E. Davls. W. B. Longatreth. W. F. Kenyon. rm. E. Bentlev. 3. A. Katsenlkrger. :amy H. Rouah. isma ~~~1 1 . .... - ... Dr. J. B. Owsley. N. :eo 8. W. Martln. Nowells. 3. L. Renshaw. Zuth W. Hoffman. _I. H. Morrb. Prof. T. D. Blseoe. E. L. H. H. Burgew. Reflensperger. 1. C. Eyelsnd. 2. F. Copeland. 2. L. Gamertafelder. !"I. Marv K. Pennell. l a y t o n Boll. lam. C. Scott. ... LE& .................... Adams.. ................ 9011 iicConnebvllle. .......... Morgan.. ................ 710 l u l a t t s Wmhlnmtnn ...... n27 ' 3 11 G 11 5 9 14 2 : 9 17 3 5 8 I 1 5 15 9 S I;;? -i .G U.55 1.50 - 1.11 ' 1.23 1 59 - 0.62 ' 0.56 0:96 - 1.45 O.?:! 1.43 ........ 0.61 .................. .................. 2.83 -L 1 9 1.24 2.42 - 0.03 1.77 2.81 ........ ' 1.58 1 .3 - 1.50 0.65 1.58 - 0.46 ~ U.74 2.01 - 0.71 i 1.80 .... 29 .I 'Is. ......... ...I ::: ...I :... ?! I :: , 2 ...... 5 120 8 21 5 16 6 14 6 18 Z. B. Wade. 1. N. Rldenour. L. C. Buckhalter. Louis Herdtla. F. E. Stewart. N. G. Branch. Dr. H. A. Schlrrman. 1. l'. B. B. Gish. Arnett. H. B. Blake. Ldlas M. C. Sberldan. N. A. Webster. H. R. McCllntock. D. D. Thomas. +of. J. H. Wllllams. d. D. McCorkle. !. hrbaeh. >harles Mlcbener. 5:s Palton. 1. G. Sprague. lohn W. Fox. ar. !grlc. Experiment Sta. ,. H. Greever. 'Ienry Nicoll. C. C. Williama. dlaa Allw G. Jewett. 1. Wn. State Hoapital. lames M. Graham. ?rank M. Baker. Lrthur Roberta. drs. L. E. Venable. I. 8. Weather Bureau. riment Station. ~~ 36 37 13 I 38 28 36 1 3 38 I 28 I 36 ....... I2 11 9 7 4 8 8 3 7 6 6 4 7 6 4 8 IO I0 in I6 I ii IO 1U 6 9 9 0 9 3 0 7 8 5 8 8 6 8 7 8 6 1s 8 R 9 12 18 I9 17 17 2n 14 17 11 12 17 12 .... 91) Ct 91 9'' 93 60 8e ... ... 83 84 78 82 78 ... ... ... ... ... 81 91 83 78 86 85 86 88 78 ... .... ... ... ... 86 88 .... .... 91 96 94 .... ............... : .... 14 2S 28 ~ 42 I3 : 31 , ?8 : 32 311 I 2s 41 14 28 41 2Y j 35 ::ti 3U . 28 41 I 28 I 33 3 3 6 5 0 1 2 8 4 3 14 9 8 7 8 10 15 11 11 14 IU 4 :::( :..... .... ..... 1::::I .... I , 1.540 3,250 3.243 2.300 2.02s 2.224 2.028 1.350 1,773 1.221 2.293 2. i7n ...... 3 03 ,+ 0.18 0.67 3187 '+ 0.79 I 1.25 5.50 ,+ 1.89 , 1 .s 2.73 ........ (0.5c Vim'nia. Bia Stone Gap ........... Blncbburg ............... Bnrka,qarden.. ........... Elk Knob ................ Qdru.. .................. Ivanhoe**l.. ............. Yulon.. ................. Max Meadows.. .......... Mondota.. ............... Bdord.. ................ Ferry. ............. A n d m .. ................ P rttrewle.. ............... North Carolina. 13 35 28 33 15 I 28 I 28 142 13 27 28 . 41 64.9 - 1.7 58.0 j - 2.4 6 , 65.0 ......... 14 ~ Wlse.. ................... Montgomery.. .......... Tazewell ................ .I Lee.. .................... Grayaon ................ .I Wythe.. ................. Smyth .................. .I Wythe ................... i Wsehlngton .............. Montgomery.. .......... / Cherokee.. ............... i Scott. Wythe.. ................... ................. !!!. . .;a ...I ..... : : : 1: : : : : j3 .... I:. .. .... 1 .... .... I .... 26ti 30 ........ I ....~.......I ........ ! 5 62.01 ........ 113 I ....... I:::::::': 14 ....... .................. 3.60' ........ 11.25 .................. ..... I ............. 3.02 I ........ 3 .1 ' ........ 1.28 ..... ...I ........ .... !:::: ...; ........ .I .... I I3s.2: ........ ................... 16 , 62.5 j - 2.8 ............... ......... ,,..I ::.. 15 I 36 128 I37 ..... ........I ..... 2.83 ,- 1.55 1.19 I. D. Link. J. S. Weather Bureau. V. E. Bmm. 1. IC. Colllns. r. W. Valentlne. '. A. Garner. ;. T. Colvsrd. V. E. Flnley. dlas Julia Campbell. S. C. Hawklna. Auclen Buck. 1. p. Swift. L. A. Hirnrey. Lalph A. Snow. 'rof. J. B. Hobd dlas M a e Rln&e. Erneat A. Carrlger. ;. H. Smlth. n 8. Long. r l b a t Ylish. r. L. L ~w ~. 35 1 29 38 29 I 28 3s 3.32 ....... 3.59 - 0.45 3.94 ....... 3.90 ....... 2.85 - 0.41 6.48 + 2.48 3.01 j ....... 1. 28 1.27 1.00 1.43 0.97 1.55 0.03 - 0.6 ........ ........ ........ - 0.9 - 0.5 ................. 11 1 34 1 :9 14'; I l t 38 "8 35 ... 28 2s ... ... ... 29 28 .... 32 27 .... .... .... 34 33 3.07 !- 1.62 2.15 : ....... I 1.10 0.47 Marshall ................. ........ Jackaon. ................ Mor an.. ............... L a d e d a l e .............. Marahall ................. 580 Madieon ................. ........ I .... I .... 1 I I ?St1 42 ...I :. ... .). ....... I t 28+( 38 warren. ............ Blount.. ........... Johnson.. .......... Davidson. ......... Corke. ............. Bedford.. .......... Pinewood ................ i Hickman ...................... Pope.. ................... Perry.. ........................ Savannah.. .............. ................. 442 Ro~mvllle .............. .i Hawkina.. .............. 1. im Runby.. ................ 1 ?dd;a;;,.. ................ 1.410 ~. Sewanee .................. Sparta .................... Sprlngdnle.. ............. Springville ............... Telllco Plains. ............ Franklln.. .............. , 2.000 . 15 White .................... 920 I 4 Clalborne.. ... .....' .....I 1,055 ... Henry ................... ! 377 7 Monroe .i.. ................. ........ Warren .................. Pulaski .................. Trlgg.. ........................ MeLean.. ............... Boyd.. .................. Hopkins ................. 500 589 307 544 370 Mt. Sterllng .............. Owensboro.. ............. Owenton.. ............... Paducah.. ............... Ptkevllle.. ................ Rlchmond ................ St. John .................. Mecracken.. ............ Plke.. .......................... Madlson ................. Hardln .................. Kenton.. ................ 341 926 i 7 7 ...... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. SEPTEMBER, 1909 TABLE l.-Climalologieal data jor Seplember, 1909. District No. .'?-Continued. ..... -- -. . d I Temperature, In degrees Fahrenhelt. I Preclpltatlon, In Inches. A . c: 2 3 CI 0 i=l d w . 360 05" 438 735 SSO ,02G 625 808 5'30 850 800 ??G ,575 850 SIN 055 s4 1 9 s 364 ,740 977 5?9 3 i 5on .... .... Observers. Stntlons. .. 0.0 7 ~ I I o.nI 0.0 1 9 1 6 ' 14 3 n. (1 I 3 21) 0.0 ; I). II I 9 0.0 7 n.u 7 0.0 7 0.0 6 O .O ! 8 0.0 1 7 I 3.45 i (I. 83 1.59 I j.l;; I 1.1s ' 2.50 1.50 1. 50 1. $11 0. 90 1.10 1.90 1.39 9. ?(I 1.35 1.Y5 1.50 1.79 1. 6Il 2.22 3.52 1.54 1.44 1.91 0.65 1.57 I I . 98 1.21 0.71 1.41 n. si 3. nr I. in i.ns .... i.ns .... 1. sn ... E. R. Nelles. Mlss Irene Caldwell. Samuel Moore. dlnbama-Cont'd. Rlverton. ................ Cdhert. ................. Scottaboro. ............... Jackson .................. Tuacumbla. ............ ..I Colbert. .............. ...I 9.S 91 92 91 89 92 90 90 9U 91 !I I 93 YV IS 88 8s 9u SY Y3 91 DS 86 Y5 '53 SS 89 93 83 YO 83 9n ..... 1" i0.7 26 , 71.11 27 ' 71.0 - 3.4 - 0 ,s - 1.0 - n. 3 + 11.5 - 1.!1 - 1.2 - 2.; 11. I I - 1.1 - 1.0 - 1.7 - 1.6 - 0.7 - 1.:3 - 2.0 - 1.3 - 0.9 + 0.2 - 2.4 - 3.0 - 0.4 - 1.3 - (1.5 - II. 8 - 1.1 - 0.4 - 0.7 ....... ....... ....... Be. 8. S. 8. n. ne. ne. n. n. a. sw. .... W. Be. 8. .... .... n. nw. UW. .... ne. n. se. e. ne. ne. S. S. .... w. 8. 8. e. n. .... SW. Tennessee. I Aahwood... ............. .; Benton... ................ Byrdstown.. ............. Cartham.. ............... Cedar Hill.. .............. Chattanooga. ............ ! Clarksvllle.. ............ .I Deeatur .................. Melas ...................... Dlckson.. ................ Dickson.. .............. .I Stewart ................. .I Sequatchee .............. I Carter.. ................. j Eraamus .................. Cumherland ............. Franklln Wllllamson Hnrrlman Roane Hohenwald ............... Lewis .................... Iron Ctty ................. Lawrence.. .............. Johnsonvllle .............. Humphreya ............. Lebanon I .. .............. Wilson.. ................. Iawisburs ................. Diarshall ................. Florence ................. .I Itotherford. .......... ...I ................. .............. i Joneaboro.. .............. i Washlogton ............. ................ ................... Knoxvjlle ............ ....I Hnox.. ................... 13 I 39 23 I 35 ?" I 35 Et! 38 u : 4 3 1 45 12t 39 1 35 l t 30 12 4n 9 t 36 L9 40 6 ~ 39 ........ 2 t I 36 12 9 ..... I 35 18 34 12 28 Maury .................. .: Polk ..................... Plckett. ................. I 31 in.3 33 . 71.4 15 6S.G 2 i 69.8 12 ~ 70.2 31 71.2 43 i 69.6 14 09.9 18 G0.Y .... 711. 6 20 I 65.0 15 1 711.4 9 5 2 5 2 9 1 4 2 G 9 5 3 7 I4 6 I a 6 0 8 4 3 8 3 5 4 3 7 9 I3 i 14 25 11 8 I1 9 10 15 9 5 0 1" 7 0 12 19 19 8 8 7 I3 28 48 I 2.95 - 0.11 28 13s 1.32 I- 3.11 Smlth. .................. Robertson.. ............. Hamllton. .............. Montgomery.. .......... ---- I 38 35 3.15 - (1.19 27 24 4.30 + (1.96 29 31 4.44 + 1.19 2d 35 I 3.17 !c 0.18 2s 43 3.80 - 0.93 29 . 41 3.71 .+ 0.04 ....... 2s I 39 4.26 ,+ 1.32 29 43 3.28 - 0.04 29 u 2 .~8 1 - n.35 28 w 3.32 I+ 0.w 13 15 I6 1Y 1s lli 16 12 111 0 16 13 15 ... ... Dover.. .................. Dunlap.. ................. Elbahethton.. ........... 13 2s 18 I4 34 12 14 13 39 16 21 ?I 15 13 39 19 10 3 13 25 2'3 26 lis. 0 09.3 70. I1 G9.3 GO. S 69.5 69. S GY. 0 GB. 9 ..... io. n 70.4 OS. B 70. s ti?. 7 7u. 8 ti7. s 70. G 71.0 G7.6 OS. S ..... J . L. Parkea. ir. 28 28 2s 28 2s 28 27 29 29 38 28 3s 38 31 3s 47 32 37 36 44 32 29 44 3s 3s 47 44 29 ......... 0.0 8 0 0 6 i n ; 9 i o I l l 0.11 I 111 II. 0 ~ 8 0.0 12 (1.11 I Ill 0.0 I I? 0.0 5 u. (1 . . 11 II : J ............. 3.91 + 0.10 3.Y5 ....... 6 9G i+ 3 IG G:37 !+ 3131 3.35 + 11.47 3.n3 + 0.72 4.23 + 0.55 4.55 I+ 1.m 2. IO - n. io 3.43 1 - 0. 19 . -. 1 ........a 11, cllae 7711 13 .- I 1 16 14 S 1s I 0 18 S 14 I 11 ... I .... 19 I 7 ",..Y"...F ................. L .... - .................... .." ....... ... ..... hktdlnnvlue.. ............. Maryvllle.. ............... i Nashvllle.. Newportd.. .............. Palmetto.. ............... I Mountaln Clty .......... .! ............... i ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... I 1 ,l l l l 1, (IS0 2. a 6 654 1.211 770 E. E. Barry. U. S. Weather Bureau. Dr. C. T. Burnett. Mrs. ROM Woods. Miss Carrie Caah. Miss Bessie Howard. BrPd R e d - 2.11 ....... ! Y4 - 1.8 ~ 94 - 1.0 SY - 1.5 - 1.7 ' ya I 89 ....... .... (I. I I ' 0.0 i i G 1" 0 4 7 11 9 8 ti 0 G 3 ti 5 5 5 n .... __ .... 3. 0. Wilson. W. F. Bell. H. 0. Eckel. " ..... " _r. ....... .... n. I) 0. n 0.0 I I . II 0. I I .... n. n I). (I II. u 0. v n. o 0. n u. n 11. I) II. II I I . 0 0. I I I). IJ I). 0 I). 0 11. 0 II. 0 0. I) (I. II 0. I 1 n. 0 1;. II 0. I) I:. (I 11.11 I I . I I (I. (I 0. I I I). 0 n. I) II. 0 I). a (I. II 0. (I n. u n. II n. n I). n n. n n. 11 n. n ............ l t 33 28 11 4u ~ 27 a .c i + u.w 2.2s ....... 4.35 + 1.45 ifi 2.06; .... ................... 08.5 ........ 90 07.4 - 3.V 85 6Y.3 ........ 8s 86.5 - 2.1 85 68.S ........ 95 59.6 + (1.4 91 6Y.S - 1.9 95 6Y.B - 3.3 S8 .................... r0.3 , - 0.2 Y2 67.4 - 3.5 I 90 611.Bb ........ I XY' G9.G i -1 .8 115 ....... 14 1 10 G n. 1 7 ) 9 I6 5 1 I 5 I l n . n. University of South. E. H. Hull. Hra. Lucy E. Bieedlng. H. A. Bodeii. ........... i 6 1.71:-1.03 (1.U 12 : 3.52 1.. ...... 1.32 ......... I ....... 41 , 5.35 I+ 2.29 4111.1 2.24 I. ...... $2 I 1.!11 ' - 0.40 44 1.411 ....... .... 2.31 (1. Y 1 1.16 2. w 0.75 2. (HI (1. Y(i I). 38 11. YO R. T. Moore. H. C. Boyd. W. R. Wilson. W. P. Watson. y. W. Hicks. _I. E. Barrett. 3. M. Talbott. 3. W. Cann. K. 5. Woodward. _.. F. Rumold. 15 S 13 G G 8 20 19 7 I3 16 20 15 15 20 4 I 9 17 7 13 11 14 ?? 12 37 1s 13 13 13 17 ia 16 2n 2n 13 15 30 7 12 7 13 11 6 16 ... 11 10 9 I w. 19 I 1 III I ne. 7 : 9 I4 I nw. 21 U 9 I ne. 15.1 io' + w. 60.5 I ........ 01 67.2 I ........ 91 67.6 I ........ Y5 70.8 : - 1.5 I Y3 1.79 2. llil 2.71 1.59 3.39 1.90 1.62 3. (I1 2. WJ 1.415 0. $5 3.09 2. I13 .?.In 9; 12 i 32 j 2s 51 (1.91 3. u11 5. i 0 1.35 I . 78 4. SY 1. R i 2.1s 3.64 1. S5 3. 24 5. 74 2.41 0. .w 4.44 2.52 1. 211 1.40 1. OS 2. 16 2.58 1. (0 1.21 2. nr 48 3s 40 ....... ........ 1.IH - 0. 15 1.w - 1.18 fI.64 ........ 1.01 ........ 11.85 (1.05 11.54 .--'11.26 1.20 ........ 1.30 ' - 1.11:s ].ti0 I- I I . 5G 11. 95 2.14 11.42 n.o3 0. 75 - 1.79 n .4 ~ - 1.10 n.33 I- . . , , . , . . I 1 .M '+ 3.15 ! LOO .-n.tip n.*i - 1.54 I 11.5% - 1.87 u.55 .+ 2.46 2.14 - n. 13 1.m - 1. !LS lI.51) +I.%? i.en ........ 0.72 I- 1.10 0.53 - 1.44 I o .4 4 .- 0.00 ! i.n7 i- 0.16 I I . 16 I- 0.19 3. n7 ........ 1.29 - 2.114 , II. 55 ........, 0.53 Frs. L. 0. Causey. a. 1. Estes. lohn Y. Lawrence. LV. A. Taylor. :Iras. N. Bruns. 1. B. Atklnson. Uiem Lee Ray. rV. H. Henderson. 1. V. Oldharn. Ylsa Gertrude Sorrell. hstave Schaefei. 1. E. Newman. L. C. Alcorn. bliss Lulu Wood. N. F. Randle. rV. J. Piggott. Iohn E. Stone. J. S. Weather Bureau. Loretto Academv. J. S. Weather Bkeau. 3. C. Paris. Krs. M. D. Marsh. 3. H. Perklns. lames OConnell. Henry S. Berry. 1. T. Walker. N. R. Wright. i. R. Williams. . W. Crooke. 3ethlehem Academy. E. B. Wllson. N. E. Grubbs. 3r. H. W. Preissler. 3. D. Bourne. Lrs. Anna L. Adklna. Lrs. Sarah E. Carter. .............. / 69.3C ........ 51). 4 1 4 67.0 I - 3.5 6 S .i ~ 1.0 66.4 I 1 2.7 ...... I ....... 05. 6 ....... Gi.4 - 1. 1 ill. 7 - 0.4 GB.6 -3 .4 Gs. $=I. 1. '.. '. ............... I... 92, 9 , YGc' 23 93 12 1 39 27 36 92a 2 t . 3s. 3s 41s 9.3 , Et! 30 28 49 I 8 :1 9 1 4 7 i n . ..... 71llI.l 7s BE' 9 ! 1R 1 3 11 I ne. 111 I ti ' e. 3 I 11 nw. 31 I 2 n. 4 6 1 ..... 4 111 I n. 7 ~ 3 ne. S i 7 n. 11 1 .. ... 9 7 ' n 6 , 8111: 3 I 4 : nw. 8 . 1 ..... 3 I In n. 3 I i n W. 3 6 i:'. 7 181 ..... 4 12 ..... S i 3 ' ..... 10 I 7 n. 7 5 n 1s I 5 I n: i n I 4 I ne. 0 411 ..... 41 5 ..... K I l U 3 81s. n i 13 , S. 2 4 I sw. IS 1 I. i I is 8 ~ lG 7 7 4 l i 7 2n 7 ~ 11; I ! 24 I j ! 211 8 : I5 7 IS 6 I4 G ' 18 5 : 23 7 I "1 6 I 17 6 I 17 : 11 21 5 19 G ! 13 8 I I8 5 ' In 5 I6 5 9 6 : 21 A 7 5 ~ 14 .............. .... SG 4 41 12; I 3 1 !E I2 3!1 : 2s 35 ............. 09.8 I - 1.6 60.2 - 0. i 63.8 ' - 3,s G5.Sa - 1.6 87.8 - 2.7 G.5. 6% - 4. 7 71.8 - 2.4 63.6 - 2.0 60.8 1.9 67.0 3.1 ffi.1 - 4 7 05.2 1 i 413 6G.Y ....... 68. 2 : - 2.0 m.0 I ....... 69.6 I - 2.2 60.4 - 4.0 ............. 0: n n. n n. n I n.ii i (1. n 0.0 1 , 03.6 1 - 3.2 1 SS 113 ' 33 28 134 2.74 1- 0.2s 1.35 I 0.0 64.3 . - 4.0 89 13 I 34 I 2 i t l 411 ' 2.25 - 0.20 , 1.37 0.11 67.2 , - 0.7 I 32 128 ! 41 0:58 I-.-:&': 0.44 I 0.0 61.0. ......... Q O ~I 13 j 3'2.' 28 4 1 ~' 4 19 2.03 0.0 92 i 13 I 7 ' 17 3 . 16 5 . 22 G 2n S I S ' s e . 3 1 7 .n . 0 I 1 3 i ..... 5 i ?I n . Y. H. Stanton. &. E. Ramsey. :. C. Dean. ;. F. Hole. BEPTEMBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 579 Statlona. - . - Counties. ..... It ! 13 1 3 , 1 3 ~ l f t , IS 13 13 1; i ...... 18 13 13 "? 13 ' I3 13 ' 13 1': 1 ; 1 :t I < 4 1'3 l!I I :< I .i 12t 13t 13 1': I 13 , I k I"i I "t l 2 t 11 1'; 1': 12t l a I .... l i t , ...... I i.;n I 50 4.!i5 1; i 9 n 2 .s - 0.34 2.95 + n. ?? 2.94 I ........ 2. :<;I , - 11. 36 2.83 ! ....... 2.2s - 1.09 3. *P ........ 1.86 ......... 2.31 I ........ 2.311 I.. ...... 2.65 - n.29 2. 15 - I I . VI1 5. 211 + 0.04 3.63 ! ........ 3.69 /+ 1.05 3.6; I+ l.II1 3. 11 ,+ 11.45 1.23 - 1.10 G 1 ' 7 ' 8 ! 14 Ifi n. UW. se. , ..... Charles Lemhcrger. John A. Perry. C. C. Hibhs R.L.Hlgglnbotham & Son Dr. E. E. Relso. L'. S. Weather Bureau Maurice Yeawr. W. J. Daviason. W. C. Cohle. Charles H. Ewing. E. L. Palmer. H. Dufendaeh. Charles MrCrew. 1'. S. Weather Bureau. John C. Loornls. D. R . Warrlrk. John W. Dotv. W. J. Jones, jr. Charles Mnsspns. .I. Conpprirlrr. J. M. Jiihnam. .I:imes F. Hood. 1 . S. Blildelrr. E. Iilrkwuod. W. S. Bigncy. C. AI. Ppenrer. Jamrs A. (;illuni. Elirlio Jones. Walter Vosslrr. J . P. Keith. Dr. N. N. Wlrt. Adam Anspach. C . V..Sklnner. IC. 8. Allen. F. H. Park. -1. R. Blair 1%. F. Crnorh. R. C:. Gllliim. L. A. C'ulwr. Mi= Predcrirs Bwrner. 1::. V. List. 13. 1%. Turwll. C'. A. Stmensun Ihv. A. A. Young. C. A. Gecklcr. I . I I : I Wayne ................... 041 10 62.II - 3.3 Barthnlomew ............ 01'3 IS 05.4 - 1.4 Ftryette ................... iG9 20 I 63.4 . - 2. I Carroll .................. ! ti68 . 10 B2.0 - 2.Y Morgan .................. I 7 9 .... 63.4 ........ Vanderhurg .............. 3SO 10 83.2 - 0.5 Bulllvan. ............................ 05. i ........ Randolph ............... 1.101 20 U3.3 - 2.8 . Hancock.. .............. 90.5 ..... G4.4 ......... Deratm ................. i 954 ' 5 G .6 ........ Lawrence.. ......................................... Dubois.. ........................... Ri.5 ........ Huntington ............. 741 11 .. 62.4 - 3. I Marion. ................. S?2 . 33 . FA.:< - 2.4 Clark .................... 455 12 IV;.2 - 3.9 Warren ............................. RP. 4 ....... Howard ................. S40 !! 6 1 .i - +.6 Tipperanoe .............. C17 __ 62.9 - 3.0 Casa ..................... 620 17 fi3.4 - 2 .d .lrEwsnn ................. 460 I 1 I 60.6 - 3 .6 Cranfnrd ................ ::I;{ 1'1 ............ Grant .................. SI4 I 4 63.1 - 2 .i Hitnt,ington ............ YIJ I n 61.7 - 3.2 Rush .................... 9jll 21 Ri.A - n..i Deurhorn. ........................ A 5 .8 Oran- ........ ... h l I n S i .; ........ ... 4<1 19 67.1; - 11.6 ... o;.? 17 6 2 .A - 3.1 ... #I D .... fil.9 ....... Parke ................... 7?'? 15 64.1; - 2 .5 ....... Posey ................... 4111 1: A i .4 - 2.0 ..-- Perry ................... 3iO .... 711. R ........ .... Indiana-Cont'd. I Cambddge Clty .......... I Columbus.. .............. i Conneravllle.. ............ Delphi.. ................. Eminence. ... , ............ Evannvllle ................ i Farmeraburg#. ........... I Farmland ............... .I Gmfield.. .............. Greensburg.. ............. Helltonvllle ................ Huntlnghurg.. ............ Huntlnpton.. ........... .! Indlanapnllr .............. JeRmnville I.. .......... Judyvllle .................. Kokomo.. ................ I thyette. ................. Ys lrnn .................. Wnrenw .................. Wnrtun .................... Markle.. ................. Mauny.. .................. MOORS Hill.. ............. Mount Vernon ............ Paoh ..................... Rlncrton.. ................ Rlchinond ................. Rooheater.. .............. Rookvllle.. ............... Rome. ................... &lamoola.. ............... f l a h .................... Scottshurg.. ............. Swmour.. .............. bhelbyvlllp. ............. Term Hnute .............. Veederahurg .............. Vevag ................. Vlnrennea.. ............ WMhlnEtOn.. ........... Whltrrtown .............. ! Wlnona Lake ............. Alhlon.. ................. Calm.. ................... Charlr=nton.. ............. Equality.. ............... Falrfirld ................. Loysport ............... IUinow. n. m i.n.3 3.411 II. 9(1 1. 17 1. I? n. x i n. s.5 1.IW n. ill 1. 35 I). 06 1.25 1.54 I . 3 i 1 .5 i 1.15 n. 5 ; 0. 85 n. 43 92 01 !I11 91 S i $1: 80 88 S i 80 W. ne. nw. e. Ill?. W' . ne. ..... ne. ne. n. ne n. Re. e . nw. .... 93 x7 911 8!1 87 sa 02 9" nn ... 31 35 as 39 3n 31 35 33 36 ....... G B O G 128 3 5 : 5 1 4 : 3 1 8 1 13 6 5 I ... .............. 4:! 4.C4 +l .i l l 2 .X :;I! ti.W .+ 4.iII 3.S'l ?!I 2.n.; I- u. A: n. sn 3 1; 1.2; ...... ILSII 3s 2. A; I+ 0.45 n. sii 1. lii ....... ll.l;4 25 ~ 2. 16 - 1. WI II.