722 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. OCTOBER, 1909 Climatological Data for October, 1909. DISTRICT No. 3, OHIO VALLEY. FERDINAND J. WALZ. District Editor. GENERAL SUMMARY. Unseasonably cool weather, as a rule, prevailrcl over the district during nearly tlie whole month. Frost and freezing temperatures were of frequent occurrence. In West \'irgiuia, western Pennsylvania, Kentucky, ancl over much of the district north of the Ohio River the temperature averaged the lowest for any October, with one or two esceptions, during the past twenty years. Rainfall was somewhat in excess of the average October amounts in Indiana and in parts of Illinois and West Virginia, and was either nearly nornial or below over the rest of the district. Snow fell on several clays in various parts of the district. As much as 4 inches fell during the month at one or two stations in West Virginia, while flurries occurred as far south as Tennessee and northern Georgia. TEMPERATURE. The temperature was below norm'al a t all stations in the district. Over considerable portions of western Tennessee aiicl central-southern Kentucky the deficiency was less than 1 ", while over the Cumberland talde-land of western Tennessee, in southwestern Kentucky, the Scioto Valley of Ohio, and the Allegheny Basin of Pennsylvania the deficiency was G " or more, and over t-he north-central portion of Iiidiaiia it was more than 7". Over the rest. of the district the temperature was froni 2' to 4" below the October average. The month began coni- paratively warm and quite warm weather prevailed during the first decade, particularly the period 7-10th, when maximum temperatures of 70" to 90" occurred generally. During the second decade i t was universally unseasonably cold, freezing temperature ancl killing frost occurring in practically all parts of the district. The first two or three days of tlie third decade and the last two days of the month were quite warm, the maxi- mum temperature registering between TO" ancl SO" over large areas. Unseasonably cold weather again prevailed cluring the period 35-29th. In West Virginia temperatures of 14' to 30" were registered on the morning of the 29th. PRECIPITATION. Clear weather prevailed over the district the first S or 9 days, there being only a few scattered light showers in any section. In the period 10-12th, a general storm passed over the upper Mississippi and Ohio valleys, bringing general ancl quite heavy rains. The rainfall was especially heavy in West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, western Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and parts of Kentucky. Another gcneral storm caused rains on the 14-15th, when they were especially heavy in the southern parts of tlie district. In the pcriotl 17-2ith, moderate to heavy rains were more or less gcneral. The heaviest occurred in Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, ancl West Virginia. After the 24th there was 110 rain of consequence. The rainfall for tlie month was deficient, averaging less t h n 3 inches over southern Illinois, the greater portion of Iientucky, the western portion of West Virginia, eastern Ohio, ancl estrenie western Pennsylvania. The amount was less tliaii 1 inch in southwestern Illinois and in the hlahoiiiiig Valley of Ohio. There were between 4 and 5 inches in the upper basin of the Tennessee River, in the southeastern Monongahela Basin in West Virginia, in the Miami Basin of Ohio, aid in central and southern Indiana. Over the remainder of the district the rain- fall was between 2 and 4 inches, about the average seasonal amount. Snow occurred in the mountains of West Virginia on the llth, in Ohio, eastern Kentucky, and Incliana on the 12th; in Tennessee on the 13th, and in West Virginia, northern In- diana, Illinois, and Tennessee on the 15th; in Indiana and Illinois O J ~ t.he 20th; in West. Virginia on t.he 23tl; in most of t.he district nort,h of tlie Ohio R.iver, aiicl in West Virginia, s0ut.h- western Virginia, and Tennessee on the 24th; and in northern Georgia on tlie 26t.h. The amount,s werc generally not inorc than traces, however, excepta in West Virginia, where the total fall was as much as 4 inches at one ortwo points. Ice formed in northern Georgia on t.he 13th. Rainfalls of 3.50 inches, or more, in twenty-four hours occurred as follows: Great Kaiiawha watershed: 2.55 inches at Lewisburg and 2.50 inches at Marlington, W. Va., and 2.S2 inches a t Galax, Va., on the 11th. Tennessee wat,ershed : 2.98 inches at A4ndre~vs, and 2.68 inches at Brysoii City, N. C., on the 14th: 3.55 inches at Briclgeport, Ala., on the 13-14th; 3.87 inches at Tuscumbia, Ala., and 3.15 inches a t Wayneshoro, Tenn., on f,he 14th. White R.iver watershed : 2.GO inches at Eminence, Ind., 011 tlie 23~1, and 3.13 inches a t Mount Vernon, Ind., on the Ohio River watershed, on the 20th-2lst. In addition to tlie above, the following heavy rainfalls occurred for short periods: I)unlay, Tenn., 1.05 inches in thirty minutes on the 15th, and at Palmetto, Tenn., 1.76 inches in thirty minutes on the 14th. During the night of the 13th and early morning of the 14th severe storms, t,ornnclic in character, occurred in northern Alabama and in the southwest and south-central counties of Tennessee. Trees were uprooted, a few houses and barns were blown clown in hIatlison County, Alabama, and considerable damage clone to timber, buildings, telegraph, and telephone lines. No lives were lost in Alabama, but in Tennessee 29 per- sons were Irilletl and over 100 injured. The property loss amounted to $150,000, or more. Heavy hail attended these st.ornis in localities in both these St.ates. The section director a t Nashville, Tenn., reports as follows: Vwg severe lord st.orm, ~winiing t.he violence of t,ornadow in some pl:trcs, occurred in the south\vest.~rn and aouth-central counties on the aft.Prnoon of t.hc 14th. The st.oriiis were niost destruct.ive in hIadison, hIcNsiry, :ind Hnrilin countie?. The number of persons reported killed in kIadison c'0unt.y was 1; Hsrdin, 20; McNairy, S. The reports were not consi&rcxI cntircdy re1i:ibIe and coniplete. Probably 100 people, in all, were injurecl. Msny 1ioua.u were dest.royed or damaged, fences, timber, mid crops w r c blown clown and a coniderable number of stock killed. The property low at. Clift.on, \V :L ~I I ~ C'ount.y, was $5,,r)OO; Hamburg, H:trdin county. $60,000; Buford St.ntion, Gilm count,y, $9,000; Pithburg Landing, H:trdin County, $7.5,000; Bt.sntonville, ,IfcNary County, $1,500. At Dunlap h:rilet.onw, half round in shape, nicasurcd 5 inches in diameter. Severe hailstorms on the same dates were also reported from northern Georgia. See report on the severe hailstorm a.t At- lanta, Ga., in suniniary for District No. 2. A violent storm of reported toriiaclic character swept over Chnibritlge Springs and French Creek Valley in Crawford C'ount.y, Pa., the afternoon of the 21st, injuring several persons, ivreclring a score or inore of residences and buildings, destroying or damaging over 100 Imras ant1 outbuildings, uprooting trees, tearing down telegraph, telephone, and electric light poles, and leveling fences. The '32-33d a general storm passed over the central and upper Ohio valleys, attended by severe thundemtorms and squalls. Considerable clamage resulted, especially in the northern and eastern parts of Kentucky. These storms, as far as could be learned, were not tornadic in character, but were simply minclsqualls accoinpaiiying thuiiclerstornis. There were no fatalities, although there were a number of narrow escapes. The damage was greatest in the vicinity of Louisville and ' OCTOBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 723 Frankfort, Hy. I n these localities there were a number of tol>acco bariis, farm houses, ant1 fences blown down. Hay- stacks and shocked corn also sufl'erecl to B large estent. There was also considerable damage to orchards, shade trees, niicl telegraph and telephone wires. Some iiiiiior claniage also re- sulted from these stornis in the portions of Indiana and Ohio bordering the Ohio River. On the 15th local storms of tornadic characteristics de- stroyed several houses and killed a nuniber of cattle in the vicinity of Lafagette, Ga. During a thunderstorm near Robinson, Ill., on the 23d, 70,000 barrels of crude oil were destroyed. The streanis, on account of the tiniely rains, were, in the main, a t higher stages cluring tlie month than in October of last, year. Droughty conrli tions, which frequently prevail iluring tlie iiioiith of October, mere absent. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. OCTOBER, 1909 ..- .-. __ .. ~ TABLE I .-~l i m d o g i c d d a h for October, 1909. Distrid No. 3, Ohio Va2k-g. a i .. .. -- .I I I $, I Temperature. In degrees Fahrenheit. Prec;pltation. In inches. ' 5 . Sky. j d - Oakland.. .................... Pennsulaania. Aleppo ................... Baldwln .................. Californla ................ Clayevllle.. ................. Station. ........... E a X i n .. ............... Freeport .................. Greenaburg ............... Greenvllle.. .............. Indians.. ................ Irwin ..................... Johnstown.. ............. Lyd pus .................. Saegerstown .............. St. Marys ................. Pkldrnore ................. Somersct ................. Uniontown ............... Warren ................... West Virginia. Aborvale Grove City.. ................ Plttaturg ............... ..I ................. 724 __ . do.. .................. 4,401 Greene. ................. 1.135 Butler.. .................. 1.4M Washington ............. 770 .do.. .................. 1,127 Westmoreland ........... 1,172 Venango.. .............. 955 Armstrong ............... 772 Westmoreland.. ......... 1.100 Mercer.. ................. 950 .do.. .................. j I . SO Indlana.. ............... 1,350 Weatmoreland ........... &&I Cambrla.. .............. 1, IS4 Westmoreland ........... I,#% Allegheny ............... 812 Crawford. ............... 1,116 Elk ...................... 1. i40 Lawrence ................ i l.Ou0 Somerset ................ 2.250 Fayette .................. OYY Warren ................ ' 1,137 i Pocahont as... Central Statlon' .......... Charleston.. ............. Creston ................... Cuba ..................... Dome .................... Elkhorn. .................I Elklna .................... Falrmont ................. Glenvllle ................. Grafton .................. Green Sulohur Sorlnw ... Doddridge.. ............ w10 Kanawha.. ............. 598 Wirt ..................... 612 Jackson ................. I 544 Wayne .......................... McDowel ................ 1.933 Marlon .................. 1 870 Gilmer.. ................ 73s Taylor ................... 985 Summers.. ............. .I 1, GOO I Randolph ............... i 1,410 Lost Creek.. ............. Madison .................. Mannington ............. Mornantown'. ........... Harrison.. ............... 1.033 Boone .................... 704 Marion .................. 907 Monondia.. ........... i 1.250 Nuttallburg ............... Parkemburg .............. Parsons.. ................ Phlllppi .................. Plckeav .................. Pinevlllea.. ............... Polnt Pleasant.. ......... Fayette ................. .I 2,252 Wood ..................... 63s Tucker. ................. 1. RG? Barbour ................ .! 1,192 Randolph. .............. 2.7% Wyoming.. .................... Mason.. ................. 553 Robertsburg.. ............ Ryan ..................... Smlthfield ................ Speneer ................... Sutton.. ................. Putnam.. ........................ Roane ....... Wetxel .................. ....... ........ Rome ................. ........ Braxton .............. Valley Fork .............. Webster Springa .......... Wellsburg ................ Weatonb .................. Clay ............................ Webster ................ 1.500 G 50.4 Brooke .................. 1,1?6 8 49.0 Lewis .................... 824 14 4S.4 Cadli ..................... Callfornia. ............... Camhrldge ............... Cam DennLson .......... C a n s Dover ............. Harrlson.. .............. I. 245 Hamllton.. ............. 1 .. .... Guernsey. ............... I SO3 Hamilton ............... : 570 Tuscarawas.. .......... .! SS4 Stations. - d i .... 3 13 12 1Y 15 15 9 8 3 G 5 12 35 31 I 13 2 12 I2 21 17 39 lti 11 5 s3 31 20 1 5 10 6 12 13 d i .- 45.3 48.7 43.4 ..... ..... 44.0 45.0 45.0 I . - I - --- .. -. -- 1.119 0. i? I. 05 1.34 2. 01) 1.73 0.75 1. 5u 1.411 I). li4 1.54 0. 55 I). 79 1.39 I. 19 0.35 1.30 1.5Y I .% 1.32 1.24 4s -.I ? 0.35 0. i 8 1.5s 1.54 .... i.5n .... 1.53 1 .1 6 1.41 1.411 0.95 0. i 5 11. S6 IJ. 71; I). 90 IJ. 38 1.66 1 .z 0. nn 1.32 n. YO .... - - - 3 ..... I 9 16 Y 14 9 I 15 18 nw. Charles E. Whltney. 211 sw. Lowrll Andrus. 2U nw. John W. Kales. .......I - 5.1 - 6. 1 ... ....I .............. .../__.. I3.lxI: ....... ......... .. ' John W. .4lles. ............. 11 ..... .... .... W. W. W. w. W. W. w. sw. 11w. W. 8. .... .... .... ... W. W. .... 5. P. Specht. J. S. Miller. R. E. Weber. J. S. Hlnerman. 5. H. Templeton. Prof. E. 13. Iinnbensliuc. E. T. Buchanan. D. M. Wiueman. Venango Water Co. Mrs. A. R. Burtner. M. W. Crownover. A. M. Orr. H. \V. Harmon. Rev. J. M. Welch. J. B. Gallagher. E. C. Loreirtz. Murray Forbes. U. S. Westher Bureau. ... 9 9 (I I6 i S I 3 12 I 1 s li I? 7 10 I? I 1 1R ... ... ... 30 47 3.51 I+ 1.24 20 41 4.09 + 1.66 20 146 , 4.k I+ 1.53 ........ I ........ i ........ , 49.2 ........ 85 46.8 ........ 62 4S.S /. ....... 84 ........ s5 47,s ......... s3 46.7 - ?.Y 83 46.31 ...... __..:,i .i :j .~.o,.ils~ I - 1.16 - 0.33 i .... ........ 'I-. I n .... ~ .... ..... ..... ............. 3 .... 1lJ ! ........ , - 1.11 I -3 30 1.41 2.21 3.56 3. 28 2.36 1.73 3. IU "5 20 I 4% 3.14 *Y. A"! - 1.v ! 00' ...... 30 31; 13 34 31) 511 13 4s 19t 39 20 I .I2 29 511 2st 54 l i I 45 19 4!1 29 ?I1 I 4s 20 I 511 ..... 25 I 3% 29 I 4s ............. ..... 49.2 - 5.3 I ?1 49.1 - 1.3 YU 46.7 44.9 47. s 46.3 50. u 45. n ' 0.0ll - 1.25 + 0.44 I- 0.u3 - 3.0 - 5.0 - 2.2 - 4.0 - 5.9 ....... ....... ....... - 3.!I - 3. 6 - 9.0 - 7.0 ...... ....... J. G . Apple. Win. E. Wittmsn. W. H. Stoner. W. M. Sclirocli. Wm. Hunt. Anna Simpson. W. E. Arbogast. James HlIl. John A. Ewart. J. D. Riggs. Agent, N. & W. Ry. Co. H. A. Dsrnall. Van A. Zrvely. G. W. Sherwood. R. C. Heaes. J. M. Reed. C. T. P'errv. ..... 51.6 511. 1 s2.2 51. 6 47. s 50. 6 47.8 54.8 50. 6 49.5 51,s 47. 6 51.2 50.3 52.0 51.1 4!1. 0 57.0 49. 6 51.2 4s. 6 51.2 51.4 ..... ..... ..... ..... ............. 2.ss ~ ....... 2. 1!1 I- 0.111 .1 n- I 1.y 'n;.: B w. 9 7 Je. .. 5 ..... R 1.i;:. 7 9 G 7 7 4 14 I O 4 14 10 I? 13 1" S 7 11 4 G 13 10 G 9 14 I? 21 7 10 16 I 4s 37 44 4 i 41 4.1 4 i 50 3s 41 45 4 i SO 47 51 3 7 2.05 - u.44 t. G i ....... -.:1 I ....... 618, w. 9 I w. 10 I w. .._I ..... 111 : SW. 11 ..... 6 w. 1uam w. I w. G nw. ........ 1 I NW. ........ 9 I w. 7 I w. .. s2 ........ 55 ....... ...... - 4.5 I 86 ....... ... ! ..... s 23 0 2' 9 ... [I i".fP ................. 0.0 I :j 10 ..... 3.45 + 0.99 S. \V. Wllaon. M. Gwinn. ................ 2.06 + 0. 32 I . i f 1 .s - 0.21 0.Y6 3.5Y '+ 1.01 2.55 1.i.i I n. .s 3.2s !' ' ' ' ~' ~~ I+ 1.110 1.40 1.40 11.53 '1 ,!I I ........ / 1) R5 ......... I ..... 0.0 s i 0 .0 , i T. T. 1 6 2 2 ' 2 0.0 s 14 ' 7 T .1 G 16 0.2 14 I 10 11 4 1 4.0 I .... ! 1s 3 i 11 i 1p ....... - 4.1 - 4 .i - 4.11 - 4.6 - 3 .i ...... ....... ....... ....... ...... - 5.6 - 4.1 - 3.8 - 5.5 - 4,s - 5.4 - 0.4 ...... ...... - 5 .2 ... 75 S4 $2 8S S.5 SI I s5 83 6 i XI; 85 88 71 81 83 5: I , g .. - s4 li9 SS SB SB 6S 75 xs s4 i b 84 SO rj5 SG i s SU *2 81 s:r S? , 78 i s -- ,I ... ... .... .... -- Hlntonb ................. .!. .. .do.. .................. I, 400 Lewlsburg. ............. ..I Greenbrier.. .............. 2, Huntiniton .............. Cabell ................... 1 5Iu Allen Smith. 8. E. Bradley. Jas. A. Morunn. 5 ...... 10 I nw. 7 w. -. . - .......... __ 2.55 i- 0.43 I I.?? -~ Marllntonr ............... Pocahontas.. ............ 2,169 Moundaville .............. Marahall ................. 640 New Cumberland.. ...... Hanrock.. .............. 9S7 New Martlnsville.. ....... Wrtzel.. ................ 634 6 ..... 7 sw. 14 w. 5 sw. i I..... 6 ' 8. 10 ..... 11) nw. 9 w. 3 I .. ___ I j W. 9 I w. 7 ..... 8 ne. 7 ;..... ;:%I ::. 8.31 ......... 2.02 ........ 1.55 ........ i 11. GIJ 2.09 ,- 0.29 I 0.S4 2.59 j+ I I .:~ 1 . , . .,_ 1.74 N7ll 0 .S 4.:3s + 1. h!l I . :in 4.21 I+ 1.63 1 .5 i 5.!9 +1.65 .~.~~ 4s. 4 $2.2 47.2 50. 8 47.0 Wm. Ankron. Stephrn Tully. U. 8. Weather Bureau. J. W. Swishrr. J. D. Dadisr,.an. Dr. J. L. Cunningham. E. M. Ilpnter. E. H. Armstrong. €1. D. Scott. Swain. E. P. Turlep. Wm. E. Hpsn. H. F. Whisler. A. M. MclrKown. J. E. Baughman. C. F. Dodge. Bhelton Clarke. Miss Blauche Pleraon. D. H. Hamrick. C. P. Waugh. C. M. Davis. Minn M. B. Forsyth. J. F. Iieyser. 0.0 0. 0 T. 11. I1 T. u. 0 u. 0 T. 0. I 1 0. 0 l.u T. 'I-. T. 11.0 u. 0 ... $0 ".?U ........ 1.40 2.W + 0.18 I II.i6 3.511 I.. ...... 1. ;I1 2.5; 1. Ill1 3.12 I::::::': 1.49 ........ 2.31 ".-. - 0.34 I .M 4.53 + 1.0s ' 1.su 3.41 : ........ I l .J i ".&5 /. ...... (1 Bll 1. i9 ll...i,.~ o:Ja 1.49 - 0.15 ! 11.41 ................ ?.IO O .i ? U.PS 7.72 I+ 0. 1.34 1.68 I- 0.72 1. BS ' - 0.43 1.5 I JJ.0 ........ ... I ... 29 ! 37 29 55 29 41 137 31 2!1 R? "M 44 20 , 44 I I:: I 32 ........ ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... - 2.9 - 4.2 - 6.3 - 5.3 ...... ....... ....... - 4.0 - 5.7 - 5.2 - 4.4 ....... ....... 0. 41) 0.6s 0. 61) 1. I)? I . 34 0.91 a. 70 0. i 3 11. G i u. w L A O . ... 1.00 .... 1.4G ...... 2.65 + 0.3s 2.06 - 0.14 ?.:VI + 0.1s 1.69 ....... F. \V. Gibson. 8. M. Palnter. C. I.. Lane. Miss hl. -4. Elliott. H. B. McConnell. J. W. Ellnis. 6 j 19.s 2.S I 4 i .5 16 I 4i.4 13 46.: 6 : 49.- ........... 46.4 29 I 5n 'St 31 2st 37 ?\I 49 :!I , 25 10 l i it: 23 ........ 9 20 3t 22 s 21 9 ' 25 ...I ..... ........ ........... 2.29 + 0.07 ?.S5 + 0.SA ?.0!I '+ 0 tu 1.77 1- O:JI ...... 29 I 49 29 44 2Y : 36 29 I 4 3 R. A. Beatty. Owen L. Brown. ..I ...... .......... ...... ....... .....I ....... 2.30 ........ .....I ........ .... .... i ..... 0 .0 . a .... 4 ............. I , .. ............. -~ ......... ........... .- ..... .............. .. Ohio-Cout'd. Cinclnnati ................ Hamilton ............ Circleville ................ Pirkaway ............ Clarington ............... Monroc ............... Clarkesville~. ............. Clinton.. ............. Columbus (1 I ............ Franklin.. ........... Columbus (2 ) ................ do ................. Columbus (3) ................ do ................. Columbua Reuervolr.. ...... .do.. ............... Coshocton ................ Coshocton ............ Dayton (I ). ............. Montgomery.. ....... Dayton (3 ). ................ .do.. ............... Delaware ................. Delauvare ............. Demos ................... Belmont .............. Frankfort ................ Ron9 .................. Garrettvville .............. Portage .............. Granville ................ Licking ............... Gratiotb.. ................... .do.. ............... Green .................... Adams.. ............. Green Hill ................ Colombians .......... Greenville.. ............... Darlie.. .............. HLllsboro.. .............. .: Highland. ........... lmnton ................... Lawrmee ............. Jacksonburg ............. Butlcr ................ Kenton' .................. Hardin ............... Killhuck ................. Holmes ............... Laneaster ................ Fairfield .............. ... 62s ... 694 ... GWJ ... 1.010 ... YlS .... i 5 i 3Y s2.7 15 46.8 7 50.4 23 ....... 8'2 49.9 ' 2; 48.0 1 ....... ........... - 4 .3 , - 8.1 - 4 .2 - 3.5 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ - 4.3 , $1 8 29 82 9 24 S6 Y 21 25 35 29 41 2Y 45 13 29 ?Y 41 ........ ........ ........ ........ 29 42 29 45 13 38 29 40 211 48 "9 I? 29 3s 29 44 19t 4s l3t 36 28 36 PY 4 i 13 34 "9 41 19t 36 29 37 29 48 211 20 44 2:< 24 3; 'I 29 45 ?I 29 411 1; 28 50 ?" I!H 46 ?I lit 41; 24 2 i 41 24 4!l 3s ....... 3.04 + 0 .i 0 2.78 + 1.14 2 .2 6 ' ........ 2.i7 + 0.12 1.59 - U.56 .............. 1.24 0.YG U. i 5 1.17 0. Y'? 1.35 0. 79 1.15 1.54 1. 12 0. S i 1.20 1.55 :1r.94 0.53 3.0u + 11.59 1.35 2.34 i+ 11.3) \l.ti(r 2.77 '+ 0.53 I . n7 !.21 -0 .I ) 0.64 4.21 +2 .8 " 1.M 2.97 _._.. ,. , 1.05 2.119 - (1. XI 0. ~u 5.:; + 3.1; 2.411 2.49 ........ l.4ti 1.94 -ll.1)1 n.72 g.0s + 0.73 u.s9 -. 94 ........ 0. bZ 2.27 - 11.~3 n. 81 1.94 - U.!13 u. i s ?.e + I ~.S ~ i .f n 2.73 +IJ.V? 1.115 2. 16 - 0.20 0.7; I . 17 - U S 8 0. 511 1.$2 -0.1? 11.X 1.74 ' - U.72 11.73 1.80 - 0.35 u.u5 ....... ....... r .0 2 l i 5 9 T. I 16 7 S 0.0 111 10 5 1U T. ' 10 15 Y 7 T. 5 12 13 6 T. R 6 u.11 8 .... (1. I1 7 "ti T. Y ' 15 4 12 swp. L. L. Hudson. T. 8 '?U R 5 . tiw. J. F. Dysart. T. 4 19 f ' 8 sw. 0. A. Corv T. I I I 1 1 13 nu.. S. M. Lut'h;.r. T. 0 19 T. 6 14 0.0 4 18 T. 7 15 12 ' f sw. ' J0s.E. Bentlcy. T. i I 1 14 I a. G . A. Iiatwnheiger. T. 0 14 B 9 sw. CareyH.Roush. (1.1) 7 17 5 I 9 sw. James Bull. IJ.0' 5 15 T. t 10 11.0 5 13 0.0 5 21 T. 0 19 T. 7 i l f i 7 ; g 11-11 n is 6 I ..................... ............. n.o 8 15 se. 11. S. lieathcr Bureau. s. Samuel W. Courtright. sw. Col. S. Tsehappat. ..... .! E. T. M. Williams. sw. U. Y. Weather Bureau. w. Ohio State University. .............. Cant. Paul hlnson. ............... 79 9 29 I0 Y 24 ................ ................ ................ S? it 2.1 ......... .......... .......... ... i9U .............. 3.04 ........ 2.31 ........ 4.1!1 + 1.93 4.3F + 2.09 2 .6 i + 0.49 2.19 - 6.17 1.77 + 0.hY 10 15 sw. ' Superintendent. ~ .............. Mrs. Ada JeRries. 10 6 W. Edith E. L.Boycr. 0 5 ne. Mrs. D. D. Rist. ........... 2; 50.0 10 . 13 30 17 25 "5 19 17 1s 24 2 a i ?' 17 14 I ............. 47.s - 6.6 511. s - 2.0 51.0 - 3.6 40.6 - 3.U 48.4 - 4.2 4ii.2 - 4.7 51.9 - 4.0 45.8 - S.6 48.8 - 3.2 50.1 ....... S!!.G', - 2.6 51.0 -5 .4 JX.4 ........ 4 i .2 - 5 .2 5U.0 - 5.2 4!1.4 :. , . . , . . 4il.4 - 4.1 51.1 -1 .G 4S.G - 3. 1 47.4 -6 .3 4li.S - 5.5 4 i .5 ........ 50.0 - 3.0 47.9 - 3. 8 w .n - 5. s ........ $2 9 s5 9t i 9 !I SI st so !I 7 i 9t 8? 9 78 8t !a M iiv. nt s:; P 84 9 i s st gll 9 83 8 1u sn s i ,$ SO it F'? !I SI !I 81 9t S5 !I s1 I 84 'J ......... .......... . . : 427 ... 1.:m ... i5n ... l.m ... 9lifl ... I.MW .... snn ... 1.133 ... 1.060 ...... ?I 2fi 23 ?I1 ?I .>.> _- Q., .I., -- 213 "4 2 9 2s 2:i 23 21 18 S 111 YW. Dr. L. E. Davis. H 5 w. W. B. Longstwth. G 7 IIW. W. F. Kenyon. .......... ... 575 ... 975 ... 1.057 ... SYS ... (run 13 ... ilU 26 ... 627 06 ... Ysn 19 ... 1.2nn 17 ... S i 5 1R ... 1.145 18 ... SJll Y ... 1.1011 17 ... iX8 1 1 . ... 1.053 16 ... 1.Nl5 ..... ... 945 21 . Patasknla. .............. Licking ................. 1,nX 17 Philo (I ) ................. h%skingum ............. 1,(11S 15 Phllo (3 5 .................... do ........................... 0 Plattaburg ................ Clark .................... 1.11n 17 Pomcroy ................. hleim .................... i s 1 2R Portsmouth ............... Ribtman.. ................ Bbenandoah0.. ........... Sldney ................... Somerset.. ............... Sprlngfield ............... Bummerfield.. ............ Thurnian ................ Urbana.. ................. Warren.. ................. Waverlyl. ................ Waynesville.. ............ Warren.. ................ 7W 25 . Wocnter .................. Wavnc ................... 1,030 25 Youngstown .............. Mahoning ........................... Zaneaville ................ Muskingum ......................... .......... .._ 1 .n ~ 25 ~~ Lawshe ................... Arlvms ............... MrConnrlsvillc ........... Morgan ............... Marietta .................. Wsihington .......... nw. ' C. H. Morris. T. G i 4 T. 4 15 fI.0 7 17 7 7 T. ti Y 17 6 T. I 19 5 7 *r. n 16 4 I I Marion ................... Msrlon ............... Mllfordton ............... Iinox ................. Mllllgan~ ................. Perry. ............... Mlllport .................. Columhlnna ......... Nellle .................... Coshocton ............ New Alexandria.. ........ .IeKrraon ........... New Berltn ............... Stark .............. New Richmond.. ........ Clprniont.. ........... New Waterford.. ......... Colunihlnna. ........ T. 7 ' 1 s 4 9 nw. I Clayton Roll. sw , Sam. C. Srott. ...... .............. 4i.11 - 4.R ............. ................................................... 21 20 45 1.73 - IJ.34 1.115 T. _..., 10 U 12 North Lewlsburg.. ....... Champaign.. ........ Oranaeville ............... Trumbull ............. ..... C. B. Wade. ............................................................. 80 9 ?" 2St 38 1.25 + fl.llS ' 1.05 T. s 14 14 !"3 , sw. ...... ~ J. N.Ridcnour. SI Qt 25 l!W 3 i ;.21 + 0.31 II.bB T. S 16 I1 ! 4 SW. L. C. Burckhalter. s3 !H 211 29 45 2.58 ........ 0.45 T. 7 1s 10 3 se. Louis Hardtln. i 9 i t 2:; ?!I 3H 3.52 + 1.40 1.X T. Ij IS 4 9 w. F. E. Stewart. 8.i 111 ?i 25 38 1.s - o.08 1.i15 0.n 7 10 7 S w. W. C;. Branrh. BD ICJ ?S 25 37 2.33 - (1.39 fi.bl T. 7 1 i 3 11 w. Dr. €1. A. Schirrmnn. WI !I 21 25 41 1.13 - n.nn 11.i2 n.n 6 211 fi 5 W. J. B.Glsh. 81 9 21) 20 38 2.17 + 0.2: 1.15 'r. 7 11 I F 4 aw. T. B. Arnett. x:i !I 24 ?!I 41 8.52 + 1. l i 1.33 n.0 in I4 S 9 nw. H. B. Blake. h0 9 ?i ?,!I 34 2 .1 3 + n.39 1.111) T. x 1!1 7 5 n. . hlissM. C. Slrerldan. 8.1 !I 18 ?a S? 2.28 .___.. , 11.7i 'r. i 1 1 I? fi xw. H. R. MrClintoek. 84 111 21 29 41 , 2. I:< + II.M I I .~ n.n 4 15 , 9 D. D. Thomas. 8:! i t 21 29 44 2.9i +0.79 1.66 T. 4 1:s 13 5 Prof. J. H. Wlllianis. x4 21 2n 40 o.sn - 1.41 !i ~:i :s T. R 1:s x . 111 hf. D. McCorkle. s4 H 211 29 47 1.9s - fl.16 0 .2 ' T. !I I S 1 I2 D. Lorbach. 81) A t 25 snt 16 3 .i 1 +I .?? 1.511 u.n I 17 i 7 Charles Miehcncr. 81 !It ?? 29 , 4:I 2. i6 .- 0.15 1.02 (1.2 R 1:; S 13 Experiment Station. ....................... 3.V. + 1.60 1 .~1 T. 8 14 1 1 . fi sw. W. A. Webstrr. ...................................... 0.62 ........ n.is 0.1) i 8 o ;.' ~ C:. R. Patton. ...................................... 2.25 - 0.05 0.77 ' I . 7 13 2 IC S. G . Spraguc. ................................................................ ............ 4s.11 -5 .3 49. !I - 5.4 so. 1) ........ 4s.7 - 5.1; 53.6 -1 ,s 51.5 - 4. 1 4i.s - 2.3 46.0 - li.3 51.1 - 3.11 49.2 - ti.8 Rrioto ................... 527 79 Wayne ................... 99n 17 Iliohland ................ 1.1~111 IS Shelby .................. 935 15 Perry .................... 1.OSO 11 Clark.. .............................. Nohlc .......................... 4 Gallla ................... 680 17 Champaign ............. 1.631 11 Trumbull ....................... 12 47.5 - 4. I Pike ..................... 59fl S i 51.0 - 4.2 50.0 - 5 .1 47.8 - 3.2 .............. 48.2 ........ 52.5 - ?.n 49.0 - .,.n W. SW. W. YW. I W . n.. RW. W. W. w. H W . U.. w. W. w. U.. nw. nw. Timinia. BlgStoneGap ........... Wiw ..................... 1 .M 1s Bleckaburg ............... hfontgomerv ............ ?.l i l l 18 Burkngarden.. ........... Tarewell.. .I.. ........... 3.?50 I 4 RlkIinob ................ h e ...................... 3.243 G Galax .................... Grayson ................. 2.31n ... IvanhoPl ..... : ......... Wythe ................... ?.n?s s Marlon** ................. Smvth ................... 2.224 14 Max Meadows.. .......... Wvihc .................. 2. W?A 13 Mendota.. ............... Wadlington.. ........... 1.35n .... Radford. .................. hfontgomcry.. ........... 1.7i3 Speers Ferry.. ............ Scott ..................... 1.?21 .... Wythevllle ................ Wythe.. ................ ?.?Y3 16 Andrewa.. ................ Cherokee.. .......................... Aahevllle .................. Buncombe ............... 2.250 . 30 Banners Elk .............. I Watauga.. ....... .:. .... 3. i50 I 1 Bmvard .................. i Transylvania ............ 2.23n S Blyson City. .............. Swain.. ................. 2. nnn .... Rendersonville ........... Henderson .............. 2.107 13 Hot Springs. .............. Madlson .................. 1.326 11 JeRerson ................. I Ashe ..................... 2.Sfln 3 Marshall .................. I Madison ................. 1.646 8 Mur h ................... Cherokee ................ 1.614 .... Roc!8oouseO ............. Macon ................... 2,800 17 Sunburst. ................ ~ Hamood.. ....................... W~ayneavllle.. ... .........I.. . .do.. .................. ?, i50 15 Diamond. ................ ~ Gilmer.: ................ ?. n2n LsFayettm ................ Walker .................. ~ 781 .... Norlh Carolina. Geowi'a. Alnhn-n John W. FOX. sr. Arqlc. Experiment Sta. C. H. Creever. Henry Nlroll. E. C. Wllliams. Miss Allce G. Jewctt. i3. W'n. State Hospital. James M. Graham. 4 1s 4 ' Y Frank M. Baker. 5 115 G 9 Arthur Roberts. 3 22 4 5 n-. I Mrs. L. E. Venahle. 4 16 7 S , w. U. S.WeatherBureau. .................................... 1.5s ........ 11.w n.n ...................................... 3.116 ........ 2 .2 2 n.n ...................................... 2.42 +n .~ 1.m n.n 5r.o -3 .6 i 4 9 24 29 3 9 ,3 .0 8 -l J o .1 S ;?.2 Y ~ 0.0 55.n ........ SR 3 ?n ?s m &E .... .... 2.9s n.n 52. s - 2 .5 ii IS ?A 45 $2 3.2s + n.34 2.114 T. 4i.i ........ R!I i t 1; 25 40 4.Ix1 ........ 2 .~3 . 2.n 54.2 ....... $2 , 1s 25 511 3 .~5 ...... (1.91 n.n ...................................... 's.!I? + i.:ii ?.AS n.n s8.4 -2 .5 s i IS ?i ?st 41; 3.5% --.S I 1.20 o.ii 55.6 -1.4 82 - 1 fi 25 45 2.57 ........ 1.05 T. 22 ! s 1 sw. "2 5 1 nw. "'2 4 5 \v. , 21; S ~ 0 *. J. D. Link. U. S. Weat her Bureau. T. L. Lowe. W. E. Breese. D. K. Colllns. T. W. Valentlne. P. A. Garner. G. T. Colvard. W E Fink Mi98 iulia 6hpbeI1. B. C. Hawklns. Lucien Buck. J. P. Swift. .................. "5 2 4 R. 23 6 2 w. ......................................................... 55.8 ........ ?l i 2.5 ?lit 49 2.51 ........ 1.30 0.11 ..................................... 4 .Y i +?.I 1 2 .l l f I 0.0 52.9 - 2.n i s 4 2.1 2s 31 ?.86 - 1.99 ' 1.59 n.n ... 4 5 fi + 0.37 11.85 T. 5 ....................... .................. .................. .................. 21 5 5 nw. ........................................... -5l.S - 1.; i; 3t 1!1 25 49 3.7s 55.5 - 1.5 ?l 4 ?R ?S a i 3.79 50.4 ........ SS 4* 25 25 41 1.17 .................. 23 4 , 4 w. : R. A. Klmzey. Ralph A. Snow. +n.i&i.s: n.n 5 ........ 2.1s u .0 ,4 24 5 :...... 21 5 # 51w. ~ 726 Lincoln ................. .I 550 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE I.--Clirnaloloaical dda for October, 1909. District No. 3-Continued. I4 OCTOBER, 1909 I I I I -- Countlca. statloM. i Observers. I 1 : _- .. I . 22 2.15 2.67 2. 1.5 1.73 0.57 1. si l.M 2.51 0.07 1 . 2fI 0.77 0.6s 1. i s 1. 2d 1.44 1.02 1.20 1.S4 1.12 1.n2 1.IY) I . RS 1.93 1.55 1.R7 0.9s 1.34 (I. G(I 2. 25 1.23 1.119 n. 96 .... 1.40 n. i o n. on Alabama-Cont'd. ! Rlverton.. ......... ......I Caltxrt. ................ .I Pcottsboro.. ............. .! Jackson.. ............... 3611 652 485 Tumumbla ..............I Colbert.. ................ I Tennesssn. I I 1 I2 ' 59.7 ! - 1.3 26 I 59.01.8 - 1.4 27 I 59.4 , - 1.G n.n I n. n 0.0 n.n 1 0.0 , 0.0 : n.n ! 0.0 ,! 11. n n. n. n 11. n I;. n n. o n. n n. n n. n 0. 0 n. n n. n n. n 0. n ti. n n. 0 n. n n. o n. n n. n 0. 0 n. II n.o n. n I 0. (I T. .... T. T. E. R. Nelles. MISS Irene Caldwell. Samuel Moore. 5 ' 2 5 : G I 3 ' ..... 4 I ?U I 1 , 10 SL'. ' I ?!??I 3 1 ~,s . 4 ' 1 8 1 S I 5 ;s . 8 ' i n i i s 1 3 5 ' 3 3 8 !.w . 4 .2 3 1 8 1 2 9. 5 ' 2 4 1 3 i 4 ,w . ;'::I 3 ' n . 3 1 sw. 4 ' 1 9 ' 1 n 1 2 1 n . 3 !2 0 1 7 , 4 ,s . 3 E 4 1 5 1 ..... 4 1 1 9 1 9 1 3 ;s w . 5 ,2 5 # 2 : 4 :s . 4 ' ._._I .... I .... i ..... 5 1 2 2 , 5 , L W . 3 I 26 3 8. 4 ' 1 5 I 1 5 ; 1 ...... 3 I 1s I 0 , 13 nw. 5 ' 2 5 ! ;I 3 ' s e . 31 I 5s..s I - n. R 23 I ss.0 I - 1.4 15 I 57.7 I - 0.7 ?i I ............... .n e n n .> n Mru. J. W. Fleming. G . L. Williams. Dr. Jno. C. Chllton. E. C. Pickerlog. J. F. Ru5n. U. 8. Weather Bureau. J. Prof. W. Jas. Lillard. A. Lyon. N. R. Sugg. A. 1. Tipplt. S. E. Boyd. Lee F. Miller. Erastus Mrs. E. D. P. Bell. Ashley. J. L. Parkes. jr. Robert R. A y m . John Lutrelman. Ashwood .... .............I Maury ................... 725 lientoo ................... Polk ..................... 880 Byrdstown.. ............. Pickett.. ................ 1,0?6 Cart.hag ..,... ............ 1 Smith .................... Decatur. ................. . MeIr .................... I 8 8 500 Cedar ill .............. .( Robertson ...............I 695 Chattanooga ............. I Hamilton.. ............ .I SOY Clarkaville.. ............ .I Montgomery.. .......... 520 Diekson ................ ..I Dlc son ................ ~ Roo Dover ................... .) Stewnrt .................. Dunlap. .................. Seguatchee.. ............ ""% Ellsabethton ............ .! Carter.. ................. ! 1.575 Erasmua ................. .I Cumherland.. ............ 1.850 Florence .................. I Rutherford ..............I 560 Franklin ............. ....I Willlamson ............. .I 655 Harriman ................ Roane ................... 641 Hohenwald .............. .I Lewis. .................... 9S3 Iron City ................. I Lawrence.. ........ ......I.. .... Johnsonvllle ............ ..I Humphreya.. ............ 364 Jonesboro.. .............. l Washlngton.. ............ 1.740 Knoxville.. .............. , Knox ................... .; 977 Lebanon.. ............... I Wllson. ................... 5?5 .35. i , - i. 9 I 59.6 - 1.2 58.8 ' - 11.9 57.4 I - 2.9 1 57. 1 I - 2. i I I.IW I- I>..>* 3 .3 J+ 11.44 1.47 8 - n.s7 3.11 I- n.:n 2.80 ;+ n.62 2.46 I+ n.oB I 59 n.si ?:a 1 - n.44 3. on I+ n. R i 1.i7 1 - 11.811 2.73 + n.43 1.69 ,- 0..50 1.78 ;- 0.62 3.45 ........ 2.12 -1.M 33 28 23 23 26 22 26 19 26 2x 25 23 23 "5 25 ' 33 13 42 13 1 43 2.5 51 25 I 56 2s , 53 25 4? 25 I 3, 13t til 25 4n 13 ' 43 13t' 44 13 I 45 25 I 45 s7 ?? I S i ' 1 , R O I 4 Qn ' 3tJ 91 I 4 h ?, s ' Y? 4 t 531 4 8 88 5 S C ' 4 ' AS' 4 , Y l I 5 b6 3 t 15 13 28 18 14 24 13 14 1 3 39 16 21 26 15 13 39 19 16 3 13 35 22 26 59.0 I - 1 .2 I 58.4 ........ 1 57.n 1 + 0.B ! 55.6 I - 3.4 , 57.4 I - 2.n I 5 i .9 - 1.6 1 .55.7 I - 3.11 56.S 1 - 1.4 57,s - 2,s I 5 i .i ! - ?.Y , I , ...................................... 57.2 I - 0.9 I S2 ' 4 ' 30 25 36 59.4t1 _.._ ._. us1 4 1 26 25 42 58.2 - 2.0 ' $2 4 24 2s 4: 57.8 ' - 2.4 . 85 5 ' 29 13 37 ............. 1.61 - 1.W ' n. n. n. 9. S. w. W. W. w. 8. I(. U'. .... n. .... PW. s. W. W. 8. S. s. S. W. U'. SW. .... nu'. nw. ow. RW. E. n. n. n. nu'. ne. w w . nw. n. .... P. e. sw. .... 5. sw. sw. se. SW. Be. .... nw. nw. .... e. .... 2.62 I ....... 2.87 - 0.2s 2.01 I - (1.57 Logan Fields. Dr. R. D. Crutcher. Col. J. €I. Burrow. J. T. Sparkman. Mrs. E. E. F. Barr E. Benedirt. U. S. WeatLr ~u r e a u . Dr. C. T. Burnett. Mrs. Ross Woods. Mlaa Carrie Cash. MISS Bewie Howard. Frsd Beal. S . G. Wilson. W. F. Bell. H. 0. Eckel. Universit of South. E. Mrs. H. Lucy Hu%. E. Bleeding. H. A. Boden. ~~ Lewlsburg ................ Marshall ... ..............I 72; L nnville ................. Gilea .................... 770 d rMInnvllle .............. Warrrn .................. 1.011 Maryvllle. ................ Blount.. ................ 1,050 Mountain City ........... Johnson ................. 3.436 46 ('3 49 3s 32 44 17 42 47 3.47 I - I). 2s 2.41 1- 0.11 3.59 ,+ 0.85 1.01 ,- 1.4; 2.7ll I f 0.93 3.43 I + 0. i 2 2.43 ........ 2.31) 1 - 11.53 2.16 !- II. 2s 1.1s ,- 1.3 .... -. ... ~- 50.2 I - 2.8 ' 76 ' i t , 19 ?9 53.11.' - 4.1 . i s a 28 25 59 13 - 2.4 , 92 ! 4 2 i 25 5P.W ......... . 59.9 , - 0.1 I s7 , ? 311 I 25 Nashville .....-............ I Davldson.. .............. 654 Newport.. .............. .! Cocke. .................. I 1,380 Plnewood.. ......... .....I Hlckman ...................... Palmetto ................. Bedford ................. I 770 . ~. 4 1 3 ; 1 ; 4 4 ,2 4 5 V I S ! S : 5 Pope.. .................... Perry.. ......................... Rogeruvllle ............... Hawklns ................ 1.150 Rugby.. ................ Morgan .................. 1,410 S 3 .i 1 - 2 .1 : 57. I - 2.6 5 5 .x ' ........ I R .4 I - 1.2 I 1 i .1 I ........ 51,s - 4 .2 ~ 5i.3 ! - 1.3 2.5 52 1 3 I4 2n 49 1:ltj 36 2.5 I 4: 21 ?n I 55 22 13 I 43 Savannahm ............... i Hardin ................... 442 ................ 2 .4 i ' . ...... 1.211 2 .4 i I- 0.87 I 1.9s 1.90 I ... I .~~., 1.50 .... n. n n. n n. n 0. n 0. I1 Sevierville.. .............. ! Sewanee .................. I Sparta.. I I Sprlngdale. Sprlngvllle.. ............. Telllco Plalns.. .......... .I Tullahorna.. ............. I W vnesboro ............. .! ................ .I Kenluekn. 1 Alpha .................... , Anchorage.. .............. I Bardstown.. ............ .I Beattysvllle ............. .I Lee.. ................... .I Beaverdam ............... , Ohio ..................... , .................. .............. ............. Waersville.. Yukon.. 1 650 441 Madison .................. 1.070 Warren .................. 1 5CO Pulaski .................. l 580 Calhoun .................. I Mc an ................. 1 397 Catlettaburg .............. Boyd.. I 544 Earlington.. ............ ! Hopkins ................ I 370 800 Eubank .................. I Falmouth.. .............. Farmers.. ............... .I Frankfort.. ............. .I Franklln.. ............... I Slmpaon ................ .I Cadi;.. .................. .' TriLg.. ........................ .................. Edmonton.. ............ ! Metealfe ................ .: 691 G m n ................... I 5S1 Jessamine ...............I 762 Chrlatlan ................ ' 524 Breckinrldge.. .......... I. ..... Grayson ................ .I 635 Fayette .................. I 9S9 Marion ................... MI Jeffemon ................ 1 52.5 Crlttenden. ............. , . Bell.. .................. .I Davleea.. ............... , Owen .................... I McCrackea.. Pike ..................... Madlson.. .............. .I' Hardin.. Kenton. Boyle.. .................. Spencer ................. I Whltley ................. .I Grant .................... I Mason.. .............. ..I Montgomery.. I I I 1, Shelby.. ................ \ .......... ............ ................ ................. 1.9s - 0.45 I 1.51 1.87 J - 0.26 ! 1.09 2 sfi IL i na I 74 ................... ...... ' .......... 56.1 i - 1.3 ' SY.G I - n.3 I ss.s ' - 1.4 I 59.R - 2.0 I ............. 4 ; 24 25 l'ii 5 ~ 25 13 I 42 29 13tl 53 3rl 25 , 31 .... Ri S!l S i S i .... 0.0 T. n. o n. 0 R. T. Moore. H. C. Boyd. W. It. Wilson. W. 1'. Wataon. ".I.. ...... ..._ 3.80 ;+ 1.74 13.15 1.46 ,- 1.4s I 1.31; 1.38 I- 1 .u I n..w Cllnton .................. :. ..... Jefferson ................. io0 Nelson .................. 1 637 1s j si.8 I - 1.s I sn i S J 51.71 ........I 83 8 1 6 52.7 I ........ 1 87 "n' 6 S6.4el.. ...... !I?-' 3 I 54.6 : S 3 ' 9 , 58.6 '.L'O:i'l SS ! 37 57.8 I. ........ s9 at' 55 4 ......... 91 I 3 I 53:s I - 4.1 ; 81 ' !I 57.2 I - 2.1 : 90' 3 ' 55.7'' - 1.4 ! 87%' 3 t 52.3 - 4.8 I 61 1 3t 53.0 ; - 2.9 I 811 3 , 27 25 37 55.3 - 114 I 92 i t , 20 ?St! 57 I3 I 5C.0 - 3.9 86 .......................... I 1 .............. 51.G I ........ .' f i ................ 18 39 I 53 I 58.6 - (I 4 92 3 2 i 13 45 35 29 ' 43 ?d 25tl 45 2.5 13 i 45 19 29 , 5fi 23. 13 59d1 2n zs ! 41 I 25 25 148 1 ......... I .... I 23 13 45 I 27 13 '54 ' 24 29 14 I 24 13 14s I 23% 13tl 45'; 22 25 , 41 , 0.95 j - 1.il I 3.R7' ......... 2.18 I+ 0. *2 1.80 1 ........ I 3.0s I ........ i 1 . ?? I.. ..... 1.5s - 11.21 1.35 I - 0.93 I 2.04 1 ........ I 0:m I ........ I 1.78 - n.75 2.29 I+ 0.06 I 2.00 I 2.m .+ 0.91 I 1.68 I- 0.19 2.30 .- 0.63 I 2.25 1 - n.13 2.u !+ 0.m I 1.95 I - 0.47 I 0.99 :- 1.15 2.56 ,+ 0.32 ........ 1.59 I ........ I 1.80 ,- 0.17 I 2.05 I- 0.17 1.57 1- 0.4.5 1 4.06 + 1.43 1 5.61 I -t 0.3i 2.17 I+ 0.03 ! 2.26 - 0.18 I 3.53 I+ 1.45 1.38 - 1.16 1 1.72 I ........ I 1.35 I- 1.14 3:2l I+ 1:52 1 1 2 0 I- 0 .1 3:37 + 1.16 2 .4 9 1 ........ 1 1.76 I- 0.57 ; 1.42 I- n. 04 2.04 I- 1.01 I91 -0 d 2.52 1 ........ W. W. Hleks. C. E. Barrett. G. 1. Talbott. G. W. Cann. 7%. S. Woodward. C. F. Rumold. Mrs. L. G . Causey. 0. M. Estes. John Y. Lawrence. W. A. Taylor. Chss. N. Bruns. J. 13. Atkinson. Miss Lee Ray. W. H. Henderson. I Berea.. ................... Rowllnr Grwn.. ......... i Rurnside.. ............. ..I S 20 19 7 6 16 20 18 15 20 4 19 16 17 7 13 11 14 ?4 12 37 15 13 Ifi 2Q 13 13 17 30 13 15 20 i 12 7 I2 11 6 16 Pulsski ....... I.. ....... .I 1.177 Pendleton ............... 530 Rowan .................. I 66s Franklln ................. 560 J. V. Oldham. Mi- Gertrude Sorrell. Gustave Schnefer. J. E. Newmnn. L. C. Alcorn. Miss Lulu Wood. W. F. Randle. W. J. Piggott. John E. Stone. U. 5. Weather Bureau. Loretto Academy. U. 8. Weather Bureau. B. C. Paris. Mru. M. D. Marsh. Greensburg ................ Hlghbrldge.. ............. Hopklnsvllle ............. ..... 611.6 55. 1 55. 2 52. 8 54.1 55.4 59.0 51.G 50.5 51.6 54.2 52.3 60.0 ............ + c.1 I 94 ........ s1 - 3.1 84 - 3.7 i i 9 - 5.11 I sfi - 3.0 I 83 0.0 , 90 - 6.8 ! 86 - 6.0 76 - 5.4 I 85 - 5.7 j 560 - 1.4 , 87 - 3.4 I 75 ...I .......... i .. . 7 i 27 13 44 3 27 13 ' 3 6 3 25 13 I 4 0 3 I 27 13 , 33 3 I zn 25t' 4s S ' 31 1313.5 3 ! 28 13 , 37 S I 23 29 ' 53 10 ' 22 29 138 9 ! 26 29 i 33 3 I 27 19t' 41 ...; .......... I.. 9 26 25 39 3 23 13t! 50 5 1 23 29 40 8 1 30 . ??t! 49 8 26 20 I 41 IO 27e l i I 3 4 3tl 34 , la 137 3 1 23 29 I 4 0 lrvlngton.. ............... Le~tchfield ................ .i Lexington.. ............. .I I Loretto.. i Louisville. Marion.. ................. Ma vllle ................ I I Mt. Sterllng 0 wen sb o 10. .............. i Owenton.. Paducah. ................ Pikeville. ............... ..I Richmond .... ............I I St. John Scott ...................... Shelby City .............. I Shelhyrille ............... I TB ~o r s v ~~e .............. I %ihxasburg ............ .I N illlamutown.. .......... .I Indiaaa. Anderson.. ............... Bloomlngton ............ .! Blun%oP.. ............... .! Butlervllle ............... .I Jenninga.. ............ .i ................. ............... .............. .............. Mlglesboro I ............... .................. ! 767 ...... 524 1.128 930 479 700 341 926 777 ...... ............ I ...... 56.0 2.0 I St 57.6 1 0 4 S i 52.6 1 - 5:9 ! 62 56.4 1 - 2.0 I 63 52.3 - 4.4 1 82 51.8 1 ........ s3 ...... 1 ........ 1 ...... 54.3 ........ I 62 49.9 j - 5.1 1 82 50.6 I - 7.3 1 83 53.9 I - 1.5 84 ..................... n. o n. o T. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T. 0.0 0.0 .... Bethlehem Academy. E. B. Wilson. W. E. Crubbs. Dr. H. W. Prelsnler. E. D. Bourne. Mm. Anna L. Adkina Mrs. Sarah E. Carter. ...... 1,057 5.59 422 939 943 ......... ' 32 ' i .j i ' i i Stl 25 29 38 8 55 13 145 ,..I ...... ....I ... 7 i 47 13t: 40 3 1 I Madlson ................. I 592 Welb. ................... R'5 Monroe .................. 1 744 3.81 I+ 0 43 1.2.5 5.11 if 5:17 I1.65 ............. I .... 5.47 i+ 3.29 , 2.03 10 ' 20 j 3 8 aw. \V. R. Stanton. 10 I 16 7 I 8 I sw. I E.E.Ramsey. ... .._.I ....I .... I ...... 1 C.C.Dean. 7 30 I 4 i 7 I SW. I C. F. EIole. OCTOBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE I.-Climalologied data for Oclober, 1909. District No. 3-Continucd. i I Temperature, ln degrees Fahrenheit. Preclpltatlon. In Inches. 4 Sky. 1 d 12 - ___-----I ~-.--=a ;-- s I ! Q / J . a.9 x E l . u h -m 3.' d a n 1.511 n. !I7 1.1!1 1.E G e C I d i ! g . i Y E n M E $3 b l s:3 S? so ...... -. ... i ' ' .. . .. ___ ......... .. Indiana-Cont'd. Cambrldge Clty .......... Columbus. ................ Connersvllle.. ............ I Delphl.. ................. Emhenee.. .............. Evannville.. .............. Farmemburg!. ........... Farmland.. .............. Greenfield.. .............. Greensbmg ............... Heltonvllle ............... Lawrence ................ Huntlngburg ............. Dubols .................. Auntlngton .............. Hunt.ington ............. Indlanapdir ............. Marion .................. JeReraon\.ille 1.. .......... Clark.. .................. Judyville ................. Warren .................. Kokomo ................. Howard ................. Lafayette ........ ~ ........ Tlppecanoc .............. Loganaport ............... Caw ..................... Msdmn .................. Jefferson.. .............. Marengo .................. Crawford ................ Madun ................... Grant.. ................ Markle ................... Huntington ............ .............. Rush ............. ............... Dearborn ................ Mount Vernon ............ Posey.. ................. Paoll ..................... Orange .................. Princeton ................. Gibson .................. Rlchmond ................ Wayne .................. Rochester ................ Fulton .................. Rockvllle ................. Parke.. .......... Rome .................... Perry .................... Salamonla ................ Jay.. .................... Salem .................... Washlngton ............. Scottaburn .............. Scott .................... Jackson.. ............... Shelby.. ................ Vlgo.. ................... Fountain.. .............. Vevay. ................ Switzerland ............. Vlnrennes ............... Iinor .................... Washington ............. Dav1t.m ................. Whitestown.. ............ Wlnona Lake ............. Worthlngton.. ........... Alblon.. ................. Cairo.. ................... Charleston.. ............. Equality.. ............... Falrfield ................. Flora.. ................... Golconda.. ............... Hoopeston ............... Mcleanshoro.. ............ Martinsvllle .............. New Burnslde.. .......... Olney.. .................. Pulesthe.. ............... Parls. ..................... Phllo ..................... Rantoul .................. Robinson.. ............... Bumners.. ................ Tuscola.. .................. Urbana. .................. 111inois. Wayne ................. .: Bartholomew ............ 632 18 Fayette .................. it30 20 Carroll .................. 668 16 9-11 . in ~ 4 i .6 - 6.i 511.5 - 3. i I 49.2 - 8.7 4 i .2 - 4.5 4!1. s ........ 56.S -1.2 5n.m ........ i 49.11 - 3.8 50.9 ........ ' 51.9 ........ 51. 2h ........ 53.9 ........ 49.4 - 5. 1 50.6 - 4 .4 1 4 .X - 2.6 45. i d ........ 4 i .4 - i .4 I 48. 6 - 4.4 4% i - 4.4 53.3 - 4.8 5 r .n . - 4,s 4s.s ' - 4.5 4A.4 - i .3 49.53 - 1.9 5n.s ........ 56.2 - 0.4 51.S ........ 54. A - 1I.S 4s. :i - 4.!1 4i.X ....... 5c.s - 4.11 x.3 ........ 48. 21, . , . . , . , , 51. 1 - 5.3 52.1 - 3.4 59. ti ........ 52. i - 5.4 , 51.Il~. ........ 2r.i - 4.5 iB.11 - 5.11 32. s 4s. 1 ........ 49.6 ....... c .3 - 3.u .............. . , . , . . , , I st, et st S I xw. w. ! Charles John A. Lemberger. Perry. nw. C. C. Hlbhs .... ., R L Hi ginbotham & SOLI nw. I D;.E. B. Iielso. nc. U. 8. Weather Bureau ..... Maurlce Yeager. nu'. W. J. Davisson. w. W. C. Goble. sw. w. i E. Charles L. Palmer. H. Ewing. .+ 2.17 i- (1. i s Morgan .................. 7S2 .... Vsnderburn .............. 3S6 10 Sullivan.. .T.. ...................... i ............. 9n5 .... Decatur ................. 951 5 ;tn:y:: ............. i .m 30 ........ ........ ......... i .......... ...,.I H. Dufendach. SI. Charles McGlew. b. , U. Y. Weather Bureau. .......... ill 11 S?9 33 455 12 w. ' JohnC. Loomls. D. R. Warrlek. John W. Doty. W. J. Jones Jr. Charles Mukna. .J: P y e r l d e r . ohnson. James F. Hood. 1. 8. Shldeler. E. Kirkwood. W. 8. Bigney. C. M. Spencer. James A. Glllum. Elisha Jones. Walter Voasler. J. P. Keith. Dr. W. N. Wlrt. Adam Anspaeh. C. V. Sklnner. E. S. Allen. F. €I. Park. J. R. Blair. B. F. Crouch. R. G. Gillum. L. A. Culver. MISS Frederica Boerner. G. V. List. H. H. Turrell. C. Rev. A. A. Stevenson. A. Young. C. A. Gecliler. B. F. Mlchels. c'. 8. Weather Bureau. JmcohB Dase Dr. L. W. Gord;;n. George Jos. S. Peak. A. Tromly. Dr. D. Lawrence. R. F. Hosklnson. C. C. Judd. 0. M. Daugherty. George Harris. Vlctor E. Philllps. .4lexander Charley. H. W. Twyman. H. A. Burr. Wm. Breiner. A. P. Woodworth. 0. A. FyBe. E. W. Lester. Prof. J. G. Mosler. ...... sm 'i!. 617 __ 620 17 460 I 1 313 19 SI4 14 si4 in Dsu 31 410 IS 611 5 451 19 9i2 17 7i5 .._. 522 15 3i0 .... .......... s. RW. 1. e. e. SW. Sm'. 5 ' 9 7 6 6 7 5 ' 9 12 5 5 ' 9 G I 8 2 5 s 7 3 5 14 7 1 1 , 6 4 I 13 6 1 6 s 7 la 5 3 11 3 9 4 9 4 111 1 1 6 i I 10 19 4 14' 6 1 7 A I 9 6 4 1 13 6 7 Ill 3 3 l 8 I1 I 7 o I in ...... ...... 3 , 11 5 ; 6 9 6 !I 7 K 9 1(1 ' 4 0 7 j in 3 ' : 4 4 18 3 sw. W. se. n. ne. .... .... .... 8. W. SW. nw. .... \V . S. 8. ne. ........ + 1.m i ........I ........ + 1.s.l .I+. i:og. ........ .+ 8. 13 ! 1. ....... + 2.m ;+.!:G!.! ...... I::. ..... !+ 2.15 I .......... I - r l r l l 010 14 5in in . ...... 83 SI s2 s" b 70 S5 s.5 111 SI s4 -. .... ! ............. 23 25 , 13 I 1(1 , .I 36 29 ~ 44 ~ ?.SI 13 I a i i 3 X - ''6 l 3 t 3s 2.2!t 24 13 , 41 4 .i 4 ....... 1. os 1.64 I. 24 0.LJII 1. till 1.30 1. ?" I 14 1:11 I 1.m .... (1. I I 0.0 it. I I T. T. T. 0. 0 1'. 1.0 T . ... .i 12 I I 1 ; ... 16 13 1; 19 14 l i Symour .:. ............. ahelbyvlllr!. ............. Tern HsutF .............. Veedersburg .............. .......... 49s 11 A13 .... 525 I9 4s4 1 411 lr! Ill. s. SP. w. n. .... 8. s. W. I1K. .... n w. nu.. sr. .... 9. 8. 58. se. nu'. nw. nw. SP. SW. 9. 9 24 R 14 t j I F s 23 s llj 4 21 5 17 Y 18 2 1s 9 17 6 I 1s 5 ' 17 1 16 s IS 5 : 14 3 17 S 15 9 17 8 "I 4 ?(I 6 83 s 10 s in ...... noone.. ............................. Iioseiusko.. ........................ Greene .................. 526 20 ss 3 83 Edwards.. .............. Alexander.. ............. Coles.. .................. Gallstin.. ............... Wayne.. ................. Clay.. ................... Pope.. .................. Vermlllion ............... Hamllton.. ............. Clark ..................... Johnson.. ................ Richland.. .............. Crawford.. .............. Edgar.. ................. ! Champaign.. ........... ... .do.. .................. Crawford.. .............. Lawrence. ................ Douglas.. ............... Champaign. ............ 531 1i 63.9 359 33 ....... 72n is 5 1 .4 - 2. i ......... - 1.0 - 0. i - :;. 8 - 1.2 - 8 . 2 - 1,s - 2.9 - 1.3 - 1.6 - 0.0 - 3. I - 4.2 - 2.s - 3.8 ........ - 4." ........ ........ 13 ~ 43 ....... 13 38 ... 25 27 13 41 21 13 43 9'2 13 142 25 13 44 23 13 31 24 1s 37 91 I 9 44 20 14 39 24 ' 13 23 I 13 23 13 33 131 21 I 13 24 13 99 13 21 I 13 n.1 -_ I 13 ........................ 2 .~1 1 i+ (I.?? 1.57 1.99 I- ll.ti9 1.20 1.Y6 - 0.24 0.il 4.511 + 2.211 1.70 1.39 I- 1.26 1.27 2. IC i.. ...... n. 63 i .x - n .5 ~ 0.33 3.10 + 1.3i I l .2 5 O.sX - l .i 5 u.s3 n. ii 11. n it. n (1. n (I. 0 1'. 0. 0 T. II. 0 (I. 0 11. u T. 1'. u. 0 n. I I .~ 421 9 58,s 495 1s 54,s 49s ' 23 54.2 51111 30 5ti.4 71s 7 43.6 462 26 55.2 03n 2n 52.5 556 14 s7.c 456 19 54.1 500 ' 26 54.3 nno 12 5n.11 700 , 24 49.2 id8 . IS 511.0 5110 a ' 54.2 459 .... 55.8 MI in 5iJ.6 7?5 7 , 40.0 k? 39 54 10 38 16 35 4 i 3.B0 ,+ 1.51 I 1.5; 3.11 '+ 0 .i l (I.Kl 3.25 '+ l.:{(l I1.ill 3.21 + 1.111 11.80 2.411 ,+ 0.54 II.li.5 3. IS i+ 0.56 II.Y'? 3 .1 8 : ........ 11.63 0.0 ~. 3.28 + 1.16 ! 1.64 T. ........ 1 .1 6 ! T. \\'. - -- . - . .. .... ..... ........ Preclpltatlon included In that of the next measurement. t Also on other dates. I Data are from standard instruments not supplled by the U. 5. Weather Bureau. "Temperature extremes arc from obeervcd readlngs of the dry-bulb: nirans ale con~puted from observed readings. I€ Instruments are read In the mornlnp; the maxlmum temperature then read 1s charged to the preceding day. on which it almost iilsvvnys occurs. Estimated by observer. I1 Preclpltatlon for the 81 houra ending on the morning when It is measured .. 4 .. etc.. Indicate. respectlvely, 1, 2,3, etc.. days niisslng from the record. . Precipitation is lesa than 0.01 Inch raln or melted snow. a 728 MONTHLY WEATHER RETIEW. TADLE 2.-Daily precipitalion for Ochber, 1909. District No. S, Ohio Vullcy. Day of month. . .... __ ....... -. ...... -. ... -- .- - ... -. .- ..... - - ....... - ......... ... ............... StatlOM. : Rlver baslna. I 1 2 , 3 4 5 , 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 I4 15 , 16 17 ' IS I9 , 30 21 32 53 21 25 ...... . ._ .... ... - I . .- ,I ~. -. -. -. - OCTOBER, 1909 ... - - .... I - .- .. 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 .. -. ._ -- New York. Allegany.. ............. Allegheny.. .......... Udvar... ............. .I .. ,do. ................ fiankllnvule .......... .!I.. .d o .. ............... J a m t o w n ................. .d o .. ............... Oleanllll ................ .I.. . .do.. ............... Deer Park. ............. Youghlogheny.. ..... Yar#land. I (;ran&ville.. .......... .I.. . .do.. ............... calsornla.. ........... .I Monongshels.. ....... OntlSnd.. .................. .d o .. ............... Aleppo ............. ....I Ohlo.. ............... Baldwin ................ Allegheny ............ Beaver Dam. .......... Ohio ................. Clarion ................. Allegheny ............ Cla>*vllle.. ............. Ohlo. ................. Confluence ............. Youghlogheny.. ..... navis Island Dam... .. Ohio .................. Wrry &ation.. ....... .: Allegheny. ........... Franklin.. ............. '. .. .d o .. ............... F ~p o a .. ................ .d o .. ............... G =nabon,. ........... .I . vonongahels.. ....... C w b u g . ............. 1 oughlogheny.. ..... CmnMlle ............ ..I Ohlo.. ................ Grove city.. ............. .d o .. ............... Herm Idand Dam.. .. .j'Allegheny.. ;. ........ Indlana.. ................. .do.. ............... Irwin.. ................ .I Monongahela.. ....... Jnhnstown ............. Allegheny ............ Look No. 4. ......... ...I Monongahela.. ....... Lmippus ............... Allegheny ............ Parkem Landlag.. ........ .d o .. ............... Pitaburg .............. .I Ohio.. ................ Smesmtown ............ Allegheny ............ 8t. Marym. .................. .do.. ............... Penne&ania. I Saltabmg.. ............ .I.. . .do. ................ Skldmore ................ Ohio .................. SomeMt. ............. .I Youghiogheny.. ..... SprIngdale.. ............ Allegheny.. .......... Warren.. .............. .I Allegheny.. .......... W& Newton.. .......... Youghlogheny.. ..... Unlontown ............. Monongahela ......... WCSt Vtrpinia .... !. ................ .% .I5 .............. .?3 .I n .. .. .50 .01 .U'. ............... . i o .. ....... .3 i . ... :l. 40 .30,. .. .I. ........ .34' .3?i .OS.. .3a ..... .. .0 3 .. .O s .. ... ... ;5# t51 .16.. . ?Pi.. ..I.. .......... ...... OR .34 .... T.8 ....... .S6 .............. 1031 .4 3 .. . .! T. i .03 .64 .i 4 ; .02 ......... .4i1 .na .i o ;.. ....... .go1 .PO!. .. .:. ....... .... ..... ..... ........ .OO .301 .501.10 .90 ............................. ! ............. .1?!:... .... ~ .......... T. I ......... I ........ ............................. ........ .... : ! .... I .... .... .... .... I 2.m ... ... .. ... .... ..... ....... ...... .... .... OCTOBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. .. -.. TABLE Z-Daily precipitntion for Odober, 1909. District No. 5-Continued. _~ .... ........ ._ .. ... . Day of month. I I ..I . ~~ _. ... .___ __ . . I ' River basins. I - -- Ststlons. 1 I 2 I 3 4 I 5 1 6 7 8 ' 9 10 11 , 13 13 14 15 1 16 I 17 ... . .. .... .. . ....... I .,. __ - - .. - _. I -. - _. - - .- I -1 a s k - Ohio-Cont'd. Blndensburg.. Muskingum.. ... 2.35 .................. .................. .... ...... .... .... .37, ......... .... ........... .................... .............. ............... ................... ............. Alabama. Albertville. Tennessee Bridgeport.. .do.. h t u r .do... Fhenca. ............... .do.. ............... huteraville.. ............. .do.. ............... .. 65-3 730 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. OCTOBER, 1909 TABLE 2.-Daily precipitation for October, 1909. District No. 3-Continued. -- - - -. .- -. __ OCTOBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 731 732 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. OCTOBER, 1909 21 ... 22 ... B ... N... %... as... 27 ... 28 ... a,.. m... 31 ... TABLE 3.-Maximum and minimum temperatures d &&d stations, October, 1909. Diatticl No. 3, Ohio VaUey. - .............. - .. - .................................... .- - .- - .......... I 63 39 61 44 46 39 39 35 50 28 64 38 51 39 4a 32 47 32 69 27 72 26 44 1 31 47 I 29 47 i 90 52 I 24 70 34 74 j 39 West Vlrglnia. I Ohio. 1 Pennsylvania. I -. bar. 56 60 59 63 70 73 75 78 79 80 67 51 43 52 47 45 52 47 48 61 65 60 48 39 50 63 54 42 47 61 70 is. 2 - -_ -- Kin. 48 43 40 42 47 44 43 44 48 56 4s 35 31 41 38 38 36 40 33 34 55 46 37 36 35 45 42 34 32 36 44 Lo. 9 - - - - YIln. 36 39 37 40 48 46 - I I -1 -- I ,- .I ---:- I-- I -- -- -. Mln. Mas. 45 1 73 37 I 58 54 71 50 68 39 I. ..... I?. 6 I I 65.3' - 71 71 71 73 74 74 77 78 78 74 67 55 66 63 55 57 60 59 73 70 77 70 55 Bo 64 63 57 51 70 74 87.0 m - _. l... 53 I 46 a... 56 37 3... Bo 35 i... 72 35 B... 75 33 7... 78 34 8... 81 31 #...I 83 38 IO ... 79 43 4... 60 I 47 ~. 73 43 75 49 77 48 50 I ;i 42 1 76 1 43 1 76 43 ' 71 ' 44 73 39 I 77 I 41 76 1 43 I 76 I 39 I 78 37 38 82 41 I SO I 51 81 41 1 83 I 56 1 81 37 a3 I 40 1 A 43 I so 59 I 7 3 . 1 40 1 84 1 43 45 1 70 43 1 69 1 41 1 77 1 48 43 40 71 37 I 78 I 48 44 1 ;; I 40 I 74 1 39 50 45 76 41 78 42 ii 51 50 1 SO I 41 1 77 / 48 1 69 1 51 77 I 48 83 40 78 I 49 I 82 1 40 79 52 82 43 74 1 56 75 1 58 58 144 \ Bo I44 44 I 33 I 44 1 33 47 I 3s 1 45 I 36 48 29 51 28 56 1 38 I 55 I 42 13 ... 51 55 46 5'' 59 :: I J 4 i : 53 39 1 46 ' 40 33 56 I aS 37 I 57 3% 69 54 72 I 51 60 44 65 j 46 45 ! 36 I 53 37 41 I 33 I 43 1 33 52 I 30 I 54 37 I , 45 67 45 I 40 71 I 37 I 67 I 51 I 69 I 55 67 30 ' M ' 53 j 74 j 59 47 1 67 1 42 !: 1 50 76 49 66 53 I 69 I 52 1 86 1 51 1 57 1 44 40 56 38 I 62 41 I 63 I 45 I 63 I 44 52 39 47 44 48 37 E :: 34 I 38 I 33 I 54 I 38 I 42 46 37 I 42 1 38 1 45 1 39 1 40 I 36 I 43 I 34 27 I 54 I 26 I 55 I 33 I 57 I 37 I 52 I 33 I 54 I 28 30 48 31 58 I 29 ,,I , I I I I I I 37 53 30 1 64 28 1 66 1 ?7 1 G4 39 61 34 66 1 33 GI 1 34 1 66 1 42 s: I 41 I 27 I 54 I 30 49 34 44 I 32 I 44 I 35 1 44 I 31 1 47 1 36 ,8 65 24 69 30 71 24 I 63 I 30 I 67 I i 7 I 64 I 25 I 60 I 37 I 73 1 38 57 I 34 e 32 61 I 2 I !i I 50 I 50 40 5s 35 53 44 56 45 23 I 45 I 22 I 51 I 20 j 50 I 23 4s 27 50 93 53 25 45 35 $2 31 I 36 I 77 I 4g 50 35 .... ...... ...... 1 7 1 I 3 0 I 7 5 1 5 9 I 7 5 1 3 4 I I I 74 I 39 I 75 I 31 I 70 68 I 41 73 I 47 i9.5 j 40.3 62.5 37.5 I - -- -- ..I 2 d E d I Max. Mln. I --- IS.4' 60.5 ! 34.6 ' 66.0 I 36.5 ' 85.1 37.6 ' 61.4.' 40.9.l 61.8 1 39.8 I 60.2 ! 35.5 I 57.1 ! 37.1 I 62.9 1 42.5 I I I I I I ~I i .i i ~i ~~ 1 Ohio. Tenneaaee. Virginia. I I Max. Min. Max. I -i - I ,, I-- - - Uln. 41 38 43 48 44 47 47 43 41 44 49 40 25 3s 44 36 33 36 51 45 43 47 45 36 27 27 32 28 37 30 30 18. 9 - L .. ... .. I ' -. -- I I ,I I I I I . - bax. 74 69 74 75 73 74 73 71 76 75 69 56 52 53 54 59 63 75 70 66 65 75 68 47 61 62 62 57 66 73 n l6.5 - - __ Uas - 65 65 68 70 58 63 72 73 74 71 Bo 50 46 54 47 54 60 70 55 55 64 71 70 38 58 59 60 51 54 70 70 11.1 - I - 1 .- -- -- _- Mln. __ - 34 34 38 40 35 40 41 37 3s 43 43 37 25 43 31 3s 35 40 a8 31 50 40 39 35 23 24 39 28 30 33 31 84. 9 - 40 1 6 8 I 4 5 ;: 1;: ' 7 4 1 5 2 I I I 7 3 40 73 43 s3 I 42 I s3 I 52 ......I ...... 79 ............ 39 68 41 i 6 5fl ............ .I i 4 47 1 7 5 50 I 8 6 . 62 I ............ I S2 45 I a8 53 I 67 50 I 88 I 53 . 16 51 I ...... ......I 78 43 76 I 37 44 ' 79 I 35 43 j 85 I 40 E E i i I 1 : 54 1 8 3 1 5 3 1 ;' i5 I :..... I ...... 76 45 I 65 51 73 I 55 I ............ I 76 49 I 82 52 ..... ......I 74 43 83 I 53 . 79 54 ............ 76 41 I SI I 55 I 77 52 .......I ...... 79 48 SI) 47 ' 86 45 I 78 I 42 I 82 47 S1 ! 46 83 52 ! 73 , 53 , 69 53 7s I 44 j 7s 46 1 68 44 71 45 i 69 33 ' 52 31 I 50 39 I 73 37 I 73 45 I 64 44 ' 71 38 I 75 34 39 28 64 50 I 73 I 55 ' so 40 s.4 51 I 81 I 55 82 53 I i? 52 70 4s I 70 I 55 I 82 44 I 85 54 1 53 51 1 87 s1 84 41 30 42 ... 15 ... 46 16 ... 62 17 ... 58 18 ... 19 ... 58 21 ... 71 22 ... 23 ... 49 33 64 U... 41 32 48 27 59 as... 37 69 ... ... I 47 I !; I 43 I 67 I 50 ......I .....I 67 49 I 06 I 45 I 69 i 44 66 j 44 I 66 38 40 55 I 43 1 ...... 1: .....' 54 i3 , 5 i 15 I 5 i I 36 1 55 30 60 34 ............ I 5 4 62 ' ?S I;? 28 62 36 I !: I 3 1 1 6 4 ! 46 ...... I ....... 63 .41 I 6 7 1 4 6 1 6 8 1 4 8 I 6 4 I 4 5 I 7 3 41 ........... 65 I 40 I 71) I 43 I 73 1 36 . 73 . $2 . 70 34 79 3 9 !7 9 1 4 7 I ...... I: ..... 1 7 4 44 80 51 8 1 ' 4 8 ~8 1 !4 1 ~8 0 73 I 5 3 1 7 4 3 s 8 5 5 65 I 46 ! 64 I 4 7 I ...... ! ...... 1 6 1 . 41 1 6 4 33 43 68 43 1 6 5 1 3 8 1 6 5 39 1 8 1 I 4 7 . 81 50 ............I 78 I44 I 8 1 SS 86 53 . L 42 S3 44 38 I 69 I 3s I 69 46 1 6 9 : 53 . 63 56 ! ............ I 6 8 53 , 72 i 55 . 74 56 43 I 77 I 47 I 76 I .......I ...... 74 I 54 I 69 I SO I 70 j 52 I w 53 71 35 47 47 50 59 66 56 75 59 66 36 41 41 41 36 25 9( a0 25 19 24 a# 34.1 - ...... ...... I 49 ! 7s I 5 3 1 7 6 I 54 i 1 37 I 7 1 1 5 4 I 7 0 37 65 33 I 77 38 70 4% I ............ 68 40 66 49 70 46 ! 66 35 I 68 31 I 5 5 35 . 72 1 3 6 I 6 5 . 41 ............ 1 tB I 3 7 164 1 3 8 1 6 5 1 3 1 I 63 1.28 : 69 34 I 72 I 30 75 34 . 70 37 I ............. I 69 35 74 36 77 . 33 74 I 29 I 74 1 33 I 80 34 I 74 36 1 77 1 34 I 74 , 44 , ...... i ...... I 73 j 37 1 76 I 53 1. 77 I 50 I 5 6 I 76 I 6 0 I 7s i 56 I 79 I 56 I 73 I 60 I 74 45 73 1 4 6 1 6 1 24 ! Bo 29 I68 1 3 2 1 6 5 I 3 7 ...... I ...... 61 1 3 4 1 6 5 I 3 5 1 6 7 1 2 9 65 26 69 31 63 . . . 69.3 45.0 72.5 47.3!74.5;44.7 73.2 41.0 73.7 43.5!71.0 I l l ,I I I I I _ I I I I :, 4 5 ' 8 0 63 SI 5 3 1 ............I ;: 5; 8 0 .5 6 84 5 9 , 50 I 80 ' 5 0 84 3 3 ' 5 3 1 4 0 .5 0 1 3 8 i ...... 1: ..... ' 4 4 35 54 37 5 5 :3 9 4 8 1 3 9 1 5 :3 9 44 ...... ...... 71 39 64 30 I 70 32 I 67 1 3 8 ' ' 65 1 3 4 I 70 1 3 7 I 7 0 I 35 74 30 ' 6 9 64 34 . 59 77 , 38 , 75 I 43 1 81 44 ........... 1 7 2 1 4 1 1 6 9 I 4 5 1 6 8 1 4 5 I ;; 25 63 30 63 33 I ............. eo 30 63 30 65 27 I 7 1 I 2 4 I 6 3 I i 1 I 43 I I I M.8 65.5 39.8 73.9 : 43.7 I 71.5 47.7 !......,......I OCTOBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE 3.-Maxiinum and minimum ternmature al aelded stations. October. 1909. D M No. 3-Continued. 4s 74 39 733 ..... I ...... 74 Kentucky. ~. 56 57 Indlana. 78 80 81 77 _. 4 ' n - 1.. 1.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 0.. 7.. 8.. 0.. 10.. 11.. u.. It.. 14.. P.. 16.. 17.. UI.. E . U.. 11.. E?. . a.. Y.. a.. a,. 111.. n.. m.. 31.. Mna n.. - 70 40 67 74 45 72 75 53 78 72 47 69 67 44 67 , 46 72 51 77 55 78 57 79 47 ~ 62 34 , 70 36 ' 75 48 73 40 73 37 69 67 52 55 46 39 31 27 41 37 80 65 58 46 57 59 58 50 77 43 ............ Bo 33 ............ 48 27 ...... ....I 53 53 34 !::::: 54 59 49 4s 57 56 73 55 I 73 57 64 53 46 55 28 36 30 25 ?2 d 9 - 3 B U I ....... Kas., Mln. I B !il : w Lax. Mln. -. 0 a 32 b p1 d i 6 El d .... .~ Mas. 1 Mln. Kin. - 42 40 45 60 52 43 44 52 49 49 44 33 26 43 39 38 43 51 47 50 67 53 55 38 25 32 46 31 28 30 40 12.4 Kin. - 35 34 35 43 44 35 35 41 42 42 32 31 21 22 34 29 31 42 40 44 48 44 45 36 20 24 26 25 20 2U 26 :3.6 , .......... - Mln. - 35 39 45 48 42 42 44 - Mln 40 45 56 49 46 43 47 53 55 49 39 30 23 29 32 32 36 4s 33 42 51 42 40 33 32 40 37 28 30 41 47 IO. 1 - - Kin 37 40 50 50 46 42 42 18 54 65 44 31 24 36 31 31 35 44 34 43 56 40 40 37 31 38 41 33 27 29 37 9. 5 - - -_ 6111. I 39 52 49 44 40 39 48 53 48 39 29 23 25 28 29 31 39 3a 39 49 35 30 34 31 34 34 26 28 34 46 7.0 - - - Yss 89 83 90 89 80 84 87 87 79 68 64 51 64 66 62 70 82 76 65 65 79 s3 52 53 65 72 - -- Was - - YaS 75 so 83 78 75 80 83 84 81 71 65 48 52 52 60 63 53 50 57 59 72 76 64 50 58 58 67 56 50 59 70 35.1 - - - fu 72 77 76 73 70 73 79 81 76 63 50 39 47 30 58 55 47 48 65 MI 68 61 47 50 60 06 5s 45 58 70 76 1.4 - - .. bhS. 76 so SS 81 78 80 92 92 92 67 66 52 61 67 61 66 69 91 60 73 75 81 62 48 66 70 63 59 63 77 79 Mas. I Mln. 68 ~ 45 73 I 4s 79 52 73 51 70 47 I ~. ' I ' Mas. Min. I Mas. ! Mln. :I Mas. 82 84 88 88 85 85 86 87 83 66 68 53 63 67 63 75 83 83 69 75 so 85 61 58 66 71 67 88 69 78 80 74.7 - - - 40 39 43 54 53 40 42 62 59 43 33 24 38 37 30 43 51 47 48 53 49 51 40 30 .4i - 73 79 83 78 74 48 47 58 60 55 49 51 57 60 55 42 34 32 44 40 44 47 46 42 49 60 51 42 39 35 .. I - I 75 77 78 76 65 51 38 4s 49 48 53 50 48 53 59 69 64 48 43 54 36 3s 40 45 52 38 30 25 28 31 32 25 40 26 31 75 78 so 76 68 50 41 49 49 52 54 50 47 55 58 69 63 50 47 57 66 55 47 57 70 74 61.2 74 78 78 79 68 58 43 52 58 53 55 51 02 56 64 71 75 Bo 40 58 64 51 48 53 71 74 61.3 - 41 ............ SO 41 1 ...... !: ..... ~ S4 42 ............. 83 43 ............. 83 53 ............ 73 42 35 31 49 40 42 44 41 42 45 04 49 62 53 Bo 50 54 60 62 73 77 59 45 03 68 60 52 79 66.6 56 ?! I I - 37 32 26 34 36 34 35 41 34 41 54 45 35 34 31 43 41 32 33 39 49 41.0 - 53 41 48 48 43 51 55 48 54 56 .... .... ... 36 44 47 43 57 50 44 37 23 33 60 30 i 73 37 S l 34 I 60 34 i 74 45 , 82 45 I 70 36 47 68 3' I 74 24 37 42 33 30 39 48 42.4 - 40 61 30 69 I ?S s3 , 45 77 I 32 79 I 39 6 8 8 4 4 64 57 ! 45 ' 53 ~ .... _- 25 36 31 23 24 29 35.5 '2.4 41 0 77.0 I ' ; - -~