Lib.y I. of John Mocquer. 320 and from thence to embark for the Coaft of the South-Sea, and fb to fol- low the Coaft of the Eaft-Indies, a- long by China, Cambrja, Siam, Mala- ca, Peru, Bengali, Coromandel, Mala- bxr, G a, Diu, Ormus, and from thence to return by Land through Perfia, and Babylon, yo Aleppo, and from thence by Sea repair to France, my own native Country ; thus to accom- plifli fo great a Voyage, and by the Example of thofe famous Heroes, Magadan, Drake, Cavendifh, and Oli- ver Van dr Nori, to encompafs the whole Univerfe. But God had other- ways difpofed 'thereof, and for my own Good ; his Pleafure being always Juft, for his own Glory and our Sal- vation. Parting then from San Lucar, fol- lowing the Mareme, along by the great River Guadalquivir, I came to Seville, Seville, and immediately placed my felf in the Shop of the moft famous Apothe- cary of the whole City, in the Street called di los Francos : 'the Mafter was named Alonfo Rodrigo, a Portuguefe, with whom I continued for fome time, bxh to learn the Language, cf which ¦ - I had