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Index of
The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson

Sarah N. Randolph

© 1978 Published for the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation by University Press of Virginia

Reproduced 2001 with permission of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation

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A Abbesse, Madam L' (of Panthe- mont), 114, 117, 118, 119, 122, 206 Abrahams, 293 Adams, John: in Amsterdam, 133; commercial treaties nego- tiation, 72; death, 421; differ- ences with Hamilton, 350-51; differences with Jefferson, 305- 8, 350; election as president, 239-40, 242; Jefferson on, 93- 94; Jefferson's friendship with, 421; nepotism of, 277; nomina- tion for president, 266; in Paris, 76; political appoint- ments, 306-8; reconciliation with Jefferson, 351-55; Treaty of Paris and, 67 Adams, Mrs. John (Abigail): care of Mary Jefferson, 125-27, 130; death, 352n, 370; on death of Mary Jefferson, 304-5; dif- ferences with Jefferson, 307; friendship with Jefferson, 352- 53n; health, 369; in Paris, 75, 76-78; on Washington, D.C., as seat of government, 266-67 Albemarle County welcome for Jefferson, 322, 326 Alexander I, emperor of Russia, 312, 339; bust of, 311-18 Alexander, Eli, 226 Algiers, 107, 120, 226 Ambassadors, allowance for, 134 American character, 84, 116 Ammonit, John, 125 Ampthill, 67 Anson, George, 28 Artois, comte d', 156, 162, 164 Assemble des Notables, 93, 97, 108, 109, 111, 114, 154, 157, 158 Avongeac, comte de L', 73 B Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 268 Bache, William, 173 Bailly, Jean Sylvain, 166 Baker, Mr., 412 Balbastre, Claude, 113 Balloon ascent, 220 Bankhead, Charles Lewis, 320 Bankhead, Mrs. Charles Lewis (Anne Cary Randolph), 216, 220; birth, 192; childhood, 194, Bankhead, Mrs. Charles Lewis (cont.) 196, 205, 208, 214, 292, 296; death, 416; gardening interests, 341-42; marriage, 320 Bankhead, John Lewis, 331 Bankhead, Mrs. John Lewis, 331 Bantams, 296 Barbe-Marbois, Marquis Francois de, 58 Barenton (Barentin), M., 165 Barett, Mrs., 117 Barnave, Antoine, 167 Bartram, John, 21 Bastille, 166 Basville, M. de, 110 Beckwith, Col., 197 Bedford, 245, 411, 412, 415 Bell, Thomas, 191 Belmont, 257 Benson, Mr., 293, 298 Bermuda Hundred, 277, 285 Bertin, Mile, 97 Bet (servant), 286 Bingham, Mrs. A., 96-100 Birch (murder victim), 268 Blacon, M., 168 Blanchard, Jean Pierre, 220 Blenheim, 82 Bolling, John (Jack), 130 Boiling, Thomas, 38, 131 Bolling, Mrs. Thomas (Mary Jef- ferson), 28, 130, 183, 205 Bourbon, duchesse de, 76 Bourbons, 339 Bowles, Davy, 277 Braganza, 339 Brehan, marquise de, 131, 132, 141-43 Brent, Mrs., 292 Breteuil, baron de, 120, 156 British army, in Virginia, 50-57 British prisoners, 50-53 Brodeaux, Mrs., 212 Broglio (Broglie), Marshal de, 164 Brown, James, 199, 205, 212 Buffon, comte de, 143-44 Burr, Aaron: contest for presi- dency, 271-75; nomination for vice-president, 265 Burrows, Mrs., 292 Burwell (servant), 421, 425, 428 Burwell, Rebecca, 32, 33, 34 Byrd, William (of Westover), 19, 25; lottery for, 410 C Cabell, J. C., 409-14, 417n Caesar (servant), 56, 335 Calonnes, M. de, 132-33 Carr, Dr., 259 Carr, Dabney, 38, 45-47; Jeffer- son's epitaph for, 47 Carr, Mrs. Dabney (Martha Jef- ferson), 38, 46-47, 63, 130 Carr, Dabney (judge), 409, 430 Carr, Peter, 292 Carter, George, 268 Carthusian monastery, 73-74 Cary, Archibald, 67 Castries, marquis de, 156 Catherine, empress of Russia, 339, 362 Ceres, 73 Chastellux, marquis de, Travels in North America, 58 Cherokees, 23 Chestnut Grove, 130 Choiseul, due de, 156 Church, Catherine, 221, 225, 244, 251-52, 260, 261 Church, Mrs. John Barker (An- gelica Schuyler), 141, 220-21, 224, 244, 260; death, 373 Clarkson (servant), 215 Coalter, John, 409 Coigny, marquise de, 98-99 Colbert, M., 110 Collinson, Peter, 21 Congress of the United States: George Washington and, 223; president's message to, 282 Continental Congress, 49 Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph: childhood, 251, 292, 340-45; on death of Mary Jefferson Wayles, 299-302; gardening interests, 331; gifts from Jefferson, 345; girlhood, 268; as horsewoman, 344, 345 Copying-machine, 95-96 Corn price, 25, 233 Cornwallis, Gen. Charles, 56-57, 209 Corny, Mme. de, 128, 132-33, 177, 221, 224, 253, 283-84, 373, 375, 376 Correa da Serra, Jos6 Francisco, 401, 402 Cosway, Richard, 84, 91, 92; death, 374-75 Cosway, Mrs. Richard (Martha Hadfield), 84-92, 221, 224, 283- 84, 372-77; Head and Heart Di- alogue for, 85, 87-88; religious avocation, 224, 253 Craven, Mr., 279, 281 Crevecoeur, Jean de, 178 Critta (servant), 286 Cropper, Sally, 226 Currency depreciation, 407, 411 Currie, Dr. James, 81, 104, 105 Custis, Eleanor Parke (Nelly), 207 D Dagout, M., 168 Dandridge, Mr., 35 Danquerville (D'Ancarville), M., 87, 89, 92 David, Jacques Louis, 143 Davy (servant), 320 Declaration of Independence, 49n Delaplaine, Joseph, 364 De Pusy, Bureaux, 259 Diana (ChAteau de Laye- Epinaye), 109 Dickinson, John, 283 Divers, George, 360, 363 Donald, Alexander, 133 Dorset, Duke of, 202, 203 Dougherty, Joseph, 278 Douglas, William, 19 Dunglison, Dr. Robley, 394, 423- 25, 426 Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 259, 323 Duport, M., 167 E Eagle (horse), 382-83, 421 Edgehill, 22, 182, 188, 191, 264, 285-86 Edgeworth, Maria, 320 Elk Hill, British at, 56-57 English character, 128 English gardens, 81 Eppes, Betsy, 138 Eppes, Francis, 184; attacks on, 287; on Jefferson's marriage bond, 43n Eppes, Mrs. Francis (Elizabeth Wayles): care of Jefferson's children, 68, 72, 101-8, 124-25, 181-87; character, 84; children, 137; spectacles for, 286 Eppes, Francis Wayles, 284, 286, 299; childhood, 309, 314, 330, 365; marriage, 302 Eppes, John Wayles (Jack), 127, 138, 189, 198, 201, 216-17; as congressman, 291, 294, 301, 309, 330; education, 200; lands for, 245, 298; marriage, 24546; at Mont Blanco, 255, 256 Eppes, Mrs. John Wayles (Mary Jefferson), 49; beauty of, 231, 301-2; character, 301; children, 260, 263, 281, 284, 297; Christ- mas presents, 193; at convent Eppes, Mrs. John Wayles (cont.) school (Panthemont), 127, 130, 138; death, 299, 300-301; devo- tion to Jefferson, 302; at Edge- hill, 294; education, 138, 180, 181, 182, 183-84, 185, 186, 199; with Eppes family, 68, 72, 101- 8, 124, 180, 181-87; grave, 432; health, 246, 250, 263, 264, 265, 285, 286, 294, 297, 298; as letter writer, 138; in London, 125-27, 130; marriage, 245-46; married life, 246, 252, 255, 256, 259; at Monticello, 189, 257; in Paris, 126-28, 130, 148-49; in Phila- delphia, 207, 208, 212, 221-22; plans to join Jefferson in Paris, 81, 102-8, 117, 118-19, 122, 124- 25; plans for trip to Wash- ingtbn, D.C., 278, 279, 288; terminal illness, 299-300; in Washington, D.C., 301; watch crystal for, 248; as young woman, 238-39 Eppes, Maria, 299, 313 Estates General, 142, 158-59, 160, 161 European monarchs, Jefferson on, 339 Everett, Dr. Charles, 395 F Fashion, 81, 97, 99-100, 190, 197, 198, 199, 353n; for mourning, 77 Fauquier, Francis, 28-29 Fitzherbert, Mrs. (Maria Anne Smythe), 140 Fitzhugh, William, 104, 105, 327- 28 Fleming, Mrs., 195-96 France: embargo on tobacco, 258; Jefferson on government of, 108-9, 111 Franklin, Benjamin: commercial treaties negotiation, 72; death, 174, 179; on disputation, 318; honor by France, 179; last ill- ness, 173, 178; negotiations with British, 174; papers of, 173-75; in Paris, 75-76; Treaty of Paris and, 67 Franklin, William Temple, 174, 203 Franks, David, 95 Fraulenheim, Mme. de, 117 French character, 79-80, 84, 149, 363 French Revolution, 154-68, 176- 77, 178, 195 Fronsac, due de, 204 Fry, Joshua, 18-19 Fry-Jefferson map, survey for, 19-20 Fullarton, Mrs., 225 G Gambling, 28-29 Game of the Goose, 249 Geese raising, 320 Genet, Edmond, 226, 227 George IV, as Prince of Wales, 139-41 George (servant), 215 Georgetown, 207, 267 Gerard, M., 95 Gerry, Elbridge, 353 Giles, William Branch, 291 Gilmer, Walter, 197 Goliath (gardener), 278, 297 Grimm, Baron Melchior von, 363 Gustavus, king of Sweden, 339 H Hall, Francis, 366-68 Hamilton, Alexander, 219; dif- ferences with Adams, 350-51; Washington's Farewell Address and, 383 Hammond, George, 226 Hancock, John, 223 Hanson, Mr., 203 Harcourt, M. d', 120 Harrison, Benjamin (1726-91), 33 Hartford Convention, 359-60 Hastings, Warren, 89, 91 Hatch, Rev. F. W., 427 Hennin, M., 95 Henry, Patrick, 34-36; British prisoners and, 50; Jefferson on, 393 Higginbotham, Mrs. David, 321 Hopkinson, Mrs. Francis, 69, 72, 212 Horse-chair, 289 Hotel de Salm, 109 Houdetot, comtesse d', 178 Howe, Lord, 174 Humboldt, Baron Alexander von, 324 Humphreys, David, 73, 106 Hylton, Mr., 203, 204 I Import duties, 226 India, 209 Indian council, 216-17 Indian languages, 40 Indians, 23 Izard, Ralph, 134 J Jay, John, 131, 133-34, 139 Jefferson, Anna Scott, see Marks, Mrs. Hastings Jefferson, Field, 18 Jefferson, George, 277 Jefferson, Jane, 34; death, 38-39 Jefferson, Jane Randolph, 49 Jefferson, Lucy Elizabeth, 63, 68, 72; death, 101-2 Jefferson, Martha, see Randolph, Mrs. Thomas Mann, Jr. Jefferson, Mary, see Eppes, Mrs. John Wayles Jefferson, Peter, 18, 19-20; ac- count books, 25; death, 25; landholdings, 17-18, 22, 23; as manager of Tuckahoe, 22-23; as surveyor, 19-20 Jefferson, Mrs. Peter (Jane Ran- dolph), 18, 21-22; death, 49-50 Jefferson, Randolph, 136-37 Jefferson, Thomas (grandfather of Thomas), 18 Jefferson, Thomas: accidents, 58, 74, 382; account books, 49; Abigail Adams's friendship, 352-53n; John Adams and, 305- 8, 350, 351-55, 421; advice to namesake, 419-20; affairs man- agement by Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 364-65, 407-8; on agricultural depression, 411; Albemarle citizens' welcome for, 322, 326; at Ampthill, 67; in Amsterdam, 133; appearance, 391, 392; arm injuries, 74, 83- 84, 86, 89, 95, 108, 115; associ- ates, 262-63; attacks on, 213, 214, 215, 268-69, 289-90, 310, 428; bantam raising, 296; bird interests, 122-23, 185, 194, 221; birth, 17; British prisoners and, 50, 53-55; burial, 429; Dabney Carr's epitaph, 47; character, 341-42; character sketches, 93- 95; Chastellux on, 58-61; on chemical science, 144-45; on childbirth, 294; children, 49, 62, 63; on Constitution, 227, 383- 84; at Continental Congress, 49; correspondence of, 363-64, 371, 380-81; daily habits, 288, 331-32, 338-39, 342-43, 355, 361, 402; daughter Martha's fare- well, 429; daughter Mary's death and, 300, 302-3, 304; daughters' devotion, 302; death, 421, 423-25, 428-29; on death, 287, 303, 369, 370; description of, 337-38, 346; diet, 339, 370- 71; as diplomat, 150; disposi- tion, 21, 321-22, 338, 345-46; on disputation, 318-19; on divi- sion of powers, 384; dress, 392- 93; education, 19, 25, 27-28, 31, 32, 34, 37; on education, 134- 35, 358-59; in England, 80-83; on English character, 128; on English gardens, 81-82; in Europe, 72-78, 79-100, 101-23, 124-38, 139-50; European im- pressions, 79-80; on Efropean monarchs, 339; farewell to France, 149; on female dress, 71; financial aid from cities, 418; financial affairs, 217, 329, 365, 397-418; forebears, 18, 20- 21; France, touring in, 109-13, 115, 118, 120-21, 122-23, 129- 30; on French character, 363; on French government, 108-9, 111; on French Revolution, 154- 68; games with grandchildren, 346-47; garden-book, 49; gar- dening interests, 105, 112, 185, 194, 196, 198, 199, 222, 297, 330-31, 341-42, 346, 349; geese raising, 320; gifts for grand- children, 345, 347-48; on good humor, 317-18; on government allowances, 134; as governor of Virginia, 55, 57; on habits of industry, 115-17, 123; hair rel- ies, 431; Francis Hall on, 366- 68; Head and Heart Dialogue of, 85, 87-88; health, 179, 184, 185, 203, 231, 232, 233, 244, 287, 288, 292, 316, 331, 351, 355, 361, 371, 416; health habits, 371; Patrick Henry and, 393; as horseman, 48-49, 288-89, 309, 314, 338, 355, 361, 371, 382-83, 421; hospitality demands on, 400-404; on household economy, 247; income, 45, 397; Indian interests, 23; Indian language study, 40; infirmities of, 361, 371, 373, 378-79, 380-81, 384, 421, 422; inheritance, 397; in- tegrity impeached, 269; Jane Jefferson's epitaph, 39; Lafa- yette's visit, 389-91, 395-96; landholdings, 228-29, 397; land management, 229-30, 237-38, 400; La Rochefoucauld-Lian- court on, 236-39; law student proteges, 331-32, 340; as law- yer, 39-40; on legal education, 340; library, 405-6; library sale, 405-6; literary interests, 340-41, 354-55; livestock holdings, 229; LL.D. from Harvard, 145; lot- tery petition for, 409-14, 416- 17; James Madison and, 199, 423, 427-28, 430; at Madison's inauguration, 323-24; mar- riage, 43-44; marriage bond, 43; marriage journey, 44-45; on married harmony, 246-47; on measles, 285-86; on medical practice, 394-95; as Minister Plenipotentiary, 67, 72; as min- ister to France, 75; mode of life, 370-72; moral principles, 365-66, 384, 387; Monticello- absences from, 399; move to, 43; return to, 228-30 (see also Monticello)--; music interests, 34, 44, 54; on Napoleon, 261- 62, 381-82; as naturalist, 48, 143-45, 198, 202; Nelson County tribute, 417; on nepotism, 277, 388-89; in New York, 175-88; Notes on Virginia, 58; overseers of, 229, 230; in Paris, 73-74, 77-78, 96-97; Paris mission ter- mination, 137, 139, 147, 148-49, 150-53; in Philadelphia, 189- 200, 203-12, 220, 222, 223, 254, 257; philosophy of, 361-62; on politeness, 317-18; political in- fluence with family, 293-94; on political sectionalism, 210, 258; as president-cabinet relations, 324; as candidate, 239; contest with Burr, 271-75; horses for equipage, 277-78; inaugural ad- dress, 276; inauguration, 275- 76; levee abolition, 282-83; nomination, 265; policy on gifts, 312; political appoint- ments, 307; renomination, 310; second inaugural address, 311; written message to Congress, 282-; private life, 422-23; on public life, 218-19, 241, 245, 274, 283, 313, 315, 322; public service of, 410-11; religious views, 292, 422-23, 427; retire- ment from public life, 322-26, 329, 340; in Rhode Island, 189; on Roman antiquities, 109-10, 111; salaries-expenses dispar- ity, 399-400; scholarship, 37-38; as secretary of state, 169-71, 176, 177, 214-16, 218, 224, 226, 227-28; siblings, 38, 39; silk- worm raising, 321; slaves, 229, 238; on social withdrawal, 284- 85; as sportsman, 20; stockings for, 294; as student, 25, 31, 37; on study habits, 317; terminal illness, 423-24, 425-28; tobacco crop, 196, 203, 204; tomb in- scription, 431; on transmigra- tion of souls, 283; travel mode, 289; at Tuckahoe, 23; Univer- sity of Virginia and, 376, 387- 90, 412, 424, 427; as vice-presi- dent, 240, 241-42, 243; Virginia legislature's farewell, 325; voy- age to Europe, 73; on War of 1812, 359-60, 404-5; on George Washington, 356-58; wheat har- vest, 268; wife's death, 63, 67- 68; wife's devotion, 343; wife's epitaph, 64; wife's property debts, 398; at William and Mary college, 27-28, 31, 32, 34, 37; on women in government, 158, 159; wreath of immortelles for, 358; youthful associates, 26, 45; youthful attachments, 32-33, 34; youthful extrava- gances, 37 Jefferson, Mrs. Thomas (Martha Wayles Skelton), 43-44; chil- dren, 49, 62, 63; death, 63, 67- 68; description, 43-44; dower, 398; epitaph, 64; grave, 431- 32; health, 57-58, 62-63; in- heritance, 43, 45 John (servant), 278, 309 Johnson, Mr., 410 Joseph II, 76, 339 Joseph (coachman), 288 Judgeships, federal, 307-8 Jupiter (servant), 241-42, 250, 255, 263 L Lafayette, marquis de, 209, 234; in Assemblee des Notables, 93; bust of, 83; 1824-25 visit, 389- 91, 395-96; French army com- mand, 211; French Revolution and, 166, 167-68,177; imprison- ment, 224; Jefferson on, 94; plans for American journey, 259 Lafayette, marquise de, death, 314 Lafayette in America ... (Le- vasseur), 395 Lake Champlain, 201 Lake George, 201 Lambert, M., 157 La Meth, Alexander, 168 La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, due de, 166; on Jefferson, 236-39; on Monticello, 235-37 Latude, Jean Henry, 89 Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 144- 45 Ledyard, John, 129, 362 LeMaire, Etienne, 103, 291 Levasseur, Pierre Emile, Lafa- yette in America . . . , 395 Levees, presidential, 282-83 Lewis, Nicholas, 81, 197, 203, 204 Library of Congress, 405 Lickinghole, 130 Life of Jefferson (Randall), 391, 393 Life of Patrick Henry (Wirt), 35, 36, 393 Lilly, Mr., 278, 279, 293, 294, 297 Lincoln, Levi, 309 Livingston, Mrs. (nee Allen), 295 Lodi, 372, 375, 376 Lottery (for debt), 409-14, 416-17 Louis XVI, 75, 120, 154-56, 160- 67, 339 Louis XVIII, 368 Louisiana Purchase, 295 Luzerne, comte de la, 165 M McGregory, Uriah, 269 McLeod, British captain, 56 Madison, James, 293; friendship with Jefferson, 423, 427-28, 430; gifts from Jefferson, 95- 96; inauguration as president, 323-24; invitation from Jeffer- son, 197-98; Lafayette visit and, 391, 395, 396; Philadel- phia lodging, 223; rivalry with Monroe, 315; travel with Jef- ferson, 189, 190, 199, 205; Uni- versity of Virginia and, 412, 424, 427; visitors to Montpel- lier and, 402-3; Washington's Farewell Address and, 383 Madison, Rev. James, 144 Maison Quarr6e, 109, 110, 111 Marie Antoinette, 75, 155, 156-57, 160, 163, 166, 167 Marius, arch of, 110 Marks, Hastings, 135, 136 Marks, Mrs. Hastings (Anna Scott Jefferson), 135-36, 279, 280 Marshall, John, 307-8 Martin (servant), 56, 335 Martinique, 195 Mason, John M., 269 Maubourg, M., 168 Maury, James, 19, 25,172 Measles, 285-86 Melinda (servant), 308-9 Mercier, Louis, 369 Mirabeau, comte de, 204 Monroe, James: Lafayette visit and, 391, 395; land deals, 188; Philadelphia lodging, 223; ri- valry with Madison, 315; at Williamsburg, 205 Monroe, Mrs. James, 268; at Monticello, 205; in Philadel- phia, 209 Mont Blanco, 255, 265 Monticello, 32, 43, 48; British at, 55-56; bust of Emperor Alex- ander, 311-13; bust of Napo- leon, 313; canal for, 215; Chastellux on, 58-61; construc- tion of, 251, 257, 277, 278, 294; deer park, 60-61; description, 332-35; gardens, 194, 196, 198, 199, 212, 222; graveyard, 45, 431-32; Francis Hall on, 367; household furnishings, 186, 195, 196, 205, 225; Lafayette visit, 389-91; La Rochefoucauld-Li- ancourt on, 235-37; life at, 340- 48; nail manufacture at, 238, 286; pianoforte for, 186, 262, 268; plan of, 236; social life at, 402; storm at, 279; views from, 236-37, 335-37; visitors influx, 400-404; Daniel Webster at, 391; wines at, 298 Montmorin, comte de, 101, 108, 156, 160, 162, 168 Montpellier, visitors to, 402-3 Morris, Lewis Richard, 275 Mosa, Mme., 92 Mounier, Jean Joseph, 168 Mount Vernon, 189, 190, 207 Moustier, eomte de, 131 N Napoleon I, 261-62, 339, 363, 368, 381-82; bust of, 313 Narbonne, Eveque de, 114 Necker, Jacques, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166; charac- ter, 161 Needlework, 116, 118 Nelson County tribute to Jeffer- son, 417 Nicholson, Mr., 273 Niemcewitz, Mr., 253 Noailles, M: de, 220 North, Lord, 174 Notes on Virginia (Jefferson), 58 O Ogilvie, Mr., 319 Ontasset6, 23 Opera, 92 Opera Buffons, 142 Orleans, due d', 163 Osborne's, 18 Otchakitz, 209 P Page, Mr., 294 Page, John, 32, 302, 303 Panic of 1819, 406-7 Panthemont (convent school), 113, 130 Pantops, 245, 281, 294, 296 Paris, archbishop of, 163- Paris, 97, 142-43; society,. 7448, 96-97, 98-99 Paris Opera, 142 Paisean, M., 113 Peale, Charles Willson, 319, 320 Pendleton, Mr., 410 Petit (servant), 125, 205, 206, 207, 222 Philadelphia: outbreak of fever, 219, 223; as seat of govern- ment, 189, 190 Phill (servant), 279 Phillips, British officer, 53 Physick, Philip Syng, 425 Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 266 Pine, Mrs., school of, 207, 295 Pitt, William, 151 Plantation economy, 24, 25 Polignac, Mme. de, 92, 120, 156 Political factionalism, 243-44, 249 Political sectionalism, 210, 258 Polygraph, 319 Pompadour, marquise de, 89 Pont du Gard, 110 Poplar Forest, 281, 412 Presqu'isle, 243 Priestley, Joseph, 292, 295 R Ramsay, Capt., 125, 127, 130 Randall, Henry S., Life of Jeffer- son, 391, 393 Randolph, Anne Cary, see Bank- head, Mrs. Charles Lewis Randolph, Cornelia, 292, 316, 319-21 Randolph, Edmund, 231 Randolph, Ellen Wayles, see Cool- idge, Ellen Wayles Randolph Randolph, George Wythe, 427 Randolph, Isham, 18, 20-21 Randolph, Mrs. Isham (Jane Rog- ers), 21 Randolph, Jefferson, 40 Randolph, Jenny, 192, 193, 195 Randolph, John, 172; in Congress, 258-59; on Jefferson-Burr pres- idential contest, 273-75 Randolph, Mary Jefferson, 321 Randolph, Peter, 26 Randolph, Peyton, 26 Randolph, Mrs. Thomas Eston, 302 Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, 362; birth, 213; description of Jef- ferson, 337-38; education, 291- 92; health, 250; on Jefferson's terminal illness and death, 425- 29; lottery petition for Jeffer- son and, 409; at Madison's in- auguration, 323; as manager of Jefferson's affairs, 364-65, 407- 8; as student in Philadelphia, 314-15, 317-18, 320 Randolph, Thomas Mann (of Tuckahoe), 25, 172, 182; estate, 242, 243; Peter Jefferson as guardian, 22-23; marriage, 187- 88 Randolph, Thomas Mann, Jr.: character, 172-73; as congress- man, 294, 301; education, 172; as governor of Virginia, 374; health, 249; lands for, 182, 188, 208, 238, 252; marriage, 172; married life, 180, 182; travel- ing-coat from Jefferson, 293; in War of 1812, 360 Randolph, Mrs. Thomas Mann, Jr. (Martha Jefferson): birth, 49; care of Anne Scott Marks, 280; character, 301; childhood, 343-44; children, 193, 213, 231, 260, 294, 316n, 374; at convent school (Panthemont), 74, 80, 113-23, 130, 146; devotion to Jefferson, 302; education, 68, 69-72, 74, 80, 113-23, 130, 138; financial aid from state legisla- tures, 418n; grave, 432; harpsi- chord for, 121, 122, 123; health, 119; Jefferson's farewell to, 429; marriage, 172; married life, 180-81, 182, 189, 192; in Paris, 72-74, 106, 148; in Phila- delphia school, 68, 69-72; plans for trip to Washington, D.C., 279, 293; in Washington, D.C., 301 Randolph, Virginia Jefferson, see Trist, Virginia Jefferson Ran- dolph Randolph, William (of Tucka- hoe), 22 Ravensworth, 327 Raynal, abb6, 76 Rayneval, M., 95 Remus, 279 Richelieu, due de, 204 Riedesel, Baron Friedrich von, 50, 54-55 Riedesel, Baroness Friedrich von, 53, 54 Rigden, John E., 317 Rittenhouse, David, 225; Martha Jefferson and, 71-72 Rittenhouse, Mrs. David, 225; Martha Jefferson and, 72 Rogers, Byrd, 226 Roman antiquities, 109-10, 111 Ronaldson, William, 317 Ross, Mr., 223 Rush, Benjamin, 350, 351-54, 370 Russo-Turkish War, 379-80 S St. Barbe, Capt., 73 Saint James, M. de, 97 Sainte Lambert, M. de, 178 Sally (servant), 286 Santo Domingo, 195 Sceaux, Garde de, 154, 165 Segur, marquis de, 156 Shadwell, 17-18, 22, 23, 152, 335; fire at, 43 Shaw, Mr., 267 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 89, 90-91 Short, William, 73, 77, 106, 114, 117, 119, 206 Silk-worm raising, 321 Simitiere, Pierre Eugene, 71-72 Skelton, Bathurst, 43 Skipwith, Fulwar, 117, 195, 203 Skipwith, Mrs. Fulwar, 186 Small, William, 26, 27, 28, 31 Smallpox inoculation, 67 Smith, Mrs. Abigail Adams, 78 Smith, Cotton Mather, 269, 270 Smith, Mrs. Harrison, 292 Smith, Samuel H., 405 Smith & Buchanan, 311 Snowden, 19 Social life, 21, 23-25, 97, 360; Parisian, 74-78, 96-97, 98-99 Soldtz, M. A., Diana, 109 Southall, Mr., 391 Sports, 24 Stamp Act, 34, 36 Stark, John, 378, 379 Stewart, William, 294 Story, Rev. Isaac, 283 Stuart, Dr. (of Chantilly), 327-28 Suddarth, Mrs., 281 Sullivan, John, 143, 144 T Tarleton, Banastre, 55, 56 Taubenheim, Mme. de, 122, 206 Tazewell, Littleton W., 242 Tesse, comtesse de, 109 Thaubeneu, Mme., 114, 118 Thomas (servant), 225 Thompson, Charles, 378 Tippoo Saib, 209 Tobacco embargo, 258 Tobacco price, 196 Tott, Mme. de, 110 Toulouse, archbishop of, 156-57 Tracy, Col., 73 Travel conditions, 175 Travels in North America (Chas- tellux), 58 Treaty of Paris, 67 Trist, Mrs. Eliza House, 190, 197; Martha Jefferson and, 69, 70n Trist, Virginia Jefferson Ran- dolph: childhood, 321, 330; gifts from Jefferson, 347-48 Trumbull, John, 151, 374 Tucker, George, 424 Tufton, Lady Caroline, 202 Tufton, Elizabeth, 216 Tufton, 202 Tyler, John, 304 U Ungar, J. L. de, 53 United States: federal deficit, 258; location of capital, 184 University of Virginia, 376, 387- 90, 412, 424, 427; Lafayette visit, 395; pavilions, 394; pro- fessors, 394n; professors' ap- pointments, 388-89 V Vail, Aaron, 68 Varina, 243 Vaucluse, fountain of, 122 Vergennes, comte de, 75, 157; death, 101; Jefferson on, 94, 95 Victoria, queen of England, Jef- ferson letter, 68-69 Villederril (Villedeuil), M., 165 Virginia, British army in, 50-57 Virginia legislature: farewell to Jefferson, 325; on Jefferson's lottery petition, 409-18; law codification, 410 Voight, Henry, 317 Volney, C. F., 234 W War of 1812, 359-60; burning of Washington, D.C., 405; farm prices and, 404-5 Washington, George, 61-62, 350; at Adams's inaugural, 242; Congress and, 223; election as president, 147; equipage of, 206; Farewell Address, 383; health, 184; Jefferson on, 356-

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