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Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area.. photo is just around the bend ...
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Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Surviving the Sun: Heat Stroke, Sunburn
Art at Phoenix Antiques, a historic lease property within the park


Don't ...
ϑ Don't drink alcoholic beverages.
ϑ Don't overeat.
ϑ Don't take salt tablets unless specified by a doctor.
ϑ Don't get sunburned! Sunburn makes it harder for your body to cool off.

Do ...

ϑ Do reschedule strenuous activities to a cooler time of day.
ϑ Do dress light. Pale colors reflect light. Natural fibers like cotton and linen help you feel cooler.
ϑ Do drink plenty of (non-alcoholic) fluids, even if you don't feel thirsty.
ϑ Do pack a few drinks with electrolytes —natural chemicals that your body needs to deal with the heat.

Lifeguard at a river beach in the recreation area

Beyond Sunburn ...
Learn to recognize these serious conditions of heat exposure,
and what to do about them:
ϑ Heat exhaustion: heavy sweating, weakness; cold, pale, and clammy skin, fainting and sometimes vomiting. Body temperature may be normal. First Aid: Rest in cool or shady place. Drink plenty of water or electrolyte drink. If vomiting occurs, seek immediate medical attention.
ϑ Heat Stroke: Hot, dry skin; rapid and strong pulse; high body temperature; possible unconsciousness. First Aid: Move patient to a cool place and reduce body temperature with cool bathing or sponging. Do NOT give fluids.
Heat stroke is a serious, sometimes fatal, emergency; get medical help right away!

A wooden AT sign attached to a tree along the trail  

Did You Know?
... that on its way through Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, the Appalachian Trail goes right through the village of Delaware Water Gap PA, which has a bus station. For 10,000,000 city dwellers, pristine ridgetop ponds and scenic mountaintop views are only a bus-and-backpack trip away.

Last Updated: September 09, 2006 at 11:54 EST