KB-KBZ     Religious Legal Systems  -- Continued
KBR-KBX       Law of the Christian Church. Ecclesiastical Law. Canon Law     
KBR             History of Canon Law
                   ** Class here sources (collected and individual) of, and general works on,
                          Canon law covering all periods to ca. 1900 
                      For Canon law from ca. 1900 on (Pope Pius X, 1903-1914), see KBS
                     Including international and national bibliography
2                  Bibliography of bibliography. Bibliographical concordances
3                  General bibliography
4                  Indexes for periodical literature, society publications, collections, etc.
                   Subject bibliography
5                     General (Collective)
                      Individual subjects and topics, see the subject
                      Early works, e.g. Repertoria, see the author in the appropriate
7                  Personal bibliography. Canonical jurists. Writers on Canon law (Collective
                          or individual) 
                   Catalogs, inventories and guides to manuscripts and incunabula collections
                   in public libraries or archives. By name of the library or archive
                          Including university, museum, cathedral, religious order and other
                             institutional libraries or archives 
10                    North American, A-Z
                           Including US and Canada
12                    Central and South American, A-Z
14                      English, A-Z
14.5                    French, A-Z
15                      German, A-Z
15.5                    Italian, A-Z                    
                          .A73 Archivio vaticano
                          .B5  Biblioteca apostolica vaticana
.5                      Spanish and Portuguese, A-Z
17                      Other European, A-Z
18                    Asian and Pacific, A-Z
19                    African and Middle Eastern, A-Z                        
(20)                Periodicals, see KB
21                  Annuals. Annuaires. Yearbooks
                   e.g. Annuarium historiae conciliorum
KBR             History of Canon Law--Continued

** This part of the religious law schedule, KBR, has a dualistic design orientation, tracking as
closely as possible the Classes KJ/KJA, and some sections of CLasses BR and BX. There are,
of course, some structural differences in the initial part of the schedules (e.g. time periods of
Canon and Roman law do not match exactly). Still, the parallel development of KBR is an
important feature because it will give libraries a choice where to class whole groups of materials,
in particular those previously in Classes BR and BX, and all materials "utriusque iuris", relating
to both Canon and Roman law, which could be classed by either schedule, KJA or KBR.
KBR             History of Canon Law--Continued
22                 Monographic series
                     e.g. Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen
                          Theses ad lauream in iure canonico (Pontificia Universita
                          Monographias canonicas Penafort
                          Oesterreichisches Archiv fuer Kirchenrecht
                          Studia Gratiana
                   Official bulletin of the Apostolic See
(25)                      Acta Sanctae Sedis (1865-1904), see KBS
                                Superceded by Acta Apostolicae Sedis 
(26)                      Acta Apostolicae Sedis (1908-), see KBS
                   Constitutions, acts, etc., of the Apostolic See
(27)                 Bibliography
                     Early or discontinued collections and compilations
                         Bullaries. Bullaria
                          Cf. BX870+
(27.5)                     Indexes and Tables. Repertories. Regesta. Digests
                             .J35  Regesta Pontificum Romanorum: Ab condita ecclesia ad
                                 annum post Christum natum MCXVIII (Philipp Jaffe (1819-
                                 1870, ed.), 1885-88
                             .P77  Regesta Pontificum Romanorum inde ab A. post Christum
                                 natum MCXCVIII ad A. MCCCIV (August Potthast, 1824-
                                 1895, ed.), 1874-750
                           Individual popes
(28)                         Clement IX (Pope, 1700-1721). Bullarium, 1723   
(28.2)                       Benedict XIV (Pope, 1740-1758). Benedicti Papae XIV         
                             bullarium...in quo continentur constitutiones, epistolae,
(28.4)                       Acta Gregory XVI (1831-1846), 1901-1904
(28.5)                       Acta PII IX (1846-1878), 1854
(28.6)                       Acta Leonis XIII (1878-1905), 1881-1905
(28.9)                       Acta Pii X (1903-1914), 1905-1913
(29)                       Private. By author or title 
                            .B37  Bullarii Romani continuatio summorum pontificum
                                Clementis XIII..etc...[et Gregorii XVI].. Quas collegit
                                Andreas Barberi, 1835
                            .C54  Magnum Bullarium romanum ab Urbano VIII, usque ad
                                s.d.n. Clementem X. (Laerzio Cherubini, d. ca. 1626 &  
                                Angelo Maria Cherubini, fl. 1633-1637, eds.), 1629-97

KBR             History of Canon Law   
                   Constitutions, acts, etc., of the Apostolic See 
                      Early or discontinued collections and compilations
                        Bullaries. Bullaria 
                          Private. By author or title - Continued
(29)                        .C63  Bullarum, diplomatum et privilegiorum sanctorum 
                                romanorum pontificum taurinensis editio..facta collectione
                                novissima plurium brevium, epistolarum, decretorum
                                actorumque s. Sedis a s. Lione Magno usque ad
                                praesens..(Charles Cocquelines, d.1758 & Francesco
                                Gaude, 1809-1860, et al., eds.), 1857-72     
                             .M35 Magnum bullarium Romanum...1733-62 (1964)
                         Other collections. Compilations. Selections 
                                Class her comprehensive collections and compilations etc. 
                                  of pontifical acts, decrees, constitutions, and not relating 
                                  to a specific historic period or pope, with or without     
                                  ecclesiastical court decisions and acts/decisions of the    
                                  Roman Curia, etc. 
                                Including annotated editions
(30)                      Collectio diversarum constitutionum et litterarum Rom. Pont. a 
                                Gregorio VII usque ad sanctissimum D.N.D. Gregorium
                                XIII..., 1579 
(30.2)                    Compendium constitutionum summorum Pontificum: quae extant
                                a Gregorio VII usque ad Clementem VIII.. per .. Iacobum
                                Castellanum.. collectum, 1606
(30.4)                    Summa bullarii ac constitutionum summorum pontificum: Quae 
                                ad universalem ecclesiae usum, post volumina iuris
                                canonici usque ad..Paulum Papam V emanarunt..(authore
                                Stephano Quaranta..; cum additionibus Prosperi de
                                Augustino), 1606
(30.5)                    Summa constitutionum summorum pontificum, et rerum in 
                                ecclesia Romana gestarum a Gregorio IX usque ad Sixtum
                                V .. per Petrum Matthaeum, 1589
(30.6)                    Constitutiones pontificiae et Romanarum congregationum 
                                decisiones ad episcopos et abbates..(Giambattista Pittoni,
                                1687-1767, comp.), 1712
(30.7)                    Summae Bullarum, sive Apostolicarum constitutionum usu 
                                frequentiorum commentaria..(Giovanni Antonio Novario,
                                17th. cent.), 1677
                       ***Individual papal constitutions, bulls, and other particular
                                Cf. BX873+
(32)                      By pope
                                Subarrange by date 

KBR          History of Canon Law
                *Encyclicals. Epistolae Encyclicae
                      Cf. BX860 
(33)               General (Collective)
(34)               By Pope
                *Letters. Epistolae 
                      Cf. BX863
(35)               General (Collective). By compiler
                      .T55    Epistolae Romanorum Pontificum genuinae .. (Andreas
                                Thiel, Bp., 1826-1908, comp.), 1867
(36)               By Pope
(37)               Collections. Compilations. Selections
(38)              **Individual. By country and date
              ***Decisions (acts) of the Curia Romana
(39)               General (Collective)
                          Including regulations and decrees; not including Papal documents
                   Particular office or congregation
(39.2)                 Cancellaria Apostolica
(39.3)                 Camera Apostolica
                          Cf. KBR45
(39.4)                 Secretaria Status
(39.5)                 Secretaria brevium 
(39.6)                 Secretaria Memorialium
                       Roman congregations
                          Including older congregations
(40)                      Congregatio Romanae et universalis Inquisitionis seu Sancti
(40.2)                    Congregatio de disciplina Sacramentarum
(40.3)                    Congregatio indicis librorum prohibitorum
                                Index librorum prohibitorum Leonis XIII, Summi
                                Pontificis auctoritatre recognitus, 1924
(40.4)                    Congregatio Cardinalium Concilii Tridentini interpretum
                                Including related congregations
(40.5)                    Congregatio negotiis religiosorum sodalium praeposita    
                                Previously Congregatio super Negotiis Episcoporum
(40.6)                          et regularium
                                Collectanea in usum secretariae S.C. Congregatio
                                episcoporum et regularium
(40.7)                    Congregationes super Disciplina Regulari and super Statu 
(40.8)                    Congregatio Iurisdictionis et Immunitatis ecclesiasticae
(40.9)                    Congregatio sacrorum Rituum
                                Decreta autentica, 1898, 1912, 1927

KBR          History of Canon Law
                 ***Decisions (acts) of the Curia Romana
                      Roman congregations - Continued
(41)                      Congregatio Indulgentiarum et Sacrarum Reliquiarum
                                Decreta authentica, 1668-1882
(41.2)                    Congregatio de Propaganda Fide
(41.22)                      Congregatio specialis pro negotiis ritus Orientalis
                                (Congregatio pro corrigendis libris ecclesiae
                                Collectanea S.C. de Propaganda Fide, 1893, 1907    
(41.3)                    Congregatio super negotiis Ecclesiae extraordinariis
(41.4)                    Congregatio Reverendae Fabricae Basilicae (s.Petri)

*       Do these materials really belong in KBR/KBS? Some authors list them in Canon law as
       "(official) documents" ; Cf. BX860 and BX863
**     Concordates have been classed so far with "Church and State. Ecclesiastical law" in  
       particular country schedules or tables, e.g. KK5520+ (Law of Germany; Secular
       ecclesiastical law; Concordates). These is another "grey" area which has to be sorted
***    The classification of individual legislative and other legal acts, facts, events, etc., usually
       follows the principle underlying the LCC: distribution by subject. 
       For Canon law, it maybe a good idea to have these materials arranged in one place, be
       it in KBR or KBS regardless of subject, and not dispersed by subject throughout the two
KBR          History of Canon Law - Continued
                   Decisions of ecclesiastical tribunals and courts, and related materials
                          Class here historic collections
                          For modern decisions, see KBS
                          Note: parallel number structure in KBS for complete collection,
                          historic and modern (current) collections 
(42)                  General collections

                      By tribunal or court
                          Sacri Palatii auditorium. Rota Romana
(43)                         Indexes and tables. Repertories. Digests
                                   For repertories to a particular work, see the author or title
                               .C47 Aloisius Cerroti. Collectio omnium juris theorematum:
                                       quae in decisionibus S. Rotae Romanae ab anno
                                       MDCCXLI editis: continentur.. annuales indices,
                                       alphabetie digesta, 1846
                               .D45 Giacomo Del Pozzo (1508-1563). Decisiones D. Iacobi
                                       Putei, iurisconsulti ..ac Sacri Palatij causarum
                                       auditoris..1582 (1583)
                             Collections. Compilations. Selections
                              Including collections with annotations and scholarly comment
(44)                            General. By editor, compiler or title
                                 .B45   Sacrosanctae decisiones canonicae (Decisiones Rotae
                                      collectae ex consiliis dominorum Sacri Palatii causarum
                                      auditorum) (Gilles de BellemŠre, 1342 or 3-1407;
                                      Guilielmus Cassador,1477-1527,comp.)1579
                                .C97  Controversiarum forensium liber primus[-tertius]:..
                                      accesserunt decisiones aliquae Rotae Romanae
                                      nondum impressae.. (Franciscus Niger Cyriacus, fl. 
                                      1629, comp.), 1644; 1652-54
                                .H67 Decisiones Rotae Romanae (Wilhelm Horborch, ed.),
                                       Including decisions of earlier compilations by
                                          Guilielmus Gallici, Wilhelm Horborch, and
                                          Bonaguida Cremonensis
                                .H677 Decisiones Rote noue [et] antique cum additionibus,
                                      casibus dubiis et regulis Cancellarie Apostolice
                                      (Wilhelm Horborch, Guilielmus Gallici, and 
                                      Bonaguida Cremonensis, comp.), [1509]

KBR          History of Canon Law 
                   Decisions of ecclesiastical tribunals and courts, and related materials
                      Sacri Palatii auditorium. Rota Romana 
                        Collections. Compilations. Selections
(44)                      General - Continued
                                .P38  Decisiones Rotae Romanae (Gianfrancesco Pavini, 
                                      ed.), 1475
                                       Including Decisiones novae, Decisiones antiquae, and
                                          decisions of earlier compilations by Thomas
                                          Fastolf, Bernardus de Bosqueto, Guilielmus
                                          Gallici, and Wilhem Horborch
                                .R43   Rotae auditorum decisiones nouae, antiquae, et
                                       antiquiores...accesserunt..Do. Petri Rebuffi, Camilli
                                       Melle..& aliorum doctissimorum..additiones,1570/1579

                             Collections. Compilations. Selections
                              Including collections with annotations and scholarly comment
(44)                            General. By editor, compiler or title
                                 .B45   Sacrosanctae decisiones canonicae (Decisiones Rotae
                                      collectae ex consiliis dominorum Sacri Palatii causarum
                                      auditorum) (Gilles de BellemŠre, 1342 or 3-1407;
                                      Guilielmus Cassador,1477-1527,comp.)1579
                                .C97  Controversiarum forensium liber primus[-tertius]:..
                                      accesserunt decisiones aliquae Rotae Romanae
                                      nondum impressae.. (Franciscus Niger Cyriacus, fl. 
                                      1629, comp.),1644;1652-54
                                .H67  Decisiones Rotae Romanae (Wilhelm Horborch, ed.),
                                       Including decisions of earlier compilations by
                                          Guilielmus Gallici, Wilhelm Horborch, and
                                          Bonaguida Cremonensis
                                .H677 Decisiones Rote noue [et] antique cum additionibus,
                                      casibus dubiis et regulis Cancellarie Apostolice
                                      (Wilhelm Horborch, Guilielmus Gallici, and 
                                      Bonaguida Cremonensis, comp.), [1509]
                                .P38  Decisiones Rotae Romanae (Gianfrancesco Pavini, 
                                      ed.), 1475
                                       Including Decisiones novae, Decisiones antiquae, and
                                          decisions of earlier compilations by Thomas
                                          Fastolf, Bernardus de Bosqueto, Guilielmus
                                          Gallici, and Wilhem Horborch

KBR          History of Canon Law 
                   Decisions of ecclesiastical tribunals and courts, and related materials
                      Sacri Palatii auditorium. Rota Romana 
                        Collections. Compilations. Selections
(44)                      General - Continued
                                .R43   Rotae auditorum decisiones nouae, antiquae, et
                                       antiquiores...accesserunt..Do. Petri Rebuffi, Camilli
                                       Melle..& aliorum doctissimorum..additiones,1570/1579

(44.5)                    Individual auditores of the Rota
                            .D42  Gilles de BellemŠre, 1342 or 3-1407. Consilia, see KBR
                            .P46  Francisco Pena, 1540-1612. Recollectae decisiones (Diego
                                Antonio Franc‚s de Urrutigoiti, d.1682)
                      Other tribunals or courts
(45)                      Tribunal of the Camera Apostolica
(46)                      Signatura Apostolica     
(46.3)                        Signatura justitiae
(46.5)                        Signatura gratiae
(47)                      Dataria Apostolica
(48)                      Poenitentiaria Apostolica             

(49-55)               Diocesan courts {here; or with the administrative structure?}
                          Class here decisions of diocesan (ecclesiastical) courts or other
                              authorities in particular countries; e.g.
                            Archdiocese of Toulouse
                                Decisiones Capellae  Tholosanae (Jean Corsier, fl. ca.1392-
                                1416, comp.;Etienne Aufreri, d.1511, commentator), 1522
                                (1527, 1543)
56                  Encyclopedias. Law dictionaries. Terms and phrases. Vocabularia
                          Including early works
                          For vocabularies on both Roman and canon law combined
                          (e.g.Albericus, de Rosate, 1290-1360, Dictionarium iuris tam
                          civilis, quam canonici), see KJA56
64                  Directories
                          Including early works
                      Nicolau Eimeric, 1320-1399. Directorium inquisitorium, 1587
                      Petrus Ravennas, ca. 1448-1508 or 9. Alphabetu aureu famatissimi juris
                          utriusque doctoris...
                    Methodology, see KBR190
KBR          History of Canon Law - Continued
                   Auxiliary sciences
74                   General works
75                   Diplomatics
76                   Paleography
                       e.g. Coloman E. Viola, Exercitationes paleographiae iuris canonici;
                     Papyrology, see KBR190
77                   Linguistics. Semantics
78                   Archeology. Legal symbolism
                     Inscriptions. Epigraphy, see KBR190
83                   Heraldry. Seals. Insignia, etc.
100                Proverbs. Legal maxims. Brocardica. Regulae juris  
                          For legal maxims, brocardica, etc. on both canon and Roman law,
                          see KJA100
                    .C37    Vincenzo Carocci, 16th/17th cent.
                                Commentaria ad regulam Cum quid prohibitur, Libro
                    .C68    Diego de Covarrubias y Leyva, 1512-1577
                                De regulis juris libri sexti relectio
                    .D36    Damasus, fl. 1210-1215
                                Brocarda, 1566
                    .D56    Dinus, de Mugello, 1254-ca. 1300
                                De regulis iuris, 1476
                                Commentarii in regulas iuris pontificij: cum additionibus
                                Nicolai Boerii, 1577
105                Formularies. Clauses and forms. Formularia. By author or title
                          Including individual or collected formularies for notaries or trial
                          lawyers, court and procedural practice before a particular office or
                          court, e.g. the Rota Romana,  Camera apostolica, Cancellaria
                          apostolica, etc.
                          For comparative works about formularies (Roman and canon law),
                          see KJA105
                      .F65   Formularium instrumentorum ad usum Curiae Romanae, 1480
                                (1483, and 1488)
                      .F66   Formularium instrumentorum et variorum processuum.., 1561
                      .F67   Formularium procuratorum et advocatorum Curiae Romanae,1483
                      .F68   Formularium terminorum Rotae Romanae, 1489
                      .F9    Formularium terminorum seu registrorum noviter impressum &
                                emendatum, 1523    
KBR          History of Canon Law - Continued
105                Formularies. Clauses and forms. Formularia. By author or title
                      .L85   Luis Gomez, d. 1542. Commentarii in judiciales regulas 
                                Cancellariae, 1575 
                      .M36   Quintiliano Mandosio, d. 1593. Praxis seu theoria
                                commissionum..ad causas decidendas quibuscunque
                                iudicibus.., 1572
                      .R45   Regulae Cancellariae, 1493
                      .S85   Stil general des notaires apostoliques..., 1636
                      .T53   Sallustius Tiberius. De modis procedendi in causis...coram
                                auditore Camerae..., 1586
                   Repertoria. Summaria. Margaritae
                          General works, see KBR2153
                          Comprehensive repertories, indexes, etc. By author, see
                          Repertories, indexes, etc. for a particular work, see the
                                title/author in the appropriate period [?or simply by author
                                of the repertorium? e.g. KBR1749.6, Martinus Polonus,
                          Repertories, indexes, etc. on the works of a particular author     
                                collectively, see the author in the appropriate period 
                   Other forms of contemporary legal literature, see KBR2139+
                   Canon law and canonists in literature, see PB-PZ
                   Biography of canonists or jurists 
                          Including decretists and decretalists
122                     General
123                     By school
124                     Collections of portraits
                     Individual, see the canonist or jurist in the appropriate period
                   Including criminal and civil trials
127                 Collections
128                 Individual. By defendant, plaintiff, or best known (popular) name
                  Legal research. Legal bibliography. Methods of bibliographic research
130                General
132                System of citation. Legal abbreviation. Modus legendi abbreviaturas
                          Including early works
                  Legal education. Study and teaching, see KBR2155
(133)              General      {it could be also here; KBR2155 parallels KJA2155} 
(134)              By school
                  The legal profession, see KBR2157

KBR            History of Canon Law - Continued
                  Societies. Associations. Academies, etc.
136                International, A-Z
138                   North American (US and Canada), A-Z
139                   Central and South American, A-Z
141                     English, A-Z
142                     French, A-Z
143                     German, A-Z
144                     Italian, A-Z                    
145                     Spanish and Portuguese, A-Z
146                     Other European, A-Z
150                Conferences. Symposia
                   General works, see KBR190
                   Influence of other legal systems on Canon law 
156                  General
158                  Roman law. Civil law (Reception)
                   Canon law compared with other legal systems
                     General, see KB...+
                     Roman law. Civil law                 
                          Class here early comparative works (concordia et discordia tam
{here or KJA166-167?}       iuris Romani quam iuris civilis cum iure canonico)
(166)                  General                   
(167)                  Differentiae. By author
                            .B37 Bartolo, of Sassoferrato, 1313-1357 
                                  Tractatus inter ius canonicum et civile
                            .B53 Ioannes Baptista de S. Blasio
                                  Contradictiones iuris civilis cum canonico
                            .C36 Heinrich Canisius (1548-1610)
                                  De differentiis iuris canonici et civilis, 1594
                            .D43 Ioannes de Molina
                                  Tractatus differentiarum inter ius canonicum et regium ... 
                            .L36 Giovanni Paolo Lancelotti(1522-1590)
                                  De comparatione iuris pontificii et caesarei et utriusque 
                                  interpretandi ratione, 1574
                            .M36 Carolus von Mansfeld (d.1661)
                                  Utriusque iuris concors discordia, 1619
                            .M38 Petrus Maurocensus
                                  Concordantiae iuris civilis et canonici

                       Comparisons of particular subjects in canon and Roman law, see the
                          appropriate subject in KBR  

KBR          History of Canon Law - Continued
180               Works on diverse aspects of a particular subject and falling within several
                   branches of the law. By subject, A-Z                             
                     Studies on sources
                          Including history of sources and methodology (e.g. papyrology,
                          epigraphy, etc.)
                        By author, A-Z
                             Class here collected or individual works of authors regardless of
                                nationality or language
190                        A - Hove
                          .B35  Ballerini, Pietro (1698-1769). De antiquis collectionibus et
                                collectoribus canonum usque ad Gratianum;
                          .F68  Fournier, Paul (1853-1935). Histoire des collections
                                canoniques en Occident depuis les Fausses decretales
                                jusqu'au Decret de Gratien, 1931 (1972)
                          .F75  Friedberg, Emil (1837-1910). Die Canones-Sammlungen
                                zwischen Gratian und Bernhard von Pavia, 1958
190.3                           Hove, Alphonso van (b.1872). Prolegomena ad codicem
                                iuris canonici, 1928
190.4                     Hove - Kuttner
190.5                             Kuttner, Stephan (1907-1996?). Medieval councils,
                                decretals, and collections of canon law: selected essays,
190.6                     Kuttner - Stickler
                          .M33  Maassen, Friedrich B. C. (1823-1900). Geschichte der
                                Quellen und Literatur des Canonischen Rechts im
                                Abendlande, 2 vols., (1870) 1956
                          .S35    Schulte, Johann Friedrich von (1827-1914). Die Geschichte
                                der Quellen und Literatur des canonischen Rechts von
                                Gratian bis auf die Gegenwart, 1875-80
191                             Stickler, Alphonsus M. Historia iuris Canonici Latini:
                                institutiones Academiae. 1. Historia Fontium;
191.3                     Stickler - Z 
                          .T54    Augustinus Theiner(1804-1874). Disquisitiones criticae in
                                praecipuas canonum et decretalium collectiones sey sylloges
                                Gallandianae continuatio, 1836
                          .V66  V””bus, Arthur. Syrische Kanonessammlungen; ein Beitrag
                                zur Quellenkunde, 1970-192 
                          .W37  Wasserschleben, Hermann (1812-1893). Beitraege zur
                                Geschichte der vorgratianischen Kirchenrechtsquellen, 1839

192                   Classification of sources

KBR          History of Canon Law
                Sources - Continued 
                   Collections. Compilations. Selections
195                    General
                          Class here comprehensive collections stemming from all
                          historicperiods of canon law. For collections relating to a
                          particular historic period or type of source, see the period or type
                          of source (e.g. decretals, consilia, etc.)
                          Including translations
195.5                  Indexes. Chronologies. Concordances
                          e.g. John Fulton (1834-1907). Index canonum: Containing the
                          canons called apostolical, the canons of the...general councils, and
                          the canons of the provincial councils of Ancyra, Neo-Caesarea,
                          Gangra...with a complete digest of the whole code of canon law
                          in the undivided primitive church, 1872
                       Pseudo-apostolic collections of canons, to ca. 400 AD
                             Class here collections relating to the legal foundation of the early
                                (primitive) church, e.g. apostolic canons, decrees, and
                          General works, see KBR190+
196                       Didache (Didache kyriou ton dodeka apostolon tois ethnesin.
                                Doctrina duodecim apostolorum). Teaching of the
                                twelve apostles, between 1st and 3rd cent.? 
196.2                     Traditio Apostolica (Apostolike paradosis)(Hippolytus, Antipope,
                                ca. 170-235 or 6), ca. 218?
196.22                    Canones Hippolyti (Hippolytus, Antipope, ca.170-235 or 6), ca.
196.3                     Didascalia Apostolorum (Doctrina XII apostolorum et sanctorum
                                discipulorum nostri Salvatoris), 3rd cent.?
196.4                     Canones ecclesiastici sanctorum apostolorum  (Kanones
                                ekklesiastikoi ton hagion Apostolon ( Canones Apostolici
                                aegyptiaci), 3rd cent.
196.5                      Constitutiones apostolorum (Diatagai ton hagion apostolon), ca.400
                                e.g. Constitutiones Apostolorum. P. A. de Lagarde,
196.6                      Constitutiones per Hippolytum (Epitome libri VIII Constitutionum
                                apostolorum), 4th or 5th cent.?
196.7                     Canones Apostolorum 85. Eighty-five ecclesiastical canons of the
                                Apostles, early 4th cent.?
                                e.g. Octoginta quinque regulae, seu canones Apostolorum/
                                Cum vetustis Ioannis Monachi Zonarae in eosdem
                                commentariis Latine modo versis 
196.8                     Horos kanonikos ton hagion Apostolon (Canones poenitentiales
                                apostolorum), 4th cent., see Poenitentiaries
KBR           History of Canon Law 
                 Collections. Compilations. Selections
                       Pseudo-apostolic collections of canons, to ca. 400 AD
                           Minor collections
196.9                          Canones 9 synodi Antiochenae apostolorum (ascribed to the
                                Synod of Antioch, 341)
197                           Octateuchus Sancti Clementis                 
                                e.g. La version Syriaque de L'Octateuque de Clement.
                                 Francois Nau, transl., and  Pio Capriotti, ed., 1967 
197.2                          Didascalia (Arabic)
                                e.g. Canones des Apotres: Texte Arabe...traduit en
                                Francais. Jean Perier et Augustin Perier, transl., 1912
197.3                          Didascalia (Ethiopian)
                                e.g. Canones apostolorum aethiopice (Apostolic canons).
                                Winandus Fell, ed., 1871
197.33                        Testamentum Domini nostri Jesus Christi (Testament of Our 
                                Lord), 5th cent.?
197.4                         Liber canonum diversorum sanctorum patrum siue cpollection 
                                in CLXXXIII titulos digesta. Joseph Motta, ed., 1988
                     Jus ecclesiae Graecae seu Byzantinae. Greek-Byzantine collections,
                          to ca. 14th cent.
                        General works, see KBR190
197.4                   Syntagma canonum (Synodon conciliorum oecumenici) Chronological
                          Including decrees and canons of the early councils, beginning with
                                the Council of Ancyra (314) to the Council of Chalcedon
                                (451), and (since 6th cent.) the 85 Canones Apostolorum  
197.5                   Codex vetus Ecclesiae Universae, a Iustiniano Imperatore 
                          confirmatus...ex Graecis codicibus editis & mss. collegit &
                          emendavit. Latinum fecit (Christofle Iustel, 1580-1649, ed.)
197.6                   Canones sanctorum Apostolorum, conciliorum generalium
                          particularum, sanctorum patrum Dijonysij Alexandrini...& alterum
                          veterum theologorum: Photii Costantinopolitani Patriarchae
                          praefixus est Nomocanon..(Gentian Hervet, 1499-1584, transl.),
197.7                   Codex Canonum ecclesiae primitivae (William Beveridge,
                          1637-1708, comp.), 1678 
                        Systematic collections
197.8                     Collectio sexaginta titulorum, ca. 535
197.9                     Synagoge kanonon (Collectio quinquaginta titulorum) (Joannes
                                Scholasticus), ca. 570 
198                       Synopsis [canonum], 6th cent. (Stephanus of Ephesus)
198.2                     Epitome canonum (Simeon)
KBR           History of Canon Law 
                 Collections. Compilations. Selections
                    Jus ecclesiae Greaecae seu Byzantinae. Greek-Byzantine collections,
                          to ca. 14th cent. - Continued
198.3                     Collectio XXV capitulorum, 565-578
198.4                     Collectio LXXXVII capitulorum, 565-578
                          Trullan collection (Council of Trullo, 692), see KBR237 {or here?} 
198.6                     Collectio Tripartita (Collectio constitutionum ecclesiasticarum) 
                                (Nicolaas van der Wal & Bernard H. Stolte, eds., 1994)
                          Nomocanon collections
199                             Nomocanon L titulorum (Joannes Scholasticus ?), 6th. cent.
199.2                           Nomocanon quatuordecim titulorum, ca. 630 (ascribed falsly
                                  to Photius I., Patriarch of Constantinople, ca. 820- ca.891)
199.3                             Second revision, 883
199.33                            Third revision, 1198 (Theodorus Balsamon, Patriarch of
                                       Antioch, 12th cent.)
                          Imperial (Byzantine) law relating to the church, see KJA1361-1405 
                             e.g. Ecloge (Ecloge ton nomon; Leo III., 717-ca.741), ca.  
                                       726, see KJA1361-1370
                                Prochiron (Procheiros nomos; Basileus I, Macedo, 867-886),
                                       ca. 870-879, see KJA1391-1400
                                Epanagoge tou nomou (Basileus I, Macedo, 876-886), see
                    Post-schismatic oriental collections, see KBVKBR           History of Canon Law
                    Collections. Compilations. Selections - Continued              
                      Canonical collections of councils and synods
                             For general histories see BR200+ 
200                       General (collective). By author
                           .B35   Louis Bail (1610-1669). Summa conciliorum omnium, 1659
                           .B36   tienne Baluze (1630-1718). Nova collectio conciliorum,
                           .B48   William Beveridge, ed. (1637-1708). Synodikon, 1672
                           .B56   Severinus Binius. Concilia generalia et provincialia
                           .C37   Bartolom‚ Carranza (1503-1576)
                                  Summa conciliorum & pontificum a Petro usque ad      
                                    Paulum Tertium..., 1546
                                  Summa conciliorum et pontificum a Petro vsque ad Pium 
                                    IIII, collecta..., 1570
                                  Summa conciliorum, a sancto Petro usque ad Pium       
                                    Quartum pontificem, 1576
                            .C66  Conciliorum omnium generalioum et principalium collectio
                                    regia, 1644
                            .H37  Jean Hardouin. Conciliorum collectio regia maxima, 1715
                            .M36  J.D. Mansi. Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima
                            .T36  Norman P. Tanner. Conciliorum oecumenicorum decreta,
                           *Early councils. Concilia. To end 9th century
                                     Including general or ecumenical councils 
205                          General works
                                For general histories on the councils and synods,
                             By date of opening
210                            Council of Nicea (1st), 325
213                            Council of Saragossa, 380
214                            Council of Aquileia, 381
215                            Council of Constantinople (1st), 381
220                            Council of Ephesus, 449
225                            Council of Chalcedon, 451
230                            Council of Constantinople (2nd), 553 
235                            Council of Constantinople (3rd), 681
237                            Quinisext Synod(Constantinople; Concilium Trullanum), 692
240                            Council of Nicea (2nd), 787
242                            Council of Frankfurt, 794
* The class numbers correspond to the numbers assigned to the councils in schedule BR

KBR           History of Canon Law
                   Collections. Compilations. Selections                           
                      Canonical collections of councils and synods 
                         Early councils. To end 9th century - Continued
                           Provincial councils
                                Including provincial synods
245                           General works 
                              General (Collective), see KBR200
                              Individual. By date of opening
260  255                           Carthage, 255
260  314                           Ancyra (Ankara), 314
260  315                           Neocaesarea (Niksar), 315
260  343                           Gangra (Cankiri), 343
260  341                           Antioch (Antakya), 341
260  343                         Sardica (Sofia), 343
260  394                           Constantinople, 394
260  419                           Carthage, 419
                                       Cf. KBR1110, Codex Canonum Ecclesiae Africanae
260  861                           Constantinople, 861
260  879                           Constantinople, 879   

KBR           History of Canon Law 
                   Collections. Compilations. Selections                           
                      Canonical collections of councils and synods - Continued
                        * General or ecumenical councils. From end 9th century      
                                Including post-schism and contested councils
820                         General works
                                For general histories on the councils, synods, etc., see
                            General (Collective), see KBR200+
830                         Individual councils. By date of opening
830   869                     Council of Constantinople (4th), 869
830   879                     Council of Union, 879
830  1064                     Council of Mantua, 1064
830  1095                     Council of Clermont, 1095
830  1123                     Lateran Council (1st), 1123
830  1139                     Lateran Council (2nd), 1139
830  1179                     Lateran Council (3rd), 1179
830  1215                     Lateran Council (4th), 1215
830  1245                     Council of Lyons (1st), 1245
830  1274                     Council of Lyons (2nd), 1274
830  1311                     Council of Vienne, 1311
830  1409                     Council of Pisa (1st), 1409
830  1414                     Council of Constance, 1414
830  1423                     Council of Pavia-Siena, 1423
830  1431                     Council of Basel, 1431
830  1438                     Council of Florence, 1438
830  1511                     Council of Pisa (2nd), 1511
830  1512                     Lateran Council (5th), 1512
830  1545                     Council of Trent, 1545
830  1596                     Council of Brest-Litovsk, 1596
830  1869                     Vatican Council (1st), 1869                          
830  1962                     Vatican Council (2nd), 1962
                            Episcopal synods. Synodus episcoporum
830.5                           General works
                                       For general histories on the synods, see BX831+
831                             Individual episcopal synods. By date of opening

* The class numbers correspond to the numbers assigned to the councils in schedule BX

KBR           History of Canon Law 
                   Collections. Compilations. Selections                           
                      Canonical collections of councils and synods - Continued
                         *General or ecumenical councils. From end 9th century 
                            Plenary councils. National councils. By region and/or country
                                Under each country, include the diocesan and provincial
                                councils in the order of jurisdictional hierarchy
                               The Americas
                                Latin America
831.5                                General works
                                       For general histories on the plenary/national councils,
                                       see BX832+
832                                Individual. By date
                                North America
                                   United States
833                                  General works
835                                  Individual. By date
835  1852                              Plenary Council (1st), Baltimore, 1852
835  1866                              Plenary Council (2nd), Baltimore, 1866
835  1884                              Plenary Council (3d), Baltimore, 1884
836                                  General works
836.5                                Individual. By date
836.5  1909                            Plenary Council (1st), Quebec, 1909
837                             Other countries, A-Z
                                       Subarrange further by date of opening of the Council

837.5                       Episcopal conferences

                            Diocesan or provincial synods
                                Including diocesan pastoral councils
(838)                          General works, see KBR2820+
838.5                          By dioces or provincee
                                Catholic Church. Diocese of Valencia (Spain)
                                Catholic Church. Province of Florence (Italy)
                                Catholic Church. Patriarchate of Venice (Italy)
                                       Synod of 1592, 1594, 1653, 1667, 1741, etc.
{Here or with the country?}

KBR           History of Canon Law     
                   Collections. Compilations. Selections - Continued                
                       Latin versions of Oriental canonical collections prior to pseudo-
                               Including collections of both canons of the early Oriental
                                councils or synods, decrees and decretals
                          General works, see KBR190
1100                          Summary of canons. Council of Hippo, 393. (Carthage, 397) 
1110                          Codex Canonum Ecclesiae Africanae (Synod of Carthage, 419),
                                Christophorus Justellus ex mss. codicibus edidit. (Justel,
                                Christofle, 1580-1649, ed.)
1120                          Ferrandus, Fulgentius, fl. 523-ca.546. Breviatio canonum, ca.
1130                          Cresconius, African Bishop,7th cent.Concordia canonum,ca.690
1140                          Athanasius, Saint, patriarch of Alexandria (d.373). Canons
                                (Wilhelm Riedel, ed. and tr.) 1904
1145                          Die Kirchenrechtsquellen des Patriarchats Alexandria (Wilhelm
                                Riedel, ed. and tr.), 1900
1150                          Collectio Prisca vel Itala, 5th cent.
1155                          Collectio Isidoriana vel Hispana, see Spain
                              Dionysius Exiguus, d. ca. 540
1160                            Collectio canonum (Collectio prima)
1162                            Collectio XXXVIII decretalium (Collectio secunda)
                                    Including Papal decretals from Siricius, 384-399, to 
                                       Anastasius II, 496-498
1164                            Collectio tertia
1166                            Collectio Dionysiana (Collectio quarta)
1170                            Corpus codicis canonum
1175                          (Collectio) Dionysio-Hadriana (Dionysiana. Hadriana); (Adrian
                                I, 774. Code of the Frankish Church since 802)
1180                          Theodosius, Diaconus. Collectio Theodosii Diaconi
1182                          Collectio Avellana, late 6th cent.
KBR           History of Canon Law     
                   Collections. Compilations. Selections
                         Latin versions of Oriental canonical collections prior to pseudo- 
                              Isidoriana - Continued
1200                          Collectio Vetus Gallica (Nordek, Hubert, ed., 1975)
1205                          Quesnel, Paschasius, Collectio Quesnelliana, 1675 (Codex 
                                canonum vetus Ecclesiae Romanae, 5th and 6th cent.)     
1210                          Statuta Ecclesiae antiqua (Statuta Ecclesiae unica. Statuta antiqua
                                Orientis; ascribed to the Synod IV of Carthage, 398), late
                                5th or early 6th cent.
1215                              Second recension, 7th cent.
                                    Including canons of Gallic councils
1220                          D'Achery, d. 1685. Collectio Dacheriana, ca. 800
1225                          Quadripartita (Vaticana);(Antiqua canonum collectio, ed.
                                Richter, 1843)
1230                          Theodore, Bp. of Canterbury. Collectio canonum
                                Cantabrigiensis, 673 
1235                          Egbert, Saint, d.766 (Egbert, Abp. of York). Collection, ca. 750
1240                          Collectio Hibernensis, ca. 750
1245                          Liber ex lege Moysis, ca. 750
1250                           Martin, of Braga, Saint, ca. 515-579 or 80. Collectio
                                canonum (Collectio canonum Martini Bracarensis. Excerpta
                                Martini. Capitula Martini Papae), 572
1255                           Collectio Isidoriana seu Hispana (Corpus canonum. Codex 
                                canonum of Synod IV of Toledo; since 9th cent. ascribed
                                to Isidore of Seville), 6th or 7th cent.  

KBR           History of Canon Law     
                   Collections. Compilations. Selections - Continued
                      Compilations of secular law pertaining to religious law
                           General works, see KBR190+
1260                      Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio, see KB
1265                      Codex Theodosianus (Breviarium Alarici), 506, see KJA591+
1268                      Constitutiones Sirmondii (Gaul), late 6th cent.
1270                      Lex Romana canonice compta (Capitula legis Romane ad 
                                canones pertinentia), 9th cent.        [ KJA? or  
1275                      Capitularia regum Francorum
1278                      Ansegius de Fontanella. Capitularia, 827, see KJ322

                          Capitula episcoporum
                                 Class here adaptations of provincial synodal canons to 
                                diocesan corditions
                               General works, see KBR190+
1280                           Theodolphus of Orleans, d. 821
1285                           Haito of Basel, d. 836
1290                           Herard of Tours, d. 870
                                Capitula Heraldi Archiepiscopi Turonensis, 858
1292                           Hincmar, Archbishop of Reims, ca. 806-882

                      Pseudo-Isidoriana. 9th century
1295                      General works
1298                      Isidorii Mercatoris falsarum decretalium collectio, ca.850.
                                Decretales pseudo-Isidorianae (Isidore, of Seville, Saint,
1300                       Hispana Augustodunensis
                           Benedictus, Levita, fl.850
1305                             Compilation of capitularies 
1308                       Capitula Angilramni, ca. 850
KBR           History of Canon Law     
                   Collections. Compilations. Selections - Continued                
                           Post Pseudo-Isidorian collections of canons and decretals, to 1140
1315                         General works
                                Anselmo, Saint, bp. of Lucca, 1036-1086
1320                                   Collectio canonum (Collectio Anselmi Lucani)
                                       Cf. KJA1582
                                Atto, Bp. of Vercelli, 10th cent. 
1325                                   Capitulare (Breviarium)
                                Bonizo, Bp. of Sutri, ca. 1045- ca. 1096
1328                                    Liber de vita christiana
1330                                    Decretum
                                Deusdedit, Cardinal, d. ca. 1099
1332                                   Collection of canons, 1083-1087
                                Gregory, Cardinal of San Crisogono, d. 1113
1335                                   Polycarpus
                                       Collectio LXXIV titulorum
                                Burchard, Bishop of Worms, ca.965-1025
1338                                   Decretorum libri XX
                                Regino, Abbot of Prum, 840-915
1340                                   De synodalibus causis et disciplinis ecclesiasticis,
                                       ca. 906 (Libri duo de ecclesiasticis disciplinis et
                                       religione christiana) 
                                Abbo, of Fleury, Saint, ca. 945-1004
1342                                   Collection of canons
                                Ivo, Saint, Bishop of Chartres, ca. 1040-1116
1345                                   Collectio trium partium                     
1347                                   Panormia
1349                                   Decretum (Decretum Ivonis Episcopi Carnutensis)
                                Alger, of LiŠge, ca. 1060-ca.1132
1350                                   De miserecordia et iustitia
1355                            Collectio Tarreconensis, after 1085
1358                            Collectio Caesaraugustana, 1110-1125
KBR           History of Canon Law     
                   Collections. Compilations. Selections - Continued
1360                  Decretum Gratiani. Concordia discordantium canonum (Gratian,
                          12th cent.), 1140  
                          Flores sive Decretorum compilationes, 126-?
                                Cf. KBR2154
(1370)                    Emendatio decreti Gratiani (Correctores Romani), 1582, see

                      Collections. Compilations. Selections between 1140 and 1234    
                           (Decretum Gratiani to Decretales Gregorii IX.) 
1410                            Decretales ineditae saeculi XII (Walther Holtzman, 1891- 
                                   1963; Stanley Chodorow and Charles Duggan, eds.),   
1411                            Summa constitutionum summorum pontificum et rerum in 
                                   Ecclesia Romana gestarum a Gregorio IX vsque ad      
                                   Sixtum V. (Pierre Matthieu, 1563-1621, ed.), 1596
1415                      Collectio Farfensis (Gregorio,di Catino,fl.1100,comp.), 12th cent. 
1420                      Appendix Concilii Lateranensi III (ascribed to Gilbertus,
                                Anglicus), after 1181
1422                      Collectio Bambergensis, ca.1181-1185
1425                      Collectio Compendiensis (CompiŠgne), ca. 1181-1185
1428                       Collectio Lipsiensis (Leipzig), after 1181-1185 
1430                      Collectio Casselana (or Hesse-Casselana), ca. 1181-1185
1432                      Collectio Parisiensis I, 1175-1179
1434                      Collectio Parisiensis II(ascribed to Bernard,of Pavia),before 1179
1436                      Collectio Brugensis, ca. 1187-1191
1438                      Collectio Halensis, end 12th cent.
1340                      Collectio Lucensis, end 12th cent.
1342                      Compilations of Gilbertus, Anglicus, ca. 1205
1444                      Compilatio of Alanus Anglicus, ca. 1208
1446                      Collection of Bernard, Compostella, ca. 1208
1448                      Rainerius, of Pomposa, 1201-1202       
                          Quinque compilationes antiquae. The five compilations of 
                                decretals, 1188-1226
1450                         Compilatio Prima: Breviarium extravagantium [decretalium]
                                (Bernard, of Pavia, 1187-1191), ca. 1192
1460                         Compilatio Secunda (John of Wales, 13th cent.), 1210-1212
1470                         Compilatio Tertia (Petrus, of Benevent; Collivaccinus), ca.1209-
1480                         Compilatio Quarta (Joannes, Teutonicus, d. 1245?) ca.1216-1217
1490                         Compilatio Quinta (Joannes, Teutonicus, d.1245?), 1226 

KBR           History of Canon Law     
                   Collections. Compilations. Selections - Continued
1500                      Liber extra. Decretales Gregorii IX (Gregory IX, Pope, 1227-1241),
                          Decretales, 1473
1510                     Novellae constitutiones, 1234-1298
                          Collection of Innocent IV, Pope, 1243-1254 
                          Collection of Gregory X, Pope, 1271-1276
                          Collection of Nicolaus III, Pope, 1277-1280
1520                      Private decretal collections                
                            Alexander IV, Pope, 1254-1261
                            Urban IV, Pope, 1261-1264
                            Clement IV, Pope, 1265-1268
1530                    Liber Sextus decretalium (Boniface VIII, Pope, 1294-1303), 1298 
1540                    Clementinae Constitutiones (Clement V, Pope, 1305-1315), 1317 
1550                    Extravagantes Joannis XXII (John XXII, Pope, 1316-1334), end
                          15th cent.
1560                    Extravagantes communes, end 15th cent. 

1565                    Corpus iuris canonici
                                Class here the editions of the body of church law in force
                                until 1917 (enactment of the Codex Iuris Canonici),
                                beginning with the authenticated Rome edition of the
                                Corpus (comprising the six compilations, i.e. Decretum
                                Gratiani; Decretals Gregorii IX; Liber Sextus Bonefacii
                                VIII; Clementinae; Extravagantes Ioanni XII, and
                                Extravagantes communes) as promulgated by Pope Gregory
                                XIII in his brief  Cum pro munere pastorali (1580) 
                                Cf. KBR1360-1560
                             By date of edition
                                       Including earlier collections under the title "Corpus
                                       Iuris Canonici"
1930 1554                          Charles Dumoulin (Molinaeus), Lyon 1554, etc.
1930 1570                          A. Le Conte (Contius), Antwerp 1570
1930 1582                          Editio Romana (Correctores Romani), 1582 
1930 1687                          Petrus et Franciscus Pithou (Pithoeus), Paris 1687
1930 1728                          Ch. H Freiesleben, Prag 1728
1930 1747                          Justus Henning Boehmer, Halle 1747
1930 1839                          Aemilius Ludovicus Richter, Leipzig 1839
1930 1879                          Emil Friedberg, Leipzig 1879-81
                                             KBR          History of Canon Law 
                Sources - Continued
                   Canonists and jurists
                       By period
                          12th to mid 16th centuries
                                Class here works produced by the early canonical
                                jurisprudence (canonics) between Decretum Gratiani and
                                Tridentinum (ca. 1140 to 1545)
                                Cf. KJA1630+, Individual jurists (6th to 15th cent. Post-
                                Justinian periods. Jus Romanum Medii Aevi)

                                * Note: The class number ranges for the canonists/jurists
                                correspond to the class number ranges in KJA (Ius
                                Romanum Medii Aevi) recognizant not only of the
                                comparative nature of the early canonical jurisprudence
                                and created works, but also because library holdings
                                proliferate with Roman law jurists authoring major works
                                in the field of canonics. 
                                Therefore, a large number of jurists appear on the author
                                lists in both classes, KBR and KJA, under the same
                                number. For easier review of the schedule, these authors
                                have been printed in italics.The same applies to "General
                                works" and "Collections" ahead of each list of authors.
                                Catalogers (reclassifying or original cataloging) should be
                                encouraged to consult KJA befor entering an author on
                                the list in KBR and vice-verso. This will enable libraries
                                to place works of such authors in either KJA or KBR,
                                especially when works are cross-disciplinal.
1570                         General works
1573                         Collections. Compilations. Selections
                                Paolo Attavanti, Breviarium totius juris canonici, 1484
                             Decretists and early decretalists
                                Class here works of canonists on the Decretum Gratiani,
                                and works of canonists on the Quinque compilationes
                                antiquae (collection decretalists), ca.1140- ca.1234
                                Including the school of Bologna, the French, Rheinish and
                                Anglo-Normanic schools
                                General works, see KBR1570
                                Particular types of contemporary legal literature, see
                                   Including auxiliary literature
KBR           History of Canon Law
                    Canonists and jurists
                      By period
                         12th to mid 16th centuries
                            Decretists and early decretalists - Continued 
                               Collections, see KBR1573
                               Individual titles or canonists
1576                            Paucapalea.  Summa, before 1148 
1580                            Rolandus Bandinelli (Alexander III, Pope), d.1181
                                       Stroma Rolandi, before 1148
1584                            Rufinus, Bp of Assissi, fl.1157-1179
                                       Summa decretorum, ca. 1157-59
1586                            Stephanus Tornacensis, bp., 1128-1203
                                       Summa, ca. 1160
1588                            Ordinaturus, ca. 1180-1182
                                Summa Coloniensis ("Elegantius in iure diuino")(G‚rard
                                       Fransen and Stephan Kuttner, eds.,1969)
1592                            Summa Parisiensis ("Magister Gratianus in hoc opere"), 
                                       1160 or 1170
1594                            Johannes Faventinus, d. 1190
                                       Summa, after 1171
1598                            Summa Monacensis ("Imperatorie maiestati"), 1175-1178
1600                            Raymond, of Penafort, Saint, 1175?-1275
1605                            Simon de Bisignano                                 
                                       Summa, between 1177-1179
1610                            Sicardus, Bishop of Cremona, d.1215
                                       Summa, between 1179-1181
1620                            Permissio quaedam (Summa), between 1179-1187 
1630                            Et est sciendum (Glossae Stuttgardienses), ca. 1181-1185
1635                            Notae Atrebatenses, ca.1182
1640                            Summa Lipsiensis ("Omnis qui iuste iudicat"), ca. 1186
1645                            De iure canonico tractaturus, ca. 1185-1190
1648                            Honorius
                                       Summa quaestionum decretalium, 1186-1190
1651                            Ricardus Anglicus (Richard of Mores)
1653                            Summa ("Circa ius naturale"), 1186-1187
1655                            Summa brevis, ca.1196-1198
1660                            Alanus  Anglicus
                                       Glossa ordinaria ("Ius naturale"), 1205 (1192)
                                       Ecce vicit Leo (Apparatus), after 1202
1665                            Summa Bambergensis ("Animal est substantia"), 1206-1210
1670                            Laurentius Hispanus, bp., d.1248
                                       Apparatus, between 1210-1215

KBR           History of Canon Law     
                    Canonists and jurists
                      By period
                         12th to mid 16th centuries
                            Decretists and early decretalists 
                               Individual titles or canonists - Continued
1680                            Burchardus Anerbe, de Argentina, 13th cent. 
                                       Summa de paenitentia seu de casibus conscientiae,
                                       between 1300 and 1350
1685                            Glossa Palatina , ca. 1210-1215
1691                            Vincentius Hispanus, 13th cent.
                                       Apparatus, 1209/10-1215
1696                            Tancred, ca. 1185-1236? (Tancredus Bononiensis)
                                   Glossa ordinaria   {here?} 
                                       1210-1215; 1220 (on Compilatio decretalium prima
                                       and secunda)                                
                                       1216-1220 (on Compilatio tertia decretalium)
1697                            Joannes, Teutonicus, d. 1245?
                                   Glossa ordinaria (on Compilatio qarta decretalium),
                                       1216-1217    {here?}
1699                            Jacobus de Albenga, d. 1274
                                   Apparatus on Compilatio quinta decretalium, after 1226
1700                            Bernard, of Pavia (Bernardus Balbus) 
                                   Summa on Compilatio prima decretalium, between 1191-
1701                                   Ambrosius (revised edition), ca. 1215 
1702                                   Damasus (revised edition), ca. 1215 
                           Decretalists and commentators (consiliators), to 1545
                               General works, see KBR1570
                               Collections, see KBR1573                           
                               Individuals titles or canonists
1705                            Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 61-1216
1706                            Innocent IV, Pope, ca. 1200-1254
                                       Apparatus super libros Decretalium, 1481
1707                            Bernardo Bottoni (Bernardus de Botone Parmensis, d. 1266
                                       Casus longus super quinque libros decretalium, 1484
1708                            Henricus, de Segusio, Cardinal, ca. 1200-1271
                                       Summa Hostiensis
1709                            Vivianuss Tuscus, 13th cent.
1710                            Alberto Gandino, 13th cent.
                                       Tractatus maleficiorum, 1494 
KBR           History of Canon Law     
                    Canonists and jurists
                      By period
                         12th to mid 16th centuries
                            Decretalists and commentators (consiliators), to 1545
                               Individual titles or canonists - Continued
1748                             Guillaume Durand, ca. 1230-1296
                                       Speculum iuris
                                       Repertorium aureum iuris canonici, see KBR2153.5
                                       B‚renger Fr‚dol, d. 1323, Inventarium Speculis
1748.5                          Goffredo, da Trani, d. 1245
                                       Summa...in titulos Decretalium
1748.7                          Bartolommeo de'Granchi da San Concordio,Pisano,1262-
1347                                   Summa de casibus conscientiae, 1479
1748.9                          Tancredus, de Corneto, fl. 1298-1310               
1749                            Gilbertus Anglicus, fl. 1250                       
1749.3                          Innocentius Hispanus
1749.4                          Henricus de Sugosio, d. 1271
1749.5                          Jacobus de Albenga, d. 1274
1749.6                          Martinus Polonus, d. 1279
                                       Margarita (to the Decretum) 
                                       Cf. KBR2153+
1749.8                          Guido da Baisio (Baysio), d.1313
1750                            Rolandinus, de Passageriis, d. 1300
1753                            Dinus, de Mugello, 1245-ca. 1300                   
1762                            Pietro, da Unzola, d. 1312
1769                            Oldrado da Ponte, 1335?...?
1769.5                          Gulielmus de Monte Lauduno, d.1343    
1772                            Cino da Pistoia, 1270?-1336 or 7
1774                            Joannes de Anguissola
                                       De sponsalibus, ca. 1490
1775                            Giovanni d'Andrea, ca. 1270-1348
                                       Novella super I-V decretalium, 1489
                                       Novella super VI decretalium, 1484
                                       Super arboribus consanguinitatis, 1475
                                             Cf. KBR2230
                                       Summa de sponsalibus et matrimoniis, 1472
                                       Lucas Panaetius, Repertorium Novellarum Joannis
                                             Andree..., 1524
                                             Cf. KBR2153
KBR           History of Canon Law     
                    Canonists and jurists
                      By period
                         12th to mid 16th centuries
                           Decretalists and commentators (consiliators), to 1545   
                              Individual titles or canonists - Continued
1776                            Albericus, de Rosate, 1290-1360
1777                            Bartolo, of Sassoferrato, 1314-1357
1777.5                          Joannes Calderinus, d. 1365
                                       Repertorium iuris, 1474, see KBR2153.5
1782                            Goffredus, Saligniacus, fl. ca. 1373

1784                            Baldo degli Ubaldi, 1327?-1400                     
                                       Margarita, 1487. 
                                       Ad tres priores libros Decretalium commentaria, 1585
       .5                       Adam Coloniensis, d. 1408
                                       Summula (Summula Raymundi), 1500
       .6                       Pietro, d'Ancarano, 1330-1416
                                       Lectura super Sexto decretalium, 1502 
1788                            Giovanni da Legnano, d. 1383
       .3                       Gilles de BellemŠre (Aegidius Bellemera), 1342 or 3-1407
                                       In primam primi-tertiam secundi Decretalium libri
                                       partem praelectiones, 1548-1549
1788                            Bartholomeo da Saliceto, d.1412                    
1791                            Joannes de Imola, d. 1436
       .5                       Francesco Zabarella, 1360-1417
                                       Lectura super Clementinis, 1492
1795.5                                 Dominicus, de Sancto Geminiano, ca. 1375-1424
                                       Super sexto Decretalium, 1476
                                       Commentaria in Decretum
1796                            Marianus Socinus, 1401-1467                        
       .5                       Joannes, de Anania, d.1457
                                       Super primo Decretalium, 1553
                                       Super secundo et tertio Decretalium, 1553
                                       Super quinto decretalium, 1553
                                       Index ..rerum ac sententiarum quae in lectura domini
                                       Ioannis de Anania super Decretalibus continentur,
1798                            Alessandro Tartagni, 1424-1477

KBR           History of Canon Law     
                    Canonists and jurists
                      By period 
                         12th to mid 16th centuries
                           Decretalists and commentators (consiliators), to 1545
                              Individual titles or canonists - Continued
1798.5                          Niccol•, de' Tudeschi (Panormitanus, Abbas Siculus)
                                   Archbishop, 1386-1445
                                       Commentaria primae partis in primum Decretalium
                                       librum, 1578
                                       Lectura super secundam partem libri secundi
                                       Decretalium, 1471
                                       Lectura super tertio Decretalium, 1477
                                       Commentaria in quartum et quintum Decretalium
                                       Lectura super rubrica de translatione episcoporum,
                                       Alonso D”az de Montalvo, 1405-1499
                                             Repertorium quaestionum super Nicolaum de
                                             Tudeschis, 1484
                                       Antonio Corsetti, ca. 1450-1503
                                             Repertorium in opera Nicolai de Tudeschis,
                                             Cf. KBR2153+
1799                            Bartolomeo Cipolla, d. 1477
1800                            Franciscus de Accoltis, 1416 or 17-1486
1802                            Giovanni Battista Caccialupi, d. 1496
1805                            Lancelotto Decio, d. 1503
1806                            Bartholomaeus Raimundus, fl. 1506                  
1806.5                          Joannes Antonius de Sancto Georgio (Sangiorgi)
1807.5                          Juan de Torquemada (Ioannis de Turre Cremata), 1388-1468
                                       Super toto Decreto, 1515-1520
                                       Super secundo volumine Causarum, 1555 
1809.5                          Nicholas, of Osimo, d. 1453
                                       Supplementum Summae Pisanellae, 1475        
1814                            Filippo Decio, 1454-1536 or 7                      
1817                            Angelo Carletti, 1411-1495
                                       Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae, 1486
1819                            Battista, da Sambagio, ca. 1425-1492
                                       Varii tractatus juridici, 1481

KBR           History of Canon Law     
                    Canonists and jurists
                      By period 
                         12th to mid 16th centuries
                           Decretalists and commentators (consiliators),
                              Individual titles or canonists - Continued to 1545-Continued
                                English canonists, see KD?
                                French canonists
1822                               General works   
1823                               Collections. Compilations. Selections
1828                               Jacobus de Ravennis (Jacques de Revigny), d. 1296
1830                               Guido de Cumis (Franciscus Aretinus), 13th cent.
1832                               Simon de Paris, 13th cent.
1833                               Zenzelinus de Cassanis (Jesselin de Cassagnes),d.ca.1350
1835                               Henri Bohic(Boyk, Voich), 1310-ca. 1390
                                       Opus...super quinque libris decretalium..., 1498
1846                               Joannes Faber (Jean Faure), 14th cent.
1847                               Pierre Rebuffi, 1487-1557
                                       Praxis beneficiorum, 1580                   
                                       Commentaria super titulos...Decretalium.., 1527 
                                Spanish and Portugues canonists
1850                               General works
                                   Collections, see KBR1571
1864                               Diaz de Montalvo, Alonso (Aphonsus Didaci), 1405-1499
1874                               Joao de Deus (Deogratia), fl. 1247-1256
1875                               Mart”n de Azpilcueta, 1492?-1586
                                       Tractado de las rentas de los beneficios
                                       ecclesiasticos, 1568
1877                               Juan L¢pez de Palacios Rubios, 1450-1524
                                       Repetitio rubricae et capituli Per vestras
KBR           History of Canon Law     
                    Canonists and jurists
                      By period 
                         12th to mid 16th centuries
                           Decretalists and commentators (consiliators), to 1545-Continued
                              German canonists
1882                               General works
1884                               Collections. Compilations. Selections
1885                               Henricus Merseburgensis (Heinrich von Merseburg),
                                       d. after 1276)                               
1887                               Johannes, de Erfordia, ca. 1250-ca. 1325
                                       Summa confessorum
1889                               Balduinus Brandeburgensis (Balduin von Brandenburg)
                                       Summa titulorum, ca. 1270
1891                               Nicolaus St”r, d. 1424
                                       Expositio officii Missae sacrique Canonis, 1474
1893                               Johann von Breitenbach, d. ca. 1507
                                       Repetitio, 1496    
1895                               Konrad Summenhart, 1465-1511
                              Dutch canonists
1905                              General works
1907                              Collections. Compilations. Selection             
1920                              Johannes de Turnhout, d.1492
1925                          Other canonists or jurists, A-Z
                                Cf. KJA1925+, Jurists of the 14th and 15th centuries
                                .A39   Albericus, de Maletis
                                .A42   Pietro Albignani (Petrus Albignanus Trecius)
                                .A48   Jacopo Alvarotti, 1385-1453
                                .A57   Antonio da Cannara
                                .A78   Astesno, d. 1330?
                                            Canones poenitentiales, 1495
                                .A96   Johannes de Aurbach (Urbach), 15th cent.
                                             Processus judiciarius, ca. 1488
                                .A45   Alexander de Nevo, 15th cent.
                                .B36   Andrea Barbazza, ca. 1410-1480
                                .B37   Battista, da Sambagio, ca. 1425-1492
                                             Varii tractatus juridici, 1481
                                .B42   Benedicto Capra de Benedictis
                                .B43   Jean Barbier(Johannes Berberius), 15th cent.
                                .B85   Antonius de Butrio, 1338-1408
                                .C32   Vitalis de Cambanis, 15th cent.
                                .C35   Giovanni Campeggi, 1448-1511
KBR           History of Canon Law
                    Canonists and jurists
                      By period
                         12th to mid 16th centuries
                           Decretalists and commentators (consiliators), to 1545 
1925                           Other canonists and  jurists, A-Z - Continued 
                                .C63   Joannes Jacobus Canis, d.1490 
                                .C64   Guilielmus Cassador, 1477-1527 
                                .C65   Johannes de Castellione, 15th cent.
                                .C66   Paolo Cittadino, d. 1525
                                .C67   Stephanus Costa, 15th cent.
                                .C68   Antonio Corsetti, ca. 1450-1503
                                .C83   Marco Antonio Cucchi, 1506-1567
                                .C86   Nicolaus Cusanus
                                .D44   Pietro del Monte, d.1457
                                .F54   Filippo Franchi, d. 1471
                                         Lectura super titulo De Appellationibus, 1548
                                .F48   Johannes Ferrarius, 1485 or6-1558
                                .G33   Antonio Gabrieli, d. 1555
                                .G36   Pietro Andrea Gammaro, 1480-1528
                                .G37   Martino Garrati, 15th cent.
                                            De primogenitura, ca.1490-95 
                                .G55   Girolamo Giganti, d. 1560
                                .G66   Louis Gomez (Ludovicus Gomesius), d. 1542 or 3
                                .J62   Johannes, Monachus, d. 1313
                                .L36   Cesare Lambertini, d. 1550
                                .L56   Johannes Lindholz, d. 1535
                                .M66   Lodovico Montalto, d. ca. 1533              
                                .N36   Thomas Naogeorg, 1511-1563
                                .N48   Alexander de Nevo, 15th cent.
                                .P36   Guy de La Pape, ca.1402-ca. 1487
                                             Super decretales, 1517
                                .P48   Petrus Ravennas (Peter Tomasi), d. 1502
                                .P65   Ludovico Pontano, 1409-1439
                                .P73   Ioannis de Prato, 
                                .P88   Paris de Puteo, ca. 1413-1493
                                .R42   Jacobus Rebuffi (of Montpellier), d. 1428

KBR           History of Canon Law
                    Canonists and jurists
                      By period
                         12th to mid 16th centuries
                           Decretalists and commentators (consiliators), to 1545 
1925                           Other canonists and  jurists, A-Z - Continued 
                                .R58   Gianfrancesco Riva di San Nazarro, d. 1535
                                         In primum-secundum Decretalium librum          
                                         commentaria, 1554
                                         Repertorium locupletissimum in omnia
                                         opera..Ioannis Francisci Ripae a S. Nazario..,
                                         Index alphabeticus Commentariorum,
                                         Interpretationum, Tractatus de peste, ac
                                         Responsorum.., 1554
                                             Cf. KBR2153+
                                .R64   Guilielmo Rodano, d.1573
                                .R68   Antonius Rosellus (of Arezzo), d.1466
                                .S27   Felino Maria Sandeo, 1444-1503
                                          Lectura super I,II, IV, et V Decretalium, 1497-99
                                          Commentaria in quinque Decretalium libros, 1548
                                          Benedetto Vadi, 16th cent.
                                             Repertorium Felini Sandei Commentarios ad
                                             quinque Decretalium libros, 1555
                                             Cf. KBR2153+

KBR           History of Canon Law
                   Canonists and jurists
                      By period - Continued
                         1545 (Council of Trent) to 19th century
1928                      General works
1929                      Collections. Compilations. Selections
                             By nationality
                                English, see KD? 
                                   Cf. KJA1942+
1942                              General works
1944                              Collections. Compilations. Selections
                                  Individual canonists and jurists (commentators)  
1950                                   Andr‚ Alciat (Andreas Alciatus), 1492-1550
1950.2                                 Antoine de Mouchy (Antonius Demochares), 1491-
1953                                   Jean Quintin, 1500-1561
1954                                   Francois Baudouin (Balduinus), 1520-1573
1956                                   Barnabe Brisson, 1531-1591
1956.2                                 Ioannes a Costa, (de Lacoste), 1560-1637
1957                                   Pierre Gr‚goire, 1540-1617
                                          Commentaria et annotationes in Decretalium 
1966                                   Jacques Cujas, 1522-1590
                                          Recitationes ad librum secundum          
                                             Decretalium Gregorii IX, 1594
1967                                   Jean Doujat (Joannes Dovatius), 1609-1688
1970                                   Hugo Doneau (Donellus), 1527-1591
1972                                   Charles Du Moulin (Carolus Molinaeus), 1500-1566
1971                                   Antoine Dadin d'Hauteserre (Antonius Alteserra),
1971.3                                 Flavin-Francois de Hautesere de Salvaizon (Flavius
                                             Alteserra), 16th/17th cent.
1979                                   Pierre Pithou, 1539-1596
1979.3                                       Francois Pithou, 1543-1621
1985                                   Philippe Labb‚, 1607-1667
1986                                   Jean de Launoy, 1603-1678
1987                                   Antoine Le Conte, (Antonius Contius), 1517-1586
1988                                   Jean Majoret (Joannes Majoretus), fl. 1676
KBR          History of Canon Law
                  Canonists and jurists
                   By period
                      1545 (Council of Trent) to 19th century
                        Canonists and jurists
                          By nationality
                             French - Continued
1989.5                         Other canonists and jurists, A-Z                    
                                .B35   Etienne Baluze, 1630-1718
                                .B54   Antoine Fabrice Bleynianus, 1520-1573
                                .B56   David Blondel, 1591-1655
                                .C33   Jean Cabassut, 1604-1685
                                .G67   Gabriel Gossart, 17th cent.
                                .G68   Pierre Coustant, d.1721
                                .D37   Jean Dartis, 1572-1651
                                .D86   Louis Ellies Dupin, 1657-1719
                                .D88   Andr‚ Duval, d. 1638
                                .F54   Claude Fleury, 1640-1723
                                .G53   Jean Pierre Gibert, 1660-1736
                                .G74   Pierre Gr‚goire (Gregorius Tolosanus), 1540-
                                .H35   Francois Hallier, 1595-1659 
                                .M37   Pierre de Marca, 1594-1662
                                .M57   Celestine Mirebeau (Mirbellus), fl. 1668
                                .M67   Jean Morin, 1591-1659
                                .T56   Louis Thomassin, 1619-1695 
                                .T66   Pierre Francois de Tonduti, 1583-1669KBR          History of Canon Law
                 Canonists and jurists
                    By period
                      1545(Council of Trent) to 19th century 
                        By nationality - Continued
                          Italian, Spanish and Portuguese
                                Cf. KJA1990-2070  
1990                        General works
1992                        Collections. Compilations. Selections
                            Individual canonists and jurists (commentators)
                               Giovanni Paolo Lancelotti, 1522-1590
                                  Institutiones iuris canonici, 1566
2002                           Agostinho Barbosa, 1590-1649                         
                                Juris ecclesiastici universi libri tres, 1634
2004                           Diego Covarrubias y Leyva, 1512-1577
                                  In quartum Decretalium librum epitome, 1568
                                  De regulis juris libri sexti relectio, see KBR100
2005                           Antonio G¢mez, b. 1501
2009                           Prospero Fagnani, 1588-1678
                                  Commentaria in primum-qintum librum Decretalium,1709
2054                           Prospero Farinacci, fl. 1602-1649
2057                           Alberico Gentili, 1552-1606                   
2064.3                         Lodovico Montalto, d.ca. 1533
2066.5                         Lorenzo Ridolfi     
2074                           Other jurists, A-Z
                                  .A53 Mattia degli Alberti, d. 1575
                                .A57 Lelio Altogradi, 16th/17th cent.              
                                .A68 Giovanni Carlo Antonelli, d. 1694
                                  .A85 Antonio Augustin, 1517-1586
                                       De Pontifice Maximo: De Patriarchis & Primatibus,
                                       De Archiepiscopis & Metropolitanis
                                .A96 Mart”n de Azpilcueta, 1492?-1586
                                .B35 Girolamo Ballerini, 1702-1781
                                .B37 Giovanni Bartoli, 1695-1776
                                .B47 Carlo Sebastiano Berardi, 1719-1768
                                .C4  Pedro Cenedo, d.1609
                                .C66 Antonio Concioli, 17th cent.
                                .D37 Estaban Daoiz, d. 1619
                                .D48 Giovanni Devoti, 1744-1820
                                .E76 Boetius Epo, 1529-1599
                                .F38 Fatinellus de Fatinellis, 1627-1719
                                .F46 Lucius Ferraris,. d. 1760
KBR           History of Canon Law
                   Canonists and jurists
                     By period
                        1545(Council of Trent) to 19th century
                         By nationality
                            Italian, Spanish and Portuguese
2074                           Other canonists and jurists, A-Z - Continued
                                .G37 Nicolas Garcia, d. 1613
                                .G66 T‚llez Manuel Gonz lez, 17th cent. 
                                .L83 Giovanni Battista de Luca, 1614-1683
                                .M36 Giovanni Domenico Mansi, 1692-1769
                                .M37 Marco Mantova Benavides, 1489-1582
                                .M44 Sebastiano Medici, d. 1595
                                .P37 Flaminicus Parisius, d. 1603
                                .P38 Pietro Maria Passerini, 1594-1677
                                .P39 Melchior Adam Pastorius, 1624-1702
                                .P55 Giacomo Pignatelli, 1625-1698
                                .P57 Francesco Pitoni, d.1729
                                .R55 Giovanni Lorenzo Riganti, 1661-1735           
                                .S36 Tom s S nchez, 1550-1610
                                .S37 Mauro Sarti, 1709-1766
                                .S43 Giovanni Giacomo Scarfontoni, 1674-1748
                                .S56 Diego Simancas, d.1583
                                .S84 Francisco S£arez, 1548-1617
                                .T66 Giacomo Filippo Tomasini, 1595-1655
                                .U77 Domenico Ursaya, fl. 1729                     
                                .V45 Gabriel de Vega, 16th/17th cent.
                                .V55 Francisco Torreblanca Villalpando, d. 1645
                                .V74 Guiseppe Vredi, d.1698
                                .Z33 Francesco Antonio Zaccaria, 1714-1795         
                              Cf. KJA2075-2138
2075                        General works
2077                        Collections. Compilations. Selections
                            Individual canonists and jurists (commentators)
2077.3                        Augustin von Alveldt, 16th cent.
2077.7                        Jacob Ayrer, fl. 1593-1603
2079                          Justus Henning B”hmer, 1674-1749
2979.5                        Heinrich Canisius, 1548-1610
                                Summa iuris canonici, 1600
2082.4                        Ludwig Engel, d. 1674
2094                          Johann Gottlieb Heineccius, 1681-1741

KBR           History of Canon Law
                   Canonists and jurists
                        By period
                       1545 (Council of Trent) to 19th century 
                          By nationality 
                            German - Continued
2098.5                         Heinrich Linck, 1642-1696
                                Commentarius in Decretales, 1697
2114                           Christian Thomasius, 1655-1728
2115                           Nicolaus Vigel, 1529-1600
2119                           Kaspar Ziegler, 1621-1690
                                Praelectiones publicae in Decretales, 1699
2119.5                         Other jurists, A-Z

                                 Cf. KJA2120+
2120                           General works
2122                           Collections. Compilations. Selections
                               Individual canonists and jurists (commentators)
2122.7                          Johannes Arnoldus Corvinius, ca. 1582-1650
2131                            Gerardus van Aalst Schouten
2138.5                          Other jurists, A-Z              

KBR         History of Canon Law 
             Sources - Continued
                Particular forms of contemporary legal literature
                    Including auxiliary literature
                      Dictionaria. Vocabularia, see KBR56
                      Directoria, see KBR64
                      Formularia, see KBR105

                      Glossae. Apparatus
2139                      General works
                          By jurist or title, see the jurist or title in the appropriate period
                      Summae. Summulae
2140                      General works
                          By jurist or title, see the jurist or title in the appropriate period
2141                    General works
2141.5                  Collections. Compilations. Selections (General)
                        Individual jurists or titles, see the jurist or title in the
                          appropriate period
                           e.g. Rubricae sive summae capitulorum iuris canonici, 1588,
                               see KBR1925.N36
                      Lecturae. Commenta. Commentaria. Repetitiones
2142                      General works
2142.3                    Collections. Compilations. Selections (General)
                                Primum volumen Repetitionum diuersorum doctorum in
                                iure canonico..., 1519
                                Including: Repertorium seu tabula Hieronymi de
                                Marliano.., 1519 
                          Individual jurist or title, see the jurist or title in the appropriate
2142.5                    General works
                          By jurist or title, see the jurist or title in the appropriate period 

                      Quaestiones. Distinctiones. Observationes
2143                      General works
                          By jurist or title, see the jurist or title in the appropriate period 

                      Dissensiones. Disputationes
2144                      General works
                           By jurist or title, see the jurist or title in the appropriate period

KBR        History of Canon Law 
                   Particular forms of contemporary legal literature - Continued
                      Consilia. Responsa 
                            Including all periods
                            For consilia collections of both Roman and canon law, see      
2145                      General works
2147                      Collections. Compilations. Selections (General)
2150                      Individual canonists and jurists (commentators), A-Z
                               .A96 Martin de Azpilcueda, 1492?-1586
                               .B45 Gilles de BellemŠre, 1342 or3-1407
                               .B87 Antonius de Butrio, 1338-1408
                                       Consilia, 1493
                               .F47 Giambattista Ferreti, 16th cent.
                               .G73 Jacobus de Graffiis, 1548-1620
                               .N66 Thobias Nonius, 1528-1570
                               .O64 Giovanni Vincenzo Ondedeo, d. 1603
                               .P3  Michelangelo Paleoli, b. ca. 1710              
                               .P36 Pier Paolo Parisio, 1473-1545
                               .P37 Carmine Tommaso Pascucci, 1653-1701
                                       Compendium et index ad consultationes 
                                       canonicas D. Iacobi Pignatelli       
                               .P54 Pietro d'Ancarano, 1330-1416
                                       Consilia, 1490
                               .P55 Giacomo Pignatelli, 1625-1698
                               .P66 Oldrado da Ponte, d.1335
                               .R68 Gianantonio Rossi, 1489-1544
                               .R85 Carlo Ruini, 1456-1530
                               .S37 Marcantonio Savelli, 17th cent.
                               .Z33 Francesco Zabarella, 1360-1417
                                       Consilia, 1490     
                      Differentiae (Early comparative works), see KJA167 ? {or KBR167?} 

                      Brocardica, see KBR100                       

KBR         History of Canon Law 
                   Particular forms of contemporary legal literature - Continued   
                      Casus literature
                            Including casžs longi and casžs breves decretalium
2151                      General works
2152                      Collections. Compilations. Selections (General)
                                Casus papales, episcopales et abbatiales, 1477-80
                                Casus summarii Decretalium (Casžs breves Decretalium
                                    Sexti Clementinorum), 1493
                          Individual jurists or title, see the jurist or title in the 
                                appropriate period and country                      

                      Repertoria. Summaria. Margaritae. Repertories. Indexes. Summaries
2153                      General works
2153.5                    Comprehensive repertories, indexes, etc. By author       
                                Class here repertories, indexes, etc., of broad
                                application, i.e. covering more than one particular
                             .G85  Guillaume Durand, ca. 1230-1296
                                   Repertorium aureum iuris canonici, 1475
                             .C35  Joannes Calderinus, d. 1365
                                   Repertorium iuris, 1474
                          Repertories, indexes, etc. for a particular work, see the
                                title/author in the appropriate period [?or simply by author
                                of the repertorium?
                                       e.g.: KBR1749.6, Martinus Polonus, Margarita;
                                             KBR1784, Baldo degli Ubaldi, Margarita]

                                       but:  Lucas Panaetius, Repertorium Nouellarum
                                             Joannis Andree..., 1524, see KBR

                                             B‚renger Fr‚dol, d. 1323, Inventarium Speculis
                                             iudicialis, see KBR1798.5

KBR         History of Canon Law 
                   Particular types of contemporary scholarly literature
                      Repertoria. Summaria. Margaritae. Repertories. Indexes. Summaries
                          - Continued
                          Repertories, indexes, etc. on the works of a particular author
                                collectively, see the author in the appropriate period 
                                       e.g. Antonio Corsetti,ca. 1450-1503, Repertorium in
                                            opera Nicolai de Tudeschis, see KBR1798.5
                                            Alonso D”az de Montalvo, 1405-1499,
                                            Repertorium quaestionum super Nicolaum de
                                            Tudeschis,1484, see KBR1798.5

                                            Benedetto Vadi, 16th cent., Index..in Felini
                                            Sandei Commentarios ad quinque Decretalium
                                            libros, 1555, see KBR1925.S27

                                            Repertorium locupletissimum in omnia
                                            opera..Ioannis Francisci Ripae a S. Nazario..,
                                            1586, see KBR1925.R58

                                            Index alphabeticus Commentariorum,
                                            Interpretationum, Tractatus de peste, ac
                                            Responsorum..Domini Ioann. Francisci de Ripa..,
                                            1554, see KBR1925.R58
                                             Cf. KBR2153+

                                           Abbatis Panormitani repertorium...Decretalium...,
                                           1571, see KBR1798.5
                      Exceptiones. Excerpta. Flores legum
2154                      General works
                          By jurist or title, see the jurist or title in the appropriate period

(2154.5)              Penitentials, see Sacraments (Penitentiary)

                          KBR         History of Canon Law - Continued
             Legal education. Study and teaching
                   For study and teaching of both Roman and Canon law (traditio
                          juris utriusque), see KJA2155
2155               General
2156               By school
2157         The legal profession. Canonists
             Canon law and other disciplines or subjects
2158.5           Canonical jurisprudence and theology. Law and gospel 
                          Cf. BT79
2158.7           Canon law and moral theology. Casuistry. Cases of conscience, etc.
                          Cf. BX1757
                 Canon law and Roman/Civil law, see KBR167/KJA167
             Canonical jurisprudence. Jus ecclesiasticum
                   Class here comprehensive theoretical works on system and doctrinal 
                   development of (pre-1900) Canon law, including contemporary and recent
                   criticism on such works
                   For studies on sources (General), see KBR190 (History of sources and
                   For works on the Ius canonum of a particular period, and on authors or
                   category of literature, see the period, author, or type of literature
                General works
2160               English and American jurists, A-Z
                          Including Canadian jurists
2162               French jurists, A-Z
                     .A63 Jean Francois Andr‚, 1809-1881
                     .A65 Michel Andr‚, 1803-1878
                     .B37 Michel Bargilliat, 1853-1926
                     .I33 Henri Joseph Icard, 1805-1893
                     .T37 Adolphe Francois Lucien Tardif, 1824-1890                 
                   Italian jurists
2163                  A - Gasparri
                      .A75 Filippo de Angelis, 1824-1881
                      .A76 Joseph d' Annibale, d. 1892
                      .C36 Joseph de Camillis, 1828-1860
2164                  Pietro Gasparri, 1852-1934
                      Gasparri - Nardi
                      .G46 Casimiro Gennari, 1839-1914
                          Gennari - Lombardi
                      .L66 Carlo Lombardi, d.1908
                      .L83 Mariano de Luca, d. 1904

KBR         History of Canon Law
             Canonical science. Jus ecclesiasticum
                General works
                   Italian jurists - Continued
2165                  Francesco Nardi, 1808-1877
2166                  Nardi - Sebastianelli
                      .S43 Guglielmo Sebastianelli, d. 1920
2167                  Sebastianelli - Vecchiotti
                      .V43 Septimio Vecchiotti, d. 1870
2168                  Vecchiotti - Z

2170               Spanish and Portuguese jurists
                          Including Latin American jurists
                      .D66 Iusto Donoso-Silva, d. 1868 

                   German jurists 
                        Including Austrian and Swiss jurists
2172                  A - Friedberg
                        .B56 Anton Joseph Binterim, 1779-1855
                        .E53 Karl Friedrich Eichhorn, 1781-1854
2173                  Emil Albert Friedberg, 1837-1910
2174                  Friedberg - Kahl
                        .H56 Paul Hinschius, 1835-1898
2177                  Wilhelm Kahl, b. 1849
2178                  Kahl - Phillips
                        .L34 Hugo Laemmer, 1835-1918
2179                  Georg Phillips, 1804-1872
2180                  Phillips - Sohm
                        .S35 Johann Friedrich von Schulte, 1827-1914
                        .S43 Emil Seckel, 1864-1924
2182                  Rudolf Sohm,1841-1917
2183                  Sohm - Z 
                        .T54 Augustin Theiner, 1804-1874

2185               Dutch and Belgian jurists
                      .B47 Henricus van den Berghe, b.1848               
                      .B73 Petrus de Brabandere, 1828-1895
                      .F49 Hendrik Jan Feye, 1820-1894
                      .V47 Arthur Vermeersch, 1858-1936    

2188               Other nationals, A-Z

KBR         History of Canon Law       
              Canonical jurisprudence. Jus ecclesiasticum - Continued
                 The source of canon law
                          Class here theoretical treatises on the source (legal foundation) of
                          Canon law
2190                 Ius naturale and ius divinum. Natural law and divine law
                          Cf. K440+ (Natural law, Early Christian)           
                    Tradition. Divina traditio and traditio apostolica        
                       Apostolic canons and constitutions, ca. 30 AD through 600 AD
                          (Apostolic age) 
                                For individual sources and groups of sources, as well as
                                works on sources, see the period and source at KBR190+
                                (Discussion point: for general works on periods of sources,
                                both places are logic. Collection preference decides)
2192                      General works
                            e.g. Peter L'Huillier, 1926-. The church of the ancient councils,

2193                 Jus canonum. Conciliar canons and decrees  
                                Including  conciliar/synodal canons and decrees of the
                                Roman-Byzantine period, 4th to 7th centuries
                                For individual sources and groups of sources, as well as
                                works on sources, see the period and source at KBR190+
                                {Discussion point: both places logic. Collection preference
2194                  Constitutiones pontificiae (decretals), bullae and litterae Apostolicae 
                                For individual sources and groups of sources, as well as
                                works on sources, see the period and source at KBR190+
                                {Discussion point: both places logic. Collection preference
                                deciding factor}

KBR          History of Canon Law - Continued
               Canonical jurisprudence. Jus ecclesiasticum - Continued           
                  Principia generalia. Concepts and principles
2210                 General works. By author
                       .B66  Dominicus Bouix (1808-1871). De principiis iuris canonici, 1852
                       .G68  Thomas. M.J. Gousset (1792-1866). Exposition des principes du
                             droit canonique, 1859
2211                Ethics. Morality of law
2212                 Authority
2213                 Conciliar principle           
2215                   Conflict of laws 
             Note: From here on, the two manuscripts are developed completely parallel; in
             fact, the topical part could be merged at this point with KBS; KBR would have
             only bracketed numbers. Historic developments of subjects could be brought out
             by form division tables.In case the schedules stand by themselves, expansion will
             occure from this point on only in KBS tracking modern doctrinal developments
             and recording new source collections. 
2230             General
                 Natural persons. Personality
2232                General works
                    Church membership
2233                    General works
2234                    Special topics, A-Z
                            .B37  Baptism
                            .C77  Conversion
2235                Ecclesiastical estates
                     Legal acts and facts affecting persons
2236                       Domicile. Quasi-domicile
2237                       Consanguinity     
2238                       Affinity
2239                       Rites and changes of rites
2242                Guardian and ward
                    Inheritance and succession
2245                   General works 
2247                   Testamentary succession. Wills
2250                   Special topics, A-Z   
2253             Juristic persons. Personality
                      For the community and associations of the faithful, etc., see
                 Legal acts, facts, and events
2255               General
2256               Legal transactions
                 The clergy, see KBR2280+          

KBR         History of Canon Law - Continued
             Constitution of the Church
                   Hierarchia ordinis. Hierarchical order of the clergy
2280                  General works
                      Ordinatio. Potestas ordinis
2282                      General works
2285                      Capacity and irregularity
2287                       Legal status. Rights and privileges. Immunity
                          Obligations and duties
2290                         General works
2292                         Celibacy
                       Ecclesiastical offices in general
2300                      General works
2302                      Election. Appointment
2305                      Postulation
2307                      Admission to the office. Loss of office. Vacancy
2309                      Administrative districts. Ecclesiastical provinces. 
                             Mission territories
                       Hierarchia jurisdictionis, see KBR2350+
2315                  General works
2317                  The Papal States (to 1870)
                      The Holy See. Vatican City (1929-)
2320                      General works
                          Legal (international) status of the Holy See
2325                            General works
2327                            Sovereignty
2330                            Extraterritoriality of Vatican City

KBR         History of Canon law 
             Constitution of the church - Continued
                 Church government. Organs of government
2350                General works
                    Jurisdiction. Hierarchia jurisdictionis 
                          Including jurisdictio ordinaria, delegata, mandata and vicaria
                       The Pope
                          Cf. BX1805+
2355                      General works
2360                      Primacy and episcopat. Primatus jurisdictionis. Papal supremacy
2362                      Sovereignty
                          Powers and privileges
2370                          General
2372                          Primatus honoris. Privileges. Honors
2375                          Legislative power. Treaty making power
2377                          Judicial power
2380                          Granting of benefices
2382                          Tax power                         
2385                          Metropolitan and diocesan authority
2390                      Election. Election procedures
2394                      Vacancy of the Holy See
                       The General Council
2398                      General works
2400                      Special topicsKBR         History of Canon Law 
             Constitution of the Church
                Organs of government. Hierarchia jurisdictionis - Continued
2420                Cardinalat. College of cardinals
                          Cf. BX1815   
                   The Curia Romana    
                          Cf. BX1818                                    
2435                 General works
2438                 Prelatures
                     Administrative organization
                          Including officials
                          Cf. 1870+
2450                   Cancellaria Apostolica
2463                   Camera Apostolica
                          Cf. KBR, infra
2473                    Secretaria Status
2485                   Secretaria brevium 
2497                   Secretaria Memorialium
                       Roman congregations
                          Cf. BX1820+
2518                      Congregatio Romanae et universalis Inquisitionis seu Sancti
2528                      Congregatio de disciplina Sacramentarum
2540                      Congregatio indicis librorum prohibitorum
                                Index librorum prohibitorum Leonis XIII, Summi
                                Pontificis auctoritatre recognitus, 1924
2555                      Congregatio Cardinalium Concilii Tridentini interpretum
                                Including related congregations
2575                      Congregatio negotiis religiosorum sodalium praeposita    
                                Previously Congregatio super Negotiis Episcoporum
                                et regularium
                              Collectanea in usum secretariae S.C. Congregatio episcoporum
                                et regularium
2595                      Congregationes super Disciplina Regulari and super Statu
2610                      Congregatio Iurisdictionis et Immunitatis ecclesiasticae
2625                      Congregatio sacrorum Rituum
                                Decreta autentica, 1898, 1912, 1927
2640                      Congregatio Indulgentiarum et Sacrarum Reliquiarum
                                Decreta authentica, 1668-1882

KBR         History of Canon Law 
             Constitution of the Church
                Organs of government. Hierarchia jurisdictionis
                   The Curia Romana    
                       Roman congregations - Continued
2660                      Congregatio de Propaganda Fide (Congregatio pro gentium
2670                         Congregatio specialis pro negotiis ritus Orientalis
                                (Congregatio pro corrigendis libris ecclesiae
                                Collectanea S.C. de Propaganda Fide, 1893, 1907    
2690                      Congregatio super negotiis Ecclesiae extraordinariis
2710                      Congregatio Reverendae Fabricae Basilicae (s.Petri)
                       Commissions of cardinals
                          Cf. BX1895
2730                      General works
2732                      Particular commissions
KBR         History of Canon Law 
             Constitution of the Church
                Organs of government. Hierarchia jurisdictionis - Continued
                     Councils. Synods
                                For sources relating to councils and synods, see KBR200+
2800                      General or ecumenical councils
2820                      Provincial councils and synods  
2840                      Conferences of bishops (Conferentiae episcoporum)
                     Episcopal jurisdiction and organs
2855                        General works
2858                        Apostolate. Episcopate in general
                                For episcopal conferences, see KBR837.5  
2862                        Patriarchat. Metropolitanate. Exarchate. Archbishopric
                            Diocesan constitution
                                   Including territorial organization              
2870                            General works
                                Bishopric. Dioceses
2873                                   General works
2875                                   Diocesan synods
                                         For sources, see KBR838+
2885                                   Diocesan curia
                                             Including offices and administrators
2895                                   Courts. Officialat
2910                            Cathedral chapters. Convent chapters
2920                               Deans. Vicars forane
2923                               Pastors
2926                               Parish vicars
2930                               Parish rectors
2934                            Property. Financial admimistration
                             By country, see KBR4113+
                   Religious associations and societies. Monasticism. Religious orders  
                                Cf. Secular ecclesiastical law in K subclasses, e.g.
                                    KK5538+; KJV4244; KJ-KKZ, Table A, 2698+
2970                      General works
2972                      Erection and administration
2975                      Reception into religious associations. Membership
2978                      Duties and privileges
2982                      Property. Financial administration
2990                      Community (society) of persons without vows 
2994                      Special topics, A-Z
                                .C  Cloistered women

KBR          History of Canon Law - Continued
                   Administrative law. Laws relating to things
                   Sacraments. Administreation of sacraments
3010                  General works
                      Particular sacraments
3020                      Baptism
3030                      Confirmation
3040                      Blessed Eucharist  
3050                      Penance. Penitential discipline {Penitentials here?} 
3060                      Extreme unction
3080                      Holy orders
                           Marriage. Marriage law
                                For works on marriage, church and state, see the K
                                subclasses for individual countries
3090                        General works
3094                        Betrothal
3096                        Marriage ban
                            Marriage impediments
3098                            General works
3104                            Impedimentum mixtae religionis. Mixed marriage
3108                            Raptus. Raptus in parentes. Raptus seductionis
3112                            Impedimentum criminis
3114                            Relationship. Consanguinity and affinity 
3116                        Matrimonial consent
3118                        Marriage bond
3120                        Marriage contracts
3122                        Matrimonial property and regime
3132                        Separation
3135                        Dissolution of marriage
                     Matrimonial actions, see KBR3730   
3150                        Validation of invalid marriages
3180                      General
                          Consecrations. Dedications
3181                         General
3182                         Particular, A-Z    

KBR          History of Canon Law 
                   Administrative law. Laws relating to things - Continued
                   The Cult. Sacred places and times 
                      Sacred places
3188                    General works
                        Particular buildings and structures
                           e.g. Churches, chapels, altars
3190                      General
                          Consecration, see KBR3181
3195                      Furnishings and decoration     
3198                      Right of asylum
3200                      Publicity
3205                      Maintenance and repair
3210                    Cemetaries and ecclesiastical burial
                      Sacred times and seasons
3220                      General works
3222                      Special topics
                      Liturgy and ritual. Liturgical laws
                          Cf. BX1970+
3230                      General works
3234                      Public prayers
3238                      Saints. Relics and images. Veneration 
3240                      Processions and pilgrimages
3245                      Sacred furnishings. Paraments. Utensils  
                   The teaching authority of the Church. Magisterium 
3262                  General works
3265                  Heretics. Apostates, etc.
3268                  Catechetics and preaching
                      Education and training of the clergy
                          For state supervision, see Secular ecclesiastical law in K subclasses
                          for individual countries, e.g. KK5541.5 (Secular ecclesiastical law
                          of Germany)     
3282                    General works
3285                    Seminaries. Ecclesiastical institutions
3295                  Public schools. Universities
                          For state regulation of prayer and religous education in public
                          schools, see the law of education in K subclasses for individual
3300                  Censorship and prohibition of books
3310                  Profession of faith KBR         History of Canon Law - Continued
                 Church economics. Church finance. Administration
3320              General works
                  Ecclesiastical benefices and other institutes
3328               General works
3335               Errection of benefices
3340               Transfer, division, etc. of benefices
3345               Conferring of benficies. Nomination
3350               Right of patronage
                  Other non-collegiate institutes
3360               General works
3365               Dotatio (hospitals, orphanages, etc.)
                  Temporal goods of the Church. Church Property
3380                General works
3385                Acquisition
                      Including gifts, bequests, etc.
                    Real property. Land holdings, land rents, etc.
3400                   General works
3410                   Privileges and immunities
                          Including exemption from taxes, obligatory services (munera 
                          sordida), etc.
3440                Foundations. Religious endowments
                  Other sources of revenue
3460                  Tith         
3465                  Church taxes     
                          For state regulation of church taxation typical for a particular
                          jurisdiction, see the jurisdiction (Secular ecclesiastical law)KBR          History of Canon Law   
               Courts and procedure
3500               General works
                   Jurisdiction and organization of courts  
3510                  General works
3520                  Regular  courts of first instance
3530                  Regular courts of second instance
3540                  Regular courts of the Apostolic See
3550                    Sacra Romana Rota
3560                    Signatura Apostolica
3570                  Delegated courts
3580                  Conflict of jurisdiction between ecclesiastical and civil courts
3585               Judicial assistance
                   The legal profession
3590                  General works
3595                  Judges. Auditors, etc.
3600                  Notaries
                   Law of procedure
3610                  General
3615                  Court oder and decorum
                      Procedural principles
3630                     Oral procedures
3635                     Speedy trial. Court congestion and delay
3640                     Oath of parties etc.
                          Place and time of court
3645                     Time periods. Deadlines
3647                     Exclusion of public
3650                  Parties to action
3652                  Actions and defenses. Exceptions
3655                  Pretrial procedure. Introductory procedures
3660                  Evidence. Burden of proof
3670                  Interlocutory procedure
3675                  Termination of trial
3680                  Judicial decisions. Judgement  
3695                  Remedies   
3700                  Res judicata and reinstatement (Restitutio in integrum)
3705                  Execution of sentence
3715                  Costs
                      Particular procedures
3720                    Arbitration and award. Compromise
                        Criminal procedure, see KBR3940+
3730                    Matrimonial cases
3740                    Procedure in ordination cases. Annulment
3750                    Noncontentious jurisdiction
KBR          History of Canon Law   
               Courts and procedure   
                   Particular procedures - Continued
3760                  Beatification and canonization
3770                  Administrative procedures
                          Including removal or transfer of pastors, procedure against clerics,
                Criminal law and procedure
3790               General
                   Concepts and principles
                      Criminal offense
3795                      General
3797                      Principle of guilt. Dolus and culpa                      
3799                      Principles and accomplices
3800                      Compound offenses                           
3805                      Attempt
                      Punishment. Penalties and measures of rehabilitation
3810                      General works
3812                      Censures
3815                      Vindictive penalties
3820                      Penal remedies
3825                      Penance

                   Individual offenses   
                          Offenses against faith and unity of the Church
3830                          General
3833                            Apostasy
3835                            Heresy
3837                            Schism
3839                            Publishing prohibited books
3842                       Offenses relating to marriage
                          Offenses against religion
3850                          General
3852                            Blasphemy. Perjury
3857                            Superstition
3859                            Sacrilege
3862                            Disturbing religious observance and peace of the dead
KBR          History of Canon Law 
                Criminal law and procedure
                   Individual offenses - Continued   
                          Offenses against ecclesiastical authority
3870                          General
3872                          Particular
                          Offenses against the person (Life, liberty, reputation, and moral
3880                          General
3882                          Particular
                          Forgery. Suppression of documents
3890                          General
3892                          Particular
                          Offenses in the administration or reception of orders and other
3900                          General
3902                          Particular
                          Offenses against the obligation of the clerical and religious state
3912                          General
3914                          Particular
                          Offenses in the conferring etc. of ecclesiastical dignities, benefices
                              and dignities
3920                          General
3922                          Particular
                          Abuse of ecclesiastical power or office
3930                          General
3932                          Particular
                Criminal law and procedure - Continued
                     Criminal procedure
3940                         General
                             Procedural principles
3942                            Accusation procedure
3945                            Denunciation procedure
3947                            Inquisition procedure
3950                            Evidence. Burden of proof
                             Execution of sentence. Punishment. Poena
3960                            General works
                                Penalties and measures of punishment
3965                              General works
3967                            Penal authority
                                  For conflict of jurisdiction, see KBR3580
3969                            Remission of penalties
                                  Particular penalties
3975                                   General works
3977                                   Excommunication
3979                                   Interdict
                                   Vindictive penalties
3982                                   General works
3984                                   Common
                                        Particular to clerics
3986                                      Suspension      
3988                                      Privation of benefice or office3988      
3990                                      Degradation
3992                                      Deposition

KBR          History of Canon Law - Continued  
               Ius publicum ecclesiae. Church and state relationships   
                          For secular ecclesiastical law, i.e. secular (civil) law affecting the
                                church, see the K subclasses for individual countries, e.g.
                                KK5520+, Secular ecclesiastical law in Germany 
4000                General works
                      .A85  Guilelmus Audisio (1802- ca. 1882). Diritto pubblico della Chiesa
                              e delle genti cristiane, 1864,      
                      .H47  Joseph Hergenroether (1820-1890). Katholische Kirche und
                              christlicher Staat, 1872
                      .L53  Matthaeus Liberatore (1810-1892). La Chiesa e lo stato cristiano,
                      .M37  Wilhelm Martens (1831-1902). Die Beziehung der Ueberordnung,
                            Nebenordnung und Unterordnung zwischen Kirche und Staat, 1877
                      .T37  Camillus Tarquini (1810-1874). Institutiones iuris publici
                              ecclesiastici, 1860                
                      .V46  Ioachimus Ventura (1792-1861). De iure publico ecclesiastico 
                              commentaria, 1826
                    Relation of papacy to monarchic government (divine right of kings)
4010                  General works
                      Early Church and Roman Empire. Byzantine Empire (to ca. 8th cent.)
4012                    General works
4014                    Constitutum Constantini. Donatio Constantini, 8th cent. (5th cent.
                          Legenda s. Silvestri)
                                CF. BX875+
                      Frankish and Holy Roman Empire (to ca. end 15th cent.)  
4020                      General works
4022                      Carlovingian State church. Private church (Eigenkirchenrecht)
4024                      Potestas indirecta in temporalia (Gregory VII, 1073-1085)
4026                      Potestas directa in temporalia (Bonifaz VIII, 1294-1303). Bulla
                                "Unam sanctam"
4028                      Investiture struggle
4030                      Concordate of Worms, 1122
4032                      Church and feudal institutes
                                Cf. KJC4435+, Feudal law in Europe                  
                       Renaissance and Reformation (16th cent.)
4034                      General works
4036                      Schism and restauration 
4038                      By country
                       Absolutism. Enlightenment. Modernism (17th to end 19th cent.)
4040                      General works
4045                      By country                                          

KBR          History of Canon Law  
               Ius publicum ecclesiae. Church and state relationships - Continued   
4050              Separation of Church and state

                  Foreign and international relations of the Holy See
4060                   General works
                       Legation. Diplomacy
4065                      General works 
4070                      Papal envoys. Legates. Nuncios. Papal vicars
                          Collections, see KBR(37+)
                          By country, see the country?KBR    History of Canon law - Continued
          Local Church government, see KBS?
            By country
               The Americas 
4112            General works 
4113         United States
4114         Canada
4115         Greenland
4116         Latin America
                   Including Mexico, Central and South America
4117         Mexico
             Central America
4118           General works
4119           Belize
4120           Costa Rica
4121           Guatemala
4122           Honduras
4123           Nicaragua
4124           Panama
4125           El Salvador
             West Indies. Carribean area
                   Including Federation of the West Indies, 1958-1962         
4128           General works
4129           Cuba
4130           Haiti
4131           Dominican Republic
4132           Puerto Rico
4133           Virgin Islands  of the United States. Danish West Indies
4134           British West Indies
               Danish West Indies, see KBR4133
4136           Netherlands Antilles. Dutch West Indies
                   Including Curacao. For Surinam (Dutch Guiana), see KBR4149
4137           French West Indies
                   Including Guadeloupe and Martinique. For French Guiana, see KBR4150

KBR    History of Canon law
          Local Church government
            By state        
             South America
4140           General works
4141           Argentina
4142           Bolivia
4144           Brazil
4145           Chile
4146           Colombia
4147           Ecuador
4148           Guiana
                 Guyana. British Guiana, see KBR4134
4149             Surinam. Dutch Guiana
4150             French Guiana
4152           Paraguay
4153           Peru
4154           Uruguay
4155           Venezuela
4157           Falkland Islands

KBR    History of Canon law
          Local Church government
            By country
4160                  General works
4161                  Great Britain
4162                   Wales 
4163                   Scotland
4165                   Northern Ireland
4166                 Ireland. Eire 
4168                 Austria. Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
4170                 Hungary
4172                 Czechoslovakia  
4176                 France 
4178                 Monaco
4180                 Germany
4183                 Greece
4185                 Italy
4188                 Andorra
4190                 San Marino
4192                 Malta
                     Benelux countries. Low countries
4196                   Belgium
4197                   The Netherlands. Holland
                          Including individual provinces and historic (defunct) jurisdictions 
4198                   Luxembourg
4200                 Russia
                     Caucasus, see KBR4310+
4206                 Belarus 
4208                 Moldova
4210                 Ukraine 
4212                 Poland 
4214                 Finland

KBR          History of Canon law
                Local Church government
                   By country - Continued
                     The Baltic countries
4216                   General works
4218                   Estonia
4220                   Latvia
4222                   Lithuania
4225                   General works
4226                   Denmark
4228                   Iceland
4229                   Norway
4230                   Sweden
4232                 Spain
4234                 Portugal
4236                 Switzerland
4237                 Liechtenstein
                      Southeastern Europe. The Balkan States
4240                    General works
4242                    Turkey
4244                    Cyprus
4246                    Albania
4248                    Bulgaria
4250                    Montenegro
4252                    Romania
4255                    Yugoslavia.  Serbia 
4257                    Croatia
4259                    Bosnia and Herzegovina
4261                    Slovenia
4263                    Macedonia 
4270                   General works
                       Middle East. Southwest Asia
4272                     General works
4273                     Armenia (to 1921)
4275                     Bahrein
4278                     Iran. Persia
4280                     Iraq
4282                     Israel. Palestine
4284                     Jerusalem

KBR         History of Canon law
               Local Church government
               By country
                   Middle East. Southwest Asia - Continued
4286                  Jordan
4290                  Kuweit
4292                  Lebanon
4294                  Oman
4295                  Palestine
4297                  Qatar
4299                  Saudi Arabia
4301                  Syria
4303                  United Arab Emirates
4305                  Yemen
4310                    General works  
4312                    Armenia
4314                    Azerbajan
4316                    Georgia
                        Turkey, see KBR4242
                      Cyprus, see KBR4244                       
                   Central Asia
4320                  General works
4322                  Kazakhstan
4324                  Kyrgyzstan
4326                  Tadjikistan
4328                  Turkmenistan        
4330                  Uzbekistan
KBR         History of Canon law
               Local Church government
               By country
                  Asia - Continued
                     South Asia.  Southeast Asia. East Asia
4335                  General works    
4337                  Afghanistan
4339                  Bangladesh
4341                  Bhutan
4343                  Brunei
4345                  Burma
4347                  Cambodia
4350                  China (to 1912)
4360                    Provinces, A-Z                    
4379                        Hong Kong
KBR         History of Canon law
               Local Church government
               By country
                     South Asia.  Southeast Asia. East Asia - Continued
4400                  India
                         States, Union Territories, etc., and defunct jurisdictions 
4402                       Andaman and Nicobar Islands
4404                       Andrah Pradesh
4405                       Arunchal Pradesh
4407                       Assam
4409                       Bihar
4411                       Calcutta/Bengal Presidency
4413                       Chandighar
4415                       Dadra and Nagar Haveli
4417                       Delhi
4419                       Goa, Daman, and Diu
4421                       Gujarat
4423                       Haryana
4425                       Himachal Pradesh
    .5                     Hyderabad
4428                       Jaipur
4430                       Jammu and Kashmir
4432                       Karnataka
4435                       Kerala
4436                       Kumaon
4437                       Lakshadweep
4439                       Madhya Pradesh
4441                       Madras Presidency
4443                       Maharashtra
4445                       Manipur
4447                       Meghalaya
4449                       Mizoram
                           Mysore, see KZ4467
4451                       Nagaland
4453                        Orissa
4455                        Pondicherry
4457                        Punjab
4459                        Rajasthan
4461                        Sikkim
4463                        Tamil Nadu
4465                        Tripura
4467                        Uttar Pradesh
4469                        West BengalKBR         History of Canon law
               Local Church government
               By country
                     South Asia.  Southeast Asia. East Asia - Continued
4475                   French Indochina
4477                   Indonesia
    .5                     Provinces, A-Z
                          .T56  Timor Timur
4479                   Japan
4488                   Korea
4490                   Laos
4492                   Macau
4494                      General works
4495                      Individual states, A-Z
4506                   Maldives
4507                   Mongolia
4509                   Nepal
4511                   Pakistan

KBR       History of Canon law
             Local Church government
             By country
                     South Asia.  Southeast Asia. East Asia - Continued
4513                   Philippines
4515                   Singapore
4518                   Sri Lanka. Ceylon
4520                   Thailand
4525                   Vietnam
4540            General works
4542            Algeria
4544            Angola
4546            Benin
4550            Botswana
4552            British Central Africa Protectorate
4555            British Indian Ocean Territory
4556            British Somaliland
4560            Burkina Faso
4562            Burundi
4565            Cameroon
4567            Cape Verde
4569            Central African Republic
4573            Chad
4576            Comoros
4580            Congo
4582            Co^te džIvoire. Ivory Coast
4584            Djibouti
4586            East Africa Protectorate
4588            Egypt
4589            Eritrea
4590            Ethiopia
4592            French Equatorial Africa
4593            French West africa
4595            Gabon
4597            Gambia
4599            German East Africa
4600            Ghana
                Gibraltar, see KBR4164
4604            Guinea

KBR       History of Canon law
             Local Church government
             By country
              Africa - Continued
4606            Guinea-Bissau
4608            Equatorial Guinea
4610            Ifni
4612            Italian East Africa
4614            Italian Somaliland
4616            Kenya
4618            Lesotho
4620            Liberia
4622            Libya  
4624            Madagascar
4626            Malawi
4628            Mali
4630            Mauritania
4633            Mauritius
4635            Mayotte
4637            Morocco
4639            Mozambique
4643            Namibia
4645            Niger
4650            Nigeria
4653            Ržeunion
4655            Rwanda
4657            Saint Helena
4660            Sao Tome and Principe
4664            Senegal
4666            Seychelles
4668            Sierra Leone
4670            Somalia

KBR       History of Canon law
             Local Church government
             By country
               Africa - Continued
                 South Africa
4680               General works
4682               Provinces and selfgoverning territories, A-Z 
                          Including homelands

4700            Spanish West Africa
4702            Spanish Sahara 
4704            Sudan
4706            Swaziland
4708            Tanzania
4710            Togo
4712            Tunisia
4714            Uganda
4716            Zaire
4720            Zambia
4722            Zanzibar 
4724            Zimbabwe

KBR       History of Canon law
             Local Church government
             By country
              Pacific Area
4730            General works
4735               General works                  
                   States and territories
4738                  Australian Capital Territory
4740                  Northern Territory
4742                  New South Wales
4744                  Queensland
4746                  South Australia
4748                  Tasmania
4750                  Victoria
4752                  Western Australia
4760            New Zealand
4770            Other Pacific Area jurisdictions, A-Z
KB-KBZ       Religious Legal Systems -- Continued
KBR-KBX       Law of the Christian Church. Ecclesiastical Law. Canon Law
KBS             Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See
                     Including international and national bibliography
2                  Bibliography of bibliography. Bibliographical concordances
3                  General bibliography
4                  Indexes for periodical literature, society publications, collections, etc.
                   Subject bibliography
5                     General (Collective)
                      Individual subjects and topics, see the subject
                      Early works, e.g. Repertoria, see the author in the appropriate
7                  Personal bibliography. Writers on Canon law  (Collective or individual) 
                   Catalogs, inventories and guides to manuscripts and incunabula collections
                      in public libraries or archives. By name of the library or archive
                          Including university, museum, cathedral, religious order and other
                             institutional libraries or archives 
10                    North American, A-Z
                           Including US and Canada
12                    Central and South American, A-Z
14                      English, A-Z
14.5                    French, A-Z
15                      German, A-Z
15.5                    Italian, A-Z                    
16                        .B5  Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
16.5                    Spanish and Portuguese, A-Z
17                      Other European, A-Z
18                    Asian and Pacific, A-Z
19                    African and Middle Eastern, A-Z                        
(20)               Periodicals, see KB
21                 Annuals. Annuaires. Yearbooks
                   e.g. L'Ann‚e canonique
22                 Monographic series
                   e.g. Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen
                   Theses ad lauream in iure canonico (Pontificia Universita
                   Monographias canonicas Penafort
                   Oesterreichisches Archiv fuer Kirchenrecht
                   Studia Gratiana

KBS             Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued
                   Official bulletin of the Apostolic See
25                        Acta Sanctae Sedis (1865-1904), see KBS
                                Superceded by Acta Apostolicae Sedis 
26                        Acta Apostolicae Sedis (1908-), see KBS
                   Constitutions, acts, etc., of the Apostolic See
27                   Bibliography
                     Early or discontinued collections and compilations
                         Bullaries. Bullaria
27.5                       Indexes and Tables. Repertories. Regesta. Digests
                             .J35  Regesta Pontificum Romanorum: Ab condita ecclesia ad
                                 annum post Christum natum MCXVIII (Philipp Jaffe (1819-
                                 1870, ed.), 1885-88
                             .P77  Regesta Pontificum Romanorum inde ab A. post Christum
                                 natum MCXCVIII ad A. MCCCIV (August Potthast, 1824-
                                 1895, ed.), 1874-750

                           Individual popes
28                           Clement IX (Pope, 1700-1721). Bullarium, 1723   
28.2                         Benedict XIV (Pope, 1740-1758). Benedicti Papae XIV         
                             bullarium...in quo continentur constitutiones, epistolae,
28.4                         Acta Gregory XVI (1831-1846), 1901-1904
28.5                         Acta PII IX (1846-1878), 1854
28.6                         Acta Leonis XIII (1878-1905), 1881-1905
28.9                         Acta Pii X (1903-1914), 1905-1913
29                         Private. By author or title 
                          Early or discontinued    
                            .B37  Bullarii Romani continuatio summorum pontificum
                                  Clementis XIII..etc...[et Gregorii XVI].. Quas collegit
                                  Andreas Barberi, 1835
                            .C54  Magnum Bullarium romanum ab Urbano VIII, usque ad
                                  s.d.n. Clementem X. (Laerzio Cherubini, d. ca. 1626 &   
                                  Angelo Maria Cherubini, fl. 1633-1637, eds.), 1629-97
                            .C63  Bullarum, diplomatum et privilegiorum sanctorum
                                  romanorum pontificum taurinensis editio..facta collectione
                                  novissima plurium brevium, epistolarum, decretorum
                                  actorumque s. Sedis a s. Lione Magno usque ad
                                  praesens..(Charles Cocquelines, d.1758 & Francesco Gaude,
                                  1809-1860, et al., eds.), 1857-72
                             .M35 Magnum bullarium Romanum...1733-62 (1964)
KBS             Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See 
                       Constitutions, acts, etc., of the Apostolic See - Continued
                          Other collections. Compilations. Selections 
                                Class her comprehensive collections and compilations etc. 
                                  of pontifical acts, decrees, constitutions, and not relating 
                                  to a specific historic period or pope, with or without     
                                  ecclesiastical court decisions and acts/decisions of the    
                                  Roman Curia, etc. 
                                       Including annotated editions
30                            Collectio diversarum constitutionum et litterarum Rom. Pont.
                                a Gregorio VII usque ad sanctissimum D.N.D. Gregorium
                                XIII..., 1579 
30.2                          Compendium constitutionum summorum Pontificum: quae extant
                                a Gregorio VII usque ad Clementem VIII.. per .. Iacobum
                                Castellanum.. collectum, 1606
30.4                          Summa bullarii ac constitutionum summorum pontificum: Quae
                                ad universalem ecclesiae usum, post volumina iuris
                                canonici usque ad..Paulum Papam V emanarunt..(authore
                                Stephano Quaranta..; cum additionibus Prosperi de
                                Augustino), 1606
30.5                          Summa constitutionum summorum pontificum, et rerum in 
                                ecclesia Romana gestarum a Gregorio IX usque ad Sixtum
                                V .. per Petrum Matthaeum, 1589
30.6                          Constitutiones pontificiae et Romanarum congregationum 
                                decisiones ad episcopos et abbates..(Giambattista Pittoni,
                                1687-1767, comp.), 1712
30.7                          Summae Bullarum, sive Apostolicarum constitutionum usu 
                                frequentiorum commentaria..(Giovanni Antonio Novario,
                                17th. cent.), 1677
                       ***Individual papal constitutions, bulls, etc.
32                        By pope
                               Subarrange by date 
                 *Encyclicals. Epistolae Encyclicae
33                 General (Collective)
34                 By Pope
                 *Letters. Epistolae 
35                 General (Collective)
                     .T55  Epistolae Romanorum Pontificum genuinae .. (Andreas
                           Thiel, Bp., 1826-1908, comp.), 1867
36                 By Pope
                 ** Concordates
37                 Collections. Compilations. Selections
38                    **Individual. By country and date {see the country?}
KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued
                ***Decisions (acts) of the Curia Romana
39                 General (Collective)
                          Including regulations and decrees; not including Papal documents
                   Particular office or congregation
39.2                   Cancellaria Apostolica
39.3                   Camera Apostolica
                          Cf. KB45
39.4                    Secretaria Status
39.5                   Secretaria brevium 
39.6                   Secretaria Memorialium
                       Roman congregations
                          Including older congregations
40                        Congregatio Romanae et universalis Inquisitionis seu Sancti 
40.2                      Congregatio de disciplina Sacramentarum
40.3                      Congregatio indicis librorum prohibitorum
                                Index librorum prohibitorum Leonis XIII, Summi
                                Pontificis auctoritatre recognitus, 1924
40.4                      Congregatio Cardinalium Concilii Tridentini interpretum
                                Including related congregations
40.5                      Congregatio negotiis religiosorum sodalium praeposita    
                                Previously Congregatio super Negotiis Episcoporum 40.6et
                                Collectanea in usum secretariae S.C. Congregatio
                                episcoporum et regularium
40.7                      Congregationes super Disciplina Regulari and super Statu 
40.8                      Congregatio Iurisdictionis et Immunitatis ecclesiasticae
40.9                      Congregatio sacrorum Rituum
                                Decreta autentica, 1898, 1912, 1927
41                        Congregatio Indulgentiarum et Sacrarum Reliquiarum
                                Decreta authentica, 1668-1882
41.2                      Congregatio de Propaganda Fide
41.22                        Congregatio specialis pro negotiis ritus Orientalis
                                (Congregatio pro corrigendis libris ecclesiae
                                Collectanea S.C. de Propaganda Fide, 1893, 1907    
41.3                      Congregatio super negotiis Ecclesiae extraordinariis
41.4                      Congregatio Reverendae Fabricae Basilicae (s.Petri)

*       Do these materials really belong in KBR/KBS? Some authors list them in Canon law as
       "(official) documents"
**     Concordates have been classed so far with "Church and State. Ecclesiastical law" in  
       particular country schedules or tables, e.g. KK5520+ (Law of Germany; Secular
       ecclesiastical law; Concordates). These is another "grey" area which has to be sorted
***    The classification of individual legislative and other legal acts, facts, events, etc., usually
       follows the principle underlying the LCC: distribution by subject. 
       For Canon law, it maybe a good idea to have these materials arranged in one place, be
       it in KBR or KBS regardless of subject, and not dispersed by subject throughout the two
KBS           Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued
                  Decisions of ecclesiastical tribunals and courts, and related materials
                          Including historic collections
                          Note: parallel number structure in KBS for complete collection,
                          historic and modern (current) collections 
42                     General collections
                       Individual tribunal or court
                          Sacri Palatii auditorium. Rota Romana
43                           Indexes and tables. Repertories. Digests
                                For repertories to a particular work, see the author or title
                              Collections. Compilations. Selections
                                Including collections with annotations and scholarly comment
44                              General. By editor, compiler or title
                                    .B45  Sacrosanctae decisiones canonicae (Decisiones Rotae
                                     collectae ex consiliis dominorum Sacri Palatii causarum
                                     auditorum) (Gilles de BellemŠre, 1342 or 3-1407;
                                     Guilielmus Cassador,1477-1527,comp.)1579
                                .C97 Controversiarum forensium liber primus[-tertius]:..  
                                     accesserunt decisiones aliquae Rotae Romanae nondum
                                     impressae.. (Franciscus Niger Cyriacus, fl.   
                                     1629, comp.),1644;1652-54
                                .H67 Decisiones Rotae Romanae (Wilhelm Horborch, ed.),
                                       Including decisions of earlier compilations by
                                          Guilielmus Gallici, Wilhelm Horborch, and
                                          Bonaguida Cremonensis
                                .H677 Decisiones Rote noue [et] antique cum additionibus,
                                      casibus dubiis et regulis Cancellarie Apostolice
                                      (Wilhelm Horborch, Guilielmus Gallici, and 
                                      Bonaguida Cremonensis, comp.), [1509]
                                .P38  Decisiones Rotae Romanae (Gianfrancesco Pavini, 
                                      ed.), 1475
                                       Including Decisiones novae, Decisiones antiquae, and
                                          decisions of earlier compilations by Thomas
                                          Fastolf, Bernardus de Bosqueto, Guilielmus
                                          Gallici, and Wilhem Horborch
                                .R43  Rotae auditorum decisiones nouae, antiquae, et
                                      antiquiores...accesserunt..Do. Petri Rebuffi, Camilli
                                      Melle..& aliorum doctissimorum..additiones,1570/1579
44.5                          Individual auditores of the Rota
                                  .D42  Gilles de BellemŠre, 1342 or 3-1407. Consilia, see 
                                  .P46  Francisco Pena, 1540-1612. Recollectae decisiones
                                       (Diego Antonio Franc‚s de Urrutigoiti, d.1682)

KBS          Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued
                   Decisions of ecclesiastical tribunals and courts, and related materials
                    Other tribunals or courts
45                     Tribunal of the Camera Apostolica
46                     Signatura Apostolica        
46.3                      Signatura justitiae
46.5                      Signatura gratiae
47                     Dataria Apostolica
48                     Poenitentiaria Apostolica          
49-55               Diocesan courts {here; or with the administrative structure?}
                          Class here decisions of diocesan (ecclesiastical) courts or
                          other authorities in particular countries; e.g.
54                 Encyclopedias
56                 Dictionaries (Terms and phrases). Vocabularies
                   Including early works
                   For vocabularies on both canon and Roman law combined
                   (e.g.vocabularius iuris utriusque), see KJA5
64                 Directories
                   Methodology, see KBR190
                   History, see KBR
                   Auxiliary sciences, see KBR74+
(74)               General works
(75)               Diplomatics
(76)               Paleography
                    e.g. Coloman E. Viola, Exercitationes paleographiae iuris canonici;
                   Papyrology, see KBR190
(77)               Linguistics. Semantics
(78)               Archeology. Legal symbolism
(80)               Inscriptions
(83)               Heraldry. Seals. Insignia, etc.
100                Proverbs. Legal maxims    
KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued
105              Form books. Clauses and forms
                   Including individual or collected formularies for notaries or trial 
                   lawyers, court and procedural practice before a particular office or court,
                   e.g. the Rota Romana,  Camera apostolica, Cancellaria apostolica, etc.
                 Repertoria. Summaria. Margaritae, see KBR2153+
                 Other forms of contemporary legal literature, see KBR2139+
(122)              General
(123)              By school
(124)              Collections of portraits
                      Individual, see the canonist or jurist in the appropriate period
                   Including criminal and civil trials
127                 Collections
128                 Individual. By defendant, plaintiff, or best known (popular) name
                  Legal research. Legal bibliography. Methods of bibliographic research
130                General
132                System of citation. Legal abbreviation. Modus legendi abbreviaturas
                  Legal education. Study and teaching, see KBS2155
                  The legal profession, see KBS3590+ 
                  Societies. Associations. Academies, etc.
136                International, A-Z
138                   North American (US and Canada), A-Z
139                   Central and South American, A-Z
141                     English, A-Z
142                     French, A-Z
143                     German, A-Z
144                     Italian, A-Z                    
145                     Spanish and Portuguese, A-Z
146                     Other European, A-Z
148                Academies. Institutes
150                Conferences. Symposia
155                General works
156                Influence of other legal systems on Canon law (Reception) 
                   Canon law compared with other religious systems
                   General, see KB
166                Civil law
                        Comparisons of particular subjects between canon law and civil law, see
                   the subject in KBS
170                Law reform and policies. Criticism

KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued              
180               Works on diverse aspects of a particular subject and falling within several
                   branches of the law. By subject, A-Z         
             History. Sources
                Studies on sources
                   Including history of sources and methodology (e.g. papyrology, epigraphy,
(190)               By author, A-Z
                   Class here collected or individual works of authors regardless of
                   nationality or language
(192)            Classification of sources
                 Collections. Compilations. Selections
(195)               General
                   Class here comprehensive collections stemming from all historicperiods
                   of canon law. For collections relating to a particular historic period or
                   type of source, see the period or type of source (e.g. decretals, consilia,
                   Including translations
(195.5)             Indexes. Chronologies. Concordances
(196-197.4)         Pseudo-apostolic collections of canons, to ca. 400 AD
                          Class here collections relating to the legal foundation of the early
                          (primitive) church, e.g. apostolic canons, decrees, and decretals
                   General works, see KBS(190+)
(197.4-199.33)               Jus ecclesiae Graecae seu Byzantinae. Greek-Byzantine collections,
                   to ca. 14th cent.
                   General works, see KBS(190+)
                    Post-schismatic oriental collections, see KBV
KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See        
             History. Sources
                 Collections. Compilations. Selections - Continued
                   Canonical collections of councils and synods
                             For general histories see BR200+ 
200                       General (collective). By author
                           .B35   Louis Bail (1610-1669). Summa conciliorum omnium, 1659
                           .B36   tienne Baluze (1630-1718). Nova collectio conciliorum,
                           .B48   William Beveridge, ed. (1637-1708). Synodikon, 1672
                           .B56   Severinus Binius. Concilia generalia et provincialia
                           .C37   Bartolom‚ Carranza (1503-1576)
                                  Summa conciliorum & pontificum a Petro usque ad      
                                    Paulum Tertium..., 1546
                                  Summa conciliorum et pontificum a Petro vsque ad Pium 
                                    IIII, collecta..., 1570
                                  Summa conciliorum, a sancto Petro usque ad Pium       
                                    Quartum pontificem, 1576
                            .C66  Conciliorum omnium generalioum et principalium collectio
                                    regia, 1644
                            .H37  Jean Hardouin. Conciliorum collectio regia maxima, 1715
                            .M36  J.D. Mansi. Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima
                            .T36  Norman P. Tanner. Conciliorum oecumenicorum decreta,
                           *Early councils. Concilia. To end 9th century
                                     Including general or ecumenical councils 
205                          General works
                                For general histories on the councils and synods,
                             By date of opening
210                            Council of Nicea (1st), 325
213                            Council of Saragossa, 380
214                            Council of Aquileia, 381
215                            Council of Constantinople (1st), 381
220                            Council of Ephesus, 449
225                            Council of Chalcedon, 451
230                            Council of Constantinople (2nd), 553 
235                            Council of Constantinople (3rd), 681
237                            Quinisext Synod(Constantinople; Concilium Trullanum), 692
240                            Council of Nicea (2nd), 787
242                            Council of Frankfurt, 794
* The class numbers correspond to the numbers assigned to the councils in schedule BR
KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See        
             History. Sources
                Collections. Compilations. Selections                              
                   Canonical collections of councils and synods 
                         Early councils. To end 9th century - Continued
                           Provincial councils
                                Including provincial synods
245                           General works 
                              General (Collective), see KBS200
                              Individual. By date of opening
260  255                           Carthage, 255
260  314                           Ancyra (Ankara), 314
260  315                           Neocaesarea (Niksar), 315
260  343                           Gangra (Cankiri), 343
260  341                           Antioch (Antakya), 341
260  343                         Sardica (Sofia), 343
260  394                           Constantinople, 394
260  419                           Carthage, 419
                                 Cf. KBR1110, Codex Canonum Ecclesiae Africanae
260  861                           Constantinople, 861
260  879                           Constantinople, 879   

KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See        
             History. Sources
                Collections. Compilations. Selections                               
                    Canonical collections of councils and synods - Continued
                    * General or ecumenical councils. From end 9th century          
                          Including post-schism and contested councils
820                      General works
                          For general histories on the councils, synods, etc., see
                         General (Collective), see KBS200+
830                      Individual councils. By date of opening
830   869                     Council of Constantinople (4th), 869
830   879                     Council of Union, 879
830  1064                     Council of Mantua, 1064
830  1095                     Council of Clermont, 1095
830  1123                     Lateran Council (1st), 1123
830  1139                     Lateran Council (2nd), 1139
830  1179                     Lateran Council (3rd), 1179
830  1215                     Lateran Council (4th), 1215
830  1245                     Council of Lyons (1st), 1245
830  1274                     Council of Lyons (2nd), 1274
830  1311                     Council of Vienne, 1311
830  1409                     Council of Pisa (1st), 1409
830  1414                     Council of Constance, 1414
830  1423                     Council of Pavia-Siena, 1423
830  1431                     Council of Basel, 1431
830  1438                     Council of Florence, 1438
830  1511                     Council of Pisa (2nd), 1511
830  1512                     Lateran Council (5th), 1512
830  1545                     Council of Trent, 1545
830  1596                     Council of Brest-Litovsk, 1596
830  1869                     Vatican Council (1st), 1869                          
830  1962                     Vatican Council (2nd), 1962
                            Episcopal synods. Synodus episcoporum
830.5                           General works
                                       For general histories on the synods, see BX831+
831                             Individual episcopal synods. By date of opening

* The class numbers correspond to the numbers assigned to the councils in schedule BX

KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See        
             History. Sources
                Collections. Compilations. Selections                               
                    Canonical collections of councils and synods - Continued
                   *General or ecumenical councils. From end 9th century 
                        Plenary councils. National councils. By region and/or country
                          Under each country, include the diocesan and provincial
                          councils in the order of jurisdictional hierarchy
                          The Americas
                             Latin America
831.5                           General works
                                For general histories on the plenary/national councils,
                                see BX832+
832                             Individual. By date
                             North America
                                United States
833                                General works
835                                Individual. By date
835  1852                       Plenary Council (1st), Baltimore, 1852
835  1866                       Plenary Council (2nd), Baltimore, 1866
835  1884                       Plenary Council (3d), Baltimore, 1884
836                                General works
836.5                              Individual. By date
836.5  1909                      Plenary Council (1st), Quebec, 1909
837                           Other countries, A-Z
                                Subarrange further by date of opening of the Council
837.5                   Episcopal conferences

                        Diocesan or provincial synods
                          Including diocesan pastoral councils
(838)                      General works, see KBS2820

838.5                      By dioces or provincee
                          Catholic Church. Diocese of Valencia (Spain)
                          Catholic Church. Province of Florence (Italy)
                          Catholic Church. Patriarchate of Venice (Italy)
                          Synod of 1592, 1594, 1653, 1667, 1741, etc.
{Here or with the country?}

KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See        
             History. Sources
                Collections. Compilations. Selections - Continued                  
                   Latin versions of Oriental canonical collections prior to pseudo-
                         Including collections of both canons of the early Oriental
                         councils or synods, decrees and decretals
                       General works, see KBS190
(1100-1145)            Africa
(1150-1182)            Italy
1200-1225)             Gaul
(1230-1245)            Ireland
(1250-1255)            Spain
(1260-1292)        Compilations of secular law pertaining to religiou law
(1295-1308)        Pseudo-Isidoriana. 9th century
                   Cf. BX875+
                   Post Pseudo-Isidorian collections of canons and decretals, to 1140
(1315)             General works
(1320-1335)        Italy
(1338-1340)        Germany
(1342-1350)        Gaul
(1355-1358)        Spain
(1360)             Decretum Gratiani. Concordia discordantium canonum (Gratian,    
                   12th cent.), 1140   
                   Flores sive Decretorum compilationes, 126-?
                          Cf. KBR2154
(1370)             Emendatio decreti Gratiani (Correctores Romani), 1582, see KBR1930
(1410-1490)        Collections. Compilations. Selections between 1140 and 1234    
                       (Decretum Gratiani to Decretales Gregorii IX.) 
(1500)             Liber extra. Decretales Gregorii IX (Gregory IX, Pope, 1227-1241),
(1510)             Novellae constitutiones, 1234-1298
(1530)             Liber Sextus decretalium (Boniface VIII, Pope, 1294-1303), 1298 
(1540)             Clementinae Constitutiones (Clement V, Pope, 1305-1315), 1317   
(1550)             Extravagantes Joannis XXII (John XXII, Pope, 1316-1334), end
                   15th cent.
(1560)             Extravagantes communes, end 15th cent. 
KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See        
             History. Sources
                Collections. Compilations. Selections - Continued                  
(1565)             Corpus iuris canonici. By date of edition
                   Class here the editions of the body of church law in force until 1917
                   (enactment of the Codex Iuris Canonici), beginning with the authenticated
                   Rome edition of the Corpus (comprising the six compilations, i.e.
                   Decretum Gratiani; Decretals Gregorii IX; Liber Sextus Bonefacii VIII;
                   Clementinae; Extravagantes Ioanni XII, and Extravagantes communes) as
                   promulgated by Pope Gregory XIII in his brief Cum pro munere pastorali
                   Cf. KBR1360-1560
                   Including earlier collections under the title "Corpus Iuris Canonici"
(1930 1554)           Charles Dumoulin (Molinaeus), Lyon 1554, etc.
(1930 1570)           A. Le Conte (Contius), Antwerp 1570
(1930 1582)           Editio Romana (Correctores Romani), 1582 
(1930 1687)           Petrus et Franciscus Pithou (Pithoeus), Paris 1687
(1930 1728)           Ch. H Freiesleben, Prag 1728
(1930 1747)           Justus Henning Boehmer, Halle 1747
(1930 1839)           Aemilius Ludovicus Richter, Leipzig 1839
(1930 1879)           Emil Friedberg, Leipzig 1879-81
                Canonists and jurists
                     By period
                     12th to mid 16th centuries
                          Class here works produced by the early canonical jurisprudence
                          (canonics) between Decretum Gratiani and Tridentinum (ca. 1140
                          to 1545)
                          Cf. KJA1630+, Individual jurists (6th to 15th cent. Post-Justinian
                          periods. Jus Romanum Medii Aevi)
(1576-1702)              Decretists and early decretalists                         
(1705-1925)              Decretalists and commentators (consiliators), to 1545
                          1545 (Council of Trent) to 19th century
(1928-2137)              By nationality      
(2139-2154)     Particular forms of contemporary (early) legal literature    

             Note: From here on, the two manuscripts are developed totally parallel; in fact,
             the topical part could be merged at this point. Historic developments of subjects
             could be brought out by form division tables.In case the schedules stand by
             themselves, expansion will occure  from this point on only in KBS tracking 
             modern doctrinal developments and recording new source collections 

KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued
             Legal education. Study and teaching 
2155            General works
2156            By school
             The legal profession. Canonists and Jurists, see infra courts
             Canon law and other disciplines or subjects
2158.2           Canonical jurisprudence and theology. Law and gospel 
                          Cf. BT79
2158.3           Canon law and moral theology. Casuistry. Cases of conscience, etc.
                          Cf. BX1757
             Influence of other legal systems on canon law (Reception), see KBS156 
             Law reform and policies. Criticism, see KBS170
                  General works. Treatises. By canonist or jurist
2160            English and American jurists
                   Including Canadian jurists
2162            French jurists
2163            Italian jurists
2171            Spanish and Portuguese jurists
                   Including Latin American jurists
2172            German jurists
2185            Dutch and Belgian jurists          
2188            Other nationals, A-Z 
             The codes of canon law
2195             The code of 1917
                   Subarranged by 1 no. Table (K16, modified)
2198             The code of 1983
                   Subarranged by 1 no. Table (K16, modified)
              General principles
2215              Validity of the law (Territorial and temporal). Conflict of laws
                   Class here general works on conflicts of canon law and civil law.
                   For works on conflicts of canon law with national (imperial)law or with
                   other religious systems in operation in the same jurisdiction or region, see
                   the jurisdiction or region 
2216              Legal language
                  Ecclesiastical law and legislation
2217               General
2217.5             Ius consuetudinis. Customary law
2219               Papal decrees. Rescripts, etc. Classification                   
2220                    Privileges and immunities. Exemptions
2221                    Dispensations
2222                    Juridical acts
2223               Postulation (Promulgation)
2224               Computation of time

KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued        
2230             General
                 Natural persons. Personality
2232                General works
                    Church membership
                          For laity, see KBRinfra
2233                    General works
2234                    Special topics, A-Z
                            .B37  Baptism
                            .C77  Conversion
2235                Ecclesiastical estates
                         Legal acts and facts affecting persons
2236                       Domicile. Quasi-domicile
2237                       Consanguinity     
2238                       Affinity
2239                       Rites and changes of rites
2242                Guardian and ward

                    Inheritance and succession
2245                   General works 
2247                   Testamentary succession. Wills
2250                   Special topics, A-Z   
2253             Juristic persons. Personality
                      For the community and associations of the faithful, etc., see

                 Legal acts, facts, and events
2255               General
2256               Legal transactions
                 The clergy, see KBS2280+          

KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued        
             Constitution of the Church
                   Hierarchia ordinis. Hierarchical order of the clergy
2280                  General works
                      Ordinatio. Potestas ordinis
2282                      General works
2285                      Capacity and irregularity
2287                       Legal status. Rights and privileges. Immunity
                          Obligations and duties
2290                         General works
2292                         Celibacy
                       Ecclesiastical offices in general
2300                      General works
2302                      Election. Appointment
2305                      Postulation
2307                      Admission to the office. Loss of office. Vacancy
2309                      Administrative districts. Ecclesiastical provinces. 
                             Mission territories
                       Hierarchia jurisdictionis, see KBS2355+
2315                  General works
2317                  The Papal States (to 1870)
                      The Holy See. Vatican City (1929-)
2320                      General works
                          Legal (international) status of the Holy See
2325                            General works
2327                            Sovereignty
2330                            Extraterritoriality of Vatican City

KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See        
             Constitution of the church - Continued
                 Church government. Organs of government
2350                General works
                    Jurisdiction. Hierarchia jurisdictionis 
                          Including jurisdictio ordinaria, delegata, mandata and vicaria
                       The Pope
                          Cf. BX1805+
2355                      General works
2360                      Primacy and episcopat. Primatus jurisdictionis. Papal supremacy
2362                      Sovereignty
                          Powers and privileges
2370                          General
2372                          Primatus honoris. Privileges. Honors
2375                          Legislative power. Treaty making power
2377                          Judicial power
2380                          Granting of benefices
2382                          Tax power                         
2385                          Metropolitan and diocesan authority
2390                      Election. Election procedures
2394                      Vacancy of the Holy See
                       The General Council
2398                      General works
2400                      Special topicsKBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See        
             Constitution of the Church
                Organs of government. Hierarchia jurisdictionis - Continued
2420                Cardinalat. College of cardinals
                        Cf. BX1815   
                   The Curia Romana    
                        Cf. BX1818                                      
2435                 General works
2438                 Prelatures
                     Administrative organization
                          Including officials
                          Cf. 1870+
2450                   Cancellaria Apostolica
2463                   Camera Apostolica
                          Cf. KBR, infra
2473                    Secretaria Status
2485                   Secretaria brevium 
2497                   Secretaria Memorialium
                       Roman congregations
                          Cf. BX1820+
2518                      Congregatio Romanae et universalis Inquisitionis seu Sancti
2528                      Congregatio de disciplina Sacramentarum
2540                      Congregatio indicis librorum prohibitorum
                                Index librorum prohibitorum Leonis XIII, Summi
                                Pontificis auctoritatre recognitus, 1924
2555                      Congregatio Cardinalium Concilii Tridentini interpretum
                                Including related congregations
2575                      Congregatio negotiis religiosorum sodalium praeposita    
                                Previously Congregatio super Negotiis Episcoporum
                                et regularium
                              Collectanea in usum secretariae S.C. Congregatio episcoporum
                                et regularium
2595                      Congregationes super Disciplina Regulari and super Statu
2610                      Congregatio Iurisdictionis et Immunitatis ecclesiasticae
2625                      Congregatio sacrorum Rituum
                                Decreta autentica, 1898, 1912, 1927
2640                      Congregatio Indulgentiarum et Sacrarum Reliquiarum
                                Decreta authentica, 1668-1882

KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See        
             Constitution of the Church
                Organs of government. Hierarchia jurisdictionis
                   The Curia Romana    
                       Roman congregations - Continued
2660                      Congregatio de Propaganda Fide (Congregatio pro gentium
2670                         Congregatio specialis pro negotiis ritus Orientalis
                                (Congregatio pro corrigendis libris ecclesiae
                                Collectanea S.C. de Propaganda Fide, 1893, 1907    
2690                      Congregatio super negotiis Ecclesiae extraordinariis
2710                      Congregatio Reverendae Fabricae Basilicae (s.Petri)
                       Commissions of cardinals
                          Cf. BX1895
2730                      General works
2732                      Particular commissions

KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See        
              Constitution of the Church
                 Organs of government. Hierarchia jurisdictionis - Continued
                     Councils. Synods
                                For sources relating to councils and synods, see KBR200+
2800                      General or ecumenical councils
2820                      Provincial councils and synods  
2840                      Conferences of bishops (Conferentiae episcoporum)
                     Episcopal jurisdiction and organs
2855                        General works
2858                        Apostolate. Episcopate in general
                                For episcopal conferences, see KBR837.5  
2862                        Patriarchat. Metropolitanate. Exarchate. Archbishopric
                            Diocesan constitution
                                   Including territorial organization              
2870                            General works
                                Bishopric. Dioceses
2873                                   General works
2875                                   Diocesan synods
                                         For sources, see KBR838+
2885                                   Diocesan curia
                                             Including offices and administrators
2895                                   Courts. Officialat
2910                            Cathedral chapters. Convent chapters
2920                               Deans. Vicars forane
2923                               Pastors
2926                               Parish vicars
2930                               Parish rectors
2934                            Property. Financial admimistration
                             By country, see KBS4113+
                   Religious associations and societies. Monasticism. Religious orders  
                                Cf. Secular ecclesiastical law in K subclasses, e.g.
                                    KK5538+; KJV4244; KJ-KKZ, Table A, 2698+
2970                      General works
2972                      Erection and administration
2975                      Reception into religious associations. Membership
2978                      Duties and privileges
2982                      Property. Financial administration
2990                      Community (society) of persons without vows 
2994                      Special topics, A-Z
                                .C  Cloistered women

KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued        
                   Administrative law. Laws relating to things
             Sacraments. Administreation of sacraments
3010                  General works
                      Particular sacraments
3020                      Baptism
3030                      Confirmation
3040                      Blessed Eucharist  
3050                      Penance. Penitential discipline {Penitentials here?} 
3060                      Extreme unction
3080                      Holy orders
                           Marriage. Marriage law
                                For works on marriage, church and state, see the K
                                subclasses for individual countries
3090                        General works
3094                        Betrothal
3096                        Marriage ban
                            Marriage impediments
3098                            General works
3104                            Impedimentum mixtae religionis. Mixed marriage
3108                            Raptus. Raptus in parentes. Raptus seductionis
3112                            Impedimentum criminis
3114                            Relationship. Consanguinity and affinity 
3116                        Matrimonial consent
3118                        Marriage bond
3120                        Marriage contracts
3122                        Matrimonial property and regime
3132                        Separation
3135                        Dissolution of marriage
                            Matrimonial actions, see KBS3730   
3150                        Validation of invalid marriages
3180                      General
                          Consecrations. Dedications
3181                         General
3182                         Particular, A-Z    

KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See        
                   Administrative law. Laws relating to things - Continued
                   The Cult. Sacred places and times 
                      Sacred places
3188                    General works
                        Particular buildings and structures
                           e.g. Churches, chapels, altars
3190                      General
                          Consecration, see KBS3181
3195                      Furnishings and decoration     
3198                      Right of asylum
3200                      Publicity
3205                      Maintenance and repair
3210                    Cemetaries and ecclesiastical burial
                      Sacred times and seasons
3220                      General works
3222                      Special topics
                      Liturgy and ritual. Liturgical laws
                          Cf. BX1970+
3230                      General works
3234                      Public prayers
3238                      Saints. Relics and images. Veneration 
3240                      Processions and pilgrimages
3245                      Sacred furnishings. Paraments. Utensils  
                   The teaching authority of the Church. Magisterium 
3262                  General works
3265                  Heretics. Apostates, etc.
3268                  Catechetics and preaching
                      Education and training of the clergy
                          For state supervision, see Secular ecclesiastical law in K subclasses
                          for individual countries, e.g. KK5541.5 (Secular ecclesiastical law
                          of Germany)     
3282                    General works
3285                    Seminaries. Ecclesiastical institutions
3295                  Public schools. Universities
                          For state regulation of prayer and religous education in public
                          schools, see the law of education in K subclasses for individual
3300                  Censorship and prohibition of books
3310                  Profession of faith KBS       Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued        
                      Church economics. Church finance. Administration
3320              General works
                  Ecclesiastical benefices and other institutes
3328               General works
3335               Errection of benefices
3340               Transfer, division, etc. of benefices
3345               Conferring of benficies. Nomination
3350               Right of patronage
                  Other non-collegiate institutes
3360               General works
3365               Dotatio (hospitals, orphanages, etc.)
                  Temporal goods of the Church. Church Property
3380                General works
3385                Acquisition
                      Including gifts, bequests, etc.
                    Real property. Land holdings, land rents, etc.
3400                   General works
3410                   Privileges and immunities
                          Including exemption from taxes, obligatory services (munera 
                          sordida), etc.
3440                Foundations. Religious endowments
                  Other sources of revenue
3460                  Tith         
3465                  Church taxes     
                          For state regulation of church taxation typical for a particular
                          jurisdiction, see the jurisdiction (Secular ecclesiastical law)KBS         Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued             
               Courts and procedure
3500               General works
                   Jurisdiction and organization of courts  
3510                  General works
3520                  Regular  courts of first instance
3530                  Regular courts of second instance
3540                  Regular courts of the Apostolic See
3550                    Sacra Romana Rota
3560                    Signatura Apostolica
3570                  Delegated courts
3580                  Conflict of jurisdiction between ecclesiastical and civil courts
3585               Judicial assistance
                   The legal profession
3590                  General works
3595                  Judges. Auditors, etc.
3600                  Notaries
                   Law of procedure
3610                  General
3615                  Court oder and decorum
                      Procedural principles
3630                     Oral procedures
3635                     Speedy trial. Court congestion and delay
3640                     Oath of parties etc.
                          Place and time of court
3645                     Time periods. Deadlines
3647                     Exclusion of public
3650                  Parties to action
3652                  Actions and defenses. Exceptions
3655                  Pretrial procedure. Introductory procedures
3660                  Evidence. Burden of proof
3670                  Interlocutory procedure
3675                  Termination of trial
3680                  Judicial decisions. Judgement  
3695                  Remedies   
3700                  Res judicata and reinstatement (Restitutio in integrum)
3705                  Execution of sentence
3715                  Costs
                      Particular procedures
3720                    Arbitration and award. Compromise
                        Criminal procedure, see KBS3940+
3730                    Matrimonial cases
3740                    Procedure in ordination cases. Annulment
3750                    Noncontentious jurisdiction
KBS         Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See            
               Courts and procedure   
                   Particular procedures - Continued
3760                  Beatification and canonization
3770                  Administrative procedures
                          Including removal or transfer of pastors, procedure against clerics,
                Criminal law and procedure
3790               General
                   Concepts and principles
                      Criminal offense
3795                      General
3797                      Principle of guilt. Dolus and culpa                      
3799                      Principles and accomplices
3800                      Compound offenses                           
3805                      Attempt
                      Punishment. Penalties and measures of rehabilitation
3810                      General works
3812                      Censures
3815                      Vindictive penalties
3820                      Penal remedies
3825                      Penance

                   Individual offenses   
                         Offenses against faith and unity of the Church
3830                          General
3833                            Apostasy
3835                            Heresy
3837                            Schism
3839                            Publishing prohibited books
3842                     Offenses relating to marriage
                         Offenses against religion
3850                          General
3852                            Blasphemy. Perjury
3857                            Superstition
3859                            Sacrilege
3862                            Disturbing religious observance and peace of the dead
KBS         Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See            
                Criminal law and procedure
                   Individual offenses - Continued   
                          Offenses against ecclesiastical authority
3870                          General
3872                          Particular
                          Offenses against the person (Life, liberty, reputation, and moral
3880                          General
3882                          Particular
                          Forgery. Suppression of documents
3890                          General
3892                          Particular
                          Offenses in the administration or reception of orders and other
3900                          General
3902                          Particular
                          Offenses against the obligation of the clerical and religious state
3912                          General
3914                          Particular
                          Offenses in the conferring etc. of ecclesiastical dignities, benefices
                              and dignities
3920                          General
3922                          Particular
                          Abuse of ecclesiastical power or office
3930                          General
3932                          Particular
KBS         Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See            
                Criminal law and procedure - Continued
                     Criminal procedure
3940                  General
                      Procedural principles
3942                     Accusation procedure
3945                     Denunciation procedure
3947                     Inquisition procedure
3950                     Evidence. Burden of proof
                      Execution of sentence. Punishment. Poena
3960                     General works
                         Penalties and measures of punishment
3965                       General works
3967                      Penal authority
                            For conflict of jurisdiction, see KBR3580
3969                      Remission of penalties
                           Particular penalties
3975                            General works
3977                            Excommunication
3979                            Interdict
                             Vindictive penalties
3982                            General works
3984                            Common
                                  Particular to clerics
3986                               Suspension      
3988                               Privation of benefice or office           
3990                               Degradation
3992                               Deposition
                   KBS         Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See            
                Ius publicum ecclesiae. Church and state relationships
                   For secular ecclesiastical law, i.e. secular (civil) law affecting the
                   church, see the K subclasses for individual countries, e.g.
                   KK5520+, Secular ecclesiastical law in Germany 
4000                General works
                      .A85  Guilelmus Audisio (1802- ca. 1882). Diritto pubblico della Chiesa
                              e delle genti cristiane, 1864,      
                      .H47  Joseph Hergenroether (1820-1890). Katholische Kirche und
                              christlicher Staat, 1872
                      .L53  Matthaeus Liberatore (1810-1892). La Chiesa e lo stato cristiano,
                      .M37  Wilhelm Martens (1831-1902). Die Beziehung der Ueberordnung,
                            Nebenordnung und Unterordnung zwischen Kirche und Staat, 1877
                      .T37  Camillus Tarquini (1810-1874). Institutiones iuris publici
                              ecclesiastici, 1860                
                      .V46  Ioachimus Ventura (1792-1861). De iure publico ecclesiastico 
                              commentaria, 1826
                    Relation of papacy to monarchic government (divine right of kings)
4010                  General works
                      Early Church and Roman Empire. Byzantine Empire (to ca. 8th cent.)
(4012)                         General works
(4014)                         Constitutum Constantini. Donatio Constantini, 8th cent. (5th
                                cent. Legenda s. Silvestri)
                                CF. BX875+
                      Frankish and Holy Roman Empire (to ca. end 15th cent.)  
(4020)                          General works
(4022)                          Carlovingian State church. Private church
(4024)                          Potestas indirecta in temporalia (Gregory VII, 1073-1085)
(4026)                          Potestas directa in temporalia (Bonifaz VIII, 1294-1303).
                                   Bulla"Unam sanctam"
(4028)                          Investiture struggle
(4030)                          Concordate of Worms, 1122
(4032)                          Church and feudal institutes
                                Cf. KJC4435+, Feudal law in Europe                  
                       Renaissance and Reformation (16th cent.)
(4034)                          General works
(4036)                          Schism and restauration 
(4038)                          By country
                       Absolutism. Enlightenment. Modernism (17th to end 19th cent.)
4040                      General works
4045                      By country                                          

KBS         Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See            
             Ius publicum ecclesiae. Church and state relationships - Continued
4050              Separation of Church and state

                  Foreign and international relations of the Holy See
4060                   General works
                       Legation. Diplomacy
4065                      General works 
4070                      Papal envoys. Legates. Nuncios. Papal vicars
                          Collections, see KBS(37+)
                          By country, see the country?                       

KBS     Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See - Continued 
         Local Church government
             Note: The local Church government could include the historic materials. This way
             the split of the collections in yet another way could be avoided.Local Church
             government under country  will be further subdivided by a table

             By country
                   The Americas 
4112              General works 
4113         United States
4114         Canada
4115         Greenland
4116         Latin America
                   Including Mexico, Central and South America
4117         Mexico
             Central America
4118           General works
4119           Belize
4120           Costa Rica
4121           Guatemala
4122           Honduras
4123           Nicaragua
4124           Panama
4125           El Salvador
             West Indies. Carribean area
                   Including Federation of the West Indies, 1958-1962         
4128           General works
4129           Cuba
4130           Haiti
4131           Dominican Republic
4132           Puerto Rico
4133           Virgin Islands  of the United States. Danish West Indies
4134           British West Indies
               Danish West Indies, see KBS4133
4136           Netherlands Antilles. Dutch West Indies
                   Including Curacao. For Surinam (Dutch Guiana), see KBR4149
4137           French West Indies
                   Including Guadeloupe and Martinique. For French Guiana, see KBR4150

KBS      Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See 
         Local Church government
           By region or country - Continued
             South America
4140           General works
4141           Argentina
4142           Bolivia
4144           Brazil
4145           Chile
4146           Colombia
4147           Ecuador
4148           Guiana
                 Guyana. British Guiana, see KBS4134
4149             Surinam. Dutch Guiana
4150             French Guiana
4152           Paraguay
4153           Peru
4154           Uruguay
4155           Venezuela
4157           Falkland Islands

KBS        Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See             
             Local Church government
                By region or country - Continued
4160                  General works
4161                  Great Britain
4162                   Wales 
4163                   Scotland
4165                   Northern Ireland
4166                 Ireland. Eire 
4168                 Austria. Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
4170                 Hungary
4172                 Czechoslovakia (to 1993). Czech Republic 
4174                 Slovakia (1993-) 
4176                 France 
4178                 Monaco
4180                 Germany
                          Including the Federal Republic of Germany (to 1992)
4181                 Germany (Democratic Republic) (to 1992)
4183                 Greece
4185                 Italy
4188                 Andorra
4190                 San Marino
4192                 Malta
                     Benelux countries. Low countries
4194                   General (Collective)
                       Holland, see KBS4197
4196                   Belgium
4197                   The Netherlands. Holland
                          Including individual provinces and historic (defunct) jurisdictions 
4198                   Luxembourg
4200                 Russia. Soviet Union
4204                 Russia (Federation, 1992-)
                     Caucasus, see KBS4310+
4206                 Belarus 
4208                 Moldova
4210                 Ukraine 
4212                 Poland 
4214                 Finland

KBS            Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See         
                Local Church government
                   By region or country 
                   Europe - Continued
                     The Baltic countries
4216                   General works
4218                   Estonia
4220                   Latvia
4222                   Lithuania
4225                   General works
4226                   Denmark
4228                   Iceland
4229                   Norway
4230                   Sweden
4232                 Spain
4234                 Portugal
4236                 Switzerland
4237                 Liechtenstein
                      Southeastern Europe. The Balkan States
4240                    General works
4242                    Turkey
4244                    Cyprus
4246                    Albania
4248                    Bulgaria
4250                    Montenegro
4252                    Romania
4255                    Yugoslavia (to 1992).  Serbia 
4257                    Croatia
4259                    Bosnia and Herzegovina
4261                    Slovenia
4263                    Macedonia (Republic)
4270                   General works
                       Middle East. Southwest Asia
4272                     General works
4273                     Armenia (to 1921)
4275                     Bahrein
                         Gaza, see KBS4282
4278                     Iran
4280                     Iraq
4282                     Israel. Palestine
4284                     Jerusalem

KBS         Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See            
             Local Church government
               By region or country country
                   Middle East. Southwest Asia - Continued
4286                  Jordan
                      West Bank (Teritory under Israeli occupation, 1967-), see KZ4282
4290                  Kuweit
4292                  Lebanon
4294                  Oman
4295                  Palestine (to 1948)
4297                  Qatar
4299                  Saudi Arabia
                      Southern Yemen, see KBS4307
4301                  Syria
4303                  United Arab Emirates
4305                  Yemen
4307                  Yemen (Peopležs Democratic Republic) (to 1990)
                          Previously Southern Yemen
4310                    General works  
4312                    Armenia
4314                    Azerbajan
4316                    Georgia
                        Turkey, see KBS4242
                      Cyprus, see KBS4244                       
                   Central Asia
4320                  General works
4322                  Kazakhstan
4324                  Kyrgyzstan
4326                  Tadjikistan
4328                  Turkmenistan        
4330                  Uzbekistan
KBS            Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See         
               Local Church government
               By region or country
                  Asia - Continued
                     South Asia.  Southeast Asia. East Asia
4335                  General works    
4337                  Afghanistan
4339                  Bangladesh
4341                  Bhutan
4343                  Brunei
4345                  Burma
4347                  Cambodia
                      China (to 1949)
4350                    General works
4360                    Provinces, A-Z                    
                          .A63  An-tung sheng
                          .C53  Ch'a-ha-erh sheng
                          Fukien Province. Fuijan Sheng, see KZ4378
                          .H64  Ho-Chiang Sheng
                          .H75  Hsi-k'ang sheng
                          .H76  Hsing-an sheng
                          .J44  Je-ho sheng
                          Kwangsi Province. Kuang-hsi, see KZ4378
                          Kwangtung Province. Guangdong Sheng, see KZ4378
                          .L53  Liao-pei sheng
                          .N46  Neng-Chiang sheng
                          .N56  Ning-hsia sheng
                          .P56  Pin-Chiang sheng
                          Sikang Province, see KZ4378
                          .S85  Sui-yuan sheng
                          .S87  Sung-Chiang sheng
                          .T35  T'ai-wan sheng
4372                  China (Republic, 1949-). Taiwan
                      China (Peoples Republic, 1949-)
4376                      General works
4378                      Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, A-Z
4379                        Hong Kong
KBS            Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See         
               Local Church government
                  By region or country
                     South Asia.  Southeast Asia. East Asia - Continued
                         States, Union Territories, etc., and defunct jurisdicitions
4402                       Andaman and Nicobar Islands
4404                       Andrah Pradesh
4405                       Arunchal Pradesh
4407                       Assam
4409                       Bihar
4411                       Calcutta/Bengal Presidency
4413                       Chandighar
4415                       Dadra and Nagar Haveli
4417                       Delhi
4419                       Goa, Daman, and Diu
4421                       Gujarat
4423                       Haryana
4425                       Himachal Pradesh
    .5                     Hyderabad
4428                       Jaipur
4430                       Jammu and Kashmir
4432                       Karnataka
4435                       Kerala
4436                       Kumaon
4437                       Lakshadweep
4439                       Madhya Pradesh
4441                       Madras Presidency
4443                       Maharashtra
4445                       Manipur
4447                       Meghalaya
4449                       Mizoram
                           Mysore, see KBS4467
4451                       Nagaland
4453                        Orissa
4455                        Pondicherry
4457                        Punjab
4459                        Rajasthan
4461                        Sikkim
4463                        Tamil Nadu
4465                        Tripura
4467                        Uttar Pradesh
4469                        West BengalKBS            Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See 
               Local Church government
               By region or country
                     South Asia.  Southeast Asia. East Asia - Continued
4475                   French Indochina
4477                   Indonesia
    .5                     Provinces, A-Z
                          .T56  Timor Timur
4479                   Japan
4483                   South Korea 
4486                   North Korea 
4488                   Korea (to 1945)
4490                   Laos
4492                   Macau
4494                      General works
4495                      *Individual states, A-Z
                             .F44  Federated Malay States(1896-1942)
                             .M35  Malaya (1948-1962)
                             .M36  Malayan Union (1946-1947)
                             .S87  Straits Settlements (to 1942)
                             States of East and West Malaysia (1957-)
                                Brunei, see KBS4343
4496                            Federal Territory (Kuala Lumpur)
4496.5                          Johor
4497                            Kedah
4497.5                          Kelantan
4498                            Malacca
4498.5                          Negeri Sembilan
4499                            Pahang
4499.5                          Pinang
4500                            Perak
4400.5                          Perlis
4501                            Sabah
                                  Previously North Borneo
4501.5                          Sarawak
4502                            Selangor
4503                            Terengganu
4504                            Labuan
4506                   Maldives
4507                   Mongolia
4509                   Nepal
4511                   Pakistan

KBS            Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See 
             Local Church government
             By region or country
                     South Asia.  Southeast Asia. East Asia - Continued
4513                   Philippines
4515                   Singapore
4518                   Sri Lanka. Ceylon
4520                   Thailand
4525                   Vietnam (1976-)
                          Including the periods up through 1945 
4528                   Vietnam (Republic). South Vietnam (1946-1975)
4530                   Vietnam (Democratic Republic). North Vietnam (1946-1975)    
4540            General works
4542            Algeria
4544            Angola
4546            Benin
4550            Botswana
4552            British Central Africa Protectorate
4555            British Indian Ocean Territory
4556            British Somaliland
4560            Burkina Faso
4562            Burundi
4565            Cameroon
4567            Cape Verde
4569            Central African Republic
4573            Chad
4576            Comoros
4580            Congo
4582            Co^te džIvoire. Ivory Coast
4584            Djibouti
4586            East Africa Protectorate
4588            Egypt
4589            Eritrea
4590            Ethiopia
4592            French Equatorial Africa
4593            French West africa
4595            Gabon
4597            Gambia
4599            German East Africa
4600            Ghana
4604            Guinea

KBS            Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See         
             Local Church government
             By region or country
              Africa - Continued
4606            Guinea-Bissau
4608            Equatorial Guinea
4610            Ifni
4612            Italian East Africa
4614            Italian Somaliland
4616            Kenya
4618            Lesotho
4620            Liberia
4622            Libya  
4624            Madagascar
4626            Malawi
4628            Mali
4630            Mauritania
4633            Mauritius
4635            Mayotte
4637            Morocco
4639            Mozambique
4643            Namibia
4645            Niger
4650            Nigeria
4653            Ržeunion
4655            Rwanda
4657            Saint Helena
4660            Sao Tome and Principe
4664            Senegal
4666            Seychelles
4668            Sierra Leone
4670            Somalia

KBS            Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See         
             Local Church government
             By region or country
               Africa - Continued
                 South Africa, Republic of
4680               General works
                   Provinces and selfgoverning territories, A-Z 
                          Including former independent homelands
4682               .B66   Bophuthatswana
                   .C36   Cape of Good Hope. Kaapland (to 1994)
                   .C57   Ciskei
                   .E36   Eastern Cape
                          Eastern Transvaal, see KBS4682.M68
                   .F74   Free State. Orange Free State
                   .G38   Gauteng
                   .K93   KwaZulu-Natal. Natal
                             Including former KwaZulu Homeland areas
                   .M68   Mpulamanga. Eastern Transvaal
                          Natal, see KBS4682.K93
                   .N64   North West
                   .N65   Northern Cape
                   .N67   Northern Province. Northern Transvaal
                          Northern Transvaal, see KBS4682.N67
                          Orange Free State. Oranje Vrystaat, see KBS4682.F74
                   .T73   Transkei
                   .T74   Transvaal
                   .V46   Venda
                   .W47   Western Cape

4700            Spanish West Africa (to 1958)
4702            Spanish Sahara (to 1975)
4704            Sudan
4706            Swaziland
4708            Tanzania
4710            Togo
4712            Tunisia
4714            Uganda
4716            Zaire
4720            Zambia
4722            Zanzibar (to 1964)
4724            Zimbabwe

KBS            Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See         
             Local Church government
             By region or country - Continued
              Pacific Area
                   States and territories
4738                  Australian Capital Territory
4740                  Northern Territory
4742                  New South Wales
4744                  Queensland
4746                  South Australia
4748                  Tasmania
4750                  Victoria
4752                  Western Australia
4760            New Zealand
                Other Pacific Area jurisdictions
4770              American Samoa
4772              British New Guinea (Territory of Papua)
4774              Cook Islands
4776              Easter Island
4778              Fiji
4780              French Polynesia
4782              German New Ginea (to 1914)
4784              Guam
4788              Kiribati
4790              Marshall Islands
4792              Micronesia (Federated States)
4794              Midway Islands
4796              Nauru
4798              Netherlands New Guinea (to 1963)
4790              New Caledonia
4792              Niue
4794              Northern Mariana Islands
4798              Pacific Islands (Trust Territory)
4800              Palau
4802              Papua New Guinea
4804              Pitcairn Island
4806              Solomon Islands
4810              Tonga
4812              Tuvalu
4814              Vanuatu
4816              Wake Islands
4818              Wallis and Futuna Islands
4820              Western Samoa

KBU                       Eastern. Oriental Churches

KBV                       Orthodox Eastern Churches

KBX                       Protestant Churches

                          Other Christian Denominations or Sects