SUNDAY, May 7, 2000

Session 1 — Feedstocks Production, Modification, and Characterization


Jim McLaren, Inverizon International Inc.
Vincent Chiang, Michigan Technological University

1:10 p.m.   Introduction to Session and Overview

1:15 p.m.   Oral Presentation 1-01. Twenty Years of Trials, Tribulations, and Research Progress on Bioethanol Technology: Selected Key Events Along the Way, C. Wyman, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire

1:40 p.m.   Oral Presentation 1-02. Genetic Modification of Woody Feedstock Qualities, R. J. Dinus, Department of Wood Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

2:10 p.m.   Oral Presentation 1-03. Quality Characteristics of Grasses and Genetic Improvement for Bio-mass, H. G. Jung and K. P. Vogel, U.S. Department of Agriculture— Agricultural Research Service, St. Paul, Minnesota

2:40 p.m.   Intermission

2:55 p.m.   Oral Presentation 1-04. Detoxification of Lignocellulose Hydrolysates with Ion-Exchange Resins, N.-O. Nilvebrant, A. Reimann, A. Q. Sáinz, S. Larsson, and L. J. Jönsson, Swedish Pulp and Paper Research Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; and Department of Applied Microbiology, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

3:20 p.m.   Oral Presentation 1-05. Rapeseed Cake as a Biomass Source for Production of Liquid Fuel, E. Çulcuolu, E. Ünay, and F. Karaosmanolu, Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey; and Mobil Oil–Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey

3:45 p.m.   Oral Presentation 1-06. Micropropagation and Essential Oils of Four Cultivated Medicinal Plant Species of the Lamiaceae Family, P. C. Santos-Gomes, M. J. Vilaça-Silva, L. Amorim, A. P. S. P. Guedes, C. Araújo, G. Ramos, A. Vicente, and M. Fernandes-Ferreira, Department of Biology, University of Minho, Portugal; Biorope, Guilhabreu, Vila do Conde, Portugal; and ERCA/DRAEDM, S Pedro de Merelim, Braga, Portugal

4:10 p.m.   Invited Industrial Speaker

4:35 p.m.   Session Wrap-up