Table of contents for Astrology : a language of life / Robert P. Blaschke ; edited by Patricia Laferriere.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog
Note: Electronic data is machine generated. May be incomplete or contain other coding.

Chapter One
Astrological Relationship Theory                             3
Tripartite Love: Eros, Philos and Agape               3
The Fixed Cross and Succedent ouses                   4
Thle Hemispheres and Quadrants of the Horoscope       7
The Continuum of Consciousness: Fear Versus Love      9
The Age Factor and Seven-Year Life Cycles             10
Exaltations of Venus and Mars                         11
The Arabic Part of Marriage                           13
Chapter Two
Preparing for a Relationship Analysis Consultation           17
HTow to Prepare for a Relationship Analysis Consultation  18
Case Study: Mia Farrow and Woody Allen                20
Relationship Analysis Preparation Worksheet           23
Evaluation of the Nativities                          28
Comparison by Element                                 30
Balance and Compensation                              32
The House Overlay Technique                           33
Chapter Three
Snastry and the Composite Chart                       .      39
Synastry: Interchart Aspects                          39
Attraction-Endurability-Men tal Agreeme nt-Karmic Lessons  46
The Composite Chart                                   54
Chapter Four
Davison Charts, Past Lives, Midpoints & Configurations  ,    61
The Davison Time-Space Chart                          61
Past Life Connetonins: The IC, South Node and Vertex  65
Synastry, Composite and Davison Midpoints             70
Synastric Aspect Configurations                       78
Additional Interpretive Considerations  .                    83
Mutual Reception and Sole Dispositors in Davison Charts  84
The Sun/Moon Midpoint                                 87
The Effect of Astro*Carto*Graphye on Relationships    88
Using Draconic, Heliocentric or Sidereal Zodiacs in Svnastry 91
Sabian Aspect Orbs in Synastry and Relationship Charts  99
Unaspected Planets in the Composite or Davison Charts  101
Second or Third Marriages and the Derivative House System  104
The Problems with Computerized Relationship Analysis  105
Holographic Links from Synastry to Progressions or Transits 107
Chapter Six
Analyzing Relationships Moving Through Time .                111
Transits and Progressions to the Natal Chart          111
Progressed Composite Charts                           116
Progressed Davison Time-Space Relationship Charts     1 9
Transits to Composite or Davison Charts               123
Transits to Progressed Composite or Davison Charts    125
Synastric Progressions                                127
The Condition of the Solar Return Venus               132
Annual Progression of the Solar Return Horizon        138
The Solar Return Sun-Venus Eight Year Cycle           141
Chapter Seven
Electing A Wedding Chart      ..                      .      145
Obtaining Date and Time Parameters From Your Clients  145
Elimination of Personal Planets in Fall or Detriment  146
Elimination of Retrograde Personal Planets            147
Finding Sign-Strength for the Moon and Venus          148
Planetary Aspects and the Luminaries' Relationship    149
Using Decanates and Dwadashimshas in Electional Work  149
The Lunar Degree and Her Applying Aspect to a Benefic  152
Selecting an Ascendant and Fortifying the Ruler on an Angle r  53
Fine-Tuning the Ascendant Using Sabian Symbols        153
Linking the Wedding Part of Fortune with the Nativities  157
The Diurnal Moon and Her Connection to the Nativities  157
aiiners Who Activate Our Shadow                            159
The Shadow Deined in Astrological Terms             160
Some Examples of Natal Shadow Content               162
The Shadow in Synastrv and Composite Charts         175
Transit Saturn Aspecting the Secondary Progressed Moon  179
The Astrology of Anger and Transformational Relationships  182
The Midpoint Vector of Natal or Composite Squares   189
Chapter Nine
Mi ror Degree Synastry .                                   193
Solstice Points (Antiscia)                          194
Equinox Points (Contrascia)                         196
The Astrological Double :elix and DNA Theory        197
Existing Theory and Applicaions of Antiscia and Contrascia 201
Revealing invisible Synastry from Behind the Veil   204
Using Sabian Symbols with Mirror Degree Synastry   206
Research Statistics                                 208
Chapter Ten
Social, Cultural and Historical Perspectives               209
The Transits of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto Through Libra  209
Progressed Venus andn Mars in the USA Sibly Chart   211
Chiron and Homosexuality                            215
Chapter Eleven
Epiogue                                                    225
The Sun-Venus Synodic Cycle                         225
Soul Groups and the Astrology of Families           231
Friendship                                          233
Widowhood, Divorce and Being Single                 234
Preparing One's Heart for Love                      236

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Horoscopes, Progressions (Astrology)