Bldg. 38A, B2 conference room (library) June 7 (Monday), 11 AM Alissa M. Resch UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of California, Los Angeles Alternative splicing has emerged as an increasingly important contributor to genomic complexity and gene function. Unlike prokaryotic genomes, which do not undergo alternative splicing, eukaryotic genomes utilize this mechanism as a tool for increasing the number of unique transcripts encoded by a single gene. In the human genome more than 30,000 alternative splice relationships have been identified from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and mRNA sequences mapped on genomic sequence, approximately doubling the number of transcript forms expected from the estimated 32,000 genes. Confronted with so many new splice forms from high-throughput EST sequencing, it is natural to ask whether these splice forms are functional and if so how they contribute to the regulation of gene function. It is often difficult for biologists to go from a particular alternative splice identified in genomics data, to a reliable protein isoform sequence and its functional domain impact (only a small fraction of alternative splices detected in the human genome is available in proteomics databases). To make this connection, we have constructed a database of 13,384 protein isoforms generated by alternative splicing. We identified fifty protein domain types that were selectively removed by alternative splicing at much higher frequencies than average. Our bioinformatics analysis indicates that a major impact of alternative splicing is removal of protein-protein interaction domains that mediate key linkages in protein interaction networks. We measured the functional selection pressure on alternatively spliced single-exonskips, by calculating the fraction that are an exact multiple of 3 nucleotides in length and therefore preserve protein reading frame in both the exon-inclusion and exonskip splice forms. We compared the alternative splicing patterns between five animal genomes (human, mouse, rat, zebrafish and Drosophila) to investigate the role of alternative splicing in the evolution of higher-order eukaryotes. We observed an association between conserved, orthologous alternative splicing events and increased selection pressure for frame-preservation. This effect became stronger as a function of decreasing exon inclusion level: for alternatively spliced exons that were included in a majority of the gene's transcripts, the frame-preservation bias was no higher than that of constitutive exons, whereas for alternatively spliced exons that were included in only a minority of the gene's transcripts, the frame-preservation bias increased nearly 20-fold. These data indicate that a subpopulation of modern alternative splicing events was present in the common ancestors of these genomes, and was under functional selection pressure to preserve the protein reading frame. Eugene V. Koonin, PhD, Senior Investigator National Center for Biotechnology Information National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Bldg. 38A, Rm 5N503 Telephone 301-435-5913 Fax 301-435-5913