pro grpintro28, introflag ; introductory text jnk='' case introflag of 0 : begin print,' ' print,' ' print,' ' print,' ' print,' ' print,'GRP Map Maker 2.8' print,' ' print,'J. A. Tyler, July/Aug 1997.' print,' ' print,'This is a short introduction to what GRP Map Maker does and to ' print,'its uses. For full details on how to use the program please refer' print,'to the users guide by J.A. Tyler.' print,' ' print,'GRP Map Maker is entirely original code written by J.A. Tyler.' print,'However, GRP Map Maker does build on the previous efforts of , print,'J. Luo, D. Mason, J. Kirsch, J. Horne, and M. Terra.' print,' ' print,'GRP Map Maker is a program designed to compute the spatial ' print,'distribution of growth rate potentials (GRP) across a transect.' print,'GRP Map Maker takes data on prey fish distributions, water ' print,'temperatures, and when available light intensities and combines ' print,'them with foraging and bioenergetic growth models to get a spatial' print,'distribution of GRP. The program requires data inputs from the ' print,'DEVIS acoustic data processing system (Jech & Luo 1997) or from ' print,'biosonics acoustic data processing system, BSNFISH_WDT, (Jech) ' print,'and water temperature data processed using the temp_fill program' print,'(Hondorp & Jech 1997). ' print,'For a description of GRP, see Brandt et al. (1992). ' print,' ' read,' to continue ',jnk print,' ' print,'The bioenergetics equations come from the so-called "Wisconsin" model.' print,'Equations for that model may be found in Hewett & Johnson (1992). The ' print,'functional equations and bioenergetic parameters used in GRP Map Maker ' print,'are identical to those presented in Hewett & Johnson (1992). Users will' print,'have to use the program GRPPARAM to create a bioenergetics parameter ' print,'file that is compatable with GRP Map Maker.' print,' ' print,'The foraging models are adapted from standard foraging models of ' print,'Gerritsen & Strickler (1977), Bailey & Batty (1984), Aksness & Giske' print,'(1993). The model computes a volume searched based on fish reactive' print,'distance and swimming speed. Consumption is based on volume searched,' print,'biomass density of prey, and capture probability.' print,' ' read,' to continue ',jnk print,' ' print,'This version of GRP Map Maker extends the capabilities of previous ' print,'versions by adding the ability of modifying fish foraging by ' print,'light intensities at depth. This part of the program operates by' print,'modifying predator reactive distance as a function of light intensity' print,'in a given cell. The reactive distance part is unique to GRP Map Maker,' print,'thus not found in previous models such as those found in Brandt et al. ' print,'(1992), Goyke & Brandt (1993), and Luo & Brandt (1993).' print,'The functions used to adjust fish foraging by light intensity are ' print,'constructed from previously published data. However, these fuctions' print,'are the result of efforts of J.A. Tyler and M.E. Terra and are at' print,'present not published and should not be considered "public domain".' print,'Therefore, use of the capabilities of GRP Map Maker 2.8 that include' print,'light intensity adjustments of fish foraging are to only be used if ' print,'you have come to an agreement with both J.A. Tyler and M.E. Terra ' print,'for a collaborative effort. Once the functions have been published, ' print,'use of this component of GRP Map Maker 2.8 will be made available to ' print,'all users.' print,'' print,'J.A. Tyler' print,' ' print,' Citations:' print,'Aksness & Giske 1993. Ecol. Model. 67:233-250.' print,'Bailey & Batty 1984. Mar. Biol. 83:287-291.' print,'Brandt et al. 1992. Fisheries 17:23-35.' print,'Gerritsen & Strickler 1977. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 34:73-82.' print,'Goyke & Brandt 1993. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 122:870-883.' print,'Hewett & Johnson 1992. Univ. of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institution.' print,'Luo & Brandt 1993. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 98:223-236.' print,' ' read,' to continue ',jnk print,' ' end ;introflag = 0 1 : begin print,'' print,'' print,'' print,' About Map Computations:' print,'' print,'This is only a brief description of the different map ' print,'computations. A more complete description may be found' print,'in the users guide for GRP Map Maker v. 2.8.' print,'' print,'' print,'GRP Map Computations' print,'' print,'GRP Map Maker v. 2.8 can perform three different map computations' print,'that may be of interest. Users should be aware that different' print,'computations differ in the models they use and assumption that' print,'are made about the data, particularly the data on acoustic targets.' print,'' print,'' print,'Growth Rate Potential (GRP):' print,'' print,' GRP computation uses the foraging and bioenergetics model' print,'to produce a map of the potential growth that a piscivorous fish' print,'would achieve in the environment. The acoustic targets are ' print,'assumed to be prey fish for the piscivore. The piscivore is ' print,'assumed to have ready access to all prey in the environment, to ' print,'have no competition and to not deplete the prey population.' print,'Computing GRP is made from the basic bioenergetic equation:' print,'' print,' GRP = consumption - (respiration + egestion + excretion + sda)' print,'' print,'consumption is computed in the foraging model and is subjected to ' print,'the the limitation placed on it by Cmax (maximum consumption) ' print,'computed from the bioenergetic models. Respiration, egestion,' print,'excretion and sda ara all computed from the standard bioenergetic' print,'models.' print,'' print,'' read,' to continue ',jnk print,'Potential Maximum Consumption:' print,'' print,' Potential Maximum Consumption or "Consumption Rate ' print,'Potential" (CRP) takes a different view of the acoustic data and' print,'the population of foragers. Unlike the GRP computation, when ' print,'computing CRP the acoustic targets are assumed to be the predators;' print,'not the prey. CRP produces a map of the maximum consumption that' print,'this population of predators may have on a prey population. Most' print,'commonly, these predators are assumed to be planktivores. The ' print,'calculation of CRP follows:' print,'' print,' CRP = Cmax * predator density (g)' print,'' print,'As such, CRP computations to not make use of the foraging model.' print,'CRP provides a strict upper bound to the consumption that a ' print,'population of predators may achieve if they inhabit an environment' print,'with the measured water temperatures.' print,'' print,'' read,' to continue ',jnk print,'Potential Maximum Growth (Gmax):' print,'' print,' Gmax is simply a measure of the possible growth that a ' print,'predator (piscivore or planktivore) may achieve in the environment' print,'with the measured water temperatures. Gmax does not make use of ' print,'the acoustic data at all, nor the foraging model. This is a simple' print,'calculation from the bioenergetics outputs of:' print,'' print,' Gmax = Cmax - (respiration + egestion + excretion + sda)' print,'' print,'Users will note that Gmax maps will essentially follow the map of ' print,'water temperatures.' print,'' print,'' read,' to continue ',jnk end ; introflag = 1 endcase end ; procedure GRPINTRO28