Alphabetic List Listed with Format STRAIN Listing Created 17 Feb 1995, at 13:09 1 Ackerly, D.D., J.S. Coleman, S.R. Morse, and F.A. Bazzaz. 1992. CO2 and Temperature Effects on Leaf Area Production in Two Annual Plant Species. Ecology 73:1260-1269. We studied leaf area production in two annual plant species, Abutilon theophrasti and Amaranthus retroflexus, under three day/night temperature regimes (18/14C, 28/22C, and 28/31C) and two concentrations of carbon dioxide (400 and 700 uL/L). The production of whole-plant leaf area during the first 30 d of growth was analyzed in terms of the leaf initiation rate, leaf expansion, individual leaf area, and, in Amaranthus, production of branch leaves. Temperature and CO2 influenced leaf area production through stem (the plastochron index), and through shifts in the relationship between whole-plant leaf area and the number of main stem nodes. In Abutilon, leaf initiation rate was highest at 38C, but area of individual leaves was greatest at 28C. Total leaf area was greatly reduced at 18C due to slow leaf initiation rates. Elevated CO2 concentration increased leaf initiation rate at 28C, resulting in an increase in whole-plant leaf area. In Amaranthus, leaf initiation rate increased with temperature, and was increased by elevated CO2 at 28C. Individual leaf area was greatest at 28C, and was increased by elevated CO2 at 28C but decreased at 38C. Branch leaf area displayed a similar response to CO2, but was greater at 38C. Overall, whole-plant leaf area was slightly increased at 38C relative to 28C, and elevated CO2 levels resulted in increased leaf area at 28C but decreased leaf area at 38C. The effects on leaf area closely parallel rates of biomass accumulation in the same experiment, suggesting that responses of developmental processes to elevated CO2 and interacting factors may play an important role in mediating effects on plant growth. Abutilon theophrasti/Amaranthus retroflexus KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, OLD FIELD COMMUNITIES, PLASTOCHRON INDEX, TEMPERATURE 2 Acock, B. 1990. Effects of CO2 on Photosynthesis, Plant Growth and Other Processes. IN: Impact of CO2, Trace Gases, and Climate Change on Global Agriculture, ASA Special Publication No. 53 (B.A. Kimball, N.J. Rosenberg, and L.H. Allen Jr., eds.), American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 45-60. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, ALLOCATION, CROPS, GROWTH, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHYSIOLOGICAL CO2 RESPONSES, REVIEW 3 Acock, B., M.C. Acock, and D. Pasternak. 1990. Interactions of CO2 Enrichment and Temperature on Carbohydrate Production and Accumulation in Muskmelon Leaves. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 115:525-529. We examined how temperature and stage of vegetative growth affect carbohydrate production and accumulation in Cucumis melo L. 'Haogen' grown at various CO2 concentrations ([CO2]). Carbohydrate production was measured by net assimilation rate either on a leaf-area basis (NARa) or a leaf dry-weight basis (NARw); carbohydrate accumulation was measured by leaf starch plus sugar content. Twenty-four- and 35-day-old muskmelon plants were grown for 11 days in artificially lighted cabinets at day/night temperatures of 20/20 or 40/20C and at [CO2] of 300 or 1500 uL/L. NARa and NARw both increased with increasing [CO2], but the CO2 effect was smaller at low temperature, especially for plants at the later stage of vegetative growth. NARw was a better indicator of total dry-weight gain than was NARa. Both suboptimal temperatures and CO2 enrichment caused carbohydrates to accumulate in the leaves at both stages of vegetative growth. NARw was correlated negatively with leaf starch plus sugar content. The rate of decrease in NARw with increasing leaf starch plus sugar content was significantly greater for CO2-enriched plants. Leaf starch plus sugar content >0.03 to 0.04 kg/kg of leaf residual dry weight at the end of a dark period may indicate that temperature is suboptimal for growth. Plants grown at the same temperature had higher leaf starch plus sugar content if they were CO2-enriched than if grown in ambient [CO2], suggesting that an optimal temperature for growth in ambient [CO2] may be suboptimal in elevated [CO2]. muskmelon/Cucumis melo KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, GROWTH ANALYSIS, GROWTH STAGES, NAR, SPAR UNITS, TEMPERATURE 4 Acock, B., M.C. Acock, V.R. Reddy, and D.N. Baker. 1985. The Simulation, with GLYCIM, of Soybean Crops Grown in the Field and at Various CO2 Concentrations in Open-top Chambers during 1982, 011 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. soybean KEYWORDS: CROP MODEL, MODELING, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, SIMULATION 5 Acock, B., and L.H. Allen Jr. 1985. Crop Responses to Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentrations. IN: Direct Effects of Increasing Carbon Dioxide on Vegetation, DOE/ER-0238 (B.R. Strain and J.D. Cure, eds.), Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C., pp. 53-97. KEYWORDS: CROP MODEL, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW, TRANSPIRATION, WUE 6 Acock, B., D.N. Baker, V.R. Reddy, J.M. McKinion, F.D. Whisler, D. Del Castillo, and H.F. Hodges. 1982. Soybean Responses to Carbon Dioxide: Measurement and Simulation 1981, 004 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MODELING, RESPIRATION, ROOTS, SPAR UNITS 7 Acock, B., and D. Pasternak. 1986. Effects of CO2 Concentration on Composition, Anatomy, and Morphology of Plants. IN: Physiology, Yield and Economics, Vol. II (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 41-52. In summary, we can say that species differ in their response to high CO2. Plants which are using CAM are relatively unresponsive. Other plants with the C4 pathway show modest dry weight gains but large reductions in transpiration rate. Plants which only have the C3 pathway, or well-watered CAM plants which are behaving like C3 plants, exhibit modest reductions in transpiration rate and large gains in dry weight, resulting in a variety of changes in plant composition, anatomy, and morphology. We know too little to even begin dividing C3 species into response groups. However, we can describe a typical or average response as follows. All organs on the plants become heavier with roots gaining proportionally more dry weight than stems, and stems more than leaves. The additional dry matter in the root is mainly used to increase root length with very little going to increase the density of the root tissue. Additional dry matter going to the stem causes increases in its height and diameter and little increase in the density of the tissue. Additional dry matter going to the leaves causes both a small increase in leaf area and a small increase in leaf thickness. There is an increase in structural dry matter which is probably greater than can be explained by the increase in number of mesophyll cell layers, although no one has even done a definitive experiment on this. Finally, there is an increase in starch accumulating in the leaves which, depending on the circumstances, can be very large. Branch and tiller numbers are frequently increased, as are the number of flowers. Either the weight or number of individual fruits is increased. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, C3, C4, REVIEW 8 Acock, B., V.R. Reddy, D. Del Castillo, H.F. Hodges, D.N. Baker, J.M. McKinion, and F.D. Whisler. 1983. Soybean Responses to Carbon Dioxide: Measurement and Simulation 1982, 008 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, RESPIRATION, SIMULATION, SPAR UNITS, WATER STRESS, YIELD 9 Acock, B., V.R. Reddy, H.F. Hodges, D.N. Baker, and J.M. McKinion. 1985. Photosynthetic Response of Soybean Canopies to Full-Season Carbon Dioxide Enrichment. Agronomy Journal 77:942-947. Global atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) is increasing as a result of the burning of fossil fuels. At present there is little information about how agronomic crops will respond to future high [CO2]. To investigate the basic process that will be most affected, soybean canopies were continuously exposed to various [CO2] and photosynthetic rates were measured throughout the growing season. Soybean was grown to physiological maturity in sunlit controlled-environment chambers in CO2 concentrations of 330, 450, 600 and 800 uL/L. Carbon dioxide fluxes were measured on the canopies at 15-min intervals every day and used to calculate photosynthetic and respiration rates. Gross photosynthetic rate increased with each increment in [CO2] regardless of stage of development, but there was considerable day-to-day and seasonal variation. Seasonal changes in photosynthetic rate were associated with developmental changes in the crop. Photosynthetic rates were low during early vegetative development, even after the canopy had closed, but increased threefold just before flowering to reach a peak during flowering at stage R2. They then decreased by 30% or more until just before the start of pod expansion (R3) when a 45% increase occurred. Thereafter, photosynthetic rates decreased slowly and continuously to final harvest. The daily curves of photosynthetic rate vs. photosynthetic photon flux density were further analyzed to determine canopy light utilization efficiency () and canopy conductance to CO2 transfer (). Plants grown in 800 uL/L [CO2] had a value of that averaged about 40% higher than that for plants grown in 330 uL/L and a value of that averaged about 24% lower for the season. Differences in between these treatments were significant throughout the season, while initial differences in between treatments became less obvious after late vegetative growth stage VII. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONDUCTANCE, LIGHT UTILIZATION EFFICIENCY, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, SPAR UNITS 10 Acock, B., V.R. Reddy, F.D. Whisler, D.N. Baker, J.M. McKinion, H.F. Hodges, and K.J. Boote. 1983. The Soybean Crop Simulator GLYCIM: Model Documentation, 002 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CROP MODEL, MODELING 11 Acock, B., and A. Trent. 1991. The Soybean Crop Simulator GLYCIM: Documentation for the Modular Version 91, 017 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CROP MODEL, GENERIC MODEL, SIMULATION 12 Aizawa, K., Y. Nakamura, and S. Miyachi. 1985. Variation of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Activity in Dunaliella Associated with Changes in Atmospheric CO2 Concentration. Plant Cell Physiology 26:1199-1203. In Dunaliella tertiolecta, D. bioculata and D. viridis the activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and carbonic anhydrase were higher in the cells grown in ordinary air (low-CO2 cells) than in those grown in air enriched with 1-5% CO2 (high-CO2 cells), whereas in Porphyridium cruentum R-1 there was no difference in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity between these two types of cells. Apparent Km (NaHCO3) values for photosynthesis in low-CO2 cells of all species tested were smaller than those in high-CO2 cells. Most of the 14C was incorporated into 3-phosphoglycerate, sugar mono- and di-phosphates during the initial periods of photosynthetic NaH14CO3-fixation, indicating that both types of cells in D. tertiolecta are C3 plants. Dunaliella tertiolecta/Dunaliella bioculata/Dunaliella viridis/Porphyridium cruentum KEYWORDS: ALGAE, AQUATIC PLANTS, CARBONIC ANHYDRASE, CELL CULTURE, ENZYMES, PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE 13 Akey, D.H., and B.A. Kimball. 1989. Growth and Development of the Beet Armyworm on Cotton Grown in an Enriched Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere. Southwestern Entomologist 14:255-260. Growth and development were studied in the beet armyworm (BAW), Spodoptera exigua (Hbner), reared on cotton seedlings at high (640 uL/L) or ambient (320 uL/L) carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and at two fertilizer levels. Under high fertilization, female BAW reared on CO2 enriched seedlings weighed significantly less (87.3 mg) than controls (101.0 mg) and had a significantly longer developmental time (14.2 versus 12.4 days for controls). Male BAW followed the same pattern, but the differences were not statistically significant. Combined (male and female) survival rates for BAW reared on CO2-enriched cotton seedlings on a high fertilizer level were 19.1 compared to 41.6% for controls; more females survived than males by a significant ratio of 2:1. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: BEET ARMYWORM, INSECTS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, SPODOPTERA EXIGUA 14 Akey, D.H., B.A. Kimball, and J.R. Mauney. 1988. Growth and Development of the Pink Bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), on Bolls of Cotton Grown in Enriched Carbon Dioxide Atmospheres. Environmental Entomology 17:452-455. The pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), was reared on the bolls of cotton plants grown in CO2-enriched (649 uL/L) and ambient (371 uL/L) chambers and in two open field plots, one with free-air CO2 enrichment (522 uL/L) and one without enrichment (ambient CO2, 360 uL/L). The effects of increased CO2 levels on growth and development were examined. There was no difference in pupal weights of pink bollworm raised on CO2-enriched cotton compared with those raised on ambient CO2 cotton (26.80 versus 26.64 mg, respectively). Also, there was no difference in developmental time (21-27 d). Analysis of percent seed damage by larvae showed no differences between CO2-enriched and ambient CO2 cotton. These results were attributed to the nutritional qualities of the seed remaining the same (specifically the carbon:nitrogen ratio) despite CO2 and photosynthetic changes in the plant. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, INSECTS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PECTINOPHORA GOSSYPIELLA, PINK BOLLWORM, SEED DAMAGE, SEEDS 15 Allen, L.H., Jr. 1990. Plant Responses to Rising Carbon Dioxide and Potential Interactions with Air Pollutants. Journal of Environmental Quality 19:15-34. As global population increases and industrialization expands, carbon dioxide (CO2) and toxic air pollutants can be expected to be injected into the atmosphere at increasing rates. This analysis reviews a wide range of direct plant responses to rising CO2, increasing levels of gaseous pollutants, and climate change, and potential interactions among the factors. Although several environmental interactions on stomata and foliage temperatures are reviewed briefly, a comprehensive review of effects of potential climatic change on plants is not a major objective of this analysis. Research shows that elevated CO2 increases photosynthetic rates, leaf area, biomass, and yield. Elevated CO2 also reduces transpiration rate per unit leaf area, but not in proportion to reduction of stomatal conductance, because foliage temperature tends to rise. With increasing leaf area and foliage temperature, water use per unit land area is scarcely reduced by elevated CO2. Increases in photosynthetic water-use efficiency are caused primarily by increased photosynthesis rather than reduced transpiration. Gaseous pollutants (O3, SO2, NOx, H2S) affect plants adversely primarily by entry through the stomata. An example calculation showed that reduction in stomatal conductance by doubled CO2 could potentially reduce the effects of ambient O3 and SO2 by 15%. However, information on the interaction of CO2 and air pollutants is scanty. More research is needed on these interactions, because regional changes in air pollutants are occurring concurrently with global changes in CO2. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, CLIMATE CHANGE, CONDUCTANCE, REVIEW, TRANSPIRATION, WUE 16 Allen, L.H., Jr. 1991. Effects of Increasing Carbon Dioxide Levels and Climate Change on Plant Growth, Evapotranspiration, and Water Resources. IN: Managing Water Resources in the West under Conditions of Climate Uncertainty; 1990 Nov. 14-16; Scottsdale, Arizona (Committee on Climate Uncertainty and Water Resources Management, ed.), National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 101-147. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, CLIMATE CHANGE, CLIMATE MODEL, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, GCM'S, MODELING, REVIEW, STREAMFLOW, WUE 17 Allen, L.H., Jr. 1992. Free-Air CO2 Enrichment Field Experiments: An Historical Overview. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:121-134. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE 18 Allen, L.H., Jr., and S.E. Beladi. 1990. Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE): Analysis of Gaseous Dispersion Arrays for the Study of Rising Atmospheric CO2 Effects on Vegetation. 1983-1989 Progress Report, 057 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE 19 Allen, L.H., Jr., E.C. Bisbal, K.J. Boote, and P.H. Jones. 1991. Soybean Dry Matter Allocation under Subambient and Superambient Levels of Carbon Dioxide. Agronomy Journal 83:875-883. Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration [CO2] is expected to cause increases in crop growth and yield. The objective of this study was to investigate effects of subambient, as well as superambient, [CO2] on soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] dry matter production and allocation for two reasons: to assess response of plants to prehistoric as well as future expected CO2 levels and to increase confidence in [CO2] response curves by imposing a wide range of [CO2] treatments. Soybean was grown in outdoor, sunlit, controlled-environment chambers at CO2 levels of 160, 220, 280, 330, 660, and 990 umol (CO2)/mol (air). Total dry matter growth rates during the linear phase of vegetative growth were 5.0, 8.4, 10.9, 12.5, 18.2, and 20.7 g/m2/d for the above respective [CO2]. Samples taken from 24 to 94 d after planting showed that the percentage of total plant mass in leaf trifoliates decreased with increasing [CO2] whereas the percentage in structural components (petioles and stems) increased. At final harvest the respective [CO2] treatments resulted in 38, 53, 62, 100, 120 and 92% seed yield with respect to the 330 umol/mol treatment. Total dry weight responses were similar. Late season spider mite damage of the 990 and 280 umol/mol treatments reduced yields. These data confirm not only that rising CO2 should increase plant growth, but also that plant growth was probably seriously limited by atmospheric [CO2] in preindustrial revolution times back to the previous global glaciation. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, GROWTH, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, SPAR UNITS, YIELD 20 Allen, L.H., Jr., E.C. Bisbal, W.J. Campbell, and K.J. Boote. 1990. Carbon Dioxide Effects on Soybean Developmental Stages and Expansive Growth. Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida, Proceedings 49:124-131. Crop productivity is expected to increase as atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) continues to rise. The purpose of this paper is to examine the response of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr., cv. Bragg] stages of development and plant size to CO2 concentration during four experiments (1981-1984) in outdoor controlled-environment chambers. Attached lysimeters contained Arredondo fine sand (loamy, siliceous, hyperthermic Grossarenic Paleudult). Air temperature and dewpoint temperature were controlled to common set-points within each year with CO2 concentration being the treatment variable among chambers. Vegetative and reproductive developmental stages were determined at frequent intervals during each experiment. Growth parameters of mainstem height, total mainstem plus branch stem length, number of mainstem nodes with branches, mainstem diameter, and leaf areas were measured during at least one experiment. Vegetative stages progressed slightly faster and the final number of nodes was slightly greater with increased CO2 concentration. All size parameters clearly increased with increasing CO2 concentration. Growth responses per unit CO2 concentration change were greater over the subambient range (160 to 330 umol/mol) than over the superambient range (330 to 990 umol/mol). For soybean, plant expansive growth will increase as atmospheric CO2 continues to rise, whereas direct effects of CO2 (without interaction of potential climatic changes) will have little effect on phenology. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: GROWTH, PHENOLOGY, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, SPAR UNITS 21 Allen, L.H., Jr., and K.J. Boote. 1992. Vegetation, Effect of Rising CO2. IN: Encyclopedia of Earth System Science, Vol. 4, Academic Press, Inc., New York, pp. 409-416. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, CLIMATE, NUTRITION, REVIEW, TEMPERATURE, TRANSPIRATION 22 Allen, L.H., Jr., K.J. Boote, J.W. Jones, P.H. Jones, R.R. Valle, B. Acock, H.H. Rogers, and R.C. Dahlman. 1987. Response of Vegetation to Rising Carbon Dioxide: Photosynthesis, Biomass, and Seed Yield of Soybean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles I:1-14. Elevated carbon dioxide throughout the lifespan of soybean causes an increase in photosynthesis, biomass, and seed yield. A rectangular hyperbola model predicts a 32% increase in soybean seed yield with a doubling of carbon dioxide from 315 to 630 ppm and shows that yields may have increased by 13% from about 1800 A.D. to the present due to global carbon dioxide increases. Several other sets of data indicate that photosynthetic and growth response to rising carbon dioxide of many species, including woody plants, is similar to that of soybean. Calculations suggest that enough carbon could be sequestered annually from increased photosynthesis and biomass production due to the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide from 315 ppm in 1958 to about 345 ppm in 1986 to reduce the impact of deforestation in the tropics on the putative current flux of carbon from the biosphere to the atmosphere. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CARBON CYCLE, CARBON SEQUESTERING, DEFORESTATION, GROWTH MODEL, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, REVIEW 23 Allen, L.H., Jr., K.J. Boote, J.W. Jones, J.W. Mishoe, P.H. Jones, R.R. Valle, and E.C. Bisbal. 1985. Subambient and Superambient Carbon Dioxide Effects on Growth, Nonstructural Carbohydrates, Biochemistry of Photosynthesis and Transpiration of Soybeans. 1984 Progress Report, 031 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, GROWTH, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SPAR UNITS, TRANSPIRATION 24 Allen, L.H., Jr., K.J. Boote, J.W. Jones, J.W. Mishoe, P.H. Jones, C.V. Vu, R. Valle, and W.J. Campbell. 1982. Effects of Increased Carbon Dioxide on Photosynthesis and Agricultural Productivity of Soybeans. 1981 Progress Report, 003 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBOHYDRATES, CONDUCTANCE, GROWTH, GROWTH STAGES, NITROGEN, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SPAR UNITS, YIELD 25 Allen, L.H., Jr., K.J. Boote, J.W. Jones, J.W. Mishoe, P.H. Jones, C.V. Vu, R.R. Valle, W.J. Campbell, P.R. Harris, and K.F. Heimburg. 1984. Effects of Increased Carbon Dioxide and Water Stress Interactions on Photosynthesis, Transpiration, and Productivity of Soybeans. 1983 Progress Report, 014 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CI:CA, GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, SPAR UNITS, TRANSPIRATION, WATER STRESS, WUE, YIELD 26 Allen, L.H., Jr., B.G. Drake, H.H. Rogers, and J.H. Shinn. 1992. Field Techniques for Exposure of Plants and Ecosystems to Elevated CO2 and Other Trace Gases. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:85-119. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, REVIEW, SCALING 27 Allen, L.H., Jr., R.R. Valle, J.W. Mishoe, J.W. Jones, and P.H. Jones. 1990. Soybean Leaf Gas Exchange Responses to CO2 Enrichment. Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida, Proceedings 49:192-198. Carbon dioxide concentration of the atmosphere is expected to double within the next century. This study was undertaken to determine the leaf gas exchange responses of soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merr. cv. Bragg) grown continuously at 330, 450, 600, and 800 L (CO2)/million L (air), or volume parts per million volumes (vpm), in sunlit, controlled-environment chambers. The chambers were secured to soil bins filled with a reconstructed profile of Arredondo fine sand (a loamy siliceous hyperthermic Grossarenic Paleudult). A gas exchange system was used to measure leaf and air temperatures, flow rates, cuvette input and exit CO2 concentrations and vapor pressures, and incident solar photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). These measurements were used to calculate the carbon dioxide exchange rate (CER), transpiration rate (TRATE), stomatal resistance (rs), and leaf internal airspace (intercellular) CO2 concentration (Ci) of fully expanded, sunlit leaves held in a flat, horizontal position. Results indicated that leaf CER increased linearly over the CO2 concentration range of 330 to 800 vpm. Differences in leaf transpiration rates between the 800 and 330 vpm CO2 treatment were small. Water-use efficiency, CER/TRATE, increased as CO2 level increased, mainly due to an increase in CER. Both leaf stomatal resistance and leaf temperature increased with increasing CO2 concentrations at fixed PAR. The ratio of Ci to external CO2 concentration (Ce) was approximately constant across the range of [CO2] treatments. These findings showed no tendency for CO2-saturation of soybean leaf CER (and hence no evidence of CO2-induced feedback inhibition of photosynthetic rate) over the CO2 concentration range of 330 to 800 vpm. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CI:CA, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC FEEDBACK INHIBITION, SPAR UNITS, TRANSPIRATION, WUE 28 Allen, L.H., Jr., J.C.V. Vu, R.R. Valle, K.J. Boote, and P.H. Jones. 1988. Nonstructural Carbohydrates and Nitrogen of Soybean Grown under Carbon Dioxide Enrichment. Crop Science 28:84-94. Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has been rising in the atmosphere for over a century. This study was conducted to determine the effects of anticipated future levels of CO2 on nonstructural carbohydrates and N of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Bragg]. Plants were grown at Gainesville, FL from seed to maturity in six sunlit, controlled-environment chambers that maintained CO2 at 330, 330, 450, 600, 800, and 800 umol (CO2)/mol (air). Attached lysimeters contained Arredondo fine sand (loamy, siliceous, hyperthermic Grossarenic Paleudult). Leaflet blades were sampled five times per day at 48 and 69 d after planting (DAP). At 48 DAP, average daytime starch conc. of leaflets increased with increasing CO2 from 85 g/kg of dry wt at 330 umol/mol to 205 g/kg at 800 umol/mol. On each date, the daytime rate of starch accumulation combined over all CO2 treatments was 6 g/kg. Specific leaf weight increased significantly throughout the day both at 48 (0.64 g/m2/h) and 69 DAP (0.29 g/m2/h). Total Kjeldahl N (TKN) conc., expressed on a g/m2 basis, showed no change over the day. Total final dry wt increased 18, 34, and 54% at 450, 600 and 800 umol/mol, respectively. The TKN harvested per plant increased 25, 26 and 45% in the 450, 600 and 800 umol/mol CO2 treatments, respectively. Plants in the 450 umol/mol CO2 treatment partitioned more biomass to seed than the other CO2 treatments. With that exception, we saw no great differences among treatment partitioning at final harvest, and thus interpret the main effect of CO2 enrichment to be enhanced photoassimilation by soybean canopies while maintaining consistent allometric relationships of the plants. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CARBOHYDRATES, NITROGEN, SPAR UNITS, SPECIFIC LEAF WEIGHT 29 Allen, S.G., S.B. Idso, and B.A. Kimball. 1990. Interactive Effects of CO2 and Environment on Net Photosynthesis of Water-Lily. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 30:81-88. Water-lily (Nymphaea marliac) plants were grown out of doors in 570-L stock tanks contained in plastic-walled, open-topped CO2-enrichment chambers continuously supplied with either 640 or 340 (ambient) uL CO2/L air. Net photosynthesis (Pn) of water-lily leaves in each CO2 treatment was measured hourly between 0800 and 1600 h MST on 26 October and 10 and 24 November 1987. Air temperature and net solar radiation were measured at the same time. The 3 days on which Pn was measured provided an air temperature range of 10.3-33.2C and a net solar radiation range of 30-659 W/m2. Significant linear relationships were established between Pn and air temperature and Pn and net solar radiation for both CO2 treatments. Significant interactive effects of CO2 and air temperature and CO2 and net solar radiation were also found to affect Pn. In conditions generally unfavorable for Pn (low light and low temperature), there was no difference in Pn rate between the two CO2 treatments. In conditions that were favorable for Pn (high light and high temperature), however, Pn in the 640 uL CO2/L air treatment was as much as 60% greater than in the ambient CO2 treatment. Nymphaea marliac/water lily KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TEMPERATURE 30 Allen, S.G., S.B. Idso, B.A. Kimball, and M.G. Anderson. 1988. Relationship between Growth Rate and Net Photosynthesis of Azolla in Ambient and Elevated CO2 Concentrations. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 20:137-141. Azolla pinnata was grown out-of-doors at Phoenix, AZ, U.S.A. in open-topped plastic-walled chambers supplied with either 340 or 640 uL CO2/L air. Net photosynthesis and growth rate were measured weekly between September 1985 and May 1986 and a significant (P<0.01) positive correlation was established between these two parameters in both CO2 environments. Regression coefficients for the linear regression of growth rate onto net photosynthesis were not significantly different in the two CO2 environments, indicating that the rate of growth per unit of CO2 uptake is not influenced by an atmospheric CO2 concentration-environment interaction. Azolla pinnata KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, GROWTH RATE, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS 31 Allen, S.G., S.B. Idso, B.A. Kimball, J.T. Baker, L.H. Allen Jr., J.R. Mauney, J.W. Radin, and M.G. Anderson. 1990. Effects of Air Temperature on Atmospheric CO2-Plant Growth Relationships, TR048 in Yellow Report Series, DOE/ER-0450T, Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Program. NTIS, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia. KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CONDUCTANCE, PHENOLOGY, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 32 Alpert, P., F.R. Warembourg, and J. Roy. 1992. Transport of Carbon among Connected Ramets of Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederiaceae) at Normal and High Levels of CO2. American Journal of Botany 78:1459-1466. The floating stoloniferous plant, Eichhornia crassipes, has high rates of productivity and rapidly invades new sites. Because the transport of carbon among connected ramets in known to increase the growth of clonal plants, we asked whether there is intraclonal carbon transport in E. Crassipes. Because net photosynthesis of E. Crassipes is significantly higher at high levels of atmospheric CO2, we also asked if high CO2 can change patterns of carbon transport in ways that might modify clonal growth. We exposed individual ramets within groups of connected ramets to 14-CO2 for 15-45 min and measured the distribution of 14-C in the group after 4 days of growth at 350, 700, 1,400, or 2,800 uL/L CO2. At 350 uL/L CO2, a parent ramet exported approximately 10% of the 14-C that it assimilated to its first rooted offspring ramet. The offspring exported a similar percentage of the 14-C it assimilated toward the parent; two-thirds of this 14-C was retained by the parent, and one-third moved into new offspring of the parent. In all ramets, imported carbon moved into leaves as well as roots. At the higher levels of CO2, the percentage of assimilated carbon exported from a parent ramet to the leaf blades of its first offspring was lower by half. High CO2 had little other effect on carbon transport. E. crassipes maintains bidirectional transport of carbon between ramets even under uniform and favorable environmental conditions and when external CO2 levels are very high. Eichhornia crassipes/water hyacinth KEYWORDS: 14C, AQUATIC PLANTS, ASSIMILATE EXPORT, CARBON BUDGET, GREENHOUSE, HYDROPONIC CULTURE, VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION 33 Alscher, G., and H. Krug. 1989. On-line Control of CO2 Enrichment in Protected Cultivation. Acta Horticulturae 248:321-327. As a base for experiments on CO2 on-line control the CO2 fluxes in greenhouses are simulated and potential control strategies presented. Some approaches are tested, others outlined for discussion. Preliminary experiments with lettuce were performed with CO2 supply depending on wind velocity and irradiance. Additionally, intermittent CO2 application was tested. Results indicate that the efficiency of CO2 enrichment varies relying on season and year. If planted in October cutting off CO2 supply led to extended growth periods with increased energy demands. If planted in January no significant differences in growing periods occurred between constant CO2 treatments, intermittent CO2 supply and cutting off due to wind velocity and irradiance, except differences to the control. Simulations for optimizing CO2 on-line control are in progress. lettuce/Lactuca sativa KEYWORDS: CO2 MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GREENHOUSE, INTERMITTENT ENRICHMENT, SIMULATION 34 Amthor, J.S. 1991. Respiration in a Future, Higher-CO2 World. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:13-20. Apart from its impact on global warming, the annually increasing atmospheric [CO2] is of interest to plant scientists primarily because of its direct influence on photosynthesis and photorespiration in C3 species. But in addition, 'dark' respiration, another major component of the carbon budget of higher plants, may be affected by a change in [CO2] independent of an increase in temperature. Literature pertaining to an impact of [CO2] on respiration rate is reviewed. With an increase in [CO2], respiration rate is increased in some cases, but decreased in others. The effects of [CO2] on respiration rate may be direct or indirect. Mechanisms responsible for various observations are proposed. These proposed mechanisms relate to changes in: (1) levels of nonstructural carbohydrates, (2) growth rate and structural phytomass accumulation, (3) composition of phytomass, (4) direct chemical interactions between CO2 and respiratory enzymes, (5) direct chemical interactions between CO2 and other cellular components, (6) dark CO2 fixation rate, and (7) ethylene biosynthesis rate. Because a range of (possibly interactive) effects exists, and present knowledge is limited, the impact of future [CO2] on respiration rate cannot be predicted. Theoretical considerations and types of experiments that can lead to an increase in the understanding of this issue are outlined. KEYWORDS: CARBON BUDGET, RESPIRATION, REVIEW 35 Amthor, J.S., G.W. Koch, and A.J. Bloom. 1992. CO2 Inhibits Respiration in Leaves of Rumex crispus L. Plant Physiology 98:757-760. Curly dock (Rumex crispus L.) was grown from seed in a glasshouse at an ambient CO2 partial pressure of about 35 pascals. Apparent respiration rate (CO2 efflux in the dark) of expanded leaves was then measured at ambient CO2 partial pressure of 5 to 95 pascals. Calculated intercellular CO2 partial pressure was proportional to ambient CO2 partial pressure in these short term experiments. The CO2 level strongly affected apparent respiration rate: a doubling of the partial pressure of CO2 typically inhibited respiration by 25 to 30%, whereas a decrease in CO2 elicited a corresponding increase in respiration. These responses were readily reversible. A flexible, sensitive regulatory interaction between CO2 (a byproduct of respiration) and some component(s) of heterotrophic metabolism is indicated. Rumex crispus/curly dock KEYWORDS: CI:CA, GREENHOUSE, RESPIRATION 36 Anderson, I.H., C. Dons, S. Nilsen, and M.K. Haugstad. 1985. Growth, Photosynthesis and Photorespiration of Lemna gibba: Response to Variations in CO2 and O2 Concentrations and Photon Flux Density. Photosynthesis Research 6:87-96. Dry weight and Relative Growth Rate of Lemna gibba were significantly increased by CO2 enrichment up to 6000 uL CO2/L. This high CO2 optimum for growth is probably due to the presence of nonfunctional stomata. The response to high CO2 was less or absent following four days growth in 2% O2. The Leaf Area Ratio decreased in response to CO2 enrichment as a result of an increase in dry weight per frond. Photosynthetic rate was increased by CO2 enrichment up to 1500 uL CO2/L during measurement, showing only small increases with further CO2 enrichment up to 5000 uL CO2/L at a photon flux density of 210 umol/m2/s and small decreases at 2000 umol/m/s. The actual rate of photosynthesis of those plants cultivated at high CO2 levels, however, was less than the air grown plants. The response of photosynthesis to O2 indicated that the enhancement of growth and photosynthesis by CO2 enrichment was a result of decreased photorespiration. Plants cultivated in low O2 produced abnormal morphological features and after a short time showed a reduction in growth. Lemna gibba/duckweed KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, LIGHT, OXYGEN, RESPIRATION 37 Andersson, N.E. 1991. The Influence of Constant and Diurnally Changing CO2 Concentrations on Plant Growth and Development. Journal of Horticultural Science 66:569-574. Plants of Ficus benjamina and miniature rose (Rosa hybrida cv. Red Minimo) were grown under four CO2 treatments. Two had constant CO2 levels (600 and 900 ppm) and the other two had diurnal changes in CO2 levels, one increasing from 600 to 1500 ppm and one decreasing from 1500 to 600 ppm, each in four steps of 300 ppm during the day-time. In all treatments 900 ppm CO2 was maintained during the night when supplementary light was used, except in the treatment with constant 600 ppm where 600 ppm was also continued throughout the night. Plant growth was monitored under both decreasing and increasing natural daylength and irradiance. The tallest plants and greatest increment in height for Ficus occurred with plants grown under constant CO2 concentration at 900 ppm. In both experiments with miniature roses the number of flower buds was significantly increased under diurnally changing CO2 concentration or when the CO2 level was constant at 600 ppm compared with a constant 900 ppm. Time to flowering was decreased by constant CO2 at 900 as compared with the other treatments. Ficus benjamina/Rosa hybrida KEYWORDS: COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, DIURNAL CYCLE, FLOWER PRODUCTION, FLOWERING, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS 38 Andre, M., F. Cotte, A. Gerbaud, D. Massimino, J. Massimino, and C. Richaud. 1989. Effect of CO2 and O2 on Development and Fructification of Wheat in Closed Systems. Advances in Space Research 9:(8)17-(8)28. The cultivation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was performed in controlled environment chambers with the continuous monitoring of photosynthesis, dark respiration, transpiration and main nutrient uptakes. A protocol in twin chambers was developed to compare the specific effects of low O2 and high CO2. Each parameter is able to influence photosynthesis but different effects are obtained in the development, fructification and seed production, because of the different effects of each parameter on the ratio of reductive to oxidative cycle of carbon. The first main conclusion is that low level of O2, at the same rate of biomass production, strongly acts on the rate of ear appearance and on seed production. Ear appearance was delayed and seed production reduced with a low O2 treatment (about 4%). The O2 effect was not mainly due to the repression of the oxidative cycle. The high CO2 treatment (700 to 900 uL/L) delayed ear appearance by 4 days, but did not reduce seed production. High CO2 treatment also reduced transpiration by 20%. Two hypotheses were proposed to explain the similarities and the difference in the O2 and CO2 effects on the growth of wheat. Triticum aestivum/wheat KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, OXYGEN, RESPIRATION, SEED PRODUCTION 39 Andre, M., and H. Du Cloux. 1993. Interaction of CO2 Enrichment and Water Limitations on Photosynthesis and Water-Use Efficiency in Wheat. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 31:103-112. Wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Capitole) were grown in twin closed growth chambers with continuous monitoring of CO2 and water exchanges. During the vegetative stage the effect of CO2 enrichment, from 330 to 660 uL/L, was studied under an irradiance of 660 uE/m2/s with an optimum watering. Comparisons were made with successive experiments in which daily water supply was fixed to a fraction (0.62-0.5-0.25) of the maximal transpiration of previous experiments. In a well watered canopy, the doubling of CO2 decreased transpiration by only 8%. Water use efficiency was increased (factor 1.45) mainly by the stimulation of photosynthesis. Under restricted water supply, photosynthesis of plants was more limited than transpiration. The inhibition of photosynthesis and the increase of water use efficiency can be predicted by a simple diffusion model applied to the response curve of photosynthesis to CO2, measured on canopy in standard conditions of watering. The main hypothesis is that the equivalent stomatal conductance is reduced proportionally to the water availability, without closure by patching. Under enriched CO2, the same reduction of leaf surface by water limitation was observed. Photosynthesis was less affected. Therefore, water use efficiency was again increased. Doubling CO2 concentration can compensate for water stress inhibition on CO2 assimilation. That model also predicts interactions of CO2 and water stress observed on water-use-efficiency which was increased by a factor up to 5 in comparison with well-watered plants in standard atmosphere. The implications of this study on global change models are discussed. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GRASSES, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, TRANSPIRATION, WATER STRESS, WUE 40 Andre, M., H. Du Cloux, and C. Richaud. 1986. Wheat Response to CO2 Enrichment: CO2 Exchanges, Transpiration and Mineral Uptakes. IN: Controlled Ecological Life Support System: CELLS '85 Workshop, 1985 July 16-19, NASA Report TM88215 (R. MacElroy, N.V. Martello, and D. Smernoff, eds.), AMES Research Center, Moffett Field, California, pp. 405-428. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, PLANT DENSITY, POTASSIUM, TRANSPIRATION, WATER STRESS, WUE 41 Andre, M., H. Ducloux, C. Richaud, D. Massimino, A. Daguenet, J. Massimino, and A. Gerbaud. 1987. Etude des Relations entre Photosynthese Respiration, Transpiration et Nutrition Minerale chez le Ble. Advances in Space Research 7:(4)105-(4)114. La croissance du Ble Triticum aestivum a ete etudiee en environnement controle et ferme pendant une periode de 70 jours. Les echanges gazeux (Photosynthese, Respiration) hydriques (Transpiration) et al consommation en elements mineraux (Azote, Phosphore, Potassium) ont ete mesures en continu. On prsentera les relations dynamiques observees entre les differentes fonctions physiologiques, d'une part sous l'influence de la croissance et d'autre part en reponse a des modifications de l'environnement. L'influence de la teneur en CO2 pendant la croissance (teneur normale ou doublee) sera mise en evidence. In French. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, RESPIRATION, TRANSPIRATION 42 Andreeva, T.F., L.E. Strogonova, S.Y. Voevudskaya, S.N. Maevskaya, and N.N. Cherkanova. 1989. Effect of Enhanced CO2 Concentration on Photosynthesis, Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Metabolism, and Growth Processes in Mustard Plants. Fiziologiya Rastenii 36:40-48. We investigated prolonged (8- to 10-day) influence of enhanced carbon dioxide content (0.03-0.05%) in the air on photosynthesis of mustard plants (Brassica juncea L.), on their carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism, and on the course of growth processes. Considerable attention is devoted to the question of the effect of leaf starch excess on the rate of photosynthesis. It is demonstrated that mustard plants in the vegetative phase of growth under conditions of enhanced CO2 concentration in the air exhibit higher pure productivity of photosynthesis and a higher rate of photosynthesis than in plants growing at normal CO2 content in the atmosphere. Increase of apparent photosynthesis is realized without supplementary synthesis of fraction I protein. Increase in the rate of photosynthesis is accompanied by intensification of nitrogen metabolism, increase of growth, and accumulation of biomass. An excess of assimilates in the form of starch accumulates in the chloroplasts (25% of leaf dry mass at 27/24). Starch content increases significantly in plants grown under conditions of reduced temperature compared with ones grown at a higher temperature (34.4% of leaf dry mass at 20/17 as compared with 20.1% at 32/27). It is concluded that high starch content in the leaves is not a cause of photosynthesis suppression. Decline of photosynthesis is observed only when the starch excess disturbs structure of the chloroplasts. mustard/Brassica juncea KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, FRACTION 1 PROTEIN, NITROGEN, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, TEMPERATURE 43 Apel, P. 1989. Influence of CO2 on Stomatal Numbers. Biologia Plantarum (Praha) 3:72-74. From nine different plant species grown at 1500 cm3/m3 CO2 five responded with a significant increase in stomatal numbers per mm2 as compared with plants grown under normal air conditions. Within a collection of twelve french bean cultivars remarkable cultivar differences with regard to the CO2 enhancement effect on stomatal numbers was found. Phaseolus vulgaris/Vicia faba/Lycopersicon esculentum/Acer pseudoplatanus/Triticum aestivum/Hordeum vulgare/Secale cereale/Avena sativa/Zea mays/bean/broad bean/tomato/sycamore maple/wheat/barley/rye/oat/corn KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, STOMATAL DENSITY 44 Arnone, J.A., III. 1988. Photosynthesis, Carbon Allocation, and Nitrogen Fixation in Red Alder. Doctoral Dissertation, Yale University, Dissertation Abstracts Vol.50:08-B, p.3244 (96 pp.). Research reported in the three sections of this dissertation addresses the problem of the effect of potentially high carbon costs of nitrogen fixation by alder-Frankia symbioses on host plant biomass productivity. Effects of root nodulation and nitrogen fixation on plant biomass productivity and allocation patterns were evaluated by growing inoculated and uninoculated red alder seedlings in atmospheres containing ambient (350 uL/L) and elevated (650 uL/L) levels of CO2, with and without combined nitrogen (20 mg/L NH4NO3) supplied in modified N-free Hoagland's nutrient solution. Effect of nodulation, CO2 enrichment, substrate nitrogen, and the feedback interaction on early seedling development and aboveground and belowground growth were also tested using the same plant material. Root:shoot ratios for plants in all treatments decreased over the course of the experiment. This occurred more rapidly in nodulated plants and was attributed to more rapid attainment of balanced root:shoot growth. This and evidence supporting the hypothesis that whole plant internal carbon/nitrogen balance regulated aboveground and belowground growth is presented and discussed. Alnus rubra/red alder KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, NITROGEN, NITROGEN FIXATION, TREES 45 Arnone, J.A., III, and J.C. Gordon. 1990. Effect of Nodulation, Nitrogen Fixation and CO2 Enrichment on the Physiology, Growth and Dry Mass Allocation of Seedlings of Alnus rubra Bong. New Phytologist 116:55-66. Inoculated and uninoculated Alnus rubra Bong. seedlings were grown for 47 days in atmospheres containing ambient (350 uL CO2/L) and elevated (650 uL CO2/L) levels of CO2, with and without combined nitrogen (20 mg/L) supplied as ammonium nitrate. Five plants from each treatment were harvested 15, 30, and 47 days after exposure to CO2 treatments began. Evidence for the presence of a positive feedback loop between nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis was observed in nodulated plants growing at elevated CO2. These plants had greater whole-plant photosynthesis and nitrogenase activity, leaf area and nitrogen content, as well as nodule and plant dry mass, relative to nodulated plants grown at ambient CO2 and non-nodulated plants grown at both CO2 levels. This feedback may be an important way in which the potential carbon drain of nitrogen fixation on the host plant could be compensated; increased nitrogen availability resulting in stimulated leaf area growth and whole-plant photosynthesis. The relative amount of dry mass allocated to below ground decreased for all seedlings over time, and the amount allocated above ground increased. This shift in allocation occurred slowly and at a constant rate in non-nodulated plants and more rapidly and abruptly when plants were nodulated. The proportion of dry mass allocated below ground was consistently greater in non-nodulated plants grown at high CO2. Dry mass partitioning among other organs was not directly affected by nodulation, CO2 enrichment, or other treatment interactions. Alnus rubra KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, NITROGEN FIXATION, NODULATION, TREES 46 Arp, W.J. 1991. Effects of Source-Sink Relations on Photosynthetic Acclimation to Elevated CO2. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:869-875. While photosynthesis of C3 plants is stimulated by an increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration, photosynthetic capacity is often reduced after long-term exposure to elevated CO2. This reduction appears to be brought about by end product inhibition, resulting from an imbalance in the supply and demand of carbohydrates. A review of the literature revealed that the reduction of photosynthetic capacity in elevated CO2 was most pronounced when the increased supply of carbohydrates was combined with small sink size. The volume of pots in which plants were grown affected the sink size by restricting root growth. While plants grown in small pots had a reduced photosynthetic capacity, plants grown in the field showed no reduction or an increase in this capacity. Pot volume also determined the effect of elevated CO2 on the root:shoot ratio--the root:shoot ratio increased when root growth was not restricted and decreased in plants grown in small pots. The data presented in this paper suggest that plants growing in the field will maintain a high photosynthetic capacity as the atmospheric CO2 level continues to rise. KEYWORDS: PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, POT VOLUME, REVIEW, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE 47 Arp, W.J. 1991. Vegetation of a North American Salt Marsh and Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Doctoral Dissertation, Centrale Huisdrukkerij Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Distichlis spicata/Spartina patens/Scirpus olneyi KEYWORDS: C3, C4, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, GROWTH, HALOPHYTES, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, SALT MARSH, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE, SPECIES COMPETITION, WATER STATUS 48 Arp, W.J., and B.G. Drake. 1991. Increased Photosynthetic Capacity of Scirpus olneyi after 4 Years of Exposure to Elevated CO2. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:1003-1006. While a short-term exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2 induces a large increase in photosynthesis in many plants, long-term growth in elevated CO2 often results in a smaller increase due to reduced photosynthetic capacity. In this study, it was shown that, for a wild C3 species growing in its natural environment and exposed to elevated CO2 for four growing seasons, the photosynthetic capacity has actually increased by 31%. An increase in photosynthetic capacity has been observed in other species growing in the field, which suggests that photosynthesis of certain field grown plants will continue to respond to elevated levels of atmospheric CO2. sedge/Scirpus olneyi KEYWORDS: LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION 49 Arp, W.J., B.G. Drake, W.T. Pockman, P.S. Curtis, and D.F. Whigham. 1993. Interactions between C3 and C4 Salt Marsh Plant Species during Four Years of Exposure to Elevated Atmospheric CO2. Vegetatio 104/105:133-143. Elevated atmospheric CO2 is known to stimulate photosynthesis and growth of plants with the C3 pathway but less of plants with the C4 pathway. An increase in the CO2 concentration can therefore be expected to change the competitive interactions between C3 and C4 species. The effect of long term exposure to elevated CO2 (ambient CO2 concentration + 340 umol CO2/mol) on a salt marsh vegetation with both C3 and C4 species was investigated. Elevated CO2 increased the biomass of the C3 sedge Scirpus olneyi growing in a pure stand, while the biomass of the C4 grass Spartina patens in a monospecific community was not affected. In the mixed C3/C4 community the C3 sedge showed a very large relative increase in biomass in elevated CO2 while the biomass of the C4 species declined. The C4 grass Spartina patens dominated the higher areas of the salt marsh, while the C3 sedge Scirpus olneyi was most abundant at the lower elevations, and the mixed community occupied intermediate elevations. Scirpus growth may have been restricted by drought and salt stress at the higher elevations, while Spartina growth at the lower elevations may be affected by the higher frequency of flooding. Elevated CO2 may affect the species distribution in the salt marsh if it allows Scirpus to grow at higher elevations where it in turn may affect the growth of Spartina. Spartina patens/Scirpus olneyi/Distichlis spicata KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, C3, C4, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, GROWTH, HALOPHYTES, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, SALT MARSH, SALT STRESS, SPECIES COMPETITION, WATER STRESS 50 Artus, N.N. 1990. Two Mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana That Become Chlorotic in Atmospheres Enriched with CO2. Plant, Cell and Environment 13:575-580. Two nonallelic, nuclear recessive mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. which become chlorotic when grown in an atmosphere enriched to 20,000 cm3 CO2/m3 have been isolated. For one of the mutants, chlorosis begins at the veins and gradually spreads to the interveinal regions. A minimum photon flux density of ca 50 umol/m2/s is required for this response. For the other mutant, the yellowing is independent of the light intensity and begins at the basal regions of the leaves and spreads to the tips. The injurious effects of CO2 seem to be restricted to photosynthetic tissues, since root elongation and callus growth were not inhibited by a high atmospheric CO2 concentration for either mutant. Neither mutant became chlorotic in a low O2 atmosphere that suppressed photorespiration as effectively as the elevated CO2 does. Thus, the mutations do not impose a requirement for photorespiration. The possibilities that the high CO2-sensitive phenotypes are caused by an effect of CO2 in stomata, on ethylene synthesis, or on mineral uptake are discussed but are considered unlikely. Arabidopsis thaliana KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, MUTANT 51 Ashenden, T.W., R. Baxter, and C.R. Rafarel. 1992. An Inexpensive System for Exposing Plants in the Field to Elevated Concentrations of CO2. Plant, Cell and Environment 15:365-372. An inexpensive, potentially mobile field exposure system is described which may be easily constructed by a small workshop. It may be operated as an open-top with a frustum or covered with a polycarbonate 'lid'. The system is cost-effective for CO2 exposure work because the small size allows provision of CO2-enriched atmospheres over prolonged periods at relatively low cost. A preliminary assessment of the chambers has been made and concentrations can be maintained at +/- 6% for a target atmosphere of 680 cm3/m3 CO2 under normal operating conditions. Other chamber environmental conditions are reported. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS 52 Aston, A.R. 1984. The Effect of Doubling Atmospheric CO2 on Streamflow: a Simulation. Journal of Hydrology 67:273-280. There is a potential for atmospheric CO2 to rise four- or six-fold, and at some time in the foreseeable future a doubling of stomatal resistance seems, on present evidence, to be inevitable. A distributed deterministic process model was used to simulate the effects of changed stomatal resistance on streamflow of a 5-ha experimental catchment and a large (417 km2) water-supply area. The results indicated that we can expect streamflow to increase from 40 to 90% as a consequence of doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration. KEYWORDS: HYDROLOGIC MODEL, STREAMFLOW 53 Austin, M.P. 1992. Modelling the Environmental Niche of Plants: Implications for Plant Community Response to Elevated CO2 Levels. Australian Journal of Botany 40:615-630. No simple natural gradients in CO2 concentration exist for testing predictions about changes in plant communities in response to elevated CO2. However indirect effects of CO2 via temperature increases can be tested by reference to natural analogues. Physiologists, vegetation modellers of climate change and community ecologists assume very different temperature responses for plants. Physiologists often assume a skewed non-monotonic curve with a tail towards low temperatures, forest modellers using FORET type models, a symmetric curve, and community ecologists a skewed response with a tail towards high temperatures. These assumptions are reviewed in relation to niche theory, and recent propositions concerning the continuum concept. Confusion exists between the different approaches over the shape of response curves to temperature. Distinctions need to be made between responses due to growth (physiological response), potential fitness (fundamental niche) and observed performance (realised niche). These types of response should be quantified and related to each other if process-models are to be tested for predictive success by reference to naturally occurring communities and temperature gradients. An example of a statistical method for quantifying the realised environmental niche response of a species to temperature is provided. It is based on generalised linear modelling (GLM) of presence/absence data on Eucalyptus fastigata for 8377 sites in southern New South Wales, Australia. Seven environmental variables or factors are considered: mean annual temperature, mean annual rainfall, mean monthly solar radiation, topographic position, rainfall seasonality, lithology, and soil; nutrient status. The temperature response is modelled by a Beta-function, log y + a + alpha log (t - a) + sigma log (b - t), where t is temperature and letters are parameters. The probability of occurrence is shown to be a skewed function of mean annual temperature. Any process-models of climate change for vegetation incorporating temperature changes due to elevated CO2 must be capable of generating such realised environmental niche responses for species. Eucalyptus fastigata KEYWORDS: COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, FOREST, MODELING, NICHE THEORY, SPECIES RANGE 54 Badger, M. 1992. Manipulating Agricultural Plants for a Future High CO2 Environment. Australian Journal of Botany 40:421-429. This paper discusses the potential ways in which C3 plant performance may benefit from a future high-CO2 environment. These include increases in the efficiencies for light, nitrogen and water utilisation, particularly at elevated temperatures, resulting from the improvement which will occur in the performance of the primary carboxylating enzyme, Rubisco. However, while growth experiments at elevated CO2 indicate that C3 plants show stimulation of dry matter accumulation, the potential gains are greatly ameliorated by a redistribution of plant resources. This primarily occurs via a reduction in the leaf area ratio which offsets increases in the net assimilation rate. In addition, there may be an overcommitment of nitrogen in key photosynthetic components such as Rubisco and the thylakoid electron transport system. It is concluded that plants may not be genetically adapted to optimise their growth and performance at elevated CO2 and that consideration should be given to exploring avenues for manipulating plants for more optimal responses. Targets for improvement of growth at elevated CO2 include (1) altering source-sink relations; (2) improving the redistribution of nitrogen between the photosynthetic machinery and the rest of the plant; and (3) changing the response of stomata to CO2 and humidity to increase water-use efficiency even further than is currently predicted. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, C3, C4, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LIGHT, NITROGEN, PHENOLOGY, REVIEW, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE, TEMPERATURE, WUE 55 Baille, A. 1989. Greenhouse Microclimate and Its Management in Mild Winter Climates. Acta Horticulturae 246:23-36. KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE 56 Bailly, J., and J.R. Coleman. 1988. Effect of CO2 Concentration on Protein Biosynthesis and Carbonic Anhydrase Expression in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Physiology 87:833-840. The effect of external inorganic carbon (Ci) concentrations on protein biosynthesis and carbonic anhydrase (CA) mRNA abundance were examined in the eukaryotic alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Transfer of high CO2 (5%) grown algae to air levels of CO2 resulted in the transitory synthesis of two polypeptides of approximately 49,000 and 52,000 daltons as well as prolonged synthesis and accumulation of the 37,000 dalton CA monomer and an unidentified 20,000 dalton polypeptide. The gene coding for carbonic anhydrase was isolated from a genomic expression library and subjected to restriction endonuclease analysis. Southern blot analysis of chromosomal DNA indicates that only a single copy of the gene is present. The 2.5 kilobase DNA fragment hybridizes specifically to a 1.4 kilobase transcript in RNA isolated from air-grown cells and from cells grown on 5% CO2 that have been exposed to air levels of CO2. Maximum mRNA abundance was observed after 1 to 3 hours of exposure to air. Transfer of air-grown cells to a high CO2 environment resulted in the elimination of the CA transcript after 60 minutes of exposure. Changes in CA transcript abundance in response to external Ci concentrations occurred in the presence or absence of light. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii KEYWORDS: ALGAE, AQUATIC PLANTS, CARBONIC ANHYDRASE, CELL CULTURE, ENZYMES, GENE EXPRESSION 57 Baker, J.T., and L.H. Allen Jr. 1993. Contrasting Crop Species Responses to CO2 and Temperature: Rice, Soybean and Citrus. Vegetatio 104/105:239-260. The continuing increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) and projections of possible future increases in global air temperatures have stimulated interest in the effects of these climate variables on plants and, in particular, on agriculturally important food crops. Mounting evidence from many different experiments suggests that the magnitude and even direction of crop responses to [CO2] and temperature is almost certain to be species dependent and very likely, within a species, to be cultivar dependent. Over the last decade, [CO2] and temperature experiments have been conducted on several crop species in the outdoor, naturally-sunlit, environmentally controlled, plant growth chambers by USDA-ARS and the University of Florida, at Gainesville, Florida, USA. The objectives for this paper are to summarize some of the major findings of these experiments and further to compare and contrast species responses to [CO2] and temperature for three diverse crop species: rice (Oryza sativa, L.), soybean (Glycine max, L.) and citrus (various species). Citrus had the lowest growth and photosynthetic rates but under [CO2] enrichment displayed the greatest percentage increases over ambient [CO2] control treatments. In all three species the direct effect of [CO2] enrichment was always an increase in photosynthetic rate. In soybean, photosynthetic rate depended on current [CO2] regardless of the long-term [CO2] history of the crop. In rice, photosynthetic rate measured at a common [CO2], decreased with increasing long-term [CO2] growth treatment due to a corresponding decline in RuBP carboxylase content and activity. Rice specific respiration decrease from subambient to ambient and superambient [CO2] due to a decrease in plant tissue nitrogen content and a decline in specific maintenance respiration rate. In all three species, crop water use decreased with [CO2] enrichment but increased with increases in temperature. For both rice and soybean, [CO2] enrichment increased growth and grain yield. Rice grain yields declined by roughly 10% per each 1C rise in day/night temperature above 28/21C. rice/Oryza sativa/soybean/Glycine max/citrus/Citrus sinensis/Poncirus trifoliata KEYWORDS: ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, NITROGEN, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, RESPIRATION, REVIEW, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, TEMPERATURE, WUE, YIELD 58 Baker, J.T., L.H. Allen Jr., and K.J. Boote. 1990. Growth and Yield Responses of Rice to Carbon Dioxide Concentration. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 115:313-320. Rice plants (Oryza sativa L., cv. IR30) were grown in paddy culture in outdoor, naturally sunlit, controlled-environment, plant growth chambers at Gainesville, Florida, USA, in 1987. The rice plants were exposed throughout the season to subambient (160 and 250), ambient (330) or superambient (500, 660, 900 umol CO2/mol air) CO2 concentrations. Total shoot biomass, root biomass, tillering, and final grain yield increased with increasing CO2 concentration, the greatest increase occurring between the 160 and 500 umol CO2/mol air treatments. Early in the growing season, root:shoot biomass ratio increased with increasing CO2 concentration; although the ratio decreased during the growing season, net assimilation rate increased with increasing CO2 concentration and decreased during the growing season. Differences in biomass and lamina area among CO2 treatments were largely due to corresponding differences in tillering response. The number of panicles/plant was almost entirely responsible for differences in final grain yield among CO2 treatments. Doubling the CO2 concentration from 330 to 660 umol CO2/mol air resulted in a 32% increase in grain yield. These results suggest that important changes in the growth and yield of rice may be expected in the future as the CO2 concentration of the earth's atmosphere continues to rise. rice/Oryza sativa KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, GROWTH ANALYSIS, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, SPAR UNITS 59 Baker, J.T., L.H. Allen Jr., and K.J. Boote. 1992. Response of Rice to Carbon Dioxide and Temperature. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 60:153-166. The current increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) along with predictions of possible future increases in global air temperatures have stimulated interest in the effects of [CO2] and temperature on the growth and yield of food crops. This study was conducted to determine the effects and possible interactions of [CO2] and temperature on the growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L., cultivar IR-30). Rice plants were grown for a season in outdoor, naturally sunlit, controlled-environment, and plant growth chambers. Temperature treatments of 28/21/25, 34/27/31, and 40/33/37C (daytime dry bulb air temperature/night-time dry bulb air temperature/paddy water temperature) were maintained in [CO2] treatments of 330 and 660 umol CO2/mol air. In the 40/33/37C temperature treatment, plants in the 330 umol/mol [CO2] treatment died during stem extension while the [CO2] enriched plants survived but produced sterile panicles. Plants in the 34/27/31C temperature treatments accumulated biomass and leaf area at a faster rate early in the growing season than plants in the 28/21/25C temperature treatments. Tillering increased with increasing temperature treatment. Grain yield increases owing to [CO2] enrichment were small and non-significant. This lack of [CO2] response on grain yield was attributed to the generally lower levels of solar irradiance encountered during the late fall and winter when this experiment was conducted. Grain yields were affected much more strongly by temperature than [CO2] treatment. Grain yields declined by an average of approximately 7-8% per 1C rise in temperature from the 28/21/25 to 34/27/31C temperature treatment. The reduced grain yields with increasing temperature treatment suggests potential detrimental effects on rice production in some areas if air temperatures increase, especially under conditions of low solar irradiance. rice/Oryza sativa KEYWORDS: GROWTH, SPAR UNITS, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 60 Baker, J.T., L.H. Allen Jr., and K.J. Boote. 1992. Temperature Effects on Rice at Elevated CO2 Concentration. Journal of Experimental Botany 43:959-964. The continuing increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) and projections of possible future increases in global air temperatures have stimulated interest in the effects of these climate variables on agriculturally important food crops. This study was conducted to determine the effects of [CO2] and temperature on rice (Oryza sativa L., cv. IR-30). Rice plants were grown season-long in outdoor, naturally sunlit, controlled-environment, plant growth chambers in temperature regimes ranging from 25/18/21C to 37/30/34C (daytime dry bulb air temperature/night-time dry bulb air temperature/paddy water temperature) and [CO2] of 660 umol CO2/mol air. An ambient chamber was maintained at a [CO2] of 330 umol/mol and temperature regime of 28/21/25C. Carbon dioxide enrichment at 28/21/25C increased both biomass accumulation and tillering and increased grain yield by 60%. In the 660 umol/mol [CO2] treatment, grain yield decreased from 10.4 to 1.0 Mg/ha with increasing temperature from 28/21/25C to the 37/30/34C temperature treatment. Across this temperature range, the number of panicles/plant nearly doubled while the number of seeds/panicle declined sharply. These results indicate that while future increase in atmospheric [CO2] are likely to be beneficial to rice growth and yield, potentially large negative effects on rice yield are possible if air temperatures also rise. rice/Oryza sativa KEYWORDS: GROWTH, SEED PRODUCTION, SPAR UNITS, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 61 Baker, J.T., L.H. Allen Jr., K.J. Boote, P. Jones, and J.W. Jones. 1989. Response of Soybean to Air Temperature and Carbon Dioxide Concentration. Crop Science 29:98-105. Documented increases in global atmospheric CO2 concentration have stimulated interest in the direct effects of CO2 on plant growth and yield as well as the interactive effects of CO2 with other major climatic variables. This study was conducted to determine the effects and interactions of CO2 concentration and air temperature on the development, growth, total nonstructural carbohydrate (TNC), and final seed yield of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr., cv. Bragg] grown season-long in naturally lit, controlled-environment chambers. Day/night air temperatures of 26/19, 31/24 and 36/29C were maintained in CO2 treatments of 330 and 660 umol CO2/mol air. Both CO2 enrichment and increasing air temperature decreased main stem plastochron interval, while increasing air temperature increased final mainstem node number. Leaf area and above-ground biomass increased with CO2 enrichment and with temperature from 26/19C to 31/24C. The nonlinear increase with temperature in leaf area, aboveground biomass, and plastochron interval was attributed to the highest temperature treatment being near or above the optimum for soybean growth and development. Seed yield increased with CO2 enrichment due mainly to an increase in seed number rather than weight per seed. Individual seed weight decreased, while seed number increased with increasing temperature. Leaflet TNC was relatively stable throughout the day. Stem TNC was less affected by CO2 than by temperature treatment and decreased with increasing temperature. These results indicate that the response of soybean to elevated CO2 concentration is highly temperature dependent. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, REPRODUCTION, SEEDS, SPAR UNITS, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 62 Baker, J.T., L.H. Allen Jr., K.J. Boote, P. Jones, and J.W. Jones. 1990. Developmental Responses of Rice to Photoperiod and Carbon Dioxide Concentration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 50:201-210. The documented increase in the carbon dioxide concentration of the Earth's atmosphere has stimulated interest in the effects of CO2 on plants and in particular the future prospects for the world's food supplies. While rice is a major food crop, relatively little is known about the effects of CO2 concentration on the timing of physiological growth stages and total growth duration, which are important aspects of a rice cultivar's adaptability to the environment of a particular geographic region. The objective of this study was to determine the developmental responses of a modern, improved rice cultivar (Oryza sativa, cultivar 'IR-30') to a range of CO2 concentrations under two contrasting photoperiods. Rice plants were grown season-long in an outdoor, naturally lit, computer-controlled environment, plant growth chambers in CO2 concentrations of 160, 250 (subambient), 330 (ambient), 500, 660 and 900 (superambient) umol CO2/mol air. The entire experiment was conducted twice during 1987. The first or early planted rice (EPR) experiment was conducted with photoperiod extension lights during the vegetative phase of development, while the second or late-planted rice (LPR) experiment was conducted using only naturally occurring photoperiod. In both experiments, mainstem leaf developmental rates were greater during vegetative rather than reproductive growth stages and leaf appearance rates increased with CO2 treatment during vegetative development. In the LPR experiment, panicle initiation and boot stage occurred earlier and total growth duration was shortened for rice plants in the superambient compared with ambient and subambient CO2 treatments. This acceleration of plant development with increasing CO2 treatment was associated with a CO2-induced decrease in the number of mainstem leaves formed during the vegetative phase of growth. The reduced developmental response of rice plants to CO2 in the EPR compared with the LPR experiment was attributed to the artificially extended photoperiod during the EPR experiment forcing a delay in the onset of reproductive development particularly in the superambient treatments. The CO2-induced acceleration of development and shortening of total growth duration should become a topic of interest for rice agronomists and breeders involved with selecting rice cultivars and agronomic practices for a particular geographic region in view of the continued increases in global atmospheric CO2 concentration. rice/Oryza sativa KEYWORDS: GROWTH STAGES, PHOTOPERIOD, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, SPAR UNITS 63 Baker, J.T., L.H. Allen Jr., K.J. Boote, P. Jones, and J.W. Jones. 1990. Rice Photosynthesis and Evapotranspiration in Subambient, Ambient, and Superambient Carbon Dioxide Concentrations. Agronomy Journal 82:834-840. The current global rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration [CO2], has stimulated interest in the response of agricultural crops to [CO2]. The objectives were to determine the effects of [CO2] on photosynthesis, evapotranspiration, and water use efficiency of rice (Oryza sativa L., cv. IR-30). Rice plants were grown in naturally sunlit, plant growth chambers in subambient (160 and 250), ambient (330), or superambient (500, 660, and 900 umol CO2/mol air) [CO2] treatments. Photosynthetic light response curves were analyzed to obtain estimates of canopy light utilization efficiency () and canopy conductance to CO2 transfer (). Estimates of increased with increasing [CO2] treatment with the greatest increase in the 160 to 500 umol/mol treatments. Estimates of were more variable than those of and were not different among [CO2] treatments. Photosynthetic rates increased with increasing [CO2] treatment from 160 to 500 umol/mol followed by a leveling off of the response among the superambient [CO2] treatments. Evapotranspiration decreased while water-use efficiency increased with increasing [CO2]. Short-term cross-switching of [CO2] among the chambers revealed a profound adaptive response to long-term [CO2] growth treatment. The lack of further photosynthetic response above the 500 umol/mol [CO2] treatment appears to indicate a need to select or screen rice cultivars for increased response to superambient [CO2] in order to more fully take advantage of future increases in global atmospheric [CO2]. rice/Oryza sativa KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, SPAR UNITS, TRANSPIRATION, WUE 64 Baker, J.T., L.H. Allen Jr., K.J. Boote, A.J. Rowland-Bamford, J.W. Jones, P.H. Jones, G. Bowes, and S.L. Albrecht. 1988. Response of Rice to Subambient and Superambient Carbon Dioxide Concentrations 1986-1987 Progress Report, 043 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. rice/Oryza sativa KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, ANABAENA VARIABILIS, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBOHYDRATES, CYANOBACTERIA, GROWTH STAGES, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SPAR UNITS, STOMATAL DENSITY, TRANSPIRATION, YIELD 65 Baker, J.T., L.H. Allen Jr., K.J. Boote, A.J. Rowland-Bamford, J.W. Jones, P.H. Jones, G. Bowes, and F. Laugel. 1989. Temperature and CO2 Effects on Rice. 1988 Progress Report, 053 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. Oryza sativa/rice KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBOHYDRATES, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, GROWTH STAGES, RESPIRATION, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SPAR UNITS, SUCROSEPHOSPHATE SYNTHASE, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 66 Baker, J.T., F. Laugel, K.J. Boote, and L.H. Allen Jr. 1992. Effects of Daytime Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Dark Respiration in Rice. Plant, Cell and Environment 15:231-239. Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) has generated considerable interest in the response of agricultural crops to [CO2]. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of a wide range of daytime [CO2] on dark respiration of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. IR-30). Rice plants were grown season-long in naturally sunlit plant growth chambers in subambient (160 and 250), ambient (330), or superambient (500, 660 and 900 umol CO2/mol air) [CO2] treatments. Canopy dark respiration, expressed on a ground area basis (Rd) increased with increasing [CO2] treatments and was very similar among the superambient treatments. The trends in Rd over time and in response to increasing daytime [CO2] treatment were associated with and similar to trends previously described for photosynthesis. Specific respiration rate (Rdw) decreased with time during the growing season and was higher in the subambient than the ambient and superambient [CO2] treatments. This greater Rdw in the subambient [CO2] treatments was attributed to a higher specific maintenance respiration rate and was associated with higher plant tissue nitrogen concentration. rice/Oryza sativa KEYWORDS: NITROGEN, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, RESPIRATION, SPAR UNITS 67 Baker, R.G.E., and D.J. Boatman. 1990. Some Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Carbon Dioxide Concentration on the Morphology and Vegetative Reproduction of Sphagnum cuspidatum Ehrh. New Phytologist 116:604-611. Five experiments are described which were designed to investigate the effects of varying the concentrations of nitrate, phosphate, potassium and carbon dioxide in the culture solution on the morphology and vegetative reproduction of Sphagnum cuspidatum Ehrh. The plants were grown axenically from spores sown on agar containing inorganic salts and then transferred to aqueous culture solutions through which air containing enhanced concentrations of carbon dioxide was passed. In three of the experiments the plants were grown in a balanced inorganic salt solution at various dilutions and in two of these the concentration of carbon dioxide in the gas bubbled through the solution was varied. The concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were varied independently and in combination in the remaining experiments while the concentration of carbon dioxide was kept constant. In some of the experiments the minimum concentrations of nitrogen and potassium supplied were considerably below the minimum average concentrations recorded in rain but the minimum concentration of phosphorus supplied was within the upper part of the range recorded in rain. Within the ranges supplied the concentrations of all three elements and of carbon dioxide affected interfascicle length and vegetative reproduction (innovation formation) but it was concluded that the element limiting innovation formation in natural conditions is phosphorus. Sphagnum cuspidatum KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION 68 Baldocchi, D.D., R. White, and J.W. Johnston. 1989. A Wind Tunnel Study to Design Large, Open-top Chambers for Whole-tree Pollutant Exposure Experiments. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association 39:549-1556. A wind tunnel study was conducted to determine the optimal design features of a large, open-top chamber, as needed for pollution exposure studies on mature trees. An optimally-designed, open-top chamber must minimize the incursion of ambient air through its opening and maintain a uniform treatment concentration throughout the chamber. The design features of interest are the diameter and height of the chamber and the deflection angle and opening size of any frustum that may be mounted on top of a model chamber. Design specifications depend on the turbulence regime about the chamber, which is influenced by the nature of the surrounding vegetation. Consequently, our investigation was performed on scale-model, open-top chambers in a wind tunnel populated with a model coniferous forest. Turbulence measurements demonstrated the similarity between the turbulence regime of the model and a natural forest. A hydrocarbon tracer was injected into the wind tunnel flow to characterize chamber performance. The main design features of open-top chambers are the velocity of air exiting through the top and the relationship between the length scale of the turbulence and the diameter of the chamber opening. As exit velocities increase, the proportion of eddies with sufficient force to penetrate into the chamber decrease. Therefore, for equal volumetric air flows, smaller opening sizes increase the exit velocities and reduce the number and extent of ambient air incursions. Almost total exclusion of ambient air is achieved as the exit velocity of the air exceeds the magnitude of one standard deviation of the vertical wind velocity measured at the chamber top. The incursion of ambient air is also reduced when the diameter of the chamber opening is smaller than the characteristic length scale of the turbulence, a measure of mean eddy size. Frusta deflect air flow over the chamber. Three prototypes, with 30-, 45- and 60-degree angles were tested. A 30-degree frustum slightly improves the performance of the chamber and is more effective in preventing ambient air from entraining into the chamber opening than frusta with either a 45- or 60-degree angle. A flatter frustum allows for a smoother transition in the wind velocity streamline and is less apt to cause wake turbulence, as is the case with steeper frusta. Knowledge of the turbulence characteristics of plant canopies are readily available in the literature and can aid scientists and engineers in designing the optimal chamber and frusta dimensions for their particular application. Therefore, the empirical approach to chamber design can be avoided, and substantial savings can be realized. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, EXPOSURE METHODS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS 69 Ball, M.C., and R. Munns. 1992. Plant Responses to Salinity under Elevated Atmospheric Concentrations of CO2. Australian Journal of Botany 40:515-525. This review explores effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on growth in relation to water use and salt balance of halophytic and non-halophytic species. Under saline conditions, the uptake and distribution of sodium and chloride must be regulated to protect sensitive metabolic sites from salt toxicity. Salt-tolerant species exclude most of the salt from the transpiration stream, but the salt flux from a highly saline soil is still considerable. To maintain internal ion concentrations within physiologically acceptable levels, the salt influx to leaves must match the capacities of leaves for salt storage and/or salt export by either retranslocation or secretion from glands. Hence the balance between carbon gain and the expenditure of water in association with salt uptake is critical to leaf longevity under saline conditions. Indeed, one of the striking features of halophytic vegetation, such as mangroves, is the maintenance of high water use efficiencies coupled with relatively low rates of water loss and growth. These low evaporation rates are further reduced under elevated CO2 conditions. This, with increased growth, leads to even higher water use efficiency. Leaves of plants grown under elevated CO2 conditions might be expected to contain lower salt concentrations than those grown under ambient CO2 if salt uptake is coupled with water uptake. However, salt concentrations in shoot tissues are similar in plants grown under ambient and elevated CO2 conditions despite major differences in water use efficiency. This phenomenon occurs in C3 halophytes and in both C3 and C4 non-halophytes. These results imply shoot/root communication in regulation of the salt balance to adjust to environmental factors affecting the availability of water and ions at the roots (salinity) and those affecting carbon gain in relation to water loss at the leaves (atmospheric concentrations of water vapour and carbon dioxide). KEYWORDS: C3, C4, HALOPHYTES, REVIEW, SALT STRESS 70 Barlow, E.W.R., and J. Conroy. 1988. Influence of Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on the Productivity of Australian Forestry Plantations. IN: Greenhouse: Planning for Climate Change (G.I. Pearman, ed.), E.J. Brill, New York, pp. 520-533. Australia produced $2.7 billion worth of forest products in 1983-84 but a further $1.3 billion worth, principally softwood, were imported. Because of this ever increasing demand for softwood, there is a move away from utilization of native hardwoods and by 2020 AD, when the atmospheric CO2 concentration is likely to be greater than 450 ppmv, 75% of forest products are projected to come from coniferous plantations. This move towards Pinus radiata is a result of both demand for softwood and lack of indepth investigations of the potential of Australian native species, particularly eucalypts, for plantation forestry. Pinus radiata is the major plantation softwood in southern Australia and is presently grown at sites where phosphorus deficiency and repeated episodes of drought are common. Consequently, we are investigating the growth response of pines to elevated CO2 at a range of phosphorus and water levels. When phosphorus was adequate, doubling CO2 concentration more than doubled the rate of photosynthesis and increased the total plant dry weight by about 40%. However, there was no response when phosphorus was deficient. In contrast, there was a slightly higher response under simulated drought conditions. A further possible effect of rising CO2 levels is that the climatic range of P. radiata may be altered due to a reduction in water use or an increase in the drought tolerance of the trees. We found that CO2 enrichment did not affect either of these factors but the water-use efficiency was increased when phosphorus was adequate. All families of P. radiata do not respond to CO2 enrichment in the same manner. In a study investigating the response of four families to elevated CO2 at two phosphorus levels, we have identified a considerable variation between the families in their response to CO2 and phosphorus. To date our studies have indicated that the projected increase in atmospheric CO2 levels is likely to have a significant influence on the productivity of Australia's P. radiata plantations. But this will only occur if phosphorus fertilization is adequate. If the rise in CO2 results in climatic change the range of P. radiata may be even further restricted because there will be no concomitant decrease in water use or increase in drought tolerance. There is an urgent need for complementary studies of the response of Australian native species to elevated CO2 at realistic levels of phosphorus and water to enable more accurate prediction of the productivity and water use of Australian native forests and eucalyptus plantations. Pinus radiata KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONDUCTANCE, FAMILY RESPONSES, FOREST, GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POT VOLUME, REVIEW, TREES, WATER STRESS, WUE 71 Baron, J.J., and S.F. Gorski. 1986. Response of Eggplant to a Root Environment Enriched with CO2. HortScience 21:495-498. Several elevated concentrations of CO2 were injected into the root atmosphere to determine the influence of CO2 concentration in the soil on the growth of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). Elevated CO2 levels in the root atmosphere consistently increased stem diameter while a significant increase in plant total dry weight and leaf area only occurred during long day/warm temperature conditions. Under periods of short days and low light levels, 15% CO2 reduced total dry weight and leaf area. Applications of 14-CO2 to the root zone demonstrated that 14C eggplant roots absorb CO2 from the soil environment and translocate labeled compounds into the shoot. Solanum melongena/eggplant KEYWORDS: 14C, FIZZ IRRIGATION, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, SOIL CO2 CONCENTRATION 72 Barr, A.G., K.M. King, G.W. Thurtell, and M.E.D. Graham. 1990. Humidity and Soil Water Influence the Transpiration Response of Maize to CO2 Enrichment. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 70:941-948. The impact of increasing atmospheric CO2 on the productivity of C4 crops may vary with soil water availability. This study investigates the hypothesis that elevating CO2 in Zea mays L. reduces the degree to which transpiration is limited by soil water at high vapor pressure deficits or low soil water contents. Plants growing in controlled environments at 300 and 600 umol/mol CO2 were exposed daily to five levels of vapor pressure deficit as water was withheld and the soil dried over an 8-d period. Doubling CO2 caused an overall reduction of 23% in the transpiration rate and 34% in the leaf conductance, but the effect of CO2 on transpiration and leaf conductance was greatest at high soil water content and low vapor pressure deficit, when soil water least limited transpiration. Implications for the productivity of C4 crops in the field are discussed. corn/Zea mays KEYWORDS: C4, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HUMIDITY, TRANSPIRATION, VPD, WATER STRESS 73 Barson, M.M., and R.M. Gifford. 1990. Carbon Dioxide Sinks: The Potential Role of Tree Planting in Australia. IN: Greenhouse and Energy (D.J. Swain, ed.), CSIRO, Australia, pp. 433-443. Reforestation has been suggested as a possible policy option at several recent international 'greenhouse effect' forums. The issue of deforestation/reforestation may be the subject of a protocol for which detailed arrangements will be developed following the establishment of a non-obligatory Framework Convention on Climate Change in the early 1990's. Although forestry cannot in principle offer a permanent solution to continuous emission of CO2 from fossil fuel burning, its expansion could assist in slowing down net emissions. This would 'buy time' to reduce rates of CO2 emission and to develop strategies to adapt to global atmospheric and climate change. A simple model is developed to explore the dynamics of carbon sequestration by new forest plantations. The areal extent of land suitable for reforestation is also examined. It is concluded from one optimistic scenario that a program of planting 40,000 ha/y of new forest onto non-forested land could, after 20 y absorb about 5-12 Mt (C) p.a. (7-17 per cent 1987-88 total Australian emissions) as long as planting at that rate continued. KEYWORDS: MODELING, REFORESTATION, TREES 74 Bauerle, W.L., D. Kretchman, and L. Tucker-Kelly. 1986. CO2 Enrichment in the U.S. IN: Status and CO2 Sources, Vol. I (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 49-57. KEYWORDS: COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GREENHOUSE 75 Bazzaz, F.A. 1990. The Response of Natural Ecosystems to the Rising Global CO2 Levels. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 21:167-196. KEYWORDS: CO2 ENRICHMENT STUDIES, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, FAMILY RESPONSES, HERBIVORY, PHYSIOLOGICAL CO2 RESPONSES, POPULATION LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, REVIEW, SOIL MICROORGANISMS, SPECIES COMPETITION, SPECIES RANGE 76 Bazzaz, F.A., D.D. Ackerly, F.I. Woodward, and L. Rochefort. 1992. CO2 Enrichment and Dependence of Reproduction on Density in an Annual Plant and a Simulation of Its Population Dynamics. Journal of Ecology 80:643-651. 1. Populations of an annual plant, Abutilon theophrasti, were grown at four densities (100, 500, 1500 and 4000/m2) and two CO2 concentrations (350 and 700 uL/L) to examine the influence of CO2 environment on density-dependent patterns of demography and reproduction. Variables measured included survivorship, proportion of plants flowering and fruiting, number of fruiting individuals, number of seeds per individual, total seed production per population, mean seed mass, and germination of seeds produced in each environment. 2. All variables, except the number of fruiting individuals, declined with increasing density, and at the highest density no individuals set seed. The number of fruiting individuals was highest at a density of 500/m2. In the elevated CO2 environment, survivorship was significantly reduced but the proportion of plants flowering and fruiting and the number of fruiting individuals in each population all increased. Total population seed production was higher in the elevated CO2 environment at all densities, although the differences were not significant. Significant effects of CO2 concentration were observed only for population-level variables, but not for mean individual fecundity or seed size. Seed germination declined with increasing maternal density, and no germination was recorded for seeds produced at 1500 /m2. 3. Simple models of population dynamics, utilizing difference equations, were constructed to examine potential population-level consequences of these density and CO2 effects. In the absence of a persistent seed pool, the simulated populations exhibited damped or stable oscillations under low germination values, but displayed non-cyclic ('chaotic') oscillations or went extinct for higher germination due to the complete failure of seed-set at high density. Because of its higher fecundity, the elevated-CO2 population generally exhibited greater oscillations, and the critical germination value at which the simulated populations went extinct was much lower for the elevated-CO2 than for the ambient-CO2 population. Abutilon theophrasti KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, MODELING, OLD FIELD COMMUNITIES, PLANT DENSITY, POPULATION MODEL, REPRODUCTION, SIMULATION, SURVIVORSHIP 77 Bazzaz, F.A., J.S. Coleman, and S.R. Morse. 1990. Growth Responses of Seven Major Co-occurring Tree Species of the Northeastern United States to Elevated CO2. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 20:1479-1484. We examined how elevated CO2 affected the growth of seven co-occurring tree species: American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.), paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.), white pine (Pinus strobus L.), red maple (Acer rubrum L.), sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.), and eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.). We also tested whether the degree of shade tolerance of species and the age of seedlings affected plant responses to enhanced CO2 levels. Seedlings that were at least 1 year old, for all species except beech, were removed while dormant from Harvard Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts. Seeds of red maple and paper birch were obtained from parent trees at Harvard Forest, and seeds of American beech were obtained from a population of beeches in Nova Scotia. Seedlings and transplants were grown in one of four plant growth chambers for 60 d (beech, paper birch, red maple, black cherry) or 100 d (white pine, hemlock, sugar maple) under CO2 levels of 400 or 700 uL/L. Plants were then harvested for biomass and growth determinations. The results showed that the biomass of beech, paper birch, black cherry, sugar maple, and hemlock significantly increased in elevated CO2, but the biomass of red maple and white pine only marginally increased in these conditions. Furthermore, there were large differences in the magnitude of growth enhancement by increased levels of CO2 between species, so it seems reasonable to predict that one consequence of rising levels of CO2 may be to increase the competitive ability of some species relative to others. Additionally, the three species exhibiting the largest increase in growth with increased CO2 concentrations were the shade-tolerant species (i.e., beech, sugar maple, and hemlock). Thus, elevated CO2 levels may enhance the growth of relatively shade-tolerant forest trees to a greater extent than growth of shade-intolerant trees, at least under the light and nutrient conditions of this experiment. We found no evidence to suggest that the age of tree seedlings greatly affected their response to elevated CO2 concentration. American beech/Fagus grandifolia/paper birch/Betula papyrifera/black cherry/Prunus serotina/white pine/Pinus strobus/red maple/Acer rubrum/sugar maple/Acer saccharum/eastern hemlock/Tsuga canadensis KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, SHADE TOLERANCE, SPECIES COMPETITION, TREES 78 Bazzaz, F.A., and E.D. Fajer. 1992. Plant Life in CO2-Rich World. Scientific American 266:68-74. KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CO2 ENRICHMENT STUDIES, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, INSECTS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW 79 Bazzaz, F.A., and K. Garbutt. 1988. The Response of Annuals in Competitive Neighborhoods: Effects of Elevated CO2. Ecology 69:937-946. Four members of an annual community were used to investigate the effects of changing neighborhood complexity and increased CO2 concentration on competitive outcome. Plants were grown in monoculture and in all possible combinations of two, three, and four species in CO2-controlled growth chambers at CO2 concentrations of 350, 500, and 700 uL/L with ample moisture and high light. Species responded differently to enhanced CO2 level. Some species (e.g., Abutilon theophrasti) had increased biomass with increasing CO2, while others (e.g., Amaranthus retroflexus) had decreased biomass with increasing CO2 concentration. In mixtures, species tended to interact strongly, and, in some cases, the interaction canceled out the effects of CO2. Furthermore, there were clear differences in species behavior in different competitive neighbors. In general, competitive arrays that had C3 species depressed the response of C4 species, especially Amaranthus. Ambrosia artemisiifolia was the strongest competitor in the assemblage. Strong statistical interactions between CO2 and the identity of the competing species in mixtures were found to be primarily due to the as yet unexplained response of plants with CO2 at 500 uL/L. The potential effects of CO2 on community structure could be profound, particularly at the intermediate levels of CO2 that are predicted to be reached during the first half of the next century. Ambrosia artemisiifolia/Abutilon theophrasti/Amaranthus retroflexus/Setaria faberii KEYWORDS: C3, C4, OLD FIELD COMMUNITIES, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 80 Bazzaz, F.A., K. Garbutt, E.G. Reekie, and W.E. Williams. 1989. Using Growth Analysis to Interpret Competition between a C3 and a C4 Annual under Ambient and Elevated CO2. Oecologia 79:223-235. Detailed growth analysis in conjunction with information on leaf display and nitrogen uptake was used to interpret competition between Abutilon theophrasti, a C3 annual, and Amaranthus retroflexus, a C4 annual, under ambient (350 uL/L) and two levels of elevated (500 and 700 uL/L) CO2. Plants were grown both individually and in competition with each other. Competition caused a reduction in growth in both species, but for different reasons. In Abutilon, decreases in leaf area ratio (LAR) were responsible, whereas decreased unit leaf rate (ULR) was involved in the case of Amaranthus. Mean canopy height was lower in Amaranthus than Abutilon which may explain the low ULR of Amaranthus in competition. The decrease in LAR of Abutilon was associated with an increase in root:shoot ratio implying that Abutilon was limited by competition for below ground resources. The root:shoot ratio of Amaranthus actually decreased with competition, and Amaranthus had a much higher rate of nitrogen uptake per unit of root than did Abutilon. These latter results suggest that Amaranthus was better able to compete for below ground resources than Abutilon. Although the growth of both species was reduced by competition, generally speaking, the growth of Amaranthus was reduced to a greater extent than that of Abutilon. Regression analysis suggests that the success of Abutilon in competition was due to its larger starting capital (seed size) which gave it an early advantage over Amaranthus. Elevated CO2 had a positive effect upon biomass in Amaranthus, and to a lesser extent, Abutilon. These effects were limited to the early part of the experiment in the case of the individually grown plants, however. Only Amaranthus exhibited a significant increase in relative growth rate (RGR). In spite of the transitory effect of CO2 upon size in individually grown plants, level of CO2 did effect final biomass of competitively grown plants. Abutilon grown in competition with Amaranthus had a greater final biomass than Amaranthus at ambient CO2 levels, but this difference disappeared to a large extent at elevated CO2. The high RGR of Amaranthus at elevated CO2 levels allowed it to overcome the difference in initial size between the two species. Abutilon theophrasti/Amaranthus retroflexus KEYWORDS: C3, C4, GROWTH ANALYSIS, NITROGEN, OLD FIELD COMMUNITIES, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 81 Bazzaz, F.A., K. Garbutt, and W.E. Williams. 1985. Effect of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Plant Communities. IN: Direct Effects of Increasing Carbon Dioxide on Vegetation, DOE/ER-0238 (B.R. Strain and J.D. Cure, eds.), U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C., pp. 155-204. KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CO2 ENRICHMENT STUDIES, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, FLOWERING, REVIEW, SPECIES COMPETITION 82 Bazzaz, F.A., K. Garbutt, and W.E. Williams. 1985. The Effect of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 on Plant Communities, TR023 in Yellow Report Series, DOE/EV/04329-5, Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division. NTIS, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, C3, C4, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, NUTRITION, PHENOLOGY, REPRODUCTION, REVIEW, SPECIES COMPETITION, SULFUR DIOXIDE, WATER STRESS, WUE 83 Bazzaz, F.A., and K.D.M. McConnaughay. 1992. Plant-plant Interactions in Elevated CO2 Environments. Australian Journal of Botany 40:547-563. Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations present a novel resource condition for plant communities. In order to understand and predict how plant community structure and function may be altered in a high CO2 world, we need to understand how interactions among neighboring plants within a community will alter the growth and reproduction of component species. Because CO2 is readily diffusible, plants have little influence on the CO2 acquisition of their neighbors, except within particularly dense canopies. Thus, plants seldom compete directly for CO2. Rather, CO2 availability is likely to alter plant-plant interactions indirectly through its effects on plant growth and competition for other resources. As a consequence, competitive outcome under elevated CO2 atmospheres within even simple systems is not easy to predict. For example, under some conditions, C4 species in competitive assemblages have improved competitive ability relative to C3 competitors as a result of CO2 enrichment, contrary to expectations based on their photosynthetic pathways. It is now clear that individually grown plants can differ substantially from those within mono- or multispecific stands in response to CO2 enrichment. At present, our understanding of how stands of interacting plants modify the availability of CO2 and other resources is incomplete. We urgently need information about how elevated CO2 atmospheres influence stand formation and population dynamics, specifically with regard to the identities, numbers, sizes and reproductive fitnesses of individuals within single and multiple species stands, if we are to make multi-generational predictions concerning the fate of populations and communities in an elevated CO2 world. KEYWORDS: COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, PLANT-PLANT INTERACTIONS, REVIEW, TEMPERATURE 84 Beer, S. 1986. The Fixation of Inorganic Carbon in Plant Cells. IN: Physiology, Yield, and Economics, Vol. II (H. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 3-11. The initial fixation of atmospheric inorganic carbon (CO2) in plant cells is carried out via either the C3 or C4 pathway. The first step of the C3 pathway is the fixation of CO2 by a five-carbon compound to yield two molecules of PGA (a three-carbon compound). PGA is subsequently reduced to form sugars. In the so-called C3 plants, this is the only pathway for incorporation of CO2. The enzyme (RuBPcase) catalyzing CO2 fixation in the C3 pathway may also act as an oxygenase. When doing so, glycolate (a two-carbon compound) is formed together with PGA, and there is no net carbon gain of the process. In the further metabolism of glycolate, CO2 is released. This is called photorespiration and its rate is, in contrast to mitochondrial or dark respiration, strongly enhanced by O2 and light. In the C4 pathway, atmospheric CO2 is fixed, via the enzyme PEPcase, by a three-carbon compound to yield one molecule of malate or aspartate (four-carbon compounds). In C4 plants, this occurs in mesophyll cells. Malate or aspartate is then transported to bundle sheath cells where it is decarboxylated, and the released CO2 is refixed via the C3 pathway. There is no apparent photorespiration in C4 plants, because CO2 levels in the vicinity of RuBPcase are probably elevated and any CO2 released from the bundle sheath cells is efficiently refixed via PEPcase in the mesophyll cells. In CAM plants, atmospheric CO2 is fixed into malate during the night while the decarboxylation and refixation of CO2 occurs in the daytime. The C4 pathway provides C4 and CAM plants with an efficient carbon-capturing system complementing the basic C3 pathway. In C4 plants this leads to a higher net CO2 incorporation rate than in C3 plants under high light and temperature regimes such as are found in the tropics. In CAM plants it allows for nightly CO2 fixation in arid climates where opening of stomates during the day would cause excessive water loss. KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CAM, ENZYMES, METABOLITES, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW 85 Beerling, D.J., and W.G. Chaloner. 1993. The Impact of Atmospheric CO2 and Temperature Change on Stomatal Density: Observations from Quercus robur Lammas Leaves. Annals of Botany 71:231-235. A comparative study of leaves formed on shoots during the spring and summer (lammas) of Quercus robur from three contrasting geographical locations (Cardiff, Durham and London) gives a measure of the effect of temperature on stomatal density. This is of value in attempting to distinguish the effects of CO2 and temperature on observed stomatal density changes under different CO2 and temperature conditions through the Quaternary. These leaves of normal and lammas shoots will have developed under similar CO2 levels but different environmental temperatures. Our results demonstrate that leaves formed under the warmer summer temperatures had reduced stomatal densities and indices from all sites, compared with their spring counterparts. This trend was also detected from measurements of spring and summer leaves made upon herbarium material collected from the same tree in 1840. The results suggest that for Q. robur temperature overrides the influence of irradiance intensity and small seasonal (/= 0.20 for 25% of the earth's land surface. The temperature index annually was >/= 0.50 for 81% of the earth's land surface, indicating that local temperatures do not greatly limit net CO2 uptake by this species. The water index was >/= 0.50 for 79% of the earth's surfaces for O. ficus-indica which exhibits Crassulacean acid metabolism with its accompanying high water-use efficiency. Predicted productivities for O. ficus-indica without irrigation were at least 10 metric tons/ha/y, the value for many important annual agronomic crops, for 41% of the earth's land area. Irrigation increased such high productivity regions to 77% of the earth's land surface area within 60 of the equator. For simulations that included the worldwide changes in PAR, temperature and rainfall patterns that will most likely accompany a doubling in the ambient CO2 level, the high productivity of 10 tons/ha/y was predicted to occur for 54% of the earth's land surface area. Under elevated CO2, the predicted productivity of O. ficus-indica increased for most of the U.S.A. and a productivity of 32 tons/ha/y was predicted for western South America. Opuntia ficus-indica KEYWORDS: CAM, CLIMATE, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, LIGHT, NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, SIMULATION, TEMPERATURE, WATER STRESS 198 Del Castillo, D., B. Acock, V.R. Reddy, and M.C. Acock. 1989. Elongation and Branching of Roots on Soybean Plants in a Carbon Dioxide-Enriched Aerial Environment. Agronomy Journal 81:692-695. Plants grown in high CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) often have a higher root weight than those grown in low [CO2]. It is usually assumed that the plants with this extra root weight can explore a greater volume of soil and will, therefore, have more water available to them. To test this assumption, soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Forrest] plants were grown in outdoor, sunlit plant-growth chambers in [CO2] of 330, 450, 600, and 800 uL/L throughout the growing season. The soil containers in the growth chambers had a glass side and new root growth appearing at the glass was measured and marked two or three times each week. Root weight at the end of the season (93 d after emergence) was 26 to 31% higher in [CO2]-enriched chambers compared with the 330 uL/L treatment, and cumulative root length was approximately proportional to [CO2]. However, CO2 treatment did not affect the rate of elongation of individual root axes. Instead, there was a significant linear increase in the number of actively growing roots with increased [CO2]. Plants grown in 800 uL/L had 65% more actively growing roots than plants grown in 330 uL/L. Thus, growing a plant in high [CO2] enabled it to explore a given volume of soil more thoroughly, but did not increase the volume of soil explored. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: GROWTH, ROOTS, SPAR UNITS 199 Delgado, E., J. Azcon-Bieto, X. Aranda, J. Palazon, and H. Medrano. 1992. Leaf Photosynthesis and Respiration of High CO2-grown Tobacco Plants Selected for Survival under CO2 Compensation Conditions. Plant Physiology 98:949-954. Four self-pollinated, doubled-haploid tobacco, (Nicotiana tabacum L.) lines (SP422, SP432, SP435, and SP451), selected as haploids by survival in a low CO2 atmosphere, and the parental cv Wisconsin-38 were grown from seed in a growth room kept at high CO2 levels (600-700 parts per million). The selected plants were much larger (especially SP422, SP432, and SP451) than Wisconsin-38 nine weeks after planting. The specific leaf dry weight and the carbon (but not nitrogen and sulfur) content per unit area were also higher in the selected plants. However, the chlorophyll, carotenoid, and alkaloid contents and the chlorophyll a/b ratio varied little. The net CO2 assimilation rate per unit area measured in the growth room at high CO2 was not higher in the selected plants. The CO2 assimilation rate versus intercellular CO2 curve and the CO2 compensation point showed no substantial differences among the different lines, even though these plants were selected for survival under CO2 compensation point conditions. Adult leaf respiration rates were similar when expressed per unit area but were lower in the selected lines when expressed per unit dry weight. Leaf respiration rates were negatively correlated with specific leaf dry weight and with the carbon content per unit area and were positively correlated with nitrogen and sulfur content of the dry matter. The alternative pathway was not involved in respiration in the dark in these leaves. The better carbon economy of tobacco lines selected for low CO2 survival was not apparently related to an improvement of photosynthesis rate but could be related, at least partially, to a significantly reduced respiration (mainly cytochrome pathway) rate per carbon. tobacco/Nicotiana tabacum KEYWORDS: ALKALOIDS, COMPENSATION POINT, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NITROGEN, PIGMENTS, RESPIRATION, SULFUR 200 Delgado, E., M.A.J. Parry, D.W. Lawlor, A.J. Keys, and H. Medrano. 1993. Photosynthesis, Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase and Leaf Characteristics of Nicotiana tabacum L. Genotypes Selected by Survival at Low CO2 Concentrations. Journal of Experimental Botany 44:1-7. The photosynthetic characteristics (responses to CO2 and light), ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) properties, and the size and number of cells of the mesophyll of Nicotiana tabacum L. leaves of genotypes selected for survival at low atmospheric CO2 concentrations are described. When grown in the greenhouse with nutrient solution, the total dry matter production of the selected genotypes was 23% greater than that of the parent genotype; this increase was related to a greater number of mesophyll cells of smaller size in the selected plants compared to the parent. However, it was not related to changes in the photosynthetic characteristics nor to Rubisco properties. These results suggest that the increased dry matter accumulation of the selected genotypes is not due to a reduction in photorespiration nor an increase in the CO2 assimilation rates. Rather, the selection of haploid tobacco plantlets in low CO2 has resulted in plants with greater leaf areas (shown in previous work), due to the produciton of more cells of smaller size and to lower respiration rates per unit of leaf dry mass (previous work), thus increasing light capture, reducing the loss of assimilates and increasing total plant dry matter production. tobacco/Nicotiana tabacum KEYWORDS: ANATOMY, GREENHOUSE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE 201 den Hertog, J., and I. Stulen. 1990. The Effects of an Elevated Atmospheric CO2-concentration on Dry Matter and Nitrogen Allocation. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 27-30. Plantago major/broadleaf plantain/Urtica dioica/stinging nettle KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, NITROGEN, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, ROOTS 202 den Hertog, J., I. Stulen, and H. Lambers. 1993. Assimilation, Respiration and Allocation of Carbon in Plantago major as Affected by Atmospheric CO2 Levels: A Case Study. Vegetatio 104/105:369-378. The response of Plantago major ssp. pleiosperma plants, grown on nutrient solution in a climate chamber, to a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration was investigated. Total dry matter production was increased by 30% after 3 weeks fo exposure, due to a transition stimulation of the relative growth rate (RGR) during the first 10 days. Thereafter RGR returned to the level of control plants. Photosynthesis, expressed per unit leaf area, was stimulated during the first two weeks of the experiment, thereafter it dropped and nearly reached the level of the control plants. Root respiration was not affected by increased atmospheric CO2 levels, whereas shoot, dark respiration was stimulated throughout the experimental period. Dry matter allocation over leaves stems and roots was not affected by the CO2 level. SLA was reduced by 10%, which can partly be explained by an increased dry matter content of the leaves. Both in the early and later stages of the experiment, shoot respiration accounted for a larger part of the carbon budget in plants grown at elevated atmospheric CO2. Shifts in the total carbon budget were mainly due to the effects on shoot respiration. Leaf growth accounted for nearly 50% of the C budget at all stages of the experiment and in both treatments. Plantago major/broadleaf plantain KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, HYDROPONIC CULTURE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, RESPIRATION 203 DeWitt, C.A., R.E. Waldron, and J.R. Lambert. 1983. Effects of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on Nitrogen Fixation in Soybeans 1982, 010 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, GROWTH, NITROGEN FIXATION, SPAR UNITS, WUE 204 Dietz, K.-J., U. Schreiber, and U. Heber. 1985. The Relationship between the Redox State of Q(A) and Photosynthesis in Leaves at Various Carbon-dioxide, Oxygen and Light Regimes. Planta 166:219-226. The response of chlorophyll fluorescence elicited by a low-fluence-rate modulated measuring beam to actinic light and to superimposed 1-s pulses from a high-fluence-rate light source was used to measure the redox state of the primary acceptor, Q(A) of photosystem II in leaves which were photosynthesizing under steady-state conditions. The leaves were exposed to various O2 and CO2 concentrations and to different energy fluence rates of actinic light to assess the relationship between rates of photosynthesis and the redox state of Q(A). Both at low and high fluence rates, the redox state of Q(A) was little altered when the CO2 concentration was reduced from saturation to about 600 uL/L although photosynthesis was decreased particularly at high fluence rates. Upon further reduction in CO2 content the amount of reduced Q(A) increased appreciably even at low fluence rates where light limited CO2 reduction. Both in the presence and in the absence of CO2, a more reduced Q(A) was observed when the O2 concentration was below 2%. Q(A) was almost fully reduced when leaves were exposed to high fluence rates under nitrogen. Even at low fluence rates, Q(A) was more reduced in shade leaves of Asarum europaeum and Fagus sylvatica than in leaves of Helianthus annuus and Fagus sylvatica grown under high light. Also, in shade leaves the redox state of Q(A) changed more during a transition from air containing 350 uL/L CO2 to CO2-free air than in sun leaves. The results are discussed with respect to the energy status and the CO2-fixation rate of leaves. Helianthus annuus/Fagus sylvatica/Asarum europaeum KEYWORDS: FLUORESCENCE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OXYGEN 205 Dons, C. 1988. Effects of Long-Term CO2 Enrichment under Different Irradiance Regimes on Growth and Photosynthesis in Lemna gibba. Photosynthetica 22:328-334. Cultivation in CO2-enriched air increased the growth rate of Lemna gibba only when day/night light cycling was used. Starch content increased with CO2 enrichment and irradiance (I). Reduced CO2 assimilation and growth in plants grown under high continuous I and CO2-enriched air may be due to high starch levels. Changes in leaf area ratio and dry mass content were associated with increased starch content. Also morphological changes occurred in high-CO2-grown plants. Lemna gibba/duckweed KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, CARBOHYDRATES, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, LIGHT, MORPHOLOGY, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC FEEDBACK INHIBITION 206 Doorduin, J.C. 1990. Effects of CO2 and Plant Density on Growth and Yield of Glasshouse Grown Freesias. Acta Horticulturae 268:171-177. It has been demonstrated for many glasshouse crops that increasing the CO2 concentration leads to improved quality and yield, while concentrations below the ambient level lead to loss of quality and yield. Relatively few experimental data are known for freesia in this area and on freesia holdings CO2 enrichment is applied only to a limited extent. For this reason in an experiment 4 CO2 concentrations were combined with 4 plant densities to investigate the effect of CO2 on quality and yield of the cultivar 'Blue Heaven'. The CO2 concentrations realised were 265, 360, 560 and 860 ppm. Plant densities were 57, 78, 100 and 121 corms per net square metre. The concentration of 265 ppm resulted in a 20% lower yield of stems, corms and cormlets and a reduction of stem quality as compared to 360 ppm. Increasing the concentration to 560 ppm resulted in a 20% higher yield and an improved quality as compared to 360 ppm. Levels exceeding 560 ppm did not improve yield or quality. Higher plant densities did not give higher yields but evidently reduced quality. Vase life was not affected by differences in CO2 concentrations or plant densities. freesia KEYWORDS: FLOWER PRODUCTION, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS 207 Downton, W.J.S., W.J.R. Grant, and E.K. Chacko. 1990. Effect of Elevated Carbon Dioxide on the Photosynthesis and Early growth of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.). Scientia Horticulturae 44:215-225. The Mangosteen is a potentially important new crop for tropical northern Australia if its long establishment time can be substantially reduced. The effect of enriching the atmosphere with up to 1000 ubar CO2 on the growth and photosynthesis of mangosteen seedlings was examined over the course of a year in an attempt to accelerate early plant development. It was initially found to be necessary to reduce photon irradiance from 450 to 200 umol photons/m2/s (400-700 nm) to overcome photoinhibition of photosynthesis, and to reduce CO2 from 1000 to 800 ubar to encourage greening of newly formed leaves. A major effect of CO2 enrichment was to stimulate earlier lateral branching which accelerated the development of leaf area and plant carbon gain. Photosynthetic rates of mangosteen leaves were found to be very low and the 800-ubar CO2 atmosphere increased CO2 fixation by 40-60% compared to control leaves measured at 400 ubar CO2. As a result, total plant dry weight increased by 77%. The stimulatory effect of CO2 was greatest on root and stem dry weight, which doubled. Although a smaller proportion of dry weight was partitioned into leaves compared with control plants, CO2 enrichment increased average leaf size by about 10%, specific leaf dry weight by 17% and total leaf area by 28%. By comparison, plants from the same apomictic seedling population grown under shadehouse conditions in Darwin, Australia, developed more slowly, consistent with descriptions in the literature, and were substantially smaller and lower in dry weight compared to the plants grown under controlled conditions, even in the absence of CO2 enrichment, and had not developed lateral branches by harvest time. Reasons for this difference are suggested which may enable improvement of the early growth of mangosteen plants under field nursery conditions. mangosteen/Garcinia mangostana KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, TREES 208 Downton, W.J.S., W.J.R. Grant, and B.R. Loveys. 1987. Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Increases Yield of Valencia Orange. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 14:493-501. The response to elevated CO2 of 3-year-old fruiting Valencia orange scions (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) on citrange rootstock (C. sinensis x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) was studied over a 12-month period under controlled environmental conditions. CO2 enrichment to approx. 800 ubar CO2 which commenced just prior to anthesis shortened the period of fruitlet abscission. Trees enriched to 800 ubar CO2 retained 70% more fruit, which at harvest were not significantly smaller in diameter or lower in fresh weight than fruit from control trees grown at approx. 400 ubar CO2. Fruit from the CO2 enriched trees also did not differ from the controls in soluble solids content, dry weight, seed number or rind thickness. The progression of fruit coloration was more rapid for the CO2-enriched trees. Dry weight of leaves and branches from the scion portion of the trees and the roots and stem of the rootstock portion did not differ between treatments at time of harvest. Leaf areas were also similar. However, specific leaf dry weight was 25% greater for the CO2 enriched treatment. Changes in dry matter partitioning resulted from the greater fruit yield (58% increase in dry weight) with CO2 enrichment. Photosynthetic rates observed at intervals over the experimental period were always lower in the CO2 enriched treatment compared to controls when measured at the same partial pressure of CO2. However photosynthetic rates in the CO2 enriched cabinet were always higher because of the increased level of CO2. The extent of this difference between the treatments varied with fruit development and increased from 23% higher photosynthetic rates in the CO2 enriched chamber at the end of flowering to 77% higher rates when fruits were 5 cm in diameter and decreased to 18% higher rates when fruit coloration was well advanced. Flushes of leaves that developed during the experiment also showed similar photosynthetic responses to CO2 enrichment and their photosynthetic rates declined as fruit matured. These results indicate that crop yield by fruit trees will increase as global levels of CO2 continue to rise, at least in those species that experience source limitation during fruit development. Valencia orange/Citrus sinensis KEYWORDS: CROPS, GREENHOUSE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, REPRODUCTION, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE, TREES, YIELD 209 Doyle, T.W. 1987. Seedling Response to CO2 Enrichment under Stressed and Non-stressed Conditions. IN: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ecological Aspects of Tree Ring Analysis (G.C. Jacoby and J.W. Hornbeck, eds.), NTIS, Springfield, Virginia, pp. 494-500. Loblolly pine and sweetgum seedlings were obtained from a Duke University phytotron study, where three groups were grown in different atmospheres of CO2 (i.e., 350, 500, 650 ppmv). Seedlings were grown over three growing seasons, and included a set of water-stressed and non-stressed individuals. X-ray densitometry was used to evaluate growth and density characteristics of the wood samples. Cross-sectional discs of these samples were radiographed and scanned with a microdensitometer to determine ring width, area, density and mass for each growth year. Results indicated significant differences in wood production (ring width, area and mass) between the lowest treatment of CO2 (350 ppmv) and the higher concentration (500 and 650 ppmv) treatments. While only a few density parameters demonstrated significant changes with increasing CO2, almost all showed a systematic increase in density with increasing CO2 concentration. Ring area and mass displayed the greatest degree of change between treatments. Induced drought effects appeared only to strengthen the CO2-growth association. These findings suggest that naturally stressed trees are also likely to exhibit some growth effect with increasing atmospheric CO2. And because the greatest margin of response existed between 350 and 500 ppmv, this study emphasizes the importance and need to determine growth responses at preindustrial era CO2 concentrations in order to more accurately identify the postulated 'fertilizer' effect on modern forests. loblolly pine/sweetgum/Liquidambar styraciflua/Pinus taeda KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, TREE-RING ANALYSIS, TREES, WATER STRESS, WOOD PROPERTIES 210 Doyle, T.W., F.G. Taylor, M.L. Parker, C.F. Cooper, and D.C. West. 1985. Preliminary Ring-Width and Ring-Density Data for Deriving Wood Mass Chronologies of Coniferous Species from the Northwest U.S. and Canada, 025 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C., and Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. white spruce/red pine/Douglas-fir/Western hemlock/Western red cedar/Engelmann spruce/lodgepole pine/yellow cedar/black spruce KEYWORDS: TREE-RING ANALYSIS, TREES 211 Drake, B., W. Arp, P.S. Curtis, P.W. Leadley, J. Sager, and D. Whigham. 1986. Effects of Elevated CO2 on Chesapeake Bay Wetlands. I. Description of the Study Site, 034 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. Spartina patens/Distichlis spicata/Scirpus olneyi KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, EXPOSURE METHODS, HALOPHYTES, LITTER QUALITY, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, SALT MARSH, WATER STATUS 212 Drake, B.G. 1992. A Field Study of the Effects of Elevated CO2 on Ecosystem Processes in a Chesapeake Bay Wetland. Australian Journal of Botany 40:579-595. Open top chambers are being used in a long-term project to determine the effects of elevated CO2 on ecosystem processes on a Chesapeake Bay wetland. Three communities are studied: mono-specific stands of the C3 sedge, Scirpus olneyi, and the C4 grass, Spartina patens, and a mixed community of these two species and the C4 grass, Distichlis spicata. Treatment began in the spring of 1987 and will continue through the 1994 growing season. During the first 4 years of exposure, elevated CO2 had the following effects on mono-specific stands of the C3 sedge, Scirpus olneyi: increased quantum yield and photosynthetic capacity, reduced dark respiration, increased numbers of shoots, roots and rhizomes, reduced nitrogen concentration of all tissues, increased nitrogen fixation and increased ecosystem carbon accumulation. In a mixed community of the sedge and C4 grass species, Spartina patens and Distichlis spicata, biomass of the C3 component increased over 100% and this was accompanied by decreased biomass in the C4 component of the community. Elevated CO2 reduced water loss, increased water potential and delayed senescence in all three species. Many factors contributed to CO2 stimulated carbon accumulation in the plant community dominated by the C3 sedge, Scirpus olneyi, including: sustained high photosynthetic capacity, decreased respiration, delayed senescence, and allocation of the additional carbon to roots and rhizomes. The complex interaction of these diverse responses suggests that the rising atmospheric CO2 may have a significant impact on ecosystem processes. Spartina patens/Scirpus olneyi/Distichlis spicata KEYWORDS: ANATOMY, AQUATIC PLANTS, C3, C4, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CO2 COMPENSATION POINT, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, GRASSES, HALOPHYTES, INSECTS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, LIGHT, NITROGEN, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PIGMENTS, PLANT-FUNGUS INTERACTIONS, RESPIRATION, SALT MARSH, SPECIES COMPETITION, STOMATAL DENSITY, WUE 213 Drake, B.G., W. Arp, J. Craig, P.S. Curtis, P.W. Leadley, and D. Whigham. 1987. Effects of Elevated CO2 on Chesapeake Bay Wetlands. II. Gas Exchange and Microenvironment in Open Top Chambers, 038 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. Scirpus olneyi/Spartina patens/Distichlis spicata KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONDUCTANCE, EXPOSURE METHODS, HALOPHYTES, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, SALT MARSH 214 Drake, B.G., W.J. Arp, L. Balduman, R. Cousimano, J. Dacey, D. D'Abundo, K. Hogan, S. Long, W.T. Pockman, P. Utley, A.C. Villegas, and D. Whigham. 1990. Effects of Elevated Co2 on Chesapeake Bay Wetlands. V. Ecosystem and Whole Plant Responses. April-November 1989, 055 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. Scirpus olneyi/Spartina patens KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, HALOPHYTES, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, METHANE, NITROGEN, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, QUANTUM REQUIREMENT, RESPIRATION, ROOTS, SALT MARSH, WATER STATUS, WUE 215 Drake, B.G., W.J. Arp, L. Balduman, P.S. Curtis, J. Johnson, D. Kabara, P.W. Leadley, W.T. Pockman, D. Seliskar, M.L. Sutton, D. Whigham, and L. Ziska. 1989. Effects of Elevated CO2 on Chesapeake Bay Wetlands. IV. Ecosystem and Whole Plant Responses. April-November 1988, 051 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. Scirpus olneyi/Spartina patens/Distichlis spicata/Glycine max/soybean/Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato/Manihot esculentum/Amaranthus hypochondriacus/amaranth/Acacia mangium/Ficus obtusifolia/Paspallum conjugatum/Pharus latifolia/Psychotria limonensis/Tabebuia rosea KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, C3, C4, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBON BUDGET, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, GROWTH, HALOPHYTES, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LITTER DECOMPOSITION, LITTER QUALITY, NITROGEN, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, RESPIRATION, ROOTS, SALT MARSH, SPECIES COMPETITION 216 Drake, B.G., P.S. Curtis, W.J. Arp, P.W. Leadley, J. Johnson, and D. Whigham. 1988. Effects of Elevated CO2 on Chesapeake Bay Wetlands. III. Ecosystem and Whole Plant Responses in the First Year of Exposure, April-November 1987, 044 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. Spartina patens/Distichlis spicata/Scirpus olneyi KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, EXPOSURE METHODS, HALOPHYTES, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, NITROGEN, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, SENESCENCE, WATER STATUS 217 Drake, B.G., and P.W. Leadley. 1991. Canopy Photosynthesis of Crops and Native Plant Communities Exposed to Long-term Elevated CO2. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:853-860. There have been seven studies of canopy photosynthesis of plants grown in elevated atmospheric CO2: three of seed crops, two of forage crops and two of native plant ecosystems. Growth in elevated CO2 increased canopy photosynthesis in all cases. The relative effect of CO2 was correlated with increasing temperature: the least stimulation occurred in tundra vegetation grown at an average temperature near 10C and the greatest in rice grown at 43C. In soybean, effects of CO2 were greater during leaf expansion and pod fill than at other stages of crop maturation. In the longest running experiment with elevated CO2 treatment to date, monospecific stands of a C3 sedge, Scirpus olneyi (Grey), and a C4 grass, Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl., have been exposed to twice normal ambient CO2 concentrations for four growing seasons, in open top chambers on a Chesapeake Bay salt marsh. Net ecosystem CO2 exchange per unit green biomass (NCEb) increased by an average of 48% throughout the growing season of 1988, the second year of treatment. Elevated CO2 increased net ecosystem carbon assimilation by 88% in the Scirpus olneyi community and 40% in the Spartina patens community. Scirpus olneyi/Spartina patens KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, C3, C4, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, HALOPHYTES, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, REVIEW, TEMPERATURE 218 Drake, B.G., P.W. Leadley, W.J. Arp, D. Nassiry, and P.S. Curtis. 1989. An Open Top Chamber for Field Studies of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration on Saltmarsh Vegetation. Functional Ecology 3:363-371. Small open top chamber (0.8 m x 1.0 m) were developed to maintain elevated CO2 concentrations in three plant communities in a brackish marsh ecosystem. Mean annual CO2 concentrations were 340 +/- 22 uL/L in chambers which received no added CO2 and 686 +/- 30 uL/L in chambers with elevated CO2 concentrations. Light quality was not effected in the photosynthetically active wavelengths but the chamber reduced light quantity by 10%. Night-time air temperatures inside the chamber (Ti) averaged 2C above air temperature outside the chamber (To) due to heating from the air blowers. Air temperature profiles through the plant canopy and boundary layer showed that daytime temperature differences (Ti -To) were greater than night-time differences and this day/night difference also depended on the plant community. Effects of the chamber on the micro-environment of the plant communities resulted in a significant growth enhancement in the plant community dominated by the C3 sedge Scirpus olneyi Grey but not in the other two communities. Scirpus olneyi/Spartina patens/Distichlis spicata KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, C3, C4, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, EXPOSURE METHODS, HALOPHYTES, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, SALT MARSH 219 Drake, B.G., H.H. Rogers, and L.H. Allen Jr. 1985. Methods of Exposing Plants to Elevated Carbon Dioxide. IN: Direct Effects of Increasing Carbon Dioxide on Vegetation, DOE/ER-0238 (B.R. Strain and J.D. Cure, eds.), Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C., pp. 11-51. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, REVIEW 220 Dubois, D., M. Winzeler, and J. Nosberger. 1990. Fructan Accumulation and Sucrose:sucrose fructosyltransferase Activity in Stems of Spring Wheat Genotypes. Crop Science 30:315-319. Stems of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) accumulate water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) during the first 3 wk after anthesis. These reserves can later contribute to grain filling. Two spring wheat genotypes ('Kolibri' and breeding line D) were tested in growth chambers to determine if they differ in the accumulation of WSC components and in the activation of sucrose:sucrose fructosyltransferase (SST) in stem tissue. Concentration of CO2 was supplied at 1000 or 300 uL CO2/L after anthesis to alter photosynthate production. The WSC accumulation in the penultimate internode during the first 18 d post anthesis (DPA) was substantially higher in Genotype D than in Kolibri. The WSC accumulation up to 7 DPA was due to increases in hexoses and sucrose. Sucrose concentration was initially lower in Kolibri than in Genotype D, but increased to a comparable level for both genotypes and both CO2 treatments. Fructan synthesis was initiated at 7 DPA. At 18 DPA, fructan was the dominant component of WSC. Under both CO2 treatments Genotype D accumulated substantially higher fructan concentrations than Kolibri. In a second experiment, induction of SST activity was observed during the first 9 DPA in the penultimate internode of plants grown at 1000 and 200 uL CO2/L. There was a positive relationship between sucrose concentration and in vivo SST activity, suggesting that sucrose induced SST activity; however, Kolibri exhibited a much lower SST activity at given sucrose concentration. Thus, the low fructan synthesis of Kolibri is associated with an initial lower sucrose concentration and with a less effective activation of SST by sucrose. Triticum aestivum/wheat KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, ENZYMES 221 Duchein, M.-C., A. Bonicel, and T. Betsche. 1993. Photosynthetic Net CO2 Uptake and Leaf Phosphate Concentrations in CO2 Enriched Clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) at Three Levels of Phosphate Nutrition. Journal of Experimental Botany 44:17-22. Net CO2-uptake of sets of clover plants (Trifolium subterraneum L.) was measured over 3 weeks in ambient air and in a highly CO2-enriched atmosphere (400 Pa CO2). Phosphate (P) in the nutrient solution was varied between 0.05 mol/m3 P (reduced P) and 2.0 mol/m3 P (high P). In ambient air, the daily increments of the daily rate of net CO2-uptake (DICU; a parameter related to relative growth) were higher at reduced P than at high P. Stimulation by high CO2 of net CO2-uptake in the first day was less at reduced P than at high P. In the following days, high CO2 markedly inhibited DICU at reduced P, and thus growth stimulation by high CO2 ceased after between 4 and 12 d. By contrast, at high P, DICU increased more than 2-fold upon CO2-enrichment, and thus growth stimulation by high CO2 was maintained. Intermediate results were obtained with half-strength Hoagland's solution (0.5 mol/m3 P). Leaf pools of inorganic ortho P, soluble esterified P, and total P declined markedly in high CO2 when P-nutrition had been reduced. Considerable decline also occurred in high CO2 when P-nutrition had been increased suggesting that P-uptake was not well tuned with net CO2-uptake (growth). It is proposed that high CO2 can perturb the P-metabolism of clover, the impairment being less at high levels of P-nutrition. With regard to high CO2 as a growth stimulus, these results demonstrate that increasing P-nutrition to a level supraoptimal in ambient air can considerably improve the growth of a C3-plant in high CO2. Trifolium subterraneum/clover KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS 222 du Cloux, H., M. Andre, A. Gerbaud, and A. Daguenet. 1989. Wheat Response to CO2 Enrichment: Effect on Photosynthetic and Photorespiratory Characteristics. Photosynthetica 23:145-153. The effects of doubling atmospheric CO2 concentration on photosynthesis and photorespiration were studied on wheat cultivated for 37 or 72 d in growth chambers at a density of planting of 200 and 40 plants per m2. Net photosynthetic rate (Pn) was measured continuously during the experiments and response curves to CO2 were made at intervals. Differences observed between the CO2 curves of the plants grown in normal and CO2 enriched atmosphere could be explained by the greater leaf area of the second group of plants. Photorespiration was tested by the Warburg effect or measured directly on isolated plants by the uptake of 18-O2. Oxygen uptake was reduced by 40% by the high CO2 treatment, but high CO2 plants were identical to the control group when returned to the same conditions. The enhancement of dry matter production was due to the kinetic response of Pn to CO2, as there was no appreciable long-term adaptation of the kinetic characteristics of photosynthesis. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, OXYGEN, PHOTORESPIRATION, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, PLANT DENSITY 223 du Cloux, H.C., M. Andre, A. Daguenet, and J. Massimino. 1987. Wheat Response to CO2 Enrichment: Growth and CO2 Exchanges at Two Plant Densities. Journal of Experimental Botany 38:1421-1431. The vegetative growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., var. Capitole) was followed for almost 40 d after germination in controlled conditions. Four different treatments were carried out by combining two air concentrations of CO2, either normal (330 mm3/dm3) or doubled (660 mm3/dm3) with two plant densities, either 200 plants/m2 or 40 plants/m2. Throughout the experiment the CO2 gas exchanges of each canopy were measured 24 h/d. These provided a continuous growth curve for each treatment, which were compared with dry weights. After a small stimulation at the start (first 13 d), no further effect of CO2 enrichment was observed on relative growth rate (RGR). However, RGR was stimulated throughout the experiment when plotted as a function of biomass. The final stimulation of dry weight at 660 mm3/dm3 CO2 was a factor of 1.45 at high density and 1.50 at low density; contrary to other studies, no diminution of this CO2 effect on dry weight was observed over time. Nevertheless, at low density, a transient additional enhancement of biomass (up to 1.70) was obtained at a leaf area index (LAI) below 1. This effect was attributed to a different build up of the gain of carbon in the case of an isolated plant or a closed canopy. In the former, the stimulation of leaf area and the net assimilation rate are both involved; in the latter the enhancement becomes independent of the effect on leaf area because the canopy photosynthesis per unit ground area as a function of LAI reaches a plateau. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, PLANT DENSITY 224 Dugal, A., S. Yelle, and A. Gosselin. 1990. Influence of CO2 Enrichment and its Method of Distribution on the Evolution of Gas Exchanges in Greenhouse Tomatoes. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 70:345-356. Net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, internal CO2 concentration and transpiration were measured on the fifth well-developed and excised leaf of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. 'Vedettos') 48-83 d old. These measurements were taken in order to monitor the evolution of the gas exchanges of seedlings exposed to concentrations of 330 or 1000 ppm, continuously, to 1000 ppm from 06:00 h to 10:00 h or to 1000 and 330 ppm alternately every 2 h. CO2 enrichment substantially increased the net photosynthesis rate of the seedlings, particularly at the beginning of the experiment. The long-term effects of CO2 enrichment subsided after a few weeks of treatment. Intermittent CO2 enrichment was partially helpful in remedying the loss of effectiveness of the CO2 after a long period of enrichment. High CO2 concentrations reduced the opening of the stomata. Our work shows that maintaining a high internal CO2 content in the leaves would indirectly reduce the stomatal conductance of the seedlings. However, our results show that the long-term loss of photosynthetic efficiency in the enriched seedlings cannot be attributed solely to an increase in the resistance of the stomata, since the internal CO2 concentration of the leaves remains very high regardless of which method of CO2 enrichment is used. Continuous CO2 enrichment improved the water uptake efficiency of the seedlings. In French. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, INTERMITTENT ENRICHMENT, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, WUE 225 Eamus, D. 1990. Carbon Dioxide and Plant Physiological Processes. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Terrestrial Ecosystems of the UK (M.G.R. Cannell and M.D. Hooper, eds.), Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Natural Environment Research Council, Edinburgh Research Station, Bush Estate, Penicuik. KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GROWTH, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL CO2 RESPONSES, RESPIRATION, REVIEW 226 Eamus, D. 1992. Atmospheric CO2 and Trees, from Cellular to Regional Responses. IN: Encyclopedia of Earth System Science, Vol. 1, Academic Press, Inc., New York, pp. 157-169. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CLIMATE, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, CONDUCTANCE, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GROWTH, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, RESPIRATION, REVIEW, TREES, WUE 227 Eamus, D. 1992. The Interaction of Rising CO2 and Temperatures with Water Use Efficiency. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:843-852. Recent data concerning the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 upon water use efficiency (WUE) and the related measure, instantaneous transpiration efficiency (ITE), are reviewed. It is concluded from both short and long-term studies that, at the scale of the individual leaf or plant, an increase in WUE or ITE is generally observed in response to increased atmospheric CO2 levels. However, the magnitude of this increase may decline with time. The opinion that elevated CO2 may substantially decrease transpiration at the regional scale is discussed. The mechanisms by which elevated CO2 may cause a change in these measures are discussed in terms of stomatal conductance, assimilation and respiration responses to elevated CO2. Finally, recent experimental data and model outputs concerning the impact of the interaction of increased temperature with elevated CO2 on WUE, ITE and yield are reviewed. It is concluded that substantially more data is required before reliable predictions about the regional scale response of WUE and catchment hydrology can be made. KEYWORDS: MODELING, REVIEW, STOMATA, TEMPERATURE, TRANSPIRATION, WUE 228 Eamus, D., and G. Duff. 1992. Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels and Vegetation Responses in the Tropics. IN: Conservation and Development Issues in North Australia (I. Moffatt and A. Webb, eds.), North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University, Casuarina (Darwin), Northern Territory, Australia, pp. 145-154. KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CLIMATE, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, CONDUCTANCE, MODELING, RESPIRATION, REVIEW 229 Eamus, D., and P.G. Jarvis. 1989. The Direct Effects of Increase in the Global Atmospheric CO2 Concentration on Natural and Commercial Temperate Trees and Forests. IN: Advances in Ecological Research, Vol. 19 (M. Begon, A.H. Fitter, E.D. Ford, and A. Macfadyen, eds.), Academic Press Ltd., New York, pp. 1-55. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONDUCTANCE, FOREST, GROWTH, NITROGEN FIXATION, NUTRITION, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, RESPIRATION, REVIEW, STRESS, TREES, WUE 230 Ehret, D.L., and P.A. Jolliffe. 1985. Leaf Injury to Bean Plants Grown in Carbon Dioxide Enriched Atmospheres. Canadian Journal of Botany 63:2015-2020. Bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants grown in atmospheres enriched with CO2 (1400 uL/L) showed marked reductions in photosynthetic capacity and accelerated chlorosis of primary leaves. Leaf injury was observed only in CO2 enriched plants, but the degree of injury was regulated by secondary factors, light and temperature. Conditions of relatively high light intensity (340-370 umol/m2/s photosynthetic photon flux density) or cool temperature (20C) promoted leaf injury of CO2-enriched plants. Leaf starch accumulation was highest under conditions that caused injury. The enhanced chlorosis and corresponding decline in photosynthetic activity, however, were not related to changes in stomatal diffusive resistance or leaf water status. Contaminant gases, such as ethylene, were not detectable in the CO2-enrichment chambers. bean/Phaseolus vulgaris KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF INJURY, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, PHOTOSYNTHETIC FEEDBACK INHIBITION, TEMPERATURE 231 Ehret, D.L., and P.A. Jolliffe. 1985. Photosynthetic Carbon Dioxide Exchange of Bean Plants Grown at Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentrations. Canadian Journal of Botany 63:2026-2030. Leaves of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Pure Gold Wax) grown in atmospheres enriched in CO2 (1400 uL/L) showed a decrease in CO2 exchange capacity when compared with unenriched plants (340 uL/L) measured at the same CO2 concentration. The decrease was not associated with changes in chlorophyll concentration or photorespiratory activity. The decrease was less evident in older leaves, in leaves maintained at low light intensity, and in those with reduced chlorophyll contents. Respiration rates in leaves of CO2-enriched plants increased only under conditions that caused a concurrent decrease in photosynthetic capacity. Enriched leaves had higher starch contents than unenriched leaves. The results were consistent with the idea that CO2 enrichment decreases photosynthetic capacity when photoassimilate supply exceeds sink demand. Phaseolus vulgaris/bean KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC FEEDBACK INHIBITION, RESPIRATION 232 El Kohen, A., and M. Mousseau. 1990. Effet d'un Doublement de la Teneur en CO2 Atmospherique sur le Bilan Carbone de Jeunes Chataigniers. Bulletin de la Societe Ecophysiologique 15:135-147. In French. chestnut/Castanea sativa KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBON BUDGET, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, RESPIRATION, TREES 233 El Kohen, A., J.-Y. Pontailler, and M. Mousseau. 1991. Effect of Doubling of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration on Dark Respiration in Aerial Parts of Young Chestnut Trees (Castanea sativa Mill.). Comptes Rendus des Sciences (Paris) t. 312, Serie III:477-481. Two-year-old sweet chestnut seedlings were grown in constantly ventilated tunnels at ambient (350 vpm) or double (700 vpm) CO2 concentration during a full growing season. End-of-night dark respiration of aerial parts was measured in each CO2 concentration throughout the growing season. Dark respiration rate of enriched plants showed a net decrease as compared to control plants during the first half of the growing season. This difference decreased with time and became negligible in the fall. Atmospheric CO2 concentration acted instantaneously on the respiration rate: when doubled, it decreased control plant respiration and when decreased, it enhanced CO2 enriched plant respiration. The explanation of these findings remains hypothetical. It is concluded that the rise in carbon dioxide level of the atmosphere will affect the carbon balance of young trees not only through an increase in net photosynthesis during the day, but also at night by reducing respiratory losses. In French. Castanea sativa/sweet chestnut KEYWORDS: CARBON BUDGET, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, RESPIRATION, TREES 234 El Kohen, A., H. Rouhier, and M. Mousseau. 1992. Changes in Dry Weight and Nitrogen Partitioning Induced by Elevated CO2 Depend on Soil Nutrient Availability in Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.). Annales des Sciences Forestieres 49:83-90. The effect of 2 levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (ambient, i.e. 350 ppm, and double, i.e. 700 ppm) and 2 contrasting levels of mineral nutrition on dry weight, nitrogen accumulation and partitioning were examined in 2-year-old chestnut seedlings (Castanea sativa Mill.), grown in pots outdoors throughout the vegetative season. Fertilization had a pronounced effect on dry weight accumulation, tree height, leaf area, and plant nitrogen content. Carbon dioxide enrichment significantly increased total biomass by about 20%, both on fertilized and on unfertilized forest soil, only the root biomass was increased, leading to an increase in the root:shoot ratio. Contrastingly, on fertilized soil only stem biomass and diameter but not height were increased. Carbon dioxide enrichment significantly reduced the nitrogen concentration in all organs, irrespective of the nutrient availability. However, the biomass increase made up for this reduction in such a way that the total nitrogen pool per tree remained unchanged. Castanea sativa/sweet chestnut KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, GROWTH, LITTER QUALITY, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, TREES 235 El Kohen, A., L. Venet, and M. Mousseau. 1993. Growth and Photosynthesis of Two Deciduous Forest Species at Elevated Carbon Dioxide. Functional Ecology 7:480-486. Two-year-old sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings were grown in large pots on the same forest soil, at ambient (+/- 350 uL/L) and double (700 uL/L) atmospheric CO2 concentration in constantly ventilated minigreenhouses during the entire growing season. CO2 enrichment caused very different changes in these two temperate deciduous species. A 20% dry weight enhancement was obtained for sweet chestnut, while this increase amounted to 60% in beech. This greater effect of an elevated CO2 in beech was the result of a significant increase of net photosynthesis of the seedlings occurring during the whole season. On the contrary, this increase in photosynthesis lasted only a few weeks in sweet chestnut and then an acclimation process took place. No effect of an increased CO2 could be found on sweet chestnut leaf area or leaf number, while a significant effect was found with beech, in which total leaf area per plant increased, owing to a greater number of growth flushes, each with larger leaves. The partitioning of the biomass increase due to elevated CO2 was very different in the two species. All additional dry matter was allocated to the roots in sweet chestnut, while it was partitioned equally amongst all organs of the beech seedling. The reactions to elevated CO2 of different tree species is discussed in relation to their specific growth strategy. sweet chestnut/Castanea sativa/Fagus sylvatica/beech KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, GROWTH, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, TREES 236 Eng, R.Y.N., M.J. Tsujita, and B. Grodzinski. 1985. The Effects of Supplementary HPS Lighting and Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on the Vegetative Growth, Nutritional Status and Flowering Characteristics of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Journal of Horticultural Science 60:389-395. Supplementary high pressure sodium (HPS) lighting (140 umol/m2/s) and CO2 enrichment (1375 uL/L) improved the vegetative growth of Chrysanthemum morifolium cv Dramatic by increases in stem length, stem diameter, root weight ratio, dry weight, relative growth and net assimilation rates. Three-week-old chrysanthemums grown under CO2 enrichment and HPS lighting had lower leaf weight and stem weight ratios as well as lower foliar nutrient content than those grown under ambient CO2 and natural light. Plants grown on to maturity under CO2 enrichment and supplementary HPS lighting had the longest stem lengths, the most flowers and greatest increase in dry weight. The combination of both additional light and CO2 was superior to either factor used alone. With 24 h HPS supplementary lighting CO2 enrichment was most effective in improving vegetative growth and flower quality when applied during the daytime. Night CO2 enrichment was not commercially beneficial at the light levels employed in this study. Chrysanthemum morifolium/chrysanthemum KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, FLOWER PRODUCTION, GREENHOUSE, LIGHT 237 Enoch, H.Z. 1990. Crop Responses to Aerial Carbon Dioxide. Acta Horticulturae 268:17-32. Crops are subjected to a global bulk atmosphere that contains a supra-optimal oxygen concentration and a sub-optimal carbon dioxide concentration. It is expected that the present increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration will continue, that a doubling will occur during the next century and that eventually values of over 2500 ppm will be reached. Until then greenhouse crops should be CO2 enriched. The potential of intermittent CO2 enrichment (pulse CO2 enrichment) for yields enhancement and pollution avoidance will be described. The main changes in crops due to elevated CO2 seem to be secondary effects of enhanced photosynthesis but some morphogenetic changes, for instance increased branching, are interpreted as partial suppression of apical dominance and appear to show that CO2 concentration has additional hormone-like effects. Though over 1000 papers on CO2 enrichment have been published there is only an incomplete understanding of whether other organs than leaves are sensitive to CO2 concentration and whether elevated CO2 has a trigger effect or a threshold effect on morphogenesis of crops. Some of the research questions that should be asked in order to improve our understanding of how CO2 enrichment influences plant productivity will be discussed. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CO2 ENRICHMENT DURATION, CO2 PULSES, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GREENHOUSE, REVIEW 238 Enoch, H.Z., and N. Zieslin. 1988. Growth and Development of Plants in Response to Carbon Dioxide Concentrations. Applied Agricultural Research 3:248-256. Quality of protected crops can be improved by controlling the aerial carbon dioxide (CO2) in the greenhouse. The influence of atmosphere CO2 concentration on partitioning of dry matter, leaf growth and development, stem growth, root formation, branching and tillering, growth of the whole plant and on flowering is described in this review. At elevated CO2 concentrations apical dominance in C3 and C4 plants is weakened resulting in higher root-to-shoot ratios and increased side shoot development (branching, tillering, etc.). Most effects of elevated CO2 concentration appear to be secondary effects of photosynthesis enhancement leading to higher leaf weight per unit area, greater stem weight per unit length, and an increase in absolute growth rate--but not always an increase in relative growth rate. The influence of elevated CO2 concentration on flowering is discussed in detail. Examples of organ development that can be explained as secondary effects of enhanced photosynthesis, as well as exceptions, are presented. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, FLOWER PRODUCTION, REVIEW, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO 239 Evans, L.S., and G.R. Hendrey. 1992. Responses of Cotton Foliage to Short-term Fluctuations in CO2 Partial Pressures. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:203-212. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: 14C, CO2 PULSES, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS 240 Fajer, E.D., M.D. Bowers, and F.A. Bazzaz. 1989. The Effects of Enriched Carbon Dioxide Atmospheres on Plant-Insect Herbivore Interactions. Science 243:1198-1200. Little is known about the effects of enriched CO2 atmospheres, which may exist in the next century, on natural plant-insect herbivore interactions. Larvae of a specialist insect herbivore, Junonia coenia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), were reared on one of its host plants, Plantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae), grown in either current low (350 parts per million) or high (700 ppm) CO2-environments. Those larvae raised on high-CO2 foliage grew more slowly and experienced greater mortality, especially in early instars, than those raised on low-CO2 foliage. Poor larval performance on high-CO2 foliage was probably due to the reduced foliar water and nitrogen concentrations of those plants and not to changes in the concentration of the defensive compounds, iridoid glycosides. Adult pupal weight and female fecundity were not affected by the CO2 environment of the host plant. These results indicate that interactions between plants and herbivorous insects will be modified under the predicted CO2 conditions of the 21st century. Plantago lanceolata KEYWORDS: ALLELOCHEMICALS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HERBIVORY, INSECTS, JUNONIA COENIA, NITROGEN 241 Fajer, E.D., M.D. Bowers, and F.A. Bazzaz. 1990. Performance and Allocation Patterns of the Perennial Herb, Plantago lanceolata, in Response to Simulated Herbivory and Elevated CO2 Environments. Oecologia 87:37-42. We tested the prediction that plants grown in elevated CO2 environments are better able to compensate for biomass lost to herbivory than plants grown in ambient CO2 environments. The herbaceous perennial Plantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae) was grown in either near ambient (380 ppm) or enriched (700 ppm) CO2 atmospheres, and then after 4 weeks, plants experienced either 1) no defoliation; 2) every fourth leaf removed by cutting; or 3) every other leaf removed by cutting. Plants were harvested at week 13 (9 weeks after simulated herbivory treatments). Vegetative and reproductive weights were compared, and seeds were counted, weighed, and germinated to assess viability. Plants grown in enriched CO2 environments had significantly greater shoot weights, leaf areas, and root weights, yet had significantly lower reproductive weights (i.e. stalks + spikes + seeds) and produced fewer seeds, than plants grown in ambient CO2 environments. Relative biomass allocation patterns further illustrated differences in plant responses to enriched CO2 atmospheres: enriched CO2-grown plants only allocated 10% of their carbon resources to reproduction whereas ambient CO2-grown plants allocated over 20%. Effects of simulated herbivory on plant performance were much less dramatic than those induced by enriched CO2 atmospheres. Leaf area removal did not reduce shoot weights or reproductive weights of plants in either CO2 treatment relative to control plants. However, plants from both CO2 treatments experienced reductions in root weights with leaf area removal, indicating that plants compensated for lost above-ground tissues, and maintained comparable levels of reproductive output and seed viability, at the expense of root growth. Plantago lanceolata KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HERBIVORY, REPRODUCTION, SURVIVORSHIP 242 Fajer, E.D., M.D. Bowers, and F.A. Bazzaz. 1991. The Effects of Enriched CO2 Atmospheres on the Buckeye Butterfly, Junonia coenia. Ecology 72:751-754. Plantago lanceolata KEYWORDS: ALLELOCHEMICALS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HERBIVORY, INSECTS, JUNONIA COENIA, NITROGEN 243 Fajer, E.D., M.D. Bowers, and F.A. Bazzaz. 1992. The Effect of Nutrients and Enriched CO2 Environments on Production of Carbon-based Allelochemicals in Plantago: A Test of the Carbon/Nutrient Balance Hypothesis. The American Naturalist 140:707-723. In a test of the carbon/nutrient (C/N) balance hypothesis, we grew the perennial herb Plantago lanceolata in different CO2 and nutrient environments and then (1) measured the total allocation to shoots, roots, and reproductive parts and (2) quantified aucobin, catalpol, and verbascoside contents of replicate plants of six genotypes. Plants grown under low-nutrient conditions do have higher concentrations of carbon-based allelochemicals than plants grown under high nutrient conditions. However, in contrast to the C/N balance hypothesis, plants grown in elevated (700 uL/L) CO2 conditions had similar, or lower, concentrations of carbon-based allelochemicals than plants grown in ambient (350 uL/L) CO2 conditions. We suggest that augmented substrate concentrations (i.e., excess carbohydrates) are a necessary but insufficient trigger for increased secondary metabolism; instead, hormonal and/or direct physical cues (such as light) may be essential to synthesize or activate the appropriate enzyme systems. Moreover, although plant genotype significantly affected plant growth, reproduction, and chemistry, we never observed significant genotype-by-CO2 interactions for these factors, which suggests that changing CO2 environments may not improve the fitness of certain genotypes over others. Plantago lanceolata KEYWORDS: ALLELOCHEMICALS, ALLOCATION, CARBOHYDRATES, CARBON, CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HERBIVORY, NUTRITION 244 Farrar, J.F., and M.L. Williams. 1991. The Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Temperature on Carbon Partitioning, Source-sink Relations and Respiration. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:819-830. Herbaceous C3 plants grown in elevated CO2 show increases in carbon assimilation and carbohydrate accumulation (particularly starch) within source leaves. Although changes in the partitioning of biomass between root and shoot occur, the proportion of this extra assimilate made available for sink growth is not known. Root:shoot ratios tend to increase for CO2 enriched herbaceous plants and decrease for CO2-enriched trees. Root:shoot ratios for cereals tend to remain constant. In contrast, elevated temperatures decrease carbohydrate accumulation within source and sink regions of a plant and decrease root:shoot ratios. Allometric analysis of at least two species showing changes in root:shoot ratios due to elevated CO2 show no alteration in the whole-plant partitioning of biomass. Little information is available for interactions between temperature and CO2. Cold-adapted plants show little response to elevated levels of CO2, with some species showing a decline in biomass accumulation. In general though, increasing temperature will increase sucrose synthesis, transport and utilization for CO2-enriched plants and decrease carbohydrate accumulation within the leaf. Literature reports are discussed in relation to the hypothesis that sucrose is a major factor in the control of plant carbon partitioning. A model is presented in support. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CARBOHYDRATES, MODELING, RESPIRATION, REVIEW, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE, TEMPERATURE 245 Ferguson, J.J., W.T. Avigne, L.H. Allen, and K.E. Koch. 1986. Growth of CO2-enriched Sour Orange Seedlings Treated with Gibberellins/Cytokinins. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 99:37-39. Enriched CO2 atmospheres and specific plant growth regulators are known to stimulate plant growth, but their combined effects on citrus seedlings have not been studied. Sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) seedlings were treated with plant growth regulators (6-benzyladenine [250 ul/l]; 6 benzyladenine and gibberellic acid [250 ul/l]; gibberellin 3 [450 ul/l] and gibberellin 4+7 [250 ul/l]) and grown at either ambient or elevated CO2 levels (330 or 660 ul/l). Seedlings treated with GA4+7 and grown at elevated CO2 levels were taller and had greater leaf weight than plants given all other treatments. Leaf number increased under elevated CO2 levels when BA or GA4+7 were applied. Stem weight was unaffected by growth regulators except when GA4+7 was applied to plants grown under high CO2 levels. Stem caliper increased slightly under high CO2 levels, especially when GA4+7 was applied. sour orange/Citrus aurantium KEYWORDS: GROWTH, GROWTH REGULATORS, SPAR UNITS, TREES 246 Fetcher, N., C.H. Jaeger, B.R. Strain, and N. Sionit. 1988. Long-term Elevation of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration and the Carbon Exchange Rates of Saplings of Pinus taeda L. and Liquidambar styraciflua L. Tree Physiology 4:255-262. The relationship between carbon exchange rate (CER) and internal CO2 concentration was measured in leaves of saplings of Liquidambar styraciflua L. (sweetgum) and Pinus taeda L. (loblolly pine) grown from seed for more than 14 months at atmospheric CO2 concentrations of either 340 or 500 uL/L. An elevated concentration of CO2 during growth reduced CER at any given internal CO2 concentration in sweetgum, but not in loblolly pine. Stomatal limitation of CER showed little response to concentration of CO2 during measurement, but was higher in both species when grown at 500 than at 350 uL/L CO2. The net effect of a long-term increase in CO2 concentration from 350 to 500 uL/L was an increase in CER of loblolly pine, but a slight decrease in CER of sweetgum. It is suggested that the depression of CER in sweetgum resulted from a reduction in the activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase. sweetgum/Liquidambar styraciflua/loblolly pine/Pinus taeda KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, GREENHOUSE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE 247 French, C.J. 1989. Propagation and Subsequent Growth of Rhododendron Cuttings: Varied Response to CO2 Enrichment and Supplementary Lighting. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 114:251-259. CO2 mist (1100 uL CO2/L) during fall propagation inhibited rooting of Rhododendron 'Anna Rose Whitney' (R. griersonianum x 'Countess of Derby') and had no effect on R. 'Vulcan' ('Mars' x R. griersonianum), R. 'Unique' (R. campylocarpum hybrid), R. 'Anah Krushke' (R. ponticum seedling), or R. 'Pink Bountiful' (R. williamsianum x 'Linswegeanum'). Supplementary lighting from high-pressure sodium lamps (HPS) for 16 hr/day (0400 to 2000 hr) had no effect on rooting of any cultivar. There was an interaction between CO2 mist and HPS exposure on rooting in R. 'Floriade' ('Britannia' hybrid). CO2 mist inhibited and HPS stimulated shoot development during propagation. CO2 mist during propagation inhibited subsequent development of 'Anna Rose Whitney' and 'Vulcan'. HPS during propagation inhibited subsequent growth of 'Floriade' and 'Vulcan'. CO2 enrichment of stock plants prior to propagation did not affect rooting of R. 'Sonata', whereas CO2 mist during propagation was inhibitory. In 'Anna Rose Whitney', there was an interaction between CO2 enrichment before and during propagation. Application of supplementary HPS for 16 hr/day following propagation stimulated subsequent growth of both cultivars. CO2 mist during spring propagation stimulated rooting of 'Pink Bountiful' and 'Vulcan' and had no effect on R. 'Matador' (R. griersonianum x strigillosum), R. 'Martha Isaacson' (R. occidentale x Ostbo seedling No. 70), or R. 'Elizabeth' (R. forestii var repens x griersonianum). Supplementary HPS had no effect on rooting. A low irradiance night break treatment from incandescent lamps (2000 to 0400 hr) had no effect on rooting of 'Vulcan'. There was an interaction between night break lighting and CO2 mist on rooting in 'Unique'. CO2 mist and HPS during spring propagation had minor effects on subsequent growth of 'Matador', 'Martha Isaacson', 'Pink Bountiful', and 'Elizabeth'. CO2 mist and supplementary HPS have little value in production of Rhododendron. Rhododendron spp. KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LIGHT, ROOTING 248 French, C.J. 1990. Rooting of Rhododendron 'Anna Rose Whitney' Cuttings as Related to Stem Carbohydrate Concentration. HortScience 25:409-411. Rooting of Rhododendron 'Anna Rose Whitney' (R. Griersonianum x 'Countess of Derby') was delayed in cuttings from stock plants grown in full sun, compared to cuttings from plants grown in 80% shade. In the outer stem (extracambium tissues), concentrations of glucose, sucrose, soluble carbohydrate, and total nonstructural carbohydrates were higher in cuttings from shaded stock plants. In the inner stem (intracambium tissues), where rooting originates, fructose, starch and nonstructural carbohydrates were lower in cuttings from the shaded stock plants. Rooting percentage was reduced by CO2 mist during propagation. At 7 days, during rooting with a CO2 enrichment to 1100 uL/L, fructose in the inner stem was 3-fold higher than in cuttings rooted under atmospheric CO2 (340 uL/L). Under CO2 mist, total nonstructural carbohydrate concentration was higher in the inner stem throughout the rooting period. For both high stock plant irradiance and CO2 enrichment during propagation, there was an inverse relationship between fructose concentration in the inner stem and rooting. A possible mechanism for inhibition by fructose is proposed. Rhododendron spp. KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, ROOTING 249 French, C.J., and J. Alsbury. 1989. Supplementary Lighting and CO2 Mist Influence Rooting of Camellia japonica. HortScience 24:452-454. Supplementary irradiance from high-pressure sodium lamps (HPS) at 75 umol/s/m2 stimulated rooting of difficult-to-root Camellia japonica 'Lady Clare' when applied from sunrise to sunset in a heavily shaded greenhouse (20% light transmission). There was no effect of HPS on the easy-to-root cultivar Blood of China. Irradiance from HPS either at 45 umol/s/m2 for 16 hr/day or at 75 umol/s/m2 CO2 mist inhibited rooting of both cultivars when applied in fall propagation. In spring, CO2 mist during the day simulated root number of 'Lady Clare' when combined with a night-break treatment from incandescent lamps (INC). Carbon dioxide mist had little effect under a natural photoperiod, and CO2 mist was ineffective when INC were used. The effects of supplementary CO2, irradiance, and increased photoperiod on rooting varied with season and cultivar. Camellia japonica KEYWORDS: CULTIVAR RESPONSES, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LIGHT, PHOTOPERIOD, ROOTING 250 Fried, J.S., K.A. Surano, P.F. Daley, J.H. Shinn, and P. Anderson. 1986. Biomass Production and Nutrient Responses of Ponderosa Pine to Long-term Elevated CO2 Concentrations. IN: Proceedings of the Ninth North American Forest Biology Workshop; 1986 June 15-18; Stillwater, Oklahoma (C.G. Tauer and T.C. Hennessey, eds.), Society of American Foresters, Department of Forestry, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, pp. 11-18. Ponderosa pine saplings and seedlings were continuously exposed to elevated CO2 concentrations of ambient, and ambient +75, +150, and +300 ppm in open-top chambers for 27 months. Saplings responded by reducing above ground biomass production. Although potassium concentration in both saplings and seedlings diminished as CO2 concentration increased, no nutrients appeared to become limiting to growth as a result of elevated CO2. Concentrations of Ca, Mg and Zn in the saplings at different concentrations of CO2 mirrored root densities, indicating that an increase in root density at +150 ppm may account for greater nutrient concentrations observed in that tree. Pinus ponderosa/ponderosa pine KEYWORDS: CALCIUM, IRON, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, ROOTS, SULFUR, TREES, X-RAY DENSITOMETRY, ZINC 251 Fung, I.Y., C.J. Tucker, and K.C. Prentice. 1987. Application of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer Vegetation Index to Study Atmosphere-Biosphere Exchange of CO2. Journal of Geophysical Research 92:2999-3015. Normalized difference vegetation indices derived from radiances measured by the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer aboard the NOAA 7 polar-orbiting satellite were used to prescribe the phasing of terrestrial photosynthesis. The satellite data were combined with field data on soil respiration and a global map of net primary productivity to obtain the seasonal exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and the terrestrial biosphere. The monthly fluxes of CO2 thus obtained were employed as source/sink functions in a global three-dimensional atmospheric tracer transport model to simulate the annual oscillations of CO2 in the atmosphere. Reasonable agreement was found between the simulated and observed annual cycles of atmospheric CO2 at the locations of the remote monitoring stations. The results demonstrate that satellite data of high spatial and temporal resolution can be used to provide quantitative information about seasonal and longer-term variations of photosynthetic activity on a global scale. Atmospheric CO2 observations and a three-dimensional atmospheric model have been used to validate the translation of the nondimensional satellite data into dimensional carbon fluxes. Direct calibration will require extensive ground truth and field measurements at ecosystem scales. KEYWORDS: ADVANCED VERY HIGH RESOLUTION RADIOMETER, MODELING, NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, NORMALIZED DIFFERENCE VEGETATION INDEX, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, GLOBAL, RADIATION, REFLECTANCE, REMOTE SENSING 252 Furbank, R.T., and D.A. Walker. 1986. Chlorophyll A Fluorescence as a Quantitative Probe of Photosynthesis: Effects of CO2 Concentration during Gas Transients on Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Spinach Leaves. New Phytologist 104:207-213. The relationship between changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence and changes in CO2 concentration in spinach leaves is analyzed. The height of the fluorescence excursion, when plotted against the CO2 concentration during the transient, results in a hyperbola. When these data are replotted on an inverse-reciprocal plot, an apparent Km(CO2) for the fluorescence transient can be obtained which closely approximates the Km(CO2) for carbon assimilation under similar conditions. Transitions in CO2 concentration at 2% O2 result in deviation from this hyperbolic relationship, reducing the apparent Km(CO2) for this process. The relationship between carbon assimilation and chlorophyll fluorescence is discussed with reference to the two components of fluorescence quenching. This technique raises the possibility that chlorophyll fluorescence could be used as a quantitative as well as a qualitative tool in plant screening. spinach/Spinacia oleracea KEYWORDS: FLUORESCENCE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS 253 Gale, J. 1986. Carbon Dioxide Enhancement of Tree Growth at High Elevation. Science 231:859-860. Technical comment. KEYWORDS: ALTITUDE, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, TREE-RING ANALYSIS, TREES 254 Garbutt, K., W.E. Williams, and F.A. Bazzaz. 1990. Analysis of the Differential Response of Five Annuals to Elevated CO2 during Growth. Ecology 71:1185-1194. In order to investigate the effects, without competition, of CO2 on germination, growth, physiological response, and reproduction, we focused on co-occurring species that are prominent members of an annual community in Illinois. Five species of old field annual plants -- Abutilon theophrasti (C3), Amaranthus retroflexus (C4), Ambrosia artemisiifolia (C3), Chenopodium album (C3) and Setaria faberii (C4) -- were grown for their entire life cycle as individuals at CO2 concentration of 350 uL/L, 500 uL/L, and 700 uL/L. Emergence time, growth rate, shoot water status, photosynthesis, conductance, flowering time, nitrogen content, and biomass and reproductive biomass were measured. There was no detectable effect of enhanced CO2 on timing of emergence in any of the species. Amaranthus relative growth rate (RGR) was always higher at 700 uL/L CO2 than at 350 uL/L. In both Abutilon and Ambrosia, RGR was greater at 700 uL/L than at 350 uL/L during the first half of the experimental period, but during the second half of the period the reverse was true. Shoot water potential significantly increased (became less negative) with increasing CO2 in Amaranthus and Setaria. Similar but statistically nonsignificant trends were found in Chenopodium and Abutilon. Overall rate of photosynthesis increased with CO2 but there were no significant effects, at the species level, of CO2 on photosynthetic rates. Stomatal conductance decreased with increased CO2 at both high and low light levels in C3 species but only at high light levels in C4 species. In all species, intercellular CO2 increased with external CO2. Amaranthus flowered significantly earlier at 700 uL/L than at 350 uL/L, and Setaria flowered significantly later at 700 uL/L than at either of the other CO2 levels. Both Abutilon and Ambrosia showed a trend towards earlier flowering but this was not statistically significant. Of the morphological characters measured at the final harvest only specific leaf area (SLA) showed a consistent response to CO2, decreasing with increasing CO2. Significant CO2 x species interactions were also found for leaf area, leaf biomass, biomass of reproductive parts, and seed biomass indicating species-specific responses for these characters. The proportion of nitrogen declined with increasing CO2; there was also a significant CO2 x species interaction caused by the different rates of decline in proportion of nitrogen among the species. The response of most characters had a significant species x CO2 interaction. However, this was not simply caused by the C3/C4 dichotomy. Reproductive biomass (seed, fruits, and flowers) increased with increasing CO2 in Amaranthus (C4) and in Chenopodium and Ambrosia (both C3) but there was no change in Setaria (C4) and Abutilon (C3) showed a peak at 500 uL/L. Species of the same community differed in their response to CO2, and these differences may help explain the outcome of competitive interactions among these species above ambient CO2 levels. Abutilon theophrasti/Amaranthus retroflexus/Ambrosia artemisiifolia/Chenopodium album/Setaria faberii KEYWORDS: C3, C4, COMPETITION, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, NITROGEN, OLD FIELD COMMUNITIES, REPRODUCTION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 255 Gardestrom, P. 1987. Adenylate Ratios in the Cytosol, Chloroplasts and Mitochondria of Barley Leaf Protoplasts during Photosynthesis at Different Carbon Dioxide Concentrations. FEBS Letters 212:114-118. Barley (Hordeum vulgare) protoplasts were incubated in darkness and in the light at saturating and limiting CO2 concentrations. The protoplasts were fractioned by a membrane filtration technique which allows quenching of the metabolism by acidification within about 0.1 s and the ATP/ADP ratios in the cytosol, chloroplasts and mitochondria were determined. It is concluded that the cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio is considerably higher during photosynthesis at limiting CO2 (which is the normal situation for a C3 plant in air) compared to photosynthesis at saturating CO2 or darkness. barley/Hordeum vulgare KEYWORDS: ADENYLATES, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, METABOLITES 256 Gastal, F., and B. Saugier. 1989. Relationships Between Nitrogen Uptake and Carbon Assimilation in Whole Plants of Tall Fescue. Plant, Cell and Environment 12:407-418. tall fescue KEYWORDS: GRASSES, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOTOSYNTHESIS 257 Gates, D.M. 1985. Global Biospheric Response to Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration. IN: Direct Effects of Increasing Carbon Dioxide on Vegetation, DOE/ER-0238 (B.R. Strain and J.D. Cure, eds.), Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C., pp. 171-184. KEYWORDS: BIOTIC GROWTH FACTOR, CARBON BUDGET, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, REVIEW, TREE-RING ANALYSIS 258 Gaudillere, J.-P., and M. Mousseau. 1989. Short Term Effect of CO2 Enrichment on Leaf Development and Gas Exchange of Young Poplars (Populus euramericana cv I 214). Acta Oecologica/Oecologia Plantarum 10:95-105. Fast growing young poplar trees bearing 25 to 30 leaves were placed in a growth chamber. The air CO2 content was 330 uL/L during the first 15 days and 660 uL/L the following 15 days. The leaves in 660 uL/L CO2 in air developed a greater area and specific weight and contained more stomata, epidermal cells and chlorophyll per unit area. Leaf developmental characteristics (Relative Leaf Expansion, Leaf Plastochron Index, Leaf Expansion Duration) were modified by the treatment. Leaves developed in normal CO2 atmosphere demonstrated a significant regrowth, with increased cell and stomatal number, when exposed to the elevated CO2 treatment. Whole plant and single leaf gas exchange rates were measured at 330 and 660 uL/L. On single attached leaves, an increased CO2 level during growth promoted a photosynthetic inhibition, shown by a lower g and Pmax. Due to the greater leaf area, whole tree daily photosynthesis and respiration increased with elevated CO2, enhancing growth efficiency. Doubling the CO2 resulted in a threefold increase in whole plant water use efficiency (WUE). poplars/Populus euroamericana KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, RESPIRATION, STOMATAL DENSITY, STOMATAL INDEX, TREES, WUE 259 Geethakumari, V.L., and K. Shivashankar. 1991. Studies on Organic Amendment and CO2 Enrichment in Ragi/Soybean Intercropping Systems. Indian Journal of Agronomy 36:202-206. Organic amendment comprising of ragi husk and FYM mixed in 1:1 ratio by weight promoted organic carbon content and available P status of the soil. A level of 4 t/ha of organic amendment promoted the uptake of N significantly by both ragi and soybean. Availability of P and K were also favourably influenced. Uptake of nutrients by soybean was promoted by CO2 enrichment. Available P status was higher in intercropped ragi and soybean as compared to pure crops but nutrient uptake was higher by pure crops. soybean/Glycine max/ragi/Eleusine coracana KEYWORDS: ENZYMES, INTERCROPPING, NUTRITION, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, ORGANIC AMENDMENTS 260 Gifford, R.M. 1988. Direct Effects of Higher Carbon Dioxide Concentrations on Vegetation. IN: Greenhouse: Planning for Climate Change (G.I. Pearman, ed.), E.J. Brill, New York, pp. 506-519. Higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations are potentially beneficial to agriculture because they usually stimulate plant growth. The typical magnitude of the 'CO2 fertilizing effect' is a 30-40% increase in yield for a doubling of CO2 concentration to 700 ppmv. Variation in responsiveness depends on plant species and environmental conditions such as temperature and rainfall which may be changing as a result of the greenhouse effect. The main mechanisms of the 'CO2-fertilizing effect' involve several physiological phenomena, some that are certainly primary (stimulation of photosynthesis, suppression of photorespiration, reduction in stomatal aperture) and others that seem so far to be primary but may turn out not to be (greater leaf area development and branching, reduced stomatal frequency, reduced dark respiration, changes to reproductive development). It is often assumed that the reduction in stomatal conductance at high CO2 concentration will lead to reduced evapotranspiration from vegetated regions, all else being equal. There are both physiological and boundary-layer meteorological considerations which suggest that this effect might be small though there is some argument about that. For annual crops like cereals, a warmer climate will tend to reduce yield owing to the faster attainment of physiological maturity. However, the size of the CO2-fertilizing effect on yield for a currently adapted variety is similar to that of the associated temperature-dependent reduction of yield. So the net effect on cereal yield in a region will depend on the success at introducing slower maturing and CO2-responsive varieties to compensate for faster development in warm conditions, and on whether the climate change involves more or less rainfall in the region. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, CONDUCTANCE, CROPS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW, TRANSPIRATION, YIELD 261 Gifford, R.M. 1988. Interactions with Vegetation. IN: Greenhouse: Planning for Climate Change (G.I. Pearman, ed.), E.J. Brill, New York, pp. 83-89. Plant photosynthesis has transformed the pre-biotic anaerobic atmosphere that was rich in CO2 to a modern atmosphere, fit for advanced life, containing 21% O2 and only a trace concentration of CO2. Modern vegetation also plays a significant part in determining climate by affecting the partitioning of incoming solar energy over land. This partitioning may change as a result of CO2 effects on vegetation. In one way or another vegetation contributes to and/or is affected by the other major changing components of the global atmosphere -- O3, CH4, CFCs, N2O. Current best estimates of the scale of net deforestation of the world indicate that it is releasing about a quarter as much CO2 to atmosphere as fossil fuel burning is. However, the increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is probably increasing the growth of vegetation. It is estimated that the net annual storage of extra carbon in the form of more standing biomass and soil organic matter than hitherto, may approximately equal the carbon released by net deforestation. Quantitative appraisal of the global carbon cycle reveals that to attempt to permanently remove the fossil fuel-derived CO2 from the atmosphere by massive re-afforestation or by storing felled timber is unrealistic. Refraining from continued net deforestation would, however, produce a probably detectable slowdown in the rate of build-up of atmospheric CO2. KEYWORDS: CARBON CYCLE, DEFORESTATION, REFORESTATION 262 Gifford, R.M. 1989. The Effects of the Build-up of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere on Crop Productivity. IN: Proceedings of the 5th Australian Agronomy Conference; 1989 Sept. 24-29; University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, Australian Society of Agronomy. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, CLIMATE CHANGE, CROPS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW, TEMPERATURE 263 Gifford, R.M. 1989. Exploiting the Fertilizer Effect of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. IN: Climate and Food Security, International Symposium on Climate Variability and Food Security in Developing Countries; 1987 Feb. 5-9; New Delhi, India, International Rice Research Institute, Manila, and American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., pp. 477-487. High CO2 concentrations fertilize plants by stimulating photosynthesis, suppressing photorespiration, and reducing transpiration per unit leaf area. CO2 enhancement of growth occurs at both optimal and nonoptimal levels of other environmental variables (light, water, temperature, nitrogen nutrients, salinity). Severely phosphate-deficient plants may not respond to higher CO2 concentrations. The globally increasing CO2 concentration, therefore, represents an improving component of the fitness of the environment for secure food production. This will partially counter any deteriorating aspects of agricultural environments (e.g. adverse climatic change, soil loss and deterioration, acid precipitation). Because yield increase percentages in response to high CO2 are larger for drought and salt-stressed plants than for nonstressed plants, some marginal cropping sites (e.g. on arid boundaries) may show less year-to-year variation. This would be an improvement in the stability of food production from such sites. Because C3 species will benefit more than C4 species, substitution of C3 for C4 crops may become more worthwhile. Communities with access to fertilizer may be better able to exploit higher CO2 atmospheres. Cropping boundaries may move onto more saline and drought-prone soils, although this would probably be bad policy in the long term. Genetic variation in within-species responsiveness to high CO2 may enable the breeding of cultivars to take greater advantage of a high CO2 atmosphere. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, CLIMATE CHANGE, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, REVIEW, YIELD 264 Gifford, R.M. 1990. Photosynthesis and the Greenhouse Effect. IN: Chemistry and the Environment, Proceedings of Regional Symposium, 1989, Brisbane (B.N. Noller and M.S. Chadha, eds.), Commonwealth Science Council, London, pp. 59-71. The greenhouse effect, whereby atmospheric CO2 and water vapour prevent the Earth's surface from being totally frozen is likely to be amplified by the anthropogenic emissions of fossil fuel CO2. The global carbon cycle links photosynthesis to the greenhouse effect on all timescales up to millions of years. Major characteristics of the Earth's atmospheric composition, notably the low CO2 and the high oxygen concentrations were created by the evolution of plant photosynthesis. The low CO2 concentration in the atmosphere probably came about by the substantial acceleration of rock weathering that plants, especially angiosperms, cause. Calcium released by weathering moves to the oceans where it paces the formation of calcium carbonate rocks which are a massive carbon pool that dwarfs all others combined. On a timescale of millions of years the carbon from calcium carbonate is cycled back to the atmosphere via volcanoes. On shorter timescales of sociopolitical concern photosynthesis is involved with the current global change in atmospheric CO2 increase. From what we know about plant photosynthetic and growth responses to increasing CO2 concentration interacting with other limiting environmental factors, it seems very likely that the biosphere is absorbing, into standing biomass and soil organic matter, some of the CO2 emitted from fossil fuel burning and net deforestation thereby contributing to the 'missing carbon' that does not appear as an increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration. However, the scope for accelerating this CO2 sequestering process by planting more trees is rather limited owing to the large scale required relative to the land available and to the fact that net carbon sequestration ceases when a forest matures. KEYWORDS: CARBON CYCLE, CARBON SEQUESTERING, CLIMATE CHANGE, DEFORESTATION, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REFORESTATION, REVIEW 265 Gifford, R.M. 1992. Interaction of Carbon Dioxide with Growth-Limiting Environmental Factors in Vegetation Productivity: Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle. IN:, Vol. I (R.L. Desjardins, R.M. Gifford, T. Nilson, and E.A.N. Greenwood, eds.), Advances in Bioclimatology, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 24-58. KEYWORDS: CARBON CYCLE, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, NUTRITION, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, RESPIRATION, REVIEW, SCALING, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE 266 Gifford, R.M., H. Lambers, and J.I.L. Morison. 1985. Respiration of Crop Species under CO2 Enrichment. Physiologia Plantarum 63:351-356. Respiratory characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cvs Gabo and WW15), mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek cv. Celera) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Sunfola) were studied in plants grown under a normal CO2 concentration and in air containing an additional 340 or 250 uL/L CO2. Such an increase in global atmospheric CO2 concentration has been forecast for about the middle of the next century. The aim was to measure the effect of high CO2 on respiration and its components. Polarographic and, with wheat, CO2 exchange techniques were used. The capacity of the alternative pathway of respiration in roots was determined polarographically in the presence of 0.1 mM KCN. The actual rate of alternative pathway respiration was assessed by reduction in oxygen consumption caused by 10 mM salicylhydroxamic acid. Each species responded differently. In wheat, growth in high atmospheric CO2 was associated with up to 45% reduction in respiration by both roots and whole plants. Use of respiratory inhibitors in polarographic measurements on wheat roots implicated reduction in the degree of engagement of the alternative pathway as a major contributor to this reduced respiratory activity of high-CO2 plants. No change was found in the total sugar content per unit wheat root dry weight as a result of high CO2. In none of the species was there an increase in the absolute, or relative, contribution by the alternative pathway to total respiration of the root system. Thus the improved photosynthetic assimilate supply of plants grown in high CO2 did not lead to increased diversion of carbon through the non-phosphorylating alternative pathway of respiration in the root. On the contrary, in wheat grown in high CO2, the reduced loss of carbon through that route must have contributed to their larger dry weight. wheat/Triticum aestivum/mung bean/Vigna radiata/sunflower/Helianthus annuus KEYWORDS: ALTERNATIVE RESPIRATORY PATHWAY, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBOHYDRATES, CROPS, GREENHOUSE, RESPIRATION 267 Gifford, R.M., and J.I.L. Morison. 1985. Photosynthesis, Water Use and Growth of a C4 Grass Stand at High CO2 Concentration. Photosynthesis Research 7:77-90. Leaf photosynthesis rate of the C4 species Paspalum plicatulum Michx was virtually CO2-saturated at normal atmospheric CO2 concentration but transpiration decreased as CO2 was increased above normal concentrations, thereby increasing transpiration efficiency. To test whether this leaf response led growth to be CO2-sensitive when water supply was restricted, plants were grown in sealed pots of soil as miniature swards. Water was supplied either daily to maintain a constant water table, or at three growth restricting levels on a 5-day drying cycle. Plants were either in a cabinet with normal air (340 umol (CO2)/mol (air)) or with 250 umol/mol enrichment. Harvesting was by several cycles of defoliation. With abundant water supply high CO2 concentration did not cause increased growth, but it did not cause an increase in growth over a wide range of growth-limiting water supplies either. Only when water supply was less than 30-50% of the amount used by the stand with a water-table was there evidence that dry weight growth was enhanced by high CO2. In addition, with successive regrowth, the enhancing effect under a regime of minimal water allocations, became attenuated. Examination of leaf gas exchange, growth and water use data showed that in the long term stomatal conductance responses were of little significance in matching plant water use to low water allocation; regulation of leaf area was the mechanism through which consumption matched supply. Since high CO2 effects operate principally via stomatal conductance in C4 species, we postulate that for this species higher CO2 concentrations expected globally in future will not have much effect on long term growth. Paspalum plicatulum KEYWORDS: C4, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GRASSES, GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, WATER STRESS, WUE 268 Gislerod, H.R., and P.V. Nelson. 1989. The Interaction of Relative Air Humidity and Carbon Dioxide Enrichment in the Growth of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Scientia Horticulturae 38:305-313. Plants of Chrysanthemum x morifolium cultivar 'Fiesta' were grown hydroponically for 6 weeks in growth chambers at relative humidity (RH) levels of 50 and 95% and CO2 levels of 340 and 940 uL/L in a Latin square combination. High RH as well as high CO2 resulted in increased relative growth rate (RGR), increased dry weight of leaves, stems and roots, and increased leaf area on main and lateral stems during the first 2 weeks of growth. During this period, high CO2 levels interacted to stimulate the RH effects. During the third to sixth weeks of growth, the interaction of RH and CO2 was either lost or, as in the case of RGR and root dry weight, reversed in such a way that a negative effect of high CO2 at high RG was found. At 6 weeks there were positive main effects of RH and CO2, but no interaction on plant height, number of leaves on lateral shoots, number of lateral shoots, and length of lateral shoots. The shoot to root dry weight ratio increased at high RH. Water consumption of plants decreased sharply at high RH and moderately at the high CO2 level. Stomatal aperture was larger at high RH, but smaller at the high CO2 level. It is concluded that increased plant growth resulting from increased RH might be caused by an increase in stomatal aperture which in turn facilitates CO2 absorption and utilization. chrysanthemum/Chrysanthemum morifolium KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONDUCTANCE, FLOWER PRODUCTION, GROWTH ANALYSIS, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, HUMIDITY, HYDROPONIC CULTURE, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, STOMATAL DENSITY, TRANSPIRATION 269 Goudriaan, J. 1986. Simulation of Ecosystem Response to Rising CO2, with Special Attention to Interfacing with the Atmosphere. IN: Climate Vegetation Interactions, a NASA Workshop; 1986 January 27-29; Greenbelt, Maryland (C. Rosenzweig and R. Dickinson, eds.), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, pp. 68-75. KEYWORDS: ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, MODELING, NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, SIMULATION 270 Goudriaan, J. 1990. Primary Productivity and CO2. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 23-25. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, BIOTIC GROWTH FACTOR, C3, C4, CO2 COMPENSATION POINT, CROP MODEL, PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, REVIEW, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE 271 Goudriaan, J., and R.J. Bijlsma. 1987. Effect of CO2 Enrichment on Growth of Faba Beans at Two Levels of Water Supply. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 35:189-191. The occurrence of growth enhancement by increased CO2 levels is well established under optimal conditions. A growth analysis study of faba beans, grown under two CO2 levels (350 and 700 cm3/m3) in combination with two levels of water supply, showed that the beneficial CO2 effect is maintained when there is shortage of water. The effects of additional CO2 and water were shown to be multiplicative. (This is a short synopsis of M.S. Thesis (R.J.B.), Dept. of Theoretical Production Ecology, Wageningen Agric. Univ., Wageningen, 1983.) Vicia faba/broad bean KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, SENESCENCE, WATER STRESS, WUE 272 Goudriaan, J., H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar . 1990. The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-Ecosystems, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Primary Productivity of European Agriculture and the Greenhouse Effect, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 5-10 April 1990. Pudoc, Wageningen. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE 273 Goyal, A., and N.E. Tolbert. 1989. Variations in the Alternative Oxidase in Chlamydomonas Grown in Air or High CO2. Plant Physiology 89:958-962. Chlamydomonas in the resting phase of growth has an equal capacity of about 15 micromole O2 uptake per hour per milligram of chlorophyll for both the cytochrome c, CN-sensitive respiration, and for the alternative, salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive respiration. Alternative respiration capacity was measured as salicylhydroxamic acid inhibited O2 uptake in the presence of CN, and cytochrome c respiration capacity as CN inhibition of O2 uptake in the presence of salicylhydroxamic acid. Measured total respiration was considerably less than the combined capacities for respiration. During the log phase of growth on high (2-5%) CO2, the alternative respiraiton capacity decreased about 90% but returned as the culture entered the lag phase. When the alternative oxidase capacity was low, addition of salicylic acid or cyanide induced its reappearance. When cells were grown on low (air-level) CO2, which induced a CO2 concentrating mechanism, the alternative oxidase capacity did not decrease during the growth phase. Attempts to measure in vivo distribution of respiration between the two pathways with either CN or salicylhydroxamic acid alone were inconclusive. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii KEYWORDS: ALGAE, ALTERNATIVE RESPIRATORY PATHWAY, CELL CULTURE 274 Graham, R.L., M.G. Turner, and V.H. Dale. 1990. How Increasing CO2 and Climate Change Affect Forests. BioScience 40:575-587. KEYWORDS: BIOME LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, BIOSPHERE LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, CLIMATE CHANGE, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, FOREST, MODELING, REVIEW, SPECIES RANGE 275 Grant, W.J.R., H.M. Fan, W.J.S. Downton, and B.R. Loveys. 1992. Effects of CO2 Enrichment on the Physiology and Propagation of Two Australian Ornamental Plants, Chamelaucium uncinatum (Schauer) x Chamelaucium floriferum (MS) and Correa schlechtendalii (Behr). Scientia Horticulturae 52:337-342. Root formation on both Chamelaucium and Correa cuttings maintained at high humidity in an enclosed fog tunnel was significantly enhanced when ambient CO2 was increased from 350 to 800 ubar. CO2 enrichment resulted in decreased transpiration and increased water potential of cuttings implying an effect of CO2 on stomatal conductance. CO2 enrichment led to increased starch levels in cuttings of both species probably by raising the intercellular partial pressure of CO2. Increased starch content with CO2 enrichment was able to account for 70-90% of the dry weight increase in Correa, but only for 10-30% of the dry weight increase in Chamelaucium. It is suggested that the stimulation of rooting associated with CO2 enrichment probably derives from the improved water relations of the cuttings rather than from increased carbohydrate levels. Chamelaucium uncinatum/Chamelaucium floriferum/Correa schlechtendalii KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, ROOTING, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, TRANSPIRATION, WATER STATUS 276 Graumlich, L.J. 1991. Subalpine Tree Growth, Climate, and Increasing CO2: An Assessment of Recent Growth Trends. Ecology 72:1-11. LaMarche et al. (Science 225: 1019-1021, 1984) hypothesized that recent trends of increasing ring widths in subalpine conifers may be due to the fertilizing effects of increased atmospheric CO2. Five tree-ring series from foxtail pine (Pinus balfouriana), lodgepole pine (P. murrayana), and western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) collected in the Sierra Nevada, California, were analyzed to determine if the temporal and spatial patterns of recent growth were consistent with the hypothesized CO2-induced growth enhancement. Specifically, I address the following questions: (1) Can growth trends be explained solely in terms of climatic variation? (2) Are recent growth trends unusual with respect to long-term growth records? For three of the five sites, 20th-century growth variation can be adequately modeled as a function of climatic variation. For the remaining two sites, trends in the residuals from the growth/climate models indicate systematic underestimation of growth during the past decade that could be interpreted as either CO2 fertilization or as a response to extreme climatic events during the mid 1970s. At all five sites, current growth levels have been equalled or exceeded during some preindustrial periods. Taken together, these results do not indicate that CO2-induced growth enhancement is occurring among subalpine conifers in the Sierra Nevada. While the results presented here offer no support for the hypothesized CO2 fertilization effect, they do provide insights into the response of subalpine conifers to climatic variation. Response surfaces demonstrate that precipitation during previous winter and temperature during the current summer interact in controlling growth and that the response can be nonlinear. Although maximum growth rates occur under conditions of high winter precipitation and warm summers for all three species, substantial species-to-species variation occurs in the response to these two variables. Juniperus occidentalis/western juniper/Pinus balfouriana/foxtail pine/Pinus murrayana/lodgepole pine KEYWORDS: ALTITUDE, CLIMATE, DENDROCHRONOLOGY, TREE-RING ANALYSIS, TREES 277 Graybill, D.A. 1985. Western U.S. Tree-Ring Index Chronology Data for Detection of Arboreal Response to Increasing Carbon Dioxide, 026 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C., and Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Pinus longaeva/Pinus aristata/Pinus flexilis KEYWORDS: ALTITUDE, TREE-RING ANALYSIS, TREES 278 Graybill, D.A. 1987. A Network of High Elevation Conifers in the Western U.S. for Detection of Tree-Ring Growth Response to Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. IN: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ecological Aspects of Tree-Ring Analysis. U.S. Dept. of Energy Conference Report; DOE/CONF-8608144 (G.C. Jacoby and J.W. Hornbeck, eds.), NTIS, Springfield, Virginia, pp. 463-474. Tree-ring width growth at high elevation upper treeline sites in the western U.S.A. evidences unparalleled increase during the past century in comparison to growth records of the preceding 500 or more years. Causes for this do not yet appear to be solely climatic in origin because it remains unclear that crucial variables affecting growth such as temperature or precipitation, have changed correspondingly during their length of record. Given the recent exponential rise of CO2, and its potential for affecting tree growth at high elevations, it cannot yet be ruled out as an agent of change. The rates of ring-width growth increase in some cases appear to exceed the levels of known or estimated changes in climatic parameters and also in CO2. This may in part be due to changes in the growth potential of the organisms themselves, providing an amplifying effect to environmental inputs. This could include changes such as increasing needle mass that provides increased photosynthetic capacity, increased root growth that provides greater nutrient availability and increased water use efficiency that is critical in the arid sites. The net effect may not only be increasing growth but increasing persistence in growth variation. Ongoing analysis of data from the current study should permit further understanding of these changes. Pinus aristata/Pinus longaeva KEYWORDS: ALTITUDE, TREE-RING ANALYSIS, TREES 279 Grodzinski, B. 1992. Plant Nutrition and Growth Regulation by CO2 Enrichment. BioScience 42:517-525. KEYWORDS: ETHYLENE, GROWTH REGULATORS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PARTITIONING, RESPIRATION, REVIEW, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE, STOMATA 280 Grulke, N.E., G.H. Riechers, W.C. Oechel, U. Hjelm, and C. Jaeger. 1990. Carbon Balance in Tussock Tundra under Ambient and Elevated Atmospheric CO2. Oecologia 83:485-494. Whole ecosystem CO2 flux under ambient (340 uL/L) and elevated (680 uL/L) CO2 was measured in situ in Eriophorum tussock tundra on the North Slope of Alaska. Elevated CO2 resulted in greater carbon acquisition than control treatments and there was a net loss of CO2 under ambient conditions at this upland tundra site. These measurements indicate a current loss of carbon from upland tundra, possibly the result of recent climatic changes. Elevated CO2 for the duration of one growing season appeared to delay the onset of dormancy and resulted in approximately 10 additional days of positive ecosystem flux. Homeostatic adjustment of ecosystem CO2 flux (sum of species' response) was apparent by the third week of exposure to elevated CO2. Ecosystem dark respiration rates were not significantly higher at elevated CO2 levels. Rapid homeostatic adjustment to elevated CO2 may limit carbon uptake in upland tundra. Abiotic factors were evaluated as predictors of ecosystem CO2 flux. For chambers exposed to ambient and elevated CO2 levels for the duration of the growing season, seasonality (Julian day) was the best predictor of ecosystem CO2 flux at both ambient and elevated CO2 levels. Light (PAR), soil temperature, and air temperature were also predictive of seasonal ecosystem flux, but only at elevated CO2 levels. At any combination of physical conditions, flux of the elevated CO2 treatment was greater than that at ambient. In short-term manipulations of CO2, tundra exposed to elevated CO2 had threefold greater carbon gain, and had one half the ecosystem level, light compensation point when compared to ambient CO2 treatments. Elevated CO2-acclimated tundra had twofold greater carbon gain compared to ambient treatments, but there was no difference in ecosystem level, light compensation point between elevated and ambient CO2 treatments. The predicted future increases in cloudiness could substantially decrease the effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 on net ecosystem carbon budget. These analyses suggest little if any long-term stimulation of ecosystem carbon acquisition by increases in atmospheric CO2. Eriophorum vaginatum KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBON BUDGET, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, RESPIRATION, TRACKING CHAMBERS, TUNDRA 281 Gulyaev, B.I. 1986. Influence of CO2 Concentration on Photosynthesis, Growth and Productivity of Plants. Physiology and Biochemistry of Cultured Plants (Fiziologi i aibiokhimi i akultumykh Rasteni) 18:574-591. The works aimed at studying the responses of plants to higher (up to 1000 uL/L) CO2 (Ca) concentrations are reviewed. An increase in the productivity of C3-plants under the effect of carbon dioxide enrichment (by 30-40%) of the atmosphere is, mainly, a result of the photosynthesis intensification and leaf area growth. The assimilates' pool level in plants depends on the determination degree of vegetative growth, ability of the root system to utilize an excess of assimilates and on the environmental conditions, which explains why deep inhibition of photosynthesis under these conditions is not always observed. Relative effect of CO2 enrichment on the productivity is higher with lower illuminations, as the assimilates' deficiency is compensated by the photosynthesis intensification. The rate of plant development slightly depends on Ca while the total plants' resistance increased with Ca. Efficiency of water utilization grows almost twice with Ca duplication. CO2 enrichment makes efficiency of symbiotic nitrogen-fixation in leguminous plants higher. In Russian. KEYWORDS: CO2 ENRICHMENT STUDIES, REVIEW 282 Guy, M., G. Granoth, and J. Gale. 1990. Cultivation of Lemna gibba under Desert Conditions. II: The Effect of Raised Winter Temperature, CO2 Enrichment and Shading on Productivity. Biomass 23:1-11. The aim of this work was to increase the productivity of Lemna gibba ponds under desert conditions. In the winter season, the ponds were covered with transparent plastic tents which raised water temperature. This also allowed CO2 to be added to the air in the tents to either the ambient, about 340 umol/mol, or to higher concentrations. The plastic covers attenuated photosynthetically active light by about 30%. Winter-season yields in the covered ponds, maintained at ambient CO2 concentration, were 39% higher than in the uncovered ponds. This could be ascribed to raised temperatures. Enrichment of the atmosphere with CO2 further increased yields by as much as 28%. The different treatments did not affect protein content expressed as a percentage of dry weight. Laboratory experiments indicated that the shorter the photoperiod the larger is the growth response of Lemna gibba to CO2 enrichment. Shading of the ponds during the June-August summer season reduced pond temperatures at midday by about 5-6C and resulted in a 30-80% increase in growth. It was concluded that under desert conditions similar to those prevailing in this trial, high yields of Lemna gibba can be achieved throughout a growing season of 12 months per year by covering the ponds and raising ambient [CO2] during the winter, and by shading in summer. Productivity of 7.4 +/- 1.0 g/m2/day can be maintained throughout the year. Whether or not it is worthwhile to do so is a question of local economics Lemna gibba/duckweed KEYWORDS: ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GROWTH, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LIGHT, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, TEMPERATURE 283 Guy, R.D., and D.M. Reid. 1986. Photosynthesis and the Influence of CO2-Enrichment on Delta-13 C Values in a C3 Halophyte. Plant, Cell and Environment 9:65-72. Shifts in [delta]-13C of the graminaceous C3 halophyte Puccinellia nuttalliana (Schultes) Hitch. can be induced by salinization. To investigate this phenomenon, three approaches were taken: assay of carboxylases, CO2-enrichment studies, and gas exchange analysis. Although ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activity decreased with salinity, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity did not increase and its levels were not atypical of C3 plants. When plants were grown at four NaCl concentrations under atmospheres of 310 and 1300 cm3/m3 CO2, the CO2-enrichment enhanced the effects of salinity on [delta]-13C. This is consistent with a biophysical explanation for salt-induced shifts in [delta]-13C, whereby there is a steepening of the CO2 diffusion gradient into the leaf. Gas exchange analysis indicated that intercellular CO2 concentrations were depressed in the leaves of salt-affected plants. This resulted from a greatly decreased stomatal conductance coupled with only small effects on intrinsic photosynthetic capacity. Water-use efficiency was enhanced. Puccinellia nuttalliana KEYWORDS: C3, CI:CA, CONDUCTANCE, GRASSES, HALOPHYTES, ISOTOPE DISCRIMINATION, PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SALT STRESS, WUE 284 Hanan, J.J. 1986. CO2 Enrichment for Greenhouse Rose Production. IN: Physiology, Yield, and Economics, Vol. II (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 142-149. The literature indicates that CO2 enrichment is a successful and important adjunct to commercial plant production, the actual practices being a function of climatic location and the particular technological surroundings. For roses, there has been a hiatus since the articles published by the Israelis and English in the 1970s. The North Europeans, particularly Danish and Dutch industry, appear to have taken the lead in instrumentation and computerization on a commercial scale, with actual use of CO2 monitors. However, there are some shortcomings in our practical knowledge of CO2 enrichment and rose physiology. First, we need to emphasize rates rather than simply CO2 concentration and irradiance level in the photosynthetically active spectrum. Photosynthesis is a rate process, dependent upon several other rates. Blackman's contribution was the ability to open scientists' eyes to significant interactions in the photosynthetic process in a manner that allowed new investigative approaches. Second, we need to emphasize the importance of plant water potential on rates if CO2 enrichment is to achieve maximum, efficient utilization. Any student of practical plant physiology learns that the major portion of radiation impinging upon a well-watered plant is converted to latent heat. The importance of this major energy redistribution supplies the rationale for a large portion of research at agricultural research stations. Parenthetically, more than 90% of total water withdrawals in the Southwestern U.S. is for irrigation. Based upon this review, and some 30 years of observation, it seems to me that manipulation of water potential to maximize CO2 uptake offers the greatest opportunity for significant technological advance in increasing rose yields in greenhouses. This will require computers which can rapidly process information from a number of instruments and recalculate settings of the implementation systems to control irradiance, vapor pressure deficits, CO2 levels, as well as plant temperature. rose KEYWORDS: COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, FLOWER PRODUCTION, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, REVIEW, WATER STATUS 285 Hand, D.W. 1986. CO2 Sources and Problems in Burning Hydrocarbon Fuels for CO2 Enrichment. IN: Status and CO2 Sources, Vol. I (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 99-121. CO2 enrichment of the greenhouse atmosphere is an invaluable technique for improving the performance of high-value salad and flower crops during the difficult winter period when poor light limits growth and development. According to government statistics there are approximately 500 ha of heated glasshouses and film-plastic covered structures (greenhouses) in England and Wales equipped specifically for CO2 enrichment. Additional areas of glasshouses receive incidental enrichment when growers either use direct-fired burners for warm-air heating or grow their crops in raised beds of decomposing straw. CO2 for enrichment purposes can be either supplied in liquid form or produced directly by burning hydrocarbon fuels with a low-sulfur content in the atmosphere. Bulk storage of liquid CO2 is difficult to justify economically on small areas of glasshouses (i.e., less than 4000 m2) but handling liquid CO2 in cylinders is laborious, time-consuming and expensive. Natural gas, LPG propane, and low-sulfur grades of kerosene (paraffin) are therefore favored by many growers because the CO2 is produced comparatively cheaply and the heat of combustion can provide a significant proportion of the daytime heat requirement in winter. Government statistics show that low-sulfur hydrocarbon fuels are used on 7 out of every 9 ha equipped for CO2 enrichment. Generating CO2 from hydrocarbon fuels can give rise to several gaseous air pollutants that are potentially damaging for crop production. The risk to crops of injury from gaseous air pollutants has also increased as growers have endeavored to reduce heating costs by making their greenhouses more airtight. Gaseous air pollutants, two groups account for most of the injuries to crops growing in greenhouses enriched with CO2 produced from hydrocarbon fuels. These are the nitrogen oxides such as NO and NO2 and unburnt hydrocarbons such as ethylene and propylene. Inefficient fuel combustion can also give rise to the formation of harmful aldehydes like formaldehyde and acrolein. Nitrogen oxides are formed in the burner flame of a CO2 producer by the heat-promoted combination of atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen. The rate at which nitrogen oxides are generated depends essentially on flame temperature, i.e., the hotter the flame the greater the emission of nitrogen oxides. Modern CO2 producers have a high flame temperature to ensure efficient fuel combustion and the formation of nitrogen oxides is an inevitable consequence of burner design. When threefold CO2 enrichment is practiced the concentration of nitrogen oxides in the greenhouse atmosphere can be as high as 0.5 uL/L. Such a level may cause injury to crops by reducing photosynthesis, inhibiting leaf expansion, depressing growth, and decreasing yield. Ethylene emissions from CO2 producers are the result of complex reactions involved in the pyrolysis and oxidation of hydrocarbon fuels. Burner design and operating variables such as the air-fuel ratio are crucial in determining the amount of ethylene released into the greenhouse atmosphere. In a well sealed greenhouse equipped for three-fold CO2 enrichment the ethylene concentration can easily rise to a level at which the pollutant has discernible effects on crops, (i.e., between 0.01 and 0.1 uL/L). Ethylene differs from the nitrogen oxides in that it is a naturally occurring plant growth regulator and can affect many growth, developmental, and aging processes. Escape of unburnt propylene gas (a major constituent of LPG propane) from loose-fitting connections to fuel-supply lines and faulty switching of gas-solenoid valves can cause injuries to crops similar to those induced by ethylene. Propylene concentrations of between 5 and 100 uL/L are commonly found in greenhouse atmospheres polluted by a leak of fuel gases from propane-fired CO2 producers. The pollutant mimics the action of ethylene, albeit at a concentration 100 times that required for injury by ethylene. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, CO2 SOURCES, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, EXPOSURE METHODS, GREENHOUSE, NITROGEN OXIDES, REVIEW 286 Hand, D.W. 1989. The 'Greenhouse Effect': Is It Best Studied in Greenhouses? Professional Horticulture 3:76-82. KEYWORDS: COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, REVIEW 287 Hand, D.W. 1990. CO2 Enrichment in Greenhouses: Problems of CO2 Acclimation and Gaseous Air Pollutants. Acta Horticulturae 268:81-97. CO2 enrichment of the greenhouse atmosphere greatly improves the output, quality and value of vegetables, cut-flowers and ornamental plants. Raising the greenhouse CO2 concentration enhances photosynthesis and growth by increasing the rate of CO2 fixation concomitantly with a suppression of photo-respiration. Prolonged exposure of plants to elevated CO2 concentrations can, however, greatly accelerate the decline in the photosynthetic capacity of individual leaves with age. Commercially, CO2 for enrichment is normally obtained in liquid form or produced directly in the greenhouse atmosphere by burning hydrocarbon fuels such as natural gas, LPG propane, and premium kerosene (paraffin) which all contain low and acceptable levels of sulphur. Plentiful supplies of natural gas in both Britain and The Netherlands have also encouraged growers in these countries to practise CO2 enrichment by ducting flue-gases into their greenhouses from centralized, gas-fired boiler installations. Generating CO2 from hydrocarbon fuels can give rise to several gaseous air pollutants that are potentially damaging for crop production. The pollutants that cause most of the trouble in CO2-enriched greenhouses are nitrogen oxides such as nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, and unburnt hydrocarbons such as ethylene and propylene. Additionally, improvements to the insulation of heated greenhouses restrict air exchange and increase the hazard of certain plasticisers such as the alkyl esters of phthalic acid which are used to give flexibility to PVC. The risk of incurring losses in yield due to gaseous air pollutants can be minimized by using low-sulphur fuels, avoiding leaks of fuel gases, servicing burners regularly, limiting fuel consumption and improving ventilation in near-airtight structures. Longer-term measures to improve the productivity of crops grown in polluted greenhouse atmospheres include the design of pollution-free burners, and the development and use of cultivars that are tolerant of gaseous air pollutants. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, CO2 SOURCES, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GREENHOUSE, NITROGEN OXIDES, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION 288 Hand, D.W., J.W. Wilson, and B. Acock. 1993. Effects of Light and CO2 on Net Photosynthetic Rates of Stands of Aubergine and Amaranthus. Annals of Botany 71:209-216. Net photosynthetic rates per unit ground area for plant stands of Solanum melongena L. var. esculentum (aubergine) and Amaranthus caudatus L. var. edulis (grain amaranth) were measured over 10 min intervals in an airtight, glass, controlled-environment cabinet for a range of light flux densities provided by the diurnal variation in daylight. Light response curves for photosynthesis of stands, grown at ambient CO2 concentration, were defined at 400, 800 and 1200 vpm CO2. Light compensation points for these stands were around 20-30 J/m2/s and decreased slightly at higher CO2 concentrations. For aubergine, a C3 species, the short-term effects of CO2 enrichment were to increase the initial slope as well as the asymptote of the light response curve, reducing light saturation at moderate to high light flux densities; but for amaranthus, a C4 species, saturation was less apparent and CO2 enrichment scarcely increased photosynthesis except at light flux densities above 150 J/m2/s. The canopies intercepted 93-98% of incident light. The efficiency of utilization of intercepted light in photosynthesis (ug CO2/J) increased from zero at the light compensation point to a maximum at an optimum light flux density of about 100 J/m2/s (the optimum rose a little with CO2 enrichment) and decreased slightly with further increase in light. Maximum utilization efficiencies at 500 vpom CO2 were 8-9 ug CO2/J. Enrichment to 1200 vpm did not affect the peak utilization efficiency of the C4 amaranthus, but increased that of aubergine to 12.2 ug CO2/J (equivalent to some 14% when using the heat of combustion of plant dry matter to convert to the dimensionless form). This is among the highest recorded efficiencies of light utilization for stands, and relates to the exceptionally favourable environment, with optimal control of CO2 concentration, humidity, temperature, water supply and mineral nutrition. Solanum melongena/aubergine/eggplant/Amaranthus caudatus/grain amaranth KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LIGHT, LIGHT UTILIZATION EFFICIENCY 289 Hari, P., and H. Arovaara. 1988. Detecting CO2 Induced Enhancement in the Radial Increment of Trees. Evidence from Northern Timber Line. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 3:67-74. Annual Ring data from northern Finland was analysed in order to reveal possible trends in ring width development due to changes in environmental factors. The data was analysed using a four component multiplicative model. The components are: tree age, climatic conditions, tree position and changes in environmental conditions. Since the effect of tree age and position in the stand could be easily eliminated the main problem was thus to eliminate the effect of climatic conditions on ring width. This was based on the dependence of the daily radial increment and daily maximum temperature. The component associated with changing environmental factors, especially to CO2 enrichment, was determined using the model. The basal area development of the trees was calculated from measured and estimated ring widths. Depending on the value of the autocorrelation parameter, the effect of changes in environmental factors on the basal area increment of the trees is between 15.5-43.3% during the period from 1950 to 1983. Pinus sylvestris/Scots pine KEYWORDS: MODELING, TREE-RING ANALYSIS, TREES 290 Harley, P.C., and T.D. Sharkey. 1991. An Improved Model of C3 Photosynthesis at High CO2: Reversed O2 Sensitivity Explained by Lack of Glycerate Reentry into the Chloroplast. Photosynthesis Research 27:169-178. Current models of C3 photosynthesis incorporate a phosphate limitation to carboxylation which arises when the capacity for starch and sucrose synthesis fails to match the capacity for the production of triose phosphates in the Calvin cycle. As a result, the release of inorganic phosphate in the chloroplast stroma fails to keep pace with its rate of sequestration into triose phosphate, and phosphate becomes limiting to photosynthesis. Such a model predicts that when phosphate is limiting, assimilation becomes insensitive to both CO2 and O2, and is thus incapable of explaining the experimental observation that assimilation, under phosphate-limited conditions, frequently exhibits reversed sensitivity to both CO2 and O2, i.e., increasing O2 stimulates assimilation and increasing CO2 inhibits assimilation. We propose a model which explains reversed sensitivity to CO2 and O2 by invoking the net release of phosphate in the photorespiratory oxidation cycle. In order for this to occur, some fraction of the glycollate carbon which leaves the stroma and which is recycled to the chloroplast by the photorespiratory pathway as glycerate must remain in the cytosol, perhaps in the form of amino acids. In that case, phosphate normally used in the stromal glycerate kinase reaction to generate PGA from glycerate is made available for photophosphorylation, stimulating RuBP regeneration and assimilation. The model is parameterized for data obtained on soybean and cotton, and model behavior in response to CO2, O2, and light is demonstrated. soybean/Glycine max/cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MODELING, OXYGEN, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, PHOTOSYNTHETIC FEEDBACK INHIBITION, RESPIRATION, SIMULATION 291 Harley, P.C., R.B. Thomas, J.F. Reynolds, and B.R. Strain. 1992. Modelling Photosynthesis of Cotton Grown in Elevated CO2. Plant, Cell and Environment 15:271-282. Cotton plants were grown in CO2-controlled growth chambers in atmospheres of either 35 or 65 Pa CO2. A widely accepted model of C3 leaf photosynthesis was parameterized for leaves from both CO2 treatments using non-linear least squares regression techniques, but in order to achieve reasonable fits, it was necessary to include a phosphate limitation resulting from inadequate triose phosphate utilization. Despite the accumulation of large amounts of starch (>50 g/m2) in the high CO2 plants, the photosynthetic characteristics of leaves in both treatments were similar, although the maximum rate of Rubisco activity (Vcmax), estimated from A versus Ci response curves measured at 29C, was about 10% lower in leaves from plants grown in high CO2. The relationship between key model parameters and total leaf N was linear, the only difference between CO2 treatments being a slight reduction in the slope of the line relating Vcmax to leaf N in plants grown at high CO2. Stomatal conductance of leaves of plants grown and measured at 65 Pa CO2 was approximately 32% lower than that of plants grown and measured at 35 Pa. Because photosynthetic capacity of leaves grown in high CO2 was only slightly less than that of leaves grown in 35 Pa CO2, net photosynthesis measured at the growth CO2, light and temperature conditions was approximately 25% greater in leaves of plants grown in high CO2, despite the reduction in leaf conductance. Greater assimilation rate was one factor allowing plants grown in high CO2 to incorporate 30% more biomass during the first 36 d of growth. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MODELING, NITROGEN, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE 292 Harley, P.C., J.A. Weber, and D.M. Gates. 1985. Interactive Effects of Light, Leaf Temperature, CO2 and O2 on Photosynthesis in Soybean. Planta 165:249-263. A biochemical model of C3 photosynthesis has been developed by G.D. Farquhar et al. (1980, Planta 149, 78-90) based on Michaelis--Menten kinetics of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase-oxygenase, with a potential RuBP limitation imposed via the Calvin Cycle and rates of electron transport. The model presented here is slightly modified so that parameters may be estimated from whole-leaf gas-exchange measurements. Carbon-dioxide response curves of net photosynthesis obtained using soybean plants (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) at four partial pressures of oxygen and five leaf temperatures are presented, and a method for estimating the kinetic parameters of RuBP carboxylase-oxygenase, as manifested in vivo, is discussed. The kinetic parameters so obtained compare well with kinetic parameters obtained in vitro, and the model fits to the measured data give r2 values ranging from 0.87 to 0.98. In addition, equations developed by J.D. Tenhunen et al. (1976, Oecologia 26, 89-100, 101-109) to describe the light and temperature responses of measured CO2-saturated photosynthetic rates are applied to data collected on soybean. Combining these equations with those describing the kinetics of RuBP carboxylase-oxygenase allows one to model successfully the interactive effects of incident irradiance, leaf temperature, CO2 and O2 on whole-leaf photosynthesis. This analytical model may become a useful tool for plant ecologists interested in comparing photosynthetic responses of different C3 plants or of a single species grown in contrasting environments. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, MODELING, OXYGEN, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, RESPIRATION, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, TEMPERATURE 293 Hartz, T.K., A. Baameur, and D.B. Holt. 1991. Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of High-value Crops under Tunnel Culture. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 116:970-973. The feasibility of field-scale CO2 enrichment of vegetable crops grown under tunnel culture was studied with cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Dasher II), summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Gold Bar), and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Bingo) grown under polyethylene tunnels. The drip irrigation system was used to uniformly deliver a CO2-enriched air stream independent of irrigation. Carbon dioxide was maintained between 700 and 1000 uL/L during daylight hours. Enrichment began immediately after crop establishment and continued for about 4 weeks. At the end of the treatment phase, enrichment had significantly increased plant dry weight in the 2 years of tests. This growth advantage continued through harvest, with enriched cucumber, squash, and tomato plots yielding 30%, 20%, and 32% more fruit, respectively, in 1989. In 1990, cucumber and squash yields were increased 20%, and 16%, respectively. As performed, the expense of CO2 enrichment represented less than a 10% increase in total preharvest costs. A similar test was conducted on fall-planted strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cvs. Irvine and Chandler). Carbon dioxide enrichment under tunnel culture modestly increased 'Irvine' yields but did not affect 'Chandler'. Cucumis sativus/cucumber/Cucurbita pepo/squash/Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato/Fragaria ananassa/strawberry KEYWORDS: COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, YIELD 294 Hartz, T.K., and D.B. Holt. 1991. Root-zone Carbon Dioxide Enrichment in Field Does Not Improve Tomato or Cucumber Yield. HortScience 26:1423. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum/cucumber/Cucumis sativus KEYWORDS: COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, FIZZ IRRIGATION, SOIL CO2 CONCENTRATION, YIELD 295 Harvey, L.D.D. 1989. Effect of Model Structure on the Response of Terrestrial Biosphere Models to CO2 and Temperature Increase. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 3:137-153. The sensitivity of a number of different globally aggregated models of the terrestrial biosphere to changes of atmospheric CO2 and temperature is investigated. Net primary production (NPP) or net photosynthesis (NP) is modeled as a logistic function, with enhancement due to increased CO2 using the beta factor widely used in global carbon cycle models. NPP also increases with temperature using a Q10 of 1.4, while respiration and coefficients for translocation and for detritus to soil, and soil to soil, carbon transfers increase with a Q10 of 2.0. The pathway of carbon flow to the slowly overturning soil reservoir has a significant effect on equilibrium sensitivity of total carbon mass to temperature increases if the transfer coefficient from the rapidly to slowly overturning reservoir is fixed; maximum sensitivity occurs if all the carbon entering the slowly overturning reservoir first passes through the rapidly overturning reservoir. If the transfer coefficient increases in parallel with the increase of soil respiration coefficient, the carbon pathway has no effect on equilibrium sensitivity, although the transient response depends strongly on the subdivision of the soil reservoir. Allowing the detritus to soil transfer coefficient to increase in parallel with the coefficient for detrital respiration reduces the equilibrium sensitivity of the total carbon mass to temperature increases by about half. The variation in model response to CO2 and temperature increase using different model structures is generally comparable to the variation resulting from uncertainty in feedback parameters. KEYWORDS: BIOSPHERE LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, MODELING, NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, TEMPERATURE 296 Hatton, T.J., J. Walker, W.R. Dawes, and F.X. Dunin. 1992. Simulations of Hydroecological Responses to Elevate CO2 at the Catchment Scale. Australian Journal of Botany 40:679-696. A spatially explicit hydroecological landscape model of water, carbon and energy balances (Topog-IRM) is described. The landscape is envisaged as a catchment forested with a single stratum comprising Eucalyptus maculata trees. The model was used to simulate the direct effects of a 2x elevation in atmospheric carbon dioxide at two levels of nitrogen on catchment water yield, soil moisture status and tree growth. Experimental results used to parameterise the model are detailed. Key features of the model are (1) an ability to scale hydrological processes at the catchment scale in three dimensions, and (2) a means to integrate multiple factors/stresses on plant growth. The effects of CO2 on catchment hydrology (water yield or soil moisture content) and forest growth (expressed as leaf area index, LAI) were modelled for a 2-year period, and contrasted with the effects of added nitrogen. Results were expressed as totals for the catchment or spatially distributed across the catchment. For the total catchment, water yield increased in the order: high CO2 with low N, high CO2 with high N, ambient CO2 with low N, ambient CO2 with high N. LAI increased from 3.3 to 5.76 in the order: ambient CO2 with low N, ambient CO2 with high N, high CO2 with low N, high CO2 with high N. These results agree with previous data. New findings are: (1) with elevated CO2 a new equilibrium in transpiration is established in which leaf area increases offset decreases in stomatal conductance; (2) the addition of nitrogen increases transpiration without any indication of a new equilibrium being reached during the simulated period; (3) the spatial distribution of soil moisture changes, presenting a new resource base for spatial changes to species composition and growth rates. The major hydroecological responses to elevated CO2 are seen as increased maximum upper canopy leaf area, increased litter inputs, especially at times of drought (hence changed fire regimes), changes in the composition of the understory (hence litter composition, soil microfauna, and the spatial expression of biological diversity) and a slight increase in water yield. Eucalyptus maculata KEYWORDS: COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, FOREST, HYDROLOGIC MODEL, MODELING, NITROGEN, SOIL CO2 CONCENTRATION 297 Havir, E.A., and N.A. McHale. 1989. Regulation of Catalase Activity in Leaves of Nicotiana sylvestris by High CO2. Plant Physiology 89:952-957. The effect of high CO2 (1% CO2/21% O2) on the activity of specific forms of catalase (CAT-1, -2, and -3) (EA Havir, NA McHale [987] Plant Physiol 84: 450-455) in seedling leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana sylvestris, Nicotiana tabacum) was examined. In high CO2, total catalase activity decreased by 50% in the first 2 days, followed by a more gradual decline in the next 4 days. The loss of total activity resulted primarily from a decrease in CAT-1 catalase. In contrast, the activity of CAT-3 catalase, a form with enhanced peroxidatic activity, increased 3-fold in high CO2 relative to air controls after 4 days. Short-term exposure to high CO2 indicated that the 50% loss of total activity occurs in the first 12 hours. Catalase levels increased to normal within 23 hours after seedlings were returned to air. When seedlings were transferred to air after prolonged exposure to high CO2 (13 days), the levels of CAT-1 catalase were partially restored while CAT-3 remained at its elevated level. Levels of superoxide dismutase activity and those of several peroxisomal enzymes were not affected by high CO2. Total catalase levels did not decline when seedlings were exposed to atmospheres of 0.04% CO2/5% O2 or 0.04% CO2/1% O2, indicating that regulation of catalase in high CO2 is not related directly to suppression of photorespiration. Antibodies prepared against CAT-1 catalase from N. tabacum reacted strongly against CAT-1 catalase from both N. sylvestris and N. tabacum but not against CAT-3 catalase from either species. This observation, along with the rapid changes in CAT-1 and the much slower changes in CAT-3 suggest that one form is not directly derived from the other. Nicotiana sylvestris/Nicotiana tabacum/tobacco KEYWORDS: CATALASE, ENZYMES, PEROXIDASE, PROTEINS, SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE 298 He, H., M.B. Kirkham, D.J. Lawlor, and E.T. Kanemasu. 1992. Photosynthesis and Water Relations of Big Bluestem (C4) and Kentucky Bluegrass (C3) under High Concentration of Carbon Dioxide. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 95:139-152. As the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere increases, comparing how C3 and C4 plants will respond is important. The objective of this study was to determine the photosynthetic rate, intercellular CO2 concentration, transpiration rate, stomatal resistance, leaf temperature, water potential, and water requirement of a C3 grass (Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis L.) and a C4 grass (big bluestem, Andropogon gerardii Vitman) growing in a fall in a tallgrass prairie in Kansas under two levels of CO2 (ambient and two-times ambient). Elevated CO2 increased the photosynthetic rate of Kentucky bluegrass by 151% but did not affect the photosynthetic rate of big bluestem. Intercellular CO2 concentrations of both grasses were increased by about the same amount, which was about half the increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Doubled CO2 reduced the transpiration rates and increased stomatal resistance of both grasses, but big bluestem was affected more than Kentucky bluegrass. The twice-ambient level of CO2 increased (between 0.2 and 0.3 MPa) the water potential of both grasses. Doubled CO2 decreased the water requirements of big bluestem and Kentucky bluegrass by 41.6% and 158%, respectively. Kentucky bluegrass/Poa pratensis/big bluestem/Andropogon gerardii KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CI:CA, CONDUCTANCE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, TALLGRASS PRAIRIE, TRANSPIRATION, WATER STATUS, WUE 299 Hendrey, G.R. 1992. The DOE/USDA FACE Program: Goal, Objectives, and Results Through 1989. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:75-83. The FACE system is a tool for studying the effects of CO2 enrichment on vegetation and natural ecosystems and the exchange of carbon between the biosphere and the atmosphere. FACE experiments are conducted in a true field setting without any chamber effect. FACE studies were conducted in an agronomic setting using cotton because the plant and field conditions are relatively uniform, thus permitting an evaluation of FACE performance. Cotton is a woody perennial with well-known physiological characteristics and a high level of response to CO2 enrichment. It is therefore a convenient subject for experimentation. The BNL FACE system was shown to be reliable in field experiments conducted in 1987-1989, providing effective control of CO2 concentrations in an open field setting without any type of confinement of ambient air. The system operates effectively over plant canopies ranging in stature from bare ground to 200 cm with both open and closed canopies. Control of CO2 concentrations over large plots is within the criterion range +/- 20% of set point for 1-min averages at least 80% of the time in all of these situations over both vertical and horizontal profiles. The area under effective control is described, approximately, by the diameter of the FACE array minus 4 m and is as large as 380 m2 in the largest configuration tested to date (Hendrey 1992). In 1989 a 12-m diameter 'sweet spot' in the center of the FACE array had season-long average CO2 concentrations throughout the volume from ground level to the top of the canopy that were within the range of 94% to 104% of the target concentration. Operating costs for a four-array FACE system are approximately $450-650/m2 of usable plot area under effective CO2 control. Cotton grown under CO2 enrichment showed significant increases in biomass accumulation, both above ground and below ground. Soil respiration also increased in CO2 enriched plots. Enriched plants matured earlier and, in general, had greater agronomic yields. Water use efficiency increased with CO2 enrichment. The FACE system as reported here has had two years of successful biological experimentation. Results from these experiments are intended for use in evaluating both the effects of CO2 on plants and ecosystems, and on the feedback processes operating between the biosphere and atmosphere that are the primary, short-term regulators of atmospheric CO2 concentration. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE 300 Hendrey, G.R. (ed.). 1992. FACE: Free Air CO2 Enrichment for Plant Research in the Field (Vol. 11 in Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, B.V. Conger, ed.). CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE, REVIEW 301 Hendrey, G.R. 1992. Global Greenhouse Studies: Need for a New Approach to Ecosystem Manipulation. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:61-74. KEYWORDS: CARBON CYCLE, CO2 ENRICHMENT STUDIES, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, EXPOSURE METHODS, REVIEW, SCALING 302 Hendrey, G.R., K.F. Lewin, F. Lipfert, Z. Kolber, and M. Daum. 1988. Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) Facility Development: I. Concept, Prototype Design and Performance, 045 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE 303 Hendrey, G.R., K.F. Lewin, and J. Nagy. 1993. Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment: Development, Progress, Results. Vegetatio 104/105:17-31. Credible predictions of climate change depend in part on predictions of future CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Terrestrial plants are a large sink for atmospheric CO2 and the sink rate is influenced by the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Reliable field experiments are needed to evaluate how terrestrial plants will adjust to increasing CO2 and thereby influence the rate of change of atmospheric CO2. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) has developed a unique Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) system for a cooperative research program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Agriculture, currently operating as the FACE User Facility at the Maricopa Agricultural Center (MAC) of the University of Arizona. The BNL FACE system is a tool for studying the effects of CO2 enrichment on vegetation and natural ecosystems, and the exchange of carbon between biosphere and the atmosphere, in open-air settings without any containment. The FACE system provides stable control of CO2 at 550 ppm +/- 10%, based on 1-min averages, over 90% of the time. In 1990, this level of control was achieved over an area as large as 380 m2, at an annual operating cost of 668/m2. During two field seasons of enrichment with cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) as the test plant, enrichment to 550 ppm CO2 resulted in significant increases in photosynthesis and biomass of leaves, stems and roots, reduced evapotranspiration, and changes in root morphology., In addition, soil respiration increased and evapotranspiration decreased. Gossypium hirsutum/cotton KEYWORDS: CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, ROOTS, SOIL RESPIRATION, WATER STRESS 304 Hendrey, G.R., F.W. Lipfert, B.A. Kimball, D.R. Hileman, and N.C. Bhattacharya. 1988. Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) Facility Development: II. Field Tests at Yazoo City, MS, 1987, 046 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE, GROWTH MODEL, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MODELING, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS 305 Hendrix, D.L. 1992. Influence of Elevated CO2 on Leaf Starch of Field-Grown Cotton. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:223-226. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, FACE 306 Higginbotham, K.O., J.M. Mayo, S. L'Hirondelle, and D.K. Krystofiak. 1985. Physiological Ecology of Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) in an Enriched CO2 Environment. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 15:417-421. Relatively little work has been done to evaluate the effects of chronically high levels of carbon dioxide on growth and physiology of woody plants. In this study, seedlings of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.) were grown for 5-month periods at 330, 1000, or 2000 uL CO2/L. Height growth; leaf area production; biomass of leaves, stems, and roots; and photosynthetic responses to changing light, moisture, and CO2 concentration were measured. Significant differences between treatments were found in mean seedling height on all measurement dates. Seedlings grown at 1000 uL CO2/L were tallest, with seedlings grown in 2000 uL/L intermediate between the control (330 uL/L) and 1000 uL/L treatments. The same relationship was found in production of total leaf surface area. Increased leaf surface area yields a productive advantage to seedlings grown at concentrations of CO2 up to 2000 uL/L even if no increase in net photosynthesis is assumed. Biomass of stems, roots, and secondary leaves was increased in both elevated CO2 conditions, with root biomass approximately 15 times greater in seedlings grown at 1000 uL/L than in those grown at 330 uL CO2/L. Stomatal resistances were essentially the same for all treatments, indicating no CO2-induced stomatal closure to at least 2000 uL/L. Photosynthetic Vmax (milligrams per square decimetre per hour) for light response curves varied with CO2 concentration. If results are extrapolated beyond a 5-month period and into field conditions, it appears that size of trees, interactions with competitors, and ecological role of the species might be altered. lodgepole pine/Pinus contorta KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, LIGHT, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, ROOTS, TREES, WATER STRESS 307 Highsmith, M. 1989. Two Aspects of Starch Formation in Mature Soybean Leaves. IN: Current Topics in Plant Biochemistry and Physiology: Proceedings of the Plant Biochemistry and Physiology Symposium, Vol. 8, The Interdisciplinary Plant Biochemistry and Physiology Program, University of Missouri, Columbia, p. 267. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CARBON BUDGET, DIURNAL CYCLE 308 Hilbert, D.W., A. Larigauderie, and J.F. Reynolds. 1991. The Influence of Carbon Dioxide and Daily Photon-flux Density on Optimal Leaf Nitrogen Concentration and Root:Shoot Ratio. Annals of Botany 68:365-376. Using a cost-benefit model, the leaf nitrogen concentration and root:shoot ratio that maximize whole-plant relative growth rate are determined as a function of the above-ground environment (integrated daily photon flux density and the concentration of carbon dioxide at the site of fixation within the leaf). The major advantage of this approach is that it determines the adaptive significance of leaf physiology by considering the functional integration of leaves and roots. The predicted response to increasing daily photon flux densities is an increase in optimal leaf N concentration (Nopt) and a concomitant increase in root:shoot ratio. Increased carbon dioxide concentration, on the other hand, reduce Nopt and only slightly change root:shoot ratio. The observed increase in leaf nitrogen concentration found in plants growing at high altitudes (low CO2 partial pressure) is also predicted. Since these responses to light and CO2 maximize the whole-plant relative growth rate, the observed adjustments that plants make to light and carbon dioxide concentration appear to be adaptive. We show that the relationship between photosynthesis and leaf nitrogen concentration is complex and depends on the light and CO2 levels at which photosynthesis is measured. The shape of this function is important in determining Nopt and the opposite response of leaf nitrogen to light and carbon dioxide is shown to be the result of the different effects of light and CO2 on the photosynthesis-leaf nitrogen curve. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, GROWTH MODEL, MODELING, NITROGEN, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO 309 Hilbert, D.W., T.I. Prudhomme, and W.C. Oechel. 1987. Response of Tussock Tundra to Elevated Carbon Dioxide Regimes: Analysis of Ecosystem CO2 Flux through Nonlinear Modeling. Oecologia 72:466-472. The response of tussock tundra to elevated atmospheric concentrations of CO2 was measured at Toolik Lake, Alaska in the summer of 1983. Computer-controlled greenhouses were used to determine diurnal ecosystem flux of CO2 under four treatments: 340 ppm, 500 ppm, and 680 ppm CO2, as well as 680 ppm CO2 with a four degree centigrade increase in temperature. For the seven days of data analyzed, net daily CO2 flux was significantly different between treatments. Net uptake was positively correlated with CO2 concentration in the chamber and negatively correlated with temperature. A nonlinear model was used to analyze this data set and to determine some of the reasons for different net CO2 flux. This model allowed an estimation of light utilization efficiency, total conductance of CO2, and a comparable measure of total respiration. From this analysis we conclude that nutrient limitations in the arctic decrease the capacity of tundra plants to make use of elevated CO2 concentrations. The plants respond by decreasing conductance in the presence of elevated CO2, which results in approximately equal gross uptake rates for the three CO2 treatments. Apparent changes in system respiration result in higher net uptake under elevated CO2 but this may be due to biases in the data. The treatment with increased temperature exhibited higher conductances and, consequently, higher gross uptake of CO2 than the other treatments. Higher temperatures, however, also increase respiration with the result being lower net uptake than would be expected in the absence of temperature increases. KEYWORDS: ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, RESPIRATION, TEMPERATURE, TRACKING CHAMBERS, TUNDRA 310 Hildmann, H., K. Windisch, A. Heissner, W. Weber, J. Domroese, S. Weber, and A. Markert. 1989. Testing a Strategy of Growth and Yield Control in Greenhouse Cucumbers in a Specialized Vegetable Growing Farm. Acta Horticulturae 260:123-136. Cucumis sativus KEYWORDS: HORTICULTURAL CROPS, YIELD 311 Hileman, D.R., N.C. Bhattacharya, P.P. Ghosh, P.K. Biswas, L.H. Allen Jr., K.F. Lewin, and G.R. Hendrey. 1992. Distribution of Carbon Dioxide within and above a Cotton Canopy Growing in the FACE System. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:187-194. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE 312 Hileman, D.R., N.C. Bhattacharya, P.P. Ghosh, P.K. Biswas, K.F. Lewin, and G.R. Hendrey. 1992. Responses of Photosynthesis and Stomatal Conductance to Elevated Carbon Dioxide in Field-Grown Cotton. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:227-231. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, FACE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS 313 Hileman, D.R., P.P. Ghosh, N.C. Bhattacharya, P.K. Biswas, L.H. Allen Jr., G. Peresta, and B.A. Kimball. 1992. A Comparison of the Uniformity of an Elevated CO2 Environment in Three Different Types of Open-top Chambers. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:195-202. Carbon dioxide levels were determined at various points inside three different types of open-top chambers (square, round without frustum and round with frustum), to compare the variability in CO2 concentrations among the different types of chambers. At similar rates of injection of CO2 into the fan housings of the three chambers, CO2 levels were highest in the round chamber with a frustum and lowest in the square chamber. The lower enrichment levels in the square chamber were most likely due to greater air movement by the fan. Variability in CO2 concentration was lowest in the round chamber with a frustum. Variability was similar in the round (without frustum) and square chambers, except at the upper heights, where variability was somewhat greater in the shorter, square chamber. These trends were true both for variability from point to point within chambers and for variability over time. In both the square chamber and the round chamber without a frustum, CO2 levels were frequently lower and more variable in the downwind side of the chamber than in the upwind side. The round chamber with the frustum showed no evidence of a wind direction effect. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS 314 Hocking, P.J., and C.P. Meyer. 1985. Responses of Noogoora Burr (Xanthium occidentale Bertol.) to Nitrogen Supply and Carbon Dioxide Enrichment. Annals of Botany 55:835-844. We studied the responses of Xanthium occidentale (Bertol.) (cocklebur or Noogoora burr), a noxious weed, to atmospheric CO2 enrichment and nitrate-N concentrations in the root zone ranging from 0.5 to 25 mM. CO2 enrichment (1500 cm3/m3) increased dry-matter production to about the same extent (18 per cent) at all levels of supplied N: most of the increment in dry matter was distributed equally between leaves and roots so that there was little effect on shoot-to-root dry-weight ratios. Growth was stimulated greatly by N and plateaued at 12 mM supplied N. Shoot-to-root dry-weight and total N ratios increased with increasing N supply. CO2 enrichment had no effect on the total amount of N accumulated by plants, but increased the N-use efficiency of leaves. Enriched plants had lower concentrations and quantities of N in their leaves than controls, and therefore lower shoot-to-root total N ratios. Little free NO3 accumulated in organs of control or enriched plants. NO3 was a major form of N in xylem sap from detopped plants at low supplied NO3-N, but amino N was equal in importance at high supplied NO3-N in control and enriched plants. Concentrations of NO3 were lower in the xylem sap of CO2 enriched plants. It was concluded that the better N-use efficiency of CO2 enriched plants could result in increased growth of X. occidentale in regions of marginal soil fertility as atmospheric levels of CO2 increase. Xanthium occidentale/cocklebur KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO 315 Hocking, P.J., and C.P. Meyer. 1991. Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Decreases Critical Nitrate and Nitrogen Concentrations in Wheat. Journal of Plant Nutrition 14:571-584. Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are increasing, In a glasshouse experiment with wheat grown at 5 levels of nitrate (NO3) supply, CO2 enrichment (1500 cm3/m3) substantially decreased critical concentrations of NO3-N and total-N in stem bases and leaves. For example, critical NO3-N concentrations in stem bases at Feekes Stages 1.5, 5, and 10.3, were 4.5, 2.0, and 2.0 mg/g dry wt, respectively, for CO2-enriched plants, compared with 7.5, 6.2 and 6.4 mg/g dry wt, respectively, for control plants grown at the ambient level of CO2. However, concentrations of NO3-N in the rooting medium required to produce maximum dry matter accumulation by CO2-enriched plants were similar to those of control plants at the three growth stages. Critical concentrations of NO3-N and total-N declined with time in stem bases and leaves of plants grown at both ambient and elevated CO2 levels, but the decline was greater for CO2-enriched plants. It was concluded that diagnostic criteria based on current critical N concentrations may become invalid as the atmospheric level of CO2 increases. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, GROWTH STAGES, NITROGEN, NUTRITION 316 Hocking, P.J., and C.P. Meyer. 1991. Effects of CO2 Enrichment and Nitrogen Stress on Growth, and Partitioning of Dry Matter and Nitrogen in Wheat and Maize. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 18:339-356. Atmospheric CO2 levels are increasing, but little is known about how this will affect tissue concentrations and the partitioning of agriculturally important nutrients such as nitrogen (N) within crop plants. To investigate this, a glasshouse experiment was conducted in which wheat, a C3 species, and maize, a C4 species, were grown for 8 weeks at high CO2 (1500 cm3/m3) on N supplies ranging from deficient (0.5 mol/m3) to more than adequate for maximum growth (25 mol/m3). Wheat responded to both CO2 enrichment and N supply; maize responded only to N supply. CO2-enriched wheat produced about twice the dry matter of control plants at all levels of N supply. Tiller and ear numbers were increased by CO2 enrichment irrespective of N supply. Enriched wheat plants had lower Leaf Area Ratio but higher Net Assimilation Rate and Relative Growth Rate than control plants. There was no effect of CO2 enrichment on specific leaf weight. The enriched plants had lower shoot to root dry matter ratios than the controls at 6 mol/m3 N and higher. Shoot to root dry matter ratios of both wheat and maize increased with increasing N supply. CO2-enriched wheat plants accumulated more N than the controls but the proportional increase in N content was not as great as that in dry matter, with the result that concentrations of total-N and nitrate-N were lower in all organs of enriched plants, including ears. Nitrate reductase activity was lower in enriched than in control wheat plants. N-use efficiency by wheat was increased by CO2 enrichment. From a practical point of view, the study indicates that critical total-N and NO3-N concentrations used to diagnose the N status of wheat will need to be reassessed as global CO2 levels increase. Elevated CO2 may also reduce the protein content of grain and thus the baking quality of hard wheats. wheat/Triticum aestivum/maize/Zea mays KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, C3, C4, CROPS, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, NITRATE REDUCTASE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO 317 Hoddinott, J., and P. Jolliffe. 1988. The Influence of Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentrations on the Partitioning of Carbon in Source Leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris. Canadian Journal of Botany 66:2396-2401. Plants may alter their growth pattern in response to being grown in elevated CO2 concentrations. The nature of the change in carbon partitioning underlying those alterations was investigated in Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Gold Crop grown to the third trifoliate leaf stage in CO2 concentrations of 380, 800, and 1400 ppm. There was no effect of the CO2 concentration on plant height, leaf area, or dry weight, but the specific leaf weight increased significantly with the CO2 concentration, indicating a denser leaf structure. The starch content of the leaves also increased significantly as the CO2 level increased. A primary leaf was pulse labelled with 14-CO2 and the depletion of label from that source leaf was monitored with a GM tube. The depletion of the count rate with time was described by a nonlinear curve fitting procedure that allowed the derivation of rate constants to describe the partitioning of carbon in a two-compartment model. Rates of carbon storage decreased in the light with increasing CO2 concentrations with no effect on the rates of export or remobilization. Both export and storage were reduced in the dark at all CO2 levels, with an increase in the residence time of carbon in the export pool. Reducing the CO2 concentration around the source leaf just after labelling did not change carbon partitioning compared to controls. Increasing the CO2 concentration around the source leaf just after labelling increased all carbon flux rates and reduced the residence times in the leaf pools. Phaseolus vulgaris/bean KEYWORDS: 14C, ASSIMILATE PARTITIONING, CARBOHYDRATES, CARBON BUDGET, REMOBILIZATION 318 Hogan, K.P., A.P. Smith, and L.H. Ziska. 1991. Potential Effects of Elevated CO2 and Changes in Temperature on Tropical Plants. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:763-778. Very little attention has been directed at the responses of tropical plants to increases in global atmospheric CO2 concentrations and the potential climatic changes. The available data, from greenhouse and laboratory studies, indicate that the photosynthesis, growth and water use efficiency of tropical plants can increase at higher CO2 concentrations. However, under field conditions abiotic (light, water or nutrients) or biotic (competition or herbivory) factors might limit these responses. In general, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations seem to increase plant tolerance to stress, including low water availability, high or low temperature, and photoinhibition. Thus, some species may be able to extend their ranges into physically less favourable sites, and biological interactions may become relatively more important in determining the distribution and abundance of species. Tropical plants may be more narrowly adapted to prevailing temperature regimes than are temperate plants, so expected changes in temperature might be relatively more important in the tropics. Reduced transpiration due to decreased stomatal conductance could modify the effects of water stress as a cue for vegetative or reproductive phenology of plants of seasonal tropical areas. The available information suggests that changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations could affect processes as varied as plant/herbivore interactions, decomposition and nutrient cycling, local and geographic distributions of species and community types, and ecosystem productivity. However, data on tropical plants are few, and there seem to be no published tropical studies carried out in the field. Immediate steps should be undertaken to reduce our ignorance of this critical area. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, HERBIVORY, PHENOLOGY, POPULATION LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, REVIEW, SOIL MICROORGANISMS, SPECIES RANGE, TEMPERATURE, TROPICAL PLANTS 319 Hollinger, D.Y. 1987. Gas Exchange and Dry Matter Allocation Responses to Elevation of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration in Seedlings of Three Tree Species. Tree Physiology 3:193-202. Photosynthetic rates of 13-month-old Pinus radiata D. Don, Nothofagus fusca (Hook f.) Orst. and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco seedlings grown and measured at elevated atmospheric concentrations of CO2 (about 620 uL/L) were 32 to 55% greater than those of seedlings grown and measured at ambient (about 310 uL/L) concentrations of CO2. Seedlings grown in ambient and elevated concentrations of CO2 had similar rates of photosynthesis when measured at 620 uL/L CO2, but when measured at 310 uL/L CO2 the P. radiata and N. fusca seedlings which were grown at elevated CO2 had lower rates of photosynthesis than the seedlings grown at an ambient concentration of CO2. Stomatal conductances in general were lower when measured at 620 uL/L CO2 than at 310 uL/L CO2. Pinus radiata/Nothofagus fusca/Pseudotsuga menziesii/Monterey pine/New Zealand red beech/Douglas-fir KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, TREES, VPD 320 Houghton, R.A. 1987. Biotic Changes Consistent with the Increased Seasonal Amplitude of Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations. Journal of Geophysical Research 92:4223-4230. Monthly estimates of gross primary production (gross uptake of CO2 by plants) and ecosystem respiration (gross release of CO2 from the ecosystem) in an oak-pine forest in the northeastern United States were used in this study to examine the types of metabolic changes in terrestrial systems that might yield the increased seasonal amplitude of CO2 concentrations observed at several monitoring stations in recent years. In this study, increases in either photosynthesis or respiration increased the amplitude of the seasonal oscillation of CO2 concentrations if the increases were predominantly in the northern hemispheric summer and winter, respectively. The quantitative changes in metabolism required to produce the observed increase in amplitude, however, were too large to be explained by CO2 fertilization or by a temperature-induced increase in winter respiration. Investigations of the role of the biota in causing seasonal and year-to-year variations in atmospheric CO2 concentrations are limited by the lack of stations monitoring CO2 in continental air. KEYWORDS: BIOSPHERE LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, CO2 SEASONAL FLUX, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, FOREST, MODELING, NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, RESPIRATION, TERRESTRIAL METABOLISM 321 Houghton, R.A. 1987. Terrestrial Metabolism and Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations. BioScience 37:672-678. KEYWORDS: BIOSPHERE LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, CO2 SEASONAL FLUX, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, MODELING, NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, RESPIRATION, REVIEW, TERRESTRIAL METABOLISM 322 Houpis, J.L.J., K.A. Surano, S. Cowles, and J.H. Shinn. 1988. Chlorophyll and Carotenoid Concentrations in Two Varieties of Pinus ponderosa Seedlings Subjected to Long-term Elevated Carbon Dioxide. Tree Physiology 4:187-193. Two varieties of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. var. scopulorum (Rocky Mountain variety) and P. ponderosa var. ponderosa (Sierran variety)) seedlings were subjected to elevated atmospheric CO2 for two and a half years. The CO2 concentrations were ambient, ambient + 75 uL/L, ambient + 150 uL/L and ambient + 300 uL/L, or approximately 350, 425, 500 and 650 uL/L CO2. After one and a half years of exposure to elevated CO2 and until the end of the study, seedlings of both varieties showed symptoms of stress including mottling, mid-needle abscission and early senescence. In both varieties, exposure to CO2 concentrations greater than ambient + 75 uL/L resulted in lower chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid concentrations. At elevated CO2 concentrations, the concentration of pigments in needles of the Sierran variety were lower than those in the Rocky Mountain variety. Also, at elevated CO2 concentrations, the pigment concentrations in the 1-year-old needles of both P. ponderosa varieties were lower than those in current-season needles. Pinus ponderosa/ponderosa pine KEYWORDS: OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PIGMENTS, SENESCENCE, TREES 323 Houpis, J.L.J., K.A. Surano, P.F. Daley, and J.H. Shinn. 1986. Growth and Morphology of Pinus ponderosa Seedlings Exposed to Long-term Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration. IN: Proceedings of the Ninth North American Forest Biology Workshop; 1986 June 15-18; Stillwater, Oklahoma (C.G. Tauer and T.C. Hennessey, eds.), Society of American Foresters, and Department of Forestry, Oklahoma State University, pp. 19-26. The growth and morphology of two varieties of Pinus ponderosa were measured after two years of continuous fumigation with carbon dioxide. After two years of treatment, the seedlings of the Rocky Mountain variety showed no significant difference in total stem height or volume, but the basal diameters of those grown at +300 ppm CO2 were significantly greater than those grown at +0 ppm and +75 ppm. The response of the seedlings of the Sierran variety in these parameters was quite different, with those at +150 ppm and +300 ppm significantly greater in height than those at +75 ppm and those at +150 ppm and +300 ppm significantly greater than those at +0 ppm and +75 ppm in basal diameter and stem volume. However, using a combined analysis based on percent change in height, diameter, or volume, seedlings at +150 ppm responded to a significantly greater degree than all other levels. Thus, the beneficial effects of elevated carbon dioxide increase up to +150 ppm and begin to decrease between +150 ppm and +300 ppm. ponderosa pine/Pinus ponderosa KEYWORDS: GROWTH, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, MORPHOLOGY, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TREES 324 Houter, G., H. Gijzen, E.M. Nederhoff, and P.C.M. Vermeulen. 1989. Simulation of CO2 Consumption in Greenhouses. Acta Horticulturae 248:315-320. In order to calculate the CO2 and heat demand in greenhouses, a simulation model is composed of a greenhouse climate submodel and a crop submodel. The purpose of the model is to use it as a management system, which can be consulted for decisions on investments in CO2 and heating equipment. The greenhouse climate submodel calculates the conditions inside the greenhouse on the basis of outside weather data and specific setpoints for the greenhouse climate. It also calculates the demand for heat and the necessity for ventilation. Both these factors are related to the CO2 fluxes to the greenhouse. The crop submodel calculates leaf photosynthesis, crop photosynthesis, dry matter production and fresh weight production. As yet, the production of a tomato and of a cucumber can be simulated. KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CO2 MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, MODELING, SIMULATION 325 Hrubec, T.C., J.M. Robinson, and R.P. Donaldson. 1985. Effects of CO2 Enrichment and Carbohydrate Content on the Dark Respiration of Soybeans. Plant Physiology 79:684-689. During the period of most active leaf expansion, the foliar dark respiration rate of soybeans (Glycine max cv Williams), grown for 2 weeks in 1000 microliters CO2 per liter air, was 1.45 milligrams CO2 evolved per hour leaf density thickness, and this was twice the rate displayed by leaves of control plants (350 microliters CO2 per liter air). There was a higher foliar nonstructural carbohydrate level (e.g. sucrose and starch) in the CO2 enriched compared with CO2 normal plants. For example, leaves of enriched plants displayed levels of nonstructural carbohydrate equivalent to 174 milligrams glucose per gram dry weight compared to the 84 milligrams glucose per gram dry weight found in control plant leaves. As the leaves of CO2 enriched plants approached full expansion, both the foliar respiration rate and carbohydrate content of the CO2 enriched leaves decreased until they were equivalent with those same parameters in the leaves of control plants. A strong positive correlation between respiration rate and carbohydrate content was seen in high CO2 adapted plants, but not in the control plants. Mitochondria, isolated simultaneously from the leaves of CO2 enriched and control plants, showed no difference in NADH or malate-glutamate dependent O2 uptake, and there were no observed differences in the specific activities of NAD+ linked isocitrate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase. Since the mitochondrial O2 uptake and total enzyme activities were not greater in young enriched leaves, the increase in leaf respiration rate was not caused by metabolic adaptations in the leaf mitochondria as a response to long term CO2 enrichment. It was concluded, that the higher respiration rate in the enriched plant's foliage was attributable, in part, to a higher carbohydrate status. Glycine max/soybean KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, ENZYMES, GROWTH, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, RESPIRATION 326 Huerta, A.J., and I.P. Ting. 1988. Effects of Various Levels of CO2 on the Induction of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism in Portulacaria afra (L.) Jacq. Plant Physiology 88:183-188. In response to water stress, Portulacaria afra (L.) Jacq. (Portulacaceae) shifts its photosynthetic carbon metabolism from the Calvin-Benson cycle for CO2 fixation (C3) photosynthesis or Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)-cycling, during which organic acids fluctuate with a C3-type of gas exchange, to CAM. During the CAM induction, various attributes of CAM appear, such as stomatal closure during the day, increase in diurnal fluctuation of organic acids, and an increase in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity. It was hypothesized that stomatal closure due to water stress may induce changes in internal CO2 concentration and that these changes in CO2 could be a factor in CAM induction. Experiments were conducted to test this hypothesis. Well-watered plants and plants from which water was withheld starting at the beginning of the experiment were subjected to low (40 ppm), normal (ca. 330 ppm), and high (950 ppm) CO2 during the day with normal concentrations of CO2 during the night for 16 days. In water-stressed and in well-watered plants, CAM induction as ascertained by fluctuation of total titratable acidity, fluctuation of malic acid, stomatal conductance, CO2 uptake, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity, remained unaffected by low, normal or high CO2 treatments. In well-watered plants, however, both low and high ambient concentrations of CO2 tended to reduce organic acid concentrations, low concentrations of CO2 reducing the organic acids more than high CO2. It was concluded that exposing the plants to the CO2 concentrations mentioned had no effect on inducing or reducing the induction of CAM and that the effect of water stress on CAM induction is probably mediated by its effects on biochemical components of leaf metabolism. Portulacaria afra KEYWORDS: CAM, CONDUCTANCE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, METABOLITES, PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, WATER STRESS 327 Hunt, R., D.W. Hand, M.A. Hannah, and A.M. Neal. 1991. Response to CO2 Enrichment in 27 Herbaceous Species. Functional Ecology 5:410-421. CO2-enrichment experiments were performed on 25 British native species of widely differing ecology. Two crops, one C3 (sunflower)and one C4 (maize), were also included. The background regime involved full-light, glasshouse conditions, non-limiting supplies of water and mineral nutrients and a daytime mean temperature of 18C. Four CO2 treatments were maintained at nominal concentrations of 350, 500, 650 or 800 v.p.m. over a 56-day period. Hyperbolic functions were fitted to yield vs CO2 concentration. The functions were then used to generate predictions of Q-540/350 (the quotient of present yield under the CO2 regime predicted for the year 2050) and Q-700/350 (the quotient of present yield predicted for a doubling of ambient CO2 concentration). Values of Q-540/350 for whole-plant dry weight ranged from below 1.01 to 1.49, the upper values being at least similar in magnitude to those already observed in C3 crops. The mean value of whole-plant Q-700/350 for 11 species of near-competitive strategy was 1.43. Four species of stress-tolerant or ruderal strategy had a mean Q-700/350 of only 1.05. High CO2 responsiveness was common only within the competitive strategy and its close relations. The fitted Q-540/350 for species of the pure strategy was 1.38. In the centre of the strategic range the fitted value was 1.12, and at the far extreme, the value for species of ruderal or stress-tolerant strategy was only 1.03. Agrostis capillaris/Arrhenatherum elatius/Brachypodium pinnatum/Bromus erectus/Bromus sterilis/Cerastium fontanum/Chamerion angustifolium/Chenopodium album/Dactylis glomerata/Deschampsia flexuosa/Desmazeria rigida/Digitalis purpurea/Epilobium hirsutum/Festuca ovina/Festuca rubra/Helianthemum nummularium/Holcus lanatus/Koeleria macrantha/Plantago lanceolata/Poa annua/Poa trivialis/Rumex acetosella/Urtica dioica/Zea mays/Plantago lanceolata/Lolium perenne/Helianthus annuus/Eriophorum vaginatum KEYWORDS: GROWTH, MODELING, PLANT STRATEGIES, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 328 Idso, S.B. 1986. Industrial Age Leading to the Greening of the Earth? Nature 320:22. KEYWORDS: BIOSPHERE LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, CO2 SEASONAL FLUX, TEMPERATURE 329 Idso, S.B. 1988. Three Phases of Plant Response to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment. Plant Physiology 87:5-7. Several years of research on seven different plants (five terrestrial and two aquatic species) suggest that the beneficial effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment may be divided into three distinct growth response phases. First is a well-watered optimum-growth-rate phase where a 300 parts per million increase in the CO2 content of the air generally increases plant productivity by approximately 30%. Next comes a nonlethal water-stressed phase where the same increase in atmospheric CO2 is more than half again as effective in increasing plant productivity. Finally, there is a water-stressed phase normally indicative of impending death, where atmospheric CO2 enrichment may actually prevent plants from succumbing to the rigors of the environment and enable them to maintain essential life processes, as life ebbs from corresponding ambient-treatment plants. Agave vilmoriniana/Daucus carota/carrot/cotton/Gossypium hirsutum/radish/Raphanus sativus/soybean/Glycine max/water fern/Azolla pinnata/water hyacinth/Eichhornia crassipes KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, WATER STRESS 330 Idso, S.B. 1989. Carbon Dioxide, Soil Moisture, and Future Crop Production. Soil Science 147:305-307. Model simulations of the effects of increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide on air temperature, precipitation, and soil moisture suggest that the resultant 'greenhouse effect' will be bad for agriculture. Experimental evidence, however, indicates otherwise, demonstrating that plants can more than compensate for the predicted adverse climatic changes. Indeed, recent evidence from around the globe suggests that a carbon-dioxide-induced stimulation of the biosphere is already in progress. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, CLIMATE CHANGE, MODELING, REVIEW, SIMULATION, WUE 331 Idso, S.B. 1989. Three Stages of Plant Response to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 27:131-134. Weekly assessments of biomass production in water hyacinths (Eichhornia crassipes) and daily assessments of new-leaf production in water lilies (Nymphaea marliac carnea) demonstrate that the positive effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on the growth rates of these plants are considerably greater both before (I) and after (III) the primary maximum-growth-rate stage (II) characteristic of the middle portion of a plants' life cycle. For these two particular aquatic macrophytes, the growth enhancement factor for a 300 uL/L increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration went from a mean of 1.54 in stage I, to 1.33 in stage II, to actually approach infinity in stage III. Eichhornia crassipes/water hyacinth/water lily/Nymphaea marliac KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS 332 Idso, S.B. 1990. Interactive Effects of Carbon Dioxide and Climate Variables on Plant Growth. IN: Impact of Carbon Dioxide, Trace Gases, and Climate Change on Global Agriculture, ASA Special Publication No. 53, American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin. The climate variables predicted to experience major modification as a result of future increases in atmospheric CO2 and other radiatively active trace gases are temperature and precipitation. Predicted changes in these two parameters should intensify the hydrologic cycle over the globe, but could produce opposite trends in certain regions. A 'worst-case' scenario of consequent local reductions in summer soil moisture is evaluated in terms of the beneficial effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on plant water use efficiency and the interactive effect of air temperature increase on the growth-enhancing effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment. It is demonstrated that the direct biological impacts of concomitant increases in CO2 and air temperature are probably sufficient to offset the adverse effects of summer soil moisture reductions predicted by state-of-the-art climate/water balance models. It is also noted that the worst-case climate scenario is unrealistic. Consequently, plant growth the world over should be significantly stimulated by atmospheric CO2 enrichment, a phenomenon that many people feel is already evident in a number of ecological indicators. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GROWTH, HYDROLOGIC MODEL, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, TEMPERATURE, WATER STRESS, WUE 333 Idso, S.B. 1990. A Role for Soil Microbes in Moderating the Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect. Soil Science 149:179-180. KEYWORDS: CARBON IN SOILS, CARBON SEQUESTERING, SOIL MICROORGANISMS 334 Idso, S.B. 1991. The Aerial Fertilization Effect of CO2 and Its Implications for Global Carbon Cycling and Maximum Greenhouse Warming. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 72:962-965. Citrus aurantium KEYWORDS: BIOSPHERE LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, CARBON CYCLE, CO2 SEASONAL FLUX, GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TEMPERATURE, TREES 335 Idso, S.B. 1991. Comment on 'Modelling the Seasonal Contribution of a CO2 Fertilization Effect of the Terrestrial Vegetation to the Amplitude Increase in Atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa Observatory' by G.H. Kohlmaier et al. Tellus 43B:338-341. KEYWORDS: BIOTIC GROWTH FACTOR, CO2 SEASONAL FLUX, RHIZOSPHERE 336 Idso, S.B. 1991. A General Relationship between CO2-induced Increases in Net Photosynthesis and Concomitant Reductions in Stomatal Conductance. Environmental and Experimental Botany 31:381-383. Simultaneous measurements of net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of leaves of sour orange trees growing in normal and CO2-enriched air, together with similar data for cotton, soybeans and water hyacinth, suggest that a plant's photosynthetic response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is inversely proportional to its degree of CO2-induced stomatal closure. Citrus aurantium/sour orange KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TREES 337 Idso, S.B., S.G. Allen, M.G. Anderson, and B.A. Kimball. 1989. Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment Enhances Survival of Azolla at High Temperatures. Environmental and Experimental Botany 29:337-341. In 2 years of experimentation with Azolla pinnata var. pinnata at Phoenix, Arizona, growth rates of this floating aquatic fern first decreased, then stagnated, and finally became negative when the mean air temperature rose above 30C. When the atmospheric CO2 content above the plants was increased from the mean ambient concentration of 340 umol CO2/mol air to 640 umol CO2/mol air, however, the debilitating effects of high temperatures were reduced: in one case to a much less severe negative growth rate, in another case to merely a short period of zero growth rate, and in a third case to no discernible ill effects whatsoever -- in spite of the fact that the ambient treatment plants in this instance all died. With the double verification of this phenomenon provided by both weekly biomass and periodic net photosynthesis determinations, it would appear that atmospheric CO2 enrichment may be capable of preventing the deaths of some plant species in situations where their demise is normally brought about by either the direct effects of unduly high temperatures or by associated debilitating diseases. Azolla pinnata/water fern KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TEMPERATURE 338 Idso, S.B., S.G. Allen, and B.A. Kimball. 1990. Growth Response of Water Lily to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment. Aquatic Botany 37:87-92. Hardy water lilies (Nymphaea cultivar 'Marliacea carnea') were grown out-of-doors at Phoenix, Arizona in sunken metal stock tanks located within open-top, clear plastic-wall, CO2-enrichment chambers; two were maintained at a CO2 concentration of 650 ppm and two were maintained at the ambient CO2 concentration of about 350 ppm. Over a 5-month period, 25 different plant properties were evaluated, each one of which showed some degree of stimulation or enhancement under CO2-enriched conditions. In particular, net photosynthesis was increased by about 49%, leaf size by 18%, and integrated leaf number x life span by 16%, which resulted in a whole-plant biomass enhancement of 270%. After 21 months, differences between treatments were not quite as dramatic; but at the conclusion of the experiment, the rhizomes in the CO2-enriched treatment were still more than two-and-a-half times greater in total biomass than their ambient-grown counterparts. water lily/Nymphaea KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, AQUATIC PLANTS, GROWTH, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS 339 Idso, S.B., K.L. Clawson, and M.G. Anderson. 1986. Foliage Temperature: Effects of Environmental Factors with Implications for Plant Water Stress Assessment and the CO2/Climate Connection. Water Resources Research 22:1702-1706. Throughout the summer and fall of 1985, several day-long sets of foliage temperature measurements were obtained for healthy and potentially transpiring water hyacinth, cotton, and alfalfa plants growing in a sealed and unventilated greenhouse at Phoenix, Arizona, along with concurrent measurements of air temperature, vapor pressure and net radiation, plus in the case of water hyacinths, leaf diffusion resistance measurements. Some data for these plants were additionally obtained out of doors under natural conditions, while dead, nontranspiring stands of alfalfa and water hyacinth were also monitored, both out of doors and within the greenhouse. Analyses of the data revealed that plant nonwater-stressed baselines, i.e., plots of foliage-air temperature differential versus air vapor pressure deficit for potentially transpiring vegetation, were (1) curvilinear, as opposed to the straight lines which have so often appeared to be the case with much smaller and restricted data sets, and (2) that these baselines are accurately described by basic theory, utilizing independently measured values of plant foliage and aerodynamic resistances to water vapor transport. These findings lead to some slight adjustments in the procedure for calculating the Idso-Jackson plant water stress index and they suggest that plants can adequately respond to much greater atmospheric demands for evaporation than what has been believed possible in the past. In addition, they demonstrate that the likely net radiation enhancement due to a doubling of the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration will have little direct effect on vegetation temperatures, but that the antitranspirant effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on foliage temperature may be substantial. water hyacinth/Eichhornia crassipes/cotton/Gossypium hirsutum/alfalfa/Medicago sativa KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, CONDUCTANCE, CROPS, TEMPERATURE, TRANSPIRATION, VPD 340 Idso, S.B., and B.A. Kimball. 1989. Growth Response of Carrot and Radish to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment. Environmental and Experimental Botany 29:135-139. Seven crops of carrots and 11 crops of radishes were grown from seed in open-top, clear-plastic-wall, CO2-enrichment chambers throughout the entire year at Phoenix, AZ. Cumulative dry matter production at weekly intervals was significantly increased by a 300 ppm increase in the CO2 content of the air at all temperatures encountered, but with progressively greater effects being registered at higher and higher temperatures. At 25C, the productivity enhancement factor for radish was about 1.5, while for carrot it was approximately 2.0. When regressed upon air temperature, the productivity enhancement factors of both species decreased to a null value of 1.0 in the vicinity of 12C. The slope of the carrot relationship was nearly 250% greater than that of the radish relationship. carrot/Daucus carota/radish/Raphanus sativus KEYWORDS: CROPS, GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TEMPERATURE 341 Idso, S.B., and B.A. Kimball. 1991. Downward Regulation of Photosynthesis and Growth at High CO2 Levels. Plant Physiology 96:990-992. Numerous photosynthesis and growth measurements of sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) trees maintained in ambient air and air enriched with an extra 300 microliters per liter of CO2 have revealed the CO2-enriched trees to have consistently sequestered approximately 2.8 times more carbon than the control trees over a period of three full years. Under field conditions in the natural environment, plants may not experience the downward regulation of photosynthetic capacity typically observed in long-term CO2 enrichment experiments with plants growing in pots. sour orange/Citrus aurantium KEYWORDS: GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TREES 342 Idso, S.B., and B.A. Kimball. 1991. Effects of Two and a Half Years of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment on the Root Density Distribution of Three-year-old Sour Orange Trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 55:345-349. Eight sour orange trees planted directly into the ground at Phoenix, Arizona, as small seedlings in July 1987 have been enclosed by four clear-plastic-wall, open-top chambers since November of that year, half of which have been continuously supplied with a CO2 enriched atmosphere consisting of an extra 300 cm3 CO2/m3 of air. Extensive soil coring of the trees' root zones conducted in July 1990 indicated that two and a half years of growth under these conditions produced a fine root biomass enhancement of 175% in the CO2 enriched trees. This growth enhancement is of the same order of magnitude as our previously reported results for net photosynthesis and trunk and branch volumes for these trees. Citrus aurantium/sour orange KEYWORDS: GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, ROOTS, TREES 343 Idso, S.B., and B.A. Kimball. 1992. Season Fine-root Biomass Development of Sour Orange Trees Grown in Atmospheres of Ambient and Elevated CO2 Concentration. Plant, Cell and Environment 15:337-341. Sour orange trees have been grown from the seedling stage out-of-doors at Phoenix, Arizona, USA, in open-top enclosures with clear plastic walls for 3.5 years. For the last 3 years of this period, half of the trees have been continuously exposed to air enriched with CO2 to 300 umol/mol above the ambient concentation. At 2-month intervals over the last 12 months, we have determined the fine-root biomass in the top 0.4 m of the soil profile beneath the trees. Results from both treatments define a single relationship between fine-root biomass and trunk cross-sectional area. The data also show the CO2-enriched trees to have approximately 2-3 times more fine-root biomass in this soil layer than the trees grown in ambient air. Citrus aurantium/sour orange KEYWORDS: OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, ROOTS, TREES 344 Idso, S.B., and B.A. Kimball. 1993. Effects of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment on Net Photosynthesis and Dark Respiration Rates of Three Australian Tree Species. Journal of Plant Physiology 141:166-171. Net photosynthesis and dark respiration rates of leaves of three Australian tree species exposed to a range of atmospheric CO2 concentrations were measured throughout the summer of 1991. For all three species - the Australian bottle tree (Brachychiton populneum (Schott.) R. Br.) and two eucalyptus (Eucalyptus microtheca F. Muell. and E. polyanthemus Schauer) - dark respiration dropped by approximately 50% for a 360 to 720 uL/L doubling of the air's CO2 concentration, while net photosynthesis rose by a factor of two. These results were not significantly different from results obtained previously for the common orange tree (Citrus aurantium L.). Australian bottle tree/Brachychiton populneum/sour orange/Citrus aurantium/Eucalyptus microtheca/Eucalyptus polyanthemus KEYWORDS: LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, RESPIRATION, TREES 345 Idso, S.B., B.A. Kimball, and S.G. Allen. 1991. CO2 Enrichment of Sour Orange Trees: 2.5 Years into a Long-term Experiment. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:351-353. Eight sour orange trees have been grown from seedling stage in the field at Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A., in four identically-vented, open-top, clear-plastic-wall chambers for close to 2.5 years. Half of the chambers have been maintained at ambient atmospheric CO2 concentrations over this period, while half of them have been maintained at 300 ppm (300 umol CO2 per mol air) above ambient. Initially, the trees in each treatment were essentially identical; but in less than 2 years, the trunks of the CO2 enriched trees had become twice as large as their ambient-treatment counterparts. After 2 full years of growth, the enriched trees had 79% more leaves, 56% more primary branches with 72% more volume, 70% more secondary branches with 90% more volume, and 250% more tertiary branches with 855% more volume. In addition, the CO2-enriched trees also had fourth-, fifth- and sixth-order branches, while the ambient treatment trees had no branches above third order. Total trunk plus branch volume of the CO2-enriched trees was 2.79 times that of the ambient-treatment trees after 2 full years of growth. sour orange/Citrus aurantium KEYWORDS: GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TREES 346 Idso, S.B., B.A. Kimball, and S.G. Allen. 1991. Net Photosynthesis of Sour Orange Trees Maintained in Atmospheres of Ambient and Elevated CO2 Concentration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 54:95-101. Eight sour orange trees planted directly into the ground at Phoenix, Arizona, as small seedlings in July 1987 have been enclosed by four clear-plastic-wall, open-top chambers since November of that year. Half of the trees have been continuously supplied with a CO2-enriched atmosphere consisting of an extra 300 cm3 of CO2 per m3 of air. Data from a comprehensive inventory of all above-ground plant parts at the conclusion of two full years of growth under these conditions have revealed that the net effect of the CO2-enriched air was to more than double the normal production of biomass over the time interval. Here we report net photosynthesis measurements made throughout the last summer of the period, which suggest that the primary impetus for this large growth response was an equivalent enhancement of the net photosynthetic rates of the CO2-enriched trees. sour orange/Citrus aurantium KEYWORDS: GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, TREES 347 Idso, S.B., B.A. Kimball, and M.G. Anderson. 1985. Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment of Water Hyacinths: Effects on Transpiration and Water Use Efficiency. Water Resources Research 21:1787-1790. Open-top clear plastic wall chambers enclosing pairs of sunken metal stock tanks, one of each pair of which contained a full cover of water hyacinths, were maintained out-of-doors at Phoenix, Arizona for several weeks during the summer of 1984. One of these chambers represented ambient conditions, while the other three were continuously enriched with carbon dioxide to approximate target concentrations of 500, 650, and 900 ppm. During a 4-week period when plant growth was at its maximum, water hyacinth biomass production increased by 36% for a 300-600 ppm doubling of the atmospheric CO2 content, while water use efficiency, or the biomass produced per unit of water transpired, actually doubled. These results are similar to hat has been observed in several terrestrial plants and they indicate the general trend which may be expected to occur as atmospheric CO2 continues to rise in the years ahead. water hyacinth/Eichhornia crassipes KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TRANSPIRATION, WUE 348 Idso, S.B., B.A. Kimball, and M.G. Anderson. 1986. Foliage Temperature Increases in Water Hyacinth Caused by Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment. Archives for Meteorology, Geophysics and Bioclimatology Ser. B 36:365-370. Atmospheric CO2 enrichment tends to induce partial stomatal closure in most higher plants. This phenomenon reduces per-unit-leaf-area plant transpirational water loss rates, which in turn leads to higher plant temperatures. Working in the field with water hyacinths maintained in open-top, clear-plastic wall, CO2-enrichment chambers at Phoenix, Arizona, we have quantified this relationship for a plant species which has been shown previously to react like most land plants in this regard. Our results indicate that in some parts of the world this non-greenhouse mechanism for surface temperature change may play an important role in determining future climate. Under sunlit and well-watered conditions conducive to active growth, for instance, we found water hyacinth foliage temperatures to increase by 2.7 K in response to a 300 to 600 ppm doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration. water hyacinth/Eichhornia crassipes KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TEMPERATURE, TRANSPIRATION 349 Idso, S.B., B.A. Kimball, M.G. Anderson, and J.R. Mauney. 1987. Effects of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment on Plant Growth: the Interactive Role of Air Temperature. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 20:1-10. Comprehensive reviews of the plant science literature indicate that a 300 part per million (ppm) increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration generally increases plant growth by approximately 30%. Working with two species of floating aquatic plants and three terrestrial species, we demonstrate that this stimulatory effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment is strongly temperature dependent. Indeed, our results suggest that for a 3C increase in mean surface air temperature (as is generally predicted to result from the 'greenhouse effect' of such an increase in the CO2 content of the air), the growth enhancement factor for such a CO2 increase rises from 1.30 to 1.56. If the non-CO2 trace gas greenhouse effect is equally as strong, as recent model studies suggest, the growth enhancement factor rises still higher to a value of 1.85. On the other hand, our results also indicate that atmospheric CO2 enrichment tends to reduce plant growth at relatively cold air temperatures, i.e. below a daily mean air temperature of approximately 18.5C. As a result, predicting the ultimate biospheric consequences of a doubling of the Earth's atmospheric CO2 concentration may prove to be much more complex than originally anticipated. carrot/Daucus carota/radish/Raphanus sativus/water hyacinth/Eichhornia crassipes/water fern/Azolla pinnata KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, CROPS, GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TEMPERATURE 350 Idso, S.B., B.A. Kimball, M.G. Anderson, and S.R. Szarek. 1986. Growth Response of a Succulent Plant, Agave vilmoriniana, to Elevated CO2. Plant Physiology 80:796-797. Large (about 200 grams dry weight) and small (about 5 grams dry weight) specimens of the leaf succulent Agave vilmoriniana Berger were grown outdoors at Phoenix, Arizona. Potted plants were maintained in open-top chambers constructed with clear, plastic wall material. Four CO2 concentrations of 350, 560, 675, and 885 microliters per liter were used during two growth periods and two water treatments. Small and large plants were grown for 6 months, while a few large plants were grown for 1 year. Wet-treatment plants received water twice weekly, whereas dry-treatment plants received slightly more water than they would under natural conditions. Plant growth rates in all treatments were significantly different between small and large specimens, but not between 6 month and 1 year large plants. Only the dry-treatment plants exhibited statistically different growth rates between the CO2 treatments. This productivity response was equivalent to a 28% and 3-fold increase when mathematically interpolated between CO2 concentrations of 300 and 600 microliters per liter for large and small plants, respectively. Agave vilmoriniana KEYWORDS: CAM, GROWTH, GROWTH ANALYSIS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, WATER STRESS 351 Idso, S.B., B.A. Kimball, and J.R. Mauney. 1987. Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Effects on Cotton Midday Foliage Temperature: Implications for Plant Water Use and Crop Yield. Agronomy Journal 79:667-672. In an experiment designed to determine the likely consequences of the steadily rising carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration of Earth's atmosphere for the foliage temperature, water use, and yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. var. Deltapine-61) plants, cotton was grown out-of-doors at Phoenix, AZ, in open-top, clear-polyethylene-wall, CO2-enrichment chambers for three summers under mean daylight CO2 concentrations of 340, 500 and 640 umol CO2/mol air on an Avondale clay loam soil [fine-loamy, mixed (calcareous), hyperthermic Anthropic Torrifluvent]. Infrared thermometer measurements of the cotton foliage temperature (Tf) indicated that a 330 to 660 umol CO2/mol air doubling of the atmospheric CO2 content results in a midday Tf increase of 1.1C for well-watered cotton at Phoenix in the summer. This temperature increase was predicted to produce a 9% reduction in per-unit-leaf-area plant transpiration rate and an 85% increase in crop biomass production, which compared favorably with the measured crop biomass increase of 82% for such a doubling of the air's CO2 content. These findings, together with similar findings for a second plant species -- water hyacinth [Eichhornia cassipes (Mart.) Solms] -- allowed us to develop a technique for assessing the effects of a 330 umol CO2/mol air CO2 concentration increase on the percentage yield increase (Y) of a crop via infrared thermometry by means of the equation Y = 7.6% x (IJ), where IJ represents the Idso-Jackson plant water stress index. If this equation holds up under further scrutiny, it could provide a rapid and efficient means for assessing the yield response of crops to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: CROPS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TEMPERATURE, TRANSPIRATION, VPD, WUE 352 Idso, S.B., B.A. Kimball, and J.R. Mauney. 1988. Effects of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment on Root:Shoot Ratios of Carrots, Radish, Cotton and Soybean. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 22:293-299. Detailed analyses of root:shoot ratios, determined at weekly intervals during a succession of cropping cycles, show that the responses of root crops, such as radish and carrot, differ from those of cotton and soybean. Whereas the root:shoot ratios of the latter crops were not affected by atmospheric CO2 enrichment, increasing the CO2 concentration of the air from 340 (ambient) to 650 umol CO2/mol air significantly increased the proportions of assimilates allocated to the roots of radish and carrot. This effect increased the root:shoot ratios of both root crops by approximately 36% at all stages of plant growth, suggesting a response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment that is independent of plant size and not caused by a progressive reduction in nitrogen availability. soybean/Glycine max/cotton/Gossypium hirsutum/radish/Raphanus sativus/carrot/Daucus carota KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CROPS, GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO 353 Idso, S.B., B.A. Kimball, and J.R. Mauney. 1988. Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment and Plant Dry Matter Content. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 43:171-181. Fresh and dry plant weights were measured throughout a number of different CO2 enrichment experiments with six terrestrial plants and two aquatic species. Similar data were also extracted from the literature for 18 additional plants. In general, CO2 enrichment had little effect on plant percentage dry matter content, except under conditions conducive to starch accumulation in leaves, and then it caused an increase in percentage dry matter content. carrot/Daucus carota/cotton/Gossypium hirsutum/radish/Raphanus sativus/soybean/Glycine max/water fern/Azolla pinnata/water hyacinth/Eichhornia crassipes/Agave vilmoriniana/tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: DRY MATTER CONTENT, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, REVIEW 354 Israel, D.W., T.W. Rufty Jr., and J.D. Cure. 1990. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutritional Interactions in a CO2 Enriched Environment. Journal of Plant Nutrition 13:1419-1433. Nonnodulated soybean plants (Glycine max [L.] Merr. 'Lee') were supplied with nutrient solutions containing growth limiting concentrations of N or P to examine effects on N- and P- uptake efficiencies (mg nutrient accumulated/gdw root) and utilization efficiencies in dry matter production (gdw2/mg nutrient). Nutritional treatments were imposed in aerial environments containing either 350 or 700 uL/L atmospheric CO2 to determine whether the nutrient interactions were modified when growth rates were altered. Nutrient-stress treatments decreased growth and N- and P- uptake and utilization efficiencies at 27 days after transplanting (DAT) and seed yield at maturity (98 DAT). Atmospheric CO2 enrichment increased growth and N- and P-utilization efficiencies at 27 DAT and seed yield in all nutritional treatments and did not affect N- and P-uptake efficiencies at 27 DAT. Parameter responses to nutrient stress at 27 DAT were not altered by atmospheric CO2 enrichment and vice versa. Nutrient-stress treatments lowered the relative seed yield response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, YIELD 355 Ito, T. 1989. More Intensive Production of Lettuce under Artificially Controlled Conditions. Acta Horticulturae 260:381-389. lettuce/Lactuca sativa KEYWORDS: COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, HORTICULTURAL CROPS 356 Jansen, C.M., S. Pot, and H. Lambers. 1986. The Influence of CO2 Enrichment of the Atmosphere and NaCl on Growth and Metabolism of Urtica dioica L. IN: Biological Control of Photosynthesis (R. Marcelle, H. Clijsters, and M. Van Poucke, eds.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 143-146. Urtica dioica plants were grown at 0 and 25 mM NaCl at two concentrations to determine the effect of CO2 enrichment on their response to NaCl. Their relative growth rate was stimulated by CO2 enrichment, which can be explained by their enhanced photosynthetic rate. The relative growth rate was reduced by NaCl at both CO2 concentrations. This reduction was associated with a reduction of their photosynthetic rate. The leaf area ratio was negatively correlated with the photosynthetic rate and counteracted both the response to CO2 enrichment and to NaCl. Urtica dioica KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, RESPIRATION, SALT STRESS 357 Jarvis, P.G. 1989. Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Forests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London (Series B) 324:369-392. Knowledge about the effects of the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration on trees and forest is assessed and, the converse, the possible impact of forests on the atmospheric CO2 concentration is discussed. At the cellular scale, much is known about the role of CO2 as a substrate in photosynthesis, but only little about its role as an activator and regulator. At the leaf scale, the response of CO2 assimilation to CO2 concentration has been described often and is well represented by biochemically based models, but there is inadequate information to parameterize the models of CO2-acclimated leaves. Growth and partitioning to the roots of seedlings and young trees generally increases in response to a doubling in atmospheric CO2 concentration. Experimental results are very variable, because of the differing length of the experiments, the artificial conditions and the artefactual constraints. At larger scales, direct measurements of responses to increase in atmospheric CO2 are impractical but models of canopy processes suggest that significant increases in CO2 assimilation will result from the rise in atmospheric concentration. Inferences from the increase in amplitude of the seasonal oscillation in the global atmospheric CO2 concentration at different latitudes suggest that forest is having a significant impact on the global atmospheric concentration, but it seems unlikely that expansion of the forest resource could effectively reduce the increase in atmospheric CO2. KEYWORDS: CARBON SEQUESTERING, CO2 SEASONAL FLUX, FOREST, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, REVIEW, TREES 358 Jiao, J. 1989. Predicting the Growth Response of Greenhouse Roses to Aerial Environments Based on Carbon Dioxide Exchange Studies. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Guelph, Canada, Dissertation Abstracts Vol. 50:04-B, p.1187. The influence of aerial environment (i.e. irradiance, CO2 concentration, and temperature) on net CO2 exchange of single-stemmed 'Samantha' roses at different stages of flowering shoot development was studied. Photosynthesis and photorespiration in leaves of different ages were similar, except in the young expanding leaves, which had lower net assimilation rates due to their lower leaf conductance and carboxylation efficiency. Long-term CO2 enrichment did not reduce photosynthetic efficiency. Leaf photosynthesis was saturated at 500 umol/m2/s photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). At saturation irradiance and ambient CO2 concentration, photosynthesis and photorespiration of mature leaves were insensitive to temperature change from 15 to 30C. Whole plant net photosynthetic rates were similar on a leaf area basis at different stages of shoot development. Whole plants had higher saturation irradiance (1000 umol/m2/s) but lower net photosynthetic rates than those of single leaves due to mutual shading and respiration of sink organs. Second-order polynomial functions were used to predict whole plant net photosynthesis at various aerial environments. Irradiance, CO2 concentration, and temperature attributed 70%, 20%, and 5%, respectively, to the total variance explained by the model (R2=0.86). The predicted optimal temperatures for whole plant net photosynthesis increased from 19 to 25C with increasing irradiance and CO2 concentration. The Arrhenius equation described dark respiration temperature response well. Although night respiration increased with day-time carbon (C) gain, plant daily growth was still proportional to day-time CO2 assimilation. A whole plant daily growth model was developed by combining a dark respiration model with a day-time C gain model. The use of net CO2 exchange as a nondestructive estimation of biomass production under various irradiance, CO2 concentration, and temperature conditions provided physiological basis of environmental control of plant growth and productivity. The data and models presented can be served as a guideline for setting and controlling the greenhouse environment for rose production. rose/Rosa hybrida KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBOXYLATION EFFICIENCY, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, FLOWER PRODUCTION, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, MODELING, RESPIRATION, TEMPERATURE 359 Jiao, J., M.J. Tsujita, and B. Grodzinski. 1991. Influence of Temperature on Net CO2 Exchange in Roses. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 71:235-243. The effect of temperature on net CO2 exchange of source and sink tissues of the flowering shoots and of whole plants was examined using single-stemmed Samantha roses. At all stages of shoot development, the optimal temperature range for whole-plant carbon (C) gain at saturating irradiance and ambient CO2 level was between 20 and 25C, narrower than the temperature range for optimal leaf net photosynthesis. Dark respiration increased more dramatically than photosynthesis with temperatures between 15 and 35C. At 25C, C loss due to respiration from the flower bud at colour bud stage accounted for 45% of the C loss of the flowering shoot. At low irradiance levels (e.g. 200 umol/m2/s) whole-plant net photosynthesis was greater at 16 than at 22C because of a greater reduction in respiration. Lowering the night temperature from 27 to 17C also increased daily C gain due to a reduction in the C lost at night. Whole-plant net photosynthesis of plants grown and measured at enriched (1000 +/- 100 uL/L) CO2 was greater than that of plants grown and measured at ambient (350 +/- 50 uL/L) level at temperatures between 15 and 35C. Furthermore, the optimal temperatures for whole-plant net photosynthesis in CO2 enrichment was higher than at ambient CO2 level. rose/Rosa hybrida KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBON BUDGET, GREENHOUSE, LIGHT, MODELING, RESPIRATION, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE, TEMPERATURE 360 Jiao, J., M.J. Tsujita, and B. Grodzinski. 1991. Influence of Radiation and CO2 Enrichment on Whole Plant Net CO2 Exchange in Roses. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 71:245-252. At three stages of flowering shoot development, varying the irradiance and CO2 levels had a similar effect on the whole-plant net CO2 exchange rate (NCER) of Samantha rose plants. At 22C, the NCER was saturated at 1000 umol/m2/s photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). The duration of the light period was also important in determining daily carbon (C) gain. When roses were exposed to a constant daily radiant energy dose of 17.6 umol/m2 provided either as a 12-h irradiation interval at 410 umol/m2/s PAR or 24 h of irradiation at 204 umol/m2/s PAR, the plants exposed to 24 h of continuous irradiation at the lower photon flux density retained 80% more C. Under saturating irradiance, the net photosynthetic rate at an enriched (1000 uL/L) CO2 level was almost double that at ambient (350 uL/L) CO2. However, plants grown at ambient and enriched CO2 levels had similar whole-plant NCERs when compared at the same assay CO2 level. Under CO2 enrichment the flower stem was longer and thicker but the flower bud size at harvest was not significantly different to that of roses grown at the ambient CO2 level. rose/Rosa hybrida KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBON BUDGET, GREENHOUSE, LIGHT, TEMPERATURE 361 Jiao, J., M.J. Tsujita, and B. Grodzinski. 1991. Optimizing Aerial Environments for Greenhouse Rose Production Utilizing Whole-plant Net CO2 Exchange. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 71:253-261. A daily growth model was developed for Samantha roses based on nondestructive measurements of whole-plant net CO2 exchange rate (NCER) under various aerial environmental conditions. Irradiance, CO2 concentration, and temperature accounted for 70, 20, and 5%, respectively, of the variance in whole-plant net photosynthesis explainable by a second-order polynomial model (R2=0.86). The predicted optimal temperatures for whole-plant net photosynthesis increased from 19 to 24C with increasing irradiance from 100 to 1200 umol/m2/s and CO2 concentration from 350 to 1500 uL/L. Dark respiration rate increased exponentially with temperature and could be predicted by the Arrhenius equation. Even though respiratory carbon (C) loss at night increased linearly with daytime C gain, daily C gain (delta C) was still proportional to daytime net photosynthesis. The relative contribution of irradiance (100-1200 umol/m2/s), day length (8-16 h), CO2 concentration (350-1500 uL/L), day temperature (15-30C), and night temperature (15-25C) to plant daily growth was 64, 31, 4, 0.3, and 0.7%, respectively. rose/Rosa hybrida KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBON BUDGET, DAYLENGTH, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, FLOWER PRODUCTION, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH MODEL, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LIGHT, MODELING, RESPIRATION, TEMPERATURE 362 Johnson, H.B., H.W. Polley, and H.S. Mayeux. 1993. Increasing CO2 and Plant-plant Interactions: Effects on Natural Vegetation. Vegetatio 104/105:157-170. Plant species and functional groups of species show marked differences in photosynthesis and growth in relation to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations through the range of the 30% increase of the recent past and the 100% increase since the last glaciation. A large shift was found in the compositional mix of 26 species of C3's and 17 species of C4's grown from a native soil seed bank in a competitive mode along a CO2 gradient that approximated the CO2 increase of the past 150 years and before. The biomass of C3's increased from near zero to 50% of the total while that of the C4's was reduced 25% as CO2 levels approached current ambient. The proposition that acclimation to rising CO2 will largely negate the fertilization effect of higher CO2 levels on C3's is not supported. No signs of photosynthetic acclimation were evident for Avena sativa, Prosopis glandulosa, and Schizachyrium scoparium plants grown in subambient CO2. The effects of changing CO2 levels on vegetation since the last glaciation are thought to have been at least as great, if not greater, than those which should be expected for a doubling of current CO2 levels. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations below 200 ppm are thought to have been instrumental in the rise of the C4 grasslands of North America and other extensive C4 grasslands and savannas of the world. Dramatic invasion of these areas by woody C3 species are accompanying the historical increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration now in progress. Prosopis glandulosa/mesquite/Schizachyrium scoparium/little bluestem/Brassica kaber/field mustard/Avena sativa/oat/Cenchrus incertus/Paspalum setaceum/Panicum cappillare/Digitaria ciliaris/Eragrostis spectabilis/Cyperus globulosus/Mollugo verticillata/Sporobolus neglectus/Euphorbia prostrata/Setaria sp./Echinochloa crus-galli/Amaranthus sp./Croton glandulosa/Verbena hastata/Verbena halei/Oenothera sp./Ratibida columnaris/Ambrosia artemisiifolia/Lesquerella sp./Gaillardia pulchella/Gaura sp./Solanum sp./Gutierrezia dracunculoides/Rudbeckia hirta/Commelina erecta/Panicum angustifolium/Croton capitatum/Monarda punctata/Croton monanthogynus/Oxalis dillenii KEYWORDS: C3, C4, GRADIENT EXPOSURE TUNNEL, GRASSES, PLANT-PLANT INTERACTIONS, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, SPECIES COMPETITION, TREES, WEEDS 363 Johnson, R.H., and D.E. Lincoln. 1990. Sagebrush and Grasshopper Responses to Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration. Oecologia 84:103-110. Seed- and clonally-propagated plants of Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata var. tridentata) were grown under atmospheric carbon dioxide regimes of 270, 350 and 650 uL/L and fed to Melanoplus differentialis and M. sanguinipes grasshoppers. Total shrub biomass significantly increased as carbon dioxide levels increased, as did the weight and area of individual leaves. Plants grown from seed collected in a single population exhibited a 3-5 fold variation in the concentration of leaf volatile mono- and sesquiterpenes, guaianolide sesquiterpene lactones, coumarins and flavones within each CO2 treatment. The concentration of leaf allelochemicals did not differ significantly among CO2 treatments for these seed-propagated plants. Further, when genotypic variation was controlled by vegetative propagation, allelochemical concentrations also did not differ among carbon dioxide treatments. On the other hand, overall leaf nitrogen concentration declined significantly with elevated CO2. Carbon accumulation was seen to dilute leaf nitrogen as the balance of leaf carbon versus nitrogen progressively increased as CO2 growth concentration increased. Grasshopper feeding was highest on sagebrush leaves grown under 270 and 650 uL/L CO2, but varied widely within treatments. Leaf nitrogen concentration was an important positive factor in grasshopper relative growth but had no overall effect on consumption. Potential compensatory consumption by these generalist grasshoppers was apparently limited by the sagebrush allelochemicals. Insects with a greater ability to feed on chemically defended host plants under carbon dioxide enrichment may ultimately consume leaves with a lower nitrogen concentration but the same concentration of allelochemicals. Compensatory feeding may potentially increase the amount of dietary allelochemicals ingested for each unit of nitrogen consumed. Artemisia tridentata/sagebrush KEYWORDS: ALLELOCHEMICALS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HERBIVORY, INSECTS, MELANOPLUS DIFFERENTIALIS, MELANOPLUS SANGUINIPES, NITROGEN 364 Johnson, R.H., and D.E. Lincoln. 1991. Sagebrush Carbon Allocation Patterns and Grasshopper Nutrition: The Influence of CO2 Enrichment and Soil Mineral Limitation. Oecologia 87:127-134. Artemisia tridentata seedlings were grown under carbon dioxide concentrations of 350 and 650 uL/L and two levels of soil nutrition. In the high nutrient treatment, increasing CO2 led to a doubling of shoot mass, whereas nutrient limitation completely constrained the response to elevated CO2. Root biomass was unaffected by any treatment. Plant root/shoot ratios declined under carbon dioxide enrichment but increased under low nutrient availability, thus the ratio was apparently controlled by changes in carbon allocation to shoot mass alone. Growth under CO2 enrichment increased the starch concentrations of leaves grown under both nutrient regimes, while increased CO2 and low nutrient availability acted in concert to reduce leaf nitrogen concentration and water content. Carbon dioxide enrichment and soil nutrient limitation both acted to increase the balance of leaf storage carbohydrate versus nitrogen (C/N). The two treatment effects were significantly interactive in that nutrient limitation slightly reduced the C/N balance among the high-CO2 plants. Leaf volatile terpene concentration increased only in the nutrient limited plants and did not follow the overall increase in leaf C/N ratio. Grasshopper consumption was significantly greater on host leaves grown under CO2 enrichment but was reduced on leaves grown under low nutrient availability. An overall negative relationship of consumption versus leaf volatile concentration suggests that terpenes may have been one of several important leaf characteristics limiting consumption of the low nutrient hosts. Digestibility of host leaves grown under the high CO2 treatment was significantly increased and was related to high leaf starch content. Grasshopper growth efficiency (ECI) was significantly reduced by the nutrient limitation treatment but co-varied with leaf water content. sagebrush/Artemisia tridentata KEYWORDS: ALLELOCHEMICALS, CARBOHYDRATES, CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HERBIVORY, INSECTS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, TERPENES 365 Jolliffe, P.A., and D.L. Ehret. 1985. Growth of Bean Plants at Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentrations. Canadian Journal of Botany 63:2021-2025. Plants of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Pure Gold Wax were grown in controlled environment chambers at six CO2 concentrations ranging from 340 to 3000 uL/L. Data for plant growth analysis were obtained from five harvests from 11 to 55 days after planting. Growth curves were fitted to the data using a cubic spline regression procedure. CO2 enrichment caused large and rapid increases in leaf dry weight, unit leaf rate, and specific leaf weight. Smaller responses included a decrease in leaf area ratio and an increase in leaf weight ratio. Root dry weight and leaf area were not significantly affected by CO2 treatments. Relative growth rate was initially higher in CO2 enriched plants and later declined; it may not be a suitable index for the evaluation of CO2 effects during long periods of growth. The results indicate that leaf formation and expansion were not limited by assimilate supply. Maximum growth and pod yield were obtained in plants grown at 1200 uL/L CO2. bean/Phaseolus vulgaris KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, YIELD 366 Jones, J.W., E. Dayan, H. van Keulen, and H. Challa. 1989. Modeling Tomato Growth for Optimizing Greenhouse Temperatures and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations. Acta Horticulturae 248:285-294. Predictions of crop yield response to a dynamic environment are essential to the development of optimal control strategies for greenhouses. A dynamic tomato growth and yield model (TOMGRO) was developed specifically for coupling to physical models of the greenhouse environment for optimizing temperature and carbon dioxide concentrations for tomato production. The model is based on development and growth components. Experiments were conducted in outdoor, computer-controlled plant growth chambers to parameterize the development, carbon exchange, and growth submodels under combinations of two CO2 (350 and 950 vpm) and three night temperatures (12, 16, and 20 C). Daytime temperatures were held to 28 for all treatments. The model successfully described development, growth, and yield for all combinations of temperature and CO2 in this experiment. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CO2 MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH STAGES, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, MODELING, SPAR UNITS, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 367 Jones, P., B.L. Roy, and J.W. Jones. 1989. Coupling Expert Systems and Models for the Real-time Control of Plant Environments. Acta Horticulturae 248:445-452. A control system, to regulate CO2 in a plant growth chamber, based on distributed processing and a multi-tasking operating system is described. CO2 controls are based on a model of plant photosynthetic light response. Parameters in the model that change through time are automatically evaluated and updated on a 'daily' basis. The system demonstrates how separation of the processing tasks facilitates sophisticated programming. Results in terms of the quality of controls achieved are favorable. The importance of distributed processing and multi-tasking to the application of data analysis, simulation models, and expert systems in 'real-time' environmental controls is discussed. Low cost hardware and supporting software is quickly becoming available and the challenge will become practical implementation of straightforward ideas. The general conclusion is that practical application of such systems can be expected in the near term. KEYWORDS: CO2 MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, MODELING 368 Kano, A. 1985. Growth Model of Greenhouse Tomatoes with Carbon Dioxide Enrichment: Development and Experimental Tests (Simulation, Modelling). Doctoral Dissertation, Texas A&M University, Dissertation Abstracts Vol. 46:10-B, p.3272 (147 pp.). A deterministic, compartmental growth model of greenhouse tomato plants, written in Pascal computer language, was developed based on a leaf assimilation model and a model of a theory that the photosynthesis rate is controlled both by the environmental conditions and by the internal carbohydrate level in the leaf. The model was tested with data obtained from two experiments conducted in 1983 through 1984 at College Station, Texas. Three 2m x 2m x 10m chambers were built in a plastic-covered greenhouse, and tomato plants were grown in the chambers at three different CO2 concentrations: 340, 700, and 1000 um3/m3. Inputs to the model were the light and CO2 levels and the air temperature. The outputs included the CO2 assimilation rate, dry-mass accumulation rate, and tomato yield, which were compared with the results from the measurements. The model underestimated the CO2 assimilation rate and dry-mass accumulation rate of tomatoes for all CO2 levels; however, it predicted the fruit growth and yield rather accurately. For a growth model with parameters taken not from the measurements, but from earlier published results, the magnitude and trend of the results of the simulation were reasonably acceptable. A potential use of the model is to predict the effects of environmental factors or to estimate the benefit from CO2 enrichment under different environmental conditions. It also can be a part of an integrated greenhouse model which predicts growth and yield of the crop in the greenhouse using the environmental conditions outside the greenhouse and the greenhouse control mechanisms and strategies. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, GROWTH MODEL, GROWTH RATE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LIGHT, MODELING, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 369 Karvonen, T., and P. Peltonen-Sainio. 1990. The Influence of CO2 and Air Temperature on Agricultural Productivity in Northern Latitudes. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, p. 61. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, MODELING, TEMPERATURE 370 Kats, G., D.M. Olszyk, and C.R. Thompson. 1985. Open Top Experimental Chambers for Trees. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association 35:1298-1301. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TREES 371 Kaushal, P., J.M. Guehl, and G. Aussenac. 1989. Differential Growth Response to Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Enrichment in Seedlings of Cedrus atlantica and Pinus nigra ssp. Laricio var. Corsicana. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 19:1351-1358. Nine-month-old seedlings of Cedrus atlantica Manetti and Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. Laricio var. Corsicana were transplanted in parallelepipedal containers permitting root growth observations (minirhizotrons) and in 6 L pots and were then transferred into two polyethylene tunnels in a greenhouse, where they were submitted to atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 350 (normal) and 800 umol/mol (enriched) for their 2nd growth year. At the end of the enrichment period, the biomass of the enriched plants was 66 (C. atlantica) and 30% (P. nigra) higher than those of the plants grown at normal CO2 concentrations. The root:shoot biomass ratio remained unaffected by enrichment in both species. Height and diameter growth were 20 (C. atlantica) and 10% (P. nigra) higher in the enriched treatment. At the end of the enrichment period, the CO2 assimilation rate was no longer stimulated in the enriched C. atlantica plants as compared with the normal treatment, but remained slightly stimulated in the P. nigra seedlings. The differential growth response to elevated CO2 appears to be related to the distinct genetic growth pattern of the two species, namely to their different patterns of root growth before bud break and during the early aerial growth. Cedrus atlantica/Pinus nigra KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CARBOHYDRATES, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, RHIZOTRON, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, ROOTS, TRANSPIRATION, TREES, WUE 372 Ke, D., and M.E. Saltveit Jr. 1989. Carbon Dioxide-induced Brown Stain Development as Related to Phenolic Metabolism in Iceberg Lettuce. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 114:789-794. Controlled atmospheres containing air + 11% CO2 caused tissue injury and induced phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL, EC activity in iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) midrib tissue. Injury symptoms included brown stain (browning of epidermal tissue) and sunken epidermal areas (pitting) a few millimeters in diameter. Pitting occurred in high-CO2 atmospheres at 5C with no increase in phenolic content, but browning did not develop until the tissue had been transferred to air at 25C. Browning developed within several hours of transfer to air and the degree of browning was correlated with the soluble phenolic content. The oxidation of soluble phenolic compounds to brown substances by polyphenol oxidase (PPO, EC could account for tissue browning. Lignification was associated with cell wall thickening in discolored tissue and was accompanied by an increase in ionically bound and soluble peroxidase (POD, EC activities. Exposure of tissue to elevated CO2 increased ionically bound indoleacetic acid (IAA) oxidase activity, but reduced soluble IAA oxidase activity. Application of an aqueous solution of 1.0 mM IAA to the tissue before treatment did not significantly reduce browning. Lettuce tissue exposed to 1.5% O2 + 1% CO2 had reduced PAL activity and lower soluble phenolic content than lettuce exposed to air + 11% CO2. Depending on the sensitivity of the lettuce tissue to CO2 injury, low-O2 atmospheres either reduced or slightly retarded browning induced by 11% CO2. Lactuca sativa/lettuce KEYWORDS: ENZYMES, GROWTH REGULATORS, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, PHENOLIC METABOLISM 373 Kelly, D.W., P.R. Hicklenton, and E.G. Reekie. 1991. Photosynthetic Response of Geranium to Elevated CO2 as Affected by Leaf Age and Time of CO2 Exposure. Canadian Journal of Botany 69:2482-2488. Geranium plants were grown from seed in chambers maintained at 350 or 1000 uL/L CO2. Photosynthesis as affected by leaf age and by leaf position was determined. Elevated CO2 enhanced photosynthesis to the greatest extent in middle-aged leaves; very young leaves exhibited little enhancement, and net photosynthesis in the oldest leaves was depressed by elevated CO2. Temporary increases in net photosynthesis (relative to leaves developed at high CO2) resulted when young leaves grown at 350 uL/L CO2 were switched to 1000 uL/L CO2. Leaves switched later in development exhibited permanent enhancement. Middle-aged leaves exhibited a temporary depression followed by permanent enhancement. Leaves developed at high CO2 and switched to low CO2 did not exhibit any photosynthetic depression relative to plants grown continuously at low CO2. Similarly, leaves developed at low CO2, switched to high CO2 for various lengths of time, and returned to low CO2 showed no photosynthetic depression. Leaves developed at low CO2 and switched to high CO2 exhibited increases in specific leaf weight and leaf thickness. The increase in leaf thickness was proportional to length of time spent at high CO2. High CO2 depressed the rate at which stomata developed but did not affect final stomatal density. Results suggest that photosynthesis at low CO2 was limited by CO2 regardless of developmental environment, whereas photosynthesis at high CO2 was limited by the developmental characteristics of the leaf. Further, both biochemical and structural modifications appear to be involved in this response. Because of the very different responses of young versus old leaves, future studies should be careful to consider leaf age in assessing response to elevated CO2. geranium/Pelargonium hortorum KEYWORDS: ANATOMY, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, SENESCENCE, STOMATAL DENSITY 374 Kendall, A.C., J.C. Turner, and S.M. Thomas. 1985. Effects of CO2 Enrichment at Different Irradiances on Growth and Yield of Wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany 36:252-260. Wheat, Triticum aestivum L., the winter cultivars Hobbit and Cappelle-Desprez, and the spring cultivars Sicco and Kleiber, were grown in normal air or air enriched with CO2 either outdoors in a glass-roofed cage or in controlled environment rooms. In neither the winter nor the spring wheat was growth increased due to enrichment with CO2 before anthesis. Enrichment of the two winter wheat cultivars increased shoot dry weight significantly at 15 d after anthesis but produced no significant increase in grain yield. With the spring cultivars there was a significant increase in shoot dry weight by 18 d after anthesis and the grain yield was also larger due to an increase in grain size. Shoot weight increased because the stems were larger, and there was a diversion of assimilate from grain growth to late tiller production. Root tissue comprised less than 20% of the total dry matter at anthesis (for all cultivars); effects of CO2 enrichment on root growth appeared to be less important than effects on shoot and ear growth. Growth and yield responses to CO2 enrichment were observed (for the spring cultivars) at irradiances of both 250 and 635 uE/m2/s, but the effects were greater at the lower irradiance. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, GRASSES, LIGHT, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, REPRODUCTION, YIELD 375 Kendall, A.C., J.C. Turner, S.M. Thomas, and A.J. Keys. 1985. Effects of CO2 Enrichment at Different Irradiances on Growth and Yield of Wheat. II. Effects on Kleiber Spring Wheat Treated from Anthesis in Controlled Environments in Relation to Effects on Photosynthesis and Photorespiration. Journal of Experimental Botany 36:261-273. Spring wheat plants were grown in a cage with a glass roof until three days after anthesis and then subjected to treatments in constant environment rooms with any one of all combinations of four irradiances and two concentrations of carbon dioxide. The photoperiod was 16 h and day/night temperatures 19C/14C. Growth and yield of grain were saturated at the two brightest irradiances. Carbon dioxide enrichment from 350 to 1200 mm3/dm3 increased shoot dry weight and grain yield at final harvest at all irradiances, by averages of 10.5 (not significant) and 23.5 (significant) percent respectively. However, increasing the irradiance from 150 to 613 uE/m2/s caused much larger yield increases (approximately 3-fold). Increased grain production by increased light was caused by both increases in dry weight per grain and by increases in grain number per spikelet. The increase caused by CO2 enrichment was mainly because of increased dry weight per grain. Increase in ear dry weight caused by CO2 enrichment took place between 30 and 60 d after anthesis. The increase in shoot dry weight took place immediately after exposure to increased CO2 from 3 to 15 d after anthesis. Net photosynthesis by flag leaves on the main shoots was almost doubled 16 d after anthesis by the CO2 enrichment even though stomatal resistance was also doubled. However, this increase was not reflected by a proportional increase in yield, probably because increased mutual shading by bigger stems and by late tillers reduced total assimilation and because of increased respiration by the shoots. The increase in photosynthesis was not due to a decrease in photorespiration but to an increase in gross photosynthesis. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: 14C, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, RESPIRATION, SEED PRODUCTION, YIELD 376 Khan, M.A.H., and A. Madsen. 1986. Leaf Diffusive Resistance and Water Economy in Carbon Dioxide-Enriched Rice Plants. New Phytologist 104:215-223. The leaf diffusive resistance to the transfer of water vapour and CO2 exchange in rice plants (Oryza sativa L., cv. IR-20) measured from the late vegetative stage to maturity, varied in response to differing CO2 enrichments. The leaf diffusive resistance of plants treated with 900 uL/L CO2 ranged from one-half to twice that of the control plants (330 uL/L CO2). This difference was more pronounced during the heading and ripening stages. In plants treated with 600 uL/L CO2, the diffusive resistances appeared to be smaller than in the control plants for most of the day. In the diurnal cycles, resistances were highest during the early morning and before sunset, the maximum again occurring in the plants treated with 900 uL/L CO2. The rate of transpiration was inversely related to the diffusive resistance, and was 20 to 100% lower in the plants treated with 900 uL/L CO2 than in the controls, both in the seasonal and diurnal cycles. In plants treated with 600 uL/L CO2, the rate of transpiration was lower than in the controls in the morning but distinctly higher during the afternoon. However, the integrated total daily transpiration in 600 uL/L CO2 did not exceed that of the controls. In all cases, CO2-treated plants, through their increased biomass production and economic yield, appeared to have a higher water use efficiency than the control plants. rice/Oryza sativa KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, DIURNAL CYCLE, GROWTH STAGES, SEED PRODUCTION, TRANSPIRATION, YIELD 377 Kienast, F., and R.J. Luxmoore. 1988. Tree-ring Analysis and Conifer Growth Responses to Increased Atmospheric CO2 Levels. Oecologia 76:487-495. Tree-ring analysis data of naturally grown conifers were analyzed to evaluate the possibility of enhanced tree growth due to increased atmospheric CO2. Tree cores were obtained from 34 sites in four different climatic regions in the northern hemisphere. In each of the four regions, the sampling sites were located along ecological gradients between the subalpine treeline and low elevations and, sometimes, the arid forest border. Growth trends after 1950, when the atmospheric CO2 concentration increased by more than 30 uL/L indicate an increase in ring-widths at eight of the 34 sites. These chronologies were from sites which moderate temperature or water stress. In four cases the growth increase in the post-1950 period coincided with favorable climatic conditions. In the remaining four cases, the growth increase exceeded the upper bound response expected from CO2 enrichment experiments with seedling conifer species. Therefore, increased growth in any of the tree-ring chronologies examined could not be solely attributed to higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations. KEYWORDS: BIOTIC GROWTH FACTOR, REVIEW, TREE-RING ANALYSIS, TREES, X-RAY DENSITOMETRY 378 Kimball, B.A. 1985. Adaptation of Vegetation and Management Practices to a Higher Carbon Dioxide World. IN: Direct Effects of Increasing Carbon Dioxide on Vegetation, DOE/ER-0238 (B.R. Strain and J.D. Cure, eds.), Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C., pp. 185-204. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, REVIEW 379 Kimball, B.A. 1986. CO2 Stimulation of Growth and Yield under Environmental Restraints. IN: Physiology, Yield, and Economics, Vol. II (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 55-67. The stimulation of growth of C3 plants by CO2 enrichment as affected by several environmental restraints is discussed. Based on the interacting effects of CO2 concentration and light intensity on photosynthesis of C3 plants, it was hypothesized that huge relative increases in growth could occur at very low light intensities due to shifts in the light compensation point. Large relative and absolute increases could also occur at high light intensities due to saturation effects. Actual observations by many previous workers of growth and yield with CO2 enrichment at various light intensities exhibited much scatter, and it is concluded that to a first approximation, relative CO2 growth stimulation is rather constant with light intensity. A similar conclusion was reached with respect to temperature over the temperature range that plants are normally grown. It is reasonable to expect that greater growth with CO2 enrichment will require greater amounts of fertilizer nutrients, and this hypothesis is supported by the available data. CO2 enrichment causes partial closure of stomates, which has been shown to restrict the loss of water from leaves and to restrict the intake of air pollutants into leaves. The former effect gives plants greater ability to withstand or avoid water (and possibly salinity) stress, while the second effect gives plants (C3) greater ability to withstand air pollutant injury. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, LIGHT, NUTRITION, REVIEW, SALT STRESS, TEMPERATURE, WATER STRESS 380 Kimball, B.A. 1986. Influence of Elevated CO2 on Crop Yield. IN: Physiology, Yield, and Economics, Vol. II (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 105-115. The prior literature on the effects of CO2 enrichment on plant growth and yield were examined. More than 770 observations of the yields or biomass production of 38 crops and 8 other species grown at elevated CO2 were extracted from more than 40 reports, published during the last 66 years. The percentage increase in yield of the CO2 enriched plants to their respective controls were computed and statistically analyzed. CO2 enrichment increased the economic yield of mature agricultural crops by 26% with a 95% confidence interval from 18 to 36%. Excluding flower crops, whose yield was measured by number of blooms, the mean yield increase of C3 crops with CO2 enrichment was 36%. Plotting yield increase against CO2 concentration revealed that 1000 uL/L is about the optimum concentration with relatively little increase occurring at higher values. Further analysis of 147 experiments which had controlled CO2 concentrations for their duration showed that yields probably will increase by 32% (with a 95% confidence interval from 27 to 38%) with the future doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration. How to use these data to estimate grower's yield responses to CO2 enrichment is also discussed, and an example is presented. KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CROPS, FLOWER PRODUCTION, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, REVIEW, TREES 381 Kimball, B.A. 1992. Cost Comparisons among Free-Air CO2 Enrichment, Open-Top Chamber, and Sunlit Controlled-Environment Chamber Methods of CO2 Exposure. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:265-270. The costs associated with producing high-CO2-grown plants were compared for three experimental techniques--free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE), open-top chambers (OTC), and sunlit controlled environment chambers (Soil, Plant, Atmosphere Research units, SPAR). The operating costs for treated plant production were estimated to be about $149,000/year and $128,000/year for SPAR and OTC, respectively. For FACE they were about $438,000/year, with the CO2 cost amounting to about $288,000/year for continuous enrichment by 300 umol/mol above ambient for a 6 month growing season. Substantial savings in FACE CO2 expense can be realized where lower concentrations or shorter enrichment duration can be used. Nevertheless, the FACE plots are much larger so there is a huge economy of scale. The cost per enriched area for plant growth was about $500/m/year for FACE compared to about $9,300 and $1,800/m/year for SPAR and OTC, respectively. When the additional costs of making scientific measurements was addressed, the cost of scientific labor was seen to be the largest expense of conducting research, and the costs of producing treated plants were seen to be only about 26, 18, and 28% of the total costs of SPAR, OTC, and FACE projects, respectively. KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE, SPAR UNITS 382 Kimball, B.A., D.H. Akey, J.R. Mauney, S.B. Idso, S.G. Allen, D.L. Hendrix, and J.W. Radin. 1988. Elevated CO2: Modeling Crop Responses, Interaction with Temperature, Effects on Trees and Insects, 052 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum/Agave vilmoriniana/Citrus aurantium/orange trees/sorghum/Sorghum bicolor KEYWORDS: BEET ARMYWORM, CAM, CROP MODEL, FACE, FIZZ IRRIGATION, HERBIVORY, INSECTS, MODELING, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, SPODOPTERA EXIGUA, TEMPERATURE, TREES 383 Kimball, B.A., R.L. La Morte, G.J. Peresta, J.R. Mauney, K.F. Lewin, and G.R. Hendrey. 1992. Weather, Soils, Cultural Practices, and Cotton Growth Data from the 1989 FACE Experiment in IBSNAT Format. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:271-308. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: FACE, MODELING 384 Kimball, B.A., J.R. Mauney, D.H. Akey, D.L. Hendrix, S.G. Allen, S.B. Idso, J.W. Radin, and E.A. Lakatos. 1987. Effects of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 on the Growth, Water Relations, and Physiology of Plants Grown under Optimal and Limiting Levels of Water and Nitrogen, 049 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: BEET ARMYWORM, EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE, FIZZ IRRIGATION, GROWTH MODEL, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NITROGEN, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, STOMATA, WATER STRESS 385 Kimball, B.A., J.R. Mauney, G. Guinn, F.S. Nakayama, S.B. Idso, J.W. Radin, D.L. Hendrix, G.D. Butler, T.I. Zarembinski, and P.E. Nixon. 1985. Effect of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 on the Yield and Water Use of Crops, 027 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CONDUCTANCE, EXPOSURE METHODS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, SOIL RESPIRATION, WATER STATUS, YIELD 386 Kimball, B.A., J.R. Mauney, G. Guinn, F.S. Nakayama, P.J. Pinter Jr., K.L. Clawson, S.B. Idso, G.D. Butler, and J.R. Radin. 1984. Effects of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 on the Yield and Water Use of Crops, 023 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, CROPS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, WATER, WATER STRESS, WUE, YIELD 387 Kimball, B.A., J.R. Mauney, G. Guinn, F.S. Nakayama, P.J. Pinter Jr., K.L. Clawson, R.J. Reginato, and S.B. Idso. 1983. Effects of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 on the Yield and Water Use of Crops, 021 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: CROPS, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, EXPOSURE METHODS, GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, YIELD 388 Kimball, B.A., J.R. Mauney, F.S. Nakayama, and S.B. Idso. 1993. Effects of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 on Vegetation. Vegetatio 104/105:65-75. The increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration probably will have significant direct effects on vegetation whether predicted changes in climate occur or not. Averaging over many prior greenhouse and growth chamber studies, plant growth and yield have typically increased more than 30% with a doubling of CO2 concentration. Such a doubling also causes stomatal conductance to decrease about 37%, which typically increases leaf temperatures more than 1C, and which may decrease evapotranspiration, although increases in leaf area counteract the latter effect. Interactions between CO2 and climate variables also appear important. In one study the growth increase from near-doubled CO2 ranged from minus 60% at 12C to 1% at 19C to plus 130% at 34C, suggesting that if the climate warms, the average growth response to doubled CO2 could be consistently higher than the 30% mentioned above. Even when growing in nutrient-poor soil, the growth response to elevated CO2 has been large, in contrast to nutrient solution studies which showed little response. Several studies have suggested that under water-stress, the CO2 growth stimulation is as large or larger than under well-watered conditions. Therefore, the direct CO2 effect will compensate somewhat, if not completely, for a hotter drier climate. And if any climate change is small, then plant growth and crop yields will probably be significantly higher in the future high-CO2 world. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, NUTRITION, REVIEW, TEMPERATURE, WATER STRESS 389 Kimball, B.A., J.R. Mauney, J.W. Radin, F.S. Nakayama, S.B. Idso, D.L. Hendrix, D.H. Akey, S.G. Allen, M.G. Anderson, and W. Hartung. 1986. Effects of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 on the Growth, Water Relations, and Physiology of Plants Grown under Optimal and Limiting Levels of Water and Nitrogen, 039 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: ABA, CARBOHYDRATES, EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE, FIZZ IRRIGATION, GROWTH, HERBIVORY, INSECTS, ISOTOPE DISCRIMINATION, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NITROGEN, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PECTINOPHORA GOSSYPIELLA, PINK BOLLWORM, WATER STATUS, WATER STRESS, YIELD 390 Kimball, B.A., P.J. Pinter Jr., and J.R. Mauney. 1992. Cotton Leaf and Boll Temperatures in the 1989 FACE Experiment. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:233-240. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE, TEMPERATURE 391 King, K.M., and D.H. Greer. 1986. Effects of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment and Soil Water on Maize. Agronomy Journal 78:515-521. The current global rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration may lead to changes in yield and water use of crops. This study was done to determine the effects of increased CO2 in combination with soil water levels on the growth, yield, transpiration, and water use efficiency of maize (Zea mays L.). Corn plants (cv. PX74) were grown in Opiki humic silty clay loam (fine, illitic, mesic Histic Humaquepts) soil in 22-L pots from emergence to maturity (111 days) in controlled environment rooms at CO2 concentrations of 350/360, 600/650/, and 850/900 uL/L (day/night). Within each room, at a given CO2 concentration, the plants were subjected to one of three soil water treatments: complete replacement of weekly transpiration (control) and 75 and 50% replacement of the control transpiration. The 350 uL/L treated plants produced an average of 401 g dry matter across all water treatments and the 600 and 850 uL/L treated plants produced an average of 431 and 436 g dry matter per plant, respectively. The differences in total dry matter between the 600 and 850 uL/L treated plants remained nonsignificant throughout the experiment. There were significant differences between all soil water treatments in dry matter production with the low soil water level averaging 284 g and the medium and high water level averaging 440 and 544 g/plant, respectively. Transpiration was reduced with increased CO2 concentration and was 80.5 and 70.4% at 600 and 850 uL/L, respectively, of that at 350 uL/L averaged across water treatments. The water use efficiency (WUE) increased markedly with increased CO2 concentration. At 600 and 850 uL/L the WUE was 34 and 55% greater, respectively, than at 350 uL/L. Further work is needed on the applicability of this controlled environment experiment to the real world. corn/Zea mays KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, TRANSPIRATION, WATER STRESS, WUE 392 Kirkham, M.B., H. He, T.P. Bolger, D.J. Lawlor, and E.T. Kanemasu. 1991. Leaf Photosynthesis and Water Use of Big Bluestem under Elevated Carbon Dioxide. Crop Science 31:1589-1594. With the atmospheric concentration of CO2 increasing, it is important to know how this will affect crop growth. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of elevated CO2 on big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman) growing in a tallgrass prairie on a Tully silty clay loam (fine, mixed, mesic Pachic Argiustoll) kept at a high water level (field capacity) or a low water level (half field capacity). Sixteen cylindrical plastic chambers were placed on the prairie to maintain the two levels of CO2 (mean +/- SD: 337 +/- 32 and 658 +/- 81 umol/mol) over a full growing season. Soil-water content was measured weekly with a neutron probe. Photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal resistance, and intercellular CO2 concentration were determined with a portable leaf photosynthetic system. Canopy temperature was monitored with an infrared thermometer. Elevated (doubled) CO2 reduced transpiration rate of big bluestem by 25 and 35 % under the high- and low-water treatments, respectively. Under both watering regimes, stomatal resistance was greater by about 1.6 s/cm with doubled CO2 than with ambient CO2. Plants grown with doubled CO2 at high- and low-water levels had warmer canopy temperatures (average 1.15 and 0.70C warmer, respectively) than plants grown at ambient CO2. Carbon-dioxide concentration did not affect the rate of photosynthesis, even though intercellular CO2 concentration was increased under high CO2. Elevated CO2 did not increase the height of plants grown at the high water level, but it did increase the height at the low water level by an average of 9 cm. Andropogon gerardii/big bluestem KEYWORDS: C4, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, TALLGRASS PRAIRIE, TEMPERATURE, TRANSPIRATION, WATER STRESS 393 Kirkham, M.B., E.T. Kanemasu, G.W. Harbers, D.W. Reed, H. He, R.D. Theisen, T.P. Bolger, D.E. Goodrum, L.K. Ballou, D.J. Lawlor, D. Nie, and W.P. Lu. 1990. Rangeland-Plant Response to Elevated CO2, 056 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. Andropogon gerardii/big bluestem KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, FORBS, GRASSES, GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, RANGELAND, SEDGES, TALLGRASS PRAIRIE, TRANSPIRATION 394 Kirschbaum, M.U.F., and G.D. Farquhar. 1987. Investigation of the CO2 Dependence of Quantum Yield and Respiration in Eucalyptus pauciflora. Plant Physiology 83:1032-1036. In leaves of C3 plants, the rate of nonphotorespiratory respiration appears to be higher in darkness than in the light. This change from a high to a low rate of carbon loss with increasing photon flux density leads to an increase in the apparent quantum yield of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation at low photon flux densities (Kok effect). The mechanism of this suppression of nonphotorespiratory respiration is not understood, but biochemical evidence and the observation that a Kok effect is often not observed under low O2, has led to the suggestion that photorespiration might be involved in some way. This hypothesis was tested with snowgum (Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieb. ex Spreng.) using gas exchange methods. The test was based on the assumption that if photorespiration were involved, then it would also have an influence on the Kok effect. Under normal atmospheric levels of CO2 and O2, a Kok effect was found. Changing the intercellular partial pressure of CO2, however, did not affect the estimate of nonphotorespiratory respiration, and it was concluded that its decrease with increasing photon flux density did not involve photorespiration. Concurrent measurements showed that the quantum yield of net assimilation of CO2 increased with increasing intercellular partial pressure of CO2, and this increase agreed closely with predictions based on recent models of photosynthesis. Eucalyptus pauciflora/snowgum KEYWORDS: LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MODELING, QUANTUM REQUIREMENT, RESPIRATION 395 Knight, S.L., and C.A. Mitchell. 1988. Effects of CO2 and Photosynthetic Photon Flux on Yield, Gas Exchange and Growth Rate of Lactuca sativa L. 'Waldmann's Green'. Journal of Experimental Botany 39:317-328. Enrichment of CO2 to 46 mmol/m3 (1000 mm3/dm3) at a moderate photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) of 450 umol/m2/s stimulated fresh and dry weight gain of lettuce leaves 39% and 75% relative to plants at 16 mmol/m3 CO2 (350 mm3/dm3). Relative growth rate (RGR) was stimulated only during the first several days of exponential growth. Elevating CO2 above 46 mmol/m3 at moderate PPF had no further benefit. However, high PPF of 880-900 umol/m2/s gave further, substantial increases in growth, RGR, net assimilation rate (NAR) and photosynthetic rate (Pn), but a decrease in leaf area ratio (LAR), at 46 or 69 mmol/m3 (1000 or 1500 mm3/dm3) CO2, the differences being greater at the higher CO2 level. Enrichment of CO2 to a supraoptimal level of 92 mmol/m3 (2000 mm3/dm3) at high PPF increased leaf area and LAR, decreased specific leaf weight, NAR and Pn and had no effect on leaf, stem and root dry weight or RGR relative to plants grown at 69 mmol/m3 CO2 after 8 d of treatment. The results of the study indicate that leaf lettuce growth is most responsive to a combination of high PPF and CO2 enrichment to 69 mmol/m3 for several days at the onset of exponential growth, after which optimizing resources might be conserved. lettuce/Lactuca sativa KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LIGHT, RESPIRATION 396 Knoppik, D., H. Selinger, and A. Ziegler-Jons. 1986. Differences between the Flag Leaf and the Ear of a Spring Wheat Cultivar (Triticum aestivum cv. Arkas) with Respect to the CO2 Response of Assimilation, Respiration and Stomatal Conductance. Physiologia Plantarum 68:451-457. The CO2- and H2O-exchanges in the flag leaf and the ear of a spring wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum cv. Arkas) were measured at CO2 partial pressures, pi(CO2), between 8 and 400 Pa under high photosynthetic photon flux densities (2000 umol/m2/s). The experiments were carried out on each organ separately while attached to the intact plant, from the time of early emergence through senescence. To study the contribution of the kernels to the gas exchange of ears, experiments were also carried out on sterilized ears (treatment A) and on ears from which the kernels were removed (treatment B). Flag leaves and ears differed considerably with regard to CO2-dependence of assimilation, response of stomata to varying pa(CO2), CO2 compensation point (and its temperature dependence), dark respiration, and dissimilation in the light (i.e. CO2 production which is not due to oxygenation of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate). The higher dark respiration of the ear originated mainly from the kernels and continued to some extent in the light. Thus, the CO2 compensation point was attained at higher CO2 partial pressures for the ear than for the flag leaf. The CO2 uptake of the ear was not saturated at intercellular CO2 partial pressures below 180 Pa CO2, while that of the flag leaf reached saturation at about 80 Pa CO2. CO2-saturated rates of CO2 uptake were 2.5 and 1.5 times the rates at natural CO2 partial pressure for ear and flag leaf, respectively. The stomatal conductance decreased with rising CO2 partial pressure above 35 Pa, in a more pronounced manner for the flag leaf than for the ear. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: CO2 COMPENSATION POINT, CONDUCTANCE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, RESPIRATION 397 Koch, K.E., L.H. Allen Jr., P. Jones, and W.T. Avigne. 1987. Growth of Citrus Rootstock (Carrizo Citrange) Seedlings During and After Long-term CO2 Enrichment. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 112:77-82. Carrizo citrange seedlings [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.] were grown in field enclosures for 17 weeks during 1984 at 330, 660, or 990 uL/L CO2 and then transferred to ambient air for 10 weeks to examine growth during and after these treatments. Immediately, after the CO2 treatment period, plants grown at the highest CO2 level had accumulated about 120% more total dry matter than those at 330 uL/L CO2, compared to a mean increase of 67% at 660 uL/L. Shoot length, leaf area, and leaf number were also increased 71%, 55%, and 39%, respectively, at 990 uL/L CO2 and somewhat less at 660 uL/L. Percentage gains from CO2 enrichment decreased during the posttreatment period, but absolute differences were maintained or increased for at least 10 more weeks. During the treatment period, dry matter partitioning among leaves, stems, and roots did not vary with CO2 level, but root growth after transplanting and transfer to ambient air occurred at the expense of shoot growth in plants that had been grown at ambient CO2 levels. Plant growth, in terms of dry weight, shoot length, leaf area, and leaf number, was advanced 1.0 to 3.5 weeks after 17 weeks at elevated CO2 levels, and fresh weight per centimeter of stem length was about 1 month ahead. This last parameter can be used as an approximate indicator of readiness for scion budding, suggesting that CO2 enrichment could represent a considerable value to the citrus nursery industry. Data are also consistent with the hypothesis that a greater response to elevated CO2 is likely to occur where a high sink demand and/or low levels of leaf starch are maintained. Both such demand and low leaf starch occur in citrus seedlings, which have a pronounced juvenility period and capacity for continuous flush-type growth. Citrus sinensis/Poncirus trifoliata/Carrizo citrange KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GROWTH, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, POSTENRICHMENT RESPONSES, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE, SPAR UNITS, TREES 398 Koch, K.E., P. Jones, W.T. Avigne, and L.H. Allen Jr. 1986. Growth, Dry Matter Partitioning, and Diurnal Activities of RuBP Carboxylase in Citrus Seedlings Maintained at Two Levels of CO2. Physiologia Plantarum 67:477-484. The long term response of citrus rootstock seedlings to CO2 enrichment was examined in Carrizo citrange [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. x Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] and Swingle citrumelo [P. trifoliata x C. paradisi Macf.]. Plantlets 14 weeks old were transferred to outdoor controlled environment chambers and maintained for 5 months from Feb. 14 to July 21. During this period, new growth (cm) of citrange and citrumelo shoots at 660 uL/L was 94 and 69% greater, respectively, than at 330 uL/L. Total dry weight of both rootstock shoots had increased by over 100%. Growth of few species is affected this markedly by elevated CO2 levels. More carbon was partitioned to above-ground organs in CO2-enriched citrus seedlings. Stem dry matter per unit length was also 32 and 44 % greater in citrange and citrumelo, respectively. Total leaf area was increased by 24% in citrange and 85% in citrumelo due to greater leaf number and size. Variations in overall relative growth rate appeared to be related to the rapid, sequential, flush-type growth in citrus, in which an entire shoot segment with its associated leaves remains an active sink until fully expanded. RuBP carboxylase (EC activity in leaves of recently-expanded flushes was higher in citrumelo plants grown at 660 vs. 330 uL/L CO2 and changed diurnally for citrange (but not citrumelo) leaves at both CO2 levels. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that positive long-term effects of CO2 enrichment may be greater in species or during growth periods where sink capacity for carbon utilization is high. Carrizo citrange/Citrus sinensis/Poncirus trifoliata/Swingle citrumelo/Citrus paradisi/Poncirus trifoliata KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, DIURNAL CYCLE, GROWTH, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE, SPAR UNITS, TREES 399 Kondracka, A., and S. Maleszewski. 1986. Effect of Oxygen on Photosynthesis in Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Leaves at Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentration. IN: Biological Control of Photosynthesis (R. Marcelle, H. Clijsters, and M. Van Poucke, eds.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 127-134. Phaseolus vulgaris/bean KEYWORDS: 14C, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, METABOLITES, OXYGEN 400 Korner, C. 1988. Does Global Increase of CO2 Alter Stomatal Density? Flora 181:253-257. The hypothesis is tested that global increases of CO2-concentration reduce stomatal density. Historical and recent data for leaves of over 200 plant species are compared. Statistically significant differences in stomatal density occur neither in lowland, nor in alpine plants over the 7 to 12 decades spanning of this comparison. KEYWORDS: STOMATAL DENSITY 401 Korner, C. 1992. CO2 Fertilization: The Great Uncertainty in Future Vegetation Development. IN: Vegetation Dynamics and Global Change (H.H. Shugart and A.M. Solomon, eds.), Chapman and Hall Publishers, New York. KEYWORDS: BIOSPHERE LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, REVIEW 402 Korner, C. 1992. Responses to Elevated Carbon Dioxide in Artificial Tropical Ecosystems. Science 257:1672-1675. Carbon, nutrient, and water balance as well as key plant and soil processes were simultaneously monitored for humid tropical plant communities treated with CO2-enriched atmospheres. Despite vigorous growth, no significant differences in stand biomass (of both the understory and overstory), leaf area index, nitrogen or water consumption, or leaf stomatal behavior were detected between ambient and elevated CO2 treatments. Major responses under elevated CO2 included massive starch accumulation in the tops of canopies, increased fine-root production, and a doubling of CO2 evolution from the soil. Stimulated rhizosphere activity was accompanied by increased loss of soil carbon and increased mineral nutrient leaching. This study points at the inadequacy of scaling-up from physiological baselines to ecosystems without accounting for interactions among components, and it emphasizes the urgent need for whole-system experimental approaches in global-change research. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CARBOHYDRATES, CARBON IN SOILS, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, MAGNESIUM, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, RHIZOSPHERE, ROOTS, SCALING, SOIL RESPIRATION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, TROPICAL PLANTS 403 Korner, C., and M. Diemer. 1987. In situ Photosynthetic Responses to Light, Temperature and Carbon Dioxide in Herbaceous Plants from Low and High Altitude. Functional Ecology 1:179-194. Net CO2 assimilation (A) was analysed in situ in 112 pairs of altitudinally separated, herbaceous plant species in the Austrian Alps at 600 and 2600 m. Both groups of species show a similar average response to light, saturating at quantum flux densities (400--700 mm) QFD) of more than 1200 umol/m2/s. Temperature optimum of QFD-saturated A differs little (3 K) and corresponds to the median of air temperature at leaf level for hours with rate-saturating light conditions and not to mean air temperature which differs by 10 K. Species with an exclusive high altitude distribution show steeper initial slopes and higher levels of saturation of the response of A to internal partial pressure of CO2 (CPI) than low elevation species. Mean A at local ambient partial pressure (CPA) does not differ between sites (c. 18 umol/m2/s), despite the 21% decrease in atmospheric pressure. Plants at high altitude operate at mean CPI of 177 ubar as compared to 250 ubar at low altitude. The higher ECU (efficiency of carbon dioxide uptake [linear slope of A/CPI curve]) as well as the steeper CO2 gradient between mesophyll and ambient air of alpine plants are explained by (1) greater leaf and palisade layer thickness and (2) greater nitrogen (protein) content per unit leaf area. We hypothesize that alpine plants profit more from enhanced CO2 levels than lowland plants (Fig. 7). KEYWORDS: ALTITUDE, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, REVIEW, TEMPERATURE 404 Korner, C., G.D. Farquhar, and Z. Roksandic. 1988. A Global Survey of Carbon Isotope Discrimination in Plants from High Altitude. Oecologia 74:623-632. Carbon 13/12 isotope ratios have been determined from leaves of a hundred C3 plant species (or ecotypes) from all major mountain ranges of the globe, avoiding drought stressed areas. A general increase in 13C content was found with increasing altitude, i.e., overall discrimination against the heavy isotope is reduced at high elevation. The steepest decline of discrimination is observed in taxa typically ranging to highest elevation (e.g. the genus Ranunculus). Mean [delta] 13C for all samples collected between 2500 and 5600 m altitude is -26.15 per mil compared to the lowland average of -18.80 per mil (P < 0.001). Forbs from highest elevations reach -24 per mil. According to theory of 13C discrimination this indicates decreasing relative limitation of carbon uptake by carboxylation. In other words, we estimate that the ratio of internal to external partial pressure of CO2 (pi/pa) in leaves of high elevation plants is lower than in leaves of low altitude. These results confirm recent gas exchange analyses in high and low elevation plants. KEYWORDS: ALTITUDE, C3, CI:CA, ISOTOPE DISCRIMINATION, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW 405 Kramer, P.J., and N. Sionit. 1987. Effects of Increasing Carbon Dioxide Concentration on the Physiology and Growth of Forest Trees. IN: The Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change, and U.S. Forests (W.E. Shands and J.S. Hoffman, eds.), The Conservation Foundation, Washington, D.C., pp. 219-246. KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, FOREST, PARTITIONING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW, TREES, WATER STATUS 406 Krizek, D.T. 1986. Photosynthesis, Dry Matter Production and Growth in CO2-Enriched Atmospheres. IN: Number One, Cotton Physiology (J.R. Mauney and J.McD. Stewart, eds.), The Cotton Foundation Reference Book Series, The Cotton Foundation, Memphis, Tennessee, pp. 193-225. Most studies on CO2 enrichment under greenhouse and growth chamber conditions have demonstrated the stimulatory effects of elevated CO2 levels on the growth and development of cotton and other economically important plants. Recent tests involving CO2 enrichment of cotton and other crops in the field are encouraging, but further studies are needed to determine whether or not the practice is economically feasible. One of the most pronounced effects of CO2 enrichment in cotton, tomato and other species is a large build-up in sugars and starches stored in the leaves. Increasing the CO2 level from 330 uL/L to 630-1000 uL/L under controlled environments lowered the node number of the first flower, doubled boll production and delayed abscission of squares and bolls. The metabolic consequences of CO2 enrichment of cotton plants need to be examined in greater detail. Since CO2 utilization can be influenced by a myriad of genetic, physiological, biochemical and morphological factors, careful studies are required to determine the interaction of CO2 with these factors. Because of the marked influence of CO2 enrichment on water-use-efficiency through its effect on CO2 assimilation, transpiration and stomatal regulation, special attention should be given to this area of research. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GROWTH, GROWTH STAGES, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, NUTRITION, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC FEEDBACK INHIBITION, REPRODUCTION, REVIEW, SENESCENCE, WUE 407 Krupa, S.V., and R.N. Kickert. 1989. The Greenhouse Effect: Impacts of Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) Radiation, Carbon Dioxide (CO2), and Ozone (O3) on Vegetation. Environmental Pollution 61:263-393. There is a fast growing and an extremely serious international scientific, public and political concern regarding man's influence on the global climate. The decrease in stratospheric ozone (O3) and the consequent possible increase in ultraviolet-B (UV-B) is a critical issue. In addition, tropospheric concentrations of 'greenhouse gases' such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) are increasing. These phenomena, coupled with man's use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), chlorocarbons (CCs), and organo-bromines (OBs) are considered to result in the modification of the earth's O3 column and altered interactions between the stratosphere and the troposphere. A result of such interactions could be the global warming. As opposed to these processes, tropospheric O3 concentrations appear to be increasing in some parts of the world (e.g. North America). Such tropospheric increases in O3 and particulate matter may offset any predicted increases in UV-B at those locations. The effects of UV-B, CO2 and O3 on plants have been studied under growth chamber, greenhouse and field conditions. Few studies, if any, have examined the joint effects of more than one variable on plant response. There are methodological problems associated with many of these experiments. Thus, while results obtained from these studies can assist in our understanding, they must be viewed with caution in the context of the real world and predictions into the future. Historically, plant biologists have studied the effects of CO2 on plants for many decades. Evidence is presented for various plant species in the form of relative yield increases due to CO2 enrichment. Sensitivity rankings (biomass response) are again provided for crops and native plant species. However, most publications on the numerical analysis of cause-effect relationships do not consider sensitivity analysis of the models used. The joint effects of UV-B, CO2 and O3 are poorly understood. Based on the literature of plant response to individual stress factors and chemical and physical climatology of North America, we conclude that nine different crops may be sensitive to the joint effects: three grain and six vegetable crops (sorghum, oat, rice, pea, bean, potato, lettuce, cucumber and tomato). In North America, we consider Ponderosa and loblolly pine as vulnerable among tree species. This conclusion should be moderated by the fact that there are few, if any, data on hardwood species. Note: This abstract has been abridged. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, CROPS, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GROWTH, OZONE, REVIEW, TREES, UV-B RADIATION 408 Krupa, S.V., and R.N. Kickert. 1993. The Greenhouse Effect: The Impacts of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) Radiation and Ozone (O3) on Vegetation (Crops). Vegetatio 104/105:223-238. Man's influence on the 'greenhouse effect', the heating of the atmosphere due to increasing concentrations of tropospheric trace gases, is of much international concern. Among the climatic variables, elevated levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation and ozone (O3) are known to have a direct effect on vegetation. Our current knowledge of these effects is mainly based on studies involving single stress mode. Thus, the joint effects of CO2, UV-B and O3 on vegetation are poorly understood. Nevertheless, based on the literature analysis of plant response to individual stress factors, it can be concluded that sorghum, pea, bean, potato, oat, lettuce, cucumber, rice and tomato are among the crop species potentially sensitive to the joint effects of the aforementioned three variables. Similar information for tree species is essentially lacking. At least with some climatic variables such as O3, present modeling efforts of cause-effect relationships have proven to be controversial. While at a regional geographic scale ambient CO2 concentrations appear to be relatively homogeneous, ambient concentrations of O3 exhibit significant temporal and spatial variability. Because of the protective action of O3 against UV-B, similar but inverse temporal and spatial variability is expected in the surface levels of UV-B. Thus, future experimental designs should consider these exposure dynamics and modeling cause-effect relationships should be directed to stochastic processes. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, CROPS, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, MODELING, OZONE, REVIEW, UV-B RADIATION 409 Kuehny, J.S., M.M. Peet, P.V. Nelson, and D.H. Willits. 1991. Nutrient Dilution by Starch in CO2-enriched Chrysanthemum. Journal of Experimental Botany 42:711-716. Increasing growth irradiance and CO2 generally decreases foliar nutrient concentration on a dry weight basis and increases foliar starch concentration. However, the extent to which starch concentrations 'dilute' foliar nutrient concentrations when the latter are expressed on a dry weight basis is not known. To determine the importance of differential starch accumulation in calculating nutrient concentrations on a dry weight basis, leaf nutrient and starch concentrations were measured in Chrysanthemum x morifolium 'Fiesta' (Ramat.) cuttings grown at three irradiance levels and two CO2 levels for eight weeks in both winter and spring. On a dry weight basis, foliar concentrations of most nutrients were lower in both seasons as a result of the elevated CO2 and irradiance levels, and total dry weights were higher. Per cent starch was greater at the high CO2 level in both seasons but was only greater at higher irradiances in the winter experiment. When starch was subtracted from the leaf dry weights, the differences between CO2 and irradiance treatments disappeared with respect to N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, and B but not for Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu. Chrysanthemum morifolium/chrysanthemum KEYWORDS: BORON, CALCIUM, CARBOHYDRATES, COPPER, GREENHOUSE, IRON, LIGHT, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, SULFUR, ZINC 410 Kurooka, H., S. Fukunaga, E. Yuda, S. Nakagawa, and S. Horiuchi. 1990. Effect of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on Vine Growth and Berry Quality of Kyoho Grapes. Journal of the Japanese Society of Horticultural Science 59:463-470. Although ambient temperature is kept adequate, grape cultivation under covered facilities during winter months in Japan gives rise to low yields of poor quality berries because of low light intensities. This investigation was conducted in leaf chamber, using Vitis labruscana Bailey cv. Kyoho, to determine the influence of leaf age, light intensity, and CO2 concentrations on photosynthesis. The effects of CO2 enrichment on vine growth and fruit quality were also investigated in growth chambers. 1. The rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area (Pn) between May 28 and September 19 rapidly increased with leaf growth, reaching a maximum of 18.9 mg CO2/dm2/hr, 37 days after the unfolding of a leaf. Pn then gradually decreased with leaf age. In young leaves, higher CO2 concentrations and stronger light intensities resulted in a significant increase in Pn. Older leaves exhibited a similar enhancement of Pn upon exposure to high light intensity. Pn was saturated at 828 ppm CO2. 2. Administration of 1,000 to 1,100 ppm CO2 to vines for an 8 hr/day at a late stage of berry development until harvest had no effect on berry size but resulted in an increase in sugar and anthocyanin contents but a decrease in organic acid content. Dry weight of newly developed roots doubled as a result of CO2 enrichment. 3. Application of CO2 under a long-day photoperiod at an early stage of berry development to a week before veraison markedly promoted shoot elongation. Furthermore, CO2 enrichment gave a 36% increase in both berry and cluster weights and also a higher sugar-acid ratio at harvest. In Japanese. grapes/Vitis labruscana KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH STAGES, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOPERIOD, SENESCENCE 411 Laitat, E., and P. Loosveldt. 1992. Open-top Chambers for Study of the Physiology of Acclimated Trees under Enhanced CO2 in Natural Pollution Climate. IN: Responses of Forest Ecosystems to Environmental Changes (A. Teller, P. Mathy, and J.N.R. Jeffers, eds.), Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp. 653-654. Norway spruce/Picea abies/sycamore/Acer pseudoplatanus/beech/Fagus sylvatica KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, EXPOSURE METHODS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, TEMPERATE FOREST, TREES 412 LaMarche, V.C., Jr., D.A. Graybill, H.C. Fritts, and M.R. Rose. 1986. Carbon Dioxide Enhancement of Tree Growth at High Elevations. Science 231:860. Technical comment. KEYWORDS: ALTITUDE, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, TREE-RING ANALYSIS, TREES 413 Lambers, H. 1993. Rising CO2, Secondary Plant Metabolism, Plant-herbivore Interactions and Litter Decomposition. Theoretical Considerations. Vegetatio 104-105:263-271. A brief account is given of the ecological significance of quantitatively important secondary plant compounds, mainly those of a phenolic nature, in herbivory and decomposition. Phenolic compounds accumulate to a greater extent in slow-growing species than in fast-growing ones, particularly when soil conditions (nutrients, water) restrict growth. Two hypotheses to explain the increased concentration of phenolics when soil conditions are unfavorable are presented. The first hypothesis (the 'carbon supply model of secondary plant metabolism') considers the increased levels of non-structural carbohydrates as the major trigger. The second hypothesis (the 'amino acid diversion model of secondary plant metabolism') states that increased accumulation of phenolics stems from a decreased use of a common precursor (phenylalanine or tyrosine) for protein synthesis. Current experimental evidence, though still fairly limited, supports the second hypothesis, but further testing is required before the first model can be rejected. So far, there is very little evidence for a direct effect of atmospheric CO2 on the concentration of secondary compounds in higher plants. However, there are likely to be indirect effects, due to a stronger limitation by the nitrogen supply in plants whose growth has been promoted by atmospheric CO2. It is concluded that it is very likely that phenolic compounds accumulate to a greater extent in plants exposed to elevated CO2, due to a greater limitation of nutrients, rather than as a direct effect of elevated CO2. KEYWORDS: CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, HERBIVORY, PHENOLIC METABOLISM, REVIEW, SECONDARY METABOLITES 414 Landsberg, J., and M.S. Smith. 1992. A Functional Scheme for Predicting the Outbreak Potential of Herbivorous Insects under Global Atmospheric Change. Australian Journal of Botany 40:565-577. There are many possible ways in which changes in the global atmosphere could influence the outbreak potential of herbivorous insects; we clarify these by developing a scheme for analysing insect populations in terms of functional attributes that are both important in population regulation and responsive to global change. This analysis shows that elevated CO2 is not likely to have a major influence on probability of insect outbreak, except possibly in systems in which nitrogen-based defensive compounds are produced by plants in response to herbivory. Systems that will have high potential to outbreak, if climatic conditions become more favourable for plant growth and responses are not constrained by other resources, include those in which both herbivorous insects and host plants have highly flexible growth patterns and activity cues. Global changes that increase environmental stress on host plants are most likely to favour sap-feeding insects. Critical enemy (predator or parasitoid) control of the dormant phase of herbivorous insects may be very important in preventing or allowing outbreaks, but is often poorly understood. KEYWORDS: COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, GLOBAL CHANGE, HERBIVORY, INSECTS, REVIEW 415 Larigauderie, A., D.W. Hilbert, and W.C. Oechel. 1988. Effect of CO2 Enrichment and Nitrogen Availability on Resource Acquisition and Resource Allocation in a Grass, Bromus mollis. Oecologia 77:544-549. The effects of CO2 enrichment on the growth, biomass partitioning, photosynthetic rates, and leaf nitrogen concentration of a grass, Bromus mollis (C3), were investigated at a favorable and a low level of nitrogen availability. Despite increases in root:shoot ratios, leaf nitrogen concentrations were decreased under CO2 enrichment at both nitrogen levels. For the low-nitrogen treatment, this resulted in lower photosynthetic rates measured at 675 uL/L for the CO2-enriched plants, compared to photosynthetic rates measured at 350 uL/L for the non-enriched plants. At higher nitrogen availability, photosynthetic rates of plants grown and measured at 675 uL/L were greater than photosynthetic rates of the non-enriched plants measured at 350 uL/L. Water use efficiency, however, was increased in enriched plants at both nitrogen levels. CO2 enrichment stimulated vegetative growth at both high and low nitrogen during most of the vegetative growth phase but, at the end of the experiment, total biomass of the high and low CO2 treatments did not differ for plants grown at low nitrogen availability. While not statistically significant, CO2 tended to stimulate seed production at high nitrogen and decrease it at low nitrogen. Bromus mollis KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GRASSES, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, WUE 416 Larigauderie, A., J. Roy, and A. Berber. 1986. Long Term Effects of High CO2 Concentration on Photosynthesis of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms). Journal of Experimental Botany 37:1303-1312. The photosynthetic response to CO2 concentration, light intensity and temperature was investigated in water hyacinth plants (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) grown in summer at ambient CO2 or at 10,000 umol (CO2)/mol and in winter at 6,000 umol (CO2)/mol. Plants grown and measured at ambient CO2 had high photosynthetic rate (35 umol (CO2)/m2/s), high saturating photon flux density (1,500-2,000 umol/m2/s) and low sensitivity to temperature in the range 20-40C. Maximum photosynthetic rate (63 umol (CO2)/m2/s) was reached at an internal CO2 concentration of 800 umol/mol. Plants grown at high CO2 in summer had photosynthetic capacities at ambient CO2 which were 15% less than for plants grown at ambient CO2, but maximum photosynthetic rates were similar. Photosynthesis by plants grown at high CO2 and high light intensity had typical response curves to internal CO2 concentration with saturation at high CO2, but for plants grown under high CO2 and low light and plants grown under low CO2 and high light intensity photosynthetic rates decreased sharply at internal CO2 concentrations above 1,000 umol/mol. water hyacinth/Eichhornia crassipes KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, GREENHOUSE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION 417 Lasceve, G., H. Gautier, J. Jappe, and A. Vavasseur. 1993. Modulation of the Blue Light Response of Stomata of Commelina communis by CO2. Physiologia Plantarum 88:453-459. Effects of CO2 on stomatal movements of Commelina communis L. were studied with plants, epidermal strips and guard cell protoplasts. With plants, the stomatal response induced by a blue light pulse was studied for different ambient CO2 concentration ranging from CO2-deprived air to 100 Pa in darkness or under red light. It was observed that the blue light response could be obtained not only under a red light background but also in darkness and CO2-free air, the two responses being quite similar. With epidermal strips, the effect of CO2 on ferricyanide reductase activity at the guard cell plasmalemma was studied by transmission electron microscopy. In the presence of ferric ions, reduced ferricyanide gives an electron dense precipitate of Prussian Blue. In darkness and CO2-free air as well as under light and normal air, a precipitate was found along the plasmalemma of the guard cells, indicating a ferricyanide reductase activity. With guard cell protoplasts suspended in a medium either in equilibrium with air or in a CO2 free medium the H+ extrusion induced by a blue light pulse added to a red light background was measured. A low CO2 content was obtained by adding photosynthetic algae to the suspension of guard cell protoplasts. In a CO2-free medium the rate of H+ extrusion was enhanced. The results are discussed on the basis of a possible competition for reducing power between CO2 fixation and a putative blue light dependent redox chain located on the plasma membrane. Commelina communis KEYWORDS: BLUE LIGHT RESPONSE, STOMATA 418 Lawlor, D.W., and R.A.C. Mitchell. 1991. The Effects of Increasing CO2 on Crop Photosynthesis and Productivity: a Review of Field Studies. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:807-818. Only a small proportion of elevated CO2 studies on crops have taken place in the field. They generally confirm results obtained in controlled environments: CO2 increases photosynthesis, dry matter production and yield, substantially in C3 species, but less in C4, it decreases stomatal conductance and transpiration in C3 and C4 species and greatly improves water-use efficiency in all plants. The increased productivity of crops with CO2 enrichment is also related to the greater leaf area produced. Stimulation of yield is due more to an increase in the number of yield-forming structures than in their size. There is little evidence of a consistent effect of CO2 on partitioning of dry matter between organs or on their chemical composition, except for tubers. Work has concentrated on a few crops (largely soybean) and more is needed on crops for which there are few data (e.g. rice). Field studies on the effects of elevated CO2 in combination with temperature, water and nutrition are essential; they should be related to the development and improvement of mechanistic crop models, and designed to test their predictions. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, ALLOCATION, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, CROPS, MODELING, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, REVIEW, WUE, YIELD 419 Leadley, P.W., and B.G. Drake. 1993. Open Top Chambers for Exposing Plant Canopies to Elevated CO2 Concentration and for Measuring Net Gas Exchange. Vegetatio 104/105:3-15. Open top chamber design and function are reviewed. All of the chambers described maintain CO2 concentration measured at a central location within +/- 30 ppm of a desired target when averaged over the growing season, but the spatial and temporal range within any chamber may be closer to 100 ppm. Compared with unchambered companion plots, open top chambers modify the microenvironment in the following ways: temperatures are increased up to 3C depending on the chamber design and location of the measurement; light intensity is typically diminished by as much as 20%; wind velocity is lower and constant; and relative humidity is higher. The chamber environment may significantly alter plant growth when compared with unchambered controls, but the chamber effect on growth has not been clearly attributed to a single or even a few environmental factors. A method for modifying an open top chamber for tracking gas exchange between natural vegetation and the ambient air is described. This modification consists of the addition of a top with exit chimney to reduce dilution of chamber CO2 by external ambient air, is quickly made and permits estimation of the effects of elevated CO2 and water vapor exchange. The relatively simple design and construction of open top chambers make them the most likely method to be used in the near future for long-term elevated CO2 exposure of small trees, crops and grassland ecosystems. Improvements in the basic geometry to improve control of temperature, reduce the variation of CO2 concentrations, and increase the turbulence and wind speed in the canopy boundary layer are desirable objectives. Similarly, modifications for measuring water vapor and carbon dioxide exchange will extend the usefulness of open top chambers to include non-destructive monitoring of the responses of ecosystems to rising atmospheric CO2. KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, EXPOSURE METHODS, REVIEW 420 Leadley, P.W., J.A. Reynolds, J.F. Thomas, and J.F. Reynolds. 1987. Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Internal Leaf Surface Area in Soybeans. Botanical Gazette 148:137-140. Internal cell surface areas were measured on fully expanded leaves of soybean seedlings that had been continuously exposed to 348 or 645 ppm CO2 environments. Plants grown in the high CO2 treatment had thicker leaves but less palisade cell surface area per unit leaf area. Surface area of the mesophyll per unit leaf area was unaffected by CO2. The potential ramifications of these CO2-induced changes in leaf anatomy on photosynthesis and water-use efficiency are explored. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: ANATOMY, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS 421 Leadley, P.W., and J.F. Reynolds. 1988. Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide on Estimation of Leaf Area and Leaf Dry Weight of Soybean. American Journal of Botany 75:1771-1774. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of elevated CO2 on relationships between leaf area (A) and linear leaf dimensions (length [L] and width [W]) and leaf dry weight (M) in soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Bragg). Based on dimensional measurements made on trifoliolates 1-6 for plants grown under three CO2 levels (348, 502 and 645 uL/L), the best predictor for both trifoliolate leaf area and for fully expanded central leaflets of the trifoliolates was an equation of the form A = B0 + B1 (L x W); these relationships were unaffected by CO2, although there was a small effect of leaf position. For expanding central leaflets of the fifth trifoliolate, no CO2, leaf size (age) or CO2 x leaf size effect was found. Specific leaf weight (i.e., M/A) was significantly affected by CO2, increasing with increasing CO2. Hence, trifoliolate dry weight can be nondestructively estimated from trifoliolate area using the equation M = 0.097 + (6.71 x 10 [-3] + 1.04 x 10 [-6] x [CO2]) A, where [CO2] is mean daytime CO2 concentration of the growth environment. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, MODELING, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS 422 Leadley, P.W., and J.F. Reynolds. 1989. Effect of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on Development of the First Six Mainstem Leaves in Soybean. American Journal of Botany 76:1551-1555. Many conclusions concerning plant responses to CO2 enrichment have been based on assumptions of increased leaf size derived from observations of average leaf area measured at some time well into the growth period. The objectives of this study were to study the effect of elevated CO2 on 1) the timing of mainstem leaflet appearance, 2) the rate and duration of leaflet expansion, and 3) the final area of individual leaflets of soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Bragg) grown from seed at 348, 502, and 645 uL/L CO2 concentrations. Central leaflet areas from mainstem trifoliolates 1-6 were measured every two days from time of appearance to full expansion. Leaflets tended to appear earlier in elevated CO2 treatments; leaflets 2 through 6 appeared an average of 0.4 days earlier in the 502 uL/L treatment and 1.2 days earlier in the 645 uL/L treatment than in the 349 uL/L treatment. Relative rates of expansion were different among leaflets in their response to elevated CO2; expansion rates of leaflets 1 and 4 were significantly higher at the highest CO2 concentration. However, final area of leaflets was not affected by CO2 or (in leaflet 5 only) was slightly smaller at the highest CO2 treatment. Apparently, higher expansion rates of leaflets 1 and 4 at high CO2 were offset by a tendency for decreased duration of expansion. It appears that there are morphological constraints on final leaflet area in soybean seedlings which limit the effects of elevated CO2 on the early development of mainstem leaf area. Glycine max/soybean KEYWORDS: LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS 423 Leadley, P.W., and J.F. Reynolds. 1992. Long-term Response of an Arctic Sedge to Climate Change: A Simulation Study. Ecological Applications 2:323-340. It appears that polar regions of the Earth will bear the brunt of global temperature increases. Because of the ecological importance of the sedge Eriophorum vaginatum in the arctic and the large amount of data available on its growth and physiology, we chose this species as a test case to model the potential long-term response of arctic plants to global climate change. Our simulation model utilizes a mechanistic framework and includes the effects of light, temperature, season length, nitrogen availability, and CO2 concentration on E. vaginatum growth dynamics. The model was parameterized based on a series of published studies of the growth responses of E. vaginatum to nutrients and validated using (1) field studies on the growth responses of E. vaginatum to temperature and shading, and (2) the effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on E. vaginatum photosynthesis. The effect of a 50-yr period of climate change on peak biomass (overwintering biomass plus seasonal production) in E. vaginatum was explored. We use climate change here to refer to linear increases over a 50-yr period in temperature (from 8 to 13C), season length (from 100 to 120 d), and atmospheric CO2 (from 340 to 680 uL/L). Similarly, a wide range of nitrogen availabilities (from 9 to 18 g/m2/y) was also examined because of its importance in productivity. The model predicts that a simultaneous increase in the direct effects of temperature, season length, and CO2, with no change in nitrogen availability, will result in a slight decrease in peak biomass. A simulated long-term doubling of nitrogen availability results in an (about) 70% increase in peak biomass, whereas with concurrent changes in climate and nitrogen availability, the model predicts a slight decline in peak biomass compared to increases in nitrogen alone. In essence, the model predicts that climate change will have substantial effects on E. vaginatum only indirectly through changes in nitrogen availability. Simulated peak biomass responds linearly up to a doubling of current nitrogen availabilities. Therefore, at low-to-moderate increases in nitrogen availability, the predicted response of E. vaginatum to climate change is linearly (and almost exclusively) dependent on our ability to predict the effects of climate change on nitrogen cycling. At nitrogen availabilities > 2x current availabilities, the relationship flattens out very rapidly because the plant becomes limited by carbon uptake. Thus, if nitrogen availabilities more than double in the future, E. vaginatum may shift from being a nutrient-limited to a carbon-limited system and, consequently, increased season length and elevated CO2 concentrations may play an important role in controlling E. vaginatum productivity. Eriophorum vaginatum KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GROWTH, MODELING, NITROGEN, SIMULATION, TUNDRA 424 Leavitt, S.W., E.A. Paul, B.A. Kimball, G.R. Hendrey, J.R. Mauney, R. Rauschkolb, H. Rogers, K.F. Lewin, J. Nagy, P.J. Pinter Jr., and H.B. Johnson. 1994. Carbon Isotope Dynamics of Free-Air CO2-Enriched Cotton and Soils. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (in press):. A role for soils as global carbon sink or source under increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations has been speculative. Free-air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) experiments with cotton, conducted from 1989 to 1991 at the Maricopa Agricultural Center in Arizona, maintained circular plots at 550 umol/mol CO2 with tank CO2 while adjacent ambient control plots averaged about 370 umol/mol CO2. This provided an exceptional test for entry of carbon into soils because the petrochemically-derived tank CO2 used to enrich the air above the FACE plots was depleted in both radiocarbon (14C content was 0% modern carbon [pmC] and 13C ([delta] 13C = about -36 per mil) relative to background air, thus serving as a potent isotopic tracer. Flask air samples, and plant and soil samples were collected in conjunction with the 1991 experiment. Most of the isotopic analyses on plants were performed on the holocellulose component. Soil organic carbon was obtained by first removing carbonate with HCl, floating off plant fragments with a NaCl solution, and picking out remaining plant fragments under magnification. The [delta] 13C of the air above the FACE plots was approximately -15 to -19 per mil, i.e., much more 13C depleted than the background air of approximately -7.5 per mil. The [delta] 13C values of plants and soils in the FACE plots were 10-12 per mil and 2 per mil [delta] 13C-depleted, respectively, compared with their control counterparts. The 14C content of the FACE cotton plants was approximately 40 pmC lower than the control cotton, but the 14C results from soils were conflicting and therefore not as revealing as the [delta] 13C of soils. Soil stable-carbon isotope patterns were consistent, and mass balance calculations indicate that about 10% of the present organic carbon content in the FACE soil derived from the 3 year FACE experiment. At a minimum, this is an important quantitative measure of carbon turnover, but the presence of 13C-depleted carbon, even in the recalcitrant 6N HCl resistant soil organic fraction (average age 2200 years before present [BP]), suggests that at least some portion of this 10% is an actual increase in carbon accumulation. Similar isotopic studies on FACE experiments in different ecosystems should permit more definitive assessment of carbon turnover rates and perhaps provide insight into the extent to which soil organic matter can accommodate the 'missing' carbon in the global carbon cycle. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: 14C, CARBON IN SOILS, FACE, ISOTOPE DISCRIMINATION 425 Lekkerkerk, L.J.A., S.C. van de Geijn, and J.A. van Veen. 1990. Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2-levels on the Carbon Economy of a Soil Planted with Wheat. IN: Soils and the Greenhouse Effect (A.F. Bouwman, ed.), John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 423-429. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, LITTER DECOMPOSITION, SOIL MICROORGANISMS, SOIL RESPIRATION 426 Lekkerkerk, L.J.A., J.A. van Veen, and S.C. van de Geijn. 1990. Influence of Climatic Change on Soil Quality; Consequences of Increased Atmospheric CO2-concentration on Carbon Input and Turnover in Agro-ecosystems. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 46-47. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, LITTER DECOMPOSITION, REVIEW 427 Lenssen, G.M., J. Lamers, M. Stroetenga, and J. Rozema. 1993. Interactive Effects of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment, Salinity and Flooding on Growth of C3 (Elymus athericus) and C4 (Spartina anglica) Salt Marsh Species. Vegetatio 104/105:379-388. The growth response of Dutch salt marsh species (C3 and C4) to atmospheric CO2 enrichment was investigated. Tillers of the C3 species Elymus athericus were grown in combinations of 380 and 720 uL/L CO2 and low (0) and high (300 mM NaCl) soil salinity. CO2 enrichment increased dry matter production and leaf area development while both parameters were reduced at high salinity. The relative growth response to CO2 enrichment was high under saline conditions. Growth increase at elevated CO2 was higher after 34 than 71 days. A lower response to CO2 enrichment after 71 days was associated with a decreased specific leaf area (SLA). In two other experiments the effect of CO2 (380 and 720 uL/L) on growth of the C4 species Spartina anglica was studied. In the first experiment total plant dry weight was reduced by 20% at elevated CO2. SLA also decreased at high CO2. The effect of elevated CO2 was also studied in combination with soil salinity (50 and 400 mM NaCl) and flooding. Again plant weight was reduced (10%) at elevated CO2, except under the combined treatment high salinity/non-flooded. But these effects were not significant. High salinity reduced total plant weight while flooding had no effect. Causes of the salinity dependent effect of CO2 enrichment on growth and consequences of elevated CO2 for competition between C3 and C4 species are discussed. Spartina anglica/Elymus athericus KEYWORDS: C3, C4, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, SALT MARSH, SALT STRESS, SPECIES COMPETITION 428 Lenssen, G.M., and J. Rozema. 1990. The Effect of Atmospheric CO2-enrichment and Salinity on Growth, Photosynthesis and Water Relations of Salt Marsh Species. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 64-67. Aster tripolium/Elymus pycnanthus/Spartina anglica KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, ALLOCATION, AQUATIC PLANTS, C3, C4, GREENHOUSE, HALOPHYTES, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, SALT MARSH, TRANSPIRATION, WATER STATUS 429 Levanon, D., B. Motro, and U. Marchaim. 1986. Organic Materials Degradation for CO2 Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops. IN: Status and CO2 Sources, Vol. I (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 123-145. Carbon comprises approximately 50% of the dry matter in all organisms. Photoautotrophs (plants and algae) fix atmospheric CO2 into organic materials. These organic materials serve as a source of energy and carbon for the heterotrophs (a large group of organisms, including all animals). This utilization of organic materials in the respiration process causes the essential return of CO2 to the atmospheric pool. This natural process could be manipulated for CO2 enrichment of greenhouse crops. Organic waste materials of agricultural or urban origin can serve as sources of CO2 enrichment. For practical use they must be cheap and available in the vicinity of the greenhouse. Animal manures mixed with vegetative wastes are probably the most suitable raw materials for this purpose. The recommended methods for application of CO2 from biodegradation of organic materials to greenhouses are: composting, anaerobic digestion, and spreading the organic matter on the greenhouse ground or incorporating it in the upper soil layer. The use of each of the above methods must be based on knowledge of the ecology of aerobic and anaerobic degradation. The decision as to which one of these methods is the most suitable must be based on a feasibility study where local conditions, such as the availability of raw materials, climate, labor, and construction costs, etc. are taken into consideration. KEYWORDS: CO2 SOURCES, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GREENHOUSE 430 Leverenz, J.W. 1988. The Effects of Illumination Sequence, CO2 Concentration, Temperature and Acclimation on the Convexity of the Photosynthetic Light Response Curve. Physiologia Plantarum 74:332-341. It was shown previously that the convexity (curvature or rate of bending) of the photosynthetic light response curve was strongly correlated with chlorophyll content in shade acclimated conifer needles (Leverenz 1987, Physiol. Plant. 71: 20-29) in agreement with an hypothesis that gradients of light within leaves affect the convexity. In the present study it is shown that the convexity at any given chlorophyll content can be altered when leaves of Pinus sylvestris L. Picea glauca (Muench), Picea mariana (M.II.) BS.P. and Picea abies (L.) Karst pre-treated with less shade. This probably induced a differential acclimation of cells on the top and bottom side of the leaves to their local light environment. Leaves were illuminated on i) their top surface, ii) their bottom surface, or iii) uniformly in a light integrating sphere during measurements of photosynthesis. After shoots had been transferred from the growth environment to a new measuring environment, the convexity increased from the first to the second day towards a maximum of 0.97. The rate of increase towards this maximum was 55 to 62% per day and probably is the result of re-acclimation of cells within the leaves. The data show that the act of measuring photosynthesis induces a significant alteration in the experimental material when measurements are made for more than one day. The convexity of the light response curve of photosynthesis, was independent of whether the steady state measurements were made beginning in the dark and sequentially increasing photon flux density or beginning at high light and sequentially lowering photon flux density. Neither variation of CO2 concentration from 35 to 200 Pa, nor of temperature from 5 to 32C affected the convexity. Pinus sylvestris/Scots pine/Picea glauca/white spruce/Picea mariana/Picea abies/Norway spruce/Abies lasiocarpa KEYWORDS: LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL 431 Lewin, K.F., G.R. Hendrey, and Z. Kolber. 1992. Brookhaven National Laboratory Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Facility. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:135-141. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE 432 Lieth, J.H., J.F. Reynolds, and H.H. Rogers. 1986. Estimation of Leaf Area of Soybeans Grown under Elevated Carbon Dioxide Levels. Field Crops Research 13:193-203. Leaf area (LA) data are required for describing numerous canopy processes. However, determining LA for a crop is both time consuming and labor intensive, requiring a substantial investment of resources. The objectives of this study were (1) to develop statistical models for estimating LA of field-grown soybean (Glycine max) plants grown in open-top field chambers from measurements of destructive (leaf and top dry weight) and non-destructive (leaf number, plant height, and branch length) variables, (2) to examine the effects of CO2 concentration on these statistical relationships, and (3) to test the applicability of such models to independent data collected under different experimental conditions. Predictive models of LA based on either branch length (LA = 147.6 BRL (exp 0.635), CV = 11%) or top dry weight (LA = 328.8 x TDW (exp 0.731), CV = 12%) were found to have the lowest coefficient of variation about the regression line, to be unaffected by increasing CO2, and to be reasonable predictors of LA under different growth conditions. Both leaf area per leaf and specific leaf area ratios changed with increasing CO2 and growth conditions. Plant height was a poor predictor of LA. Glycine max/soybean KEYWORDS: LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, MODELING, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS 433 Lincoln, D.E. 1993. The Influence of Plant Carbon Dioxide and Nutrient Supply on Susceptibility to Insect Herbivores. Vegetatio 104/105:273-280. The carbon/nutrient ratio of plants has been hypothesized to be a significant regulator of plant susceptibility of leaf-eating insects. As rising atmospheric carbon dioxide stimulates photosynthesis, host plant carbon supply is increased and the accompanying higher levels of carbohydrates, especially starch, apparently 'dilute' the protein content of the leaf. When host plant nitrogen supply is limited, plant responses include increased carbohydrate accumulation, reduced leaf protein content, but also increased carbon-based defensive chemicals. No change, however, has been observed in the concentration of leaf defensive allelochemicals with elevated carbon dioxide during host plant growth. Insect responses to carbon-fertilized leaves include increased consumption with little change in growth, or alternatively, little change in consumption with decreased growth, as well as enhanced leaf digestibility, reduced nitrogen use efficiency, and reduced fecundity. The effects of plant carbon and nutrient supply on herbivores appear to result, at least in part, from independent processes affecting secondary metabolism. KEYWORDS: ALLELOCHEMICALS, CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, HERBIVORY, NITROGEN, REVIEW, SECONDARY METABOLITES 434 Lincoln, D.E., and D. Couvet. 1989. The Effect of Carbon Supply on Allocation to Allelochemicals and Caterpillar Consumption of Peppermint. Oecologia 78:112-114. The carbon supply of peppermint plants was manipulated by growing clonal propagules under three carbon dioxide regimes (350, 500 and 650 uL/L). Feeding by fourth instar caterpillars of Spodoptera eridania increased with elevated CO2 hostplant regime, as well as with low leaf nitrogen content and by a high proportion of leaf volatile terpenoids. Leaf weight increased significantly with the increased carbon supply, but the amount of nitrogen per leaf did not change. The amount of volatile leaf mono- and sesquiterpenes increased proportionately with total leaf dry weight and hence was not influenced by CO2 supply. These results are consistent with ecological hypotheses which assume that allocation to defense is closely regulated and not sensitive to carbon supply per se. Mentha piperita/peppermint KEYWORDS: ALLELOCHEMICALS, ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HERBIVORY, NITROGEN, SPODOPTERA ERIDANIA 435 Lincoln, D.E., D. Couvet, and N. Sionit. 1986. Response of an Insect Herbivore to Host Plants Grown in Carbon Dioxide Enriched Atmospheres. Oecologia 69:556-560. Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is expected to increase plant productivity but little evidence is available regarding effects on insect feeding or growth. Larvae of the soybean looper, a noctuid moth, were fed leaves of soybean plants grown under three carbon dioxide regimes (350, 500 and 650 uL/L). Larvae fed at increasingly higher rates on plants from elevated carbon dioxide atmospheres: 30% greater on leaves from the 650 uL/L treatment than on leaves from the 350 uL/L treatment. When variation in larval feeding was related to the leaf content of nitrogen and water, there was no significant remaining effect of carbon dioxide treatment. The principal effect on herbivores of increasing the carbon supply of leaves appeared to be reduction of leaf nutrient concentration. This study suggests that feeding by herbivores on the leaves of C3 plants may increase as the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide rises. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HERBIVORY, NITROGEN, PSEUDOPLUSIA INCLUDENS, WATER STATUS 436 Lindhout, P., and G. Pet. 1990. Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Young Plant Growth of 96 Genotypes of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Euphytica 51:191-196. The early growth of 96 genotypes of tomato was studied at 320 ppm CO2 and at 750 ppm CO2 in separate climate rooms. Plants were harvested at 40 and 55 days after sowing. Fresh and dry weights were determined. Large differences between genotypes were found for average plant fresh weight and dry weights and for relative growth rates. The average overall growth enhancement by CO2 enrichment was 2.3. Two genotypes showed significant genotype x CO2 interaction. The consequences of these results for tomato breeding are discussed. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, GROWTH ANALYSIS, HORTICULTURAL CROPS 437 Lipfert, F.W., Y. Alexander, G.R. Hendrey, K.F. Lewin, and J. Nagy. 1992. Performance Analysis of the BNL FACE Gas Injection System. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:143-163. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE 438 Long, S.P. 1991. Modification of the Response of Photosynthetic Productivity to Rising Temperature by Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations: Has its Importance Been Underestimated? Plant, Cell and Environment 14:729-739. Climate change will include correlated increases in temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca). Rising temperatures will increase the ratio of photorespiratory loss of carbon to photosynthetic gain, whilst rising Ca will have an opposing effect. The mechanism of these effects at the level of carboxylation in C3 photosynthesis are quantitatively well understood and provide a basis for models of the response of leaf and canopy carbon exchange to climate change. The principles of such a model are referred to here and used to quantitatively examine the implications of concurrent increase in temperature and Ca. Simulations of leaf photosynthesis show the increase, with elevation of Ca from 350 to 650 umol/mol, in light saturated rates of CO2 uptake (Asat) and maximum quantum yields (phi) to rise with temperature. An increase in Ca from 350 to 650 umol/mol can increase Asat by 20% at 10C and by 105% at 35C, and can raise the temperature optimum of Asat by 5C. This pattern of change agrees closely with experimental data. At the canopy level, simulations also suggest a strong interaction of increased temperature and CO2 concentration. Predictions are compared with the findings of long-term field studies. The principles used here suggest that elevated Ca will alter both the magnitude of the response of leaf and canopy carbon gain to rising temperature, and sometimes, the direction of response. Findings question the value of models for predicting plant production in response to climate change which ignore the direct effects of rising Ca and the modifications that rising Ca imposes on the temperature response of net CO2 exchange. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, TEMPERATURE 439 Long, S.P., N.R. Baker, and C.A. Raines. 1993. Analysing the Responses of Photosynthetic CO2 Assimilation to Long-term Elevation of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration. Vegetatio 103/104:33-45. Understanding how photosynthetic capacity acclimatises when plants are grown in an atmosphere of rising CO2 concentrations will be vital to the development of mechanistic models of the response of plant productivity to global environmental change. A limitation to the study of acclimatisation is the small amount of material that may be destructively harvested from long-term studies of the effects of elevation of CO2 concentration. Technological developments in the measurement of gas exchange, fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy, coupled with theoretical developments in the interpretation of measured values now allow detailed analyses of limitations to photosynthesis in vivo. The use of leaf chambers with Ulbricht integrating spheres allows separation of change in the maximum efficiency of energy transduction in the assimilation of CO2 from changes in tissue absorptance. Analysis of the response of CO2 assimilation to intercellular CO2 concentration allows quantitative determination of the limitation imposed by stomata, carboxylation efficiency, and the rate of regeneration of ribulose 1:5 bisphosphate. Chlorophyll fluorescence provides a rapid method for detecting photoinhibition in heterogeneously illuminated leaves within canopies in the field. Modulated fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy allow parallel measurements of the efficiency of light utilisation in electron transport through photosystems I and II in situ. KEYWORDS: ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY, FLUORESCENCE, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, QUANTUM REQUIREMENT, REVIEW, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE 440 Long, S.P., and B.G. Drake. 1991. Effect of the Long-Term Elevation of CO2 Concentration in the Field on the Quantum Yield of Photosynthesis of the C3 Sedge, Scirpus olneyi. Plant Physiology 96:221-226. CO2 concentration was elevated throughout 3 years around stands of the C3 sedge Scirpus olneyi on a tidal marsh of the Chesapeake Bay. The hypothesis that tissues developed in an elevated CO2 atmosphere will show an acclimatory decrease in photosynthetic capacity under light-limiting conditions was examined. The absorbed light quantum yield of CO2 uptake (phi-abs) and the efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry were determined for plants which had developed in open top chambers with CO2 concentrations in air of 680 micromoles per mole, and of 351 micromoles per mole as controls. An Ulbricht sphere cuvette incorporated into an open gas exchange system was used to determine phi-abs and a portable chlorophyll fluorimeter was used to estimate the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II. When measured in an atmosphere with 10 millimoles per mole O2 to suppress photorespiration, shoots showed a phi-abs of 0.093 +/- 0.003, with no statistically significant difference between shoots grown in elevated or control CO2 concentrations. Efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry was also unchanged by development in an elevated CO2 atmosphere. Shoots grown and measured in 680 micromoles per mole of CO2 in air showed a phi-abs of 0.078 +/- 0.004 compared with 0.065 +/-0.003 for leaves grown and measured in 351 micromoles per mole CO2 in air; a highly significant increase. In accordance with the change in phi-abs, the light compensation point of photosynthesis decreased from 51 +/- 3 to 31 +/- 3 micromoles per square meter per second for stems grown and measured in 351 and 680 micromoles per mole of CO2 in air, respectively. The results suggest that even after 3 years of growth in elevated CO2, there is no evidence of acclimation in capacity for photosynthesis under light-limited conditions which would counteract the stimulation of photosynthetic CO2 uptake otherwise expected through decreased photorespiration. Scirpus olneyi KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, QUANTUM REQUIREMENT, SALT MARSH 441 Long, S.P., and P.R. Hutchin. 1991. Primary Production in Grasslands and Coniferous Forests with Climate Change: An Overview. Ecological Applications 2:139-156. In energy terms primary production is the driving step of the global carbon cycle. To predict the interaction of ecosystems with the 'greenhouse' effect, it is necessary to understand how primary production, consumption, and decomposition will respond to climate change. Most estimates of primary production have been made by extrapolation from measured standing crops. For grasslands we show this approach to be seriously in error. Even where detailed studies of turnover and belowground production have been undertaken, errors are invariably high, severely limiting the value of models based on correlation of climate with measured production. Detailed information is available on the responses of individual plant processes to individual climate variables at the leaf, plant, and stand level, giving potential for a more mechanistic approach in modelling. This approach is limited by lack of information on multivariate interactions and on some key physiological processes, and by uncertainties in scaling up to populations and communities. Despite this, some important insights to possible community responses, particularly those of C3 and C4 types, may be gained from knowledge of responses at the plant level and below. This review outlines the expected character of climate change in grasslands and coniferous forests. Knowledge of the responses of different physiological processes underlying production to individual aspects of climate change is considered, and its implications for higher levels of organization are discussed. Although feasible, mechanistic models of production compound the errors associated with individual process responses with uncertainties surrounding interaction and scaling up, and result in very large errors in any prediction of response to climate change. We conclude that there is insufficient information to predict accurately the response of primary production to climate change. The key processes for which information is inadequate and the parameters that have meaning at different scales need to be identfied. Of particular promise is the approach of predicting production from light interception and conversion efficiency. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, C3, C4, CLIMATE CHANGE, CONIFEROUS FOREST, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, GCM'S, GRASSES, MODELING, NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, REVIEW, SCALING, SELECTION PRESSURE, TEMPERATURE 442 Long, S.P., G.Y. Nie, B.G. Drake, G. Hendrey, and K. Lewin. 1992. The Implications of Concurrent Increases in Temperature and CO2 Concentration for Terrestrial C3 Photosynthesis. IN: Proceedings of the IXth International Congress on Photosynthesis; 30 August-4 September 1992; Nagoya, Japan (N. Murata, ed.), Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht. KEYWORDS: PHOTOSYNTHESIS, TEMPERATURE 443 Longuenesse, J.J. 1990. Influence of CO2 Enrichment Regime on Photosynthesis and Yield of a Tomato Crop. Acta Horticulturae 268:63-70. Tomato plants var. Melody were grown in two greenhouses at the Centre de Recherches d'Avignon, in the South of France, where two CO2 enrichment regimes were compared: - Standard regime with setpoint at 1000 ppm, 6 hours per day (treatment C1000) - Simulation of a CO2 enrichment technique using the smoke exhausts from the boiler used to heat the greenhouse (treatment Cs). We measured in situ photosynthesis of leaves at different periods during the experiment, first before enrichment was applied, then during the CO2 enrichment period. These measurements were analyzed by fitting a leaf photosynthesis model to the data for each period; this curve fitting showed that when the amount of CO2 feeded to the plants is low (setpoint at 1000-1500 ppm; less than 2 hours per day) there is no acclimation effect on leaf assimilation; but when the enrichment is stronger (6 hours per day at 1000 ppm or 2 hours at 2500-3500 ppm) the acclimation effect reduces significantly the assimilation during the non-enriched hours of the day. The number and weight of fruits produced was measured for each of the three trusses; the analysis of these results shows that the C2 treatment can give the same yield as the standard regime C1000, provided the maximum CO2 concentration in the greenhouse is maintained below a limit of 2000-2500 ppm. Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato KEYWORDS: CO2 ENRICHMENT DURATION, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, YIELD 444 Loomis, R.S., and H.R. Lafitte. 1987. The Carbon Economy of a Maize Crop Exposed to Elevated CO2 Concentrations and Water Stress, as Determined from Elemental Analyses. Field Crops Research 17:63-74. Maize crops grown in open fumigation chambers under field conditions were exposed to four levels of water supply. Photosynthetic and respiratory activities were assessed from elemental analyses of above-ground biomass. Elemental composition varied little with CO2 or water treatment. The mean elemental composition of organic materials per 100 g biomass at a harvest during grain filling was C: 3.63, H:6.04, N: 0.093 O: 2.87, S: 0.002. (The balance of the mass, 2.08 g, was due to minerals). That material had more C and H and less N and was more reduced chemically than pre-anthesis biomass. While crop growth rates were affected by CO2 and water, the growth respiration factor (0.11 g C/g biomass) and the fraction of estimated gross photosynthesis used in growth respiration were small and unaffected by treatment. It is estimated that net carbon storage amounted to 53% of gross photosynthesis, while 14% went to growth respiration and 33% went to maintenance. corn/Zea mays KEYWORDS: CARBON BUDGET, GROWTH ANALYSIS, HYDROGEN, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, OXYGEN, RESPIRATION, SULFUR, WATER STATUS 445 Lord, D., S. Morissette, and J. Allaire. 1993. Influence de l'intensite lumineuse, de la temperature nocturne de l'air et de la concentration en CO2 sur la croissance de semis d'epinette noire (Picea mariana) produits en recipients en serres. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23:101-110. Growth of containerized black spruce seedlings grown in greenhouses was studied in relation to factors known to influence plant growth. Artificial light intensity (3.80 and 72.04 umol/m2/s) and night air temperature (5, 10, 12.5, 15 and 20C) were considered in a first experiment and artificial light intensity (4.24 and 59.57 umol/m2/s) and CO2 air concentration (ambient and 1000 uL/L) in a second one. Higher light intensity and CO2 enrichment increased dry biomass of seedlings as well as growth in height and stem diameter. Both factors similarly enhanced the last two parameters since height/diameter ratios showed little variation among treatments. Reducing night air temperature down to 10C did not significantly influence height growth nor biomass increase when high intensity light was provided. Lower light intensity raised the threshold to 12.5C. Shoot height, diameter, and dry biomass as well as the number of branches and buds per millimeter were strongly reduced by a 5C night air temperature. High intensity light enhanced growth of containerized black spruce seedlings more than CO2 enrichment or a 5C night air temperature. When used simultaneously, these growth enhancing factors had a synergistic effect during most of the treatment period; thereafter, the effect became partially additive. The relative growth rate peaked at the onset of exponential shoot growth and decreased after this point. However, the enhancing factors were still efficient since absolute growth differences between seedlings grown under the most favorable conditions and controls kept increasing. The faster growing pace imposed by these growth enhancing conditions during the treatment period was maintained over the entire first growing season. In French. Picea mariana/black spruce KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LIGHT, TEMPERATURE, TREES 446 Lu, J.Y., P.K. Biswas, and R.D. Pace. 1986. Effect of Elevated CO2 Growth Conditions on the Nutritive Composition and Acceptability of Baked Sweet Potato. Journal of Food Science 51:358-359 & 539. 'Georgia Jet' sweet potatoes were grown at CO2 concentrations of 354, 431, 506 and 659 ppm for 90 days. Elevated CO2 concentrations decreased protein, total carotenoids and insoluble dietary fiber. An increase in dry matter and reddish-orange color was observed at 506 and 659 ppm CO2 concentrations. Sensory evaluation scores for flavor and moistness indicated that sweet potatoes grown under high CO2 concentrations were acceptable and not different from the control. Ipomoea batatas/sweet potato KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, FOOD QUALITY, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PROTEINS, TUBERS 447 Luo, Y., and P.S. Nobel. 1993. Growth Characteristics of Newly Initiated Cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica as Affected by Shading, Drought and Elevated CO2. Physiologia Plantarum 87:467-474. Biomass accumulation and area expansion of newly initiated cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica were studied to help understand the high productivity of this Crassulacean acid metabolism species. In a glasshouse, both dry weight and area increased more and more rapidly for about 30 days and then increased linearly with time up to 63 days. The relative growth rate averaged 0.12/day, comparable to values for productive C3 and C4 plants. New cladodes initiated on basal cladodes with 2-fold higher initial dry weight grew twice as fast. Drought reduced biomass accumulation and area expansion of new cladodes by 62 and 52%, respectively. A 70% reduction in irradiation decreased biomass accumulation of new cladodes by 17% and their thickness by 11%. In a growth chamber containing 720 umol CO2/mol air, biomass of newly initiated cladodes was 7% higher, area was 8% less, specific mass was 16% higher and less carbohydrate was translocated from basal cladodes than for 360 umol CO2/mol. The large capacity for storage of carbohydrate and water in basal cladodes of O. ficus-indica apparently buffered environmental stresses, thereby reducing their effects on growth of daughter cladodes. Opuntia ficus-indica/prickly pear cactus KEYWORDS: CAM, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, LIGHT, WATER STRESS 448 Luo, Y., and B.R. Strain. 1992. Leaf Water Status in Velvetleaf under Long-term Interactions of Water Stress, Atmospheric Humidity, and Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Plant Physiology 139:600-604. Well watered and water-stressed Abutilon theophrasti, were grown with relative humidity of 45% or 85% at 30C and CO2 concentrations of 350 or 650 umol/mol. Elevated leaf water potentials of the water-stressed plants grown in both high and low humidities were caused by CO2 enrichment. Elevated water content (kg/m2 leaf area) caused by CO2 enrichment, higher water content at a given water potential, and notably lower rate in desiccation from detached leaves all occurred only in the plants grown in low humidity. These results may be related to enhanced dehydration resistance of the plants that experienced long-term low humidity. Abutilon theophrasti KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HUMIDITY, VPD, WATER STATUS 449 Luxmoore, R.J., R.J. Norby, and E.G. O'Neill. 1986. Seedling Tree Responses to Nutrient Stress under Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment. IN: Forest Plants and Forest Protection, Vol. I (Edwin Donaubauer, ed.), 18th IUFRO World Congress, Division 2, Yugoslav IUFRO World Congress Organizing Committee, Vienna, pp. 178-183. Three species of seedling trees were grown in pots containing low-nutrient soil for periods of up to 40 weeks under a range of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In all cases, total dry weight increased with CO2 enrichment, with a greater relative increase in root weight than shoot weight. In an experiment with Pinus virginiana in open-top field chambers, phosphorus and potassium uptake did not increase with an increase in CO2 from 365 to 690 uL/L, even though dry matter gain increased by 37% during the exposure period. In experiments with Quercus alba and Liriodendron tulipifera under controlled environment conditions there were obvious symptoms of nitrogen deficiency and total nitrogen uptake did not increase with CO2 enrichment. However, dry weight gain was more than 90% higher at 690 uL/L CO2. The three experiments with CO2 enrichment demonstrate that increases in plant dry weight can occur without increased uptake of some nutrients from the low-nutrient soil. A mechanism for these responses may involve increased mobilization of nutrients in association with increased sucrose transport under elevated CO2 conditions. Pinus virginiana/Quercus alba/Liriodendron tulipifera KEYWORDS: CALCIUM, GROWTH, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, RHIZOSPHERE, ROOTS, TREES, ZINC 450 Luxmoore, R.J., E.G. O'Neill, J.M. Ells, and H.H. Rogers. 1986. Nutrient Uptake and Growth Responses of Virginia Pine to Elevated Atmospheric CO2. Journal of Environmental Quality 15:244-251. One-year-old Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana Mill.) seedlings with native or Pisolithus tinctorius mycorrhizal associations were grown in pots with soil low in organic matter and in cation exchange capacity and were exposed to one of five atmospheric CO2 levels in the range of 340 to 940 uL/L in open-top field chambers. The mean dry weight of the seedlings increased from 4.4 to 11.0 g/plant during the 122-d exposure period. Significant increases in dry weight and uptake of N, Ca, Al, Fe, Zn, and Sr occurred with CO2 enrichment. Greater chemical uptake was associated with greater root weight. Specific absorption rates for chemicals (uptake per gram of root per day) were generally not affected by CO2 enrichment. The uptake of P and K was not increased with elevated CO2, and these elements showed the greater nutrient-use efficiency (C gain per element uptake). The nutrient-use efficiency for N and Ca were not influenced by atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Large increases in Zn uptake at high CO2 suggested an increase in rhizosphere acidification, which may have resulted from the release of protons from the roots, since it was estimated that cation uptake increasingly exceeded anion uptake with CO2 enrichment. Potassium, P, and NO3 concentrations in the pot leachate decreased with higher CO2 levels, and a similar trend was found for Al and Mg. These results suggest that soil-plant systems may exhibit increased nutrient and chemical retention at elevated atmospheric CO2. Pinus virginiana/Virginia pine KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, ALUMINUM, BARIUM, BORON, CALCIUM, COPPER, IRON, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, MYCORRHIZAE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, ROOTS, STRONTIUM, TREES, ZINC 451 Luxmoore, R.J., M.L. Tharp, and D.C. West. 1990. Simulating the Physiological Basis of Tree-Ring Responses to Environmental Changes. IN: Process Modeling of Forest Growth Responses to Environmental Stress (R.K. Dixon, R.S. Meldahl, G.A. Ruark, and W.G. Warren, eds.), Timber Press, Portland, Oregon, pp. 393-401. The detection of possible forest growth responses to changes in atmospheric CO2 or air pollutants is very difficult by statistical analysis of tree-ring chronologies, and a complementary modeling approach has been initially tested. In this new approach, a linked set of mechanistic unified transport models (UTM) of carbon, water, and chemical dynamics in soil-plant-litter systems is used to generate a matrix of simulated annual stemwood increment and winter carbon storage values for a range of degree day, water stress, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. These values represent potential tree growth responses as determined by hourly time-step physiological processes. The matrix is accessed by a forest succession model (Forests of East Tennessee, FORET) according to selected degree day and water stress values or by use of actual site data. These potential growth responses are modified to realized annual increments according to the competition algorithms of the succession simulator using yearly time-steps. A 12% increase in stemwood production was predicted for an oak-hickory (Quercus-Carya sp.) forest in eastern Tennessee by the UTM for a change in atmospheric CO2 both from 260 to 340 and from 340 to 600 ppmv (uL/L). A signal of +/- 12% was incorporated into the diameter growth algorithms for the species represented in Forests of East Tennessee (FORET), and simulations were conducted for 32 plots with slightly different initial species composition representative of the oak-hickory forest (Shugart and West, 1977). Preliminary results suggest that the spatial variation in the species complement for the 32 plots masked the detection of the CO2 signal in 200-year simulations. In a repeat analysis eliminating spatial variability, 24 replicate simulations were conducted for a single plot, and again there were no simulation responses that could be attributed to CO2 enrichment for the five plots evaluated in this manner. Temporal variability due to establishment and mortality algorithms in FORET probably masked the CO2 signal from the Unified Transport Model (UTM). Spatial and/or temporal variability in forest-stand dynamics may mask the detection of tree response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. A backcast simulation procedure that largely eliminates spatial and temporal effects is recommended for further testing of the linked-modeling method of tree-ring chronology analysis. KEYWORDS: COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, MODELING, SIMULATION, TEMPERATE FOREST, TREE-RING ANALYSIS, TREES 452 Madsen, T.V. 1987. The Effect of Different Growth Conditions on Dark and Light Carbon Assimilation in Littorella uniflora. Physiologia Plantarum 70:183-188. The effect of long-term exposure to different inorganic carbon, nutrient and light regimes on CAM activity and photosynthetic performance in the submerged aquatic plant, Littorella uniflora (L.) Aschers was investigated. The potential CAM activity of Littorella was highly plastic and was reduced upon exposure to low light intensities (43 umol/m2/s), high CO2 concentrations (5.5 mM, pH 6.0) or low levels of inorganic nutrients, which caused a 25-80% decline in the potential maximum CAM activity relative to the activity in the control experiments (light: 45 umol/m2/s; free CO2: 1.5 mM). The CAM activity was regulated more by light than by CO2, while nutrient levels only affected the activity to a minor extent. The minor effect of low nutrient regimes may be due to a general adaptation of isoetic species to low nutrient levels. The photosynthetic capacity and CO2 affinity was unaffected or increased by exposure to low CO2, irrespective of nutrient levels. High CO2, low nutrient and low light, however, reduced the capacity by 22-40% and the CO2 affinity by 35-45%, relative to control. The parallel effect of growth conditions on CAM activity and photosynthetic performance of Littorella suggest that light and dark carbon assimilation are interrelated and constitute an integrated part of the carbon assimilation physiology of the plant. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that CAM is a carbon-conserving mechanism in certain aquatic plants. The investment in the CAM enzyme system is beneficial to the plants during growth at high light and low CO2 conditions. Littorella uniflora KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, CAM, PHOTOSYNTHESIS 453 Maevskaya, S.N., T.F. Andreeva, S.Y. Voevudskaya, and N.N. Cherkanova. 1990. Effect of Elevated CO2 Concentration on Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Metabolism of Mustard Plants. Fiziologiya Rastenii 37:921-927. We investigated the effect of prolonged (8- to 10-day) influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 content (0.14%) on the photosynthetic rate and nitrogen metabolism in mustard plants (Brassica juncea L.). The photosynthetic rate and intensity of nitrogen metabolism in leaves of mustard plants in the vegetative phase of growth are higher under conditions of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration than in leaves of plants that developed under conditions of normal CO2 content in the atmosphere. Intensification of nitrogen metabolism occurred mainly due to increase of NR activity. Activity of GS and GO increased to a lesser extent. Significant changes were detected in the rates of synthesis of separate amino acids. Thus, formation of alanine and aspartic acid increased by 84 and 40%, respectively, but the rates of glycine and serine synthesis declined. The excess of amino acids (alanine and aspartic acid) is evacuated from the metabolic pool into vacuoles, with the result that a normal metabolic pool of amino acids is preserved. A state of homeostasis is preserved, protein and chlorophyll synthesis is not disturbed, and growth and biomass accumulation intensify in plants under conditions of elevated CO2 concentration. Brassica juncea/mustard KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, ENZYMES, METABOLITES, NITRATE REDUCTASE, NITROGEN 454 Maleszewski, S., Z. Kaminska, A. Kondracka, and M. Mikulska. 1988. Response of Net Photosynthesis in Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Leaves to the Elevation of the Partial Pressures of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. Physiologia Plantarum 74:221-224. Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Golden Saxa) plants were grown under low artificial light or under natural daylight. The rate of net photosynthesis (Pn) was measured at: CO2 partial pressure, p(CO2), of 0.03, 0.09 or 0.15 kPa; O2 partial pressure, p(O2), of 2, 21 or 31 kPa and at light intensities of 350 or 1000 umol/m2/s (photosynthetically active radiation). In plants which had been grown under natural light, stimulation of Pn at 2 kPa p(O2) was found only at elevated p(CO2) and high light. It is proposed that this phenomenon is dependent on a high capacity of the photosynthetic apparatus to regenerate ribulose 1,5-bis-phosphate. bean/Phaseolus vulgaris KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GREENHOUSE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, OXYGEN, RIBULOSE 1,5-BISPHOSPHATE 455 Mandl, R.H., J.A. Laurence, and R.J. Kohut. 1989. Development and Testing of Open-Top Chambers for Exposing Large, Perennial Plants to Air Pollutants. Journal of Environmental Quality 18:534-540. To study the effects of air pollutants on large perennial plants, two designs of large, open-top chambers were tested in wind tunnel studies and subsequent field trials. Flow visualization of air patterns in the wind tunnel showed that a frustum and inner baffle plate covering 50% of the top surface provided the best exclusion capabilities. This was quantified by measurement of pollutant distribution in scale models. Prototype chambers were erected around grape (Vitus sp.) vines in a commercial vineyard and evaluated over two growing seasons. Exclusion efficiencies of 80 to 95% were found during the test period. The rain shadow caused by the frustum was significant with losses greatest near the walls. The average increase in leaf temperature between ambient and within the chamber was 2.5C. Light intensity was reduced 14 and 22% in the circular and rectangular chamber, respectively. Although there is some modification of the plant environment, the chambers provide a suitable environment during the growing season for air pollution studies with large perennial plants. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS 456 Mann, W., and H. Krug. 1989. Production Planning -- CO2 Enrichment. Acta Horticulturae 248:201-206. Following the approach of Krug and Liebig the CO2 factor was integrated into the planning model for radiation and temperature. The response surface for autumn plantings of lettuce, graphs for the growth periods (100 g) as a function of temperature set point and CO2 concentration as well as corresponding input factor costs, are presented. CO2 enrichment results in remarkable increases of growth rates, particularly in combination with high irradiances and favourable temperatures. Therewith the growth period will be shortened, especially if due to better growth in favourable environments unfavourable conditions will be avoided. This can be achieved in autumn by enhancing growth to finish the crop before winter, in spring by later plantings and enhancing growth to finish at the time scheduled. kohlrabi/Brassica oleracea/radish/Raphanus sativus/lambs lettuce KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LIGHT, TEMPERATURE 457 Marek, L.F., and M.H. Spalding. 1991. Changes in Photorespiratory Enzyme Activity in Response to Limiting CO2 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Physiology 97:420-425. The activity of two photorespiratory enzymes, phosphoglycolate phosphatase (PGPase) and glycolate dehydrogenase (glycolate DH), changes when CO2-enriched wild-type (WT) Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells are transferred to air levels of CO2. Adaptation to air levels of CO2 by Chlamydomonas involves induction of a CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) which increases the internal inorganic carbon concentration and suppresses oxygenase activity of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase. PGPase in cell extracts shows a transient increase in activity that reaches a maximum 3 to 5 hours after transfer and then declines to the original level within 48 hours. The decline in PGPase activity begins at about the time that physiological evidence indicates the CCM is approaching maximal activity. Glycolate DH activity in 24 hour air-adapted WT cells is double that seen in CO2-enriched cells. Unlike WT, the high-CO2-requiring mutant, cia-5, does not respond to limiting CO2 conditions: it does not induce any known aspects of the CCM and it does not show changes in PGPase or glycolate DH activities. Other known mutants of the CCM show patterns of PGPase and glycolate DH activity after transfer to limiting CO2 which are different from WT and cia-5 but which are consistent with changes in activity being initiated by the same factor that induces the CCM, although secondary regulation must also be involved. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii KEYWORDS: ALGAE, AQUATIC PLANTS, CELL CULTURE, ENZYMES, RESPIRATION, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE 458 Margolis, H.A., and L.P. Vezina. 1990. Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment and the Development of Frost Hardiness in Containerized Black Spruce Seedlings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 20:1392-1398. The hypothesis that a relatively brief exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2 could increase the frost resistance of shoots was tested on containerized black spruce seedlings (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.). Seedlings were exposed to 1000 ppm CO2 toward the end of their second growing season in an unheated production tunnel and in a heated greenhouse. In 1987, continuous 10-week CO2 exposures were applied in conjunction with mineral nutrient fertilization, and freezing tests were conducted each week. In 1988, a series of shorter 2-week CO2 exposures was applied to different groups of seedlings and no mineral nutrients were added. Controlled freezing tests were conducted at -10xC and were followed by electrolytic conductivity measurements to assess frost injury. Under all experimental conditions, freezing tests on seedlings from both the production tunnel and the greenhouse indicated significantly greater frost damage for the CO2-enriched seedlings than for the controls. Late-growing season CO2 enrichment negatively affected the bud initiation - bud development stage of frost-hardiness development. Picea mariana/black spruce KEYWORDS: FROST HARDINESS 459 Marino, B.D., and M.B. McElroy. 1991. Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric CO2 Inferred from Carbon in C4 Plant Cellulose. Nature 349:127-131. The isotopic composition of atmospheric carbon dioxide provides an important constraint for models of the global carbon cycle. It is shown that carbon in C4 plants preserves an isotopic record of the CO2 used in photosynthesis. Data for the maize plant Zea mays yield results for the isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 consistent with measurements of modern air and air trapped in polar ice. Data from C4 plants may thus be used to extend the isotopic record of atmospheric CO2 into the past, complementing data from other sources. corn/Zea mays KEYWORDS: C4, CARBON CYCLE, ISOTOPE DISCRIMINATION, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION 460 Mari Torres, J. 1989. Influence of Carbon Dioxide Dosing on the Photosynthetic Response and Its Relationship with the Production of Different Light Saturation Plants. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Barcelona, Dissertation Abstracts Vol. 51:01-C, p.29 (297 pp.). In plants of Fatsia japonica and Pelargonium x hortorum cv. Silipen, grown in controlled environment conditions, three growth treatments with CO2 were carried out: (a) control (constant normal CO2 at 340 vpm), (b) selective enrichment (CO2 constant at 800 vpm during the first two and last two hours of the day, maintaining it at 340 vpm during the rest of the day), and (c) constant CO2 enrichment (800 vpm). After three weeks of growth, experiments were carried out on daily courses (gas exchange, water potential, etc.) in nine different treatments (each growth treatment was measured in its CO2 conditions and in those of the other two), in two populations of leaves of both species; and dry-matter production analysis of different initial LAI plants, as well as other observations (cellular and chloroplastic ultrastructure). The growth treatments with CO2 enrichment gave rise to increases in dry-matter production in both species. The percentage increases in comparison with the control being, 34% and 45% in Pelargonium x hortorum of medium LAI, 49% and 76% in Pelargonium x hortorum of low LAI, and 77% and 77% in Fatsia japonica of medium LAI, in the treatments with selective and constant CO2 enrichment respectively. These increases were due to the effect of CO2 on the physiological determinants of crop growth (Charles-Edwards). The most direct effect is felt on the second determinant (the efficiency of the conversion of light intercepted by vegetal material), on increasing the net photosynthesis in an important way which reverts on the first determinant (the quantity of intercepted radiation by the crop) with the effect of autoacceleration and also additivity due to the better water relations. The most relative efficiency of the treatment with selective enrichment in relation to the continued one was related to the mechanisms implied in the acclimatization (photosynthetic and stomatic), each depending on the type of light saturation of the plant, as well as on a negative effect of autoshading in the continued CO2 enrichment treatment. In Spanish. Fatsia japonica/Pelargonium hortorum KEYWORDS: ANATOMY, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, LIGHT UTILIZATION EFFICIENCY, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, STOMATA 461 Marks, S., and K. Clay. 1990. Effects of CO2 Enrichment, Nutrient Addition, and Fungal Endophyte-Infection on the Growth of Two Grasses. Oecologia 84:207-214. Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is expected to increase plant productivity and alter plant/plant interactions, but little is known about its effects on symbiotic interactions with microorganisms. Interactions between perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne (a C3 plant), and purpletop grass, Tridens flavus (a C4 plant), and their clavicipitaceous fungal endophytes (Acremonium lolii and Balansia epichloe, respectively) were investigated by growing the grasses under 350 and 750 uL/L CO2 at two nutrient levels. Infected and uninfected perennial ryegrass responded with increased growth to both CO2 enrichment and nutrient addition. Biomass and leaf area of infected and uninfected plants responded similarly to CO2 enrichment. When growth analysis parameters were calculated, there were significant increases in relative growth rate and net assimilation rate of infected plants compared to uninfected plants, although the differences remained constant across CO2 and nutrient treatments. Growth of purpletop grass did not increase with CO2 enrichment or nutrient addition and there were no significant differences between infected and uninfected plants. CO2 enrichment did not alter the interactions between these two host grasses and their endophytic-fungal symbionts. Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass/Tridens flavus/purpletop grass KEYWORDS: ACREMONIUM LOLII, BALANSIA EPICHLOE, C3, C4, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GRASSES, GROWTH ANALYSIS, NUTRITION, PLANT-FUNGUS INTERACTIONS, SOIL MICROORGANISMS 462 Marks, S., and B.R. Strain. 1989. Effects of Drought and CO2 Enrichment on Competition between Two Old Field Perennials. New Phytologist 111:181-186. We studied the effects of drought stress and CO2 enrichment on the competition between Aster pilosus Willd. (aster, C3) and Andropogon virginicus L. (broomsedge, C4) under two CO2 concentrations (350 and 650 uL/L CO2) and two water treatments (well-watered and water-limited). Although broomsedge is the more drought-tolerant species, this did not increase its competitive ability against aster under drought conditions. With CO2 enrichment, aster was a stronger competitor than broomsedge and comprised 75% of above-ground pot biomass in both water treatments. CO2 enrichment also increased aster survival when competing with broomsedge under extreme drought conditions. Although drought stress and CO2 enrichment interacted to affect the two species in different ways, there was no interaction of drought stress and competition; aster was a stronger competitor than broomsedge under CO2 enrichment in both well-watered and water-limited conditions. With future increases in the atmospheric CO2 concentration, aster may delay broomsedge dominance in old-field communities. Aster pilosus/aster/broomsedge/Andropogon virginicus KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, OLD FIELD COMMUNITIES, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUCCESSIONAL COMMUNITIES, SURVIVORSHIP, TRANSPIRATION, WATER STRESS, WUE 463 Martin, P. 1992. EXE: a Climatically Sensitive Model to Study Climate Change and CO2 Enhancement Effects on Forests. Australian Journal of Botany 40:717-735. Vegetation plays a significant role in determining the local and regional hydrology of ice-free continental surfaces and the dynamics of the atmosphere above it. Vegetation also influences the global climate directly by affecting atmospheric chemistry. In particular, it partially controls the carbon cycle. In turn, vegetation is influenced by climate and changes in the ambient concentration of CO2. This may have important consequences for agriculture and natural resource exploitation. A formal recognition of atmosphere/biosphere interrelationships is crucial but insufficient. Systematic investigations of the interactions between climate, plant physiology and ecology are badly needed. In this spirit, this paper presents the results of numerical simulations performed with the Energy, water and momentum eXchange, and Ecological dynamics (EXE) model at a local scale over periods of 400-800 (simulation) years. EXE constitutes a first attempt to couple a physiologically based water budget and an explicit atmospheric general circulation model (GCM). Within this context, the paper demonstrates through the examples it analyses that both potential stomatal response to CO2 and the possible range of changes in atmospheric relative humidity are likely major factors in determining the ecosystem response to greenhouse warming. Consequently, they should be considered in future studies of this kind. The paper also provides explanations regarding the movements of ecotones, defined as the transition zones between different vegetation assemblages. Taking the North American forest/prairie boundary as a case study, the analysis of the results shows how, in the greenhouse warmed world, St Paul, MN, might look like North Platte, NE. Finally, building on the previous example by using two different models, this study illustrates that results can be strongly model dependent and encourages extreme caution in their interpretation. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, CONDUCTANCE, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, ECOSYSTEM MODEL, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, FOREST, GCM'S, HUMIDITY, MODELING, SIMULATION 464 Martin, P., N.J. Rosenberg, and M.S. McKenney. 1989. Sensitivity of Evapotranspiration in a Wheat Field, a Forest, and a Grassland to Changes in Climate and Direct Effects of Carbon Dioxide. Climatic Change 14:117-151. Micrometeorological and physiological measurements were used to develop Penman-Monteith models of evapotranspiration for a wheat field in eastern Nebraska, a forest in Tennessee, and a grassland in east-central Kansas. The model fit the measurements well over the periods of observation. Model sensitivities to changes in climatic and physiological parameters were then analyzed. The range of changes considered was established from recent general circulation model output and from review of recent plant physiological research. Finally, climate change scenarios produced by general circulation models for the locations and seasons matching the observed data were applied to the micrometeorological models. Simulation studies show that when all climatic and plant factors are considered, evapotranspiration estimates can differ greatly from those that consider only temperature. Depending on ecosystem and on climate and plant input used, evapotranspiration can differ from the control (no climate or plant change) by about -20 to +40%. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, CLIMATE CHANGE, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, FOREST, GCM'S, GRASSES, MODELING, SIMULATION 465 Masle, J. 1992. Will Plant Performance on Soils Prone to Drought or With High Mechanical Impedance to Root Penetration Be Improved under Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration? Australian Journal of Botany 40:491-500. Plants growing on dry soils or on soils with high mechanical resistance to root penetration grow more slowly and exhibit lower stomatal conductance than those growing on moist and loose soils. In most situations in nature where edaphic stresses develop rather slowly (compared to stresses imposed in most pot experiments conducted under controlled conditions), photosynthesis is mainly reduced via stomatal effects rather than via changes in mesophyll capacity for photosynthesis. Elevated CO2 will induce an increase in the internal partial pressure of CO2, despite stomatal conductance being lowered even further. Photosynthesis will therefore be improved, and leaf turgor will be increased. It is widely thought that growth on dry or hard soils is not carbon limited because levels of soluble carbohydrates in the leaves and root cells are increased. It is shown in this paper than growth on soil with high mechanical resistance does respond to elevated CO2. However, this response is smaller than expected from the increase of carbon assimilation rate because: (a) carbon partitioning is altered so that supplementary carbohydrates are preferentially allocated to the roots; (b) leaf growth sensitivity to internal availability of sugars is lower than in plants growing on loose soils. These alterations of 'sink activity' and carbon partitioning are mediated by unknown signalling factor(s) induced in the roots. It is not known whether the root factors acting in droughted plants are of the same nature. In both droughted and impeded plants the interacting effects of these factors and of ambient CO2 levels are likely to result in improved transpiration efficiency. More experiments are needed in this area, however, especially to ascertain the relative contribution of changes in growth patterns versus changes in the patterns of water use. In conclusion, the importance of identifying the nature of the sink limitations induced by root signals is emphasized. It is a fundamental area of research to be developed not only for assessing growh responses to rising CO2 under edaphic stress, but likely also for reconciling conflicting responses of field-grown and pot-grown plants. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONDUCTANCE, REVIEW, ROOTS, SOIL RESISTANCE, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE, WATER STRESS 466 Masle, J., G.D. Farquhar, and R.M. Gifford. 1990. Growth and Carbon Economy of Wheat Seedlings as Affected by Soil Resistance to Penetration and Ambient Partial Pressure of CO2. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 17:465-487. Wheat seedlings were grown on soils with different resistances to root penetration and at various ambient partial pressures of CO2, pa. The partial pressure pa was varied either (a) as soon as seedlings emerged and until the end of the experiment (i.e., until c. 2 weeks after sowing, until the three leaf stage) or (b) only after the effects of high soil resistance were well established, and then for two days. In the first week after emergence, a higher soil resistance induced slower growth of both roots and shoot. This effect was independent of pa. We conclude that at this stage, with much of the plant's carbon being supplied from hydrolysis of seed reserves, growth at high soil resistance was not C-source limited. There was, however, a positive relationship between shoot growth rate and the carbohydrate concentration in that tissue, the degree of which varied with soil resistance. A given carbohydrate concentration was associated with a lower growth rate at high, compared with low, soil resistance. We deduced that this reduced sensitivity of growth to internal availability of substrate carbohydrate may be one manifestation of a sink limitation. Subsequent to the first week following emergence, roots grew faster on soil with higher resistance, while the shoot continued to grow more slowly. As seed reserves were becoming exhausted, growth became sensitive to pa, i.e. somewhat source-limited. This response to partial pressure of CO2 was mainly seen in the roots. The correlation between growth rate and carbohydrate levels was maintained. We conclude that increased soil resistance induces a factor which retards shoot growth, partly by decreasing its sensitivity to carbohydrate levels, making more carbon available for root growth. It is unclear whether or not this factor also directly affects the physiology of the roots. A higher soil resistance resulted in greater respiratory losses as a proportion, phi, of carbon fixation. Reduced pa also induced greater phi. Theory is developed relating phi to carbon assimilation, allocation and maintenance. It leads to the prediction that respiratory losses, as a proportion, phi, should be increased under most environmental conditions which reduce relative growth rate. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CARBOHYDRATES, CARBON BUDGET, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, ISOTOPE DISCRIMINATION, NITROGEN, RESPIRATION, ROOTS, SOIL RESISTANCE, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE, TRANSPIRATION 467 Masuda, T., K. Fujita, K. Kogure, and S. Ogata. 1989. Effect of CO2 Enrichment and Nitrate Application on Vegetative Growth and Dinitrogen Fixation of Wild and Cultivated Soybean Varieties. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 35:357-366. A wild soybean variety (Glycine soja Sieb. and Zucc. line Nakei-No. 1) and a cultivated soybean variety (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Tamahomare) were subjected to CO2 enrichment and/or NO3-N application (50 and 300 ppm), and the growth and dinitrogen fixation in the vegetative growth stage were examined. 1. The whole plant weight of the cultivated soybean variety was more promoted by CO2 enrichment than by NO3-N application, while that of the wild one was enhanced by NO3-N application compared with CO2 enrichment. 2. The dinitrogen-fixing activity which was lower in wild soybean variety than in the cultivated one increased by CO2 enrichment in both soybean varieties, when nitrate was not applied to the plants. The increase by CO2 enrichment was remarkable in the cultivated soybean variety and was negligible in the wild one. In both soybean varieties, the dinitrogen-fixing activity decreased by the application of 50 ppm NO3-N as a result of CO2 enrichment. 3. The increment of whole plant N in the cultivated soybean variety was markedly enhanced by either CO2 enrichment or NO3-N application, while that in the wild soybean variety was slightly enhanced by NO3-N application and did not change by CO2 enrichment. However, the simultaneous supply of CO2 and NO3-N enhanced remarkably the increment of whole plant N in both soybean varieties. These results indicate that the CO2 enrichment increased the dry matter production in the cultivated soybean variety along with the increase of dinitrogen-fixing activity, while in the wild one dry matter production increased slightly. On the other hand, the increase of dry matter production by NO3-N application was less appreciable in the cultivated soybean variety but larger in the wild one compared with the increase by CO2 enrichment, respectively. The simultaneous supply of CO2 and NO3-N increased remarkably the dry matter production in both soybean varieties. Therefore, it is assumed that the vegetative growth of the cultivated soybean variety in predominantly limited by the insufficient supply of photosynthates, whereas that of the wild one is mainly limited by the insufficient supply of N due to lower dinitrogen fixation by nodules. soybean/Glycine max/Glycine soja KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, NITROGEN, NITROGEN FIXATION, NITROGENASE ACTIVITY, NUTRITION 468 Mauney, J.R., and D.L. Hendrix. 1988. Responses of Glasshouse Grown Cotton to Irrigation with Carbon Dioxide-saturated Water. Crop Science 28:835-838. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: FIZZ IRRIGATION, SOIL CO2 CONCENTRATION 469 Mauney, J.R., K.F. Lewin, G.R. Hendrey, and B.A. Kimball. 1992. Growth and Yield of Cotton Exposed to Free-Air CO2 Enrichment. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:213-222. This experiment successfully grew a cotton crop from germination to maturity with controlled CO2 enrichment to 550 umol/mol using a vertical vent pipe array to control the CO2 concentration. Four replications were sufficient to obtain statistically significant results. On Day Of Year (DOY) 220, 112 days after planting, the FACE plots had 45% greater dry weight than controls. Thereafter, the FACE plots added weight at a slower rate than the controls, so that at the final harvest the difference was only 20%. The crop allocated a greater proportion of its dry weight to roots in the FACE plots than in the controls. On DOY235 when the total dry weight increase was 39%, the root dry weight increase in the FACE plots was 85%. The uniformity of the crop response within the plots and between replications will allow a greater area to be used in future experiments. The area for sampling crop responses can be enlarged from the 12 m used in this experiment. It appears that 18 and perhaps 20 m of the 22-m diameter of the plots can be used for sampling crop response. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, FACE, GROWTH, YIELD 470 Mbikayi, N.T., D.R. Hileman, N.C. Bhattacharya, P.P. Ghosh, and P.K. Biswas. 1988. Effects of CO2 Enrichment on the Physiology and Biomass Production in Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L.) Grown in Open Top Chambers. IN: Proceedings of the International Congress of Plant Physiology, 15-20 February 1988, Vol. Vol.II (S.K. Sinha, P.V. Sane, S.C. Bhargava, and P.K. Agrawal, eds.), Society for Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, New Delhi, India, pp. 640-645. This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of increased concentrations of carbon dioxide on growth, physiology and biomass production in cowpeas subjected to 354, 354 (ambient CO2 in open chamber), 506 and 655 uL/L CO2. The CO2 enriched environment increased plant height, fresh and dry weights of whole plant, nodule numbers and mass, and protein-nitrogen in seeds. The effects were most pronounced at 655 uL/L CO2. In contrast, stomatal density, stomatal conductance and protein-nitrogen in roots decreased at 655 as compared to 354 and 506 uL CO2/L. Vigna unguiculata/cowpea KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, CROPS, NODULATION, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PROTEINS, STOMATAL DENSITY, YIELD 471 McLaughlin, S.B., and R.J. Norby. 1991. Atmospheric Pollution and Terrestrial Vegetation: Evidence of Changes, Linkages, and Significance to Selection Processes. IN: Ecological Genetics and Air Pollution (G.E. Taylor Jr., L.F. Pitelka, and M.T. Clegg, eds.), Springer Verlag, Inc., New York, pp. 61-101. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, FOREST, REPRODUCTION, REVIEW, SELECTION PRESSURE, SPECIES COMPETITION 472 McMurtrie, R.E. 1991. Relationship of Forest Productivity to Nutrient and Carbon Supply--a Modeling Analysis. Tree Physiology 9:87-99. A simple model of photosynthetic and nutritional controls over foliar dynamics is analyzed to compare the magnitude of the growth response of forest stands to increased rates of photosynthesis and nutrient supply. According to the model, productivity achieved at canopy closure is sensitive to nutrient supply, except where nutrient availability exceeds the plants' uptake capacity. Plants growing under nutrient-limited conditions can only respond positively to enhanced photosynthetic rates if they simultaneously increase their nutrient uptake, or reduce nutrient concentrations in stem, branch, root or senescing leaf tissue, or shift their carbon allocation in favor of biomass components with low nutrient concentrations. In particular, a response is more likely where considerable internal cycling of nitrogen occurs before leaf senescence, or where foliar allocation decreases with decreasing leaf nutrient concentrations. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, MODELING, NUTRITION 473 McMurtrie, R.E., H.N. Comins, M.U.F. Kirschbaum, and Y.-P. Wang. 1992. Modifying Existing Forest Growth Models to Take Account of Effects of Elevated CO2. Australian Journal of Botany 40:657-677. Most published process models of the growth of forest stands are concerned predominantly with either tree physiology or nutrient cycling, concentrating respectively on photosynthetic carbon gain and allocation, or on decomposition and nutrient uptake processes. Mechanistic formulations of direct CO2 effects on photosynthesis have been incorporated in some physiology-based models, whereas modifications incorporating direct CO2 effect in nutrient-driven models have usually been more empirical. Physiology-based models predict considerable CO2-fertiliser effects, while nutrient driven models tend to be less sensitive to elevated ambient CO2 concentration (Ca). This paper describes how effects of elevated Ca can be incorporated in these various types of forest growth models. The magnitude of the simulated response to elevated Ca varies markedly depending on a particular model's spatial and temporal resolution and on which processes are incorporated. Two physiology-based models of forest canopy processes (MAESTRO and BIOMASS) and a plant-soil model (G'DAY) are considered here. MAESTRO and BIOMASS incorporate mechanistic descriptions of the biochemical basis of photosynthesis by C3 plants, while G'DAY contains a simplified formulation but includes soil processes. All three models are used to simulate the response to an instantaneous doubling of Ca. Simulations of MAESTRO and BIOMASS show that on a clear day total canopy photosynthesis is temperature-dependent with increases of approximately 10, 45 and 70% at 10.25 and 40C respectively. A simulation for a stand of Pinus radiata growing with abundant water and nutrients and mean annual day-time temperature of 14.8C shows an increase of 25% in annual canopy photosynthesis. On nutrient-limited sites plant responses to elevated Ca are constrained by feedbacks associated with rates of decomposition and nutrient cycling. According to the G'DAY model, which incorporates these feedbacks, an instantaneous doubling of Ca leads to a 27% initial productivity increase lasting less than a decade and a more modest increase of 8% sustained in the long term. KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, FOREST, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MODELING, NITROGEN, NUTRIENT CYCLING, QUANTUM REQUIREMENT, SOIL, TEMPERATURE 474 McMurtrie, R.E., and Y.-P. Wang. 1993. Mathematical Models of the Photosynthetic Response of Tree Stands to Rising CO2 Concentrations and Temperatures. Plant, Cell and Environment 16:1-13. Two published models of canopy photosynthesis, MAESTRO and BIOMASS, are simulated to examine the response of tree stands to increasing ambient concentrations of carbon dioxide (Ca) and temperatures. The models employ the same equations to described leaf gas exchange, but differ considerably in the level of detail employed to represent canopy structure and radiation environment. Daily rates of canopy photosynthesis simulated by the two models agree to within 10% across a range of CO2 concentrations and temperatures. A doubling of Ca leads to modest increases of simulated daily canopy photosynthesis at low temperatures (10% increase at 10C), but larger increases at higher temperatures (60% increase at 30C). The temperature and CO2 dependencies of canopy photosynthesis are interpreted in terms of simulated contributions by quantum-saturated and non-saturated foliage. Simulations are presented for periods ranging from a diurnal cycle to several years. Annual canopy photosynthesis simulated by BIOMASS for trees experiencing no water stress is linearly related to simulated annual absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, with light utilization coefficients for carbon of epsilon = 1.66 and 2.07 g/MJ derived for Ca of 350 and 700 umol/mol, respectively. KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, FOREST, MODELING, RADIATION, SIMULATION, TEMPERATURE, TREES 475 Miao, S.L., P.M. Wayne, and F.A. Bazzaz. 1992. Elevated CO2 Differentially Alters the Responses of Co-ocurring Birch and Maple Seedlings to a Moisture Gradient. Oecologia 90:300-304. To determine the effects of elevated CO2 and soil moisture status on growth and niche characteristics of birch and maple seedlings, gray birch (Betula populifolia) and red maple (Acer rubrum) were experimentally raised along a soil moisture gradient ranging from extreme drought to flooded conditions at both ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 levels. The magnitude of growth enhancement due to CO2 was largely contingent on soil moisture conditions, but differently so for maple than for birch seedlings. Red maple showed greatest CO2 enhancement under moderately moist soil conditions, whereas gray birch showed greatest enhancements under moderately dry soil conditions. Additionally, CO2 had a relatively greater ameliorating effect in flooded conditions for red maple than for gray birch, whereas the reverse pattern was true for these species under extreme drought conditions. For both species, elevated CO2 resulted in a reduction in niche breadths on the moisture gradient; 5% for gray birch and 23% for red maple. Species niche overlap (proportional overall) was also lower at elevated CO2 (0.98 to: 0.88:11%). This study highlights the utility of experiments crossing CO2 levels with gradients of other resources as effective tools for elucidating the potential consequences of elevated CO2 on species distributions and potential interactions in natural communities. Betula populifolia/Acer rubrum/red maple/grey birch KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, WATER STRESS 476 Miglietta, F., and A. Raschi. 1993. Studying the Effect of Elevated CO2 in the Open in a Naturally Enriched Environment in Central Italy. Vegetatio 104/105:391-400. A gas vents area was recently localized in Central Italy. The gas emitted from the vents is composed by 92% of carbon dioxide and this produces an anomaly in the composition of the atmosphere over an area of about 2 ha. Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration was measured by means of an infrared gas analyzer and diffusion tubes in several points and for some days within the area. Measurements revealed that the site can be at least divided into three sub-areas having increasing CO2 concentration in the air. A preliminary analysis of natural vegetation in the area was conducted by counting stomatal and epidermal cells number and measuring guard cell size on leaves of several oak trees growing both near and far away from the vents. This analysis suggested that elevated CO2 may have reduced the size of guard cells leaving stomatal density and stomatal index unaltered. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, STOMATAL DENSITY, STOMATAL INDEX 477 Miller, W.F., P.M. Dougherty, and G.L. Switzer. 1987. Effect of Rising Carbon Dioxide and Potential Climate Change on Loblolly Pine Distribution, Growth, Survival, and Productivity. IN: The Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change, and U.S. Forests (W.E. Shands and J.S. Hoffman, eds.), The Conservation Foundation, Washington, D.C., pp. 157-187. An appreciable northward and northeastward shift in the range of loblolly pine is forecast by the year 2080. The projected southern boundary of the range may extend from the central Louisiana through central Mississippi and central Alabama, and then through northern Georgia, northern South Carolina, and eastern North Carolina. An increase in the probability of summer drought, with durations of up to three months, is also projected throughout the southern portion of the adjusted range. Yields are expected to be reduced over much of the range because of reduced soil water and changes in the edaphic substrates in the adjusted range. Regeneration practices probably will have to be modified to ameliorate the effects of the anticipated climatic change. Ripping, the use of containerized seedlings, and increased herbaceous weed control probably will be necessary under the expected changed conditions to assure satisfactory regeneration success. Tree-breeding programs should be dynamic, anticipating the possibility of range shift and reduced productive potential. Predictions of reduced productive potentials may be overly pessimistic in view of the possibility of increased water-use efficiency related to elevated carbon dioxide levels. Pinus taeda/loblolly pine KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, GCM'S, REVIEW, SPECIES RANGE, TREES, WATER STRESS, WUE, YIELD 478 Miszalski, Z., and J. Mydlarz. 1990. SO2 Influence on Photosynthesis of Tomato Plants (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) at Different CO2 Concentrations. Photosynthetica 24:2-8. The net photosynthetic rate (Pn) decrease after SO2 fumigation of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum L. cv. Gem) was strongly dependent on the CO2 level in the plants' atmosphere, especially in the post-fumigation period. Differences in SO2 action mode at different CO2 concentrations did not depend directly on Pn. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS 479 Miszalski, Z., and H. Ziegler. 1989. Sulfite Sensitivity of Oat (Avena sativa L.) Protoplasts. Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen 185:233-243. Determination of the efflux of K+ and 14C fixation products showed isolated oat protoplasts to be in good condition after 1 h incubation in 10 mM sulfide. Evolution of O2 in light by protoplasts incubated in darkness for up to 90 min at 25C did not change significantly, but after incubation in light the photosynthesis rate slowly decreased. The decrease in the photosynthesis rate after incubation in the presence of 10 mM sulfite when measured with the 14C fixation method is much smaller than when measured by O2 evolution. This suggests strong sulfite oxidation. Using both methods it was found that protoplasts incubated in a medium with sulfite and 1 mM bicarbonate at pH 7.0 were more sensitive than when incubated with 5 mM bicarbonate at pH 7.6. Data presented here show that the lower sensitivity to SO2 of plants at high CO2 concentration is not only due to higher stomatal resistance but also to differences in sensitivity of mesophyll cells. oat/Avena sativa KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, PHOTOSYNTHESIS 480 Mitchell, R. 1990. Uncertainty in Prediction of Effects of Environmental Change on Wheat Yields. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 51-52. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, CROP MODEL, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, MODELING, SIMULATION, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 481 Mo, G., D. Nie, M.B. Kirkham, H. He, L.K. Ballou, F.W. Caldwell, and E.T. Kanemasu. 1992. Root and Shoot Weight in a Tallgrass Prairie under Elevated Carbon Dioxide. Environmental and Experimental Botany 32:193-201. The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) is increasing and knowing how this will affect native vegetation is important. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of elevated CO2 on root growth in a tallgrass prairie kept at a high water level (73 cm of water in a 200 cm soil profile) and a low water level (66 cm of water in 200 cm). Sixteen cylindrical plastic chambers were placed on the prairie to maintain two levels of CO2 (ambient or twice ambient). At the end of two seasons' exposure to the different treatments, dry weight and length of roots in the 0-40 cm depth were determined. Shoot growth also was measured to determine shoot:root ratios. The CO2 and water treatments had no significant effect on root dry weight in the 0-40 cm depth. In the 0-10 cm depth, doubled CO2 reduced dry weight and length of roots of plants grown under the high water level by 47 and 31%, respectively. Warm-season, C4 grasses had the highest shoot dry weight, which was greatest under the high water, ambient CO2 treatment. The shoot:root ratio did not change with treatment. Andropogon gerardii/big bluestem/Andropogon scoparius/little bluestem/Sorghastrum nutans/Indiangrass/Sporobolus asper/tall dropseed/Panicum virgatum/switchgrass/Bouteloua curtipendula/sideoats grama/Dichanthelium oligosanthes/Scribner panicum/Poa pratensis/Kentucky bluegrass/Carex spp./Artemisia ludoviciana/Louisiana sagewort/Ambrosia spp./ragweed/Aster spp./aster/Amorpha canescens/lead plant/Asclepias spp./milkweed/Kuhnia eupatorioides/false boneset/Salva pitcheri/pitcher's sage/Solidago spp./golden rod/Rosa arkansana/Arkansas rose KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, C3, C4, FORBS, GRASSES, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, ROOTS, SEDGES, TALLGRASS PRAIRIE, WATER STRESS 482 Moe, R., and L.M. Mortensen. 1986. CO2 Enrichment in Norway. IN: Status and CO2 Sources, Vol. I (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 59-73. In the last years it has been a great upsurge in the interest for CO2 enrichment of greenhouse crops in Norway. The sources of CO2 are mainly pure liquid CO2 from containers, followed by kerosene and propane burning. Due to risk of air pollution (CO, C2H4, SO2, NOx) by use of kerosene and propane, pure CO2 is recommended to sensitive crops (for example, tomato, cucumber, and flowering plants). Kerosene burning is mainly used in lettuce crops in Norway. Equipment for control of CO2 supply and measurement of the CO2 concentration in the greenhouse atmosphere is available. The cause of increasing interest in CO2 application in Scandinavia is better knowledge about the effects of CO2 enrichment on different crops, more knowledgeable growers, tighter greenhouses, and reduced CO2 flux from decomposition of organic material. Results from research are presented as well as practical experiences in Norwegian greenhouse operations. In the research some of the most important greenhouse species have been studied. The overall effects of CO2 enrichment are fast growth rate, increased yields, and improved plant quality. An important observation is the beneficial effect of CO2 application at low light levels during the winter months (October to March) in Scandinavia. CO2 enrichment lowers the light compensation point and makes artificial lighting more profitable. On basis of the results, a CO2 level of 800 to 1000 uL/L is recommended for most species. Intermittent CO2 enrichment showed promising results in chrysanthemums and further research is following up the idea that intermittent CO2 application might be as beneficial as continuous CO2 application. CO2 enrichment seems to increase the optimum temperature for photosynthesis and growth. More research on intermittent CO2 enrichment and temperature/CO2 interaction studies is needed before final conclusions can be made. KEYWORDS: CO2 SOURCES, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, EXPOSURE METHODS, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, INTERMITTENT ENRICHMENT, OXYGEN, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW 483 Mohapatra, P.K. 1990. CO2 Enrichment and Physiology of Inflorescence Development in Wheat. Photosynthetica 24:9-15. The effect of CO2 fertilization on growth, development and sucrose concentration of the shoot apex of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Warimba) growing in a controlled environment growth cabinet (photoperiod 16h, irradiance 375 umol/m2/s, and temperature 20 +/- 1C) was observed. CO2 enrichment from germination onwards stimulated shoot growth, but did not affect the growth, morphology and sugar concentration of the inflorescence on the main shoot. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GRASSES, GROWTH STAGES, REPRODUCTION 484 Mooney, H.A., B.G. Drake, R.J. Luxmoore, W.C. Oechel, and L.F. Pitelka. 1991. Predicting Ecosystem Responses to Elevated CO2 Concentrations. BioScience 41:96-104. KEYWORDS: C3, C4, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, FOREST, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW, SALT MARSH, TRACKING CHAMBERS, TUNDRA 485 Morin, F., M. Andre, and T. Betsche. 1992. Growth Kinetics, Carbohydrate, and Leaf Phosphate Content of Clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) after Transfer to a High CO2 Atmosphere or to High Light and Ambient Air. Plant Physiology 99:89-95. Intact air-grown (photosynthetic photon flux density, 400 microeinsteins per square meter per second) clover plants (Trifolium subterraneum L.) were transferred to high CO2 (4000 microliters CO2 per liter; photosynthetic photon flux density, 400 microeinsteins per square meter per second) or to high light (340 microliters CO2 per liter; photosynthetic photon flux density, 800 microeinsteins per square meter per second) to similarly stimulate photosynthetic net CO2 uptake. The daily increment of net CO2 uptake declined transiently in high CO2, but not in high light, below the values in air/standard light. After about 3 days in high CO2, the daily increment of net CO2 uptake increased but did not reach the high light values. Nightly CO2 release increased immediately in high light, whereas there was a 3-day lag phase in high CO2. During this time, starch accumulated to a high level, and leaf deterioration was observed only in high CO2. After 12 days, starch was two- to threefold higher in high CO2 than in high light, whereas sucrose was similar. Leaf carbohydrates were determined during the first and fourth day in high CO2. Starch increased rapidly throughout the day. Early in the day, sucrose was low and similar in high CO2 and ambient air (same light). Later, sucrose increased considerably in high CO2. The findings that (a) much more photosynthetic carbon was partitioned into the leaf starch pool in high CO2 than in high light, although net CO2 uptake was similar, and that (b) rapid starch formation occurred in high CO2 even when leaf sucrose was only slightly elevated suggest that low sink capacity was not the main constraint in high CO2. It is proposed that carbon partitioning between starch (chloroplast) and sucrose (cytosol) was perturbed by high CO2 because of the lack of photorespiration. Total phosphate pools were determined in leaves. Concentrations based on fresh weight of orthophosphate, soluble esterified phosphate, and total phosphate markedly declined during 13 days of exposure of the plants to high CO2 but changed little in high light/ambient air. During this time, the ratio of orthophosphate to soluble esterified phosphate decreased considerably in high CO2 and increased slightly in high light/ambient air. It appears that phosphate uptake and growth were similarly stimulated by high light, whereas the coordination was weak in high CO2. clover/Trifolium subterraneum KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBOHYDRATES, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LIGHT, PHOSPHORUS, RESPIRATION, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE 486 Morison, J.I.L. 1987. Intercellular CO2 Concentration and Stomatal Response to CO2. IN: Stomatal Function (E. Zeiger, G.D. Farquhar, and I.R. Cowan, eds.), Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, pp. 229-251. KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CAM, CI:CA, CONDUCTANCE, LIGHT, REVIEW, STOMATA, TEMPERATURE, VPD, WUE 487 Morison, J.I.L. 1987. Plant Growth and CO2 History. Nature 327:560. KEYWORDS: PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, STOMATAL DENSITY, WUE 488 Morison, J.I.L. 1988. Effect of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 on Plants and Their Responses to Other Pollutants, Climatic and Soil Factors. Aspects of Applied Biology 17:113-122. The profound effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on plant growth are described. The interactions of increased CO2 with low light, water supply, low temperature and other pollutants are shown to be substantial. It is suggested that for the quantitative prediction of plant growth in future atmospheres the traditional physiological research needs to be accompanied by more studies at the crop and community level of organisation. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, LIGHT, REVIEW, TEMPERATURE, WATER STRESS 489 Morison, J.I.L. 1989. Plant Growth in Increased Atmospheric CO2. IN: Proceedings of the Community of European Communities Symposium, Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases: Climatic and Associated Impacts; 3-5 November 1986; Brussels, Belgium (R. Fantechi and A. Ghazi, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 228-244. The major direct and indirect effects of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration on plant growth are discussed. The physiological processes likely to be affected include net photosynthesis, partitioning and development and stomatal conductance. Attention is drawn to problems in extrapolating from short term experiments and measurements at low scales of organisation to likely effects of CO2 in the field. In particular, it is argued that the likely magnitudes of the negative feedbacks between canopy evaporation, canopy temperature, soil evaporation and local and regional vapour pressure deficit are such that many predictions have overestimated the decrease of evaporation from crops. The increasing contributions that mechanistic crop-weather models formulated at the level of whole canopies will make to exploring the sensitivity of plant growth to increased CO2 is highlighted. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONDUCTANCE, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL CO2 RESPONSES, REVIEW, SCALING, WATER STATUS 490 Morison, J.I.L. 1990. Plant and Ecosystem Responses to Increasing Atmospheric CO2. Tree 5:69-70. KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CLIMATE CHANGE, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, NUTRITION, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, REVIEW, SALT MARSH, TUNDRA 491 Morison, J.I.L. 1993. Response of Plants to CO2 under Water Limited Conditions. Vegetatio 104/105:193-209. The influence of increased atmospheric CO2 on the interaction between plant growth and water use is proving to be one of the most profound impacts of the anthropogenic 'Greenhouse Effect'. This paper illustrates the interaction between CO2 and water in plant growth at a range of scales. Most published work has concentrated on water use efficiency, especially at shorter time scales, and has shown large increases of leaf water use efficiency with increased CO2. However, the magnitude of the effect is variable, and does not consistently agree with predictions from simple leaf gas exchange considerations. The longer the time scales considered, the less the information and the more the uncertainty in the response to CO2, because of the additional factors that have to be considered, such as changes in leaf area, respiration of non-photosynthetic tissues and soil evaporation. The need for more detailed studies of the interactions between plant evaporation, water supply, water status and growth is stressed, as increased CO2 can affect all of these either directly, or indirectly through feedbacks with leaf gas exchange, carbon partitioning, leaf growth, canopy development and root growth. KEYWORDS: EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, MODELING, REVIEW, WUE 492 Moroney, J.V., R.K. Togasaki, H.D. Husic, and N.E. Tolbert. 1987. Evidence That an Internal Carbonic Anhydrase Is Present in 5% CO2-Grown and Air-Grown Chlamydomonas. Plant Physiology 84:757-761. Inorganic carbon (Ci) uptake was measured in wild-type cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and in cia-3, a mutant strain of C. reinhardtii that cannot grow with air levels of CO2. Both air-grown cells, that have a CO2 concentrating system, and 5% CO2-grown cells that do not have this system, were used. When the external pH was 5.1 or 7.3, air-grown, wild-type cells accumulated inorganic carbon (Ci) and this accumulation was enhanced when the permeant carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, ethoxyzolamide, was added. When the external pH was 5.1, 5% CO2-grown cells also accumulated some Ci, although not as much as air-grown cells and this accumulation was stimulated by the addition of ethoxyzolamide. At the same time, ethoxyzolamide inhibited CO2 fixation by high CO2-grown, wild-type cells at both pH 5.1 and 7.3. These observations imply that 5% CO2-grown, wild-type cells, have a physiologically important internal carbonic anhydrase, although the major carbonic anhydrase located in the periplasmic space is only present in air-grown cells. Inorganic carbon uptake by cia-3 resemble those of wild-type cells that have been treated with ethoxyzolamide. It is concluded that an internal carbonic anhydrase is under different regulatory control than periplasmic carbonic anhydrase. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii KEYWORDS: ALGAE, AQUATIC PLANTS, CARBONIC ANHYDRASE, CELL CULTURE 493 Mortensen, L.M. 1985. Nitrogen Oxides Produced during CO2 Enrichment. I. Effects on Different Greenhouse Plants. New Phytologist 101:103-108. Plants were grown in chambers with CO2 enrichment (1000 uL/L) and with or without the addition of 0.85 uL/L nitrogen oxides (NOx). The following species were tested: Lactuca sativa (lettuce), Cucumis sativus (cucumber), Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato), Saintpaulia ionantha, Rosa, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Chrysanthemum x morifolium, Helxine soleirolii, Hedera helix, and Nephrolepis exaltata. All species responded positively to an increase in CO2 level from 330 to 1000 uL/L. The dry weights of tomato, roses and Saintpaulia responded negatively to the addition of NOx. In tomato, the reduced dry weight was due to reduction in shoot length and leaf area. In roses the stem was shorter and in Saintpaulia the leaves smaller when NOx was added. Furthermore, the time to flowering increased and number of flowers/flower buds decreased in Saintpaulia. Lactuca sativa/lettuce/Cucumis sativus/cucumber/Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato/Saintpaulia ionantha/Rosa/Kalanchoe blossfeldiana/Chrysanthemum morifolium/Helxine soleirolii/Hedera helix/English ivy/Nephrolepis exaltata KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, FLOWERING, GROWTH, HORTICULTURAL CROPS 494 Mortensen, L.M. 1985. Nitrogen Oxides Produced during CO2 Enrichment. II. Effects on Different Tomato and Lettuce Cultivars. New Phytologist 101:411-415. Eight cultivars of Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) and six cultivars of Lactuca sativa (lettuce) were subjected to CO2-enriched air (1000 uL/L) containing 0.7 or 0.9 uL/L nitrogen oxides (NOx). CO2 enrichment without NOx significantly increased the dry weight of all tomato (35-81%) and lettuce cultivars (25-101%). In six of the eight tomato cultivars the dry weight was reduced by the addition of NOx. The mean relative growth rate (RGR) decreased by 4-19% depending on the cultivar. This meant that the benefit of CO2 enrichment was almost completely eliminated in most of the cultivars. Marginal leaf necrosis appeared in some of the cultivars, while in others no visible injury developed. None of the lettuce cultivars was significantly affected by the addition of NOx. Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato/Lactuca sativa/lettuce KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, GROWTH, GROWTH ANALYSIS, HORTICULTURAL CROPS 495 Mortensen, L.M. 1986. Effect of Intermittent as Compared to Continuous CO2 Enrichment on Growth and Flowering of Chrysanthemum x morifolium Ramat. and Saintpaulia ionantha H. Wendl. Scientia Horticulturae 29:283-289. Plants of three cultivars of Saintpaulia ionantha and Chrysanthemum x morifolium were grown until flowering at 335 (normal) or 900 uL/L CO2 (high). Continuous high CO2 concentration increased the final dry weights from 76 to 126% in Saintpaulia and from 15 to 32% in Chrysanthemum compared to the normal concentration. Changing the CO2 concentration from normal to high (intermittent) in intervals of 1 h resulted in dry weights intermediate to that of constant normal or constant high CO2 concentrations in both species. Morning and evening enrichment gave the same effect as 1-h intermittent enrichment in Saintpaulia. High CO2 concentration given every other day gave the same effect as 1-h intermittent CO2 in Chrysanthemum. Increased dry weights were accompanied by more and larger leaves in Saintpaulia, and mainly by thicker and longer stem and more lateral breaks in Chrysanthemum. Time to flowering was significantly reduced by CO2 enrichment in Saintpaulia, but was generally not affected in Chrysanthemum. Number of flowers and flowerbuds was increased by CO2 application in both species. Constant high CO2 concentration generally had effects superior to that of the intermittent treatments. chrysanthemum/Saintpaulia ionantha KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, FLOWERING, GROWTH ANALYSIS, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, INTERMITTENT ENRICHMENT 496 Mortensen, L.M. 1986. Nitrogen Oxides Produced during CO2 Enrichment. III. Effects on Tomato at Different Photon Flux Densities. New Phytologist 104:653-660. Seedlings of Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) were subjected to CO2-enriched air (1000 uL/L) containing 1.5 uL/L nitrogen oxides (NOx) for 25 d at four photon flux densities (30, 95, 175, and 250 umol/m2/s PAR). CO2 enrichment without NOx significantly increased the dry weights (47 to 93%) at all light levels. Addition of NOx strongly reduced the mean dry weight at the lowest light level even below that of the unenriched control. At the two highest light levels, NOx reduced the dry weight, but much less than at the lowest level. NOx caused severe leaf injury at the lowest light level, but this effect disappeared with increased photon flux density. A system was constructed for measurement of the net CO2 exchange rate (CER) for single plants. Short-term measurements showed significant reductions of CER when the NO concentration was increased from 0 to 9 uL/L at 550 umol/m2/s but almost no effect at 150 to 200 umol/m2/s. NO caused similar percentage reductions of CER at 335 and 1000 uL/L CO2. The absorption of NO was not significantly affected by increasing the photon flux density from 150 to 550 umol/m2/s. Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LIGHT, TRANSPIRATION 497 Mortensen, L.M. 1987. Review: CO2 Enrichment in Greenhouses. Crop Responses. Scientia Horticulturae 33:1-25. The interest in CO2 enrichment has risen and declined several times throughout this century. During the last few years the interest of CO2 enrichment has strongly increased, mainly due to a better scientific understanding of how CO2 affects plants and due to the introduction of non-polluting CO2 sources. CO2 enrichment decreases the oxygen inhibition of photosynthesis and increases the net photosynthesis in plants. This is the basis for increased growth rates caused by CO2 at low as well as at high light levels. Elevated CO2 concentrations also increase the optimal temperature for growth. Pot plants, cut flowers, vegetables and forest plants show very positive effects from CO2 enrichment by increased dry weight, plant height, number of leaves and lateral branching. Plant quality expressed by growth habit and number of flowers is often enhanced by CO2 enrichment. The rooting of cuttings is often stimulated by high CO2 levels. The optimal CO2 concentration for growth and yield seems to lie between 700 and 900 uL/L and this CO2 level is generally recommended in greenhouses. CO2 concentrations higher than 1000 uL/L might cause growth reductions and leaf injuries, and certainly do increase the loss of CO2 due to leakage from the greenhouse. Continuous CO2 enrichment during the light period seems to be superior to intermittent CO2 application. CO2 enrichment during periods of ventilation of the greenhouse increase the yield of cucumber, while some other species seem to be less affected. Air pollution in connection with the burning of hydrocarbons for CO2 enrichment might cause visible or invisible injuries to plants. The safest source of CO2 is pure liquid CO2 from containers, which is recommended for general use for greenhouse crops. Further research with the CO2 factor should mainly be concentrated on how CO2 enrichment affects the optimal levels of temperature and air humidity for plant growth and quality. KEYWORDS: CO2 SOURCES, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, CROPS, GROWTH, INTERMITTENT ENRICHMENT, REVIEW, ROOTING, TREES 498 Mortensen, L.M. 1991. Effects of Temperature, Light and CO2 Level on Growth and Flowering of Miniature Roses. Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5:295-300. The effect of different temperatures (18, 21, 24, 27 and 30C), supplementary photosynthetic photon flux densities (2, 60 and 120 umol/m2/s PPFD) and CO2 concentrations (345 and 900 uL/L) on growth and flowering of the miniature rose cultivar Orange Meillandina were studied at 60N latitude during winter. Growth rate was very low and few flowers developed at the lowest PPFD level irrespective of temperature. When the PPFD level was increased to 60 umol/m2/s plant dry weight and number of flowers increased significantly. A further increase in PPFD level to 190 umol/m2/s gave a significant, but smaller effect. Increasing the temperature from 18 to 30C at the two highest PPFD caused an almost linear decrease in days until sale (five open flowers), plant dry weight and plant height. The effect of CO2 concentration (345 and 900 uL/L) was studied at 24C. CO2 enrichment increased plant dry weight (15-25%) while there was only a small effect or no effect at all on the other growth parameters. rose/Rosa KEYWORDS: FLOWERING, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LIGHT, TEMPERATURE 499 Mortensen, L.M. 1992. Diurnal Photosynthesis and Transpiration of Ficus benjamina L. as Affected by Length of Photoperiod, CO2 Concentration and Light Level. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B, Soil and Plant Sciences 42:100-105. The diurnal net photosynthesis of Ficus benjamina L., cultivar Cleo, was studied at different daylengths (12, 18 and 24 h/day), photosynthetic photon flux densities (40 and 120 umol/m2/s PPFD) and CO2 concentrations (350 and 700 umol/mol). Net photosynthesis increased to a maximum after 5-6 and 6-7 h of light at 12 and 18 h/day photoperiods, respectively, followed by a decrease towards the end of the photoperiod. At a photoperiod of 18 h/day similar diurnal curves were found at 350 and 700 umol/mol CO2, and at 40 and 120 umol/m2/s PPFD. Five days after the photoperiod was changed from 18 to 24 h/day the diurnal rhythm disappeared. Transpiration followed the same diurnal rhythm as that for photosynthesis. The water-use efficiency was enhanced by raising the CO2 concentration. A decrease in the CO2 concentration from 700 to 350 umol/mol after six days at high CO2 first significantly decreased the photosynthesis, but three days later it reached the same level as that at high CO2. Ficus benjamina KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, DAYLENGTH, DIURNAL CYCLE, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, TRANSPIRATION 500 Mortensen, L.M. 1992. Effects of Ozone Concentration on Growth of Tomato at Various Light, Air Humidity and Carbon Dioxide Levels. Scientia Horticulturae 49:17-24. The effect of ozone (O3) concentration on the growth of Lycopersicon esculentum was studied at different photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFD), relative air humidities (RH) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. Increasing the O3 concentration from <10 to 85 nL/L for 6 h per day reduced the shoot dry weight 35% at 70% RH and 62% at 90% RH. Increasing the PPFD from 100 to 350 umol/m2/s significantly reduced the effect of O3 in one of two experiments. The most pronounced interaction between RH, PPFD and O3 was found on plant height. High O3 levels generally decreased plant height at low PPFD and had no, or a stimulating, effect on high PPFD. Raising the RH from 70 to 90% significantly increased the negative effect of O3 on height. Increasing the O3 concentration from <10 to 65 nL/L significantly decreased plant height at low CO2 concentration (300-340 uL/L), but small effects were found at high CO2 concentration (700-800 uL/L). tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, GROWTH, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LIGHT, OZONE, RELATIVE HUMIDITY, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 501 Mortensen, L.M., and H.R. Gislerod. 1989. Effect of CO2, Air Humidity, and Nutrient Solution Concentration on Growth and Transpiration of Begonia x hiemalis Fotsch. Gartenbauwissenschaft 54:184-189. The effects of CO2 concentration, relative air humidity (RH), and concentration of the nutrient solution (NC) were studied on Begonia x hiemalis plants in growth rooms. The plants were grown from rooted cuttings until flowering at a photon flux density of 110 umol/m2/s. Plant dry weight was significantly increased by increasing the CO2 concentrations from 340 to 900 uL/L at normal (2.0 mS/cm) and high NC (4.0 mS/cm), but not at the low level (1.0 mS/cm). Number of leaves and flowers were enhanced by CO2 enrichment at normal and high NC, but no effects were found at low NC. The effect of CO2 enrichmewnt on dry weight was larger at 60 than at 85% RH. Increasing the RH-level from 60 to 85% particularly increased the dry weight at 340 uL/L CO2 at normal and high NC. A normal NC generally gave the best growth of the plants. A high NC, however, counteracted the negative effects of high RH on plant quality (large leaves and voluminous plants). Transpiration or water consumption of the plants was strongly decreased by either increasing the CO2 or RH level. Begonia hiemalis KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, HUMIDITY, NUTRITION 502 Mortensen, L.M., and R. Moe. 1992. Effects of CO2 Enrichment and Different Day/Night Temperature Combinations on Growth and Flowering of Rosa L. and Kalanchoe blossfeldiana v. Poelln. Scientia Horticulturae 5:145-153. The effects of increasing the CO2 concentration from 350 to 700 uL/L on growth and flowering of Rosa L. and Kalanchoe blossfeldiana at four different day/night temperature combinations (20/20C, 23/14C and 17/26C day/night, and 20/20C with 2 h at 14C in the morning) were studied in 6 growth chambers. An increase in the CO2 concentration resulted in enhanced total dry weight, stem:leaf fresh weight ratio, flower fresh weight, length and diameter of the rose shoot, while the number of days until flowering was not affected. With the 17/26C treatment, rose shoots were 3-4 cm shorter, and with the 23/14C treatment flowering occurred about 2 days earlier than with the other temperature treatments. The results were the same for Rosa cultivars 'Frisco' and 'Kiss'. No significant interactions between CO2 and temperature were found. Plant dry weight and fresh weight of flowers in Kalanchoe were generally enhanced by CO2 enrichment. The effects of CO2 on dry weight, plant height and flower stem length were greater with the 23/14C treatment compared with the effects of the other temperature treatments. A constant temperature (20/20C) and the 23/14C treatments gave the shortest and tallest plants, respectively. Rosa/rose/Kalanchoe blossfeldiana KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, FLOWERING, GROWTH, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, TEMPERATURE 503 Mortensen, L.M., and M. Sandvik. 1987. Effects of CO2 Enrichment at Varying Photon Flux Density on the Growth of Picea abies (L.) Karst. Seedlings. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 2:335-342. Seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.)) were grown at 335 and 1000 uL CO2/L for 118 days in growth rooms at different irradiance levels. Photon flux density ranging from 8.6 to 34.6 mol/m2/day (PAR) was given either as constant light or as alternating levels in intervals of two or six hours. CO2 enrichment increased the plant dry weight from 36% to 105% by increasing photon flux density from 8.6 to 25.9 mol/m2/day. At constant light the dry weight apparently reached its maximum at a photon flux density of 25.9 mol/m2/day. At the lower radiation levels alternating in CO2 enriched air gave slightly higher dry weights compared to constant light levels. At the highest radiations the effect on dry weight was the opposite. High CO2 concentration and 300 umol/m2/s constant light (25.9 mol/m2/day) gave the best growth and quality of plants. Top, root, stem and foliage weight were proportionally affected. Shoot length was enhanced by CO2 enrichment. Shoot weight per cm was substantially increased both by CO2 enrichment and increasing photon flux density. Picea abies/Norway spruce KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, LIGHT, TREES 504 Mortensen, L.M., and R. Ulsaker. 1985. Effect of CO2 Concentration and Light Levels on Growth, Flowering and Photosynthesis of Begonia x hiemalis Fotsch. Scientia Horticulturae 27:133-141. Increasing the CO2 concentration from 330 to 900 uL/L significantly increased the dry weight, number of leaves and flowers and reduced the time until flowering at a range of light levels (45, 130, 270 and 390 umol/m2/s). The mean relative growth rate was enhanced 16% by CO2 enrichment. The plants flowered 7 days earlier in CO2-enriched air at the lowest light level, but not earlier at the highest level. Generally the effect of increasing the CO2 concentration from 900 to 1500 uL/L was negligible. Increasing the irradiance from 45 to 270 umol/m2/s significantly increased plant growth and number of flowers, and reduced the time until flowering. Net photosynthetic rate measured by net CO2 uptake of the plants was increased by increasing the CO2 concentration from 330 to 1500-2000 uL/L at 45, 120 and 195 umol/m2/s photon flux density. The effect of CO2 enrichment was similar at different air temperatures (16, 20, 24 and 28C). Oxygen inhibition of photosynthesis increased with temperature, but was substantially reduced by elevated CO2 concentration. Begonia hiemalis KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, FLOWERING, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LIGHT, OXYGEN, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, TEMPERATURE 505 Mott, K.A. 1988. Do Stomata Respond to CO2 Concentrations Other than Intercellular? Plant Physiology 86:0200-0203. Most studies on stomatal responses to CO2 assume that guard cells respond only to intercellular CO2 concentration and are insensitive to the CO2 concentrations in the pore and outside the leaf. If stomata are sensitive to the CO2 concentration at the surface of the leaf or in the stomatal pore, the stomatal response to intercellular CO2 concentration will be incorrect for a 'normally' operating leaf (where ambient CO2 concentration is a constant). In this study asymmetric CO2 concentrations for the two surfaces of amphistomatous leaves were used to vary intercellular and leaf surface CO2 concentrations independently in Xanthium strumarium L. and Helianthus annuus L. The response of stomata to intercellular CO2 concentration when the concentration at the leaf surface was held constant was found to be the same as the response when the surface concentration was varied. In addition, stomata did not respond to changes in leaf surface CO2 concentration when the intercellular concentration for that surface was held constant. It is concluded that stomata respond to intercellular CO2 concentration and are insensitive to the CO2 concentration at the surface of the leaf and in the stomatal pore. Xanthium strumarium/Helianthus annuus KEYWORDS: CI:CA, CONDUCTANCE, STOMATA 506 Mott, K.A. 1990. Sensing of Atmospheric CO2 by Plants. Plant, Cell and Environment 13:731-737. Despite recent interest in the effects of high CO2 on plant growth and physiology, very little is known about the mechanisms by which plants sense changes in the concentration of this gas. Because atmospheric CO2 concentration is relatively constant and because the conductance of the cuticle to CO2 is low, sensory mechanisms are likely to exist only for intercellular CO2 concentration. Therefore, responses of plants to changes in atmospheric CO2 will depend on the effect of these changes on intercellular CO2 concentration. Although a variety of plant responses to atmospheric CO2 concentration have been reported, most of these can be attributed to the effects of intercellular CO2 on photosynthesis or stomatal conductance. Short-term and long-term effects of CO2 on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance are discussed as sensory mechanisms for responses of plants to atmospheric CO2. Available data suggest that plants do not fully realize the potential increases in productivity associated with increased atmospheric CO2. This may be because of genetic and environmental limitations to productivity or because plant responses to CO2 have evolved to cope with variations in intercellular CO2 caused by factors other than changes in atmospheric CO2. KEYWORDS: MORPHOLOGY, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, REVIEW, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, STOMATA 507 Mousseau, M. 1993. Effects of Elevated CO2 on Growth, Photosynthesis and Respiration of Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.). Vegetatio 104/105:413-419. Two year old sweet chestnut seedlings (Castanea sativa Mill.) were grown in pots at ambient (350 umol/mol) and double (700 umol/mol) atmospheric CO2 concentration in constantly ventilated greenhouses during entire growing seasons. CO2 enrichment caused either no significant change or a decrease in shoot growth response, depending on yearly weather conditions. Similarly, leaf area was either reduced or unchanged under elevated CO2. However, when grown under controlled conditions in a growth chamber, leaf area was enlarged with elevated CO2. The CO2 exchanges of whole plants were measured during the growing season. In elevated CO2, net photosynthetic rate was maximum in May and then decreased, reaching the level of the control at the end of the season. End of night dark respiration of enriched plants was significantly lower than that of control plants; this difference decreased with time and became negligible in the fall. The original CO2 level acted instantaneously on the respiration rate: a double concentration in CO2 decreased the respiration of control plants and a reduced concentration enhanced the respiration of enriched plants. The carbon balance of a chestnut seedling may then be modified in elevated CO2 by increased carbon inputs and decreased carbon outputs. sweet chestnut/Castanea sativa KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, RESPIRATION, TREES 508 Mousseau, M., A. El Kohen, and B. Saugier. 1992. The Shoot Carbon Balance of Young Chestnut Trees (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Double CO2. IN: Responses of Forest Ecosystems to Environmental Changes (A. Teller, P. Mathy, and J.N.R. Jeffers, eds.), Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp. 699-700. Castanea sativa/sweet chestnut KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBON BUDGET, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, RESPIRATION, TREES 509 Mousseau, M., and H.Z. Enoch. 1989. Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Reduces Shoot Growth in Sweet Chestnut Seedlings (Castanea sativa Mill.). Plant, Cell and Environment 12:927-934. Two-year-old potted sweet chestnut seedlings were grown at 350 ppm CO2 and 700 ppm, day and night in constantly ventilated tunnels during two full growing seasons, near Paris, France (48 N, 2 E). Enrichment with CO2 caused an unusual shoot growth response. After the end of July, stem elongation ceased in 62% of the CO2 enriched plants as compared with 37% in the control. The leaves of CO2-enriched seedlings showed early senescence, indicated by premature yellowing and a decrease in chlorophyll content. This was associated with nutrient dilution brought about by the rapid growth of these trees. The increase in total dry weight of the CO2-enriched seedlings was essentially the result of increase in the root dry weight (69%). Shoot weight decreased by 22% relative to the control. Total leaf area per enriched plant was 25% smaller than the control. This unusual pattern of growth and carbon allocation of the CO2 treated Chestnut trees emphasizes the concept of a response specificity within trees to an increase of atmospheric CO2. Castanea sativa/sweet chestnut KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, SENESCENCE, TREES 510 Mousseau, M., and H.Z. Enoch. 1989. Effect of Doubling Atmospheric CO2 Concentration on Growth, Dry Matter Distribution and CO2 Exchange of 2-Yr Old Sweet Chestnut Trees (Castanea sativa Mill.). Annales des Sciences Forestieres 46 suppl:506-508. Castanea sativa/sweet chestnut KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, GROWTH, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, RESPIRATION, TREES 511 Mousseau, M., and B. Saugier. 1992. The Direct Effect of Increased CO2 on Gas Exchange and Growth of Forest Tree Species. Journal of Experimental Botany 43:1121-1130. CO2 enrichment of the atmosphere is now well documented and its effect on the growth of world forests is being questioned by the scientific community. The direct effects of increased CO2 on tree species are reviewed: the different experimental approaches are described, as well as the principal results already obtained. Short-term experiments have shown an increased photosynthetic rate, as predicted by leaf models. In longer experiments this increase is reduced after a few weeks or months by mechanisms that remain to be found. Elevated CO2 seems to decrease the dark respiration rate, but the results are still controversial. Biomass partitioning in elevated CO2 is clearly related to the mineral supply of the trees: An increase in root investment in elevated CO2 is related to a poor mineral status. The mineral content of trees grown in elevated CO2 is generally lowered compared to controls. No general rule has yet been found for the effect of increased CO2 on leaf area development. The paper emphasizes large areas of ignorance: the reasons for the different responses of different species, which may be related to their developmental strategies, are largely ignored. Much experimental effort is needed to parameterize all the physiological processes which are susceptible to change with an increase in atmospheric CO2, leading to a change in forest tree growth. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, EXPOSURE METHODS, FOREST, GROWTH STAGES, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LITTER DECOMPOSITION, LITTER QUALITY, NUTRITION, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, RESPIRATION, REVIEW, SCALING, TREES 512 Muchow, R.C., and T.R. Sinclair. 1991. Water Deficit Effects on Maize Yields Modeled under Current and 'Greenhouse' Climates. Agronomy Journal 83:1052-1059. The availability of water imposes one of the major limits on rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) productivity. This analysis was undertaken in an attempt to quantify the effects of limited water on maize growth and yield by extending a simple, mechanistic model in which temperature regulates crop biomass accumulation. A soil water budget was incorporated into the model by accounting for inputs from rainfall and irrigation, and water use by soil evaporation and crop transpiration. The response functions of leaf area development and crop gas exchange to the soil water budget were developed from experimental studies. The model was used to interpret a range of field experiments using observed daily values of temperature, solar radiation, and rainfall or irrigation, where water deficits of varying durations developed at different stages of growth. The relative simplicity of the model and its robustness in simulating maize yields under a range of water-availability conditions allows the model to be readily used for studies of crop performance under alternate conditions. One such study, presented here, was a yield assessment for rainfed maize under possible 'greenhouse' climates where temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration were increased. An increase in temperature combined with decreased rainfall lowered grain yield, although the increase in crop water use efficiency associated with elevated CO2 concentration, ameliorated the response to the greenhouse climate. Grain yields for the greenhouse climates as compared to current conditions increased, or decreased only slightly, except when the greenhouse climate was assumed to result in severely decreased rainfall. Zea mays/corn KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CROP MODEL, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, LIGHT, MODELING, SIMULATION, TEMPERATURE, TRANSPIRATION, WUE, YIELD 513 Musgrave, M.E. 1986. Studies on the Physiological Significance of Cyanide-Resistant Respiration. Doctoral Dissertation, Duke University, Dissertation Abstracts Vol.47:09-B, p.3626 (169 pp.). Studies of the relationship between cyanide-resistant (alternative) respiration and plant responses to relatively low (20-40 uM) concentrations of cytokinins showed a disengagement of the alternative pathway to occur prior to evidence of a cytokinin response in six different bioassays. Treatment of bioassay material with specific inhibitors of the alternative pathway produced results expected from cytokinins. These results suggest that disengagement of the alternative pathway is an early step in some plant responses to cytokinins. Two pea cultivars differing in the presence of absence of the alternative pathway were used to investigate the above relationship further. The cultivar lacking the alternative pathway failed to respond to exogenous application of cytokinins. Hybridization of the cultivars showed the alternative pathway to be a maternally inherited character and, in reciprocal F-1's, only the cross having the alternative pathway was responsive to cytokinins in the ethylene bioassay. A comparison of the growth of pea hybrids differing in the presence of absence of the alternative pathway was undertaken. Plants were grown in Phytotron greenhouses at 350 or 650 ppm carbon dioxide to test the hypothesis that the alternative pathway operates under conditions of excess carbon assimilates. The results showed the hybrid lacking the pathway to outperform the reciprocal cross in terms of total dry matter, seed weight and height. The hybrid lacking the alternative pathway responded markedly to carbon dioxide enrichment with increases in a number of growth parameters while the reciprocal cross showed little response to elevated carbon dioxide levels. The results suggest that the alternative pathway does consume luxury carbohydrates and may be an important component of whole plant carbon budgets. Respiration by seven male-sterile lines of four unrelated species was compared with that of fertile lines. Alternative respiration was generally not expressed in tissues from male-sterile plants. Male-sterile lines have been reported to have higher vigor than corresponding fertile lines, and it is suggested that the absence of the energetically wasteful alternative pathway may account for these observed differences in vigor. pea/Pisum sativum KEYWORDS: CYANIDE-RESISTANT RESPIRATION, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH 514 Musgrave, M.E., and B.R. Strain. 1988. Response of Two Wheat Cultivars to CO2 Enrichment under Subambient Oxygen Conditions. Plant Physiology 87:346-350. Two cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cvs Sonoita and Yecora Rojo) were grown to maturity in a growth chamber within four sub-chambers under two CO2 levels (350 or 1000 microliters per liter) at either ambient (21%) or low O2 (5%). Growth analysis was used to characterize changes in plant carbon budgets imposed by the gas regimes. Large increases in leaf areas were seen in the low O2 treatments, due primarily to a stimulation of tillering. Roots developed normally at 5% O2. Seed development was inhibited by the subambient O2 treatment, but this effect was overcome by CO2 enrichment at 1000 microliters per liter. Dry matter accumulation and seed number responded differently to the gas treatments. The greatest dry matter production occurred in the low O2, high CO2 treatment, while the greatest seed production occurred in the ambient O2, high CO2 treatment. Growth and assimilation were stimulated more by either CO2 enrichment or low O2 in cv Yecora Rojo than in Sonoita. These experiments are the first to explore the effect of whole plant low O2 treatments on growth and reproduction. The finding that CO2 enrichment overcomes low O2-induced sterility may help elucidate the nature of this effect. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: CARBON BUDGET, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, OXYGEN 515 Musgrave, M.E., B.R. Strain, and J.N. Siedow. 1986. Response of Two Pea Hybrids to CO2 Enrichment: A Test of the Energy Overflow Hypothesis for Alternative Respiration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 83:8157-8161. Two pea (Pisum sativum L.) hybrids differing in the presence or absence of the cyanide-resistant (alternative) pathway of respiration were constructed by reciprocally crossing cv. Alaska and cv. Progress No. 9. The F1 hybrids were grown in greenhouses maintained at either 350 or 650 ppm CO2, and the growth, flowering, and dry matter accumulation were compared. The objective was to assess the significance of the alternative respiratory pathway to whole-plant carbon budgets and further to test the hypothesis that the alternative pathway is important in oxidizing excess carbohydrates such as might accumulate under conditions of CO2 enrichment. More carbohydrates were available in the F1 hybrid lacking the pathway, as evidenced by greater plant height, leaf area, specific leaf weight, and total dry matter compared with the reciprocal hybrid, especially at 650 ppm CO2. Specific leaf weight increased markedly under CO2 enrichment in the hybrid lacking the pathway, while it was the same at 350 and 650 ppm in the reciprocal cross. The hybrid lacking the alternative pathway also outperformed the reciprocal cross in terms of total dry matter and seed production. Increased branching with CO2 enrichment was observed in the hybrid lacking the pathway, while branching in the reciprocal cross was only slightly stimulated. These results suggest that alternative respiration consumes luxury carbohydrate and that respiration via this pathway may be considered energetically wasteful in terms of whole-plant carbon budgets. pea/Pisum sativum KEYWORDS: CARBON BUDGET, CYANIDE-RESISTANT RESPIRATION, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH 516 Musselman, R.C., P.M. McCool, R.J. Oshima, and R.R. Teso. 1986. Field Chambers for Assessing Crop Loss from Air Pollutants. Journal of Environmental Quality 15:152-157. A new field fumigation facility has been developed for determining effects of air pollutants on cops. The permanent facility consists of closed-top, octagonal chambers 2.1 m tall by 2.5 m across. Each chamber is supplied with air via underground ducting from two centralized blowers, one charcoal-filtered and the other nonfiltered. Individual chambers can be adjusted to 100% filtered air for fumigation with specific levels of pollutants, or a pollutant gradient can be generated by combining filtered and ambient air. Air exchange rates through the chambers are also adjustable. Each chamber is constructed of several flat aluminum-frame panels covered with Teflon film which has remained clear and durable after three years of continuous service. Panels are easily removed for repair if necessary. Teflon film walls minimize environmental differences between chamber and ambient air. Chamber temperatures closely track ambient, but are higher than ambient at midday. Temperatures remain uniform at different locations within each chamber. Light intensity within chambers averages 11% less than ambient. Pollutant levels set within each chamber remain relatively stable in both time and space. Native soil under each chamber has been replaced with a standard greenhouse soil mix which is irrigated with a drip system. The fumigation facility is comparable in construction costs to open-top fumigation chamber systems, and is especially useful for experiments requiring precise control of pollutant levels. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS 517 Nagy, J., K.F. Lewin, G.R. Hendrey, F.W. Lipfert, and M.L. Daum. 1992. FACE Facility Engineering Performance in 1989. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:165-185. Following prototype development of the first BNL FACE system on Long Island in 1986, the first full-scale (22-m diameter) FACE array was built at Yazoo City, MS, in 1987. Three additional arrays were built (with some modification of the configuration of all four arrays) in 1988 in Yazoo City. In 1989 the four arrays were moved to Maricopa, AZ. The FACE system has proven to be very reliable with 3 to 7% of available experimental time lost to system failures in 1989 in the various arrays. Analysis of modes of failure and component failures are presented. Wind speed, direction and stability are the most important variables governing CO2 distribution within the FACE arrays. For this reason detailed analyses of system control deviations as a function of these variables are presented. A statistical model relating CO2 use to wind speed and solar altitude (a surrogate for stability) is derived that may be helpful in evaluating CO2 use for FACE experiments planned for other locations. System reliability and control improved with changes in engineering features between 1987 and 1989. Over the entire 1989 growing season, omitting times when the FACE systems were not functioning properly, average CO2 concentrations measured at the center of the arrays were within 1 umol/mol of the 550 umol/mol target concentration. Averaging over all four arrays and all periods of operation, the 1-s observations measured at the center of the FACE arrays remained within +/- 20% of 550 umol/mol for 88% of the time. The corresponding 1-min average was within +/- 10% for 88% of the time and within +/- 20% for 98% of the time. Studies of spatial control within one of the arrays demonstrated the general acceptability of control of CO2 concentrations in a central plot of 12-m diameter. Experiments using tracers and multi-port monitoring of the spatial distribution of CO2 showed that this area constituted a 'sweet spot' within which CO2 concentrations were +/- 20% of the target CO2 concentration at least 80% of the time. A 63-port selectable sequencing sampler was set up as a three-dimensional sampling system. Over 16,000 observations of 1-s grab samples were taken with this multiport sampler. Average values at each sampling node showed that spatial variability of CO2 concentrations throughout the volume of the 'sweet spot' in 1989 varied by less that +/- 5%. Of these 1-s grab samples 0.44% exceeded twice the target concentration of 550 umol/mol but 110 umol at the top of the canopy. Grab-samples taken in 'bucket tests' averaging over 5-min found a wind-dependent gradient across the 'sweet spot' that was as high as 160 umol. However, those ranges are still within the design criteria. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE 518 Nakayama, F.S., and B.A. Kimball. 1988. Soil Carbon Dioxide Distribution and Flux within the Open-top Chamber. Agronomy Journal 80:394-398. Open-top chamber use for exposing plants to various levels of CO2 and pollutant gases is increasing in field studies. In making a C balance of cotton [Gossypium hirsutum (L.) 'Deltapine-61'] for such a system, soil CO2 fluxes were observed to be significantly greater outside than inside the chamber. To find the cause, CO2 concentration was measured in the soil profile from 50 to 60-cm depths of an Avondale clay loam [fine-loamy, mixed (calcareous), hyperthermic Typic Trifluvent]. The soil CO2 contents at the various depths sampled outside the chamber were higher than those inside the chamber. The differences in concentration were observable within 2 wk after the blower used to pass ambient or CO2-enriched air through the chamber was turned on. The largest differences were present approximately 16 wk after the system had been in operation. Approximately 30 d was required for the soil CO2 levels inside and outside the chamber to become similar after the blower was turned off. Soil water content was not a factor causing this difference because it was nearly equal at both sites. Pressure differentials inside the growth chamber resulting from the blower operation could lead to a decrease in soil CO2 concentration and fluxes measured using the closed chamber technique. KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, SOIL CO2 CONCENTRATION 519 Nederhoff, E.M. 1990. Technical Aspects, Management and Control of CO2 Enrichment in Greenhouses. Acta Horticulturae 268:127-138. KEYWORDS: CO2 MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GREENHOUSE 520 Nederhoff, E.M. 1992. Effects of CO2 on Greenhouse Grown Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) I. Leaf Conductance. Journal of Horticultural Science 67:795-803. Leaf conductance of eggplant (Solanum melongena L., cv. Cosmos) was measured comparatively in two glasshouse compartments, with continuously low or high CO2 (on average 415 or 685 umol/mol, respectively). Measurements were carried out on eight days between February and June 1991 in an early planted crop. A regression equation was fitted to the data to account for the effects of PAR, air humidity and CO2 on leaf conductance. Calculations with this equation demonstrated that leaf conductance was reduced by 10.2% per 100 umol/mol increase in CO2, which is a three to four times stronger response than in other fruit vegetable crops. When, on some occasional days, CO2 was kept equal in the two compartments, leaf conductance was not different, indicating that stomatal behaviour had not adapted to long lasting CO2 conditions. The rate of crop transpiration, as estimated with the Penman-Monteith combination equation, was reduced by elevated CO2 by only a few percent on average and by about 15% in a period of some weeks in spring. Solanum melongena/eggplant KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, TRANSPIRATION 521 Nederhoff, E.M., and K. Buitelaar. 1992. Effects of CO2 on Glasshouse Grown Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) II. Leaf Chlorosis and Fruit Production. Journal of Horticultural Science 67:805-812. The effect of CO2 on leaf boron content, Leaf Tip Chlorosis (LTC) and fruit production of eggplant (Solanum melongena L., cv. Cosmos) was investigated in the spring of 1991. Two levels of CO2 (413 and 663 umol/mol) were maintained in duplicate, in four glasshouse compartments (16m x 16m). LTC was significantly more severe at high than at low CO2. Leaf boron content was lower in leaves with LTC than in other leaves and was lower in leaves from high CO2 than in those from low CO2. These results, in combination with observed reduction in leaf conductance (part I), support the hypothesis that LTC is caused by reduced translocation to young, fast growing leaves, because of reduced transpiration. More specific research on boron is necessary to confirm this hypothesis. Fruit production was significantly higher (24%) at high CO2 than low CO2, despite more severe LTC. Solanum melongena/eggplant KEYWORDS: BORON, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, NUTRITION, TRANSPIRATION 522 Nederhoff, E.M., A.N.M. de Koning, and A.A. Rijsdijk. 1992. Leaf Deformation and Fruit Production of Glasshouse Grown Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) as Affected by CO2, Plant Density and Pruning. Journal of Horticultural Science 67:411-420. During summer, glasshouse grown tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) often demonstrate leaf deformation, reduced leaf area (short leaves) and low Specific Leaf Area (SLA), sometimes accompanied by higher dry matter content of leaves and stems and higher leaf starch content. This so-called 'Short Leaves Syndrome' (SLS), which decreases the production capacity, was investigated with emphasis on the effects of CO2 concentration. As a working hypothesis it was postulated that SLS is indirectly caused by an oversupply of assimilates relative to the sink capacity. An experiment was conducted between 10 May and 31 July 1990 in 12 glasshouse compartments. The sink/source ratio was varied by maintaining two levels of CO2, multifactorially combined with two plant densities and three pruning treatments. CO2 enrichment and wider planting enhanced SLS and decreased leaf area and SLA of upper leaves. Leaf pruning and fruit pruning, however, did not give clear effects on vegetative characteristics, although the impact on the sink/source ratio was of the same order of magnitude. As a mechanism for these effects, we suggest that SLS is caused by calcium deficiency in the apex, a condition more severe when much phloem sap (with low calcium content) is available, i.e. when the sink/source ratio is lower. Stronger effects of CO2 and plant density than of pruning on the incidence of SLS, may be due to local effects of sink/source relationships or to involvement of other processes, like transpiration. In crops with little SLS-symptoms, CO2 enrichment increased the weight of fruits grown during the treatment period by 31%, whereas in crops with severe SLS, CO2 enrichment aggravated SLS and had no significant effect on fruit production. CO2 enrichment in summer is beneficial if SLS is prevented, which can be achieved by maintaining a higher plant density or, in an early crop, an extra shoot on the plants in spring and summer. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: CALCIUM, CARBOHYDRATES, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LEAF INJURY, PRUNING, SPECIFIC LEAF WEIGHT, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 523 Nederhoff, E.M., and A.A. Rijsdijk. 1990. CO2 kan verdamping teveel beinvloeden. Groenten en Fruit 45:28-29. In Dutch. 524 Nederhoff, E.M., A.A. Rijsdijk, and R. de Graaf. 1992. Leaf Conductance and Rate of Crop Transpiration of Glasshouse Grown Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) as Affected by Carbon Dioxide. Scientia Horticulturae 52:283-301. The effects of carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) in the range of 300-1100 umol/mol on leaf conductance (g) and rate of crop transpiration (E) of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) were investigated in spring 1990. In two greenhouse compartments (154 m2) that were simultaneously exposed to different CO2 levels, leaf conductance of the upper leaves was measured with three weighing lysimeters per greenhouse compartment. Multiple regression equations, describing the effects of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), vapour pressure deficit (VPD)-leaf-air, CO2 and optionally leaf temperature on g, were fitted to the measured data. The fitted regression curves demonstrated that 100 umol/mol increase in CO2 reduced g by about 3%, at any level of CO2, VPD and PAR, if VPD and PAR would remain constant. Measured rates of crop transpiration were highly correlated to radiation and were in reasonable accordance with the Penman-Monteith combination equation. With the equation it was estimated that a 10% decrease in g would reduce E by 1.5 - 3% at high levels of g (high radiation) and by 4 - 7% at low g (dark weather), at least if VPD would remain constant. In a greenhouse-crop system, however, owing to thermal and hydrologic feedbacks, an increase in CO2 leads to a considerable increase in VPD-leaf-air. This enforces the effect of CO2 on g and counteracts the effect of CO2 on E, because the driving force for transpiration is enhanced. Thus, in general the apparent response of g to changes in CO2 is far greater than the mentioned percentage, whereas the apparent response of E is relatively small. Capsicum annuum/sweet pepper KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, TRANSPIRATION, VPD 525 Nederhoff, E.M., and J.A.M. van Uffelen. 1988. Effects of Continuous and Intermittent Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on Fruit Set and Yield of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 36:209-217. The effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment on vegetative growth, fruit set and yield of an autumn crop of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L., cv. Bolero) were studied. In 12 greenhouse compartments of 9.6 m x 6 m each, 6 CO2 treatments were tested: 3 continuous CO2 levels, setpoints 200, 340 and 500 ppm (uL/L), 2 intermittent dosings (8 minutes per 40 and per 104 minutes, respectively) and a control (without dosing or filtering). It was not possible to maintain the set points of the continuous CO2 levels throughout the experiment, therefore the measured CO2 concentrations were used to explain the effects. The results show a positive effect of elevated CO2 concentrations on fruit set and yield. The number of fruits harvested per m2 was 60% higher at the 500 ppm treatment than at the 200 ppm treatment, whereas the average fruit weight was not significantly affected. The dry matter content of the leaves increased, the SLA and LAR were smaller at higher CO2 concentrations. The vegetative growth tended to decrease at higher CO2 levels, which was ascribed to competition between vegetative and generative organs. The results with respect to the setting and yield were less favourable at intermittent CO2 enrichment than at continuous CO2 levels, if plotted versus the measured, average CO2 concentration. Capsicum annuum/sweet pepper KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, INTERMITTENT ENRICHMENT, YIELD 526 Nie, D., H. He, M.B. Kirkham, and E.T. Kanemasu. 1992. Photosynthesis of a C3 Grass and a C4 Grass under Elevated CO2. Photosynthetica 26:189-198. The net photosynthetic rate (Pn), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), transpiration rate (E), stomatal resistance (rs), and water potential (Psi-w) of a C3 grass (Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis L.) and a C4 grass (big bluestem, Andropogon gerardii Vitman) growing in the spring in a tallgrass prairie under two levels of CO2 (ambient and twice ambient) were compared. Elevated CO2 (HC) increased Pn of Kentucky bluegrass (C3) by 47.0% but did not affect Pn of big bluestem (C4). HC increased Ci of both grasses by about the same amount (about 270 cm3/m3), but reduced E (and parallelly increased rs) of big bluestem more than those of Kentucky bluegrass. HC increased (Psi-w) of both grasses by about 30%. Kentucky bluegrass had a lower (Psi-w) than big bluestem, but HC increased Psi-w of Kentucky bluegrass to values more similar to those of big bluestem under ambient CO2 (LC). Hence a high Psi-w resulting from HC, was necessary for high Pn. Kentucky bluegrass/Poa pratensis/big bluestem/Andropogon gerardii KEYWORDS: C3, C4, GRASSES, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, TALLGRASS PRAIRIE, WATER STRESS 527 Nie, D., H. He, G. Mo, M.B. Kirkham, and E.T. Kanemasu. 1992. Canopy Photosynthesis and Evapotranspiration of Rangeland Plants under Doubled Carbon Dioxide in Closed-top Chambers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 61:205-217. It is important to know how the increasing atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) will affect growth of agricultural plants. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of elevated CO2 on canopy photosynthetic rate of prairie (rangeland) plants growing under natural field conditions. The dominant plants were warm-season grasses with the C4 type of photosynthesis. Sixteen closed-top, cylindrical, plastic chambers (1.5 m in diameter; 1.8 m tall) were placed on the prairie to maintain two levels of CO2 (ambient and twice ambient) over a full growing season in 1990. The soil (silty clay loam) was kept at a high water (field capacity) or a low water level (no water added). Carbon dioxide concentration, air temperature, net radiation, canopy photosynthetic rate, and canopy evapotranspiration rate were measured in the 16 chambers on 49 sunny days during the season. The target value for high-CO2 chambers was 720 cm3 CO2/m3; the measured mean concentrations varied from 710.8 to 720.1 cm3 CO2/m3. For chambers with ambient CO2, the chamber-to-chamber variation was minor, with mean values ranging from 350.8 to 356.0 cm3 CO2/m3. Daytime air temperatures at 100 cm aboveground in the chambered plots averaged 2.7C warmer than outside. Early in the season, net radiation was usually similar among chambers with the different CO2 and water treatments, but late in the season, differences occurred among chambers, possibly because of the amount of tall grasses that shaded the radiometers. Under the high-water treatment, canopy photosynthesis of plants grown with doubled and ambient CO2 averaged 41.8 umol/m2/s and 44.5 umol/m2/s, respectively. These results are consistent with previous findings, which showed that the photosynthetic rate of C4 plants on rangeland was not augmented when the CO2 concentration was increased. Under the low-water treatment, photosynthesis of plants grown with doubled CO2 was slightly more (36.9 umol/m2/s) than that of plants grown with ambient CO2 (31.7 umol/m2/s). This observation is in agreement with other results, which have shown that high CO2 alleviates water-stress effects on plants. Elevated CO2 reduced canopy evapotranspiration rate by 18 and 8%, under the high- and low-water levels, respectively. The results suggested that, as the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere increases, water lost from rangelands will be reduced. big bluestem/Andropogon gerardii/little bluestem/Andropogon scoparius/Indiangrass/Sorghastrum nutans KEYWORDS: C4, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, EXPOSURE METHODS, LIGHT, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, RANGELAND, TALLGRASS PRAIRIE, TEMPERATURE, WATER STRESS 528 Nie, D., M.B. Kirkham, L.K. Ballou, D.J. Lawlor, and E.T. Kanemasu. 1992. Changes in Prairie Vegetation under Elevated Carbon Dioxide Levels and Two Soil Moisture Regimes. Journal of Vegetation Science 3:673-678. It is important to know how increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 will affect native vegetation. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of elevated CO2 concentrations on species composition in a tallgrass prairie kept at a high water level (730 mm of water in a 2000 mm soil profile) and a low water level (660 mm of water in 2000 mm). 16 cylindrical plastic chambers were placed on the prairie to maintain two levels of CO2 (ambient or twice ambient) during two growing seasons in 1989 and 1990. Frequency of species was determined on 25 July 1989 and on 5 and 10 October 1990. At the beginning of the study, Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), the dominant C3 species, had the highest frequency of 43.3%, but decreased with time. However, at the end of the experiment and under the high soil-water level, there were more P. pratensis plants in the elevated CO2 treatment (frequency: 13.5%) than in the ambient CO2 treatment (1.0 %). Under the low soil water regime, the reverse occurred (frequencies: 3.6% and 11.0% for high and low CO2, respectively). The frequency of major C4 plants, Andropogon gerardii (big bluestem), A. scoparius (little bluestem) and Sorghastrum nutans (Indian grass) was not affected by CO2. However, water did affect their frequency. Under low water, the frequency of A. gerardii decreased between 1989 and 1990. Under both soil moisture levels, the frequencies of S. nutans and A. scoparius increased. At the end of the study, Indian grass grown with high water had the highest frequency of all species on the prairie (frequency at the end of the study in October, 1990, of 44.4% and 47.4% for the high and low CO2 levels, respectively). Unlike Indian grass, little bluestem grew better under low water conditions than under high water conditions. These results suggest that, if the climate becomes drier, A. scoparius will flourish more than S. nutans or A. gerardii and P. pratensis may die out. Elevated CO2 might not increase survival of C3 plants under dry conditions, if temperatures are too high for them. Poa pratensis/Kentucky bluegrass/Andropogon gerardii/big bluestem/Andropogon scoparius/little bluestem/Sorghastrum nutans/Indiangrass KEYWORDS: C3, C4, GRASSES, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, SPECIES COMPETITION, TALLGRASS PRAIRIE, WATER STRESS 529 Nijs, I., and I. Impens. 1993. Effects of Long-term Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens, Using a Simple Photosynthesis Model. Vegetatio 104/105:421-431. Changes in gross canopy photosynthetic rate (PGc), produced by long-term exposure to an elevated atmospheric CO2 level (626 +/- 50 umol/mol), were modelled for Lolium perenne L. cv. Vigor and Trifolium repens L. cv. Blanca, using a simple photosynthesis model, based on biochemical and physiological information (leaf gross CO2 uptake in saturating light, Pmax, and leaf quantum efficiency, alpha) and structural vegetation parameters (leaf area index, LAI, canopy extinction coefficient, k, leaf transmission, M). Correction of PGc for leaf respiration allowed comparison with previously measured canopy net CO2 exchange rates, with the average divergence from model prediction amounting to about 6%. Sensitivity analysis showed that for a three-week old canopy, the PGc increased in high CO2 could be attributed largely to changes in Pmax and alpha, while differences in canopy architecture were no longer important for the PGc-stimulation (which they were in the early growth stages). As a consequence of this increasing LAI with canopy age, the gain of daytime CO2 uptake is progressively eroded by the increasing burden of canopy respiration in high-CO2 grown Lolium perenne. Modelling canopy photosynthesis in different regrowth stages after cutting (one week, two weeks,. . .), revealed that the difference in a 24-h CO2 balance between the ambient and the high CO2 treatment is reduced with regrowth time and completely disappears after 6 weeks. Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass/Trifolium repens/white clover KEYWORDS: LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, MODELING, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, RESPIRATION 530 Nijs, I., I. Impens, and T. Behaeghe. 1988. Effects of Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Gas Exchange and Growth of Perennial Ryegrass. Photosynthetica 22:44-50. Long-term effects of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations on gas exchange, growth and productivity were investigated on Lolium perenne L. cv. Vigor. Pure stands of this species in vernalized condition were cultivated in small acrylic greenhouses in an artificial atmosphere of mean 367 or 620 cm3/m3 CO2 (C350 or C600), respectively. Canopies grown at C600 showed an average higher dry matter of almost 43% than those of C350. Functional growth analysis indicated that an important fraction of the yield increase under C600 originated from CO2 fixed in the first few days of the regrowth period after cutting the stand. Gas exchange measurements in spring showed a higher maximum canopy photosynthetic rate of 77% and a higher transpiration rate of around 20% at C600 than C350 if expressed on a ground area basis. Development of a larger canopy leaf area was the primary cause for both increases. Water-use efficiency calculations on the summer data indicated a slight decrease under C600. Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, TRANSPIRATION, WUE 531 Nijs, I., I. Impens, and T. Behaeghe. 1988. Effects of Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Gas Exchange and Growth of White Clover. Photosynthesis Research 15:163-176. Effects of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations on gas exchange, growth and productivity were investigated on an important grassland species, Trifolium repens L. cv. Blanca. Pure stands of this species were cultivated over an entire growing season in small acrylic greenhouses with an artificial atmosphere of +/- 367 or +/- 620 ppm CO2, respectively. Effects on growth and development were examined in a functional growth analysis, while consequences for gas exchange were determined by photosynthesis and transpiration measurements on canopy level. The stands were regularly clipped for production assessment. Canopies grown at high CO2 levels showed an average increase in productivity of almost 75%. Growth analysis indicated development of a larger foliage area as the major cause, particularly in the first days of regrowth after cutting. The growth advantage that began in this stage was maintained or bettered during the following weeks. The difference between gas exchange measurements expressed per unit leaf area and per unit ground area suggested that changes in net photosynthesis and respiration did not contribute to the increase in total yield. Transpiration declined under high CO2 if expressed on a leaf area basis but total canopy transpiration was at least as large as in ambient CO2 due to the larger leaf area. Water-use efficiency calculations on the summer data indicated a 35% improvement with a doubling of CO2 concentration. Trifolium repens/white clover KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, TRANSPIRATION, WUE 532 Nijs, I., I. Impens, and T. Behaeghe. 1989. Effects of Long-term Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration on Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens Canopies in the Course of a Terminal Drought Stress Period. Canadian Journal of Botany 67:2720-2725. A terminal drought stress regime was imposed on vegetatively fully developed Lolium perenne L. cv. Vigor and Trifolium repens L. cv. Blanca canopies in semicontrolled growth chambers that provided a high (626 +/- 50 uL/L) and an ambient (358 +/- 35 uL/L) CO2 growth environment. The chambers served as measurement units in an open system for continuous CO2 and water vapour exchange assessment. When stress was building up, high CO2 increased the ratio of real to potential canopy evapotranspiration in both species, thus reducing the higher potential rates that are generally observed in high CO2 under unstressed conditions towards the level of the ambient CO2 stands, without immediately affecting the net higher CO2 exchange rates that characterize the high CO2 treatment. Lolium perenne is more sensitive to drought stress in its initial response and divides the available amount of water more proportionally over the stress period than Trifolium repens. Water-use efficiency is roughly doubled and is affected later by drought stress in high CO2 for both species. It is concluded that long-term high CO2 treatment favours the survival of the species examined when exposed to severe, rapidly developing drought stress. Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass/Trifolium repens/white clover KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, WUE 533 Nijs, I., I. Impens, and T. Behaeghe. 1989. Effects of Different CO2 Environments on the Photosynthesis-Yield Relationship and the Carbon and Water Balance of a White Clover (Trifolium repens L. cv. Blanca) Sward. Journal of Experimental Botany 40:353-359. Effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment to a level above 600 ppm on leaf and canopy gas exchange characteristics were investigated in Trifolium repens, using an open system for gas exchange measurement. The cuvette of the system served as growth chambers, allowing continuous measurement in a semi-controlled environment of +/- 350 and +/- 600 ppm, respectively. Carbon balance data were compared with crop yield and effects on the canopy level were compared with measured leaf responses of photosynthesis and stomatal behavior. Photosynthetic stimulation by high CO2 was stronger at the canopy level (103% on average) than for leaves (90% in full light), as a consequence of accelerated foliage area development. The latter increased absolute water consumption by 16%, despite strong stomatal closure. The overall result was a 63% improvement in canopy water use efficiency (WUE), while leaf WUE increased almost 3-fold in saturating light. The stomatal response was such that, while the internal CO2 concentration in the leaf, Ci, increased with rising atmospherical CO2 concentration, Ca, Ci/Ca was somewhat decreased. Total canopy resistance, Rc, was generally lower at high CO2 levels, despite higher leaf resistance. Higher canopy CO2 loss at night and faster light extinction in a larger-sized high CO2 canopy were major drawbacks which prevented a further increase in dry matter production (the harvest index was increased by a factor 1.83). Trifolium repens/white clover KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CI:CA, CONDUCTANCE, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, WUE, YIELD 534 Nijs, I., I. Impens, and T. Behaeghe. 1989. Leaf and Canopy Responses of Lolium perenne to Long-term Elevated Atmospheric Carbon-dioxide Concentration. Planta 177:312-320. The relationship between leaf photosynthetic capacity (Pn,max), net canopy CO2- and H20-exchange rate (NCER and Et, respectively) and canopy dry-matter production was examined in Lolium perenne L. cv. Vigor in ambient (363 +/-30 uL/L) and elevated (631 +/-31 uL/L) CO2 concentrations. An open system for continuous and simultaneous regulation of atmospheric CO2 concentration and NCER and Et measurement was designed and used over an entire growth cycle to calculate a carbon and a water balance. While NCERmax of full-grown canopies was 49% higher at elevated CO2 level, stimulation of Pn,max was only 46% (in spite of a 50% rise in one-sided stomatal resistance for water-vapour diffusion), clearly indicating the effect of a higher leaf-area index under high CO2 (approx. 10% in one growing period examined). A larger amount of CO2-deficient leaves resulted in higher canopy dark-respiration rates and higher canopy light compensation points. The structural component of the high-CO2 effect was therefore a disadvantage at low irradiance, but a far greater benefit at high irradiance. Higher canopy dark-respiration rates under elevated CO2 level and low irradiance during the growing period are the primary causes for the increase in dry-matter production (19%) being much lower than expected merely based on the NCERmax difference. While total water use was the same under high and low CO2 levels, water-use efficiency increased 25% on the canopy level and 87% on a leaf basis. In the course of canopy development, allocation towards the root system became greater, while stimulation of shoot dry-matter accumulation was inversely affected. Over an entire growing season the root/shoot production ratio was 22% higher under high CO2 concentration. Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, GROWTH, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, WUE 535 Nijs, I., I. Impens, and P. Van Hecke. 1992. Diurnal Changes in the Response of Canopy Photosynthetic Rate to Elevated CO2 in a Coupled Temperature-Light Environment. Photosynthesis Research 32:121-130. The relative increase with elevated CO2 of canopy CO2 uptake rate (A), derived from continuous measurements during the day, was examined in full-cover vegetative Lolium perenne canopies after 17 days of regrowth. The stands were grown at ambient 358 +/- 50 umol/mol) and increased (626 +/- 50 umol/mol) CO2 concentration in sunlit growth chambers. Over the entire range of temperature and light conditions (which were strongly coupled and increased simultaneously), A was on average twice as large in high compared to ambient CO2. This response (called M = A in high CO2/A in ambient CO2) could not be explained by changes in canopy conductance for CO2 diffusion (GC). In spite of interaction and strong coupling between temperature and light intensity, there was evidence that temperature rather than light determined M. Further, high CO2 treatment was found to alleviate the afternoon depression in A observed in ambient CO2. A temperature optimum shift or/and a larger carbohydrate sink capacity through altered root/shoot ratio are proposed in explanation. Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONDUCTANCE, LIGHT, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE, TEMPERATURE 536 Nobel, P.S. 1991. Environmental Productivity Indices and Productivity for Opuntia ficus-indica under Current and Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Levels. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:637-646. The productivity of the prickly-pear cactus Opuntia ficus-indica, which is cultivated worldwide for its fruits and stem segments, was predicted based on the responses of its net CO2 uptake to soil water status, air temperature and photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). Each of these environmental factors was represented by an index with maximum value of unity when that factor was not limiting net CO2 uptake over a 24-h period. The water index, the temperature index, and the PPFD index were determined for 87 sites in the contiguous United States using data from 189 weather stations and for 148 sites worldwide using data from 1464 weather stations. The product of these three indices, the environmental productivity index (EPI), was used to predict the productivity of O. ficus-indica under current climatic conditions and under those accompanying a possible increase in the atmospheric CO2 level to 650 umol/mol. Sites with temperatures always above -10C and hence suitable for prickly-pear cultivation numbered 37 in the United States and 110 worldwide; such sites increased by 43 and 5%, respectively, for the global warming accompanying the elevated CO2. Productivity of O. ficus-indica was at least 15 tonnes dry weight/hectare/year, comparable to that of many agronomic crops, for 20 sites with temperatures always above -10C in the contiguous United States and for 12 such sites worldwide under current climatic conditions; such sites increased by 85 and 117%, respectively, under the elevated CO2 condition, mainly because of direct effects of the atmospheric CO2 level on net CO2 uptake. In summary, simulations based on EPI indicate that O. ficus-indica may presently be advantageously cultivated over a substantial fraction of the earth's surface, such regions increasing markedly with a future doubling in atmospheric CO2 levels. prickly pear cactus/Opuntia ficus-indica KEYWORDS: CAM, ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTIVITY INDEX, LIGHT, MODELING, REVIEW, SIMULATION, TEMPERATURE, WATER STATUS 537 Nobel, P.S., and V.G. de Cortazar. 1991. Growth and Predicted Productivity of Opuntia ficus-indica for Current and Elevated Carbon Dioxide. Agronomy Journal 83:224-230. Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., a prickly pear cactus cultivated worldwide for its fruits and stem segments, can have an annual dry weight productivity exceeding that of many crops. Using a recently introduced environmental productivity index (EPI), the influences of water status, temperature, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) on its productivity can be predicted. This investigation calculated the water index, the temperature index, and the PAR index, whose product equals EPI, for 169 sites distributed approximately uniformly across the contiguous USA for present climatic conditions as well as for those associated with an elevated CO2 concentration of 650 uL/L. The effect of elevated CO2 on growth of O. ficus-indica was directly measured, and low temperature limitations on productivity were considered. The dry weight gain of O. ficus-indica during 6 mo in an environmental growth chamber was 23% greater at 650 compared with 350 uL/L CO2 and increased as the duration of the wet period increased, in agreement with predictions of the water index (the fraction of maximal net CO2 uptake during a 24-h period for the prevailing plant water status). For closely spaced plants that lead to a high productivity per unit ground area, EPI averaged about 0.10, except in desert regions where the water index lowered EPI, in the far North or South and at high elevations where the temperature index lowered EPI, and in the Northeast and Northwest where the PAR index lowered EPI. The predicted annual dry weight productivity for O. ficus-indica was 12.8 Mg/ha/yr under current conditions, and 16.3 Mg/ha/yr under those associated with 650 uL/L CO2. Both productivities are relatively high compared with other agronomic plants. The percentage of sites where temperatures fall below -15C at least once during the 10 years simulated, which would be lethal to most prickly pear cacti, was reduced from 49 to 18% by the general warming expected to accompany an approximate doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Opuntia ficus-indica/prickly pear cactus KEYWORDS: ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTIVITY INDEX, LIGHT, MODELING, SIMULATION, TEMPERATURE, WATER STATUS 538 Nobel, P.S., and T.L. Hartsock. 1986. Short-term and Long-term Responses of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism Plants to Elevated CO2. Plant Physiology 82:604-606. For the leaf succulent Agave deserti and the stem succulent Ferocactus acanthodes, increasing the ambient CO2 level from 350 microliters per liter to 650 microliters per liter immediately increased daytime net CO2 uptake about 30% while leaving nighttime net CO2 uptake of these Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants approximately unchanged. A similar enhancement of about 30% was found in dry weight gain over 1 year when the plants were grown at 650 microliters CO2 per liter compared with 350 microliters per liter. Based on these results plus those at 500 microliters per liter, net CO2 uptake over 24-hour periods and dry weight productivity of these two CAM succulents is predicted to increase an average of about 1% for each 10 microliters per liter rise in ambient CO2 level up to 650 microliters per liter. Agave deserti/Ferocactus acanthodes KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CAM, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, PHOTOSYNTHESIS 539 Nonhebel, S. 1990. The Impact of Changes in Weather and CO2 Concentration on Spring Wheat Yields in Western Europe. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 48-50. wheat/Triticum aestivum KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, CROP MODEL, MODELING, SIMULATION, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 540 Norby, R.J. 1987. Nodulation and Nitrogenase Activity in Nitrogen-fixing Woody Plants Stimulated by CO2 Enrichment of the Atmosphere. Physiologia Plantarum 71:77-82. The responses of three species of nitrogen-fixing trees to CO2 enrichment of the atmosphere were investigated under nutrient-poor conditions. Seedlings of the legume, Robinia pseudoacacia L. and the actinorhizal species, Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gairtn. and Elaeagnus angustifolia L. were grown in an infertile forest soil in controlled environment chambers with atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 340 uL/L (ambient) or 700 uL/L. In R. pseudoacacia and A. glutinosa, total nitrogenase (N2 reduction) activity per plant, assayed by the acetylene reduction method, was significantly higher in elevated CO2, because the plants were larger and had more nodule mass than did plants in ambient CO2. The specific nitrogenase activity of the nodules, however, was not consistently or significantly affected by CO2 enrichment. Substantial increases in plant growth occurred with CO2 enrichment despite probable nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies. These results support the premises that nutrient limitations will not preclude growth responses of woody plants to elevated CO2 and that stimulation of symbiotic activity by CO2 enrichment of the atmosphere could increase nutrient availability in infertile habitats. Robinia pseudoacacia/Alnus glutinosa/Elaeagnus angustifolia KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, NITROGEN FIXATION, NITROGENASE ACTIVITY, NODULATION, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, TREES 541 Norby, R.J. 1989. Direct Responses of Forest Trees to Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. IN: Proceedings of the Second US-USSR Symposium, Air Pollution Effects on Vegetation including Forest Ecosystems, 13-25 September 1988, Corvallis, Oregon, Raleigh, North Carolina, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and Broomall, Pennsylvania (R.D. Noble, J.L. Martin, and K.F. Jensen, eds.), USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, pp. 243-248. KEYWORDS: FOREST, TREES 542 Norby, R.J., C.A. Gunderson, S.D. Wullschleger, E.G. O'Neill, and M.K. McCracken. 1992. Productivity and Compensatory Responses of Yellow-poplar Trees in Elevated CO2. Nature 357:322-324. Increased forest growth in response to globally rising CO2 concentrations could provide an additional sink for the excess carbon added to the atmosphere from fossil fuels. The response of trees to increased CO2, however, can be expected to be modified by the interactions of other environmental resources and stresses, higher-order ecological interactions and internal feedbacks inherent in the growth of large, perennial organisms. To test whether short-term stimulation of tree growth by elevated CO2 can be sustained without inputs from other environmental resources, we grew yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) saplings for most of three growing seasons with continuous exposure to ambient or elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2. Despite a sustained increase in leaf-level photosynthesis and lower rates of foliar respiration in CO2-enriched trees, whole-plant carbon storage did not increase. The absence of a significant growth response is explained by changes in carbon allocation patterns, specifically a relative decrease in leaf production and an increase in fine root production. Although these compensatory responses reduced the potential increase in carbon storage in increased CO2 concentrations, they also favour the efficient use of resources over the longer term. Liriodendron tulipifera/yellow poplar KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, GROWTH EFFICIENCY, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NITROGEN, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, RESPIRATION, TREES 543 Norby, R.J., and E.G. O'Neill. 1989. Growth Dynamics and Water Use of Seedlings of Quercus alba L. in CO2-enriched Atmospheres. New Phytologist 111:491-500. White oak (Quercus alba L.) seedlings were grown from a half-sib collection of acorns in pots containing a nutrient-poor forest soil and maintained in controlled-environment chambers having mean atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 389, 496, and 793 cm3/m3. Additions of nitrogen and phosphorus to the soil increased plant growth, indicating that the unfertilized plants were nutrient deficient. Despite the nutrient deficiency, the plants grown in elevated concentrations of CO2 generally were larger than those in ambient CO2, but dry weight data from harvests at 5, 12, 24, and 36 weeks provided insufficient evidence of an effect of CO2 because of the high variability associated with the recurrently-flushing habit of these seedlings. Mathematical growth analysis based on periodic non-destructive measurements allowed comparisons of the continuous growth patterns of the plants and avoided the problems of ontogenetic variation. CO2 enrichment was thus shown to increase plant growth rate primarily through increased unit leaf rate rather than increased leaf area production. Unit leaf rate during the second half of the experiment was 22 and 27% higher in the medium and high concentrations of CO2 compared with that in low CO2. Instantaneous measurements of foliar gas exchange also showed that CO2 assimilation increased with CO2 enrichment. The most pronounced effect of CO2 enrichment was increased water-use efficiency, which was shown both through whole-plant gravimetric analysis and instantaneous gas exchange measurements. Whole-plant water-use efficiency for the duration of the experiment was increased by 52 and 82% by the medium and high concentrations of CO2. Limitations of resources, including water and nutrients, do not preclude plant growth responses to CO2 enrichment of the atmosphere. Quercus alba/white oak KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, TREES, WUE 544 Norby, R.J., and E.G. O'Neill. 1991. Leaf Area Compensation and Nutrient Interactions in CO2-enriched Seedlings of Yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.). New Phytologist 117:515-528. The responses of yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) seedlings to elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 were investigated to identify attributes governing growth and physiological responses to CO2. Based on the pattern of leaf initiation and nutrient requirements of the species, it was predicted that (1) CO2 enrichment would enhance growth of yellow-poplar seedlings both through accelerated leaf area production and through higher rates of carbon assimilation per unit leaf area; and (2) growth enhancement of yellow-poplar by CO2 enrichment would be reduced by nutrient limitations. The hypotheses were tested in an experiment in which yellow-poplar plants were grown from seed for 24 weeks in controlled environment chambers. The experimental design comprised three atmospheric CO2 concentrations (371, 493, and 787 cm3/m3), two levels of mineral nutrients (unfertilized or weekly additions of complete nutrient solution), and three harvests (6, 12, and 24 weeks). Plant growth rate, water use, foliar gas exchange, component dry weights, and nutrient contents were measured. Both hypotheses were rejected. Whole-plant dry weight increased similarly with CO2 enrichment in plants provided with additional mineral nutrients and in unfertilized plants, although the fertilized plants grew 10-fold larger. The increase in dry weight resulting from elevated CO2 occurred only in root systems. Although leaves were produced continuously during the experiment, leaf area was slightly reduced in elevated CO2, and the whole-plant growth response was wholly attributable to an increase in carbon assimilation per unit leaf area. Although the compensation between photosynthesis and leaf area reduced the potential growth response to CO2, the reduction in leaf area ratio was associated with a significant increase in water-use efficiency. This unexpected result demonstrated the importance of feedbacks and interactions between resources in shaping the response of a plant to CO2. Liriodendron tulipifera/tulip poplar KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, TREES, WUE 545 Norby, R.J., E.G. O'Neill, W.G. Hood, and R.J. Luxmoore. 1987. Carbon Allocation, Root Exudation and Mycorrhizal Colonization of Pinus echinata Seedlings Grown under CO2 Enrichment. Tree Physiology 3:203-210. Increased exudation of carbon compounds from roots may provide a mechanism for enhancement of nutrient availability to plants growing in a CO2-enriched atmosphere. Therefore, the effect of atmospheric CO2 concentration on carbon allocation and root exudation was investigated in Pinus echinata Mill. (shortleaf pine) seedlings. After 34 and 41 weeks, seedlings growing in 695 uL/L CO2 allocated proportionately more 14C-labeled photosynthate to fine roots than did seedlings growing in ambient air. This was associated with greater fine root mass and mycorrhizal density in CO2-enriched plants after 34 weeks. Exudation of soluble, 14C-labeled compounds from roots also was greater in these plants at 34 weeks, but the effect of CO2 concentration on exudation did not persist at 41 weeks. Pinus echinata/shortleaf pine KEYWORDS: 14C, ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, MYCORRHIZAE, NUTRITION, ROOT EXUDATION, ROOTS, TREES 546 Norby, R.J., E.G. O'Neill, and R.J. Luxmoore. 1986. Effects of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment on the Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Quercus alba Seedlings in Nutrient-poor Soil. Plant Physiology 82:83-89. One-year-old dormant white oak (Quercus alba L.) seedlings were planted in a nutrient-deficient forest soil and grown for 40 weeks in growth chambers at ambient (362 microliters per liter) or elevated (690 microliters per liter) levels of CO2. Although all of the seedlings became severely N deficient, CO2 enrichment enhanced growth by 85%, with the greatest enhancement in root systems. The growth enhancement did not increase the total water use per plant, so water-use efficiency was significantly greater in elevated CO2. Total uptake of N, S, and B was not affected by CO2, therefore, tissue concentrations of these nutrients were significantly lower in elevated CO2. An increase in nutrient-use efficiency with respect to N was apparent in that a greater proportion of the limited N pool in the CO2-enriched plants was in fine roots and leaves. The uptake of other nutrients increased with CO2 concentration, and P and K uptake increased in proportion to growth. Increased uptake of P by plants in elevated CO2 may have been a result of greater proliferation of fine roots and associated mycorrhizae and rhizosphere bacteria stimulating P mineralization. The results demonstrate that a growth response to CO2 enrichment is possible in nutrient-limited systems, and that the mechanisms of response may include either increased nutrient supply or decreased physiological demand. Quercus alba/white oak KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, ALUMINUM, BORON, CALCIUM, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, COPPER, IRON, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, MYCORRHIZAE, NITROGEN, NUTRIENT USE EFFICIENCY, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, SOIL MICROORGANISMS, STRONTIUM, SULFUR, TREES, WUE, ZINC 547 Norby, R.J., J. Pastor, and J.M. Melillo. 1986. Carbon-nitrogen Interactions in CO2-enriched White Oak: Physiological and Long-term Perspectives. Tree Physiology 2:233-241. The responses of forest trees to atmospheric CO2 enrichment will depend in part on carbon-nutrient linkages. Insights into the possible long-term ecological consequences of CO2 enrichment can be gained from studying physiological responses in short-term experiments. One-year-old white oak (Quercus alba L.) seedlings were grown in unfertilized forest soil for 40 weeks in controlled environment chambers with ambient (362 uL/L) or elevated (690 uL/L) CO2. As previously reported, seedling dry weight was 85% greater in the elevated CO2 environment, despite severe nitrogen deficiency in all seedlings. The increase in growth occurred without a concomitant increase in nitrogen uptake, indicating an increase in nitrogen-use efficiency in elevated CO2. The weight of new buds was greater in elevated CO2, suggesting that shoot growth in the next year would have been enhanced relative to that of seedlings in ambient CO2. However, there was less translocatable nitrogen in perennial woody tissue in elevated CO2; thus, further increases in nitrogen-use efficiency may not be possible. The leaves that abscised from seedlings in elevated CO2 contained higher amounts of soluble sugars and tannin and a lower amount of lignin compared with amounts in abscised leaves in ambient CO2. Based on lignin:N and lignin:P ratios, the rates of litter decomposition might not be greatly affected by CO2 enrichment, but the total amount of nitrogen returned to soil would be lower in elevated CO2. Quercus alba/white oak KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, LITTER QUALITY, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, TREES 548 Norby, R.J., and L.L. Sigal. 1989. Nitrogen Fixation in the Lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Oecologia 79:566-568. Thalli of Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm., a nitrogen-fixing epiphyte common in mesic temperate forests, were collected in a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco) forest near Corvallis, Oregon, and maintained for 20 to 40 days in controlled-environment chambers with atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 374 and 700 uL/L. Nitrogenase activity, which was assayed by the acetylene reduction method, was approximately doubled in the lichen maintained in elevated CO2. Increases in nitrogen fixation by lichens may be an important part of the integrated ecosystem response to rising CO2. Lobaria pulmonaria/lichen KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, NITROGEN FIXATION, NITROGENASE ACTIVITY 549 Oberbauer, S.F., W.C. Oechel, and G.H. Riechers. 1986. Soil Respiration of Alaskan Tundra at Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations. Plant and Soil 96:145-148. CO2 efflux from tussock tundra in Alaska that had been exposed to elevated CO2 for 2.5 growing seasons was measured to assess the effect of long- and short-term CO2 enrichment on soil respiration. Long-term treatments were: 348, 514, and 683 uL/L CO2 and 680 uL/L CO2 + 4C above ambient. Measurements were made at 5 CO2 concentrations between 87 and 680 uL/L CO2. Neither long- or short-term CO2 enrichment significantly affected soil CO2 efflux. Tundra developed at elevated temperature and 680 uL/L CO2 had slightly higher, but not statistically different, mean respiration rates compared to untreated tundra and to tundra under CO2 control alone. KEYWORDS: SOIL RESPIRATION, TEMPERATURE, TRACKING CHAMBERS, TUNDRA 550 Oberbauer, S.F., N. Sionit, S.J. Hastings, and W.C. Oechel. 1986. Effects of CO2 Enrichment and Nutrition on Growth, Photosynthesis, and Nutrient Concentration of Alaskan Tundra Plant Species. Canadian Journal of Botany 64:2993-2998. Three Alaskan tundra species, Carex bigelowii Torr., Betula nana L., and Ledum palustre L., were grown in controlled-environment chambers at two nutrition levels with two concentrations of atmospheric CO2 to assess the interactive effects of these factors on growth, photosynthesis, and tissue nutrient content. Carbon dioxide concentrations were maintained at 350 and 675 uL/L under photosynthetic photon flux densities of 450 umol/m2/s and temperatures of 20:15C (light:dark). Nutrient treatments were obtained by watering daily with 1/60- or 1/8-strength Hoagland's solution. Leaf, root, and total biomass were strongly enhanced by nutrient enrichment regardless of the CO2 concentration. In contrast, enriched atmospheric CO2 did not significantly affect plant biomass and there was no interaction between nutrition and CO2 concentration during growth. Leaf photosynthesis was increased by better nutrition in two species but was unchanged by CO2 enrichment during growth in all three species. The effects of nutrient addition and CO2 enrichment on tissue nutrient concentrations were complex and differed among the three species. The data suggest that CO2 enrichment with or without nutrient limitations has little effect on the biomass production of these three tundra species. Carex bigelowii/Betula nana/Ledum palustre KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, BORON, CALCIUM, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, COPPER, GROWTH, IRON, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, TUNDRA, ZINC 551 Oechel, W.C., S. Hastings, D. Hilbert, W. Lawrence, T. Prudhomme, G. Riechers, and D. Tissue. 1984. The Response of Arctic Ecosystems to Elevated Carbon Dioxide Regimes, 019 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. Carex bigelowii/Eriophorum vaginatum/Ledum palustre/Vaccinium vitis-idaea/Vaccinium uliginosum/Betula nana/Salix pulchra KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBON SEQUESTERING, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, EXPOSURE METHODS, MODELING, RESPIRATION, SPECIES COMPETITION, TRACKING CHAMBERS, TUNDRA 552 Oechel, W.C., G. Riechers, W.T. Lawrence, T.I. Prudhomme, N. Grulke, and S.J. Hastings. 1992. 'CO2LT' an Automated, Null-balance System for Studying the Effects of Elevated CO2 and Global Climate Change on Unmanaged Ecosystems. Functional Ecology 6:86-100. An automated, CO2-controlled, long-term greenhouse system ('CO2LT') has been developed to provide replicated in situ ecosystem-level manipulation of atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature for intact plots of tussock tundra, and to measure the instantaneous ecosystem-level CO2 exchange rates within each of the plots under the treatments imposed. This is a computer-controlled, closed, null-balance greenhouse system consisting of 12 chambers with individual control of CO2 concentration and temperature. Carbon dioxide can be maintained in each chamber at concentrations from well below ambient (150-200 uL/L) to more than 900 uL/L. Air temperature can be fixed, set to track ambient, or can track ambient temperature with a specified offset allowing studies of the interaction of CO2 and temperature. Despite the complications involved in tracking a naturally fluctuating environment, the CO2LT system performs very well. Temperatures in individual chambers averaged within 1C of ambient or target temperatures over a 24-h period and carbon dioxide concentration control rivals that of laboratory-based, control-environment systems. Photon flux density within the chambers is within 93% of ambient values. Comparison to unenclosed tundra indicates minimal chamber effects on depth of thaw, air, leaf or soil temperatures, or net ecosystem CO2 flux. Chamber effects are generally small, and the experimental design allows separation and interpretation of treatment effects despite any unavoidable chamber effects. Both diurnal and seasonal patterns of net ecosystem CO2 flux can be accurately tracked with this system. Field measurements indicate net ecosystem CO2 loss under current environmental conditions, a possible response to recent climate change. Field measurements also indicate initial enhancement of net ecosystem CO2 uptake with elevated atmospheric CO2. Photosynthetic adjustment to elevated CO2 lowers ecosystem response to that of ambient chambers by mid-season. Also indicated is the possibility of delayed senescence of photosynthetic capacity at elevated CO2. KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, EXPOSURE METHODS, TRACKING CHAMBERS, TUNDRA 553 Oechel, W.C., G.H. Riechers, J. Beyers, S. Cowles, N. Grulke, S. Hastings, S. Oberbauer, T. Prudhomme, and N. Sionit. 1986. Response of a Tundra Ecosystem to Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, 037 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. Vaccinium vitis-idaea/Eriophorum vaginatum/Ledum palustre/Carex bigelowii/Betula nana KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, EXPOSURE METHODS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NUTRITION, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, SOIL RESPIRATION, TRACKING CHAMBERS, TUNDRA 554 Oechel, W.C., and B.R. Strain. 1985. Native Species Responses to Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration. IN: Direct Effects of Increasing Carbon Dioxide on Vegetation, DOE/ER-0238 (B.R. Strain and J.D. Cure, eds.), Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.c., pp. 117-154. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MODELING, PHENOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGICAL CO2 RESPONSES, RESPIRATION, REVIEW, ROOT EXUDATION, WUE 555 Olesen, J.E. 1990. Evaluating the Effect of Climatic Change on Productivity of Agricultural Crops in Denmark. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 53-56. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, CROP MODEL, LIGHT, MODELING, SIMULATION, TEMPERATURE, WATER STRESS 556 O'Neill, E.G., R.J. Luxmoore, and R.J. Norby. 1987. Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Effects on Seedling Growth, Nutrient Uptake, and Rhizosphere Bacterial Populations of Liriodendron tulipifera L. Plant and Soil 104:3-11. Yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) seedlings were planted in unfertilized forest soil in boxes with a removable side panel and grown in atmospheres containing either ambient (367 uL/L) or elevated (692 uL/L) CO2. Numbers of total bacteria, nitrifiers, and phosphate-dissolving bacteria in the rhizosphere and in nonrhizosphere soil were measured every 6 weeks for 24 weeks. Seedling growth and nutrient content were measured at a final whole-plant harvest. Root, leaf, and total dry weights were significantly greater, and specific leaf area was significantly less, in 692 uL/L than in ambient CO2. Uptake per gram plant dry weight of N, S, and B was lower at elevated CO2 whereas uptake of P, K, Cu, Al, and Fe was proportional to growth in both CO2 treatments. Total uptake and uptake per g plant dry weight of Ca, Mg, Sr, Ba, Zn, and Mn were not affected by CO2 treatment. Bacterial populations differed due to CO2 only at the final harvest, where there were significantly fewer nitrite-oxidizers and phosphate-dissolving bacteria in the rhizosphere of seedlings grown at 692 uL/L CO2. yellow poplar/Liriodendron tulipifera KEYWORDS: ALUMINUM, BARIUM, BORON, CALCIUM, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, COPPER, GROWTH, IRON, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, RHIZOSPHERE, SOIL MICROORGANISMS, STRONTIUM, SULFUR, TREES, ZINC 557 O'Neill, E.G., R.J. Luxmoore, and R.J. Norby. 1987. Increases in Mycorrhizal Colonization and Seedling Growth in Pinus echinata and Quercus alba in an Enriched CO2 Atmosphere. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 17:878-883. Forest tree biomass is hypothesized to increase in a CO2-enriched atmosphere if mechanisms exist to ensure acquisition of limiting nutrients in forest soils. Investment of additional photosynthate produced at elevated CO2 into mycorrhizal proliferation and root growth may provide one such mechanism. To test this hypothesis, mycorrhizal density and seedling biomass were measured in shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) and white oak (Quercus alba L.) grown in unfertilized forest soil in controlled-environment chambers at 360 uL/L and 700 uL/L CO2. Mycorrhizal density was greater at elevated CO2 in both species after 6 weeks of exposure; in white oak, the increased density persisted for 24 weeks. Root dry weight was increased 76% in P. echinata and 91% in Q. alba at 700 uL/L CO2; total seedling dry weight was increased by 66 and 56%, respectively. It is hypothesized that increased photosynthesis at elevated CO2 offsets the carbon requirement for mycorrhizal establishment on shortleaf pine. Greater mycorrhizal density and enhanced 1st year root growth in both species may facilitate future nutrient acquisition, supporting further increases in an enriched CO2 atmosphere. Quercus alba/white oak/Pinus echinata/shortleaf pine KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, MYCORRHIZAE, NUTRITION, SOIL MICROORGANISMS, TREES 558 Osbrink, W.L.A., J.T. Trumble, and R.E. Wagner. 1987. Host Suitability of Phaseolus lunata for Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Controlled Carbon Dioxide Atmospheres. Environmental Entomology 16:639-644. Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels of 1,000 parts per million (ppm) significantly increased consumption of foliage by Trichoplusia ni (Hubner) and significantly enhanced growth of Phaseolus lunata L. when compared with ambient levels of 340 ppm. Mean pupal weight was less under treatments with elevated atmospheric CO2 under a high fertilization regime, but larval survival and percent nitrogen content of pupae were not affected by level of CO2 treatments at high, medium or low fertilizer rates. Regardless of CO2 concentration, larval survival and pupal weight were reduced in absence of fertilizer. Nitrogen and protein consumption increased with fertilization rate. Because percent leaf area of plants consumed by T. ni larvae was not affected by CO2 concentration, this study suggests that increased plant growth resulting from elevated atmospheric CO2 may benefit the plant proportionately more than the insect. Phaseolus lunata/lima bean KEYWORDS: CABBAGE LOOPER, GROWTH, HERBIVORY, INSECTS, NITROGEN, TRICHOPLUSIA NI 559 Overdieck, D. 1986. Long-term Effects of an Increased CO2 Concentration on Terrestrial Plants in Model Ecosystems. Morphology and Reproduction of Trifolium repens L. and Lolium perenne L. International Journal of Biometeorology 30:323-332. Mixtures (ratio 1:1, 45 seeds/dm2) of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium repens) were enclosed in environmentally controlled acrylic mini-glasshouses and supplied with additional CO2 from September 1981 until September 1982 (547-600 ppm, control: about 340 ppm CO2). At growth optimum the single leaf area of white clover was 30% greater and the specific leaf weight 19% higher with additional CO2; with the perennial ryegrass it was 18% resp. 29%. The length growth of the white clover petioles was enhanced by the additional CO2: in the beginning 67% longer leafstalks, at growth optimum no effect and at the end of the experiment 100%. At growth optimum the specific petiole weight was approximately 52% higher. When the growing was terminated the blades of perennial ryegrass were 19% longer at high CO2. The average volume of the flowerheads was about 53% greater and the adult ears 13% longer. The number of flowers per flower head and the number of earlets per ear did not increase significantly. On the average the white clover seeds were 28% heavier and the caryopses were 4% lighter. Trifolium repens/white clover/Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass KEYWORDS: GRASSES, GROWTH, MORPHOLOGY, PASTURE, REPRODUCTION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 560 Overdieck, D. 1987. Untersuchungen uber die voraussichtlichen Langzeiteffekte einer CO2-bedingten Klimaveranderung auf die einheimische Vegetation. Universitat Osnabruck, Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie, Arbeitsgruppe Okologie, Osnabruck. Long-term experiments were conducted on herbaceous species at constant microclimatic conditions and at natural conditions on simplified stands of Middle-European grassland-vegetation units using atmospheric CO2 concentrations from 270 to 650 uL/L CO2. At elevated CO2 supply stems grow longer and more voluminously, leaf areas increase, and in most cases more material is translocated to storage organs. A minor CO2 impoverishment (270 uL/L CO2) leads to overproportionate losses in production. Increasing CO2 concentrations have more effect at lower than at higher CO2 levels. The CO2 enrichment effect is enhanced by increasing light intensities. Increasing temperatures support the positive CO2 effect up to 35C beyond that their effect is negative. Grassland ecosystems can only be an effective sink for additionally emitted CO2 during their juvenile phases and after mowing. This CO2 effect on the systems decreases in the second year considerably. CO2 enrichment influences the performance of grassland species in competition (changes in the spectrum of species). At the beginning of growth the absolute nutrient uptake increases with CO2 enrichment which can lead to nutrient deficiencies on poorer soils. Two mathematical methods were developed for modelling the CO2 effect on grassland-ecosystems in dependance of many ecological factors including all microclimatic factors of the experiments (1st approach: 4 factors, 2nd: 7 factors). One of the methods is based on pseudocubical splines. In German. Vigna unguiculata/cowpea/Abelmoschus esculentus/okra/Raphanus sativus/radish/Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass/Trifolium repens/white clover/Festuca pratensis/meadow fescue/Trifolium pratense/red clover KEYWORDS: ANATOMY, CALCIUM, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, ECOSYSTEM MODEL, GRASSES, LIGHT, MODELING, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, TEMPERATURE 561 Overdieck, D. 1989. The effects of Preindustrial and Predicted Future Atmospheric CO2 Concentration on Lyonia mariana L.D. Don. Functional Ecology 3:569-576. CO2 net assimilation and transpiration rates were measured on the entire above-ground parts of 7-8-month-old seedlings of Lyonia mariana L.D. Don (Ericaceae) grown for 2-3 months at 270 (preindustrial concentration), 350 and 650 uL CO2/L at constant climatic conditions in growth chambers. Slight CO2-enrichment from 270 to 350 uL CO2/L elevated the level of the light response curve by about 25% at light saturation and enrichment from 350 to 650 uL CO2/L elevated this level by about 27%. The light compensation points decreased with increasing CO2 (270: about 108; 350: about 94; 650 uL CO2/L: about 83 umol photons/m2/s. At each CO2 treatment the response to the increase of internal CO2 could be described by polynomials (maxima at 600-800 uL CO2/L). The curves differed in CO2 compensation points (270: about 55; 350: about 58; 650 uL CO2/L: about 70 uL CO2/L (Ci). The initial CO2 yield per uL CO2/L concentration increase amounted to about 10.5 (270), about 9.5 (350) and 7.1 ug CO2/dm2/h (650 uL CO2/L). The mean transpiration rate during the investigation of light and CO2-response was 16% lower at 350 than at 270 and 15.5% lower at 650 than at 350 uL CO2/L. Lyonia mariana KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LIGHT, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, TRANSPIRATION 562 Overdieck, D. 1990. Direct Effects of Elevated CO2 Concentration Levels on Grass and Clover in 'Model-ecosystems'. IN: Expected Effects of Climatic Change on Marine Coastal Ecosystems (J.J. Beukema, W.J. Wolff, and J.J.W.M. Brouns, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 41-47. In long-term experiments (up to 2.5 vegetation periods) grass/clover-mixtures (1:1) were exposed to 4 CO2 concentration levels (340, 450, 600, and 800 mm3/dm3) in acrylic-miniglasshouses which were climatized according to the microclimate outside. At 600 mm3/dm3, plant growth and production were enhanced by 20-40% compared to cultures at 340 mm3/dm3. Only the seed weight of the clover species increased by max. 28% with elevated CO2 concentration levels. Without clippings, the clover species tended to be more enhanced by additional CO2. With clippings, the grass was more successful in competition. The C/N-, C/P-, C/Ca- and C/K-relationships were higher at elevated CO2 concentration level. The CO2 net fixation of the whole canopy increased by 40% when the CO2 concentration was raised from 340 to 600 mm3/dm3. This enhancement decreased until the end of the third vegetation period to about 10%. The ecological consequences of these findings are discussed. Trifolium repens/white clover/Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass/Trifolium pratense/red clover/Festuca pratensis/meadow grass KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, GRASSES, GROWTH, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PASTURE, REPRODUCTION, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 563 Overdieck, D. 1990. Effects of Elevated CO2-concentration Levels on Nutrient Contents of Herbaceous and Woody Plants. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 31-37. Trifolium pratense/red clover/Festuca pratensis/meadow fescue/Acer pseudoplatanus/mountain maple/sycamore maple/Fagus sylvatica/beech KEYWORDS: CALCIUM, GRASSES, IRON, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, TREES, ZINC 564 Overdieck, D. 1993. Elevated CO2 and the Mineral Content of Herbaceous and Woody Plants. Vegetatio 104/105:403-411. The CO2 enrichment effects (300-650 umol/mol) on mineral concentration (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn), absolute total mineral contents per individual and of whole stands of four herbaceous (Trifolium repens L., Trifolium pratense L., Lolium perenne L., Festuca pratensis HUDS.) and two woody species (Acer pseudoplatanus L., Fagus sylvatica L.) were investigated. In general, the mineral concentration of the plant tissues decreased (all six species: N>Ca>K>Mg) with the exception of P. Mn and Fe were only determined for the tree species. Both decreased in concentration (Mn>Fe). Zn was only analysed for Trifolium pratense and Festuca pratensis and decreased significantly in the grass. Despite of decreases in concentrations of as much as 20% in some cases there were increases in absolute amounts per individual and, therefore, in the whole vegetation up to 25% because of the enhanced dry matter accumulation at elevated CO2 supply. Trifolium repens/white clover/Trifolium pratense/red clover/Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass/Festuca pratensis/meadow fescue/Acer pseudoplatanus/sycamore maple/Fagus sylvatica/beech KEYWORDS: CALCIUM, GRASSES, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, TREES, ZINC 565 Overdieck, D., and D. Bossemeyer. 1985. Langzeit-Effekte eines erhohten CO2-Angebotes auf den CO2-Gaswechsel eines Modell-Okosystems. Angewandte Botanik 59:179-198. A model ecosystem composed of 30 cm deep homogenized garden soil and a mixture of clover and grass (Trifolium repens L. and Lolium perenne L., 1:1, 45 seeds/dm2) was supplied with about 600 ppm CO2 in the air in an acrylic glasshouse from the beginning of germination for a total period of one year (03. Sept.-31. Aug.). With slight deviations (+/- 0.5C) the air temperature in the glasshouse was adjusted to the air outside. The values of relative air humidity corresponded approximately with the outside values. Besides, the photon flux density (photosynthetically active radiation) inside the glasshouse and the CO2 gas exchange rates of the system were continuously registered together with the climatic parameters (measuring interval: 48 s). A parallel control experiment was run in the same way; there the CO2 concentration was held at about 330 ppm. The better CO2 supply caused higher CO2 net fixation rates during the whole experiment with the exception of days with low photon flux densities (mostly <100 umol/m2/s). This positive CO2 effect grew with increasing photon flux density and increasing air temperature. An influence of the relative air humidity on the CO2 effect could not be identified. In most cases the relationship between photon flux density and CO2 gas exchange rates within different temperature classes and different stages of development could easily be approximated by saturation curves. With growing age the 600 ppm CO2 system reached increasingly higher compensation points compared to the 330 ppm CO2 system and the level of irradiation saturation was relatively more elevated than at 330 ppm CO2. In the total balance at about 600 ppm CO2 approximately 1.7 kg/m2/a more CO2 were net fixed than at about 330 ppm (50% more). At the peak of growth the difference of the total phytomass between the systems was 0.6 g/m2 (dry matter increase of 43%). In German. Trifolium repens/white clover/Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, GRASSES, GROWTH, HUMIDITY, LIGHT, PASTURE, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, TEMPERATURE 566 Overdieck, D., and M. Forstreuter. 1991. Carbon Dioxide Effects on Vegetation. IN: Modern Ecology: Basic and Applied Aspects (G. Esser and D. Overdieck, eds.), Elsevier, New York, pp. 623-657. KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBOHYDRATES, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, GROWTH, MODELING, REPRODUCTION, REVIEW, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, WATER STATUS, WUE 567 Overdieck, D., and H. Lieth. 1986. Long-term Effects of an Increased Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Level on Terrestrial Plants in Model-ecosystems. Universitat Osnabruck, Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie, Arbeitsgruppe Okologie, Osnabruck. The following results are most important for European landscape management, agriculture, and forestry (30 plants were tested): 1. A number of plants increase their productivity with increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations only during the juvenile phase of development. 2. Different plants growing together in semi-natural or managed plant communities vary in their response to increasing CO2 concentrations. 3. Increasing atmospheric CO2 will cause changes in competition of plants. 4. The additional growth at elevated CO2 is not nutrient-limited on medium fertile soils. 5. The absolute nutrient uptake increases at CO2-enrichment. Grassland communities are a sink for additional CO2 only in the first vegetation period after sowing. 6. The CO2-effect on growth and productivity is enhanced by increasing light intensity. 7. Increasing temperatures support the positive CO2 effect up to 35C. 8. The vegetation period starts earlier for several plants under higher CO2 concentrations. The results of the experiments were used to construct models for better data analysis and to improve our regional and global models. From the results we can conclude that no immediate major threats to plant growth may be expected from slightly elevated CO2 concentrations. Most probable are changes in species composition in several ecosystems due to different responses of growth and seed production, there may be a higher susceptibility to late frosts in certain species, and there may be higher nutrient-uptake rates. These aspects require further studies because they are important for the management of grasslands, orchards, and fields. In German. Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass/Trifolium repens/white clover/Fagus sylvatica/Picea abies/Pinus sylvestris/Lyonia mariana/Lyonia lucida/Acer pseudoplatanus/Quercus robur/Beta vulgaris/sugar beet/beet/Chenopodium album/white chenopod/Plantago major/broadleaf plantain/Urtica dioica/stinging nettle/Rumex obtusifolia/bluntleaved sorrel/Taraxacum officinale/dandelion/Polygonum aviculare/bird's knotweed/Capsella bursa-pastoris/shepherd's purse/Festuca rubra/red fescue/Festuca pratensis/meadow fescue/Trifolium pratense/red clover/Secale cereale/rye/Triticum aestivum/wheat/Hordeum vulgare/barley KEYWORDS: CALCIUM, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, GROWTH STAGES, LIGHT, NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PASTURE, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, REPRODUCTION, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, TEMPERATURE 568 Overdieck, D., C. Reid, and B.R. Strain. 1988. The Effects of Preindustrial and Future CO2 Concentrations on Growth, Dry Matter Production and the C/N Relationship in Plants at Low Nutrient Supply: Vigna unguiculata (Cowpea), Abelmoschus esculentus (Okra) and Raphanus sativus (Radish). Angewandte Botanik 62:119-134. The effects of preindustrial atmospheric CO2 concentration (270 uL/L), of current ambient CO2 concentration (350 uL/L) and the CO2 concentration predicted for the next century (650 uL/L) on growth, dry matter production and the carbon/nitrogen relationship in dry matter was studied with herbaceous annual plants grown from seed for 32-34 days in environmentally controlled chambers. The plants were cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.), okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) and radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Total soil nutrients were lowered to 1/8 of a normal Hoagland's solution. Stem length, petiole length, and leaf area were not significantly affected by the different CO2 levels. Stem diameter increased with increasing CO2 in all three species. Lowering the CO2 concentration from ambient to 270 uL/L decreased the mean total dry matter accumulation by+/-8% and increasing the CO2 concentration to 650 uL/L enhanced it by +/- 40%. The CO2 response was the least in okra where only the dry weight of the roots differed noticeably between the CO2 treatments. With the 'root crop' radish, the hypocotyl provided a sink for assimilates. Specific leaf areas (SLA) of the three species increased under low CO2 and decreased under CO2 enrichment. Net Assimilation rates (NAR) increased with increasing CO2 supply (270 < 340 < 650 uL/L). The highest nitrogen contents on total dry weight basis were found at 270 uL/L, medium contents at 350 uL/L, and lowest at 650 uL/L. The differences were the greatest in leaves. The roots of the legume cowpea contained the greatest N-amounts with 650 uL CO2/L at the end of the experiment. C/N ratios increased with increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations (except for cowpea roots). Total absolute carbon accumulated per plant increased 20-63% from 270 to 650 uL/L CO2 by the end of the study. cowpea/Vigna unguiculata/okra/Abelmoschus esculentus/radish/Raphanus sativus KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, NITROGEN, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION 569 Overdieck, D., and E. Reining. 1986. Effect of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment on Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) Competing in Managed Model-ecosystems. II. Nutrient Uptake. Acta Oecologica/Oecologia Plantarum 7:367-378. A model ecosystem composed of 0.14 m3 homogenized garden soil and a mixture of Trifolium repens L. and Lolium perenne L. (1:1, 45 seeds/dm2) was supplied with about 620 ppm CO2 in an acrylic glasshouse (0.26 m3) for 90 days, started 10 days after germination (9 July-5 October, 1983). A control experiment was run at about 300 ppm CO2. Aerial phytomass was removed by mowing four times in both systems. Air temperatures and relative humidities in the glasshouse corresponded approximately with those from the outside, the wind velocity was at 0.5 m/s. The soil was medium fertile and was loosing more Ca (total and Na-formate extractable), P (total and Na-formate extractable), and K (Na-formate extractable) at about 620 ppm CO2 until the end of the experiment. This was not the case of Kjeldahl-N. Due to the lower N contents of the plant tissues the C/N relationships were higher at the elevated CO2 concentration. These differences were greater with the grass than with the clover. P was not significantly influenced, but at about 620 ppm CO2 lower K percentages were found in the petioles and leaves of clover and lower Ca percentages in the grass (total). Expressed on the ground area unit (m2) 49.6% C, 10.9% N, 39.1% P, 32.8% K and 36.4% more Ca was totally exported from the system with the elevated CO2 concentration via the mowed above ground plant parts. Trifolium repens/white clover/Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass KEYWORDS: CALCIUM, CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, GRASSES, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PASTURE, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 570 Overdieck, D., and F. Reining. 1986. Effect of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment on Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) Competing in Managed Model-ecosystems. I. Phytomass Production. Acta Oecologica/Oecologia Plantarum 7:357-366. A model ecosystem composed of 0.14 m3 homogenized garden soil and a mixture of Trifolium repens L. and Lolium perenne L. (1:1, 45 seeds/dm2) was supplied with about 620 ppm CO2 in an acrylic glasshouse (0.26 m3) for 90 days, started 10 days after germination (9 July-5 October, 1983). A control experiment was run at about 300 ppm CO2. Aerial phytomass was removed by mowing four times in both systems. Air temperatures in the glasshouses were adjusted to that of the air outside (+/- 0.5C) and the wind velocity to 0.5 m/s. The relative air humidities corresponded approximately with those from the outside (+15%). Leaf area and above and below ground phytomass accumulation of both species, net primary production and net primary productivity were enhanced by the CO2 enrichment. Before mowing Trifolium repens was more enhanced but after mowing Lolium perenne became the most enhanced species. Trifolium repens/white clover/Lolium perenne/perennial ryegrass KEYWORDS: GRASSES, NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, PASTURE, ROOTS, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 571 Owensby, C.E., P.I. Coyne, and L.M. Auen. 1989. Rangeland-Plant Responses to Elevated CO2. Part II: Large-Chamber Systems, 059 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Atmospheric and Climate Research Division, Washington, D.C. Andropogon gerardii/big bluestem/Indiangrass/Sorghastrum nutans/Kentucky bluegrass/Poa pratensis/sideoats grama/Bouteloua curtipendula/tall dropseed/Sporobolus asper/western ragweed/Ambrosia psilostachya/Louisiana sagewort/Artemisia ludoviciana/manyflower scurfpea/Psoralea tenuiflora KEYWORDS: EXPOSURE METHODS, GRASSES, GRAZING, GROWTH, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, RUMINANTS, TALLGRASS PRAIRIE 572 Owensby, C.E., P.I. Coyne, L.M. Auen, and N. Sionit. 1990. Rangeland-Plant Response to Elevated CO2: Large-Chamber System; Washington, D.C, 054 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Atmospheric and Climate Research Division, Washington, D.C. Andropogon gerardii/big bluestem/Sorghastrum nutans/Indiangrass/Poa pratensis/Kentucky bluegrass/Bouteloua curtipendula/sideoats grama/Sporobolus asper/tall dropseed/Ambrosia psilostachya/western ragweed/Artemisia ludoviciana/Louisiana sagewort/Psoralea tenuiflora/manyflower scurfpea KEYWORDS: ACID DETERGENT FIBER, EXPOSURE METHODS, FORAGE QUALITY, GRASSES, LITTER QUALITY, NITROGEN, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, ROOTS, RUMINANTS, TALLGRASS PRAIRIE 573 Pallas, J.E. 1986. CO2 Measurement and Control. IN: Status and CO2 Sources, Vol. I (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 77-98. The needs for CO2 measurement and control are many. We know (see other chapters of these two volumes) that plants are very responsive to the atmospheric CO2 concentration in which they are growing. In some instances greater economic return can even be obtained by elevating ambient CO2 concentration. In controlled environmental experimentation the researcher should always measure CO2 concentration for it may be his greatest variable. If it is highly variable then it obviously needs control. Generally infrared gas analyzers are the workhorses behind such CO2 measurement and control. This chapter is primarily intended to not only provide information but inspiration to those attempting control and measurement. KEYWORDS: CO2 MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL 574 Palmqvist, K., Z.M. Ramazanov, P. Gardestrom, and G. Samuelsson. 1990. Mechanisms of Adaptation of Microalgae to Conditions of Carbon Dioxide Limitation of Photosynthesis. Possible Role of Carbonic Anhydrase. Fiziologiya Rastenii 37:912-920. KEYWORDS: ALGAE, AQUATIC PLANTS, CELL CULTURE, ENZYMES, GROWTH ANALYSIS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS 575 Parker, M.L. 1985. Recent Abnormal Increase in Tree-ring Widths: A Possible Effect of Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. IN: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ecological Aspects of Tree Ring Analysis (G.C. Jacoby and J.W. Hornbeck, eds.), NTIS, Springfield, Virginia, pp. 511-521. Atmospheric CO2 has increased from a preindustrial level of from 250 to 290 parts per million to a current level of about 345 ppm. It is expected to double at some time in the 21st century. Increased levels of CO2 have been shown to increase tree growth under controlled conditions. Some forest trees may respond to increased CO2 with increases in ring width, but this effect may be obscured by other environmental influences at some sites. Ring width values of Douglas-fir trees from a moist British Columbia site show a marked increase during the past few decades. Environmental influences other than increased CO2 have not been found that would explain this. Pronounced growth increase during the last few decades is not present for Douglas-fir from the dry British Columbia interior. Raw ring width values were examined for individual radii of trees from 17 sites in Canada and the northwest United States. For the period after 1920, 7 sites show greater ring-width growth than would be expected if age were the only factor influencing growth. There is enough evidence to conclude that increased atmospheric CO2, as well as other environmental factors, can affect forest growth. We should now determine the extent of that effect. KEYWORDS: FOREST, TREE-RING ANALYSIS, TREES 576 Parker, M.L., F.G. Taylor, T.W. Doyle, B.E. Foster, C. Cooper, and D.C. West. 1985. Radiation Densitometry in Tree-Ring Analysis: A Review and Procedure Manual, 020 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C., and Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. KEYWORDS: DENDROCHRONOLOGY, REVIEW, TREE-RING ANALYSIS, WOOD PROPERTIES, X-RAY DENSITOMETRY 577 Parry, M.A.J., E. Delgado, J. Vadell, A.J. Keys, D.W. Lawlor, and H. Medrano. 1993. Water Stress and the Diurnal Activity of Ribulose-1,5 Bisphosphate Carboxylase in Field Grown Nicotiana tabacum Genotypes Selected for Survival at Low CO2 Concentrations. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 31:113-120. Despite large differences in total dry matter at final harvest, no significant differences (p 0.93. The net CO2 required for producing various plant parts was calculated from measurements of dry weight and N content and from assumptions about carbohydrate, oil, mineral, and lignin content. The amount of C required to fix 1.0 g of N symbiotically has been reported to be anywhere from 2.5 to 19.4 g. In this study the relationship between CO2 fixation and biomass was closest when calculations were based on the theoretical value of 2.0 g of C for each gram of N reduced for all [CO2] treatments except 800 uL/L, where a value of 4.0 g of C per gram of N fitted the data better. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBON BUDGET, CROP MODEL, DRY MATTER CONTENT, GROWTH MODEL, NITROGEN, NITROGEN FIXATION, SPAR UNITS 619 Reekie, E.G., and F.A. Bazzaz. 1989. Competition and Patterns of Resource Use among Seedlings of Five Tropical Trees Grown at Ambient and Elevated CO2. Oecologia 79:212-222. Seedlings of five tropical trees, Cecropia obtusifolia, Myriocarpa longipes, Piper auritum, Senna multijuga and Trichospermum mexicanum, were grown both as individuals, and in competition with each other at ambient (350) and two levels of elevated CO2 (525 and 700 uL/L) for a period of 111 days. Growth, allocation, canopy architecture, mid-day leaf water potential and soil moisture content were assessed three times over this period for individually grown plants, and at the end of the experiment for competitively grown plants. In addition, leaf photosynthesis and conductance were assessed for the individually grown plants midway through the experiment, and light profile curves were determined for the competitive arrays at three stages of development. Elevated CO2 did not affect photosynthesis or overall growth of the individually-grown plants but did affect canopy architecture; mean canopy height increased with CO2 in Piper and Trichospermum and decreased in Senna. Stomatal conductance decreased slightly as CO2 increased from 350 to 525 uL/L but this had no significant effect upon whole plant water use or leaf water potential. Soil moisture content for the individuals increased marginally as CO2 increased, but this did not occur in the competitive arrays. There was a marked effect of CO2 upon species composition of the competitive arrays; Senna decreased in importance as CO2 increased while Cecropia, Trichospermum and Piper increased in importance. Stepwise regression analysis using competitive performance as the dependent variable, and the various morphological and physiological parameters measured on the individually grown plants as independent variables, suggested that canopy height was the single most important variable determining competitive ability. Also significant were photosynthetic rate (particularly at low light levels) and allocation to roots early in the experiment. Light profiles in the canopy revealed that less than 15% of incident light penetrated to the level of mean canopy height. Results suggest that competition for light was the major factor determining community composition and that CO2 affected competitive outcome through its effect upon canopy architecture. Cecropia obtusifolia/Myriocarpa longipes/Piper auritum/Senna multijuga/Trichospermum mexicanum KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, ARCHITECTURE, CONDUCTANCE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, MORPHOLOGY, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, TREES, TROPICAL PLANTS, WATER STATUS 620 Reekie, E.G., and F.A. Bazzaz. 1991. Phenology and Growth in Four Annual Species Grown in Ambient and Elevated CO2. Canadian Journal of Botany 69:2475-2481. The objectives of this study were (i) to test the hypothesis that changes in phenology with CO2 are a function of the effect of CO2 upon growth and (ii) to determine if CO2-induced changes in phenology can influence competitive outcome. We examined the effect of 350, 525, and 700 uL/L CO2 on Guara brachycarpa, Gailardia pulchella, Oenothera laciniata, and Lupinus texensis. Plants were grown as individuals in 150-, 500-, or 1000-ml pots and in competition in 1000-ml pots. Growth and development were monitored at twice-weekly intervals by recording the number of leaves and noting the presence or absence of stem elongation, branching, flower buds, and open flowers. Elevated CO2 affected both growth and phenology, but the direction and magnitude of effects varied with species and soil volume. Elevated CO2 did not appear to affect development through its effect on growth. Those treatments in which there were significant effects of CO2 on growth were generally different from those treatments in which CO2 affected phenology. Rather than affecting phenology by changing plant size, CO2 appeared to affect phenology by modifying the size at which plants switched from one stage to the next. The level of CO2 changed competitive outcome; the importance of Lupinus increased whereas that of Oenothera decreased with increased CO2. These changes were more closely related to the effect of CO2 on growth than its effect on phenology. Guara brachycarpa/Gailardia pulchella/Oenothera laciniata/Lupinus texensis KEYWORDS: FLOWERING, GROWTH STAGES, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, PHENOLOGY, PHOTOPERIOD, REPRODUCTION, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 621 Reining, E. 1991. Langzeiteffekte von erhohtem CO2-Angebot auf den Mineralstoffhaushalt von Acer pseudoplatanus und Fagus sylvatica. Doctoral Dissertation, Universitat Osnabruck, Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie, Osnabruck, Germany. In German. Acer pseudoplatanus/Fagus sylvatica KEYWORDS: CALCIUM, CARBOHYDRATES, GROWTH ANALYSIS, IRON, ISOTOPE DISCRIMINATION, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, PIGMENTS, POTASSIUM, TREES 622 Reining, F. 1990. Langzeiteffekte von erhohtem CO2-Angebot auf das Wachstum von Acer pseudoplatanus und Fagus sylvatica. Doctoral Dissertation, Universitat Osnabruck, Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie, Osnabruck, Germany. In German Acer pseudoplatanus/Fagus sylvatica KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, GROWTH ANALYSIS, ISOTOPE DISCRIMINATION, PIGMENTS, TREES 623 Retzlaff, W.A. 1987. Effect of Carbon-dioxide Enrichment on Container-grown Pinus taeda L. Seedlings and Their Field Survival Potential. Doctoral Dissertation, Clemson University, Dissertation Abstracts Vol. 48:06-B, p.563 (113 pp.). The effects of increased atmospheric CO2 levels on growth of container-grown loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings were examined. Seedlings were grown in CO2 concentrations of 363, 430, 780, and 1263 ppm in near airtight chambers. A 4 x 4 Latin Square experimental design was employed with four 90-day replications among four treatment-chambers. At 10-day intervals during each replication, nine seedlings from each treatment were harvested to measure growth. Foliar and rooting medium nutrient analyses, diffusive resistance and photosynthetic rates of foliar types, tissue starch content, seedling root growth potential, and stomate physiology were also examined. Following each replication, pretreated seedlings were outplanted to determine field survival and growth. Seedling morphology was significantly different (alpha=0.05) with increasing CO2 concentration. Carbon dioxide enrichment increased total seedling height, root collar diameter, number and projected surface area of primary needles, and root, stem, primary needle, shoot and total dry weights of the seedlings. Growth analysis at 90-days shows that optimum CO2 concentration for growth occurs at 1000 ppm. Balanced root and shoot growth suggests there was some mechanism for response to CO2 enrichment other than changes in biomass partitioning. Carbon dioxide transfer resistance measurements showed that both diffusive resistance and internal (intercellular) CO2 concentration were unaffected by the CO2 level in the atmosphere. However, net photosynthesis increased tenfold in the 1009 ppm atmospheric CO2 concentration when compared to the 350 ppm CO2 concentration. Because photosynthetic rates of primary and secondary needle tissue were greater in high atmospheric CO2 concentrations and less in the low atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and diffusive resistance and internal CO2 concentration were unaffected by atmospheric CO2 concentration, it was concluded that biochemical resistance was the rate limiting process in the flux relationship for primary and secondary needle tissue at ambient CO2 levels. No differences in field survival were found. Also, first-year height and diameter growth was not significantly affected by CO2 pretreatment. Initially larger seedlings from the higher CO2 pretreatments lost their significant size advantage following 1 year in the field. Pinus taeda/loblolly pine KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CI:CA, CONDUCTANCE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, SURVIVORSHIP, TREES 624 Reuveni, J., and J. Gale. 1985. The Effect of High Levels of Carbon Dioxide on Dark Respiration and Growth of Plants. Plant, Cell and Environment 8:623-628. Raising ambient levels of CO2 during the night, between 350 and 950 cm3/m3, reduced the dark respiration rate of Medicago sativum seedlings. The percentage effect was greater for maintenance respiration then for dark respiration as a whole, and when the plants were in a low photosynthate status. Twenty-four h carbon balance studies confirmed a reduction in night time respiration and an increase of net carbon gain when night time [CO2] was high. Growth experiments showed a small but significant increase of dry weight in Medicago sativum seedlings exposed to high [CO2] (about 1200 cm3/m3) at night. This effect was greater for plants grown with Rhizobium nodules than for plants grown with nitrate in the absence of Rhizobium. A similar, but smaller and statistically non-significant effect of high night time [CO2] on growth was found for Xanthium strumarium seedlings. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the rising CO2 content of the atmosphere. Medicago sativa/alfalfa/Xanthium strumarium KEYWORDS: CARBON BUDGET, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, RESPIRATION, RHIZOBIUM 625 Reynolds, J.F., and B. Acock. 1985. Modeling Approaches for Evaluating Vegetation Responses to Carbon Dioxide Concentration. IN: Direct Effects of Increasing Carbon Dioxide on Vegetation, DOE/ER-0238 (B.R. Strain and J.D. Cure, eds.), Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.c., pp. 33-51. KEYWORDS: CARBON BUDGET, GROWTH MODEL, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, REVIEW 626 Reynolds, J.F., and B. Acock. 1985. Predicting the Response of Plants to Increasing Carbon Dioxide: A Critique of Plant Growth Models. Ecological Modeling 29:107-129. It is widely recognized that increasing global carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere may alter the growth of plants. This has led to speculation about the long-term impact of rising CO2 on agricultural productivity and on natural ecosystems, e.g., shifts in native species distributions and sequestering of carbon in forests. In this paper we critique some existing plant growth models with regard to their potential for predicting and evaluating possible scenarios of vegetation response to elevated CO2 levels. To facilitate this, we present various criteria for model evaluation, specify a minimum set of plant processes that should be considered for inclusion in a generic model capable of predicting plant response to CO2, survey numerous published plant growth models with respect to these criteria, and propose a scheme for identifying the various options available for modeling the response of vegetation to CO2. KEYWORDS: GROWTH MODEL, MODELING, REVIEW 627 Reynolds, J.F., D. Bachelet, P. Leadley, and D. Moorhead. 1986. Assessing the Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide on Plants: Towards the Development of a Generic Plant Growth Model, 028 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. KEYWORDS: GENERIC MODEL, GROWTH MODEL, MODELING 628 Reynolds, J.F., J. Chen, P.C. Harley, D.W. Hilbert, R.L. Dougherty, and J.D. Tenhunen. 1992. Modeling the Effects of Elevated CO2 on Plants: Extrapolating Leaf Response to a Canopy. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 61:69-94. The response of canopies to short-duration exposure to elevated CO2 was examined by using a detailed submodel of single-leaf gas exchange combined with a model of canopy structure and light penetration. The leaf model included a mechanistic gas exchange model and leaf energy balance equations, and the canopy model included a detailed description of spatial variability in environmental conditions within the canopy. The structure of the canopy model was designed to facilitate implementation of different leaf aggregation schemes. To compare six aggregation methods of increasing simplicity, daily carbon gain, and water use were simulated for Quercus coccifera under current ambient and future doubled CO2. Analyses of simulated canopy responses confirmed the importance of including (1) leaf energy balance and (2) distinguishing between sunlit and shaded leaves. A multi-layer canopy model with Gaussian integration for sunlit leaves and a single leaf class for shaded leaves in each layer gave excellent results. A multi-layer model with one shaded and one sunlit leaf class gave a reasonable approximation, and the single-layer model with one sunlit and one shaded leaf class resulted in errors of up to 15%. Vertical gradients in leaf nitrogen content and leaf and stem area index had greater effects on canopy assimilation and transpiration than did gradients of stem or leaf inclination or leaf width. However, predictions of the relative response of CO2 assimilation and transpiration to doubled CO2 are rather robust and were not greatly affected by simplifications of the canopy model. Quercus coccifera KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MODELING, SCALING, SIMULATION, TRANSPIRATION MODEL 629 Reynolds, J.F., R.L. Dougherty, J.D. Tenhunen, and P.C. Harley. 1988. A Model for the Simulation of Plant Response to Elevated CO2, 042 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. KEYWORDS: GENERIC MODEL, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL 630 Reynolds, J.F., J.W. Skiles, and D.L. Moorhead. 1987. SERECO: A Model for the Simulation of Ecosystem Response to Elevated CO2, 041 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, Washington, D.C. KEYWORDS: ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, ECOSYSTEM MODEL, GENERIC MODEL, MODELING, SCALING 631 Riechers, G.H., and B.R. Strain. 1988. Growth of Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis) in Response to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment. Canadian Journal of Botany 66:1570-1573. Blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis (HBK.) Griffiths), an important C4 species in the Great Plains grasslands of the north central United States, was grown under three concentrations of CO2: 350, 675, and 1000 uL/L. Growth of the blue grama was significantly enhanced by enrichment to 675 but not to 1000 uL/L. At the end of the experiment, 7 weeks after planting, plants grown at 675 uL/L had 35% more total biomass and nearly 90% greater leaf area than controls grown at 350 uL/L. This growth enhancement is large for a C4 species, but is modest compared with the response typical of C3 species. It is concluded that blue grama may experience increasing competition from its C3 associates if atmospheric CO2 continues to increase in the future. Bouteloua gracilis KEYWORDS: C4, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GRASSES, GROWTH ANALYSIS 632 Robinson, S.P., W.J.R. Grant, and B.R. Loveys. 1988. Stomatal Limitation of Photosynthesis in Abscisic Acid-treated and in Water-stressed Leaves Measured at Elevated CO2. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 15:495-503. Feeding 10(-5)M (+/-)-abscisic acid (ABA) via the petioles of detached leaves of apricot (Prunus armeniaca) or sunflower (Helianthus annuus) decreased stomatal conductance and assimilation rate but not the calculated intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) suggesting non-stomatal as well as stomatal inhibition of photosynthesis. Evidence for non-stomatal inhibition was not observed in spinach (Spincia oleracea). There was no significant decrease in rates of electron transport nor ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) activity in intact chloroplasts isolated from ABA-treated sunflower leaves. Oxygen evolution by leaf discs with 3% CO2 in the gas phase was inhibited in ABA-treated sunflower and apricot leaves but not in spinach; the inhibition was only half as great as the inhibition of assimilation rate at ambient CO2. The quantum yield of oxygen evolution decreased in ABA-treated sunflower leaves in proportion to the decrease in the light-saturated rate. There was no significant difference in room temperature chlorophyll fluorescence of ABA-treated leaves compared to controls. Stomatal conductance of sunflower leaves decreased by more than 90% when the CO2 concentration was increased from 340 ppm to 1000 ppm but at much higher CO2 concentrations the stomata appeared to reopen. Stomatal conductance at 2-3% CO2 (20,000-30,000 ppm) was 50% that at ambient CO2. This reopening of stomata at high CO2 was inhibited in previously water-stressed or ABA-treated plants. In unstressed leaves, the maximum rate of oxygen evolution occurred at 0.5-2% CO2 but in ABA-treated leaves 10-15% CO2 was required for maximum rates. It is suggested that stomatal closure may limit photosynthesis in ABA-treated or previously water-stressed leaves even at the relatively high CO2 concentrations normally used in the leaf disc oxygen electrode. The inhibition of photosynthesis by ABA is largely overcome at saturating CO2. The apparent non-stomatal inhibition suggested by gas exchange measurements and the decreased quantum yield could be explained by patchy stomatal closure in response to ABA. Prunus armeniaca/apricot/Helianthus annuus/sunflower/Spinacia oleracea/spinach KEYWORDS: ABA, CI:CA, CONDUCTANCE, FLUORESCENCE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, QUANTUM REQUIREMENT, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, STOMATA, WATER STRESS 633 Rochefort, L., and F.A. Bazzaz. 1992. Growth Response to Elevated CO2 in Seedlings of Four Co-occurring Birch Species. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 22:1583-1587. Seedlings of four birch species were examined to evaluate the presence and extent of phylogenetic constraints on the response of species to global CO2 change. The species differ in their habitat preferences and their successional status. Seedlings were grown for 3 months at near ambient (380 uL/L) and double (690 uL/L) CO2 concentrations in glasshouses. We found the following: (i) yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britton) was the only species whose survival differed among CO2 treatments. Survival was slightly increased by elevated CO2. (ii) All growth parameters considered in all four species were significantly stimulated by enriched CO2 conditions, but the magnitude of response was different among species. The most shade-intolerant, fast-growing species (grey birch; Betula populifolia Marsh.) took greater advantage of the elevated CO2 resource than the more shade-tolerant, later successional species (e.g., yellow birch). (iii) Patterns of allocation, shoot architecture, and leaf nitrogen content were affected differently by CO2 concentrations for the different species. (iv) The presence and identity of a neighbor did not influence the magnitude or pattern of response to CO2 in birches of a given community. Our results suggest that congeneric species might be more similar in their response to global CO2 in comparison to unrelated species of the same ecosystem that had been studied by others, despite the fact that these closely related birch species differ in their habitat preferences and successional status. Betula lenta/black birch/Betula papyrifera/white birch/Betula alleghaniensis/yellow birch/Betula populifolia/grey birch KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, FAMILY RESPONSES, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, NITROGEN, SPECIES COMPETITION, SURVIVORSHIP, TREES 634 Rochefort, L., and F.I. Woodward. 1992. Effects of Climate Change and a Doubling of CO2 on Vegetation Diversity. Journal of Experimental Botany 43:1169-1180. A model is presented for predicting the response of global family diversity to global environmental change. The model assumes that three primary mechanisms determine diversity: the capacity to survive the absolute minimum temperature of a site, the ability to complete the life cycle in a given length and warmth of the growing season, and the capacity to expand leaves in a defined regime of precipitation and vegetation transpiration. The direct effects of CO2 on vegetation transpiration are also included. About one-third of the floristic regions of the world exhibit increased diversity with a 3C increase in temperature, a 10% increase in precipitation, and a doubling of the CO2 concentration. The addition of CO2 offsets the increased rates of transpiration, caused by global warming through its capacity to reduce transpiration. As a consequence, the diversity of dry regions displayed the greatest increase in diversity due to increased CO2. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, GCM'S, MODELING, PLANT DIVERSITY, TRANSPIRATION 635 Rogers, H.H., R.D. Beck, G.E. Bingham, J.D. Cure, J.M. Davis, W.W. Heck, J.O. Rawlings, A.J. Riordan, N. Sionit, J.M. Smith, and J.F. Thomas. 1981. Field Studies of Plant Responses to Elevated Carbon Dioxide Levels, 005 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: ANATOMY, CARBOHYDRATES, EXPOSURE METHODS, GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, WATER STRESS, YIELD 636 Rogers, H.H., G.E. Bingham, C. Brownie, J.D. Cure, B.G. Drake, W.W. Heck, S.C. Huber, and D.W. Israel. 1982. Field Studies of Plant Responses to Elevated Carbon Dioxide Levels, 009 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv, Washington, D.C. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: ANATOMY, CARBOHYDRATES, CONDUCTANCE, EXPOSURE METHODS, GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MODELING, NITROGEN FIXATION, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, RHIZOBIUM, YIELD 637 Rogers, H.H., G.E. Bingham, J.D. Cure, W.W. Heck, A.S. Heagle, D.W. Israel, J.M. Smith, K.A. Surano, and J.F. Thomas. 1980. Field Studies of Plant Responses to Elevated Carbon Dioxide Levels, 001 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. soybean/Glycine max/loblolly pine/Pinus taeda/sweetgum/Liquidambar styraciflua/corn/Zea mays KEYWORDS: ANATOMY, CONDUCTANCE, EXPOSURE METHODS, GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NITROGEN, NITROGEN FIXATION, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, WUE, YIELD 638 Rogers, H.H., C. Brownie, J.D. Cure, W.W. Heck, S.C. Huber, D.W. Israel, F.L. Mowry, J.F. Reynolds, and J.F. Thomas. 1983. Field Studies of Plant Responses to Elevated Carbon Dioxide Levels, 012 in Green Report Series, Response of Vegetation to Carbon Dioxide. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C. soybean/Glycine max/sweet potato/Ipomoea batatas KEYWORDS: ANATOMY, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, EXPOSURE METHODS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, NITROGEN, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, SEED PRODUCTION, WATER STRESS, YIELD 639 Rogers, H.H., J.D. Cure, and J.M. Smith. 1986. Soybean Growth and Yield Response to Elevated Carbon Dioxide. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 16:113-128. Soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr. 'Bragg') were grown in seeded rows in open-top field chambers and exposed continuously to a range of elevated CO2 concentrations throughout the 1982 and 1983 growing seasons. During 1983, a water stress treatment was also imposed. Comparison of vegetative growth with a similarly conducted pot experiment showed an increased ratio of leaf area to total top dry weight in the seeded row plants, but generally similar qualitative effects of elevated CO2. Careful recording of mainstem leaf emergence rates and reproduction stages showed no consistent effect of CO2 under well watered conditions, but in 1983 there was a distinct modification by high CO2 of the water stress-induced hastening of the time to physiological maturity. In 1982, and for the well watered plants in 1983, standing biomass at maturity was increased significantly by elevated CO2, but harvest index decreased and yield was (statistically) unaffected by the treatment. The yield responses calculated for a doubling of the current CO2 concentration for these well watered treatments were 1.07 and 0.93, respectively. In the water stress treatment in 1983, however, harvest index did not decrease in the presence of elevated CO2, and a highly significant yield response occurred (1.41 at 700 uL/L). Glycine max/soybean KEYWORDS: GROWTH ANALYSIS, GROWTH STAGES, HARVEST INDEX, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, WATER STRESS, YIELD 640 Rogers, H.H., and R.C. Dahlman. 1992. Crop Responses to CO2 Enrichment. Vegetatio 104/105:117-131. Carbon dioxide is rising in the global atmosphere, and this increase can be expected to continue into the foreseeable future. This compound is an essential input to plant life. Crop function is affected across all scales from biochemical to agro-ecosystems. An array of methods (leaf cuvettes, field chambers, free-air release systems) are available for experimental studies of CO2 effects. Carbon dioxide enrichment of the air in which crops grow usually stimulates their growth and yield. Plant structure and physiology are markedly altered. Interactions between CO2 and environmental factors that influence plants are known to occur. Implications for crop growth and yield are enormous. Strategies designed to assure future global food security must include a consideration of crop responses to elevated atmospheric CO2. Future research should include these targets: search for new insights, development of new techniques, construction of better simulation models, investigation of belowground processes, study of interactions, and the elimination of major discrepancies in the scientific knowledge base. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, REVIEW, SCALING 641 Rogers, H.H., C.M. Peterson, J.N. McCrimmon, and J.D. Cure. 1992. Response of Plant Roots to Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Plant, Cell and Environment 15:749-752. Plant root response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment can be great. Results from this controlled environment investigation demonstrate substantial effects on root system architecture, micromorphology and physiology. The most pronounced effects were an increase in root length (110%) and root dry weight (143%). Root diameter, stele diameter, cortex width, root/shoot and root weight ratios all increased; root numbers did not increase. The long-term implications for belowground processes could be enormous. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, MORPHOLOGY, NITROGEN, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, ROOTS 642 Rogers, H.H., S.A. Prior, and E.G. O'Neill. 1992. Cotton Root and Rhizosphere Responses to Free-Air CO2 Enrichment. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 11:251-263. The increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration is known to enhance the growth and yield of many crops. However, there is a paucity of data on belowground responses to CO2 enrichment. New information is needed in the related areas of: root systems, rhizosphere populations and dynamics, and the edaphic factors with which they interact. Free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) studies initiated at Yazoo City, MS (1988), and Maricopa, AZ (1989) provided the first opportunity to examine belowground processes of an agro-ecosystem at elevated levels of CO2 under realistic environmental conditions. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) was grown under ambient CO2 conditions (360 ppm) and CO2 enriched conditions (550 ppm). Carbon dioxide exposure times were just over 6 weeks, ending August 31, in 1988 and 14 weeks, ending September 22, in 1989. In 1988, the number of lateral roots was 20% higher for the elevated CO2 treatment. Strong increasing trends were observed for taproot length, top diameter, dry weight, and volume. Root length and dry weight densities were either significant or showed a tendency to increase at depth increments between 0-45 cm and 15-30 cm soil depth, respectively, due to CO2 enrichment. Whole profile root length density appeared to be higher at the 550 ppm level; root dry weight density went up by 33%. Consistent indications of increased bacterial populations and microbial activity were observed. Although mycorrhizal infection was not enhanced, the greater root length densities suggested greater total plant mycorrhization. In 1989, CO2 enrichment increased taproot volume and dry weight by 73 and 83%, respectively. Lateral root length, dry weight, and total number were up 100, 157, and 35%. At the 550 ppm treatment level root length density was increased by 21-32% in the upper layers of the soil profile (0-45 cm), with an average increase of 18% for the whole profile. Root dry weight density showed a 100% increase due to added CO2. Elevated CO2 increased dry weight densities by 71-147% at the top three depths (0-45 cm) and clear patterns of increase were observed from 45-75 cm. Field data presented here indicate that elevated CO2 stimulates cotton root proliferation. These new data provide a valuable first time insight into belowground responses of an agro-ecosystem exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, FACE, GROWTH, RHIZOSPHERE, ROOTS, SOIL MICROORGANISMS 643 Rose, D.W., A.R. Ek, and K.L. Belli. 1987. A Conceptual Framework for Assessing Impacts of Carbon Dioxide Change on Forest Industries. IN: The Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change, and U.S. Forests (W.E. Shands and J.S. Hoffman, eds.), The Conservation Foundation, Washington, D.C., pp. 259-279. An analytical framework was developed for assessing possible impacts on forest industries of global warming caused by rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. Impacts on the aspen-based forest industry of the Great Lakes states and the loblolly pine-based forest industry of the southeastern United States were analyzed with available, limited information. In the unchanged-CO2 scenario, long-term supply shortages are predicted for the Great Lakes aspen-based and the southeastern United States Loblolly pine-based industries. These shortages can be reduced through technological changes and substitution with underutilized hardwood species. Because an increase of the aspen and loblolly pine range is expected under the doubled-CO2 scenario, industrial decisions to deal with pending supply shortages will be influenced more by less speculative factors than future climate. Changes in species ranges will, however, have important implications for state forestry programs. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, FOREST, MODELING, SPECIES RANGE 644 Rosenberg, N.J., B.A. Kimball, P. Martin, and C.F. Cooper. 1990. From Climate and CO2 Enrichment to Evapotranspiration. IN: Climate Change and U.S. Water Resources (P.E. Waggoner, ed.), John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 151-175. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, FOREST, GCM'S, GRASSES, MODELING, REVIEW, SIMULATION, STOMATA, TALLGRASS PRAIRIE, WUE 645 Rouhier, H., G. Billes, P. Bottner, M. Mousseau, and M.M. Couteaux. 1992. The Effect of Increased Atmospheric CO2 Concentration on the Growth and Nitrogen Allocation of a Woody Plant (Castanea sativa Mill.). IN: Responses of Forest Ecosystems to Environmental Changes (A. Teller, P. Mathy, and J.N.R. Jeffers, eds.), Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp. 701-702. The N uptake by the plants was not significantly modified by CO2 enrichment and the N distribution, expressed as N in the organs % whole plant, was only slowly modified by the CO2 treatment. The storage organs tended to act as source of N and the leaves and fine roots as sink. The fundamental question is to know to what extent the change of the quality of the plant material will modify the decomposition rates, the residence time of carbon in the soil, and the nitrogen availability. Castanea sativa/sweet chestnut KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, GROWTH, NITROGEN, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, TREES 646 Rowland-Bamford, A.J., L.H. Allen Jr., J.T. Baker, and K.J. Boote. 1990. Carbon Dioxide Effects on Carbohydrate Status and Partitioning in Rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 41:1601-1608. The atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has been rising and is predicted to reach double the present concentration sometime during the next century. The objective of this investigation was to determine the long-term effects of different CO2 concentrations on carbohydrate status and partitioning in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv IR-30). Rice plants were grown season-long in outdoor, naturally sunlit, environmentally controlled growth chambers with CO2 concentrations of 160, 250, 330, 500, 660, and 900 umol CO2/mol air. In leaf blades, the priority between the partitioning of carbon into storage carbohydrates or into export changed with developmental stage and CO2 concentration. During vegetative growth, leaf sucrose and starch concentrations increased with CO2 concentration but tended to level off above 500 umol/mol CO2. Similarly, photosynthesis also increased with CO2 concentrations up to 500 umol/mol and then reached a plateau at higher concentrations. The ratio of starch to sucrose concentration was positively correlated with the CO2 concentration. At maturity, increasing CO2 concentration resulted in an increase in total non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) concentration in leaf blades, leaf sheaths and culms. Carbohydrates that were stored in vegetative plant parts before heading made a smaller contribution to grain dry weight at CO2 concentrations below 330 umol/mol than for treatments at concentrations above ambient. Increasing CO2 concentration had no effect on the carbohydrate concentration in the grain at maturity. rice/Oryza sativa KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, GROWTH STAGES, PARTITIONING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, SPAR UNITS 647 Rowland-Bamford, A.J., J.T. Baker, L.H. Allen Jr., and G. Bowes. 1991. Acclimation of Rice to Changing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:577-583. The effects were studied of season-long (75 and 88 d) exposure of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. IR-30) to a range of atmospheric CO2 concentrations in outdoor, computer-controlled, environment chambers under natural solar radiation. The CO2 concentrations were maintained at 160, 250, 330, 500, 660 and 900 umol/mol air. Photosynthesis increased with increasing growth CO2 concentrations up to 500 umol/mol, but levelled off at higher CO2 values. Specific leaf area also increased significantly with increasing CO2. Although leaf dry weight and leaf area index increased, the overall response was not statistically significant. Leaf nitrogen content dropped slightly with elevated CO2, but the response was not statistically significant. The specific activity of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) declined significantly over the CO2 concentration range 160 to 900 umol/mol. When expressed on a leaf area basis, rubisco activity decreased by 66%. This was accompanied by a 32% decrease in the amount of rubisco protein as a fraction of the total soluble leaf protein, and by 60% on a leaf area basis. For leaves in the dark, the total rubisco activity (CO2/Mg(++)-activated) was reduced by more than 60%. This indicates that rice accumulated an inhibitor in the dark, probably 2-carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (CA-1-P). However, the inhibitor did not seem to be involved in the acclimation response. The degree of carbamylation of the rubisco enzyme was unchanged by the CO2 growth regime, except at 900 umol/mol where it was reduced by 24%. The acclimation of rice to different atmospheric CO2 conditions involved the modulation of both the activity and amount of rubisco protein in the leaf. rice/Oryza sativa KEYWORDS: CA-1-P, CARBAMYLATION, NITROGEN, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, PROTEINS, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SPAR UNITS 648 Rowland-Bamford, A.J., C. Nordenbrock, J.T. Baker, G. Bowes, and L.H. Allen Jr. 1990. Changes in Stomatal Density in Rice Grown under Various CO2 Regimes with Natural Solar Irradiance. Environmental and Experimental Botany 30:175-180. Rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. IR-30), grown from seed under natural solar irradiance, was exposed to CO2 concentrations ranging from 160 to 900 uL CO2/L air from 9 days after planting until senescence. Stomatal density was determined from leaf impressions at two growth stages: on leaf number 7 (31 days after planting), and on flag leaves (104 days after planting). Increasing CO2 concentrations resulted in a rise in stomatal density of leaves at both growth stages. The effect was greatest on the flag leaves, which exhibited a 54% increase in abaxial stomatal density (from 550 to 810 stomata/mm2) at 500 as compared with 160 uL CO2/L. Stomatal density increased with increasing CO2 up to 330 uL CO2/L; enrichment above this level resulted in no further significant increase in stomatal density. For both leaf ages, the abaxial stomatal density was more influenced by increases in CO2 than the adaxial surface. The increase in stomatal density was largely the result of a rise in the number of stomata per row, although on the abaxial surface more rows across the leaf also contributed to the response. Flag leaf area was not significantly different among the CO2 treatments, so the number of stomata per leaf followed similar trends to the stomatal density. This indicated the number of stomata per leaf followed similar trends to the stomatal density. This indicated the CO2 effect was on stomatal, rather than leaf area, development. The response of stomatal density to rising CO2 seems to be a species-dependent phenomenon, that varies with leaf surface and CO2 range utilized. rice/Oryza sativa KEYWORDS: PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, SPAR UNITS, STOMATAL DENSITY 649 Rozema, J. 1993. Plant Responses to Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Enrichment: Interactions with Some Soil and Atmospheric Conditions. Vegetatio 104/105:173-190. In general, C3 plant species are more responsive to atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment than C4 plants. Increased relative growth rate at elevated CO2 primarily relates to increased Net Assimilation Rate (NAR), and enhancement of net photosynthesis and reduced photorespiration. Transpiration and stomatal conductance decrease with elevated CO2, water use efficiency and shoot water potential increase, particularly in plants grown at high soil salinity. Leaf area per plant and leaf area per leaf may increase in an early growth stage with increased CO2, after a period of time Leaf Area Ratio (LAR) and Specific Leaf Area (SLA) generally decrease. Starch may accumulate with time in leaves grown at elevated CO2. Plants grown under salt stress with increased (dark) respiration as a sink for photosynthates, may not show such acclimation to increased atmospheric CO2 levels. Plant growth may be stimulated by atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment and reduced by enhanced UV-B radiation but the limited data available on the effect of combined elevated CO2 and ultraviolet B (280-320 nm) (UV-B) radiation allow no general conclusion. CO2-induced increase of growth rate can be markedly modified at elevated UV-B radiation. Plant responses to elevated atmospheric CO2 and other environmental factors such as soil salinity and UV-B tend to be species-specific, because plant species differ in sensitivity to salinity and UV-B radiation, as well as to other environmental stress factors (drought, nutrient deficiency). Therefore, the effects of joint elevated atmospheric CO2 and increased soil salinity or elevated CO2 and enhanced UV-B to plants are physiologically complex. Zea mays/corn/Triticum aestivum/wheat KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LIGHT, SALT STRESS, TEMPERATURE, UV-B RADIATION 650 Rozema, J., F. Dorel, R. Janissen, G. Lenssen, R. Broekman, W. Arp, and B.G. Drake. 1991. Effect of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 on Growth, Photosynthesis and Water Relations of Salt Marsh Grass Species. Aquatic Botany 39:45-55. The C3 grass species Scirpus maritimus L. and Puccinellia maritima (Huds.) Parl., and the C4 grass species Spartina anglica C.E. Hubbard and Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl. were grown at ambient (340 p.p.m. CO2) and elevated (580 p.p.m. CO2) atmospheric CO2 concentration, at low (10 mM NaCl) and high salinity (250 mM NaCl) under aerated and anaerobic conditions in the culture solution. The relative growth rate of both the C3 grass species was enhanced with atmospheric CO2 enrichment, no such increase was found in the C4 grass species. High salinity reduced growth of the C3 species tested, but this relative growth reduction was not prevented by elevated CO2 concentration. The growth increase at elevated CO2 of Scirpus maritimus and Puccinellia maritima is greater under aerated than under anaerobic solution conditions. Water-use efficiency of all species was increased by elevated CO2. In the case of Scirpus (C3), this increase was caused by increased net photosynthesis, for Spartina patens (C4) photosynthesis was not increased, but transpiration was reduced. The water potential of the shoot was less negative under conditions of CO2 enrichment, in particular at increased salinity (250 mM NaCl). Scirpus maritimus/Puccinellia maritima/Spartina anglica/Spartina patens KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GRASSES, GROWTH ANALYSIS, HALOPHYTES, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OXYGEN, SALT MARSH, SALT STRESS, TRANSPIRATION, WATER STATUS, WUE 651 Rozema, J., G.M. Lenssen, W.J. Arp, and J.W.M. van de Staaij. 1991. Global Change, the Impact of the Greenhouse Effect (Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment) and the Increased UV-B Radiation on Terrestrial Plants. IN: Ecological Responses to Environmental Stresses (J. Rozema and J.A.C. Verkleij, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 220-231. Atmospheric enrichment of CO2 will favour growth of C3 plant species and as a result the competitive balance between C3 and C4 plant species may markedly change. The greenhouse effect consists, however, of both an increase of atmospheric CO2 and global warming, with an expected increase of the global temperature of 1.5-4.5C with a doubling of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. Such a rise of temperature will prove advantageous to C4 plants. It is also indicated that below a mean air temperature of 18.5C no positive growth response to CO2 enrichment will occur. Increased UV-B radiation will negatively affect the growth of many plant species, monocots possibly being less sensitive than dicot plants. Both the causes of physiological damage by increased UV-B and adaptations to increased UV-B are incompletely understood. There is special need for assessment of UV-B effects on plants in long term field studies. The combined effect of CO2 enrichment, global warming, UV-B increase, and soil and air pollution (ozone, SO2, acid rain, etc.) on terrestric and aquatic ecosystems is unknown. The combined effects of climatic change factors and the soil and air pollution factors need to be studied in the near future. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, C3, C4, CLIMATE CHANGE, REVIEW, SALT MARSH, SPECIES COMPETITION, TEMPERATURE, UV-B RADIATION 652 Rozema, J., G.M. Lenssen, R.A. Broekman, and W.P. Arp. 1990. Effects of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on Salt-marsh Plants. IN: Expected Effects of Climatic Change on Marine Coastal Ecosystems (J.J. Beukema, W.J. Wolff, and J.J.W.M. Brouns, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 49-54. Aster tripolium and Spergularia maritima were cultivated at 340 ppm CO2 (Ambient) and 580 ppm CO2 (Elevated); salinity of the culture medium was varied at 10 mM NaCl and 250 mM NaCl. Culture solutions were flushed either with oxygen or nitrogen gas. In both species the mean relative growth rate was increased at elevated CO2, but in the present paper there was no significant interaction with the salinity treatment. Flushing of the nutrient solution with nitrogen reduced the mean relative growth rate of both species under all conditions tested. Increased salinity reduced the mean relative growth rate of both species under all conditions tested. The rate of photosynthesis was increased with enriched CO2 in Spergularia maritima and to a lesser extent in Aster tripolium. Transpiration rates of both species decreased with CO2 enrichment. The total water potential of the shoot was less negative at elevated CO2. As a result of an increased photosynthetical rate and decreased stomatal conductance the water use efficiency was significantly increased in Spergularia maritima and less pronounced so in Aster tripolium. Aster tripolium/Spergularia maritima KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, HALOPHYTES, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OXYGEN, SALT STRESS, TEMPERATURE, TRANSPIRATION, WATER STATUS, WUE 653 Rozema, J., G.M. Lenssen, and J.W.M. van de Staaij. 1990. The Combined Effect of Increased Atmospheric CO2 and UV-B Radiation on Some Agricultural and Salt Marsh Species. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 68-71. Aster tripolium/Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato/pea/Pisum sativum KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, SALT MARSH, UV-B RADIATION 654 Rufty, T.W., Jr., D.M. Jackson, R.F. Severson, J.J. Lam Jr., and M.E. Snook. 1989. Alterations in Growth and Chemical Constituents of Tobacco in Response to CO2 Enrichment. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 37:552-555. tobacco/Nicotiana tabacum KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, SECONDARY METABOLITES 655 Ryan, M.G. 1991. Effects of Climate Change on Plant Respiration. Ecological Applications 1:157-167. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, RESPIRATION 656 Ryle, G.J.A., and C.E. Powell. 1992. The Influence of Elevated CO2 and Temperature on Biomass Production of Continuously Defoliated White Clover. Plant, Cell and Environment 15:593-599. Clonal plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), grown singly in pots of Perlite and solely dependent for nitrogen on root nodule N2 fixation, were maintained in controlled environments which provided four environments: 18/13C day/night temperature at 340 and 680 umol/mol CO2 and 20.5/15.5C day/night temperature at 340 and 680 umol/mol CO2. The daylength was 12 h and the photon flux density 500 +/- 25 umol/m2/s (PFD). All plants were defoliated for about 80 d, nominally every alternate day, to leave the youngest expanded leaf intact on 50% of stolons, plus expanding leaves (simulated grazing). Elevated CO2 increased the yield of biomass removed at defoliation by a constant 45% during the second 40 d of the experiment and by a varying amount in the first half of the experiment. Elevated temperature had little effect on biomass yield. Nitrogen, as a proportion of the harvested biomass, was only fractionally affected by elevated CO2 or temperature. In contrast, N2 fixation increased in concert with the promoting effect of elevated CO2 on biomass production. The increased yield of biomass harvested in 680 umol/mol CO2 was primarily due to the early development and continued maintenance of more stolons. However, the stolons of plants grown in elevated CO2 also developed leaves which were heavier and slightly larger in area than their counterparts in ambient CO2. The conclusion is that, when white clover plants are maintained at constant mass by simulated grazing, they continue to respond to elevated CO2 in terms of a sustained increase in biomass production. Trifolium repens/white clover KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GRAZING, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, NITROGEN, NITROGEN FIXATION, NODULATION, TEMPERATURE 657 Ryle, G.J.A., C.E. Powell, and V. Tewson. 1992. Effect of Elevated CO2 on Photosynthesis, Respiration and Growth of Perennial Ryegrass. Journal of Experimental Botany 43:811-818. Single, seed-grown plants of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv. Melle) were grown for 49 d from the early seedling stage in growth cabinets at a day/night temperature of 20/15C, with a 12 h photoperiod, and a CO2 concentration of either 340 or 680 uL/L CO2. Following complete acclimation to the environmental regimes, leaf and whole plant CO2 effluxes and influxes were measured using infra-red gas analysis techniques. Elevated CO2 increased rates of photosynthesis of young, fully expanded leaves by 35-46% and of whole plants by more than 50%. For both leaves and whole plants acclimation to 680 uL/L CO2 reduced rates of photosynthesis in both CO2 regimes, compared with plants acclimated to 340 uL/L. There was no significant effect of CO2 regime on respiration rates of either leaves or whole plants, although leaves developed in elevated CO2 exhibited generally lower rates than those developed in 340 uL/L CO2. Initially the seedling plants in elevated CO2 grew faster than their counterparts in 340 uL/L CO2, but this effect quickly petered out and final plant weights differed by only c. 10%. Since the total area of expanded and unexpanded laminae was unaffected by CO2 regime, specific leaf area was persistently 13-40% lower in elevated CO2 while, similarly, root/shoot ratio was also reduced throughout the experiment. Elevated CO2 reduced tissue nitrogen contents of expanded leaves, but had no effect on the nitrogen contents of unexpanded leaves, sheaths or roots. The lack of a pronounced effect of elevated CO2 on plant growth was primarily due to the fact that CO2 concentration did not influence tiller (branch) numbers. In the absence of an effect on tiller numbers, any possible weight increment was restricted to the c. 2-5 leaves of each tiller. The reason for the lack of an effect on tillering is not known. perennial ryegrass/Lolium perenne KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GRASSES, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NITROGEN, RESPIRATION, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, WUE 658 Sage, R.F. 1990. A Model Describing the Regulation of Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase, Electron Transport, and Triose Phosphate Use in Response to Light Intensity and CO2 in C3 Plants. Plant Physiology 94:1728-1734. A model of the regulation of the activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, electron transport, and the rate of orthophosphate regeneration by starch and sucrose synthesis in response to changes in light intensity and partial pressures of CO2 and O2 is presented. The key assumption behind the model is that nonlimiting processes of photosynthesis are regulated to balance the capacity of limiting processes. Thus, at CO2 partial pressures below ambient, when a limitation on photosynthesis by the capacity of rubisco is postulated, the activities of electron transport and phosphate regeneration are down-regulated in order that the rate of RuBP regeneration matches the rate of RuBP consumption by rubisco. Similarly, at subsaturating light intensity or elevated CO2, when electron transport of Pi regeneration may limit photosynthesis, the activity of rubisco is downregulated to balance the limitation in the rate of RuBP regeneration. Comparisons with published data demonstrate a general consistency between modelled predictions and measured results. KEYWORDS: C3, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE 659 Sage, R.F., and T.D. Sharkey. 1987. The Effect of Temperature on the Occurrence of O2 and CO2 Insensitive Photosynthesis in Field Grown Plants. Plant Physiology 84:658-664. The sensitivity of photosynthesis to O2 and CO2 was measured in leaves from field grown plants of six species (Phaseolus vulgaris, Capsicum annuum, Lycopersicon esculentum, Scrophularia desertorum, Cardaria draba, and Populus fremontii) from 5C to 35C using gas-exchange techniques. In all species but Phaseolus, photosynthesis was insensitive to O2 in normal air below a species dependent temperature. CO2 insensitivity occurred under the same conditions that resulted in O2 insensitivity. A complete loss of O2 sensitivity occurred up to 22C in Lycopersicon but only up to 6C in Scrophularia. In Lycopersicon and Populus, O2 and CO2 insensitivity occurred under conditions regularly encountered during the cooler portions of the day. Because O2 insensitivity is an indicator of feedback limited photosynthesis, these results indicate that feedback limitations can play a role in determining the diurnal carbon gain in the field. At higher partial pressures of CO2 the temperature at which O2 insensitivity occurred was higher, indicating that feedback limitations in the field will become more important as the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere increases. Phaseolus vulgaris/bean/Capsicum annuum/bell pepper/Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato/Scrophularia desertorum/Cardaria draba/hoary cress/Populus fremontii/cottonwood KEYWORDS: C3, CO2 INSENSITIVITY, OXYGEN INSENSITIVITY, PHOTOSYNTHETIC FEEDBACK INHIBITION, TEMPERATURE 660 Sage, R.F., T.D. Sharkey, and R.W. Pearcy. 1990. The Effect of Leaf Nitrogen and Temperature on the CO2 Response of Photosynthesis in the C3 Dicot Chenopodium album L. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 17:135-148. The CO2 response of photosynthesis was studied in the C3 annual, Chenopodium album L. Both the initial slope of the photosynthetic CO2 response and the CO2 saturated rate of photosynthesis were linearly dependent on organic leaf nitrogen content. As leaf nitrogen increased or leaf temperature declined, the CO2 saturation point of photosynthesis declined. Increasing leaf temperature from 15 to 34C stimulated the CO2-saturated rate of photosynthesis but had little effect on the initial slope of the photosynthetic CO2 response. According to the photosynthesis model of Sharkey (1985 Bot. Rev. 51: 53-105), these results indicate that as leaf nitrogen increased the capacity for RuP2 carboxylase and RuP2 regeneration increased to a greater extent than the capacity of starch and sucrose synthesis to regenerate orthophosphate. As a result, in high nitrogen leaves, photosynthesis appeared to be limited by the capacity to regenerate phosphate at lower CO2 partial pressures than in low nitrogen leaves. In high nitrogen leaves, increasing temperature appeared to enhance the phosphate regeneration capacity to a greater extent than the capacity of RuP2 carboxylase. Consequently, while under cool conditions (<20C), CO2 assimilation in normal atmospheric air appeared to be limited by the phosphate regeneration capacity, under warm conditions (34C), RuP2 carboxylase capacity appears to limit CO2 assimilation. Chenopodium album/lambsquarters KEYWORDS: C3, NITROGEN, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, TEMPERATURE 661 Sage, R.F., T.D. Sharkey, and J.R. Seemann. 1988. The In-vivo Response of the Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase Activation State and the Pool Sizes of Photosynthetic Metabolites to Elevated CO2. Planta 174:407-416. The short-term, in-vivo response to elevated CO2 of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase, EC activity, and the pool sizes of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, 3-phosphoglyceric acid, triose phosphates, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, glucose 6-phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate in bean were studied, Increasing CO2 from an ambient partial pressure of 360-1600 ubar induced a substantial deactivation of RuBPCase at both saturating and subsaturating photon flux densities. Activation of RuBPCase declined for 30 min following the CO2 increase. However, the rate of photosynthesis re-equilibrated within 6 min of the switch to high CO2, indicating that RuBP-Case activity did not limit photosynthesis at high CO. Following a return to low CO2, RuBPCase activation increased to control levels within 10 min. The photosynthetic rate fell immediately after the return to low CO2, and then increased in parallel with the increase in RuBPCase activation to the initial rate observed prior to the CO2 increase. This indicated that RuBPCase activity limited photosynthesis while RuBPCase activation increased. Metabolite pools were temporarily affected during the first 10 min after either a CO2 increase or decrease. However, they returned to their original level as the change in the activation state of RuBPCase neared completion. This result indicates that one role for changes in the activation state of RuBPCase is to regulate the pool sizes of photosynthetic intermediates. Phaseolus vulgaris/bean KEYWORDS: C3, METABOLITES, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, RIBULOSE 1,5-BISPHOSPHATE, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE 662 Sage, R.F., T.D. Sharkey, and J.R. Seemann. 1989. Acclimation of Photosynthesis to Elevated CO2 in Five C3 Species. Plant Physiology 89:590-596. The effect of long-term (weeks to months) CO2 enhancement on (a) the gas-exchange characteristics, (b) the content and activation state of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco), and (c) leaf nitrogen, chlorophyll, and dry weight per area were studied in five C3 species (Chenopodium album, Phaseolus vulgaris, Solanum tuberosum, Solanum melongena, and Brassica oleracea) grown at CO2 partial pressures of 300 or 900 to 1000 microbars. Long-term exposure to elevated CO2 affected the CO2 response of photosynthesis in one of three ways: (a) the initial slope of the CO2 response was unaffected, but the photosynthetic rate at high CO2 increased (S. tuberosum); (b) the initial slope decreased but the CO2-saturated rate of photosynthesis was little affected (C. album, P. vulgaris); (c) both the initial slope and the CO2-saturated rate of photosynthesis decreased (B. oleracea, S. melongena). In all five species, growth at high CO2 increased the extent to which photosynthesis was stimulated following a decrease in the partial pressure of O2 or an increase in measurement CO2 above 600 microbars. This stimulation indicates that a limitation on photosynthesis by the capacity to regenerate orthophosphate was reduced or absent after acclimation to high CO2. Leaf nitrogen per area either increased (S. tuberosum, S. melongena) or was little changed by CO2 enhancement. The content of rubisco was lower in only two of the five species, yet its activation state was 19% to 48% lower in all five species following long-term exposure to high CO2. These results indicate that during growth in CO2-enriched air, leaf rubisco content remains in excess of that required to support the observed photosynthetic rates. Chenopodium album/lambsquarters/Phaseolus vulgaris/bean/Solanum tuberosum/potato/Solanum melongena/eggplant/Brassica oleracea/cabbage KEYWORDS: C3, CO2 INSENSITIVITY, NITROGEN, OXYGEN INSENSITIVITY, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE 663 Sage, R.F., T.D. Sharkey, and J.R. Seemann. 1990. Regulation of Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase Activity in Response to Light Intensity and CO2 in the C3 Annuals Chenopodium album L. and Phaseolus vulgaris L. Plant Physiology 94:1735-1742. The light and CO2 response of (a) photosynthesis, (b) the activation state and total catalytic efficiency (Kcat) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco), and (c) the pool sizes of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP), ATP, and ADP were studied in the C3 annuals Chenopodium album and Phaseolus vulgaris at 25C. The initial slope of the photosynthetic CO2 response curve was dependent on light intensity at reduced light levels only (less than 450 micromoles per square meter per second in C. album and below 200 micromoles per square meter per second in P. vulgaris). Modeled simulations indicated that the initial slope of the CO2 response of photosynthesis exhibited light dependency when the rate of RuBP regeneration limited photosynthesis, but not when rubisco capacity limited photosynthesis. Measured observations closely matched modeled simulations. The activation state of rubisco was measured at three light intensities in C. album (1750, 550, and 150 micromoles per square meter per second) and at intercellular CO2 partial pressures (Ci) between the CO2 compensation point and 500 microbars. Above a Ci of 120 microbars, the activation state of rubisco was light dependent. At light intensities of 550 and 1750 micromoles per square meter per second, it was also dependent on Ci, decreasing as the Ci was elevated above 120 microbars at 550 micromoles per square meter per second and above 300 microbars at 1750 micromoles per square meter per second. The pool size of RuBP was independent of Ci only under conditions when the activation state of rubisco was dependent on Ci. Otherwise, RuBP pool sizes increased as Ci was reduced. ATP pools in C. album tended to increase as Ci was reduced. In P. vulgaris, decreasing Ci at a subsaturating light intensity of 190 micromoles per square meter per second increased the activation state of rubisco but had little effect on the Kcat. These results support modelled simulations of the rubisco response to light and CO2, where rubisco is assumed to be down-regulated when photosynthesis is limited by the rate of RuBP regeneration. Chenopodium album/lambsquarters/Phaseolus vulgaris/bean KEYWORDS: C3, LIGHT, METABOLITES, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, RIBULOSE 1,5-BISPHOSPHATE, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SIMULATION 664 Sasek, T.W. 1985. Implications of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Enrichment for the Physiological Ecology and Distribution of Two Introduced Woody Vines, Pueraria lobata Ohwi (Kudzu) and Lonicera japonica Thunb. (Japanese Honeysuckle). Doctoral Dissertation, Duke University, Dissertation Abstracts Vol. 47:02-B, p.479 (218 pp.). The vine growth habit increases competitive potential for light capture. More biomass is allocated to height and leaf area because support structures are minimized. This study considered the effects of the continuing increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration on the growth and morphology of vines. Vines were hypothesized to allocate CO2-induced increases in production to height and leaf area more efficiently than erect growth forms. Kudzu (Pueraria lobata Ohwi) and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb.) are perennial woody vines, introduced into the United States from Japan. Both have become naturalized in the eastern US and are pernicious weeds in the Southeast capable of suppressing the native flora. Kudzu and honeysuckle were grown in controlled environment chambers in the Duke University phytotron at 350, 675 and 1000 uL/L CO2, simulating double and triple current ambient CO2 concentration. Long-term growth at elevated CO2 concentrations resulted in less enhancement of photosynthesis than predicted by short-term exposure. The reduction of photosynthetic capacity was not due to stomatal limitations. Rather, starch accumulation in the leaves at high CO2 probably reduces photosynthesis by biochemical feedback inhibition. Dry weight and leaf area were increased by CO2 enrichment especially in the young seedlings. Kudzu stems were 40% and 60% longer at double and triple CO2, respectively, than at current ambient CO2. Branching was enhanced by 50% with CO2 enrichment. Honeysuckle stem height was unaffected but branching was enhanced three-fold by CO2 enrichment. Height increase with CO2 enrichment was much greater than stem diameter increase, which is in contrast to erect growth forms. Vines maintain their favorable allocation patterns while still incorporating CO2-induced increases in productivity. Kudzu seedling establishment, currently rare, may be enhanced by CO2 enrichment due to improved growth at low irradiance and by increased water use efficiency. The geographic range of both species may be increased due to direct effects of CO2 enrichment and indirect climatic effects due to the Greenhouse Effect. Westward spread may occur due to enhanced water use efficiency. Northward spread may occur due to improved growth at low temperatures with CO2 enrichment and due to global warming that may increase minimum winter temperatures, reducing die-back of overwintering stems. Lonicera japonica/Japanese honeysuckle/Pueraria lobata/kudzu KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MORPHOLOGY, SPECIES RANGE, VINES, WUE 665 Sasek, T.W., and B.R. Strain. 1988. Effects of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on the Growth and Morphology of Kudzu (Pueraria lobata). Weed Science 36:28-36. Kudzu (Pueraria lobata Ohwi #4 PUELO) was grown from seeds in controlled-environment chambers at 350, 675, or 1000 uL/L CO2. Biomass and leaf area production, morphological characteristics, and growth analysis components were determined at 14, 24, 45, and 60 days after emergence. At 60 days, plants grown at 1000 uL/L CO2 had 51% more biomass, 58% longer stems, and 50% more branches than plants grown at 350 uL/L CO2. Plants grown at 675 uL/L CO2 were intermediate. Growth analysis components indicated that CO2 enrichment increased growth by compounding effects due to increased net assimilation rates and increased leaf area duration. Relative growth rates were not significantly affected. The large CO2-induced increase in stem height versus stem diameter is in marked contrast to previously reported responses of woody erect growth forms. Possible ecological implications for competitive abilities are discussed. kudzu/Pueraria lobata KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, VINES 666 Sasek, T.W., and B.R. Strain. 1989. Effects of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on the Expansion and Size of Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) Leaves. Weed Science 37:23-28. Seedlings of kudzu were grown at 350, 675, or 1000 uL/L CO2 in controlled-environment chambers. At elevated CO2 concentrations, maximum leaf expansion rates were approximately 40% greater, leaves were fully expanded several days sooner, fully expanded leaves were larger at each leaf position, and leaf production rates were increased 12%. Peak starch accumulation was much greater in plants grown at elevated CO2 concentrations. Total xylem water potentials were higher (less negative) at full hydration, and osmotic potentials were decreased (more negative) by CO2 enrichment. At 1000 uL/L CO2, leaf turgor pressure was twice that at 350 uL/L CO2. Results suggest that leaf expansion rates and leaf expansivity may have been increased due to higher turgor pressure at the higher CO2 concentrations. The potential for successful seedling establishment may be enhanced as the atmospheric CO2 concentration continues to rise, increasing kudzu invasiveness. Pueraria lobata/kudzu KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, VINES, WATER STATUS 667 Sasek, T.W., and B.R. Strain. 1990. Implications of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment and Climatic Change for the Geographical Distribution of Two Introduced Vines in the U.S.A. Climatic Change 16:31-51. The continuing increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration resulting from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation may change the ecological impact and geographical distribution of kudzu (Pueraria lobata Ohwi) and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb.) in the U.S.A. Both vines were introduced about a century ago from Japan and have become naturalized weeds. Westward range expansion is currently limited by drought during seedling establishment, while northward range expansion is limited by low temperature sensitivity of overwintering stems. Direct effects of CO2 enrichment on growth were assessed by growing the plants in controlled environment chambers at 350, 675, or 1000 uL/L CO2. In both species, CO2 enrichment increased instantaneous water use efficiency by increasing photosynthetic rates and reducing transpiration rates. During a drought stress, CO2 enrichment delayed significant decline in total water potential of kudzu by several days. When grown in a cool temperature regime of 18/12C day/night, the CO2 enrichment significantly increased leaf area and total biomass of both species and plants were taller and had more branches. These results suggested that atmospheric CO2 enrichment may allow westward and northward spread of both species in the U.S.A. Indirect effects of CO2 induced climate change (Greenhouse Effect) on the vines' distribution were assessed. Predictions based on current models of climatic response were used to project changes in winter temperatures at doubled CO2 concentrations. Increases in average and minimum winter temperatures by 3C could allow northward spread of both species by several hundred kilometers. Projected decreases in summer precipitation may minimize westward spread, despite improved water use efficiency and increased drought tolerance. kudzu/Pueraria lobata/Japanese honeysuckle/Lonicera japonica KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GCM'S, GROWTH, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, SPECIES RANGE, TEMPERATURE, TRANSPIRATION, VINES, WATER STRESS, WUE 668 Sasek, T.W., and B.R. Strain. 1991. Effects of CO2 Enrichment on the Growth and Morphology of a Native and an Introduced Honeysuckle Vine. American Journal of Botany 78:69-75. Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb.), introduced to the United States, and the native coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens L.) were compared to determine how intrinsic differences in their growth characteristics would affect their response to atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment. Plants of both species grown from cuttings were harvested after 54 days of growth in controlled environment growth chambers at 350, 675, or 1,000 uL/L CO2. The biomass of Japanese honeysuckle was increased 135% at 675 uL/L CO2 and 76% at 1,000 uL/L CO2 after 54 days. Morphologically, the main effect of CO2 enrichment was to triple the number of branches and to increase total branch length six times. Enhanced and accelerated branching also increased total leaf area 50% at elevated CO2 concentrations. In coral honeysuckle, total biomass was only 50% greater in the elevated CO2 treatments. Branching was quadrupled but had not proceeded long enough to affect total leaf area. Main stem height was increased 36% at 1,000 uL/L CO2. The much less significant height response of other woody erect growth forms suggests that vines may increase in importance during competition if atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase as predicted. The impact of Japanese honeysuckle in the United States may become more serious. Lonicera japonica/Japanese honeysuckle/coral honeysuckle/Lonicera sempervirens KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, MORPHOLOGY, VINES 669 Saxe, H. 1986. Effects of NO, NO2 and CO2 on Net Photosynthesis, Dark Respiration and Transpiration of Pot Plants. New Phytologist 103:185-197. Eight cultivars of the pot plants (Ficus elastica 'Robusta', Ficus benjamina, Hedera helix 'Anne Marie', Hedera canariensis 'Montgomery', Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Red', Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Moesiana', Dieffenbachia maculata 'Compacta' and Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensis') most commonly grown in Danish commercial greenhouses were subjected to 4 d exposures to 1 ml/L of CO2, 1 ml/L CO2 + 1 uL/L NO, 1 uL/L NO alone and 1 uL/L NO2 alone. Effects on net photosynthesis and dark respiration of aerial parts and effects on whole plant transpiration were observed before, during and after exposures. The measurements were mathematically transformed to double relative values, to indicate the effects of the different gaseous treatments. Carbon dioxide enrichment enhanced net photosynthesis by 40.9% and subsequent dark respiration by 23.5%, while transpiration was reduced. NO reduced photosynthesis (approximately 20%) and transpiration (the latter at high CO2 only), but did not affect respiration. NO2 rarely had significant effects. All effects of the gaseous treatments on photosynthesis and transpiration were reversible and had independent mechanisms, while effects on respiration were non-reversible. On the average, 1 uL/L NO was four times more inhibitory to photosynthesis than 1 uL/L NO2. Short-term effects (4 d) on photosynthesis of exposure to CO2 + NO correlated significantly (P<0.03) with the long-term effects (four to five months) on dry weight found using the same cultivars in similar treatments. Ficus elastica/Ficus benjamina/Hedera helix/Hedera canariensis/Hibiscus rosa-sinensis/Dieffenbachia maculata/Nephrolepis exaltata KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, RESPIRATION, TRANSPIRATION 670 Saxe, H., and O.V. Christensen. 1985. Effects of Carbon Dioxide with and without Nitric Oxide Pollution on Growth, Morphogenesis and Production Time of Pot Plants. Environmental Pollution 38:159-169. Eight of the cultivars of pot plants grown most commonly in Danish commercial glasshouses were subjected to long-term CO2 enrichment with or without nitric oxide pollution. Effects on the morphology and productivity of the plants were determined. The advantage obtained from the use of CO2 was generally reduced by the addition of nitric oxide, although visual damage, such as scorched leaves, was only found in one species. Ficus elastica/Ficus benjamina/Hedera helix/Hedera canariensis/Hibiscus rosa-sinensis/Dieffenbachia maculata/Nephrolepis exaltata KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, MORPHOLOGY, NITROGEN 671 Schapendonk, A.H.C.M., S.C. van de Geijn, and E. Dayan. 1990. Effect of CO2 Concentration and Temperature on Photosynthesis and Assimilate Partitioning of a Closed Canopy. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 38-41. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, PARTITIONING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, RESPIRATION, SENESCENCE, SIMULATION, TEMPERATURE 672 Schlesinger, W.H. 1993. Response of the Terrestrial Biosphere to Global Climate Change and Human Perturbation. Vegetatio 104-105:295-305. Despite 20 years of intensive effort to understand the global carbon cycle, the budget for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is unbalanced. To explain why atmospheric CO2 is not increasing as rapidly as it should be, various workers have suggested that land vegetation acts as a sink for carbon dioxide. Here, I examine various possibilities and find that the evidence for a sink of sufficient magnitude on land is poor. Moreover, it is unlikely that the land vegetation will act as a sink in the postulated warmer global climates of the future. In response to rapid human population growth, destruction of natural ecosystems in the tropics remains a large net source of CO2 for the atmosphere, which is only partially compensated by the potential for carbon storage in temperate and boreal regions. Direct and inadvertent human effects on land vegetation might increase the magnitude of regional CO2 storage on land, but they are unlikely to play a significant role in moderating the potential rate of greenhouse warming in the future. KEYWORDS: BIOSPHERE LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, CARBON BUDGET, CARBON SEQUESTERING, CLIMATE CHANGE, DEFORESTATION 673 Schonfeld, M., R.C. Johnson, and D.M. Ferris. 1989. Development of Winter Wheat under Increased Atmospheric CO2 and Water Limitation at Tillering. Crop Science 29:1083-1086. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations are increasing world-wide and are expected to double within the next century. This study was conducted to determine the combined effects of CO2 enrichment and dehydration stress on development of 'TAM W-101' winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at the tillering stage. Seedlings (one per pot) were grown in growth chambers maintained at 350 (ambient) or 700 (enriched) uL/L CO2, and subjected to three levels of soil moisture (well watered, medium stress, and severe stress). Plastochron (the developmental time for one leaf) decreased 2 to 3% at all water levels under CO2 enrichment. Averaged over CO2 treatments, water limitation increased plastochron from 90 thermal units under well-watered conditions to 126 under medium stress and 151 under severe stress. Similarly, water limitation reduced tiller number from 26 to 14 and 12 under medium and severe stress, respectively. The ratio of leaf dry wt. to leaf area (specific leaf wt.) and water use efficiency were significantly higher in plants grown under CO2 enrichment. Although CO2 enrichment had positive effects on growth and development of winter wheat at tillering, these were insufficient to counterbalance the debilitating effects of water limitation. Triticum aestivum/wheat KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, WATER STRESS, WUE 674 Schonfeld, M.A. 1987. Drought Sensitivity in Winter Wheat Populations under Field Conditions and Elevated Atmospheric Carbon-Dioxide. Doctoral Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Dissertation Abstracts 48:10-B, p.2829 (86 pp.). In the first part of this study, the effect of drought stress on tillering pattern, water potential and relative water content (RWC) of winter wheat plants differing in drought resistance was investigated in the field. The purpose was to find suitable traits for use in a breeding program as selection criteria for improved drought resistance. In the second part of the study, the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and drought stress on development and photosynthesis of winter wheat seedlings were studied. Plants were grown in growth chambers at ambient or enriched CO2 and were either kept well watered or subjected to two levels of drought stress. Photosynthesis was measured when the plants were 40 days old, and dry matter production was determined. Tillering pattern was similar among genetic populations derived from TAM W-101 and Sturdy. Water potential and RWC declined with increasing drought stress; but RWC was the only trait investigated that differed significantly between the populations. The differences in RWC appeared to be controlled predominantly by genes with additive effects. Thus, RWC shows promise as a selection criterion for drought resistance in winter wheat. CO2 enrichment caused increases in dry weight and other growth parameters, but the negative effect of drought stress was much larger than the positive CO2 effect. The carbon assimilation rate increased approximately 20% at double ambient CO2 concentration, but CO2 enrichment did not precondition the plants for higher photosynthesis; plants from both CO2 environments exhibited a similar CO2 response. The plants grown under enriched CO2 conditions had significantly less chlorophyll per unit leaf area at each water level, indicating that they were more efficient in using chlorophyll for photosynthesis at elevated CO2. Triticum aestivum/wheat KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, GROWTH, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, PIGMENTS, WATER STATUS, WATER STRESS 675 Schwartz, N., and B.R. Strain. 1990. Carbon -- a Plant Nutrient, Deficiency and Sufficiency. Journal of Plant Nutrition 13:1073-1078. Toxicity symptoms of carbon dioxide (CO2) have been observed at 10,000 ppm concentration after six days in seven species. Maize is an indicator plant for C-toxicity, developing zebra-like stripes. Full recovery from C-toxicity occurred only in wheat and maize plants. No deficiency symptoms of carbon have been determined. Root exposure during six days to 10,000 ppm CO2 or near zero CO2 had no visible effect, and plants develop normally. wheat/Triticum aestivum/maize/Zea mays/soybean/Glycine max/tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum/lettuce/Lactuca sativa/radish/Raphanus sativus/bean/Phaseolus vulgaris KEYWORDS: CARBON DEFICIENCY, CARBON TOXICITY, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, NUTRITION 676 Setter, T.L., I. Waters, I. Wallace, P. Bhekasut, and H. Greenway. 1989. Submergence of Rice. I. Growth and Photosynthetic Response to CO2 Enrichment of Floodwater. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 16:251-263. Growth and photosynthetic response of lowland rice following complete submergence is related to the concentration of CO2 dissolved in floodwater. Submergence of plants in stagnant solution at low CO2 concentration or solution gassed with air at 0.03 kPa CO2 (equilibrium of 0.01 mol/m3 dissolved CO2) decreased carbohydrates, and little or no growth occurred. Plants submerged in solutions gassed with 3-20 kPa CO2 in air (equilibrium of 0.9-6 mol/m3 CO2) showed at most small decreases in carbohydrates, and growth was up to 100% of the non-submerged plants. At pH 7.5, there was little net photosynthetic O2 evolution by detached submerged leaves even at high HCO3(-) concentrations, which suggests that these rice leaves could utilise only CO2 and not HCO3(-). At pH 6.5, O2 evolution in solutions in equilibrium with 7.4 Pa CO2 was 3-4 fold higher than in solutions in equilibrium with 0.6 kPa CO2. Photorespiration was indicated by a decrease in the rate of net O2 evolution with increasing external O2. In stagnant solutions this reduction of O2 evolution was pronounced; at a CO2 concentration of 0.25 mol/m3 net O2 evolution ceased when the O2 concentration in the water had reached only 0.125 mol/m3. The requirement of photosynthesis for a combination of high CO2 concentrations and low external O2 was presumably due to slow diffusion of these gases in the unstirred layer of solution around the leaves. rice/Oryza sativa KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, GROWTH, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, RESPIRATION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 677 Shaer, Y.A. 1985. Effect of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on Diffusive Resistance for Gas Exchange, Water Use, and Water Use Efficiency of Greenhouse Tomatoes. Doctoral Dissertation, Texas A&M University, Dissertation Abstracts 47:01-B, p.6 (118 pp.). Three adjacent ventilated mini-greenhouses (MGH) made of clear polyethylene film, transmitting natural solar radiation, were enclosed in a conventional inflated polyethylene greenhouse. In each MGH, an equal number of tomato plants were grown in the Spring and the Fall of 1984, and kept at optimum levels of moisture and nutrients. From 10 to 98 days after emergence, CO2 levels in the mini-greenhouses were maintained at about 340, 700, and 1000 ppmv during the daytime. As CO2 levels in the MGH air increased from 340 to 1000 ppmv, the crop surface resistance, measured with a porometer, increased from about 30 to 100 s/m. CO2 enrichment also increased the ratio between the internal and the external CO2 levels of the leaves from 0.70 to 0.85. From the Fall 1984 data, a linear equation was derived to relate surface resistance to the internal CO2 level with an R-square value of 0.8. At an air exchange rate of 30 m3/m2/h in the MGH, the aerodynamic resistance, measured using a heated brass plate, or as computed by the residual method, averaged 225 s/m. This parameter dominated gas exchange by the plants at all CO2 levels. Therefore, the water use as measured by weighing mini-lysimeters (pots) on clear days, decreased only slightly, 15-20%, as result of the CO2 enrichment. This occurred in spite of an increase in leaf temperature of about 1.5C. The leaf area and stomatal density were not markedly affected by CO2 enrichment. Both the instantaneous and the seasonal water use efficiency increased markedly, by about 70%, by growing the plants at a CO2 level of 1000 ppmv rather than 340 ppmv. In part, this was due to the reduction of water use, but mainly to the increase in assimilation rate, in total dry matter, and in the mass of fresh fruit harvested, being 70%, 31%, and 50%, respectively. Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato KEYWORDS: CI:CA, CONDUCTANCE, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, STOMATAL DENSITY, WUE 678 Shaer, Y.A., and C.H.M. van Bavel. 1991. Relationships between Stomatal Resistance and CO2 Level around and inside Leaves of Greenhouse Tomatoes. HortScience 26:72. Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato KEYWORDS: CI:CA, CONDUCTANCE, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, STOMATA 679 Shaish, A., N. Roth-Bejerano, and C. Itai. 1989. The Response of Stomata to CO2 Relates to Its Effect on Respiration and ATP Levels. Physiologia Plantarum 76:107-111. External ATP enhanced stomatal opening of Commelina communis L. differently from EDTA. ATP was more effective in opening stomata than EDTA, when both were applied in amounts yielding equivalent free Ca++ concentration. The stimulation by ATP depended upon its de-phosphorylation and was not due to the Pi released. Hence an energetical contribution of external ATP appears possible. Increase in CO2 concentration increased the stimulation of stomatal opening by ATP and diminished the internal ATP level, ATP/(ADP + AMP) ratio and respiration. Commelina communis KEYWORDS: ADENYLATES, CONDUCTANCE, RESPIRATION, STOMATA 680 Sharkey, T.D., F. Loreto, and C.F. Delwiche. 1991. High Carbon Dioxide and Sun/Shade Effects on Isoprene Emission from Oak and Aspen Tree Leaves. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:333-338. Isoprene (2-methyl 1,3-butadiene) is emitted from many plants, especially trees. We tested the effect of growth at high CO2 partial pressure and sun versus shade conditions on the capacity of Quercus rubra L. (red oak) and Populus tremuloides Michx. (quaking aspen) leaves to make isoprene. Oak leaves grown at high CO2 partial pressure (65 Pa) had twice the rate of isoprene emission as leaves grown at 40 Pa CO2. However, aspen leaves behaved oppositely, with high CO2-grown leaves having just 60-70% the rate of isoprene emission as leaves grown in 40 Pa CO2. Similar responses were observed from 25 to 35C leaf temperature during assay. The stimulation of isoprene emission by growth at high CO2 and the stimulation in high temperature resulted in isoprene emission consuming over 15% of the carbon fixed during photosynthesis in high-CO2 grown oak leaves assayed at 35C. Leaves from the south (sunny) sides of trees growing in natural conditions had rates of isoprene emission double those of leaves growing in shaded locations on the same trees. This effect was similar in both aspen and oak. The leaves used for these experiments had significantly different chlorophyll a/b ratios indicating they were functionally sun (from the sunny locations) or shade leaves (from the protected locations). Because the metabolic pathway of isoprene synthesis is unknown, we are unable to speculate about how or why these effects occur. However, these effects are more consistent with metabolic control of isoprene release rather than a metabolic leak of isoprene from metabolism. The results are also important for large scale modelling of isoprene emission and for predicting the effect of future increases in atmospheric CO2 level on isoprene emission from vegetation. red oak/Quercus rubra/quaking aspen/Populus tremuloides KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, ISOPRENE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PIGMENTS, TREES 681 Sharkey, T.D., and P.J. Vanderveer. 1989. Stromal Phosphate Concentration Is Low during Feedback Limited Photosynthesis. Plant Physiology 91:679-684. It has been hypothesized that photosynthesis can be feedback limited when the phosphate concentration cannot be both low enough to allow starch and sucrose synthesis at the required rate and high enough for ATP synthesis at the required rate. We have measured the concentration of phosphate in the stroma and cytosol of leaves held under feedback conditions. We used nonaqueous fractionation techniques with freeze-clamped leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris plants grown on reduced phosphate nutrition. Feedback was induced by holding leaves in low O2 or high CO2 partial pressure. We found 7 millimolar phosphate in the stroma of leaves in normal oxygen but just 2.7 millimolar phosphate in leaves held in low oxygen. Because 1 to 2 millimolar phosphate in the stroma may be metabolically inactive, we estimate that in low oxygen, the metabolically active pool of phosphate is between negligible and 1.7 millimolar. We conclude that halfway between these extremes, 0.856 millimolar is a good estimate of the phosphate concentration in the stroma of feedback-limited leaves and that the true concentration could be even lower. The stromal phosphate concentration was also low when leaves were held in high CO2, which also induces feedback-limited photosynthesis, indicating that the effect is related to feedback limitation, not to low oxygen per se. We conclude that the concentration of phosphate in the stroma is usually in excess and that it is sequestered to regulate photosynthesis, especially starch synthesis. The capacity for this regulation is limited by the coupling factor requirement for phosphate. Phaseolus vulgaris KEYWORDS: ENZYMES, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, METABOLITES, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC FEEDBACK INHIBITION 682 Shina, G., and I. Seginer. 1989. Optimal Management of Tomato Growth in Greenhouses. Acta Horticulturae 248:307-313. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, YIELD 683 Shishido, Y., N. Seyama, S. Imada, and Y. Hori. 1989. Carbon Budget in Tomato Plants as Affected by Night Temperature Evaluated by Steady State Feeding with 14-CO2. Annals of Botany 63:357-367. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: 14C, CARBON BUDGET, TEMPERATURE 684 Shugart, H.H., M.Y. Antonovsky, P.G. Jarvis, and A.P. Sandford. 1986. CO2, Climatic Change and Forest Ecosystems. IN: The Greenhouse Effect, Climatic Change, and Ecosystems, Vol. 29 (B. Bolin, B.R. Doos, J. Jager, and R.A. Warrick, eds.), Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, England, pp. 475-521. The forests of the Earth constitute a complex system with many possible responses, both to the direct effects of an increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration and to the possible changes in climate. These responses may originate from phenomena that operate on very different time and space scales. In general, formidable difficulties are encountered in 'scaling-up' the short-term physiological and biochemical responses of leaves and individual plants to estimate the intermediate and long-term responses of forests. The difficulties arise from the large uncertainties involved in the methods of extrapolation and from the complex interactions that occur at larger scales. The two uncertainties are presently large enough to preclude meaningful discussions of the interactions between CO2 concentrations and climate except in the most general way. With respect to the direct effects of CO2, these problems of scaling-up are compounded by the lack of experimental evidence for relevant forest species, particularly for plants that have been allowed to acclimate to enhanced CO2 concentrations over one or more growing cycles. Although higher concentrations of CO2 have been shown to increase CO2 assimilation and, consequently, growth rates of individual trees in controlled conditions over the short term, it is highly uncertain whether such effects would be sustained and would lead to increased productivity in actual forest environments over the long term. In uncontrolled environments, the direct CO2 effects are complicated by micrometeorological differences in the degree of coupling between forests and atmosphere (within as well as between forest systems), and by species competition and interactions. If, indeed, elevated CO2 concentrations do result in long-term growth enhancement, increases in productivity would be more likely to occur in commercial forests than in mature forests in which the capacities for increased carbon storage are more limited. Direct experimentation at this scale, however, is largely impracticable. In order, therefore, to assess the responses of forest systems to both higher CO2 concentrations and changes in climate, experimental studies must be augmented by empirical observation and simulation modelling. With respect to the effects of climatic change, empirical climate-vegetation models and forest simulation models have been used to assess the responses of forests at scales ranging from a single point in a forest to an entire continental system. In general, from the results of a limited number of such studies, together with our understanding of the basic underlying processes, we conclude that: Climatic changes of the order of magnitude predicted by climate models for a doubling of atmospheric CO2 are potentially sufficient to produce substantial intermediate and long-term changes in the composition, size and location of the forests of the world. At continental and regional scales, simulation models indicate considerable spatial heterogeneity in the response of forests. The natural forests of the high latitudes in general and the boreal forests in particular, appear sensitive to predicted temperature changes. Warmer conditions could possibly lead to large reductions in the areal extent of boreal forests and a poleward shift in their boundaries. It is at these latitudes that climate models predict the largest warming to occur as a result of increased concentrations of greenhouse gases, with smaller temperature changes in the lower latitudes. The forests of the tropical and sub-tropical zones would probably be more sensitive to changes in precipitation than temperature. Because of the high uncertainty regarding future changes in precipitation in the tropics, and because of the present lack of models that can be used to simulate the effects of tropical ecosystems to changes in climate variables, our knowledge of the responses of tropical forests to future climatic changes is meagre. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, FOREST, GCM'S, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW, SCALING, TREES 685 Silvola, J. 1990. Combined Effects of Varying Water Content and CO2 Concentration on Photosynthesis in Spagnum fuscum. Holarctic Ecology 13:224-228. The photosynthesis of Spagnum fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr. at different water contents and CO2 concentrations was measured in the laboratory. The optimal water content for photosynthesis near the current atmospheric CO2 concentration is 600-800% (percentage of dry weight). The decrease in photosynthesis is very steep towards lower water contents and less steep towards higher water contents. The optimal water content range moves higher and becomes wider with increasing CO2 concentration. At 3000 ppm there is no longer any decrease in photosynthesis with increasing water content. The water content of S. fuscum has a considerable effect on the response of photosynthesis to CO2 concentration. In a moss saturated with water, photosynthesis increases gradually until 8000 ppm CO2, but this saturation concentration becomes lower with decreasing water content, being c. 1500 ppm at a water content of 700-800%. An increase in CO2 concentration over 300 ppm will raise photosynthesis very little in dry moss with a water content of only 300-400%. Spagnum fuscum/moss KEYWORDS: PHOTOSYNTHESIS, WATER STATUS 686 Simon, J.-P., C. Potvin, and B.R. Strain. 1989. Effects of Temperature and CO2 Enrichment on Kinetic Properties of NADP+ -Malate Dehydrogenase in Two Ecotypes of Barnyard Grass (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv.) from Contrasting Climates. Oecologia 81:138-144. The apparent energy of activation (Ea), Michaelis-Menten constant (Km for oxaloacetate), Vmax/Km ratios and specific activities of NADP+ -malate dehydrogenase (NADP+ -MDH; EC were analyzed in plants of Barnyard grass from Quebec (QUE) and Mississippi (MISS) acclimated to two thermoperiods (28/22C, 21/15C, and grown under two CO2 concentrations, 350 uL/L and 675 uL/L. Ea values of NADP+ -MDH extracted from QUE plants were significantly lower than those of MISS plants. Km values and Vmax/Km ratios of the enzyme from both ecotypes were similar over the range of 10-30C but reduced Vmax/Km ratios were found for the enzyme of QUE plants at 30 and 40C assays. MISS plants had higher enzyme activities when measured on a chlorophyll basis but this trend was reversed when activities were expressed per fresh weight leaf or per leaf surface area. Activities were significantly higher in plants of both populations acclimated to 22/28C. CO2 enrichment did not modify appreciably the catalytic properties of NADP+ -MDH and did not have a compensatory effect upon catalysis or enzyme activity under cool acclimatory conditions. NADP+ -MDH activities were always in excess of the amount required to support observed rates of CO2 assimilation and these two parameters were significantly correlated. The enhanced photosynthetic performance of QUE plants under cold temperature conditions, as compared to that of MISS plants, cannot be attributed to kinetic differences of NADP+ -malate dehydrogenase among these ecotypes. barnyardgrass/Echinochloa crus-galli KEYWORDS: C4, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, ECOTYPES, GRASSES, NADP+ -MALATE DEHYDROGENASE, TEMPERATURE 687 Sinclair, T.R. 1992. Mineral Nutrition and Plant Growth Response to Climate Change. Journal of Experimental Botany 43:1141-1146. The limiting factor concept has often been used to describe plant growth responses to altered availability of resources. However, even preliminary experiments, where atmospheric CO2 concentrations and solution mineral concentrations were varied, demonstrated that a more complex concept was required to interpret the potential effects of climate change and mineral availability on plant growth. It is proposed that these resources for plant growth may be better viewed as simultaneously limiting. Further, in considering the limitation in plant growth to mineral nutrition it is important to consider both the solution concentration and the total amount of the individual minerals available to the plant. Sustaining a positive response to increased CO2 concentration, for example, requires an increase in plant uptake of the total amount of minerals. Consequently, it is very difficult to predict the plant growth response to climate change because of the large uncertainty about mineral availability. On the one hand, increased CO2 concentrations should stimulate nitrogen fixation by both free-living organisms and symbiotic systems, and improve soil properties for mineral availability as a result of increased organic matter deposition in the soil. On the other hand, increased temperature and altered rainfall patterns may result in increased losses of soil minerals. Even the direction in the net change in available soil minerals is unclear. Realistic evaluations of the effects of climate change on plant growth will be challenged to contend with the large uncertainty and complexities in understanding mineral availability and plant mineral nutrition. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, LITTER DECOMPOSITION, MINERALIZATION, NITROGEN, NITROGEN FIXATION, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, REVIEW 688 Sionit, N., and P.J. Kramer. 1986. Woody Plant Reactions to CO2 Enrichment. IN: Physiology, Yield, and Economics, Vol. II (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 69-85. Woody plants constitute an important sink for CO2 and are ecologically important species in forest communities. It is therefore important to characterize their responses to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration. To reach this major objective with some certainty will require a comprehensive research effort in both laboratory and field. Based on the few data available, doubling the present level of CO2 in the atmosphere would affect physiology, morphology, and biomass production of woody plants, and is likely to have differential effects on the establishment and growth of tree seedlings. However, the responses of plants to increasing CO2 concentration depend on the extent of the growth limitation imposed by other environmental factors such as available supplies of water and nutrients, light and temperature. Most of our information comes from short-term experiments conducted under controlled conditions. Large-scale research projects are needed to more specifically determine the combined effects of CO2 enrichment and other environmental factors. KEYWORDS: AIR POLLUTION, CONDUCTANCE, FOREST, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REPRODUCTION, RESPIRATION, REVIEW, ROOTING, SOIL MICROORGANISMS, TRANSPIRATION, TREES, WATER STRESS, WUE 689 Sionit, N., B.R. Strain, and E.P. Flint. 1987. Interaction of Temperature and CO2 Enrichment on Soybean: Photosynthesis and Seed Yield. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 67:629-636. Seed yield and photosynthetic responses of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. 'Ransom') were studied in growth chambers at day/night temperatures of 18/12, 22/16, and 26/20C and atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 350, 675 and 1000 uL/L. No seeds were produced at 18/12C within any of the CO2 concentrations. Numbers of pods and seeds increased with increasing temperature and CO2 levels. Carbon dioxide enrichment increased seed yield of soybean grown at moderately cool temperatures. This increase was associated with an increase in net photosynthetic rate. Leaf photosynthesis in response to CO2 enrichment increased more at 22/16C than at 26/20C. Increases in temperature and CO2 levels enhanced total growth of plants but hastened senescence of leaves. The extended photosynthetic capacity at cool temperatures did not result in allocating more dry matter to developing pods. CO2 enrichment at 26/20C resulted in greater seed yield increases than CO2 enrichment at lower temperatures. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, SEED PRODUCTION, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 690 Sionit, N., B.R. Strain, and E.P. Flint. 1987. Interaction of Temperature and CO2 Enrichment on Soybean: Growth and Dry Matter Partitioning. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 67:59-67. Projected increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration will affect growth and productivity of many plant species under various environmental conditions. Since these increases in CO2 may also increase mean annual temperatures, it is important to determine how the soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) will respond to changes in temperature regimes associated with atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Morphology and growth responses of the Ransom cultivar, which is adapted to a southern U.S.A. climate, to day/night temperature regimes of 18/12, 22/16, and 26/20C and atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 350, 675 and 1000 uL/L were studied in controlled environment chambers. Plant responses were determined at 20, 40, 67 and 115 (late senescence to maturity) days after planting. Plant height and number of branches increased slightly with CO2 enrichment and more significantly with increasing temperature. Root to shoot ratio remained unchanged at different CO2 concentrations but decreased as temperature increased. Leaf weight ratio and specific leaf weight decreased with increasing temperature. Low temperature reduced dry weight of all plant parts, but the reduction was ameliorated by increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration. The results show that increasing the atmospheric CO2 level causes soybean to grow more vigorously at low temperatures. Although controlled environment experiments have their drawbacks in regard to natural field conditions, the present data indicate that soybean will have enhanced growth even at moderately cool temperatures in the future global CO2 concentration. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, TEMPERATURE 691 Sionit, N., B.R. Strain, H. Hellmers, G.H. Riechers, and C.H. Jaeger. 1985. Long-term Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment Affects the Growth and Development of Liquidambar styraciflua and Pinus taeda Seedlings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 15:468-471. Growth and development of native species of trees in response to long-term increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration were studied. Seedlings of two competing perennials, Pinus taeda L. and Liquidambar styraciflua L., were obtained from germinated seeds and grown through one complete growing season at 350, 500, and 650 uL/L CO2. The plants were grown in CO2 controlled greenhouses under natural photoperiods and light regimes, with temperature controlled to simulate mean local climate. Stem length and basal stem diameter increased with increasing CO2 in both species. Liquidambar styraciflua maintained size dominance in all concentrations. The dry weights of stems, roots, and leaves increased in both species. In P. taeda, however, the seedlings reached maximum size at 500 uL/L while L. styraciflua continued to increase up to 650 uL/L. Liquidambar styraciflua produced significantly more branches and leaves at the higher CO2 concentrations than at 350 uL/L. Differences in plant shape and responses in growth rate of these two naturally competing tree species suggest that continuing atmospheric CO2 enrichment could affect future interactions between the species and might produce changes in community composition. sweetgum/Liquidambar styraciflua/Pinus taeda/loblolly pine KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, TREES 692 Slack, G. 1986. CO2 Enrichment of Tomato Crops. IN: Physiology, Yield, and Economics, Vol. II (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 151-163. The benefits of enriching tomato crops with CO2 were first demonstrated experimentally in the 1920s but the technique was not used commercially until some 40 years later when cheap sources of CO2 became available to the protected crops industry. The practice is now well established and is used by most of the major tomato producers. Increases in yield are highest when enrichment can be maintained for long periods during daylight hours without the need for ventilation. A threefold increase in CO2 concentration increases leaf net photosynthesis by about 50% in both low and high light conditions. In the vegetative phase, enrichment enhances plant growth by increasing net assimilation rate and leaf area. Relative growth rate is increased initially but eventually falls to that of nonenriched plants. There is no significant effect on the rate of leaf production. Dry weight may be increased by 40 to 50% and leaf area by 20 to 25%. The effects in low light are particularly important since large numbers of plants are propagated commercially in late autumn and winter. Increasing CO2 level in these conditions has a similar effect on dry matter production, as does increasing light. Growth responses to enrichment are directly attributable to enhanced photosynthetic activity so there is no effect on seed germination nor from enrichment during the night period. In the reproductive phase, enrichment induces earlier flowering, but the effect is small and is restricted to flowers of the first truss (3 to 9 days). Enrichment also improves flower setting and fruit development of the early trusses in poor light conditions, and a relationship between truss abortion and CO2 concentration has been shown. Increases in both the number and the weight of fruits on individual trusses are seen with enriched plants so that early and total fruit yields are greater and profitability higher. Published results vary considerably in the size of the effect but generally quote total yield increases of around 30%. Fruit yield and profitability are maximzed when the CO2 concentration is maintained at about 1000 uL/L. Data on the effects of elevated CO2 levels on fruit quality is scarce and conflicting. Large differences in cultivar response were reported in the 1960s but later reports suggest little or no effect. The response of tomato plant growth and fruit yield to elevated CO2 levels is a function of CO2 concentration and time. Whole-day enrichment would therefore be expected to maximize growth and yield, though there is a possibility that shorter daily periods may be more cost-effective. Results from experiments designed to test this possibility show that some reduction in the duration of daily enrichment during the pre-planting period would be acceptable, although this course of action would not lead to large monetary savings. In the post-planting period, any reduction would be detrimental since the loss of revenue from the crop would far outweigh any savings made from reduced gas usage. The enrichment technique is generally restricted to the winter and early spring periods of the year when ventilation for temperature control is minimal. As ambient temperatures rise and ventilation periods increase, enrichment becomes uneconomic and is stopped. Without enrichment, CO2 levels in the glasshouse decline during the daytime and may be substantially below ambient for long periods in bright light. Recently two techniques have been developed to alleviate this problem. In the first, ventilation is avoided by cooling the CO2-enriched air in evaporative cooling towers and returning it to the glasshouse. This method, compared with a conventionally ventilated (fan and pad) crop grown without enrichment, increased fruit yield by 17 and 48% when CO2 level was controlled at 650 and 1000 uL/L, respectively. The second method assumes that it is uneconomic to practice threefold CO2 enrichment throughout the summer months but that it is worthwhile enriching with CO2 to maintain a level of 350 to 400 uL/L. This technique avoids the detrimental effects of CO2 depletion and has the potential for increasing yield. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: CO2 ENRICHMENT DURATION, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LIGHT, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REPRODUCTION, YIELD 693 Slack, G., J.S. Fenlon, and D.W. Hand. 1988. The Effects of Summer CO2 Enrichment and Ventilation Temperatures on the Yield, Quality and Value of Glasshouse Tomatoes. Journal of Horticultural Science 63:119-129. The responses of January-sown tomatoes to a range of CO2 concentrations (ambient, 375, 450 and 525 vpm) in summer were investigated in two experiments. The first was designed to examine the effects of summer CO2 on the fruit yield of four cultivars planted in two rooting substrates (soil or peat-bags). The aim of the second was to increase the cost-effectiveness of the treatment by delaying greenhouse ventilation in order that reductions in the inputs of CO2 might be achieved at levels of enrichment above ambient. Summer CO2 enrichment was applied for eighteen weeks starting at the end of April. Fruiting response was linearly related to summer CO2 concentration. The yield response slopes for plants grown in different rooting substrates, ventilation temperatures and seasons were not significantly different. The overall response increment showed that in the range 320 to 526 vpm (the mean measured values), marketable fruit yield increased by 2.65 +/- 0.201 kg/m2 for each 100 vpm increase in mean CO2 level. Delaying glasshouse ventilation reduced the amount of CO2 supplied to the greenhouses by 23 to 35% but total marketable yield fell by 11% and the weight of fruits graded CLass 1 was reduced on average by 20% in the higher temperature regimen making the treatment commercially unacceptable. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 694 Slack, G., and D.W. Hand. 1985. The Effect of Winter and Summer CO2 Enrichment on the Growth and Fruit Yield of Glasshouse Cucumber. Journal of Horticultural Science 60:507-516. The responses of January-sown cucumbers to a range of CO2 concentrations in winter and in summer were examined together with a non-enriched treatment. In winter the CO2 concentration in the glasshouses was ambient, 400 or 1000 vpm, and in the summer, 350, 380, 400 or 450 vpm. Winter CO2 enrichment to 1000 vpm produced large increases in growth by early March. Mean CO2 concentration in the ambient treatment during this period was 370 vpm and there were no differences between the effect of this and the 400 vpm treatment. Fruit yield by mid-April was doubled when CO2 level was maintained at 400 vpm and trebled when the level was raised to 1000 vpm. Gross monetary value was similarly increased. CO2 enrichment also increased mean fruit weight, by 10% at 400 vpm and 23% at 1000 vpm. During April the mean CO2 concentration in the non-enriched treatments averaged 262 vpm with some daily means falling below 200 vpm. With summertime CO2 enrichment fruit yields and gross monetary values improved with increasing CO2. Maintaining levels of 350, 380, 400 or 450 vpm CO2 increased total fruit yields by 5, 11, 15 and 22%. Fruit yield was linearly related to mean CO2 concentration. Between 318 and 455 vpm CO2, fruit yield increased by 54 g/m2 for each vpm increase in mean summertime CO2 concentration. The enrichment treatments were cost-effective. cucumber/Cucumis sativus KEYWORDS: COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GREENHOUSE, YIELD 695 Slack, G., and D.W. Hand. 1986. The Effects of Propagation Temperature, CO2 Concentration and Early Post-harvest Night Temperature on the Fruit Yield of January-sown Cucumbers. Journal of Horticultural Science 61:303-306. Growth and fruiting responses of four January-sown cucumber cultivars to two propagation temperatures (day 21C, night 19C and day 24C, night 17C), three levels of CO2 enrichment (400, 1000 and 1600 vpm) and three stages of post-planting night temperature reduction (1, 3 and 6 weeks after first harvest) were examined in a glasshouse experiment. Early (4-week) fruit yield and monetary returns were significantly increased when the higher day temperature treatment was combined with the 1600 vpm CO2. The early advantage was soon lost and after 20 weeks harvesting there were no differences between the propagation temperature treatments. After two weeks of CO2 treatment total dry weight of aerial parts, leaf area and stem length were increased by 88, 73, and 69%, respectively, when the CO2 level was raised from 400 to 1000 vpm. A further rise from 1000 to 1600 vpm produced no further increases indicating that 1000 vpm is probably near the optimum concentration for growth at the temperatures applied. In the early (4-week) harvest period, fruit yield and gross monetary returns increased by c. 30% when CO2 was raised from 400 to 1000 vpm but there was little or no difference between plants grown in 1000 or 1600 vpm. The early yield advantage from enrichment at 1000 vpm CO2 was maintained throughout the season (20 weeks of harvesting). The most economic level of CO2 enrichment for January-sown cucumbers was c. 1000 vpm. Lowering night temperature at the start of harvesting reduced fruit yield and monetary value compared with lowering the temperature 3 or 6 weeks after fruit picking commenced. The estimated savings in fuel from this treatment were too small to offset the loss of revenue from the crop. The most economic time to reduce night temperature in the January-sown crop was 3 weeks after the start of harvesting. cucumber/Cucumis sativus KEYWORDS: COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, GREENHOUSE, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 696 Smith, S.D., B.R. Strain, and T.D. Sharkey. 1987. Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Four Great Basin Grasses. Functional Ecology 1:139-143. Plants of four Great Basin grass species were grown from seed in two greenhouses at low (340 uL/L) and high (680 uL/L) CO2 concentration. In all four species, high CO2 promoted mean increases in the number of basal stems, leaf area, specific leaf weight and above-ground dry weight. High CO2 resulted in an increase in CO2 assimilation in two C3 grasses but not in a C4 grass, while all three species showed decreases in stomatal conductance. Mean increases of 60% in above-ground dry weight and 80% in water-use-efficiency are consistent with previously reported high CO2 effects on grasses. No consistent differential effects of high CO2 were observed when comparing annual vs perennial species. Global CO2 enrichment may alter the competitive balance of Great Basin plant communities, possibly enhancing the dominance of Bromus tectorum L. on degraded rangelands. Bromus tectorum/Agropyron smithii/Eragrostis orcuttiana/Oryzopsis hymenoides KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, C3, C4, GRASSES, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, RANGELAND, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, WUE 697 Socias, F.X., H. Medrano, and T.D. Sharkey. 1993. Feedback Limitation of Photosynthesis of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Grown in Elevated CO2. Plant, Cell and Environment 16:81-86. The capacity for photosynthesis is often affected when plants are grown in air with elevated CO2 partial pressure. We grew Phaseolus vulgaris L. in 35 and 65 Pa CO2 and measured photosynthetic parameters. When assayed at the growth CO2 level, photosynthesis was equal in the two CO2 treatments. The maximum rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) consumption was lower in plants grown at 65 Pa, but the CO2 partial pressure at which the maximum occurred was higher in the high-CO2-grown plants, indicating acclimation to high CO2. The acclimation of RuBP consumption to CO2 involved a reduction of the activity of RuBP carboxylase which resulted from reduced carbamylation, not a loss of protein. The rate of RuBP consumption declined with CO2 when the CO2 partial pressure was above 50 Pa in plants grown under both CO2 levels. This was caused by feedback inhibition as judged by a lack of response to removing O2 from the air stream. The rate of photosynthesis at high CO2 was lower in the high-CO2-grown plants and this was correlated with reduced activity of sucrose-phosphate synthase. This is only the second report of O2-insensitive photosynthesis under growth conditions for plants grown in high CO2. Phaseolus vulgaris/bean KEYWORDS: CARBAMYLATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OXYGEN INSENSITIVITY, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, PROTEINS, RIBULOSE 1,5-BISPHOSPHATE, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SUCROSEPHOSPHATE SYNTHASE 698 Spencer, W., and G. Bowes. 1986. Photosynthesis and Growth of Water Hyacinth under CO2 Enrichment. Plant Physiology 82:528-533. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms) plants were grown in environmental chambers at ambient and enriched CO2 levels (330 and 600 microliters CO2 per liter). Daughter plants (ramets) produced in the enriched CO2 gained 39% greater dry weight than those at ambient CO2, but the original mother plants did not. The CO2 enrichment increased the number of leaves per ramet and leaf area index, but did not significantly increase leaf size or the number of ramets formed. Flower production was increased 147%. The elevated CO2 increased the net photosynthetic rate of the mother plants by 40%, but this was not maintained as the plants acclimated to the higher CO2 level. After 14 days at the elevated CO2, leaf resistance increased and transpiration decreased, especially from the adaxial leaf surface. After 4 weeks in elevated as compared to ambient CO2, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity was 40% less, soluble protein content 49% less, and chlorophyll content 26% less; whereas starch content was 40% greater. Although at a given CO2 level the enriched CO2 plants had only half the net photosynthetic rate of their counterparts grown at ambient CO2, they showed similar internal CO2 concentrations. This suggested that the decreased supply of CO2 to the mesophyll, as a result of the increased stomatal resistance, was counterbalanced by a decreased utilization of CO2. Photorespiration and dark respiration were lower, such that the CO2 compensation point was not altered. The photosynthetic light and CO2 saturation points were not greatly changed, nor was the O2 inhibition of photosynthesis (measured at 330 microliters CO2 per liter). It appears that with CO2 enrichment the temporary increase in net photosynthesis produced larger ramets. After acclimation, the greater total ramet leaf area more than compensated for the lower net photosynthetic rate on a unit leaf area basis, and resulted in a sustained improvement in dry weight gain. water hyacinth/Eichhornia crassipes KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, CARBOHYDRATES, CI:CA, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, LEAF AREA PRODUCTION, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, OXYGEN, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, PIGMENTS, PROTEINS, REPRODUCTION, RESPIRATION, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE 699 Sritharan, R., and F. Lenz. 1990. The Effect of CO2 Concentration and Water Supply on Photosynthesis, Dry Matter Production and Nitrate Concentrations of Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.). Acta Horticulturae 268:43-54. Kohlrabi plants were grown under controlled environmental conditions at two levels of CO2 concentration (300 uL/L and 900 uL/L). They were supplied with modified Hoagland solution and subjected to three levels of water supply (100, 50 and 25%) for three weeks. At high CO2 concentration plants produced more leaf area, dry matter and had higher photosynthetic rates than those grown at low CO2. This effect was more pronounced at low water supply though the absolute rates of growth, dry matter, photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance were reduced. The nitrate concentration in all plant organs were significantly reduced at high CO2. Low water supply resulted in increased NO3 concentrations especially in lamina and tuber. These results indicate that CO2 enrichment and adequate water supply can reduce nitrate concentration considerably in Kohlrabi plants. Possible control mechanisms and effects of CO2 on dry matter production and nitrogen metabolism at water stress are discussed. Brassica oleracea/kohlrabi KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, TRANSPIRATION, WATER STRESS 700 Stanev, V.P., and T.D. Tsonev. 1986. CO2 Enrichment in Some Countries of Eastern Europe: Research and Practical Application. IN: Status and CO2 Sources, Vol. I (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 35-48. KEYWORDS: CO2 ENRICHMENT STUDIES, CO2 MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, GREENHOUSE 701 Stewart, J.D., and J. Hoddinott. 1993. Photosynthetic Acclimation to Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and UV Irradiation in Pinus banksiana. Physiologia Plantarum 88:493-500. Pinus banksiana seedlings were grown for 9 months in enclosures in greenhouses at CO2 concentrations of 350 or 750 umol/mol with either low (0.005 to 0.3 W/m2) or high (0.25 to 0.90 W/m2) ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irradiances. Total seedling dry weight decreased with high UV treatment but was unaffected by CO2 enrichment. High UV treatment also shifted biomass partitioning in favor of leaf production. Both CO2 and UV treatments decreased the dark respiration rate and light compensation point. High UV light inhibited photosynthesis at 350 but not at 750 umol/mol CO2 due to a UV induced increase in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase efficiency and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration. Stomatal density was increased by high UV irradiance but was unchanged by CO2 enrichment. Pinus banksiana/jack pine KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, GREENHOUSE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT UTILIZATION EFFICIENCY, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, RESPIRATION, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, STOMATAL DENSITY, TREES, UV-B RADIATION 702 Stitt, M. 1991. Rising CO2 Levels and Their Potential Significance for Carbon Flow in Photosynthetic Cells. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:741-762. In the first part of this review, I discuss how we can predict the direct short-term effect of enhanced CO2 on photosynthetic rate in C3 terrestrial plants. To do this, I consider: (1) to what extent enhanced CO2 will stimulate or relieve demand on partial processes like carboxylation, light harvesting and electron transport, the Calvin cycle, and end-product synthesis; and (2) the extent to which these various processes actually control the rate of photosynthesis. I conclude that control is usually shared between Rubisco (which responds sensitively to CO2) and other components (which respond less sensitively), and that photosynthesis will be stimulated by 25-75% when the CO2 concentration is doubled from 35 to 70 Pa. This is in good agreement with the published responses. In the next part of the review, I discuss the evidence that most plants undergo a gradual inhibition of photosynthesis during acclimation to enhanced CO2. I argue that this is related to an inadequate demand for carbohydrate in the remainder of the plant. Differences in the long-term response to CO2 may be explained by differences in the sink-source status of plants, depending upon the species, the developmental stage, and the developmental conditions. In the third part of the review, I consider the biochemical mechanisms which are involved in 'sink' regulation of photosynthesis. Accumulating carbohydrate could lead to a direct inhibition of photosynthesis, involving mechanical damage by large starch grains or Pi-limitation due to inhibition of sucrose synthesis. I argue that Pi is important in the short-term regulation of partitioning to sucrose and starch, but that its contribution to 'sink' regulation has not yet been conclusively demonstrated. Indirect or 'adaptive' regulation of photosynthesis is probably more important, involving decreases in amounts of key photosynthetic enzymes, including Rubisco. This decreases the rate of photosynthesis, and potentially would allow resources (e.g. amino acids) to be remobilized from the leaves and reinvested in sink growth to readjust the sink-source balance. In the final part of the review, I argue that similar changes of Rubisco and, possibly, other proteins are probably also involved during acclimation to high CO2. KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, PARTITIONING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, REVIEW, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE 703 Stitt, M., W.P. Quick, U. Schurr, E.-D. Schulze, S.R. Rodermel, and L. Bogorad. 1991. Decreased Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase-oxygenase in Transgenic Tobacco Transformed with 'Antisense' rbcS. Planta 183:555-566. Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants transformed with 'antisense' rbcS to produce a series of plants with a progressive decrease in the amount of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) have been used to investigate the contribution of Rubisco to the control of photosynthesis at different irradiance, CO2 concentrations and vapour-pressure deficits. Assimilation rates, transpiration, the internal CO2 concentration and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured in each plant. (i) The flux-control coefficient of Rubisco was estimated from the slope of the plot of Rubisco content versus assimilation rate. The flux-control coefficient had a value of 0.8 or more in high irradiance, (1050 umol/m2/s), low vapour pressure deficit (4 mbar) and ambient CO2 (350 ubar). Control was marginal in enhanced CO2 (450 ubar) or low light (310 umol/m2/s) and was also decreased at high vapour-pressure deficit (17 mbar). No control was exerted in 5% CO2. (ii) The flux-control coefficients of Rubisco were compared with the fractional demand placed on the calculated available Rubisco capacity. Only a marginal control on photosynthetic flux is exerted by Rubisco until over 50% of the available capacity is being used. Control increases as utilisation rises to 80%, and approaches unity (i.e. strict limitation) when more than 80% of the available capacity is being used. (iii) In low light, plants with reduced Rubisco have very high energy-dependent quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (qE) and a decreased apparent quantum yield. It is argued that Rubisco still exerts marginal control in these conditions because decreased Rubisco leads to increased thylakoid energisation and high-energy dependent dissipation of light energy, and lower light-harvesting efficiency. (iv) The flux-control coefficient of stomata for photosynthesis was calculated from the flux-control coefficient of Rubisco and the internal CO2 concentration, by applying the connectivity theorem. Control by the stomata varies between zero and about 0.25. It is increased by increased irradiance, decreased CO2 or decreased vapour-pressure deficit. (v) Photosynthetic oscillations in saturating irradiance and CO2 are suppressed in decreased-activity transformants before the steady-state rate of photosynthesis is affected. This provides direct evidence that these oscillations reveal the presence of 'excess' Rubisco. (vi) Comparison of the flux-control coefficients of Rubisco with mechanistic models of photosynthesis provides direct support for the reliability of these models in conditions where Rubisco has a flux-control coefficient approach unity (i.e. 'limits' photosynthesis), but also indicates that these models are less useful in conditions where control is shared between Rubisco and other components of the photosynthetic apparatus. tobacco/Nicotiana tabacum KEYWORDS: FLUORESCENCE, FLUX CONTROL COEFFICIENT, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, TRANSGENIC PLANTS 704 Strain, B.R. 1987. Direct Effects of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 on Plants and Ecosystems. Tree 2:18-21. The long term effects of allowing the concentration of CO2 in the global atmosphere to double by the middle of the next century are not yet predictable. However, it is inevitable that there will be a change in climatic and ecological patterns. Increasing the atmospheric CO2 concentration under experimental conditions has been shown to alter the growth rate and reproductive potential of plants, and must ultimately affect interactions at the community level and beyond. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, PHYSIOLOGICAL CO2 RESPONSES, PLANT-PLANT INTERACTIONS, REVIEW 705 Strain, B.R. 1991. Possible Genetic Effects of Continually Increasing Atmospheric CO2. IN: Ecological Genetics and Air Pollution (G.E. Taylor Jr., L.F. Pitelka, and M.T. Clegg, eds.), Springer-Verlag, Inc., New York, pp. 237-244. This commentary extends the discussion on differential plant sensitivity to air quality changes other than the toxic air pollutants which induce the classic stress syndrome of declining physiology and growth. Global atmospheric changes that differentially increase plant growth and vigor among genotypes of an ecosystem will induce ecological stresses associated with the differential competitive potentials and survival of individuals. If these changes proceed in a unidirectional manner for long periods of time, the genetic structure of populations and communities will likely change. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, FOREST, PHYSIOLOGICAL CO2 RESPONSES, REVIEW, SELECTION PRESSURE, SURVIVORSHIP 706 Strain, B.R. 1992. Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: A Plant Fertilizer? The New Biologist 4:87-89. Horticulturists have long known that increasing carbon dioxide concentration in greenhouses would increase crop yield under optimal conditions of other environmental factors; hence, some people have proposed that the CO2 emission need not be curbed. In unmanaged systems, however, plant productivity may not always increase with increasing CO2. Rangeland and forest managers, for instance, as well as third world farmers, may not observe significant plant growth increases because nutrients incorporated into plant and litter material may not be recycled at rates sufficient to meet the demand resulting from carbon fertilization. Another proposed benefit of increased CO2 concentration, decreased water loss from plants due to lower leaf stomatal conductance, may be offset by increases in leaf area. Carbon sequestration as a result of tree planting will not be important in reducing CO2 concentrations in the long term. The rate of change predicted to occur if fossil fuel consumption continues to grow unabated may not be tolerable. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, C3, C4, CARBON SEQUESTERING, NUTRITION, REVIEW, WUE, YIELD 707 Strain, B.R., and R.B. Thomas. 1992. Field Measurements of CO2 Enhancement and Climate Change in Natural Vegetation. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 64:45-60. It is generally assumed that healthy, natural ecosystems have the potential to sequester carbon under favorable environmental conditions. There is also evidence that CO2 acts as a plant fertilizer. It is of interest to know if these assumptions are valid and how natural systems might respond under future scenarios of CO2 increase and possible climate changes. Few measurements of the effects of CO2 increase and possible climate changes have been made on 'natural' ecosystems under realistic field conditions. Most measurements have been conducted in the synthetic environments of totally controlled greenhouses and growth chambers. Several lines of evidence indicate that controlled environment studies using plants growing in pots induce experimental artifacts that reduce confidence in the use of results for prediction of future global responses. Open top chambers are being used in several autecological field studies in an attempt to obtain more realistic field environments. A few field microcosm studies have been completed and a system for the free air release of CO2 has been applied in cotton fields. Unfortunately, the requirement of large amounts of CO2 and financial restrictions have precluded the initiation of larger scale field studies in natural vegetation. This paper lists and summarizes the best field studies available but draws heavily on studies from artificial environments and conditions in an attempt to summarize knowledge of global environmental change on forests and other non-agricultural ecosystems. Finally the paper concludes that there is a need for the development and application of equipment for field measurements in several representative natural ecosystems and makes specific recommendation of the creation of a tropical research center. KEYWORDS: ANNUAL GRASSLAND, CO2 ENRICHMENT STUDIES, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, PASTURE, RANGELAND, REVIEW, SALT MARSH, SHORT GRASS PRAIRIE, TALLGRASS PRAIRIE, TEMPERATE FOREST, TROPICAL FOREST, TUNDRA 708 Strain, B.R., Group Leader. 1991. Available Technologies for Field Experimentation with Elevated CO2 in Global Change Research. IN: Ecosystem Experiments, Report of the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (International Council of Scientific Unions), Vol. 45 (H.A. Mooney, E. Medina, D.W. Schindler, E.-D. Schulze, and B.H. Walker, eds.), John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., New York, pp. 245-261. KEYWORDS: ECOCOSMS, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, EXPOSURE METHODS, FACE, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, REVIEW, SPAR UNITS, TRACKING CHAMBERS 709 Stuhlfauth, T., K. Klug, and H.P. Fock. 1987. The Production of Secondary Metabolites by Digitalis lanata during CO2 Enrichment and Water Stress. Phytochemistry 26:2735-2739. The influence of atmospheric CO2 enrichment and water stress on the production of biomass and cardioactive substances by the woolly foxglove Digitalis lanata was investigated. Carbon dioxide enrichment (1000 ppm) had a 'fertilizing' effect in that both biomass and cardenolide content increased to about 160% of the control. The yield of the pharmacologically relevant major product, digoxin, significantly increased following enrichment, whereas two other compounds decreased. Water stress, in the physiological range, reduced fresh weight more than either cardenolide content or dry weight. The amount of digitoxigenin was considerably reduced, whereas the other cardenolides, including digoxin, were less affected. CO2-enriched plants, which were also subjected to drought, exhibited mixed responses. We conclude from these investigations that not only primary, but also secondary metabolism is influenced by variations of the environment. Possible ecological consequences of changes in secondary metabolism due to atmospheric CO2 enrichment and water stress are discussed. Digitalis lanata/woolly foxglove KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, SECONDARY METABOLITES, WATER STRESS 710 Stulen, I., and J. Den Hertog. 1992. Root Growth and Functioning under Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment. Vegetatio 104/105:99-115. This paper examines the extent to which atmospheric CO2 enrichment may influence growth of plant roots and function in terms of uptake of water and nutrients, and carbon allocation towards symbionts. It is concluded that changes in dry matter allocation greatly depend on the experimental conditions during the experiment, the growth phase of the plant, and its morphological characteristics. Under non-limiting conditions of water and nutrients for growth, dry matter partitioning to the root is not changed by CO2 enrichment. The increase in root/shoot ratio, frequently observed under limiting conditions of water and/or nutrients, enables the plant to explore a greater soil volume, and hence acquire more water and nutrients. However, more data on changes in dry matter allocation within the root due to atmospheric CO2 are needed. It is concluded that nitrogen fixation is favored by CO2 enrichment since nodule mass is increased, concomitant with an increase in root length. The papers available so far on the influence of CO2 enrichment on mycorrhizal functioning suggest that carbon allocation to the roots might be increased, but also here more experiments are needed. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, MYCORRHIZAE, NITROGEN FIXATION, RESPIRATION, REVIEW, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, ROOTS 711 Surano, K.A., P.F. Daley, J.L.J. Houpis, J.H. Shinn, J.A. Helms, R.J. Palassou, and M.P. Costella. 1986. Growth and Physiological Responses of Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex P. Laws. to Long-term Elevated CO2 Concentration. Tree Physiology 2:243-259. Seven-year-old ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex P. Laws.) saplings and one- and two- year-old ponderosa pine seedlings of a Sierra Nevada and a Rocky Mountain seed source, respectively, were exposed to CO2-enriched atmospheres in an outdoor open-top chamber facility for 2.5 years. Seedling growth (main stem diameter, height, volume) increased with increasing CO2 concentration, though the two populations exhibited different patterns of response. By the beginning of the last growth season, however, the trees under the highest CO2 concentrations showed signs of stress that included accelerated needle abscision, chlorosis, and apparent alteration of tolerance to heat. The stress response is at least partly attributable to elevated foliar temperatures resulting from CO2-induced stomatal closure, which in turn lowered transpirational cooling of needles. Pinus ponderosa/ponderosa pine KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, GROWTH, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, POPULATION LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, TEMPERATURE, TRANSPIRATION, TREES 712 Suzuki, K., and M.H. Spalding. 1989. Adaptation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii High CO2-requiring Mutants to Limiting CO2. Plant Physiology 90:1195-1200. Photosynthetic characteristics of four high-CO2-requiring mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii were compared to those of wild type before and after a 14-hour exposure to limiting CO2 concentrations. The four mutants represent two loci involved in the CO2-concentrating system of this unicellular alga. All mutants had a lower photosynthetic affinity for inorganic carbon than did the wild type when grown at an elevated CO2 concentration, indicating that the genetic lesion in each is expressed even at elevated CO2 concentrations. Wild type and all four mutants exhibited adaptive responses to limiting CO2 characteristic of the induction of the CO2-concentrating system, resulting in an increased affinity for inorganic carbon only in wild type. Although other components of the CO2-concentrating system were induced in these mutants, the defective component in each was sufficient to prevent any increase in the affinity for inorganic carbon. It was concluded that the genes corresponding to theca-1 and pmp-1 loci exhibit at least partially constitutive expression and that all components of the CO2-concentrating system may be required to significantly affect the photosynthetic affinity for inorganic carbon. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii KEYWORDS: ACCLIMATION, ALGAE, AQUATIC PLANTS, CELL CULTURE, MUTANT, PHOTOSYNTHESIS 713 Szarek, S.R., P.A. Holthe, and I.P. Ting. 1987. Minor Physiological Response to Elevated CO2 by CAM Plant Agave vilmoriniana. Plant Physiology 83:938-940. One-year-old plants of the CAM leaf succulent Agave vilmoriniana Berger were grown outdoors at Riverside, California. Potted plants were acclimated to CO2-enrichment (about 750 microliters per liter) by growth for 2 weeks in an open-top polyethylene chamber. Control plants were grown nearby where the ambient CO2 concentration was about 370 microliters per liter. When the plants were well watered, CO2-induced differences in stomatal conductances and CO2 assimilation rates over the entire 24-hour period were not large. There was a large nocturnal acidification in both CO2 treatments and insignificant differences in leaf chlorophyll content. Well watered plants maintained water potentials of -0.3 to -0.4 megapascals. When other plants were allowed to dry to water potentials of -1.2 to-1.7 megapascals, stomatal conductance and CO2 uptake rates were reduced in magnitude, with the biggest difference in Phase IV photosynthesis. The minor nocturnal response to CO2 concentration by this species is interpreted to indicate saturated, or nearly saturated, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity at current atmospheric CO2 concentrations. CO2-enhanced diurnal activity of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity remains a possibility. Agave vilmoriniana KEYWORDS: CAM, CONDUCTANCE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, WATER STRESS 714 Telewski, F.W., and B.R. Strain. 1987. Densitometric and Ring Width Analysis of 3-year-old Pinus taeda L. and Liquidambar styraciflua L. Grown under Three Levels of CO2 and Two Water Regimes. IN: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ecological Aspects of Tree-ring Analysis, DOE Conf-8608144 (G.C. Jacoby Jr. and J.W. Hornbeck, eds.), NTIS, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia. Trees of Pinus taeda and Liquidambar styraciflua were grown from seed and treated for three years at 350, 500 and 650 ppm CO2. Water stress was applied to one half of the plants in years 2 and 3. The twelve treatment groups were harvested and measurements were made on total stem diameter, ring width and wood density. In all treatment groups, increased CO2 increased stem diameter. Individual ring widths also increased with increase in CO2, the trend being clearer in Liquidambar styraciflua. There is no change in latewood density of L. styraciflua with CO2 treatment. There was an apparent increase in latewood density in water stressed saplings compared with non-stressed saplings which is independent of CO2 treatment. An apparent increase in latewood density was observed in P. taeda, especially in the last growth ring. Because of the great increase in individual ring widths in L. styraciflua the total ring biomass (integral density) increases with CO2 treatment in well watered trees but decreases with drought. A similar trend was observed in the integral density in P. taeda. No significant changes were observed in average density between any treatment group for either species. It is suggested that, at least for 3 year old saplings, ring width and integral density (a measure which includes ring width) are more sensitive indicators of increased CO2 under both drought and non-drought conditions than latewood maximum density or average ring density. Pinus taeda/loblolly pine/Liquidambar styraciflua/sweetgum KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, TREE-RING ANALYSIS, TREES, X-RAY DENSITOMETRY 715 Teramura, A.H., J.H. Sullivan, and L.H. Ziska. 1990. Interaction of Elevated Ultraviolet-B Radiation and CO2 on Productivity and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Wheat, Rice, and Soybean. Plant Physiology 94:470-475. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Bannock), rice (Oryza sativa L. cv IR-36, and soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr cv Essex) were grown in a factorial greenhouse experiment to determine if CO2-induced increases in photosynthesis, biomass, and yield are modified by increases in ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation corresponding to stratospheric ozone depletion. The experimental conditions simulated were: (a) an increase in CO2 concentration from 350 to 650 microliters per liter; (b) an increase in UV-B radiation corresponding to a 10% ozone depletion at the equator; and (c) a and b in combination. Seed yield and total biomass increased significantly with elevated CO2 in all three species when compared to the control. However, with concurrent increases in UV-B and CO2, no increase in either seed yield (wheat and rice) or total biomass (rice) was observed with respect to the control. In contrast, CO2-induced increases in seed yield and total plant biomass were maintained or increased in soybean within the elevated CO2, UV-B environment. Whole leaf gas exchange indicated a significant increase in photosynthesis, apparent quantum efficiency (AQE) and water-use-efficiency (WUE) with elevated CO2 in all 3 species. Including elevated UV-B radiation with high CO2 eliminated the effect of high CO2 on photosynthesis and WUE in rice and the increase in AQE associated with high CO2 in all species. Elevated CO2 did not change the apparent carboxylation efficiency (ACE) in the three species although the combination of elevated CO2 and UV-B reduced ACE in wheat and rice. The results of this experiment illustrate that increased UV-B radiation may modify CO2-induced increases in biomass, seed yield and photosynthetic parameters and suggest that available data may not adequately characterize the potential effect of future, simultaneous changes in CO2 concentration and UV-B radiation. wheat/Triticum aestivum/rice/Oryza sativa/soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CARBOXYLATION EFFICIENCY, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, QUANTUM REQUIREMENT, UV-B RADIATION, WUE, YIELD 716 Thomas, R.B. 1987. Responses of Two Summer Annuals to Interactions of Atmospheric Carbon-dioxide and Soil Nitrogen. Doctoral Dissertation, Clemson University, Dissertation Abstracts Vol.49:05-B, p.1508 (187 pp.). An increase in atmospheric CO2 is likely to have profound effects on ecosystems. Responses by plant species to elevated CO2 might depend on factors such as the species' photosynthetic pathway. Increased competitiveness of C3 species relative to C4 species can be anticipated in response to CO2 enrichment due to enhanced carboxylation rates, but when soil nitrogen is limiting, C3 plants may be unable to increase carboxylation rates due to enzyme deficiency. The competitive relationship between Chenopodium album L. (C3) and Amaranthus hybridus L. (C4) was investigated in two atmospheric CO2 levels (350 and 600 uL/L) and two soil nitrogen levels (1 and 15 mM NH4NO3). Biomass and leaf surface area of Amaranthus plants did not respond to CO2 enrichment. Only in high nitrogen did Chenopodium plants respond to increased CO2 with greater biomass and leaf surface area. Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) was higher in Amaranthus than in Chenopodium in all treatments except for the high-nitrogen and high-CO2 treatment. Under conditions of high nitrogen and low CO2, Chenopodium was a poor competitor, but competition favored Chenopodium in high nitrogen and high CO2. In low nitrogen and high CO2, competition favored Chenopodium on a dry weight basis, but favored Amaranthus on a seed weight basis, reflecting early senescence of Chenopodium. In low nitrogen and high CO2, competition favored Amaranthus on a dry weight basis, but favored Chenopodium on a seed weight basis. Physiological aspects of the growth of Chenopodium and Amaranthus were studied. Acclimation to elevated CO2 occurred at the enzyme level in Chenopodium. Under conditions of high nitrogen and no competition, individual Chenopodium plants responded to elevated CO2 with greater biomass, leaf surface area, and maximum net photosynthetic rates. In high nitrogen, leaf nitrogen, soluble protein, and RuBP carboxylase activity of Chenopodium decreased and NUE increased when grown in elevated CO2. In low nitrogen without competition, Chenopodium showed no significant response to CO2 enrichment. Amaranthus grown in high CO2 and low nitrogen without competition showed no significant changes in leaf nitrogen, soluble protein, carboxylase activity, chlorophyll, or NUE in response to CO2 enrichment. Future shifts in competitive relationships between C3 and C4 plants will not only be influenced by increasing atmospheric CO2, but will be modified by other environmental factors including availability of nitrogen. Chenopodium album/lambsquarters/Amaranthus hybridus/pigweed KEYWORDS: GROWTH, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, OUTDOOR GROWTH CHAMBERS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, PIGMENTS, PROTEINS, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SPECIES COMPETITION 717 Thomas, R.B., D.D. Richter, H. Ye, P.R. Heine, and B.R. Strain. 1991. Nitrogen Dynamics and Growth of Seedlings of an N-fixing Tree (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.) Exposed to Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Oecologia 88:415-421. Seeds of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp., a tree native to seasonal tropical forests of Central America, were inoculated with N-fixing Rhizobium bacteria and grown in growth chambers for 71 days to investigate interactive effects of atmospheric CO2 and plant N status on early seedling growth, nodulation, and N accretion. Seedlings were grown with CO2 partial pressures of 350 and 650 ubars (current ambient and a predicted partial pressure of the mid-21st century) and with plus N or minus N nutrient solutions to control soil N status. Of particular interest was seedling response to CO2 when grown without available soil N, a condition in which seedlings initially experienced severe N deficiency because bacterial N-fixation was the sole source of N. Biomass of leaves, stems, and roots increased significantly with CO2 enrichment (by 32%, 15% and 26%, respectively) provided seedlings were supplied with N fertilizer. Leaf biomass of N-deficient seedlings was increased 50% by CO2 enrichment but there was little indication that photosynthate translocation from leaves to roots or that plant N (fixed by Rhizobium) was altered by elevated CO2. In seedlings supplied with soil N, elevated CO2 increased average nodule weight, total nodule weight per plant, and the amount of leaf nitrogen provided by N-fixation (as indicated by leaf delta 15N). While CO2 enrichment reduced the N concentration of some plant tissues, whole plant N accretion increased. Results support the contention that increasing atmospheric CO2 partial pressures will enhance productivity and N-fixing activity of N-fixing tree seedlings, but that the magnitude of early seedling response to CO2 will depend greatly on plant and soil nutrient status. Gliricidia sepium KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, NITROGEN FIXATION, NODULATION, RHIZOBIUM, TREES, TROPICAL PLANTS 718 Thomas, R.B., and B.R. Strain. 1991. Root Restriction as a Factor in Photosynthetic Acclimation of Cotton Seedlings Grown in Elevated Carbon Dioxide. Plant Physiology 96:627-634. Interactive effects of root restriction and atmospheric CO2 enrichment on plant growth, photosynthetic capacity, and carbohydrate partitioning were studied in cotton seedlings (Gossypium hirsutum L.) grown for 28 days in three atmospheric CO2 partial pressures (270, 350, and 650 microbars) and two pot sizes (0.38 and 1.75 liters). Some plants were transplanted from small pots into large pots after 20 days. Reduction of root biomass resulting from growth in small pots was accompanied by decreased shoot biomass and leaf area. When root growth was less restricted, plants exposed to higher CO2 partial pressures produced more shoot and root biomass than plants exposed to lower levels of CO2. In small pots, whole plant biomass and leaf area of plants grown in 270 and 350 microbars of CO2 were not significantly different. Plants grown in small pots in 650 microbars of CO2 produced greater total biomass than plants grown in 350 microbars, but the dry weight gain was found to be primarily an accumulation of leaf starch. Reduced photosynthetic capacity of plants grown at elevated levels of CO2 was clearly associated with inadequate rooting volume. Reductions in net photosynthesis were not associated with decreased stomatal conductance. Reduced carboxylation efficiency in response to CO2 enrichment occurred only when root growth was restricted suggesting that ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity may be responsive to plant source-sink balance rather than to CO2 concentration as a single factor. When root-restricted plants were transplanted into large pots, carboxylation efficiency and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration capacity increased indicating that acclimation of photosynthesis was reversible. Reductions in photosynthetic capacity as root growth was progressively restricted suggest sink-limited feedback inhibition as a possible mechanism for regulating net photosynthesis of plants grown in elevated CO2. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CARBOXYLATION EFFICIENCY, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, PARTITIONING, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, PHOTOSYNTHETIC FEEDBACK INHIBITION, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, ROOT RESTRICTION, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE 719 Thompson, G.B. 1990. The Influence of CO2 Enrichment on the Growth, Nitrogen Concentration, and Mildew Infection of Cereals. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Cambridge. KEYWORDS: GRASSES, NITROGEN 720 Thornley, J.H.M., D. Fowler, and G.R. Cannell. 1991. Terrestrial Carbon Storage Resulting from CO2 and Nitrogen Fertilization in Temperate Grasslands. Plant, Cell and Environment 14:1007-1011. A temperate grassland model has been used to simulate carbon sequestration under various environmental conditions. The results suggest that the CO2 and nitrogen fertilization that has occurred may contribute appreciably to the so-called missing carbon sink, which it has been suggested must exist to balance the global carbon budget. KEYWORDS: CARBON BUDGET, CARBON SEQUESTERING, LITTER DECOMPOSITION, MODELING, NITROGEN, SIMULATION, TEMPERATURE 721 Tissue, D.T., and W.C. Oechel. 1987. Response of Eriophorum vaginatum to Elevated CO2 and Temperature in the Alaskan Tussock Tundra. Ecology 68:401-410. Small greenhouses were used in the arctic to maintain Eriophorum vaginatum-dominated tussock tundra for 10 wk at ambient CO2 (340 uL/L), elevated CO2 (510 or 680 uL/L), or elevated CO2 and 4C above ambient temperature (680 uL/L, ambient + 4C). These treatments represent present levels of atmospheric CO2 and temperature, and those predicted for the next century. Within 3 wk, plants maintained at elevated CO2 exhibited a physiological adjustment of their photosynthetic rate so that plants grown at ambient and elevated CO2 levels had similar photosynthetic rates at their respective growth CO2 concentrations. The reduction in photosynthetic capacity for plants grown at elevated CO2 levels did not appear to be due to stomatal closure or end-product inhibition. Other possible mechanisms were not explored. Transpiration rates and water use efficiency did not differ among treatments in the generally wet environment of tussock tundra. Relative leaf growth rate and the seasonal pattern of growth were also unaltered, suggesting that the growth of mature tillers is not, under normal ambient conditions, limited by temperature or carbohydrate. However, new tiller production was significantly increased at elevated CO2, suggesting that the long-term effect of CO2 enhancement in this sedge may be the production of a greater number of new tillers rather than an increase in the size or productivity of existing tillers. Our results are consistent with the notion that growth of Eriophorum vaginatum in the field is more limited by nutrient supply than by photosynthesis. We further suggest that photosynthetic rates reflect the sink activity. It is therefore very difficult to assign cause and effect between growth rates and photosynthetic rates. Eriophorum vaginatum KEYWORDS: LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, SOURCE-SINK BALANCE, TEMPERATURE, TRACKING CHAMBERS, TUNDRA, WUE 722 Titus, J.E., R.S. Feldman, and D. Grise. 1990. Submerged Macrophyte Growth at Low pH. I. CO2 Enrichment Effects with Fertile Sediment. Oecologia 84:307-313. Vallisneria americana was grown for six weeks in a greenhouse on relatively fertile sediment to test for factors other than nutrient limitation which may slow growth of this submersed macrophyte at pH 5. On the basis of dry mass accumulated, (1) low pH significantly depressed Vallisneria growth at constant free CO2 levels; (2) free CO2 enrichment, however, greatly stimulated Vallisneria growth at pH 5, by 2.8-fold and 10-fold at 3.2 times and 10 times air-equilibrated CO2 levels, respectively; and (3) growth was greater by far at pH 5 than at higher pH with constant total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). Free CO2 availability was thus an important controller of growth at low pH by Vallisneria americana on fertile sediment, and low pH was not directly deleterious. Field surveys of acidic lakes in the Adirondack Mountains of New York state revealed that DIC levels in low pH lakes were often well above equilibrium values and could potentially support vigorous macrophyte growth. Aluminum and/or iron toxicity did not appear to impair growth at low pH, and aluminum concentrations in Vallisneria shoots significantly decreased with increasing free CO2 concentrations at pH 5.0, perhaps due to growth dilution. Rosette production (a measure of asexual reproduction), maximum leaf length, and extent of flowering within treatments were positively correlated with plant biomass, rather than with pH or free CO2 levels per se. Vallisneria americana KEYWORDS: ALUMINUM, AQUATIC PLANTS, FLOWERING, IRON, NUTRITION, PH, VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION 723 Tremblay, N., S. Yelle, and A. Gosselin. 1987. Effects of CO2 Enrichment, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization on Growth and Yield of Celery Transplants. HortScience 22:875-876. Celery transplants (Apium graveolens L. cv. Florida 683) were fertilized with complete nutrient solutions at three N concentrations and three concentrations of P in a factorial combination, both with or without atmospheric CO2 enrichment. They then were planted on a muck soil and harvested at the end of July. Carbon dioxide enrichment increased the transplant leaf area as well as shoot and root dry weight and decreased the leaf area ratio (LAR), but had no significant effect on growth parameters at harvest. Nitrogen affected leaf area, dry weight, leaf area ratio, and dry mater content of transplant shoots together with root:shoot dry weight ratio. Total, marketable, and side shoot weights at harvest were significantly increased by the intermediate N concentration (400 ppm N) provided during transplant raising. Phosphorus had no effect on transplant growth but interacted with N on the weight of marketable shoots harvested. celery/Apium graveolens KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, YIELD 724 Tremblay, N., S. Yelle, and A. Gosselin. 1988. Effects of CO2 Enrichment, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization during the Nursery Period on Mineral Composition of Celery. Journal of Plant Nutrition 11:37-49. This experiment aimed at determining the effects of pretransplanting nutritional conditioning (PNC) on celery elemental composition at planting and harvest time. Celery seedlings (Apium graveolens L. cv. Florida 683) were fertilized with complete nutrient solutions at 3 concentrations of urea nitrogen and 3 concentrations of phosphorus in factorial combination, both with or without atmospheric CO2 enrichment. They were then planted in a muck soil and harvested at the end of July. CO2 enrichment decreased N, P, K, Mg and B concentrations in seedling shoot. It reduced N and K and increased Mg, but had no effect on P, Ca and B concentrations in roots. Nitrogen fertilization increased N concentration in shoot and roots but decreased P, K and Ca concentration in roots. The low urea-N level resulted in low shoot P concentration. Phosphorus fertilization increased P concentration in seedling shoot and roots but depressed K in shoot. Maximum Ca and Mg concentrations in shoot were measured at low P fertilization. At harvest, shoot N concentration was found to have increased linearly with the P fertilization rate provided during seedling preparation. Therefore, PNC can modify the nutritional status of celery plants not only at planting time but also for the entire growing season. celery/Apium graveolens KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, BORON, CALCIUM, GREENHOUSE, MAGNESIUM, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM 725 Tripp, K.E., W.K. Kroen, M.M. Peet, and D.H. Willits. 1992. Fewer Whiteflies Found on CO2-enriched Greenhouse Tomatoes with High C:N Ratios. HortScience 27:1079-1080. Eight tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cultivars were grown for 16 weeks in greenhouses enriched for an average of 8.1 hours daily to 1000 uL CO2/L of air or in greenhouses maintained at ambient CO2. Carbon dioxide enrichment significantly decreased the mean number of greenhouse whiteflies [Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westward), Homoptera: Aleyrodidae] as measured by counts from commercial yellow sticky traps. The number of whiteflies present was negatively correlated with both seasonal foliar C:N ratio and percent C but positively correlated with percent N in the foliage. Thus, CO2 enrichment apparently alters plant composition in such a way as to reduce significantly the population growth of greenhouse whiteflies. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, GREENHOUSE, HERBIVORY, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, INSECTS, TRIALEURODES VAPORARIORUM, WHITEFLIES 726 Tripp, K.E., M.M. Peet, D.M. Pharr, D.H. Willits, and P.V. Nelson. 1991. CO2-enhanced Yield and Foliar Deformation among Tomato Genotypes in Elevated CO2 Environments. Plant Physiology 96:713-719. Yield increases observed among eight genotypes of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) grown at ambient CO2 (about 350) or 1000 microliters per liter CO2 were not due to carbon exchange rate increases. Yield varied among genotypes while carbon exchange rate did not. Yield increases were due to a change in partitioning from root to fruit. Tomatoes grown with CO2 enrichment exhibited nonepinastic foliar deformation similar to nutrient deficiency symptoms. Foliar deformation varied among genotypes, increased throughout the season, and became most severe at elevated CO2. Foliar deformation was positively related to fruit yield. Foliage from the lower canopy was sampled throughout the growing season and analysed for starch, K, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Mn concentrations. Foliar K and Mn concentrations were the only elements correlated with deformation severity. Foliar K decreased while deformation increased. In another study, foliage of half the plants of one genotype received foliar applications of 7 millimolar KH2PO4. Untreated foliage showed significantly greater deformation than treated foliage. Reduced foliar K concentration may cause CO2-enhanced foliar deformation. Reduced K may occur following decreased nutrient uptake resulting from reduced root mass due to the change in partitioning from root to fruit. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CALCIUM, CARBOHYDRATES, FAMILY RESPONSES, FOLIAR DEFORMATION, GREENHOUSE, IRON, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, REPRODUCTION, YIELD 727 Tripp, K.E., M.M. Peet, D.H. Willits, and D.M. Pharr. 1991. CO2-enhanced Foliar Deformation of Tomato: Relationship to Foliar Starch Concentration. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 116:876-880. Two cultivars of greenhouse tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were grown with ambient or 1000 uL CO2/L during Jan.-June 1987 and 1988. In both years, CO2-enrichment increased foliar deformation and foliar starch, but during the season, foliar starch levels decreased while deformation increased. 'Laura' had more deformation, while 'Michigan-Ohio' had higher foliar starch concentration. During an entire season, there was no significant relationship between foliar starch concentration and deformation severity. Foliar C exchange rates in the lower canopy were not affected by severity of deformation. Data from these experiments do not support the hypothesis that excess foliar starch is responsible for foliar deformation at elevated CO2. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, FOLIAR DEFORMATION, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS 728 Troeng, E., and L. Ackzell. 1990. Effects of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on Bud Formation and Growth of Coniferous Seedlings. Acta Horticulturae 268:179-189. First-year seedlings of Pinus sylvestris, Pinus contorta and Picea abies were exposed to elevated (900 ppm or 1800 ppm) or ambient atmospheric carbon dioxide levels before or during budset. Total seedling biomass increased at high carbon dioxide concentrations, root dry weight increasing more than shoot dry weight. Formation of needle primordia in the bud was not influenced by carbon dioxide enrichment. Pinus contorta showed a high percentage Lammas growth when exposed to high carbon dioxide concentrations. For Picea abies, nutrient supply, temperature regimes and winter hardening were also studied in relation to carbon dioxide supply during bud formation. The number of needle primordia formed was strongly influenced by air temperature. Lack of nutrients during bud formation had a slightly negative effect on frost hardiness. Picea abies/Norway spruce/Pinus contorta/longleaf pine/Pinus sylvestris/Scots pine KEYWORDS: BUD FORMATION, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, TEMPERATURE, TREES 729 Tsuzuki, M., and S. Miyachi. 1991. CO2 Syndrome in Chlorella. Canadian Journal of Botany 69:1003-1007. Chlorella spp. KEYWORDS: ALGAE, AQUATIC PLANTS, CELL CULTURE, ENZYMES, PHOTOSYNTHESIS 730 Tsuzuki, M., E. Ohnuma, N. Sato, T. Takatu, and A. Kawaguchi. 1990. Effects of CO2 Concentration during Growth on Fatty Acid Composition in Microalgae. Plant Physiology 93:851-856. The degree of unsaturation of fatty acids was higher in Chlorella vulgaris 11h cells grown with air (low-CO2 cells) than in the cells grown with air enriched with 2% CO2 (high-CO2 cells). The change in the ratio of linoleic acid to alpha-linolenic acid was particularly significant. This change of the ratio was observed in four major lipids (monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, digalactosyldiacylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine). The relative contents of lipid classes were essentially the same both in high-CO2 and low-CO2 cells. After high-CO2 cells were transferred to low CO2 condition, total amount of fatty acids remained constant but the relative content of alpha-linolenic acid increased during a 6-hour lag phase in growth with concomitant decreases in linoleic and oleic acids. When low-CO2 cells were transferred to high CO2 condition, total amount of fatty acids and relative content of oleic acid increased significantly. The amount of alpha-linolenic acid remained almost constant, while the amounts of palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids increased. Similar, but smaller, changes in fatty acid compositions were observed in two species of green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Dunaliella tertiolecta. However, no difference was found in Euglena gracilis, Porphyridium cruentum, Anabaena variabilis, and Anacystis nidulans. Chlorella vulgaris/Dunaliella tertiolecta/Anacystis nidulans/Chlamydomonas reinhardtii/Euglena gracilis/Porphyridium cruentum KEYWORDS: ALGAE, AQUATIC PLANTS, CELL CULTURE, FATTY ACIDS 731 Tyree, M.T., and J.D. Alexander. 1993. Plant Water Relations and the Effects of Elevated CO2: A Review and Suggestions for Future Research. Vegetatio 104/105:47-62. Increased ambient carbon dioxide (CO2) has been found to ameliorate water stress in the majority of species studied. The results of many studies indicate that lower evaporative flux density is associated with high CO2-induced stomatal closure. As a result of decreases in evaporative flux density and increases in net photosynthesis, also found to occur in high CO2 environments, plants have often been shown to maintain higher water use efficiencies when grown at high CO2 than when grown in normal, ambient air. Plants grown at high CO2 have also been found to maintain higher total water potentials, to increase biomass production, have larger root-to-shoot ratios, and to be generally more drought resistant (through avoidance mechanisms) than those grown at ambient CO2 levels. High CO2-induced changes in plant structure (i.e., vessel or tracheid anatomy, leaf specific conductivity) may be associated with changes in vulnerability to xylem cavitation or in environmental conditions in which runaway embolism is likely to occur. Further study is needed to resolve these important issues. Methodology and other CO2 effects on plant water relations are discussed. KEYWORDS: REVIEW, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, WATER STATUS, WATER STRESS, WUE 732 Van Berkel, N. 1986. CO2 Enrichment in the Netherlands. IN: Status and CO2 Sources, Vol. I (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 17-33. KEYWORDS: CO2 SOURCES, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, PHYSIOLOGICAL CO2 RESPONSES, REVIEW 733 van de Geijn, S.C., and J.A. van Veen. 1993. Implications of Increased Carbon Dioxide Levels for Carbon Input and Turnover in Soils. Vegetatio 104/105:283-292. The complexity of the plant-soil system in its interactions with the changing climate is discussed. It is shown that processes at the level of organic matter inputs into the soil and the fluxes and pools involved in the global cycle are not known in sufficient detail to allow an estimation of the future quantitative shifts. Even the direction in which the level of stored carbon in the soil organic matter pool will develop is not clear. The importance of the nitrogen cycle, which is intimately coupled to the carbon cycle through the turnover of soil organic matter is underlined. In its turn, the mineralisation of soil organic matter takes place at a rate which is highly dependent on the nature of inputs and the availability of mineral nutrients. Aspects of shifts in temperature, changes in cultivation practices (reduced tillage) and unintended spreading of inputs in chemical N-fertilizers are of great importance at a regional and global scale. The complexity of the interactions in the process of mineralisation do require further studies to clarify the point whether a substantial and durable additional storage of carbon in soil organic matter is likely, or that shifts in temperature will cause an overriding acceleration of the mineralisation, and trigger corresponding net release of carbon. KEYWORDS: CARBON IN SOILS, CARBON SEQUESTERING, CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, CLIMATE CHANGE, LITTER DECOMPOSITION, LITTER QUALITY, MINERALIZATION, NITROGEN, REVIEW, RHIZOSPHERE, SOIL MICROORGANISMS 734 van de Staaij, J.W.M., G.M. Lenssen, M. Stroetenga, and J. Rozema. 1993. The Combined Effects of Elevated CO2 Levels and UV-B Radiation on Growth Characteristics of Elymus athericus (= E. pycnanathus). Vegetatio 104/105:433-439. Elymus athericus (Link) Kerguelen, a C3 grass, was grown in a greenhouse experiment to determine the effect of enhanced atmospheric CO2 and elevated UV-B radiation levels on plant growth. Plants were subjected to the following treatments: a) ambient CO2-control UV-B, b) ambient CO2-elevated UV-B, c) double CO2-control UV-B, d) double CO2-elevate UV-B. Elevated CO2 concentrations stimulated plant growth, biomass production was 67% higher than at ambient CO2. Elevated UV-B radiation had a negative effect on growth, biomass production was depressed by 31%. Enhanced CO2 combined with elevated UV-B levels caused a biomass depression of 8% when compared with the control plants. UV-B induced growth depression can be modified by a growth stimulus caused by high CO2 concentrations. Growth analysis has been performed and possible physiological mechanisms behind changing growth parameters are discussed. Elymus athericus KEYWORDS: GRASSES, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, UV-B RADIATION 735 van Keulen, H. 1990. The Impact of the Greenhouse Effect on Factors Limiting Primary Production. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 62-63. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, RESPIRATION, REVIEW, TEMPERATURE, WUE 736 van Kraalingen, D.W.G. 1990. Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Nutrient-deficient Plants. IN: The Greenhouse Effect and Primary Productivity in European Agro-ecosystems; 5-10 April 1990; Wageningen, The Netherlands (J. Goudriaan, H. van Keulen, and H.H. van Laar, eds.), Pudoc, Wageningen, pp. 42-45. Triticum aestivum/wheat/barley/Hordeum vulgare KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, GREENHOUSE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, YIELD 737 Van Oosten, J.-J., D. Afif, and P. Dizengremel. 1992. Long-term Effects of a CO2 Enriched Atmosphere on Enzymes of the Primary Carbon Metabolism of Spruce Trees. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 30:541-547. The long-term effects of an enriched CO2 atmosphere on the primary carbon metabolism of 4-year-old spruce trees (Picea abies L. Karst) were examined. Eight key enzymes were studied in 1-year-old needles of trees submitted for two years in open-top chambers to three CO2 levels (350, 480 and 570 ppmV). The specific activity and quantity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO, EC, and the specific activities of photorespiratory enzymes, glycolate oxidase (EC and hydroxypyruvate reductase (HPR, EC showed a significant decrease in the CO2-enriched atmospheres. By contrast, a net increase was found for the specific activities of the mitochondrial enzymes, NAD-malic enzyme (NAD-ME, EC and especially fumarase (EC The specific activity of phosphofructophosphotransferase (PFP, EC, a glycolytic enzyme, did not change while a slight decrease of the activity of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH, EC, a pentose phosphate pathway enzyme, was observed. The carboxylating enzyme, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC, EC showed a marked decrease in activity. These results clearly demonstrate both increases in enzyme activities linked to the respiratory process and decreases in activites of CO-fixing enzymes as a result of long-term exposure to less than twice the ambient level of CO2. Norway spruce/Picea abies KEYWORDS: ENZYMES, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE, RESPIRATION, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, TREES 738 Van Oosten, J.-J., E. Laitat, P. Dizengremel, and D. Gerant. 1992. The Effects of CO2 Enrichment on the Biochemistry of Photosynthesis and Photorespiration of Spruce Trees Cultivated in Open-top Chambers. IN: Responses of Forest Ecosystems to Environmental Changes (A. Teller, P. Mathy, and J.N.R. Jeffers, eds.), Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp. 655-656. Picea abies/Norway spruce KEYWORDS: ENZYMES, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, RESPIRATION, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, TREES 739 van Veen, J.A., E. Liljeroth, L.J.A. Lekkerkerk, and S.C. van de Geijn. 1991. Carbon Fluxes in Plant-soil Systems at Elevated CO2 Levels. Ecological Applications 1:175-181. The flow of carbon from photosynthesizing tissues of higher plants, through the roots and into the soil is one of the key processes in terrestrial ecosystems. An increased level of CO2 in the atmosphere will likely result in an increased input of organic carbon into the soil due to the expected increase in primary production. Whether this will lead to accumulation of greater amounts of organic carbon in soil depends on the flow of carbon through the plant into the soil and its subsequent transformation in the soil by microorganisms. In this paper the major controls of carbon translocation via roots into the soil as well as the subsequent microbial turnover of root-derived carbon are reviewed. We discuss possible consequences of an increased CO2 level in the atmosphere on these processes. KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, LITTER DECOMPOSITION, MODELING, MYCORRHIZAE, NUTRITION, REVIEW, RHIZOSPHERE, ROOT EXUDATION, ROOTS, SOIL MICROORGANISMS 740 Vassey, T.L., W.P. Quick, T.D. Sharkey, and M. Stitt. 1991. Water Stress, Carbon Dioxide, and Light Effects on Sucrose-phosphate synthase Activity in Phaseolus vulgaris. Physiologia Plantarum 81:37-44. The characteristics of sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS; EC activity in leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Linden was studied in plants subjected to water stress and various CO2 and light treatments. When water was withheld for 3 days causing mild water stress (-0.9 MPa), the activity of SPS measured in crude extracts was reduced ca 50%. The effect of water stress was most evident when the enzyme was assayed with saturating amounts of its substrates fructose-6-phosphate and UDP glucose. Placing a water-stressed plant in an atmosphere containing 1% CO2 reversed the effect of water stress on SPS activity over 5 h even though the water stress was not relieved. Holding unstressed leaves in low CO2 partial pressure reduced the extractable activity of SPS. After 1 h of low CO2 treatment the effect of low CO2 could be reversed by 20 min of 5% CO2. However, after 24 h of low CO2 treatment, less SPS activity was recovered by the 20 min. treatment. The cytosolic protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide prevented the slow recovery of SPS activity, but did not affect the rapid recovery of SPS. We conclude that the effect of water stress on SPS activity was a consequence of the inhibition of photosynthesis caused by stomatal closure. Responses of Phaseolus vulgaris SPS to light were similar to the response to low CO2 in that the effects were most pronounced under Vmax assay conditions. This is the first report of this type of light response of SPS in a dicotyledonous species. Phaseolus vulgaris/bean KEYWORDS: ENZYMES, LIGHT, SUCROSEPHOSPHATE SYNTHASE, WATER STRESS 741 Vessey, J.K., L.T. Henry, and C.D. Raper Jr. 1990. Nitrogen Nutrition and Temporal Effects of Enhanced Carbon Dioxide on Soybean Growth. Crop Science 30:287-294. Plants grown on porous media at elevated CO2 levels generally have low concentrations of tissue N and often appear to require increased levels of external N to maximize growth response. This study determines if soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. 'Ransom'] grown hydroponically at elevated CO2 requires increases in external NO3(-) concentrations beyond levels that are optimal at ambient CO2 to maintain tissue N concentrations and maximize the growth response. This study also investigates temporal influences of elevated CO2 on growth responses by soybean. Plants were grown vegetatively for 34 d in hydroponic culture at atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 400, 675, and 900 uL/L and during the final 18 d at NO3(-) concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 mM in the culture solution. At 675 and 900 uL/L CO2, plants had maximum increases of 31 and 45% in dry weight during the experimental period. Plant growth at 900 uL/L CO2 was stimulated earlier than at 650 uL/L. During the final 18 d of the experiment, the relative growth rates (RGR) of plants grown at elevated CO2 declined. Elevated CO2 caused increases in total N and total NO3(-)-N content and leaf area but not leaf number. Enhancing CO2 levels also caused a decrease in root:shoot ratios. Stomatal resistance increased by 2.1- and 2.8-fold for plants at the 675 and 900 uL/L CO2, respectively. Nitrate level in the culture solutions had no effect on growth or on C:N ratios of tissues, nor did increases in CO2 levels cause a decrease in N concentration of plant tissues. Hence, increases in NO3(-) concentration of the hydroponic solution were not necessary to maintain the N status of the plants or to maximize the growth response to elevated CO2. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, HYDROPONIC CULTURE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, RHIZOSPHERE, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO 742 Vu, J.C.V., L.H. Allen Jr., and G. Bowes. 1987. Drought Stress and Elevated CO2 Effects on Soybean Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase Activity and Canopy Photosynthetic Rates. Plant Physiology 83:573-578. Soybean (Glycine max [L.] cv Bragg) was grown at 330 or 660 microliters CO2 per liter in outdoor, controlled environment chambers. When the plants were 50 days old, drought stress was imposed by gradually reducing irrigation each evening so that plants wilted earlier each succeeding day. On the ninth day, as the pots ran out of water CO2 exchange rate (CER) decreased rapidly to near zero for the remainder of the day. Both CO2-enrichment and drought stress reduced the total (HCO3(-)/Mg(++)-activated) extractable ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) activity, as expressed on a chlorophyll basis. In addition, drought stress when canopy CER values and leaf water potentials were lowest, reduced the initial (nonactivated) RuBPCase activity by 50% compared to the corresponding unstressed treatments. This suggests that moderate to severe drought stress reduces the in vivo activation state of RuBPCase, as well as lowers the total activity. It is hypothesized that stromal acidification under drought stress causes the lowered initial RuBPCase activities. The Km(CO2) values of activated RuBPCase from stressed and unstressed plants were similar; 15.0 and 12.6 micromolar, respectively. RuBP levels were 10 to 30% lower in drought stressed as compared to unstressed treatments. However, RuBP levels increased from near zero at night to around 150 to 200 nanomoles per milligram chlorophyll during the day, even as water potentials and canopy CERs decreased. This suggests that the rapid decline in canopy CER cannot be attributed to drought stress induced limitations in the RuBP regeneration capability. Thus, in soybean leaves, a nonstomatal limitation of leaf photosynthesis under drought stress conditions appears due, in part, to a reduction of the in vivo activity of RuBPCase. Because initial RuBPCase activities were not reduced as much as canopy CER values, this enzymic effect does not explain entirely the response of soybean photosynthesis to drought. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, RIBULOSE 1,5-BISPHOSPHATE, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SPAR UNITS, WATER STATUS, WATER STRESS 743 Vu, J.C.V., L.H. Allen Jr., and G. Bowes. 1989. Leaf Ultrastructure, Carbohydrates and Protein of Soybeans Grown under CO2 Enrichment. Environmental and Experimental Botany 29:141-147. Soybeans (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Bragg) grown under 800 uL CO2 per liter showed increases of 37, 205, 108, 33, 22 and 31% in specific leaf weight, starch, sucrose, reducing sugars, chlorophyll and soluble protein, respectively, over control plants at 330 uL CO2 per liter. CO2 enrichment caused an increase in leaf thickness, due to an increased number of palisade cells, but no major alterations in chloroplast ultrastructure. The extra starch formed under CO2 enrichment was distributed as slightly larger starch grains among more and larger chloroplasts and more mesophyll cells, rather than as more starch grains per chloroplast. The Km(CO2) of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase was unchanged by growth at high CO2, similarly there was little effect on the activity of this enzyme. The increase in starch storage sites, together with the maintenance of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity, enable soybeans to continue to exhibit high photosynthetic rates throughout the growth period. soybean/Glycine max KEYWORDS: ANATOMY, CARBOHYDRATES, PIGMENTS, PROTEINS, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, SPAR UNITS 744 Vugts, H.F. 1993. The Need for Micrometeorological Research of the Response of the Energy Balance of Vegetated Surfaces to CO2 Enrichment. Vegetatio 104/105:321-328. A Penman-Monteith equation has been use to evaluate a change in canopy resistance on the evapotranspiration of a savannah and agricultural area in Botswana. After a short introduction, some problems concerning the K-theory of 'first order closure' are indicated when one uses it for transport modelling within and above a canopy. The Penman-Monteith equation was used to calculate the canopy resistance for a savannah vegetation and sorghum under the same environmental conditions. After that, by changing the stomatal resistance due to an increase of the CO2 content, the change in the evapotranspiration was estimated. Finally some recommendations for future research are given and an outline of a proposed FACE experiment is presented. KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, MODELING 745 Wallick, K., and T.M. Zinnen. 1990. Basil Chlorosis: a Physiological Disorder in CO2-enriched Atmospheres. Plant Disease 74:171-173. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) grown commercially in a hydroponic facility under high-pressure sodium lights in a CO2-enriched atmosphere developed a distinct interveinal chlorosis. Attempts to transmit the disease mechanically or by grafting to unaffected, greenhouse-grown basil and certain other plant species failed. Affected basil that was transferred from the hydroponic facility to a greenhouse and grown in potting mix produced new, chlorosis-free leaves. Under experimental conditions, basil became chlorotic in 1,000 ppm CO2, but not when in ambient CO2. This was true whether the basil was grown hydroponically or in pots, or under fluorescent or high-pressure sodium lights. Electron microscopy revealed no detectable pathogens, but large starch grains were observed in chloroplasts of chlorotic leaves. Elevated CO2 concentrations apparently induced basil chlorosis. Ocimum basilicum/basil KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, HYDROPONIC CULTURE, PIGMENTS 746 Wang, Y.-P., R.M. Gifford, G.D. Farquhar, and S.C. Wong. 1991. Direct Effect of Elevated CO2 on Canopy Leaf Area Development of a Wheat Crop from Sowing to Anthesis. IN: Climatic Variation and Change: Implications for Agriculture in the Pacific Rim; 1989 June 20-28 and 1990 September 24-28; University of California, Davis, USA and University of Melbourne, Australia, The Public Service Research and Dissemination Program, University of California, Davis, USA; and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Melbourne, Australia, pp. 19-26. A simple model of wheat canopy leaf area development from sowing to anthesis was developed and tested. The model was used to analyse the sensitivity of canopy leaf area development to double present carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere at different temperature patterns, which were simulated by adding 0 to 3C to the controlled temperature pattern. It is concluded that the direct beneficial effect of elevated carbon dioxide (680 mmol/mol) will counterbalance the detrimental effect of a 3C rise in daily mean air temperature when a crop is grown under a condition of 680 mmol/mol carbon dioxide concentration without water stress and nutrient deficiency. Triticum aestivum/wheat KEYWORDS: GRASSES, GROWTH STAGES, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, MODELING, SIMULATION, TEMPERATURE 747 Ward, D.A. 1987. The Temperature Acclimation of Photosynthetic Responses to CO2 in Zea mays and Its Relationship to the Activities of Photosynthetic Enzymes and the CO2-concentrating Mechanism of C4 Photosynthesis. Plant, Cell and Environment 10:407-411. Associations between photosynthetic responses to CO2 at rate-saturating light and photosynthetic enzyme activities were compared for leaves of maize grown under constant air temperatures of 19, 25 and 31C. Key photosynthetic enzymes analysed were ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase, NADP-malic enzyme and pyruvate, Pi dikinase. Rates of CO2-saturated photosynthesis were similar in leaves developed at 19C and 25C but were decreased significantly by growth at 31C. In contrast, carboxylation efficiency differed significantly between all three temperature regimes. Carboxylation efficiency was greatest in leaves developed at 19C and decreased with increasing temperature during growth. The changes of carboxylation efficiency were highly correlated with changes in the activity of pyruvate, Pi dikinase (r=0.95), but not with other photosynthetic enzyme activities. The activities of these latter enzymes, including that of RuBP carboxylase, were relatively insensitive to temperature during growth. The sensitivity of quantum yield to O2 concentration was lower in leaves grown at 19C than in leaves grown at 31C. These observations support the novel hypothesis that variation in the capacity for CO2 delivery to the bundle sheath by the C4 cycle, relative to the capacity for net assimilation by the C3 cycle, can be a principal determinant of C4 photosynthetic response to CO2. Zea mays/corn KEYWORDS: C4, CARBOXYLATION EFFICIENCY, ENZYMES, PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE, QUANTUM REQUIREMENT, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE, TEMPERATURE 748 Warrick, R.A., R.M. Gifford, and M.L. Parry. 1986. CO2, Climatic Change and Agriculture. IN: The Greenhouse Effect, Climatic Change, and Ecosystems, Vol. 29 (B. Bolin, B.R. Doos, J. Jager, and R.A. Warrick, eds.), Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, England, pp. 393-473. A 'doubling' of ambient CO2 concentrations has a positive effect on growth and yield of major food and fibre crops. These may range from 10% to 50% for C3 plants to 1% to 10% for C4 plants. Globally, the potential benefits of CO2-enhanced yields might well be unevenly distributed because of the differences in where C3 and C4 crops are grown. The positive growth and yield response from elevated CO2 levels is obtained under most environmentally stressful as well as optimal conditions. Thus both the core and the margins of crop regions could benefit from increased CO2 relative to current yield levels. In relative terms, the growth and yield response is actually higher under some stressful environmental conditions, like moisture stress. In absolute terms, yield response to increased CO2 concentrations is greatest under good growing conditions. In many developing countries where soil nutrient shortage is a chronic problem, the full benefits of enhanced yields may not be realized, particularly if phosphorus is deficient. As yet, the regional patterns of climatic change cannot be forecast reliably. This presents the major obstacle to predicting actual crop yield and production impacts from climate change. However, in crop impact analyses, employing GCM-derived crop-climate models, a number of studies have found that, in the absence of managerial adjustments or direct CO2 effects: for the core areas of the North American and European mid-latitude grain regions, the probable effect of an instantaneous increase in average temperatures would be to decrease crop yields (3%-17% for 2C). The negative impact of higher temperature on grain yield derives from associated increases in evapotranspiration, and from accelerated rates of plant development and a shortening of the period of yield formation. Increases in precipitation would tend to offset the reduction in grain yield from warming; decreases in precipitation would accentuate them. The impacts of climate warming at the margins of production could be less than, greater than, or in the opposite direction from those observed at the core areas. Few systematic studies of the impacts of possible changes in climate have been conducted for the tropics and sub-tropics. At all latitudes, the potential for severest adverse (or most beneficial) impacts of climatic change on crops may, in fact, be located in the marginal areas, variously defined. The impacts of climatic change in marginal areas of agriculture might well be expected to elicit spatial shifts in crop areas or practices -- the concern of the 'marginal-spatial approach' to impact assessment. Shifts in crop boundaries could be on the order of hundreds of kilometres per C change. Spatial readjustment, of course, is only one way in which agriculture could respond to increasing CO2 and climatic change. Other response capability is internal to agriculture: feedback mechanisms can help to self-regulate the system to environmental change over time. The question, how much? is addressed by 'agricultural sector analyses'. One approach is to link models in a sequential fashion to identify, estimate and integrate the 'cascade' of impacts which may occur at the regional scale. At national and international scales, global models that focus on agricultural production, consumption and trade are one means of examining the interactions within the entire system. Based on limited applications, it can be suggested that: A large proportion of any potential adverse effects on yields and production as a result of gradual change in climate can be absorbed through policy and market feedback mechanisms. The disruption from single extreme years could cause over-reaction in the system with oscillating impacts in subsequent years. The impacts of climatic change on production in one region could be transferred to another over time through the network of global market and trade. The general lesson from agricultural sector analyses is that close attention needs to be paid to the dynamics of the system. Furthermore, the response of the system depends critically on the assumed rate of environmental change. (Abridged) KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURAL SECTOR ANALYSIS, AGRICULTURE, CLIMATE CHANGE, CROP IMPACT ANALYSIS, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, GCM'S, MARGINAL-SPATIAL ANALYSIS, MODELING, PHYSIOLOGICAL CO2 RESPONSES, REVIEW, SCALING, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 749 Warrick, R.A., H.H. Shugart, M.J. Antonovsky, J.R. Tarrant, and C.J. Tucker. 1986. The Effects of Increased CO2 and Climatic Change on Terrestrial Ecosystems. IN: The Greenhouse Effect, Climatic Change, and Ecosystems, Vol. 29 (B. Bolin, B.R. Doos, J. Jager, and R.A. Warrick, eds.), Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, England, pp. 363-392. There are no firm grounds for believing that the net effects of increased CO2 and climatic change will be adverse rather than beneficial. At the extreme, some assessments like the Global 2000 Report to the President (U.S. Council on Environmental Quality and Department of State, 1980) see future changes in climate coinciding with deteriorating conditions in agriculture, forests and other resources, and thus paint a very gloomy picture indeed. In contrast, Simon and Kahn (1984) examine the same issues and in a strongly optimistic tone, reach just the opposite conclusions. In fact, at a global scale the uncertainties that are involved in both sets of analyses are large enough to accommodate both views. If, in this (and subsequent) chapters, we tend to emphasize the potential negative impacts, it is only because those are the ones which are of most immediate concern to society and which the scientific community should hope to identify and predict. The list of possible adverse consequences of climate-related ecosystem changes is long and speculative, and the following represent a sample. Conservation. There are many natural parks and reserves that are refuges for rare and endangered plant and animal species. Often these parks occupy a relatively small area in a setting of non-park land. If an environmental change made such parks unsuitable as habitats for these species, it is uncertain whether alternative refuges could be found or whether it would even be possible to transport species to new sites. The risk of widespread extirpation of rare species (particularly those with local distributions) could be high as a result of climatic change. Forestry. Forestry as a predictive science used in a management context is highly dependent on data or local knowledge of forest response to specific management treatments. Under a sufficiently large change in climate, this local knowledge base would have to be used outside its calibration range and the consequences of management actions would be less certain. Related ecological processes. The global pattern of many of the ecological processes in natural systems could be altered if the climate changed. Insect pests, pathogenic organisms and wildfire frequencies could all change. While the prediction of such changes is highly uncertain, their potential impacts are quite large. Hydrological systems. The impact of climatic change on regional ecosystems (particularly forests) could alter the hydrological characteristics of watersheds. Decreases in transpiration rates from the direct effects of increased CO2 on vegetation might increase runoff, for instance, and enhance the effects of precipitation increases or offset the effects of precipitation decreases (Wigley and Jones, 1985). Changes in flooding and river flow rates could have pronounced effects on the rivers themselves, on the ecosystems adjoining the rivers, and on the various human activities that depend on reliable quantity and quality of water. If, on the other hand, the impacts of increased CO2, trace gases and climatic change on agriculture, forests and other ecosystems prove, on balance, favourable, all the better. In summary, this chapter has set the stage for a more detailed examination of the effects of increased CO2 and climatic change by outlining the major issues and dimensions of the problem in the global context, with an emphasis on agriculture and forest ecosystems. For both agriculture and forests the basic questions are similar: How would crop yields or crop types or forest composition be altered, particularly at the margins of production or at ecological transition zones? How might these effects, integrated over time and space, change global patterns of forests or agricultural production, taking into consideration the interactive natural and human processes that make both systems very dynamic? In order to derive meaningful, credible answers, it is necessary to interface scenarios of environmental change with research procedures or models capable of testing the sensitivity of the systems. What approaches are available? How have they been used and what questions have been asked of them? What have we learned so far from their specific applications to problems of increased CO2 concentrations and climatic change? KEYWORDS: ADVANCED VERY HIGH RESOLUTION RADIOMETER, AGRICULTURE, CLIMATE CHANGE, CO2 ENRICHMENT STUDIES, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, FOREST, HYDROLOGY, REMOTE SENSING, REVIEW 750 Weinstein, D.A. 1992. Use of Simulation Models to Evaluate the Alteration of Ecotones by Global Carbon Dioxide Increases. Ecological Studies: Analysis and Synthesis 92:379-383. In the series analytic: Landscape boundaries: Consequences for biotic diversity and ecological flows/edited by A.J. Hansen and F. de Castri. KEYWORDS: MODELING, SIMULATION 751 Wheeler, R.M., and T.W. Tibbitts. 1989. Utilization of Potatoes for Life Support Systems in Space. IV. Effect of CO2 Enrichment. American Potato Journal 66:25-34. Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) cvs. Norland and Russet Burbank were grown in solid stands in separate controlled environment rooms at two CO2 levels, 365 umol/mol (ppm) and 1000 umol/mol. Rooms were maintained under continuous fluorescent light (450 umol/s/m2 PPF), 16 C and 70% relative humidity. Norland plants were grown for 110 days and Russet Burbank plants for 126 days. CO2 assimilation rates (net photosynthetic rates) of exposed, upper canopy leaves were measured at weekly intervals beginning at 21-days-age for Norland and 28-days-age for Russet Burbank. Elevation of CO2 increased CO2 assimilation rates of Norland leaves by approximately 24% but decreased rates of Russet Burbank leaves by approximately 12%. Assimilation rates of Norland leaves under the high CO2 decreased as plants matured so that their rates were similar to rates under the low CO2 levels after 70-days-age. Assimilation rates of Russet Burbank leaves under high CO2 remained depressed in comparison to low CO2 plants throughout the period of measurements. Yield data showed only marginal benefits from CO2 enrichment: tuber dry weight increased 2% for Norland and 12% for Russet Burbank, total plant dry weight was increased 6% for Norland and 4% for Russet Burbank. The best productivity obtained in this study (21.9 g tuber dry wt/m2/day from Norland at 1000 umol/mol of CO2) indicates that the dietary energy needs of one human in space could be supplied from 34 m2 of potatoes. Solanum tuberosum/potato KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, HARVEST INDEX, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, TUBERS 752 Wheeler, R.M., T.W. Tibbitts, and A.H. Fitzpatrick. 1991. Carbon Dioxide Effects on Potato Growth under Different Photoperiods and Irradiance. Crop Science 31:1209-1213. Carbon dioxide concentration can exert a strong influence on plant growth, but this influence can vary depending on irradiance. To study this, potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars 'Norland', 'Russet Burbank', and 'Denali' were grown in controlled-environment rooms at different levels of CO2 and irradiance. Carbon dioxide levels were maintained either at 350 or 1000 umol/mol and applied in combination with 12- or 24-h photoperiods at 400 or 800 umol/m2/s photosynthetic photon flux. Air temperatures and relative humidity were held constant at 16C and 70%, respectively, and plants were harvested 90 d after planting. When averaged across all cultivars, CO2 enrichment increased tuber yield and total plant dry weight by 39 and 34%, respectively, under a 12-h photoperiod at 400 umol/m2/s; 27 and 19% under 12 h at 800 umol/m2/s; 9 and 9% under 24 h at 400 umol/m2/s. It decreased dry weights by 9 and 9% under 24 h at 800 umol/m2/s. Tuber yield of Denali showed the greatest increase (21%) in response to increased CO2 across all irradiance treatments, while tuber yields of Russet Burbank and Norland were increased 18 and 9%, respectively. The results show a pattern of greater plant growth from CO2 enrichment under lower PPF and a short photoperiod. Solanum tuberosum/potato KEYWORDS: CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LIGHT, PHOTOPERIOD 753 Whipps, J.M. 1985. Effect of CO2-concentration on Growth, Carbon Distribution and Loss of Carbon from Roots of Maize. Journal of Experimental Botany 36:644-651. The effects of three ranges of CO2 concentration on growth, carbon distribution and loss of carbon from the roots of maize grown for 14 d and 28 d with shoots in constant specific activity 14-CO2 are described. Increasing concentrations of CO2 led to enhancement of plant growth with the relative growth rate (RGR) of the roots affected more than the RGR of the shoots. Between 16% and 21% of total net fixed carbon (defined as 14C retained in the plant plus 14C lost from the root) was lost from the roots at all CO2 concentrations at all times but the amounts of carbon lost per unit weight of plant decreased with time. Possible mechanisms to account for these observations are discussed. maize/Zea mays/corn KEYWORDS: 14C, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, GROWTH ANALYSIS, RESPIRATION, RHIZOSPHERE, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, ROOTS, SOIL MICROORGANISMS 754 Whiting, G.J., E.L. Gandy, and D.C. Yoch. 1986. Tight Coupling of Root-associated Nitrogen Fixation and Plant Photosynthesis in the Salt Marsh Grass Spartina alterniflora and Carbon Dioxide Enhancement of Nitrogenase Activity. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 52:108-113. The coupling of root-associated nitrogen fixation and plant photosynthesis was examined in the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora. In both field experiments and hydroponic assay chambers, nitrogen fixation associated with the roots was rapidly enhanced by stimulating plant photosynthesis. A kinetic analysis of acetylene reduction activity (ARA) showed that a five-to sixfold stimulation occurred within 10 to 60 min after the plant leaves were exposed to light or increased CO2 concentrations (with the light held constant). In field experiments, CO2 enrichment increased plant-associated ARA by 27%. Further evidence of the dependence of ARA on plant photosynthate was obtained when activity in excised roots was shown to decrease after young greenhouse plants were placed in the dark. Seasonal variation in the ARA of excised plant roots from field cores appears to be related to the annual cycle of net photosynthesis in S. alterniflora. Spartina alterniflora KEYWORDS: AQUATIC PLANTS, GRASSES, HALOPHYTES, NITROGEN FIXATION, NITROGENASE ACTIVITY, RHIZOSPHERE, SALT MARSH 755 Williams, M.L., D.G. Jones, R. Baxter, and J.F. Farrar. 1992. The Effect of Enhanced Concentrations of Atmospheric CO2 on Leaf Respiration. IN: Molecular, Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Plant Respiration (H. Lambers and L.H.W. Van der Plas, eds.), SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, pp. 541-545. KEYWORDS: RESPIRATION 756 Williams, W.E., K. Garbutt, and F.A. Bazzaz. 1988. The Response of Plants to Elevated CO2. V. Performance of an Assemblage of Serpentine Grassland Herbs. Environmental and Experimental Botany 28:123-130. Six species of herbs from the serpentine grassland of Jasper Ridge Nature Preserve (Stanford, California) -- Microseris sp., Plantago erecta, Micropus Californicus, Agoseris heterophylla, Layia platyglossa and Lasthenia glabrata -- were grown individually and in competitive arrays, under three levels of CO2: 350, 500 and 700 uL/L. CO2 affected the biomass of some species in the individually-grown plants but none in the competitive arrays. Here, in contrast to some previous studies, total community biomass was not significantly affected by CO2 in either condition. In every species where CO2 had a statistically significant effect on nitrogen content, higher CO2 resulted in lower nitrogen content. Competition appeared to decrease the effects of CO2. Our results suggest that in this community, competitive networks and adaptations to a low-resource habitat may strongly damp the effects of CO2. These results contrast with our previous work on annuals of a higher stature system and agree with recent results on Arctic tundra species. Agoseris heterophylla/Lasthenia glabrata/Layia platyglossa/Micropus Californicus/Microseris sp./Plantago erecta KEYWORDS: COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, GRASSES, GROWTH, NITROGEN, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 757 Williams, W.E., K. Garbutt, F.A. Bazzaz, and P.M. Vitousek. 1986. The Response of Plants to Elevated CO2. IV. Two Deciduous-forest Tree Communities. Oecologia 69:454-459. Tree saplings, two groups of three species from each of two deciduous tree communities, were grown in competition at three CO2 concentrations and two light levels. After one growing season, biomass was measured to assess the effect of CO2 on community structure, and nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were measured for leaves, stems, and roots of all trees. Gas-exchange measurements were made on the same species grown under the same CO2 concentrations. Photosynthetic capacity (rate of photosynthesis at saturating CO2 and light) tended to decline as CO2 concentration increased, but differences were not statistically significant. Stomatal conductance declined significantly as CO2 increased. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations generally declined as CO2 increased, but there were some unexpected patterns in roots and stems. CO2 concentration did not significantly affect the overall growth of either community after one season, but the relative biomass of each species changed in a complex way, depending on CO2, light level and community. Carya ovata/hickory/Liriodendron tulipifera/tulip poplar/Quercus rubra/red oak/Platanus occidentalis/sycamore/Acer saccharinum/silver maple/Fraxinus lanceolata/green ash KEYWORDS: COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, CONDUCTANCE, FOREST, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, TREES 758 Willits, D., M. Peet, M. Depa, J. Kuehny, and P. Nelson. 1990. Modulation of Nutrient Uptake in Chrysanthemum by Irradiance, CO2, Season and Developmental Stage. IN: Proceedings of a Symposium, Mechanisms of Plant Perception and Response to Environmental Stimuli; 1989 August 6-10; Arlington, Virginia, Monograph No. 20 (T.H. Thomas and A.R. Smith, eds.), British Society for Plant Growth Regulation, pp. 59-65. Leaf tissue concentrations of most elements decreased in chrysanthemum as growth rates were increased by irradiance or CO2. Data from six experiments were fit to linear models of relative accumulation rate of nutrients (RAR) on relative growth rate (RGR), with and without considering changing plant age and environmental factors affecting growth rate. For most elements, RAR was linearly related to RGR with a slope approximating 1 and an intercept approximating 0. Closer examination of these relationships revealed, however, that chrysanthemum possesses the ability to modify its nutrient uptake rate to match its internally regulated needs and that these needs appear to change with maturity. In addition to the maturity effect, a growth effect was discovered which seems to be related to the effect of RGR on RAR, independent of maturity. The mechanism by which the plant is correcting RAR as a function of maturity and growth is not known. chrysanthemum KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, NUTRITION 759 Willits, D.H., P.V. Nelson, M.M. Peet, M.A. Depa, and J.S. Kuehny. 1992. Modeling Nutrient Uptake in Chrysanthemum as a Function of Growth Rate. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 117:769-774. The results of six experiments conducted over 3 years were analyzed to develop a relationship between nutrient uptake rate and growth rate in hydroponically grown Dendranthema x grandiflorum (Ramat.) Kitamura, cv. Fiesta. Plants subjected to two levels of CO2 and three levels of irradiance in four greenhouses were periodically analyzed for growth and the internal concentration of 11 mineral elements. The resulting data were used to determine relative accumulation rate and relative growth rate, which were included in linear regression analyses to determine the dependence of uptake on growth. The regression equations were significant, with a slight trend toward nonlinearity in some elements. This nonlinearity seems to be related to the aging of the plant and suggests a process in the plant capable of controlling uptake rate, perhaps as a result of changes in the rate of formation of different types of tissues. Dendranthema grandiflorum/Chrysanthemum morifolium KEYWORDS: BORON, CALCIUM, COPPER, FLOWER PRODUCTION, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, GROWTH RATE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, HYDROPONIC CULTURE, IRON, LIGHT, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, MODELING, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, SENESCENCE, SULFUR, TEMPERATURE, ZINC 760 Willits, D.H., P.V. Nelson, M.M. Peet, M.A. Depa, and J.S. Kuehny. 1992. Nutrient Uptake in Chrysanthemum as Affected by Light, CO2 Level and Age. IN: ASAE Meeting; 1992 June 21-24; Charlotte, North Carolina, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan. Data from six chrysanthemum growth studies were analyzed and the relative accumulation rate (RAR) of eleven mineral elements modeled. The plants were grown hydroponically under 3 different light levels and 2 different CO2 levels. RAR was found to depend primarily on relative growth rate (RGR) but a significant dependence on age was observed, suggesting that nutrient uptake rate may be controlled by the quantity and type of tissue being formed. Light and CO2 were found to have no effect on RAR independent of that on RGR. Dendranthema grandiflorum/Chrysanthemum morifolium KEYWORDS: BORON, CALCIUM, COPPER, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, HYDROPONIC CULTURE, IRON, LIGHT, MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, MODELING, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, SULFUR, ZINC 761 Willits, D.H., and M.M. Peet. 1989. Predicting Yield Responses to Different Greenhouse CO2 Enrichment Schemes: Cucumbers and Tomatoes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 44:275-293. Data from six years of carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment studies at North Carolina State University were analyzed in an attempt to develop predictive relationships for plant responses to different enrichment schemes and CO2 levels (600-5000 uL/L). Cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.) and tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were enriched using: (i) closed-loop cooling to extend enrichment periods beyond that generally practicable and (ii) elevated CO2 levels to compensate for short enrichment times normally encountered in conventional enrichment. Yields of nine cultivars of cucumber and seven of tomato, from both ground bed and bag culture, were regressed against solar energy, number of enrichment hours, fractional enrichment time, CO2 set point concentration (i.e., target concentration), and actual daily CO2 concentration. Absolute yields for cucumber were found to be strongly related to the solar energy received and, to a lesser degree, the number of enrichment hours. CO2 concentration, either set point or actual, was significant only when included in quadratic form. The relationship developed suggests that the optimum concentration is inversely related to the length of the enrichment period and that the product of the number of enrichment hours and the set point concentration should equal 14,400 uL-h/L. Absolute yields for tomato were also highly dependent upon solar energy, and to a lesser degree, either actual CO2 concentration, number of enrichment hours, or fractional enrichment time. Weight gain advantages for cucumber were found to be a linear function of fractional enrichment time (enrichment time divided by solar daylength), reaching a maximum value of 54% when continuously enriched during daylight hours. Weight gain advantages for tomato were found to be a non-linear function of fractional enrichment time with values of fractional enrichment time less than 0.5 producing little or no gain. cucumber/Cucumis sativus/tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: CO2 ENRICHMENT DURATION, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, CULTIVAR RESPONSES, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LIGHT, MODELING, YIELD 762 Wittwer, S.H. 1985. Carbon Dioxide Levels in the Biosphere: Effects on Plant Productivity. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 2:171-198. Human society is now inadvertently conducting a great biological and environmental experiment, the outcome of which is not known. Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is increasing at the rate of 1.5 parts per million (ppm) per year. It has risen from 315 ppm to 340 ppm in the past 25 years -- a 9% increase. Because CO2 is among the factors which can limit the growth of plants, the increase may be beneficial. An increase in plant growth due to 'fertilization' of extra CO2 has not been measured, but a 5 to 10% increase may already have occurred. Current data indicate that plants growing at higher than normal CO2 levels are more tolerant of water, temperature, light and atmospheric pollutant stresses. There are effects on carbon metabolism, plant growth and development, microbial activity, and terrestrial and aquatic plant communities. The current rising level of atmospheric CO2 represents a dramatic change in a resource base and can affect the total biological productivity of the earth. A global change in a fundamental element of all plant life mandates the establishment of a research agenda for the assessment of unexplored frontiers. Increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 will likely have major effects on food and the production of other renewable resources in the decades to come. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, CLIMATE CHANGE, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, CROPS, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, PHYSIOLOGICAL CO2 RESPONSES, REVIEW 763 Wittwer, S.H. 1986. Worldwide Status and History of CO2 Enrichment -- an Overview. IN: Status and CO2 Sources, Vol. I (H.Z. Enoch and B.A. Kimball, eds.), Carbon Dioxide Enrichment of Greenhouse Crops, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 3-15. Historical records indicate that the beneficial effects of elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 were observed in greenhouses about 200 years ago. Interest and practice in its use in greenhouses for crop production in Western Europe preceded that in North America. Widespread use in England and Germany occurred in the mid 1930s and then diminished. Sources of CO2 were neither reliable nor suitable. A re-awakening of interest occurred in Western Europe in the 1960s with both vegetable crops and flowers accompanied by an unusual set of circumstances which prompted almost immediate widespread use and acceptance. More recently -- the late 1970s and early 1980s -- there has been a remarkable re-awakening of interest in the potential benefits of elevated atmospheric levels of CO2 because of its global atmospheric increase and the flood of reports relating to the presumed indirect effects on climate change. Human society is now inadvertently conducting a great biological and possibly an environmental experiment, the outcome of which is not known. It appears that the direct biological effects of elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 may go beyond the now well established increased yields and earlier maturation observed for greenhouse crops, grown at double or triple the ambient atmospheric level. Significant beneficial effects beyond those of improved growth and dry matter production include increased water use efficiency, and greater resilience to the environmental stresses of low light intensities, both high and low temperatures, soil moisture deficiencies, and air pollutants. The concerns with respect to adverse CO2 induced climate change, must now be balanced by a historical and current record of the many benefits accrued from direct biological effects on plant growth as witnessed with crops grown in greenhouses and their greater resistance to environmental stresses. KEYWORDS: COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, PHYSIOLOGICAL CO2 RESPONSES, REVIEW, TREES 764 Wittwer, S.H. 1990. Implications of the Greenhouse Effect of Crop Productivity. HortScience 25:1560-1567. KEYWORDS: AGRICULTURE, CLIMATE CHANGE, COMMERCIAL USE OF CO2, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, REVIEW, WATER STRESS, WUE 765 Wong, S.C. 1990. Elevated Atmospheric Partial Pressure of CO2 and Plant Growth. II. Non-Structural Carbohydrate Content in Cotton Plants and Its Effect on Growth Parameters. Photosynthesis Research 23:171-180. Cotton plants were grown in late spring under full sunlight in glasshouses containing normal ambient partial pressure of CO2 (32 +/- 2 Pa) and enriched partial pressure of CO2 (64 +/- 1.5 Pa) and at four levels of nitrogen nutrition. Thirty-five days after planting, the total dry weights of high CO2-grown plants were 2- to 3.5-fold greater than plants grown in normal ambient CO2 partial pressure. Depending on nitrogen nutrition level, non-structural carbohydrate content (mainly starch) in the leaves of plants grown in normal CO2 was between 4 and 37% of the total leaf dry weight compared to 39 to 52% in the leaves of high CO2-grown plants. Specific leaf weight calculated using total dry weight was 1.6 to 2-fold greater than that based on structural dry weight. In high CO2-grown plants the amount of non-structural carbohydrate translocated from the leaves at night was between 10 and 20% of the level at the end of the photoperiod. This suggests that the plant was unable to utilize all the carbohydrate it assimilated in elevated CO2 atmosphere. While there was a 1.5-fold enhancement in the rate of CO2 assimilation in plants grown in 64 Pa CO2, there was, however, some evidence to suggest that the activities of other metabolic pathways in the plants were not stimulated to the same extent by the enriched CO2 atmosphere. This resulted in massive accumulation of non-structural carbohydrate, particularly at low level of nitrogen nutrition. cotton/Gossypium hirsutum KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CARBOHYDRATES, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO 766 Wong, S.C., P.E. Kriedemann, and G.D. Farquhar. 1992. CO2 x Nitrogen Interaction on Seedling Growth of Four Species of Eucalypt. Australian Journal of Botany 40:457-472. Four eucalypt species were selected to represent two ecologically disparate groups which would be expected to contrast in seedling vigour and in the nature of growth responses to CO2 x nitrogen supply. Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E. cypellocarpa were taken as examples of fast-growing species with a wide distribution, that develop into large trees. By contrast, E. pauciflora and E pulverulenta become smaller trees, and show a more limited distribution. Seedlings were established in pots (5 L) of a loamy soil and supplied with nutrient solution containing either 1.2 or 6.0 mM NO3(-) in both ambient (33 Pa) and CO2-enriched (66 Pa) greenhouses. Analysis of growth response to treatments (2x2 factorial) was based on destructive harvest of plants sampled on four occasions over 84 days for E. camaldulensis and E. cypellocarpa, and 100 days for E. pulverulenta and E. pauciflora. A positive CO2 x N interaction on plant dry mass and leaf area was expressed in all species throughout the study period. In E. camaldulensis and E. cypellocarpa, plant mass was doubled by high N at 33 Pa CO2, compared with a three to four-fold increase at 66 Pa to reach 34 g by final harvest. In E. pulverulenta and E. pauciflora, slower growth resulted in about 50% less mass at a given age, but relative increases due to CO2 and N were of a similar order. A distinction can be made between N and CO2 effects on growth processes as follows. When trees were grown on low N, elevated CO2 increased nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) at both leaf and whole plant levels. On high N, leaf NUE was increased in E. camaldulensis and E. cypellocarpa, but decreased in E. pulverulenta and E. pauciflora. Whole plant NUE showed no consistent response to elevated CO2 when plants were supplied high N. Net assimilation rate (NAR) was increased by elevated CO2 in all species on either N treatment. Moreover, high N increased NAR under either CO2 treatment in all species. There was a positive N x CO2 interaction on NAR in E. camaldulensis and E. cypellocarpa, but not in E. pulverulenta and E. pauciflora. Growth indices for E. camaldulensis and E. cypellocarpa species, and especially E. camaldulensis, generally exceeded those for E. pulverulenta and E. pauciflora in terms of NAR, leaf NUE, N-enhancement and CO2 effects on leaf area and biomass, and non-structural carbohydrate content of foliage. Eucalyptus camaldulensis/Eucalyptus cypellocarpa/Eucalyptus pauciflora/Eucalyptus pulverulenta KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CARBOHYDRATES, FAMILY RESPONSES, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, NITROGEN, NUTRITION 767 Wong, S.C., and C.B. Osmond. 1991. Elevated Atmospheric Partial Pressure of CO2 and Plant Growth. III. Interactions between Triticum aestivum (C3) and Echinochloa frumentacea (C4) during Growth in Mixed Culture under Different CO2, N Nutrition and Irradiance Treatments, with Emphasis on Below-ground Responses Estimated using the [delta] 13C Value of Root Biomass. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 18:137-152. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), a C3 species, and Japanese millet (Echinochloa frumentacea Link), a C4 species, were grown in pots in monoculture and mixed culture (2 C3:1 C4 and 1 C3:2 C4) at two ambient partial pressures of CO2 (320 and 640 ubar), two photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFDs) (daily maximum 2000 and 400 umol/m2/s) and two levels of nitrogen nutrition (12 mM and 2 mM NO3). Growth of shoots of both components in mixed culture was measured by physical separation, and the proportions of root biomass due to each component were calculated from [delta] 13C values of total root biomass. In air (320 ubar CO2) at high PPFD and with high root zone-N, the shoot biomass of C3 and C4 components at the first harvest (28 days) was in proportion to the sowing ratio. However, by the second harvest (36 days) the C4 component predominated in both mixtures. Under the same conditions, but with low PPFD, C3 plants predominated at the first harvest but C4 plants had overtaken them by the time of the second harvest. Elevated atmospheric CO2 (640 ubar) stimulated shoot growth of Triticum in 15 of 16 treatment combinations and the stimulation was greatest in plants provided with low NO3. Root growth of the C3 plants was generally stimulated by elevated CO2, but was only occasionally sensitive to the presence of C4 plants in mixed culture. However, growth of the C4 plants was often sensitive to the presence of C3 plants in mixed culture. In mixed cultures, elevated CO2 plants stimulated growth of C4 plants at high PPFD, high-N and in all low-N treatments but this was insufficient to offset a marked decline in shoot growth with increasing proportion of C3 plants in mixed cultures. The unexpected stimulation of growth of C4 plants by elevated CO2 was correlated with more negative [delta] 13C values of C4 root biomass, suggesting a partial failure of the CO2 concentrating mechanism of C4 photosynthesis in Echinochloa under low-N. These experiments show that for these species nitrogen was more important than light or elevated pCO2 in determining the extent of competitive interactions in mixed culture. Triticum aestivum/wheat/Echinochloa frumentacea/Japanese millet KEYWORDS: C3, C4, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH, ISOTOPE DISCRIMINATION, LIGHT, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PLANT-PLANT INTERACTIONS, ROOT:SHOOT RATIO, ROOTS 768 Wong, S.-C. 1993. Interaction between Elevated Atmospheric Partial Pressure of CO2 and Humidity on Plant Growth: Comparison between Cotton and Radish. Vegetatio 104/105:211-221. Cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L. var Deltapine 90) and radish plants (Raphanus sativus L. var Round Red) were grown under full sunlight using a factorial combination of atmospheric CO2 concentrations (350 umol/mol and 700 umol/mol) and humidities (35% and 90% RH at 32C during the day). Cotton plants showed large responses to increased humidity and to doubled CO2. In cotton plants, the enhanced dry matter yield due to doubled CO2 concentration was 1.6-fold greater at low humidity than at high humidity. Apart from the direct effect of elevated CO2 level on photosynthesis, the greater effect of doubled CO2 concentration on dry matter yield at low humidity was probably due to: (1) increased leaf water potential caused by reduction of transpiration resulting from the negative CO2 response of stomata to increased CO2 concentration the consequence being greater leaf area expansion; (2) reduction of CO2 assimilation rate at low humidity and normal CO2 concentration as a result of humidity response of stomata causing reduction of intercellular CO2 concentration. In contrast, apart from the very early stage of development, radish plants do not respond to increased humidity but had a relatively large response to doubled CO2 concentration. Furthermore, due to the determinate growth pattern as well as having a prominent storage root, the extra photoassimilate derived at doubled CO2 level is allocated to the storage root. Gossypium hirsutum/cotton/Raphanus sativus/radish KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, HUMIDITY, LEAF AREA DEVELOPMENT, STOMATA, VPD, WATER STATUS 769 Wong, S.-C., and F.X. Dunin. 1987. Photosynthesis and Transpiration of Trees in a Eucalypt Forest Stand: CO2, Light and Humidity Responses. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 14:619-632. Exchange of water vapour and CO2 was measured on a small group of trees in a 12-year-old regenerating forest dominated by Eucalyptus spp. in Kioloa State Forest, south-eastern New South Wales. The trees were growing in a weighing lysimeter (10.3 m2 ground area) with the dominant tree about 10 m high. A 12 m high enclosure made of polyethylene film was erected to enclose the trees on the lysimeter. Air was impelled in from the bottom of the enclosure by four fans at a total flow rate of 4.6 m3/s. Air samples for infrared gas analysers were taken 1, 4, 7 and 10 m above the ground. Pure CO2 (up to 1000 litres/min) was injected to obtain the response of rates of photosynthesis and transpiration at various levels of CO2 in the enclosure environment. At normal ambient partial pressure of CO2, the photosynthetic rate of the canopy (28 umol/m2 ground area/s) was found to be saturated at about half of full sunlight. At midday, the foliage in the layers 1-4 m, 4-7 m and 7-10 m from the ground level contributed 10.7, 44.3, and 34% of the total carbon assimilated by the canopy, respectively. Canopy conductance was reduced with increasing vapour pressure difference between leaves and the air on the basis that internal partial pressure of CO2 was decreased. Light intensity required to saturate photosynthesis increased with increasing ambient partial pressure of CO2. At 680 ubar ambient partial pressure of CO2 and at saturating light intensity, there was a 50% increase in photosynthetic rate and a 30% reduction in transpiration rate, resulting in a reduction in transpiration ratio of 80%. The apparent quantum yield derived at 340 and 680 ubar CO2 was 0.049 and 0.071, respectively. The light compensation point also decreased at higher ambient partial pressure of CO2. Eucalyptus spp. KEYWORDS: CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CONDUCTANCE, FOREST, HUMIDITY, LIGHT, QUANTUM REQUIREMENT, TRANSPIRATION 770 Woodrow, L., and B. Grodzinski. 1987. Photosynthetic Gas Exchange, Photoassimilate Partitioning, and Development in Tomato under CO2 Enrichment. IN: Progress in Photosynthesis Research, Vol. III (J. Biggens, ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. III.9.653-III.9.656. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: AMINO ACIDS, CARBOHYDRATES, ETHYLENE, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, METABOLITES, PARTITIONING, RESPIRATION, TRANSPIRATION 771 Woodrow, L., and B. Grodzinski. 1993. Ethylene Exchange in Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Leaves during Short-and Long-term Exposures to CO2. Journal of Experimental Botany 44:471-480. The effects of long-term and transient exposure to elevated CO2 concentrations on photosynthetic gas exchange and ethylene release by tomato leaves were investigated. The net CO2 assimilation rate was enhanced when leaf tissue grown at ambient (35 Pa CO2) levels was assayed at 100 Pa CO2. Leaf tissue grown at high (130 Pa) CO2 exhibited a lower net CO2 assimilation rate at high CO2 levels than leaf tissue grown at ambient (35 Pa) CO2. This decrease in CO2 exchange rate in response to growth at high CO2 is typical of C3 species. Rates of endogenous and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC)-stimulated ethylene release from leaf tissue were enhanced by exposure to elevated CO2 levels whether the leaf tissue had been grown at ambient or enriched CO2 levels. The data demonstrate that CO2 enhanced C2H4 release from leaf tissue in response to both short-term perturbations in CO2 concentration and long-term growth and development under high CO2. Prolonged growth at elevated CO2 concentrations induced a higher endogenous rate of C2H4 release relative to that of leaf tissue grown at lower CO2 levels. Leaf tissue from all leaf positions of plants grown at high CO2 consistently evolved more C2H4 than corresponding tissue from ambient-grown plants when assayed under standardized conditions. Endogenous (ACC) tissue contents and rates of ACC-stimulated ethylene release were also higher at all leaf positions in CO2-enriched tissue. Thus the higher rates appeared to be due to both higher endogenous precursor (ACC) levels in the tissue and greater ACC to C2H4 conversion capacity. Growth at elevated CO2 levels resulted in a persistent increase in the rate of endogenous C2H4 release in leaf tissue. The capacity for increased ethylene release in response to CO2 did not decline after prolonged growth at high CO2. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: ETHYLENE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MORPHOLOGY, SUNLIT CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS 772 Woodward, F.I. 1986. Ecophysiological Studies on the Shrub Vaccinium myrtillus L. Taken from a Wide Altitudinal Range. Oecologia 70:580-586. Observations have been made on the gas exchange and morphology of Vaccinium myrtillus taken from altitudes of 200 m, 610 m and 1,100 m along an altitudinal gradient in central Scotland. Under saturating irradiance, optimum temperatures and a range of vapour pressure deficits, photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance increased with the altitude of origins of the populations. Correlated with these increases was an increase in the adaxial stomatal density with altitude. This response to altitude could be simulated in controlled conditions, by growing plants in a CO2 concentration below ambient, similar to that expected at altitude. Plant height decreased with altitude, a feature which was maintained in cultivation. Stem rigidity declined with altitude, in a manner which is predicted to limit the reproductive capacity of the population from 1,100 m in high wind speeds. Total leaf nitrogen increased with altitude. The nitrogen economy of the shoot is discussed in terms of nitrogen availability for stems and leaves and its control over maximum rates of photosynthesis, competitive ability and reproductive capacity. Vaccinium myrtillus KEYWORDS: ALTITUDE, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MORPHOLOGY, NITROGEN, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, STOMATAL DENSITY 773 Woodward, F.I. 1987. Stomatal Numbers Are Sensitive to Increases in CO2 from Pre-industrial Levels. Nature 327:617-618. Recent measurements of atmospheric CO2 levels in ice cores have shown that global CO2 has increased by about 60 umol/mol over the past 200 years. Evidence for the response of plants in the field to this change in CO2 levels is here presented in the form of a significant change in stomatal density -- an anatomical response of considerable ecophysiological importance. A 40% decrease in density of stomata was observed in herbarium specimens of leaves of eight temperate arboreal species collected over the last 200 years. This decline was confirmed for some of the species observed as herbarium specimens by experiments under controlled environmental conditions. In these an increase in the mole fraction of CO2 from 280 umol/mol to the current ambient level of 340 umol/mol was found to cause a decrease in stomatal density of 67%. Experiments have shown that the combination of this previously unreported response of stomatal density to the level of CO2 with the known responses of stomatal aperture, cause water use efficiency to be much lower than expected at low CO2 and over a wide range of humidities. Acer pseudoplatanus/sycamore maple/Quercus robur/Rhamnus catharticus/Rumex crispus/curly dock KEYWORDS: HERBARIUM SPECIMENS, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, STOMATAL DENSITY, STOMATAL INDEX 774 Woodward, F.I. 1990. Global Change: Translating Plant Ecophysiological Responses to Ecosystems. Tree 5:308-311. The physiological responses of plants to elevated CO2 have been incorporated into most models of ecosystem function under changed climate. These responses are now well documented, and recent work demonstrates that they can be readily included in ecosystem models. Simulations show that the effects of elevated CO2 levels on transpiration and gas exchange will increase the sensitivity of community structure (particularly of forests) to climate change. KEYWORDS: CLIMATE CHANGE, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, FOREST, MODELING, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, REVIEW, SCALING, SIMULATION, TRANSPIRATION 775 Woodward, F.I. 1993. Plant Responses to Past Concentrations of CO2. Vegetatio 104/105:145-155. The influence of recent historical changes in atmospheric CO2 have been investigated by two methods: 1, the responses of leaf development and physiology as indicated by leaves stored in herbaria and 2, by investigating the differential growth responses of populations originating from naturally different CO2 concentrations. Herbarium leaves indicate that stomatal density and leaf nitrogen have decreased over the last 150 to 200 years, while water use efficiency, estimated from leaf delta 13 and historical measurements of climate, has increased. Natural populations of Boehmeria cylindrica were found growing at sites, in Florida, with CO2 mole fractions varying naturally from 350 umol/mol to 505 umol/mol. Plants were grown in the controlled environment, using seeds originating from populations occurring in the different CO2 mole fractions. Plants from the different ambient CO2 mole fractions showed different rates of growth and different non-linear responses of the shoot to root ratio in response to changes in the CO2 mole fraction from 350 to 675 umol/mol. The proposal that plants originating from high altitude will show greater stimulations of growth with an increase in CO2, than plants from low altitude, was rejected in experiments which simulated the atmospheric pressure at altitudes of 0 and 2000 m at CO2 mole fractions of 350 and 700 umol/mol and on populations of Plantago major originating from altitudes of 0 and 3335 m. Plantago major/broadleaf plantain/Boehmeria cylindrica KEYWORDS: ALTITUDE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, ISOTOPE DISCRIMINATION, POPULATION LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, PRE-INDUSTRIAL CO2 CONCENTRATION, STOMATA, WUE 776 Woodward, F.I., and F.A. Bazzaz. 1988. The Response of Stomatal Density to CO2 Partial Pressure. Journal of Experimental Botany 39:1771-1781. Experiments on a range of species of tree, shrub and herb have shown that stomatal density and stomatal index increase as the partial pressure of CO2 decreases over the range from the current level of 34 Pa to 22.5 Pa. Stomatal density responds to the reduced partial pressure of CO2 in a simulation of high altitude (3000 m), when the CO2 mole fraction is unchanged. When the partial pressure of CO2 is increased from 35 to 70 Pa stomatal density decreases slightly, with a response to unit change in CO2 which is about 10% of that below 34 Pa. Measurements of gas exchange on leaves which had developed in different CO2 partial pressures, but at low saturation vapour pressure deficits in the range of 0.7 to 0.9 kPa, indicated lower photosynthetic rates but higher stomatal conductances at reduced CO2 partial pressures. Experiments on populations of Nardus stricta originating from altitudes of 366 m and 810 m in Scotland, indicated genetic difference in the response of stomatal density to CO2 in pressures simulating altitudes of sea level and 2000 m. Plants from the higher altitude showed greater declines in stomatal density when the CO2 partial pressure was increased. Nardus stricta/Geum urbanum/Rumex crispus/curly dock/Acer pseudoplatanus/sycamore maple/Quercus robur/Rhamnus catharticus/Amaranthus retroflexus/Ambrosia artemisiifolia/Setaria faberii KEYWORDS: ALTITUDE, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, STOMATAL DENSITY, STOMATAL INDEX, VPD 777 Woodward, F.I., G.B. Thompson, and I.F. McKee. 1991. The Effects of Elevated Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide on Individual Plants, Populations, Communities and Ecosystems. Annals of Botany 67 (Supplement 1):23-28. Changes in the atmospheric concentration of CO2, over periods of millennia, are positively correlated with the temperature of the world. It is expected that this positive correlation will be manifested in the future, warmer 'greenhouse world' with higher concentrations of CO2. The predicted changes in temperature and precipitation are expected to cause significant changes in the distribution patterns of the world's terrestrial vegetation (Woodward and McKee, 1991). In addition to this indirect effect, CO2 influences plants directly and an increase in the concentration of CO2 may increase the rate of photosynthesis in plants with the C3 pathway of fixation. Experimental observations often differ in the degree and length of this stimulation, reflecting the stronger impact of other photosynthetic limitations. Where photosynthetic stimulation does occur there is a general decrease in leaf protein, which may stimulate rates of leaf herbivory. The well established and associated increase in the C/N ratio of individual leaves should reduce rates of leaf decomposition. However the few community experiments at elevated CO2 suggest little change in the rate of nutrient cycling in communities. Stomatal opening is generally reduced as CO2 concentration increases. This feature scales up through to the community level, however, it appears that the total volume of water used by a community is unlikely to alter with CO2 alone, because plants tend to develop leafier canopies. This change, plus enhanced rates of root development, indicate a greater potential for carbon sequestration by terrestrial ecosystems. Monthly observations of atmospheric CO2 concentration above the tundra over the last 14 years indicate these expected increases in the rates of CO2 drawdown by the northern ecosystems of the tundra and the boreal and temperate deciduous forests. However, some of this change may be due to interactions with the warmer climate of the 1980s and perhaps an increased aerial supply of pollutant nitrogen. KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CANOPY PHOTOSYNTHESIS, CARBON:NITROGEN RATIO, COMMUNITY LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, CONDUCTANCE, ECOSYSTEM LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, HERBIVORY, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACCLIMATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL CO2 RESPONSES, POPULATION LEVEL CO2 RESPONSES, REPRODUCTION, REVIEW, SCALING, WUE 778 Wray, S.M. 1987. Competitive Interactions of Two Old-field Perennials, Aster pilosus and Andropogon virginicus under Carbon-dioxide Enrichment. Doctoral Dissertation, Duke University, Dissertation Abstracts Vol. 48:05-B, p.1232 (180 pp.). Differential response of species to CO2 enrichment may change future community structure in natural ecosystems. In old fields of the North Carolina Piedmont, aster (Aster pilosus Willd., C3) is usually the dominant perennial two years after abandonment. Broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus L., C4) outcompetes and replaces aster during the next several years. When grown individually, aster responds positively to CO2 enrichment, whereas broomsedge does not. Thus it was hypothesized that the competitive interaction between these species would change if the atmospheric CO2 concentration was increased. Aster and broomsedge were grown in simplified de Wit replacement series experiments in the Duke Phytotron at 350, 500 and 650 uL/L CO2. The suppression of broomsedge by aster was always greater with CO2 enrichment so that broomsedge grown with aster had 69% less dry weight than in monoculture at 650 uL/L CO2. Aster had 49% more dry weight when grown with broomsedge than in monoculture at 650 uL/L CO2. Broomsedge was more drought tolerant than aster and under ambient conditions had a higher water use efficiency. However, under water-limited conditions, broomsedge was not a stronger competitor than aster. With CO2 enrichment aster comprised 75% of total pot biomass under both water-limited and well-watered conditions. There could also be competition between established broomsedge and a second generation of aster seedlings in old fields. In the Phytotron when broomsedge was grown for six weeks before aster emerged, aster seedlings did not suppress the growth of broomsedge even with CO2 enrichment. These studies have shown that competitive interactions between these old-field perennials change under CO2 enrichment when grown in a controlled environment. Future increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration may slow the rate of succession in old fields under both drought and nondrought conditions. However, aster will not necessarily eliminate broomsedge from the perennial herbaceous community as broomsedge ultimately will reach a size where competition with aster seedlings does not delay its growth. It is hoped that these studies will contribute to the understanding of the dynamics of community structure in the face of environmental change. Aster pilosus/aster/Andropogon virginicus/broomsedge KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, OLD FIELD COMMUNITIES, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUCCESSIONAL COMMUNITIES, WATER STRESS 779 Wray, S.M., and B.R. Strain. 1986. Response of Two Old Field Perennials to Interactions of CO2 Enrichment and Drought Stress. American Journal of Botany 73:1486-1491. Aster pilosus Willd. (aster, C3) and Andropogon virginicus L. (broomsedge, C4) were grown in growth chambers at 26/20 C day/night temperatures with a PPFD of 1,000 umol/s/m2. Water was withheld for a 2-wk drought period under three CO2 concentrations (approximately 380, 500, and 650 uL/L). There were significant effects of CO2 enrichment on aster so that drought stress did not occur in plants grown with CO2 enrichment. Non-watered plants with CO2 enrichment had greater leaf water potentials, greater photosynthetic rates, and greater total dry wt than non-watered plants grown at 380 uL/L CO2. The response of broomsedge to drought was the same in all CO2 treatments and there was no significant interaction of CO2 enrichment and drought. The decreased severity of drought stress and the increased growth of aster with CO2 enrichment may increase its competitive ability during droughts, allowing it to persist for longer periods during succession in abandoned fields. Aster pilosus/aster/Andropogon virginicus/broomsedge KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, SUCCESSIONAL COMMUNITIES, WATER STATUS, WATER STRESS 780 Wray, S.M., and B.R. Strain. 1987. Competition in Old-field Perennials under CO2 Enrichment. Ecology 68:1116-1120. Differential response of individual species to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations may change community structure in natural ecosystems. Some species of old-field annuals show increases in competitive potential under exposure to increased CO2 concentrations so that their relative contribution to community production increases. Species with the C3 photosynthetic pathway typically increase, whereas species with the C4 photosynthetic pathway decrease in size and absolute contribution to community production (Bazzaz and Carlson 1984, Zangerl and Bazzaz 1984). Aster pilosus (aster), a species with the C3 photosynthetic pathway, is often the dominant perennial in fields 2-3 yr after abandonment. Andropogon virginicus (broomsedge), a grass species with the C4 photosynthetic pathway, outcompetes and replaces aster during the next several years (Keever 1950). When grown individually, aster increases in size, whereas broomsedge does not increase under CO2 enrichment (Wray and Strain 1986). Thus, the present competitive interaction between these species could change if the atmospheric CO2 concentration continues to increase. A simplified de Wit Replacement Series (de Wit 1960, Harper 1977) was used to study the competitive interaction between aster and broomsedge under three CO2 regimes. Aster pilosus/aster/Andropogon virginicus/broomsedge KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, OLD FIELD COMMUNITIES, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUCCESSIONAL COMMUNITIES 781 Wray, S.M., and B.R. Strain. 1987. Interaction of Age and Competition under CO2 Enrichment. Functional Ecology 1:145-149. Typically, Andropogon virginicus L. (broomsedge, C4) replaces Aster pilosus Willdenow (aster, C3) in old-field succession in the North Carolina Piedmont, USA. The current work was designed to see how this situation may change under elevated CO2 concentrations in the future. Aster and broomsedge were grown in a modified deWit Replacement Series under 350, 500 and 650 uL/L CO2. Aster was added to the pots 6 weeks after broomsedge emerged and all plants were harvested 6 weeks after aster emerged. The C4 species, broomsedge, did not respond to CO2 enrichment, but leaf area and dry weight of the C3 aster were greater at 650 than at 350 uL/L CO2. Aster did not suppress established broomsedge plants at any CO2 level. After 6 weeks broomsedge reached a size where competition with aster seedlings did not delay its growth in controlled environments. Future increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations may slow the rate of succession in old fields, but will not necessarily eliminate broomsedge from the composition of the perennial herbaceous community. Andropogon virginicus/broomsedge/Aster pilosus/aster KEYWORDS: C3, C4, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, OLD FIELD COMMUNITIES, SPECIES COMPETITION, SUCCESSIONAL COMMUNITIES 782 Wullschleger, S.D., and R.J. Norby. 1992. Respiratory Cost of Leaf Growth and Maintenance in White Oak Saplings Exposed to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 22:1717-1721. Atmospheric CO2 enrichment reportedly reduces respiration of mature leaves in a number of woody and herbaceous perennials. It has yet to be determined, however, whether these reductions reflect changes in maintenance respiration alone or whether CO2 might affect growth respiration as well. This possibility was examined in white oak (Quercus alba L.) seedlings that had been planted directly into the ground within open-top chambers and exposed to ambient, ambient + 150 uL/L, and ambient + 300 uL/L CO2 concentrations over a 3-year period. In the spring of 1992, respiration rates were measured repeatedly during leaf expansion, and the growth and maintenance coefficients were determined using a two-component model. Specific respiration rates (mg CO2/g/h) were consistently lower for leaves of CO2-enriched saplings than for leaves of ambient-grown saplings. Partitioning these reductions in leaf respiration to either the growth or maintenance coefficients indicated a strong effect of CO2 on both components. The growth coefficient for leaves exposed to the ambient CO2 treatment was 964 mg CO2/g compared with 849 and 664 mg CO2/g for leaves from the two elevated CO2 concentrations, respectively. The maintenance coefficient was similarly reduced from a control rate of 114 mg CO2/g/d to below 65 mg CO2/g/d for leaves exposed to CO2 enrichment. Our results quantitatively describe the magnitude by which growth and maintenance respiration are affected by CO2 enrichment and as such should provide useful information for the future modeling of this phenomenon. Quercus alba/white oak KEYWORDS: OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, RESPIRATION, TREES 783 Wullschleger, S.D., R.J. Norby, and C.A. Gunderson. 1992. Growth and Maintenance Respiration in Leaves of Liriodendron tulipifera L. Exposed to Long-term Carbon Dioxide Enrichment in the Field. New Phytologist 21:515-523. Specific respiration rate (SRR) was mathematically partitioned into its growth and maintenance components for leaves of yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) after 3 yr of CO2 enrichment in open-top field chambers. Despite the absence of a CO2 effect on individual leaf expansion or specific growth rate (SGR), increasing the CO2 concentration to ambient +150 or +300 cm3/m3 decreased SRR by 28 to 45% compared with ambient-grown controls. These lower leaf respiration rates were correlated with reduced leaf nitrogen concentrations. As described by the two-component model of growth and maintenance respiration, SRR was a linear function of SGR. Ambient-grown leaves had a growth respiration coefficient of 704 mg CO2/g dry mass compared with 572 and 570 mg CO2/g for leaves grown at the two higher CO2 concentrations. Leaves from the elevated CO2 treatments had an average maintenance respiration coefficient of 88 mg CO2/g dry mass/d compared with 135 mg CO2/g/d for leaves from the ambient treatment. Incorporating these growth and maintenance coefficients into a leaf growth simulation model indicated that total respiration would be reduced by 21 to 26% for a leaf exposed to +150 or +300 cm3/m3 CO2 throughout its 50-d lifespan compared with one grown at ambient CO2 conditions. Reductions in total respiration were dominated by a lower rate of maintenance respiration, while the contribution of a lower specific rate of growth respiration was largely offset by a greater dry mass for leaves grown at elevated CO2 concentrations. Although reductions in the respiratory loss of carbon could be beneficial, respiration is unlikely to decrease without a concomitant decrease in other metabolic processes. Whether these reductions are beneficial or detrimental to the long-term growth of plants exposed to elevated CO2 remains unresolved. Liriodendron tulipifera/tulip poplar/yellow poplar KEYWORDS: GROWTH ANALYSIS, MODELING, NITROGEN, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, RESPIRATION, TREES 784 Wullschleger, S.D., R.J. Norby, and D.L. Hendrix. 1992. Carbon Exchange Rates, Chlorophyll Content, and Carbohydrate Status of Two Forest Tree Species Exposed to Carbon Dioxide Enrichment. Tree Physiology 10:21-31. Seedlings of yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) and white oak (Quercus alba L.) were exposed continuously to one of three CO2 concentrations in open-top chambers under field conditions and evaluated after 24 weeks with respect to carbon exchange rates (CER), chlorophyll (Chl) content, and diurnal carbohydrate status. Increasing the CO2 concentration from ambient to +150 or +300 uL/L stimulated CER of yellow-poplar and white oak seedlings by 60 and over 35%, respectively, compared to ambient-grown seedlings. The increases in CER were not associated with a significant change in stomatal conductance and occurred despite a reduction in the amounts of Chl and accessory pigments in the leaves of plants grown in CO2-enriched air. Total Chl contents of yellow-poplar and white oak seedlings grown at +300 uL/L were reduced by 27 and over 55%, respectively, compared with ambient-grown seedlings. Yellow-poplar and white oak seedlings grown at +300 uL/L contained 72 and 67% more morning starch, respectively, than did ambient-grown plants. In contrast, yellow-poplar and white oak seedlings grown at +300 uL/L contained 17 and 27% less evening sucrose, respectively, than did plants grown at ambient CO2 concentration. Diurnal starch accumulation and the subsequent depletion of sucrose contributed to a pronounced increase in the starch/sucrose ratio of plants grown in CO2-enriched air. All seedlings exhibited a substantial reduction in dark respiration as CO2 concentration increased, but the significance of this increase to the carbohydrate status and carbon economy of plants grown in CO2-enriched air remains unclear. Liriodendron tulipifera/yellow poplar/tulip poplar/Quercus alba/white oak KEYWORDS: CARBOHYDRATES, CI:CA, CONDUCTANCE, DIURNAL CYCLE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, OPEN-TOP CHAMBERS, PARTITIONING, PIGMENTS, RESPIRATION, TREES 785 Yacoub, A.S., and C.H.M. van Bavel. 1991. Relationships Between Stomatal Resistance and CO2 Level Around and Inside Leaves of Greenhouse Tomatoes. HortScience 26:72. tomato/Lycopersicon esculentum KEYWORDS: CI:CA, CONDUCTANCE, GREENHOUSE, HORTICULTURAL CROPS 786 Yandell, B.S., A. Najar, R. Wheeler, and T.W. Tibbitts. 1988. Modeling the Effects of Light, Carbon Dioxide, and Temperature on the Growth of Potato. Crop Science 28:811-818. This study examined the effects of light, temperature and carbon dioxide on the growth of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in a controlled environment in order to ascertain the best growing conditions for potato in life support systems in space. 'Norland' and 'Russet Burbank' were grown in 6-L pots of peat-vermiculite for 56 d in growth chambers at the University of Wisconsin Biotron. Environmental factor levels included continuous light (24-h photoperiod) at 250, 400, and 550 umol/m2/s PPF; constant temperature at 16, 20, and 24C; and CO2 at approximately 400, 1000 and 1600 uL/L. Separate effects analysis and ridge analysis provided a means to examine the effects of individual environmental factors and to determine combinations of factors that are expected to give the best increases in yields over the central design point. The response surface of Norland indicated that tuber yields were highest with moderately low temperature (18.7C), low CO2 (400 uL/L) and high light (550 umol/m2/s PPF). These conditions also favored shorter stem growth. Russet Burbank tuber yields were highest at moderately low temperature (17.5C), high CO2 (1600 uL/L) and medium light (455 umol/m2/s PPF). Models generated from these analyses will be used to project the most efficient conditions for growth of potatoes in closed ecological life support systems (CELSS) in space colonies. Solanum tuberosum/potato KEYWORDS: ALLOCATION, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS, LIGHT, TEMPERATURE, YIELD 787 Yelle, S., R.C. Beeson Jr., M.J. Trudel, and A. Gosselin. 1989. Acclimation of Two Tomato Species to High Atmospheric CO2. I. Sugar and Starch Concentrations. Plant Physiology 90:1465-1472. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv Vedettos and Lycopersicon chmielewskii Rick, LA 1028, were exposed to two CO2 concentrations (330 or 900 microliters per liter) for 10 weeks. Tomato plants grown at 900 microliters per liter contained more starch and more sugars than the control. However, we found no significant accumulation of starch and sugars in the young leaves of L. esculentum exposed to high CO2. Carbon exchange rates were significantly higher in CO2-enriched plants for the first few weeks of treatment but thereafter decreased as tomato plants acclimated to high atmospheric CO2. This indicates that the long-term decline of photosynthetic efficiency of leaf 5 cannot be attributed to an accumulation of sugar and/or starch. The average concentration of starch in leaves 5 and 9 was always higher in L. esculentum than in L. chmielewskii (151.7% higher). A higher proportion of photosynthates was directed into starch for L. esculentum than for L. chmielewskii. However, these characteristics did not improve the long-term photosynthetic efficiency of L chmielewskii grown at high CO2 when compared with L. esculentum. The chloroplasts of tomato plants exposed to the higher CO2 concentration exhibited a marked accumulation of starch. The results reported here suggest that starch and/or sugar accumulation under high CO2 cannot entirely explain the loss of photosynthetic efficiency of high CO2-grown plants. Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato/Lycopersicon chmielewskii KEYWORDS: ACCLIMATION, CARBOHYDRATES, GREENHOUSE, HYDROPONIC CULTURE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PARTITIONING 788 Yelle, S., R.C. Beeson Jr., M.J. Trudel, and A. Gosselin. 1989. Acclimation of Two Tomato Species to High Atmospheric CO2. II. Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase and Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase. Plant Physiology 90:1473-1477. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv Vedettos and Lycopersicon chmielewskii Rick, LA 1028, were exposed to two CO2 concentrations (330 or 900 microliters per liter) for 10 weeks. The elevated CO2 concentrations increased the initial ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity of both species for the first 5 weeks of treatment but the difference did not persist during the last 5 weeks. The activity of Mg2+-CO2-activated Rubisco was higher in 900 microliters per liter for the first 2 weeks but declined sharply thereafter. After 10 weeks, leaves grown at 330 microliters per liter CO2 had about twice the Rubisco activity compared with those grown at 900 microliters per liter CO2. The two species showed the same trend to Rubisco declines under high CO2 concentrations. The percent activation of Rubisco was always higher under high CO2. The phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) activity measured in tomato leaves averaged 7.9% of the total Rubisco. PEPCase showed a similar trend with time as the initial Rubisco but with no significant difference between nonenrichment and CO2-enriched plants. Long-term exposure of tomato plants to high CO2 was previously shown to induce a decline of photosynthetic efficiency. Based on the current study and on previous results, we propose that the decline of activated Rubisco is the main cause of the acclimation of tomato plants to high CO2 concentrations. Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato/Lycopersicon chmielewskii KEYWORDS: ACCLIMATION, ENZYMES, GREENHOUSE, HYDROPONIC CULTURE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE, RIBULOSE BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASE 789 Yelle, S., R.C. Beeson Jr., M.J. Trudel, and A. Gosselin. 1990. Duration of CO2 Enrichment Influences Growth, Yield, and Gas Exchange of Two Tomato Species. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 115:52-57. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Vedettos and Lycopersicon chmielewskii Rick, LA 1028, were exposed to two CO2 concentrations (330 or 900 umol/m3) for 10 weeks. The elevated CO2 concentration increased the relative growth rate (RGR) of L. esculentum and L. chmielewskii by 18% and 30%, respectively, after 2 weeks of treatment. This increase was not maintained as the plant matured. Net assimilation rate (NAR) and specific leaf weight (SLW) were always higher in CO2-enriched plants, suggesting that assimilates were preferentially accumulated in the leaves as reserves rather than contributing to leaf expansion. Carbon dioxide enrichment increased early and total yields of L. esculentum by 80% and 22%, respectively. Carbon exchange rates (CER) increased during the first few weeks, but thereafter decreased as tomato plants acclimated to high atmospheric CO2. The relatively constant concentration of internal CO2 with time suggests that reduced stomatal conductance under high CO2 does not explain lower photosynthetic rates of tomato plants grown under high atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Leaves 5 and 9 responded equally to high CO2 enrichment throughout plant growth. Consequently, acclimation of CO2-enriched plants was not entirely due to the age of the tissue. After 10 weeks of treatment, leaf 5, which had been exposed to high CO2 for only 10 days, showed the greatest acclimation of the experiment. We conclude that the duration of exposure of the whole plant to elevated CO2 concentration, rather than the age of the tissue, governs the acclimation to high CO2 concentration. Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato/Lycopersicon chmielewskii KEYWORDS: ACCLIMATION, CO2 ENRICHMENT DURATION, CONDUCTANCE, GREENHOUSE, GROWTH ANALYSIS, HYDROPONIC CULTURE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, NAR, YIELD 790 Yelle, S., A. Gosselin, and M.-J. Trudel. 1987. Effect of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration and Root-zone Temperature on Growth, Mineral Nutrition, and Nitrate Reductase Activity of Greenhouse Tomato. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 112:1036-1040. Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cvs. Vendor and Carmelo) were exposed to two CO2 levels (330 or 800 uL/L) and five root-zone temperatures (12, 18, 24, 30, or 36C). The enhancement of shoot growth from CO2 enrichment increased with root-zone temperature (RZT) to 30C. Enhancement of root growth decreased. The response to high CO2 level was larger with 'Vendor' than 'Carmelo'. A concentration of 800 uL/L of CO2 increased N and K uptake by 58% and 45% respectively. The largest P uptake was obtained with plants grown at 800 uL/L CO2 and 36 RZT. Leaf NO3 concentration decreased at 800 uL/L of CO2 and at a RZT of 12. At low RZT, CO2 enrichment increased growth but did not increase the translocation of NO3 to the leaf. There was no significant relationship between nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and leaf NO3 content, implying that the 'inactive NO3' (which does not affect NRA) was at higher levels in leaves exposed to 330 uL/L CO2 than in those exposed to 800 uL/L CO2. There was also a decrease in N concentration of leaves subjected to 800 uL/L CO2, possibly caused by a reduction of NO3 transport toward leaves rather than a decrease in NO3 reduction within leaves. Therefore, the best response to CO2 enrichment at 30 appears to be related to increased NO3 translocation. Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato KEYWORDS: CULTIVAR RESPONSES, GREENHOUSE, HYDROPONIC CULTURE, NITRATE REDUCTASE, NITROGEN, NUTRITION, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, ROOTS, TEMPERATURE 791 Yelle, S., A. Gosselin, and M.-J. Trudel. 1987. Effets a Long Terme de l'Enrichissement Carbone sur la Tomate de Serre Cultivee avec ou sans Eclairage d'Appoint. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 67:899-907. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. 'Vedettos') was grown under three different concentrations of atmospheric CO2 (330, 900 and 1500 ppm) and two lighting intensities (natural and natural plus 30 W/m2 PAR) provided by high-pressure sodium lights (HPS). Results show a reduction in CO2 efficiency after eight weeks of enrichment. The higher the CO2 concentration, the more serious is this reduction. Our results show the potential of CO2 enrichment and supplementary lighting as well as their synergetic effect on productivity (yield increases of 32, 73 and 122%, respectively). Supplementary lighting does not compensate for the reduction of CO2 efficiency. Concentrations of 900 and 1500 ppm increased the plants' water-use efficiency. In French. Lycopersicon esculentum/tomato KEYWORDS: GREENHOUSE, HYDROPONIC CULTURE, LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS, LIGHT, WUE, YIELD 792 Zeroni, M., and J. Gale. 1988. Response of Sonia Roses to Continuous Daytime CO2 Supplementation under Controlled Environment Conditions. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 39:863-870. Rose plants (Rosa hybrida cv. Sonia, Syn. Sweet Promise) were placed in growth chambers under conditions resembling winter in a controlled environment greenhouse in the desert: mild temperature, high incident photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), high air humidity and 10.5 h daylength. Concentrations of CO2 in the air were maintained throughout the day at 320, 600 or 1200 uL/L with approximately 350 L/L at night. Plant growth (length, fresh and dry weight), development (breaks, blindness), flower yield and flower quality (flower bud diameter, fresh weight and cane length) indices were monitored throughout three consecutive flowering cycles. CO2 supplementation caused an increase in leaf resistance to water vapour diffusion, accompanied by a reduction in the rate of transpiration per unit leaf area. Total leaf area increased at higher CO2 concentrations. Water use per plant did not change. Plant water potentials increased with rising CO2 concentrations. Growth, development, flower yield and flower quality were greatly enhanced in the CO2-enriched atmosphere. The response of growth and development to CO2 supplementation tended to decrease slightly with time when calculated per branch, but increased when calculated per plant. Flower yield and quality did not change with time. The highest CO2 treatment resulted in a sustained, approximately 50% increase in yield, and doubling of the above quality indices throughout the three growth cycles. Rosa hybrida/rose KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, FLOWER PRODUCTION, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, WATER STATUS 793 Zeroni, M., and J. Gale. 1989. Response of 'Sonia' Roses to Salinity at Three Levels of Ambient CO2. Journal of Horticultural Science 64:503-511. The effect of prolonged exposure of plants to a combination of both salinity and high CO2 concentration ([CO2]) is not easy to predict. The purpose of this work was to contribute to the clarification of this question for roses. 'Sonia' rose plants were placed in growth chambers for three consecutive flowering cycles, under conditions simulating winter in a controlled environment greenhouse in the desert. Plants were grown at three levels of [CO2] and four levels of salinity. Plants died or stopped growing when treated with 3,436 g/m3 salt. Subsequently, the highest concentration used was 2,577 g/m3 total soluble salt. Salinity tolerance increased at high [CO2]. Some combinations of CO2 and salt gave higher yields than those obtained with CO2 alone, due to a decrease in blindness. This suggests that salt, in the presence of high [CO2], changed the distribution of assimilates. Under high [CO2], salinity did not change plant water potential, but leaf diffusion resistance to water vapour (r) increased. The r did not correlate well with the measured rates of transpiration. This suggests that the r of leaves of different ages react differently to the combination of salinity and high [CO2]; evidently, the leaves used to measure r were not representative of the entire plant. Rosa hybrida/rose KEYWORDS: CONDUCTANCE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT CHAMBERS, FLOWER PRODUCTION, HORTICULTURAL CROPS, SALT STRESS, WATER STATUS 794 Ziska, L.H., and J.A. Bunce. 1993. Inhibition of Whole Plant Respiration by Elevated CO2 as Modified by Growth Temperature. Physiologia Plantarum 87:459-466. Plants of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and orchard grass (Dactylus glomerata) were grown in controlled environment chambers at two CO2 concentrations (350 and 700 umol/mol) and 4 constant day/night growth temperatures of 15, 20, 25 and 30C for 50-90 days to determine changes in growth and whole plant CO2 efflux (dark respiration). To facilitate comparisons with other studies, respiration data were expressed on the basis of leaf area, dry weight and protein. Growth at elevated CO2 increased total plant biomass at all temperatures relative to ambient CO2 but the relative enhancement declined (P