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Quarterly Index of African Periodical Literature

Article Titles

From (+)-floribundone 3 from the pods of senna septemtrionalis (1997) to 2% de femmes burundaises seulement pratiquent la contraception (1991)
From 2000 museum highlights (2000) to Ability of systematic insecticide dimethoate to prevent aphid colonisation and the spread of aphid transmitted viruses in solanum tuberosum Lin. (1998)
From Abnormal syndrome of iliac osteomyelitis presenting as acute appendicitis (1992) to Access to justice : issues and challenges in Southern Africa (2001)
From Access to legal education in Zimbabwe (1987) to Act now on female circumcision (1995)
From Act now on teen pregnancies (1994) to Addition to the avifauna of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and Echuya Forest Reserve, Uganda (2003)
From Additions to Birds of Somalia, their habitat, status and distribution (Ash & Miskell 1983) (1991) to Adrian, Jean Louis Augustin (1780-1853) (1992)
From Adsorption of dodecyl hexaethylene glycol mono ether (C12E6) on colloidal silica particles dispersed in monoethlene glycol (MEG) (1998) to Affirmative action : its origin and point (1992)
From Affirmative action : obstacle or aid to national reconciliation (1992) to Africa the forgotten continent (1992)
From Africa Theological Journal [address] to African Crisis Response Initiative and the new African security (dis)order (2001)
From The African crisis, regionalism and prospects for recovery in the emerging global order (1993) to African languages publishing : a Zimbabwe case study (2000)
From African leaders : a source of Africa's problems (1999) to The African termite : peaceful coexistence or total war? (1990)
From African tertiary education institutions responding to the threat posed by HIV/AIDS (2005) to Age and season related changes in semen quality of Horro bulls (2005)
From Age and sex characteristics of the population of Zimbabwe, an analysis based on the 1982 census (1991) to Agro-ecological decision support systems for wheat improvement in Ethiopia : climatic characterisation and clustering of wheat growing regions (1999)
From Agro-industries rurales : enjeux et démarche de développement (1992) to AIDS : free, affordable ARVs bring hope (2004)
From AIDS : some optimism from research results; but still nothing in it for us (1988) to The Akyem Abuakwa Asafo, 1700-1918 (1998)
From Alain Pierre Bernard, Président du Jeune Patronat de Madagascar : ne pas perdre pied... (1996) to Alternative media and political change in Africa : analytical schemes for assessing significance and potential (1996)
From An alternative method of interfacing a dc motor to a microprocessor for motion control (1994) to Anaemia in women of reproductive age in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania (2002)
From Anaemia, macrocytosis, vitamin B12 and folate levels in elderly Zimbabweans (1997) to Analysis of serum lipids and lipoproteins in Ethiopian diabetic patients (2003)
From Analysis of some Bilin proverbs (1989) to Anglo-Ugandan military relations from colonialism to 1985 (1997)
From Anglophone Africa Seminar on Government Information and Official Publications (1994) to Annual report (University Lake Kariba Research Station) [address]
From Annual river flood frequency in Zimbabwe (1998) to Antimicrobial activities of Ziziphus abyssinica and Berchemia discolor (1991)
From Antimicrobial activity and chemical constituent profile of neem seed oil on storage : effects of vitamin E and Lecithin (2004) to Application d'un modèle de diarrhée à escherichia coli enteroadhérent à l'étude de propriété anti-diarrhéique de l'extrait 56 F : rattrapage pondéral (1988)
From Application de l'analyse de le xuan au théoréme de l'énergie cinétique (1987) to Approaches for the development of the forestry sector in Africa (1991)
From Approaches to development of Kenya's arid lands (1989) to Architectural imagery and symbolism in Swahili literature (1997)
From Architecture (Nairobi, Kenya) [address] to Aromathérapie : action antibactérienne des composés de structure aromatique présents dans les huiles essentielles (1989)
From Arqueologia da idade do ferro em Moçambique (1974 a 1988) (1988) to As determinantes do voto em eleiçoes democráticas (1994)
From As direcções dos clubes não consideram o meu trabalho (1991) to Aspects of the ecology of aphyllophorales in pine and eucalypt plantations in Zimbabwe (1993)
From Aspects of the ecology of poverty and environmental degradation (1992) to An assessment of Ghana's effort in achieving sustainable development (2007)
From Assessment of governance in the fourth Republic (1997) to Assinado em Roma Protocolo III (1992)
From Assisted participatory approach to land use planning (1992) to Attitudes towards science, an exploratory survey of pupils preparing for national examinations (1993)
From Attitudes towards sheng: an emerging language in Nairobi (2007) to Availability and quality of health care services for safe motherhood in Kisumu District, Kenya : a situation analysis (2000)
From The availability and readability of secondary school texts : their effect on the development of good reading habits (1990) to Bacteraemia, urinary tract infection and malaria in hospitalised febrile children in Nairobi : is there an association? (2004)
From Bacteria associated with otitis media in patients attending ' ear, nose and throat' clinics in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria (2006) to Banking on Kenya (1994)
From Banking on prevention (1990) to Bathurst, Walter (c. 1764-1827) (1996)
From Bathymetric survey and estimation of the water balance of Lake Ardibo, northern Ethiopia (2004) to Beijing '95 : making equality a reality (1995)
From Beijing +5: journey far from done (2000) to Beware the month of August! (2006)
From Beyond a theology of development (1993) to Biliary ascariasis with acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis : a case report (1999)
From The bill of rights and protection of human rights : the Tanzania court experience (1995) to Biological effects of four protectants applied to stored bambara groundnut against infestation by callosobruchus maculatus (FAB) (coleoptera: bruchidae) (2002)
From Biological effects of plant extracts against the rice weevil sitophilus oryzae in stored maize (2000) to The birds of Lake Chilwa : a systematic annotated checklist (1998)
From Birds of Lake Naivasha. Pt.2, Foraging niches and relationships between migrant and resident warblers in papyrus swamp (1991) to Blended cements (1994)
From Blind ending branch of duplicate ureter associated with urolithiasis of contra-lateral kidney : case report and review of literature (1990) to Boson critical self-mixing and the --transition in 4He. Pt. 1. Symmetric molecular interactions (1989)
From Boson critical self-mixing and the --transition in 4He. Pt. 2. Asymmetric molecular interactions (1989) to Brasil, nascer sem heranca (1993)
From Brave little creatures (2000) to A brief comparison of recent estimates of the total fertility rate for Botswana (1990)
From A brief encounter with democracy : from acquiescence to resistance during Eritrea's early federation years (1998) to Budgetary proposals (1992)
From Budgetary trade-offs in Ethiopia, 1965-1993 (1994) to Burden of diseases in Amhara region, Ethiopia (2004)
From Burden of diseases in poor resource countries : meeting the challenges of combating HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria (2005) to Cabo Delgado : o que a terra pode (1993)
From Cabo Delgado prioriza produçao agrícola (1993) to Can Africa afford another apartheid? (1991)
From Can Africa claim the 21st century (2002) to Capacity building, strengthening and retention for socio-economic development in Africa : lessons from Mauritius and Madagascar (1994)
From Capacity challenges to African health service delivery (2006) to Caring for a South African treasure : preserving the Bleek and Lloyd collection at University of Cape Town libraries (2003)
From Caring for the common roof : ecological crisis and Christian ethics (2004) to Cash crops versus food crops in Africa : a conflict between dependency and autonomy (1992)
From Cash flow statement : an improvement of accounting information (1994) to Causes of student attrition in Bahir Dar University : qualitative and quantitative analyses (2003)
From Causes of sudden death in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (2001) to Ceramicarte : como uma cooperativa pode crescer (1994)
From Ceramics : materials for a new age (1990) to Challenges for Zimbabwe : what the fundis say (1992)
From Challenges from the emerging ecclesiologies to ecclesial renewal : women/feminist challenges for wholeness (1994) to Changes in African smallholder agriculture in the twentieth century and the challenges of the twenty-first (2001)
From Changes in annual, seasonal and monthly rainfall in Nigeria during 1961-90 and consequences to agriculture (1995) to Chaotic behaviour in simple equations (1993)
From A chaotic economy (1996) to Chasing the chambo in southern Lake Malawi : does molecular genetics have a role to play in the management of the stocks? (2001)
From Chasing the elusive catch (2006) to Chiedza (Harare, Zimbabwe) [address]
From Chief Johannes Manga Williams and the making of a native colonial autocrat among the Bakweri of the Southern Cameroons (1994) to Childhood meningitis in a tertiary hospital in Addis Ababa : clinical and epidemiological features (2001)
From Childhood mortality in Amhara Region : a case study of Misrak Gojjam and Wag Hemra Zone (2001) to Cholera epidemic control (2001)
From Cholistan Desert in a state of flux (1995) to Chronic myeloid leukaemia in Central Africans (2003)
From Chronic osteomyelitis in a Ugandan rural settung (2003) to Cidade de Maputo : o civismo está em crise (1996)
From Cidade de Maputo, um século de vida ... e pouco mais (1992) to Civisme, dévéloppement et droits de l'homme: quelques mise au point terminologiques (2004)
From Claiming religious space: the case of neo-prophetism in Ghana (2006) to Clinical correlates of errors in compliance in ambulatory hypertensives (2000)
From Clinical course of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 associated pulmonary tuberculosis during short-course antituberculosis therapy (1997) to Cobranças arbitrárias afogam clientes da EDM em Nampula (1995)
From Coca Cola : investment tops US$ 50m in Uganda (2001) to Colonial style (2004)
From Colonial treaties and the legal regime of the Nile Valley : rethinking the legal framework into the 21st century with special emphasis on Uganda's interests. Pt. 1. (1996) to Comments on environmental law and judicial review (1997)
From Comments on environmental law and judicial review (1999) to Communication in the university setting (1994)
From Communication jubilaire pour les cinquante cinq ans de vie académique de Mme Berthe Raharijaona-vice président de la section des sciences morales et politiques-avocat honoraire prés la Cour d'appel (1987) to Community policing (2001)
From Community policing and neighbourhood watch (2005) to Comparative feeding values of Leucaena pallida and Noug cake (G. Abyssinica) for fattening Horro steers (2005)
From Comparative hematological and biochemical changes in small East African goats infected with T. vivax and T. congolense (2002) to Comparison of green and yellow water traps for sampling citrus aphids at the Kenya coast (1988)
From Comparison of land equivalent ratio, yield and income from intercropping Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam with pulses in Swaziland (2005) to Components and mechanisms of resistance in selected field pea lines to pea aphid (acyrthosiphon pisum harris) in Ethiopia (2005)
From Comportamento do amendoin em condiçoes de sequeiro (1995) to The concept of home among the Batoro (1990)
From The concept of home range in relation to elephants in Africa (2004) to Conflict generation, conflict management and self-organizing capabilities in drought-prone rural communities in Northeastern Nigeria : a case study (2004)
From Conflict in Northern Uganda : an insider's view (2005) to The consequences of political awareness creation (1994)
From Conservancies as a development tool in Zimbabwe's Campfire Districts (2000) to Constitution making in top gear (1991)
From The Constitution of Kenya Review (Amendment) bill, 2000 (2000) to Construction practices on expansive soils (1995)
From Construction Review (Nairobi, Kenya) [address] to Contours of a prophetic homiletic (2001)
From Contraceptive awareness and use among sexually active breast feeding mothers in Ile-Ife, Nigeria (2005) to Contributions of education and research to national development with special reference to Kenya (1998)
From Contributions of grain legume companion crops to sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) ecological properties and yield in Swaziland (2006) to Coopératives agricoles et développement rural : conditions de réussite (1989)
From Coordinated efforts for the youth needed (1994) to Corrigenda et addenda à la grammaire du lomongo (Léopoldville, 1958) (1994)
From Corroborating the evidence of a rape victim in Botswana : time for a fresh look (1996) to Counselling condom users in prevention of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (1993)
From Counselling for career development : a counselling framework for vocational/non-vocational students (1993) to Creches : quem deve frequentar? (1994)
From Credible conservationists: the south Asians community and environmental management in Kenya (2008) to Critical appraisal of currently used oxytocin regimen and prospects (2007)
From A critical appraisal of Nigeria's foreign policy under military rule, 1966-1999 (2004) to Cross-cultural influences on Akan folklore genres (1998)
From Cross-cultural issues in counseling skills training : lessons from Lesotho (2002) to Cultural policies for a better Kenya (1999)
From Cultural practices and production constraints in smallholder banana-based cropping systems of Uganda's Lake Victoria basin (1999) to The current political situation in Malawi (1992)
From The current position of science and technology education in Kenyan schools (2004) to Côte d'Ivoire : socio-political crises, 'Ivoirité' and the course of history (2003)
From D&D goes to Bangladesh (1991) to A day in the life of a Tanzanian civil servant (1993)
From A day in the life of a wardress (1998) to Dealing with Nairobi's traffic problems (2005)
From Dealing with real people (1994) to Decentralization in Malawi : an assessment of the policy process (1998)
From Decentralization of education planning and management : the district focus strategy (1998) to Dehydrating edible mushrooms using a locally made solar dryer (2003)
From Deir Es-Sultan : the Ethiopian monastery in Jerusalem (1987) to Democratisation in Kenya : why the Constitution of Kenya needs reform (1995)
From Democratisation of governance in tertiary institutions : a critical analysis of perceived involvement of the student union in the administration of institutions of higher learning in Nigeria (1997) to Des bons résultats malgré une faible productivité (1994)
From Des caméléons et des hommes (2004) to Design of a low-cost solar powered ringbom stirling engine (1995)
From Design of a wind-pump operated micro-irrigation system (2005) to Determinants of multiple sexual partners and condom use among sexually active Tanzanians (1996)
From Determinants of multiple technology adoption : defining adopters and empirical analysis (2001) to Developing a deposit insurance scheme in Tanzania : 'issues and prospects' (1997)
From Developing a major offshore financial centre : developing trust business in Mauritius, a comparison to other centres (1992) to Development of an improved HPLC method for vitamin A assay in foods (1994)
From The development of an industry in Harare (1995) to Developments in the strategy of red locust plague prevention in the fifty-year history of the International Red Locust Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa (1999)
From Developments on the library and information scene in Namibia (1992) to Dialogue, églises et arts plastiques : une lecture de la peinture populaire zaïroise (1994)
From Diamant sanglant et économie des guerres civiles en Afrique (2001) to Digitizing audio-visual collections (2001)
From The dignity of paid work (1998) to Discipline, restraint, prudence : the budget in three words (1992)
From Discipline, the way it should be conceived and administered in Swaziland's schools (1989) to The distinctive contribution of the Catholic Church to the struggle for justice in Kaunda's Zambia (1970-1991) (1999)
From The distinctive features of feudalism in Ethiopia. Pt.2. (1981) to Divorce in the new testament compared to divorce in Tanzania. Pt. 2. (2003)
From Divorce law in Lesotho : a critical appraisal of guilt principle and the present grounds for divorce (1991) to Dogme et inculturation en Afrique (1994)
From Dogs and the Sirikwa at Hyrax Hill (1992) to Douziéme session ordinaire de la Conférence des chefs d'état de la CEPGL, pour des actes concrets (1990)
From Down in the dumps (2001) to Drought relief programe : a blessing to rural dwellers (1994)
From Drought tolerance in African common bean genotypes (1997) to The duty (responsibility) of the individual in the African Charter on Human and People's Rights as it relates to international human rights (2000)
From Duty free, but ... at what cost? (1990) to Développement du fonds documentaire de la bibliothèque de l'Université de Kisangani : problèmes et perspectives d'avenir (1987)
From Développement démocratique au Zaïre : autopsie d'un mythe (1992) to East African Law Journal [address]
From East African Medical Journal [address] to Economic analysis of expanding agricultural exports : the case of cotton in Zambia (1992)
From An economic analysis of farmers multi-purpose co-operative societies in eastern part of Nigeria (1990) to Economic recovery and self-sustaining development in Sub-Saharan Africa : a review of capacity building implications (1997)
From Economic recovery in Mozambique : the case of Zambezia Province (1996) to Ecumenism and the ecumenical councils (2003)
From Ecumenism in a Nairobi squatter settlement (1998) to Education policies and economic development in Zimbabwe (1989)
From Education policies and the changing economic environment : the case of Zambia, 1965-1989 (1996) to Effect of continuous pineapple cropping on soil phosphatase, microbial biomass, and organic matter on some Swaziland soils (1992)
From Effect of cowpea and its residues on parasitism of striga hermonthica on maize (1997) to The effect of immunising dogs against an androgen binding cauda epididymal antigen (CABA) (1995)
From Effect of improved stoves on prevalence of acute respiration infection and conjunctivitis among children and women in a rural community in Kenya (2000) to Effect of pepper (Capsicum frutescens) on gastric mucosal mast cell population and histamine concentration in albino rats (1990)
From Effect of percurtaneous balloon mitral valvotomy on pulmonary venous flow in severe mitral stenosis (1999) to Effect of source of yeast (Saccharomyces spp) on alcohol content and quality of pineapple (Ananas comosus) wine (1990)
From Effect of source, time and method of nitrogen application on growth and yield components of potato in Kenya (2000) to Effect(s) of dieldrin on plasma testosterone and plasma luteinizing hormone in male rats (1998)
From The effective administration of criminal justice for the prevention of corruption by public officials (1998) to Effects of different neem formulations on the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum mill.) (2003)
From Effects of different soil types and rainfall variability on water storage and maize yields in Zimbabwe (1998) to Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertiliser on growth and yield of ironweed (Vernonia galamesis) (2003)
From Effects of nitrogen application and stage of development on yield and nutritional value of Rhodes grass (chloris gayana) (1996) to Effects of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces training programme on body composition and reproductive hormones in male army recruits (2000)
From Effects of thickening waste-activated sludge from Crowborough sewerage treatment works (1997) to Efforts made towards the realisation of conservation through a regional nature club in an Ethiopian high school (1992)
From Effuvu, the road virus (1993) to The electoral arrangements in districts (1994)
From Electoral campaigns and pre-election issues (1994) to Elephants in Limuru (1990)
From Elephants in Tarangire (1990) to Emerging issues on food safety: pesticide residues in tea (2005)
From Emerging models of quality, relevance and standards in Ethiopia's higher education institutions (2003) to En savoir plus sur le fibrome utérin, 'le fibrome utérin n'est pas un cancer' (1990)
From Enabling implementation of intellectual property protection in developing countries under the TRIPS agreement : the role of the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation (1996) to Engelbert Mveng et Benjamin L. Lipawing, théologie, libération et cultures africaines : dialogue sur l'antropologie négro-africaine (1998)
From Engendering democracy : women's participation in the constitutional reform process (1999) to Enseignement post-universitaire : la souffrance foetale aiguë (SFA) (1991)
From Enseignement post-universitaire-grossesse extra-uterine mise au point (1991) to Environmental constraints to sustainable water supply development in Kenya : towards a planning alternative (1996)
From Environmental cost considerations in planning and operating small mines (1993) to Epidemic meningococcal meningitis in adult Ethiopians in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1988 (1992)
From Epidemic prone diseases in Ethiopia : EPHA expert group report (1995) to Eradication of theft of motor vehicles (1995)
From Ergonomic evaluation of manually operated peanut butter mills (2002) to Essai de formulation d'une pommade anti-dermatophitique à partir de l'extrait brut de HE 01594 (1989)
From Essai de purification du sel 'mwepo wa bombwe' de Kabongo (1993) to Estimation of banana yield based on bunch phenology (1999)
From Estimation of child mortality in Addis Ababa (1995) to Ethiopia at the cross roads : reflections on the economics of the transition period (1992)
From Ethiopia in the Bible (1992) to Ethnicité et gouvernementalité dans le contexte du renouveau constitutionnaliste africain (2002)
From Ethnicité, citoyenneté et gouvernementalité dans le contexte du renouveau constitutionnaliste Africain (2000) to Etude sur l'opportunité des marchés financiers en Afrique (1994)
From Etude sur le déperdition scolaire en milieu rural Zaïrois (1985) to Evaluation of an entomopathogenic fungus for control of tea weevil (Entypotrachelus meyeri micans) in Kenya : preliminary indications (1999)
From Evaluation of an improved pyrethrum formulation in the control of maize pests in Kenya (1990) to Evaluation of pyrethrum clones for adaptability in various environmental conditions in Tanzania (1997)
From Evaluation of pyrethrum formulations for control of ticks in Kenya (1996) to The evangelist and spiritual awakening (2002)
From Evangelization (1994) to Examens, curriculum et mauricianisation dans l' enseignement secondaire (2001)
From Examination malpractice and undergraduate wastage rates in Nigerian universities (2006) to Experience with human bites in Zimbabwe (1991)
From Experience with IUCD insertion outside of menses in Kenya (2000) to Export instability and recurrent and development expenditure in Tanzania (1980-1989) (1993)
From Export marketing involvement of African small and medium size enterprises : Tanzania's fish processing industry (2003) to Extrophy of the bladder : a case report on a 17-year-old male Nigerian (1991)
From Exécution des mesures prises contre les sujets ennemis pendant la seconde guerre mondiale dans la région de l'Equateur (Rép. du Zaire). Quelques documents inédits (1988) to Factors impeding tea production in smallholder sub-sector of the Kenya tea industry : an assessment of extension staff awareness of existing technologies (2000)
From Factors impeding tea production in smallholder sub-sector of the Kenya tea industry : an assessment of farmers awareness and adoption levels of technologies (2000) to Falsification of history : the role of the Unity Movement in liberation (1999)
From Falta de água no regadio de Moamba (1995) to Farmers' revolt (1999)
From Farmers' top-priority fruit trees (1999) to Fellow women, lack of money fails us : Mrs. Konyoonyo (1998)
From Felt occupational and environmental health hazards among workers in small-scale industries in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: focus group discussion study (2005) to Fiction and reality : moments of disjuncture in the modern novel : the case of Samuel Beckett's trilogy (1993)
From Fiction littéraires, conflits et pouvoirs en Afrique (2003) to Financial & economical tables (1990)
From Financial accountability of public corporations in a liberalised economy : the case of auditing in Tanzania (2002) to First investment is stability (1993)
From First language acquisition in Shona: a case study of a 37 months old boy (2002) to Flow of funds analysis : the case of Botswana (1999)
From Flow regime of the Pote River in Zimbabwe (2002) to The food and feeding habit of oreochromis niloticus L. (pisces : cichlidae) in Lake Chamo, Ethiopia (2000)
From Food and feeding habits of sarotherodon melanotheron, Rüpppell, 1852 (Pisces: Cichlidae) in Sakumo Lagoon, Ghana (2006) to FORD on the brink (1992)
From FORD on trial (1992) to Forgotten heros remembered (1995)
From The forgotten majority (1992) to Fractional order fringes on photoelasticity (1990)
From A fracture kinetics analysis of hydrogen embrittlement (1994) to FRELIMO foi até acusada de importar urnas com votos ... (1994)
From Fremlen, William (1608-1646) (1994) to From Rio to New Delhi : Global Environmental Facility - first participants' assembly (1998)
From From saint to devil (1998) to Further archaeological research at Tsodilo hills : new discoveries made (1993)
From Further comparisons of Cynodon accessions for yield and palatability (1987) to A gander at Ugandan cuisine (2007)
From Gangrenous bowel in Nigerians (2000) to Gender and management issues in the water sector : the case of rural Botswana (1994)
From Gender and occupation prestige in Kenya (1997) to Gender positive planning in Zimbabwe (1993)
From The gender question and human dignity (1996) to Genetic diversity among East African highland banana for female fertility (2005)
From Genetic diversity and oviposition host preference of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (homoptera: aleyrodidae) infesting four crops in Ghana (2004) to The geology and gold mineralization of SW part of the Masvingo Greenstone Belt (1999)
From The geology and mineralization of north half of Enyigba lode abakaliki lead-zinc deposit, Enugu State, Nigeria (1995) to Ghana's exports to neighbouring countries (2000)
From Ghana's health sector towards the next millennium (1999) to Global food insecurity : is Uganda safe? (2001)
From Global fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria: Uganda lauded (2002) to God and the African novel (1995)
From 'God bless the country'-Anyona's last words (1991) to Gospel and culture: the African experience--implications for the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word (2000)
From The Gospel of development (1989) to Granulocytic sarcoma : report of three cases (1999)
From Grapes of resurrection : Wole Soyinka's adaptation of Euripide's The Bacchae (1997) to Grouping of coffee sub-districts surveyed for coffee leaf rust in Ethiopia using numerical taxonomy (1993)
From Growing Afro-Asian ties: opportunities for future research (2007) to Guerrillas (1996)
From Guest of the month : Bernard Chidzero (1991) to Haematology reference values for healthy elderly blacks residing in Harare, Zimbabwe (2000)
From Haematoxylin and erosin staining in the diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease in Uganda (2003) to Harvesting the diversity of botanicals (2000)
From Harvesting the forest (1994) to Health impact of occupational risks in the informal sector in Zimbabwe (1998)
From Health in Ethiopia : a summary of 52 district health profiles (1994) to Helicobacter pylori : ten questions and answers (1992)
From Helicobacter pylori eradication in peptic dyspepsia (2005) to Heurs et malheurs de l'héritage culturel du Rwanda et du Burundi en matière de préservation de la paix (1995)
From Hidden agenda in new districts (1993) to Histoire de l'éducation des jeunes filles malgaches du XVIe au XXe siècle (1997)
From Histoire de l'établissement des Dìì et de leurs chefferies en Adamaoua (Nord-Cameroun) (2001) to The history of biological control with nosema locustae : lessons for locust management (1999)
From A history of Botswana through case law (1997) to HIV/AIDS : breaking the silence (2002)
From HIV/AIDS : drugs, stigmatisation top Namibian agenda (2002) to A Hopeful dawn of post-colonial initiatives (1996)
From A hora das ideias (1991) to Housing vulnerable groups (1996)
From Housing Zimbabwe's urban poor: looking beyond 'operations Murambatsvina and Garikai/Hlalani kuhle' (2006) to How to avoid, resolve conflicts in Africa (1995)
From How to complete the new nest record card (1999) to Human rights (1990)
From Human rights (1995) to Hut tax tokens (1992)
From Huteau, Joseph Elisée (1842-1886) (1995) to Ibimenyetso bitera akanyabugabo (1992)
From Ibyuya, ou conférence nationale (1993) to If only I had a wife (1997)
From If opposition had won the 1992 elections (1996) to Immigrants view (1991)
From Immigrer en France: le combat des femmes congolaises (2004) to The impact of development projects on population dynamics (1994)
From The impact of development within the context of global competition: on enhancing the dignity of the poor in Africa (2003) to Impact of Pentecostalism on the mainline churches in Kenya (2003)
From The impact of pluralism on the public policy making process in Tanzania: present and future trends (1998) to Impediments to the realisation of the rehabilitation ideal in Uganda's prisons (1996)
From Impediments to the teaching of environmental education in Kenya (2003) to The importance of bryophyte conservation in Kenya (1995)
From The importance of claiming indigenous art history (1997) to Impuuzanyandiko yîkinyarwaanda (1992)
From Impératif de la démocratie pour une territoriale de développement au Zaïre (1992) to In-depth assessment in tax (2000)
From In-ground post maturity storability of five local sweetpotato varieties (1998) to Increasing food supply and availability in Africa through efficient marketing and distribution (1991)
From Increasing foreign direct investment in Africa (1991) to Indigenous peoples and their cultural survival in Uganda : the legacy of educational dependence (2001)
From Indigenous plant uses and use values in Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro, Tanzania (2006) to Infant mortality in Uganda 1995-2000 : why the non-improvement ? (2002)
From Infant nutritional patterns and trends in Sub-Saharan Africa : evidence from demographic and health surveys 1986-1998 (1999) to The influence of host plant age and inoculum concentration on severity of cercospora leaf spot of molucella laevis L. (1998)
From Influence of human behaviour on budgeting (1992) to The influenza epidemic of 1918-1919 in Northern Rhodesia (1993)
From Influência da gama globulina hiperimune na evoluçao do sarampo (1988) to Infrastructure is key to development (1990)
From Infrastructure problems in Tanzanian industries (1995) to Inside a detainee's family (1991)
From Inside a primary school classroom in Tanzania (1996) to Integrated management of hypoxylon wood rot of tea (Camellia sinensis L. (O) Kuntze) : the components and their applications (2003)
From Integrated management of land resources in eastern Africa : a review (1994) to Interactions of desertification and climate : an overview (1995)
From Interactions of ocean processes and fisheries off Namibia (1998) to International standardisation : meeting ISO's secretary general and chief executive officer, Dr. Lawrence D. Eicher (1996)
From International terrorism - let Kenya set aside political consideration in dealing with terrorist activity (1998) to Intestinal parasitoses among under-fives in two communities in Ethiopia (1998)
From Intestinal parasitoses and other infections in a college community (1991) to Inventaire commente de la bibliographie sur le criquet senegalais, oedaleus senegalensis (Krauss, 1877) (1997)
From Inventaire des documents officiels coloniaux du Congo belge et du Ruanda-Urundi existant dans les bibliothéques et dép-ts d'archives de la ville de Lubumbashi. 1ére partie (1988) to Investment banking : the next best thing to the 'Donde Act' (2001)
From Investment boom for Namibia? (1993) to Is fertility falling in Zimbabwe? (1993)
From Is fibrinogen a reliable haemostatic marker for monitoring possible risks of thromboembolic events in smokers? (1999) to Is your media plan a guess? (1990)
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From Technological change in sorghum production in Eastern Uganda (2005) to Termite fauna of Ramogi Hill Forest, Nyanza Province (1995)
From Termites (Isoptera) in Kibale Forest National Park, Western Uganda (1997) to Theobromine rich cocoa powder induces weight loss and changes in lipid profile of obese wistar rats (2006)
From Theodore and Mabel Bent : a discussion on the work in Great Zimbabwe of this 19th century couple (1999) to The third way : the renewal of social democracy (1998)
From Third world 2001 (1992) to Théologie et méthodes missionnaires en Afrique de l'Ouest ou l'exportation du modéle de Christianisme français (1991)
From Théologie et philosophie : à la quête de l'impact du luthérianisme sur la philosophie (1988) to To celebrate a landscape : an interview with Henry Thompson (1995)
From To change or not to change: obstacles and resistance to sexual behavioural change among the youth in Ghana in the era of AIDS (2003) to Toujours plus d'hydrocarbures (1995)
From Toujours plus de véhicules (1992) to Towards a pedagogy of hope (1990)
From Towards a philosophy of African cinema (1988) to Towards MDGs localization and poverty reduction : the case of Uganda (2006)
From Towards more relevant university training in African countries (1989) to Trade and Islam in the towns of Bägemdir 1900-1935 (1996)
From Trade and macroeconomics policies' impact on agricultural growth : evidence to date (1989) to Traditional inheritance and the rights of women in Namibia (1993)
From Traditional iron technology and settlement patterns in Central Darfur (2004) to Traitement pré- et post-opératoire des péritonites graves (1997)
From Traits caractéristiques de la société moderne et critique postmoderne (1998) to The trapping of wildlife in the Rumpi Hills Forest Reserve, southwest Cameroon (1998)
From Trappings of power and managerial effectiveness : the Kenyan experience (1999) to Trends of morbidity in general medicine at United Bulawayo Hospitals, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe (1997)
From Trends of the elephant population in northern Botswana from aerial survey data (1998) to Truth and ethics in African thought (1993)
From Truth and ethics in African thought : a reply to Emmanuel Eze (1994) to The twentieth Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights : the present and future of the Commission (1996)
From Twenty five years of teaching law in Dar es Salaam (1989) to Ubucamanza na gacaca mu Rwanda (1998)
From Uburezi, Ubuhanga n'Umuco [address] to Uhusiano wa dhana ya mtindo, fasihi na isimu (1998)
From Uingizaji wa vinyambuo-nomino katika kamusi za Kiswahili (2006) to Un thème de recherches à développer : urbanisation et évolution des activités rurales en Afrique noire (1999)
From Un tiers de la population mondiale autour de l'océan Indien (1994) to Une approche du dispositif sémiotique immédiat des nouveaux mouvements religieux au Burundi (1993)
From Une approche du mariage à travers les chants de Daouda Koné et le cantique des cantiques (1997) to The unique role of the Ellenberger family in Lesotho (1999)
From UNISWA Journal of Agriculture [address] to The unknown sites and monuments of Kenya (2003)
From Unless...not yet Uhuru (2001) to Upper gastrointestinal findings in diabetic outpatients at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi (2002)
From Upper gastrointestinal mucosal lesions in dyspeptic patients with homozygous sickle cell disease in Kenya (1998) to Urinary protein excretion in sickle cell disease among Nigerians (1996)
From Urinary schistosomiasis control programme: a case study of some selected school children in the Lower Volta Basin (2005) to Use of medicinal plants in Zimbabwe urban and rural areas (1998)
From The use of metaphors in Kezilahabi's novel Rosa Mistika (1989) to Using winBUGS to study family frailty in child mortality, with an application to child survival in Ivory Coast (2005)
From Uso da cloroquina na profilaxia da malária em mulheres grávidas (1993) to The value added statement : an investigation of some accounting issues (1994)
From Value Added Tax (VAT) in Tanzania (1995) to Vascular access for haemodialysis (1991)
From Vascular puncture inoculation of maize kernels : a mechanical method of transmitting maize streak geminivirus (1997) to A very special human being-Roddy Dharma Lutchmaya (1990)
From A very tall order : CBK governor sets himself a very difficult task (1995) to Violence in Kenya secondary schools : insights into the adolescent's socio-emotional development (2003)
From Violence in the home and the role of the state (1996) to Voice of reason: Imre Loefler (1929-2007) (2007)
From Voice of reconciliation (1992) to Wangari Maathai : leading by example (2005)
From Want neutrality (1992) to Water hyacinth control at Triangle (1990)
From The water hyacinth problem in Lake McIlwaine (1989) to We need to stand on our heads (1995)
From We say no to Mutebi's mock marriage to Nakku : the letter that brought Buganda's royal rite to a halt! (1999) to What a reviewing judge expects of a magistrate (1992)
From What a surprise for the robbers? Pt.2. (1992) to What of trade movement from the south to the north? (1994)
From What offences are appropriate for community service? (1994) to Where do I go? (1992)
From Where do people seek health care and how much do they pay? (1996) to Who is a politician? (1996)
From Who is a theological educator? (1997) to Why essential drugs (1999)
From Why FORD-Asili rejected results (1993) to Wife beating : who is at fault? (1998)
From Wife-beating among the Abagusero community in Kisii District, Kenya (2006) to Wisdom as a guide to daily life (1987)
From Wisdom tradition : a door to inter-religious dialogue (2001) to Women and sustainable development (1992)
From Women and the body politic (1995) to Women remain impoverished (1995)
From Women stepping into public life (1992) to Woodfuel use in Kenya : the present situation (1990)
From Woods (MURA) and social organization in Konso (southwestern Ethiopia) (2002) to Worship as vital participation: some personal reflections on ministry in the African Church (2005)
From Worship in African Christianity (1991) to Yield performance of short duration pigeon pea cultivars in Northern and Eastern Uganda (2003)
From Yield performance of TRFK new released clones from the breeding programme (1989) to Zambia : we need to do something (1995)
From Zambia accounting standard (1991) to Zimbabwe exclusive prospecting orders database: G.S.I overview of exploration efforts (2001)
From The Zimbabwe experiment (1998) to Zimbabwean writers lament language barrier (1991)
From Zimbabweans do not read : whose fault is it? (1994) to A última volta no circuito da paz (1992)

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January 22, 2009