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ED351913 - Medicine in the Beehive State 1940-1990.

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ERIC #:ED351913
Title:Medicine in the Beehive State 1940-1990.
Authors:Plenk, Henry P., Ed.
Descriptors:Family Practice (Medicine); Higher Education; Internal Medicine; Medical Education; Medical Research; Medical School Faculty; Medical Schools; Medical Services; Physicians
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Publisher:Utah Medical Association, 540 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84102 ($35).
Publication Date:1992-00-00
Pub Types:Books; Collected Works - General; Historical Materials
Abstract:This book presents the history of the practice of medicine in Utah by tracing the development and work of those at the University of Utah's medical school from 1940 to 1990. The history is told through the reflections and memories of many different physicians who worked at the school. The chapters written by these contributors are organized according to medical specialty. Part 1 of 6 describes the early history of the medical school from 1942 to 1952. Part 2 looks at the practice of medicine and medical sub-specialties including chapters on family practice, coal camp doctoring, internal medicine, cardiology, infectious diseases, rheumatology, allergy, gastroenterology, pulmonary medicine, renal failure, geriatrics, endocrinology, hematology and oncology, neurology, dermatology, and psychiatry. Part 3 treats surgery and associated specialties including pediatric, thoracic, plastic and reconstructive, neurological, orthopedic, otolaryngological, ophthalmological, urological, and laser surgery. Part 4 treats obstetrics and gynecology in one chapter. Part 5 covers pediatrics. A final section contains chapters on diverse subjects including anesthesiology, artificial organs, genetics, application of computers, pathology, Utah women physicians, and Utah's public health. The editor of the volume offers a final reflection on the relationship of medicine and society at large. An index of names is included. (JB)
Reference Count:N/A

Identifiers:Physician Role; University of Utah; Utah
Record Type:Non-Journal
Level:3 - Indexed only
Institutions:Utah Medical Association, Salt Lake City.
Education Level:Higher Education